Proportional Body Measurements and Needle Insertion Angles

Proportional Body Measurements and Needle Insertion Angles

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Proportional Body Measurements and Needle Insertion Angles

Anatomical Directional Terms

• Anterior: In front of, front Posterior: After, behind, following, toward the rear

• Distal: Away from, farther from the origin Proximal: Near, closer to the origin

• Superior: Above, over Inferior: Below, under

• Lateral: Toward the side, away from the mid-line Medial: Toward the mid-line, middle, away from the side


Anatomical Directional Terms 328

Needle Insertion Angles

Intercostal Spaces: Oblique, away from Midline. Back (above the second lumbar vertebra): Oblique, toward midline. Scalp and Bone: (Subcutaneous transverse)


Skin..... transverse also called subcutaneous

What is a Cun? • “The human body has traditionally been measured according 

to proportional units known as cun. The cun measurement system is indispensable in accurate location of the acupuncture points. Since it is a proportional measurement system it is equally applicable to adults or children and to thin or obese subjects.” – A Manual of Acupuncture

• Proportional – to the individual and specific anatomical regions, i.e. a cun for Shaquille O‘Neal is different from a cun for Danny DeVito, and a cun on the arm is different from a cun on the abdomen and so on.

• Accurate – when the proportions are used consistently the practitioner falls in the same area every time.

• Universally Applicable – works on everybody


There is no definitive length for the Cun. Every one is 52 Cun long.

Cun Measurements: Head and Back 1050

You have to memorize these numbers.

He is talking now about stuff not related to lecture! it is about 19:20 to 22:00

Cun Measurements: Arms and Torso 2200

You need to memorize these numbers.

Cun Measurements: Legs 2515

You need to memorize these numbers.

Cun Measurements: Short-cuts 2811


Across the middle nuckles

Channels - Primary, Divergent, and Luos, Oh My!

• “It is by virtue of the twelve channels that human life exists, that disease arises, that human beings can be treated and illness cured. The twelve channels are where beginners start and masters end.” Spiritual Pivot Chapter 17.


Primary Channels

• There are twelve primary channels running vertically, bilaterally, and symmetrically

• Each channel corresponds to, and connects internally with, one of the twelve zangfu or organs

• The channels corresponding to the zang are yin, and the channels corresponding to the fu are yang

• There are therefore six yin and six yang channels, three yin channels and three yang channels on the arm

• three yin channels and three yang channels on the leg


Primary Channels

• The course of each of the twelve channels comprises an internal and an external pathway

• The external pathway is what is normally shown on an acupuncture chart and is relatively superficial

• All the acupuncture points of a channel lie on its external pathway

• The internal pathways are the deep course of the channel where it enters the body cavities


Divergent Channels

• The twelve divergent channels branch out from the twelve primary channels and have no specific points of their own

• It is important, however, to be familiar with the principal features of the divergent channels, since their pathways make internal linkages that may not be made by the primary channels, and therefore serve to explain the actions and indications of many points


Divergent Channels - Yang • Most of the divergent channels belonging to the yang primary

channels: • Separate from their yang primary channel on the limbs e.g. the

Bladder channel at the popliteal fossa, the Stomach and Gall Bladder channels on the thigh, the Small Intestine channel at the shoulder, the Large Intestine channel on the hand.

• Enter their related organ as well as their internally-externally related organ

• For example, the Bladder divergent channel travels to the Bladder fu and then to the Kidney zang

• The Stomach divergent channel travels to the Stomach fu then to the Spleen zang etc.

• Resurface at the supraclavicular fossa, neck or face and join their primary yang channel again

5650 No quiz on divergence channels

01:03:00 listen to slide at this time.

Divergent Channels - Yin

• Separate from their yin primary channel on the limbs • Sometimes enter their pertaining zang (Kidney,

Heart, Lung) • Converge with their internally-externally related

divergent channel • Then join the primary yang channel itself


Luo-Connecting Channels

• Strengthen the connections between the related channels and their organs

• Spread from the luo-connecting point of their own channel to connect with their internally-externally paired channel

• After joining with their paired channel they usually continue to follow their own pathways

10940. You do not have the the specifics of these channels.

Sinew Channels • Sinew Channels - circulate on the periphery of the

body. • do not penetrate to the zangfu (organs) • are associated with and take their names from the

twelve primary channels, e.g. the Lung sinew channel

• all originate at the extremities (unlike the primary channels) and ascend to the head and trunk

• broadly follow the course of their associated primary channels but are wider

• are more superficial and follow the lines of major muscles and muscle groups, tendons, ligaments etc.

11815 No quiz on this one It is more related to muscle pain

Lung Meridian

Hand Tai Yin

12030 Tai: means how much yang and how much Yin Hand: it ends in the hand Information on the slide are on the quiz Where does the lung channel originate Middle jiao: middle body Solid line is our external pathway Dotted line is our internal pathway It will end on the thumb

Lung Primary Channel • originates in the middle jiao, in the region of the

Stomach • descends to connect with the Large Intestine, • returns upwards to pass the cardiac orifice of the

Stomach and traverses the diaphragm, • penetrates the Lung, • ascends to the throat region, • passes obliquely downwards towards LU-l where the

channel emerges, • ascends one rib space to LU-2 in the center of the

hollow of the delto-pectoral triangle,

Lung Primary Channel • descends along the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm,

lateral to the Heart and Pericardium channels, to the cubital fossa of the elbow at LU-5,

• passes along the antero-lateral aspect of the forearm towards the styloid process of the radius,

• follows the lateral border of the radial artery to the wrist at LU-9,

• traverses the thenar eminence to terminate at the radial side of the thumbnail at LU-11.

