Z h c Uemorial^ ==^^ Messenger Published Weekly b y th e MEMORIAL CHURCH O F CHRIST  Christian) Livonia, Michigan 48154 35475 Five Mile Road Phone: 464 6722 Mark McGilvrey, Minister Chuck Emmert, Associate Minister 0? .5* NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Livonia, MI Permit N o. 2 4 5 Return Requested Bible School - 9:30 a.m. Worship • 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship  Youth Meetings • 6:30 p.m. VOLUME XXV November 2 8 , 1979 Number 4 6 PRAYER-A-GRAM SUNDAY Tf ii s Sundays December 2, we will be sending prayer-a-^ams t o t h e RQcJger_ _Proi>g family, missionaries t o Chile.  e just received a letter from R od ger asking that we pray fo r t h e following things:  1. Pray for the opening of La Estrella. The new young leader, whose name i s Augustine, i s going t o be taking on h is first full time pastorate. The leaders o f th e church are still developing and need ou r prayers as well since they a r e mostly young men.  e praying for the members as well. Unemployment i s high i n this area. Some a r e very discouraged with t h e economic problems of th e country, but we've had real success even with drug addicts and alcoholics. Pray for th e class that Linda has been teaching a t La Feria. This church has been a troubled church and th e problems reach al l t he way to th e leadership. Be praying that t he Lord will continue to work in th e lives o f these leaders. Six months ago everyone thought th e church would di e but now, mostly through the efforts of Linda, they seem to be in a revival. They are growing both in nu bers and in Spirit. Linda i s now working with th e single girls so be pray in for them. I d like to mention specifically. Marisol the name of the first one. She i s president o f tho .group_and_it was through he r that Linda got involv d in th e work a t La Feria..She had some problems that in part a t least were from her surroundings. So she i s staying with us for th e moment. She has been a Christian for i)out two years, but has grown th e past 8 weeks more than in the whole two years before. The second girl i s named Mireya. She has a fine personality and a real sweet disposition, unfor tunately the devil got there first, and she i s i n he r ninth month of preg nancy. Be praying f o r her Pray for Juan Carlos and Pablo they both just lost their jobs and are a b i t depressed. Juan was a drug addict and a street gang member. I thought his mind had been destroyed by drugs a t first, but a little at a time he has been healed t o th e point that now except f or a stutter, he i s a brighter than nor mal person. His conversion is a great encouragement. Enrique, their^new associate minister a t Pudahuel, will need your prayers too. I t i s hi s first full time ministry. Be praying fo r th e church at Curacavi. I have been trying t o help i t fo r some time now. Their minister just left them t o work with a singing trio. The trios name i s Solomon and even by States standards they ar e good. They've found a ma n to help a t the church part time, his name i s Guillermo.  The church has never been able t o pay even half a wage). Pray as ell f or th e new work I'm forming in Pablo VI. workers are Elias Patino and Miguel Munoz. I v e helped them start a fruit stand t o give them an income. Income for our preachers i s a problem even in th e richest churches and almost a l l o f them have to work. I am now working on several similar projects. Imagine a minister who i s willing to work long hours f or hi s church with only minimal pay. Then realizing that he has t o 'get some outside income and trying t o work bu t not being able t o find a job. So once I v e helped them t o be able t o live even i n a very sacrificial manner they go out and work their hearts out. So I d like your prayers f o r these cottage industries as well. 2 3 U . 5

Prong Rodger Linda 1979 Chile

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