• a branch separates from the main channel at LU-7, at the styloid process, and travels directly to the radial side of the tip of the index finger, where it links with the Large Intestine channel at L.I.-1

12840 Luo connected channel has a Luo connecting point. It breaks off lung 7 and then goes to the thenar eminence. Quiz about thenar eminence

Lung Luo Connecting

• separates from the Lung primary channel at LU-7

• follows the Lung channel into the palm and spreads through the thenar eminence

• connects with the Lung channel’s interiorly/exteriorly related Large Intestine channel.

13020 It will connect with the lungs and goes down and disperses with large intestine It has a second connection with the through Lung 10 relieves heat in the through

Lung Divergent Channel

• diverges from the Lung primary channel at the axilla and passes anterior to the Heart channel in the chest

• connects with the Lung and disperses in the Large Intestine

• a branch ascends from the Lung, emerges at the supraclavicular fossa, ascends across the throat and converges with the Large Intestine channel

13220 Not on quiz

Lung Sinew Channel

• originates on the thumb at LU-11 and ascends to bind at the thenar eminence,

• follows the radial pulse and ascends the flexor aspect of the forearm to bind at the center of the elbow,

• continues along the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm to enter the chest below the axilla,

Lung Sinew Channel

• emerges in the supraclavicular region and travels laterally to the shoulder, anterior to L.I.-15,

• returns to the supraclavicular region and descends into the chest,

• spreads over the diaphragm and converges in the region of the floating ribs

Lung 2 (Yunmen / Cloud Gate) • In the depression of the

infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the midline (extend arm with resistance).

• 0.5 – 0.8 // away from midline.

• Deadman: Antero-lateral aspect of the chest, below the lateral extremity of the clavical, 6 cun lateral to the Ren meridian, in the center of the hollow of the delto-pectoral triangle.

• Caution! Pneumothorax

13405 listen Quiz: where is location is lung 2.

Lung 1 (Zhongfu / Middle Palace) • Level with the 1st ICS

(intercostal space), 6 cun lateral to the midline ; 1 cun below Lung 2 (extend arm with resistance).

• 0.5 – 0.8 // away from midline.

• Deadman: Lateral aspect of the chest, 6 cun lateral to the Ren meridian, 1 cun below Lung 2.

• Caution! Pneumothorax

14600 Do not worry about the names above

Lung 5 (Chize / Cubit Marsh) • On the cubital crease, in

the depression on the radial (thumb) side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii. Locate with arm slightly bent.

• 0.5 – 1.0 II

• Deadman: On the cubital crease, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii.

• Caution! Cubital vein

14818 Land mark. VIP.

Lung 3 (Tianfu / Palace of Heaven)

• On the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of m. biceps brachii (6 cun above cubital crease).

• 0.5 - 1 II

• Deadman: Antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun inferior to the axillary fold, in the depression between the lateral biceps muscle and the humerus.


Lung 4 (Xiabai / Clasping the White)

• On the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of m. biceps brachii (5 cun above the cubital crease).

• 0.5 - 1.0 II

• Deadman: Antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun inferior to the axillary fold, in the depression between the lateral biceps muscle and the humerus


Lung 9 (Taiyuan / Supreme Abyss) • At the radial end of the

transverse wrist crease, in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery.

• 0.2 – 0.3 II

• Deadman: At the wrist joint, in the depression between the radial artery and the tendon of m. abductor pollicus longus, level with Heart 7.

• Caution! Radial artery

20259 VIP slide, I went to pray when he explained this slide, listen to it at home! Land mark

Lung 6 (Kongzui / Maximum Opening)

• On the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining Lung 9 and Lung 5, 7 cun above the transverse wrist crease (5 cun below cubital crease). Locate Lung 9 first.

• 0.5 – 1.0 II


Lung 7 (Lieque / Broken Sequence) • Superior to the styloid process

of the radius, approx. 1.5 cun above the transverse wrist crease, between m. brachioradialis and the tendon of the long abductor muscle of the thumb.

• 0.3 – 0.5 // or =

• Deadman: On the radial aspect of the forearm, approximately 1.5 cun proximal to LI 5, in the cleft between the tendons of m. brachioradialis and abductor pollicus longus.


Lung 8 (Jingqu / Channel Gutter) • One cun above the

transverse wrist crease, in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery.

• 0.1 – 0.3 II

• Deadman: One cun proximal to Lung 9, on line with Lung 9 and Lung 6, in the depression at the base of the styloid process of the radius, on the radial side of the radial artery.

• Caution! Radial artery


Lung 10 (Yuji / Fish Border) • On the radial aspect of

the midpoint of the 1st metacarpal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin (dorsal and palmar).

• 0.5 – 0.8 II

• Deadman: On the major thenar eminance, in the depression between the midpoint of the shaft of the 1st metacarpal bone and the thenar muscle.

22414 At this point, 22720, he started tellings stories till 22933

Lung 11 (Shaoshang / Lesser Shang)

• On the radial side of the thumb, approximately 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail.

• 0.1 or prick to bleed

• Deadman: On the extensor aspect of the thumb, at the junction of the lines drawn along the radial border and base of the nail, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.