2016 CISAK PROPOSAL Organized By The 9th Conference of Indonesian Students Association In Korea

Proposal CISAK 2016 - Perpikacisak.perpika.kr/.../uploads/2016/06/Proposal-Kegiatan-CISAK-2016.pdf · mayor of Surabaya as Keynote speakers. FLASHBACK CISAK 2016 Proposal 7 Documentation

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Organized By

The 9th Conference of Indonesian Students Association In Korea

2 Background 2

3 Pro�le of CISAK 2016 3

4 Schedule of Event 4

4.1 1st Day : 4

4.2 2nd Day : 4

5 Clusters 5

6 Flashback 6

7 Structure of Committee 9

7.1 Advisor 9

7.2 Committee 9

7.2.1 Chair Person 9

7.2.2 Team I: Secretarial, Treasurer, Event 9

7.2.3 Team II: Academic 10

7.2.4 Team III: Logistics 10

7.2.5 Team IV: Media 10

8 Closing 12


CISAK 2016 Proposal 1

Science and technology have been developed rapidly to support some aspects of

human life. The development of science and technology is expected not only to ful�ll the

national demand but also being solutions for other problems that are faced by the nation.

Therefore, the development of science and technology must be a balance towards the

engineering, social, humanity, and environmental development. The national response to

the development of science and technology will enhance its identity in the global. This is in

line with the spirit of the amendment of 1945 constittion of Indonesia article 31 paragraph

5, which is positioning development of science and technology for civilization and human


Education is the main key in building national resilience including the national

security, human welfare, and cultural development. Indonesian scholars play an impotant

role in participating and promoting the national science and technology. Scholars have

right and responsibility to determine the position of national compettiveess in global arena.

The participation of Indonesia in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will leads increase the

challenge into multi-national level. Therefore, numerous Indonesian scholars are deter-

mined to study in abroad as an e�ort to strength and increase national resilience in facing

this challenge. The four noble values of national science – accountable, visionary, innova-

tive, and excellent have been performed by Indonesian scholars in any kind of disciplines.

The implementation of those researches even though in a small way would contribute to

the nation’s e�ort in building national resilience.

The number of Indonesian Diaspora, including Indonesian scholars, academcians,

and professionals are numerous and spread widely in many countries. The concept of

Indonesian Diaspora must be seen as the strategy to unite Indonesian scholars. In the same

way, an e�ort to reach collaborations among scholars from various disciplines is needed to

obtain the maximum abilities of their expertise. Furthemore, this collaboration is not only

important to map and collaborate the researches done by Indonesian scholars, but also to

increase the national pride as an Indonesian.


CISAK 2016 Proposal 2

Conference of Indonesian Students Association in South Korea (CISAK) is a program of

Indonesian Student Society in South Korea (PERPIKA) that has been held since 2008. CISAK is

an event for Indonesian students who study in Indonesia and all around the world, especially

South Korea to interact, discuss, and enhance their knowledge in order to pursue a better

future of Indonesia.

This year, the 9th CISAK will be held by carrying the ‘Encouraging Knowledge Collabo-

ration for National Resilience Towards Asean Economic Community’ as a theme. This confer-

ence is open for Indonesian students, academics and professionals, who live in Indonesia or

abroad. We hope this conference could create real solutions to solve problems arise in Indo-


Through the 9th CISAK, we would like to map the various researches topics on which

Indonesian scholars are working on. Furthermore, we expect CISAK can be a media for the

participants to build a strong bond, and create opportunities to share and development

brilliant ideas for the realization of a better future of our beloved country, Indonesia.


CISAK 2016 Proposal 3

Name of Event

The 9th Conference of Indonesian Students

Association in Korea


More than 200 Indonesian and international

scholar participants among the world.


Seoul National University (SNU)


3rd - 4th September 2016

Theme of Event

Encouraging Knowledge Collaboration for

National Resilience Towards ASEAN Econom-

ic Community

*) in con�rmation

4.1 1st Day

12.30 – 13.00 Participant registration

13.00 – 14.30 Workshop 1:

“How to Write Scienti�c Article and Deliver Presentation?”

14.30 – 16.00 Speci�c Issue Workshops

16.00 – 17.00 Visiting tourist attractions in Seoul

4.2 2nd Day

08.00 – 09.00 Participant registration

09.00 – 09.45 Opening ceremony

Opening ceremony

Welcoming speech from the Chairman of CISAK 2016

Welcoming speech from the President of PERPIKA

Welcoming speech from Indonesia Ambassador

10.00 – 12.30 Main seminar

Speech by Keynote Speaker 1

Speech by Keynote Speaker 2

12.30 – 13.00 Break time

13.05 – 15.35 Cluster sessions and workshops

15.35 – 16.00 Co�ee break

16.05 – 16.35 Fun talk

16.40 – 17.10 Closing

17.30 – 18.30 Gala dinner


CISAK 2016 Proposal 4

Electronics, Communication

and Information

This category includes all the ideas related to

electrical engineering, electrics, information

technology, communication technology,

software and data engineering.


This category includes all the ideas of multi-

disciplinary about energy, such as energy

analyzation, energy modeling and prediction,

integrated energy system, energy planning

and management, and energy conservation

and optimization, etc.

Pharmacy and Health

This category includes all the ideas related to

health, such as biotechnology medicine, and

also the development of the public health

support system.

Social Science

This category includes all the ideas related to

social science such as community study,

politics, economy, and also education and




CISAK 2016 Proposal 5

Entrepreneurship, Economic

and Business

This category includes all the ideas related

to economics such as management,

�nance, accounting, entrepreneurship,

trade, �scal/tax, and human resources.

Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

This category includes all the ideas related

to the food creation and integrated agricul-

ture commodity, such as the development

of genetic modi�ed strain as foodstu�s and

optimization of the food process technolo-


Natural Sciences and Engineering

This category includes all the ideas of

science and technology-based knowledge,

such as physics, biology, chemistry, mathe-

matical, and other engineering.


This category includes all the ideas related

to social humanities issues as cultural

studies, linguistic and anthropology


CISAK 2016 Proposal 6

Documentation of 8th CISAK

2015, it was held at KAIST,

Daejeon. Attended by Prof.

Josaphat 'Josh' Tetuko Sri

Sumantyo, Ph.D, Head Professor

of an unmanned aerial vehicle

and microsatellites in the Josa-

phat Microwave Remote Sensing

Laboratory (JMRSL)., and

Dr.(H.C.) Ir. Tri Rismaharini, M.T,

mayor of Surabaya as Keynote



CISAK 2016 Proposal 7

Documentation of 7th CISAK

2014, it was held at University of

Science and Technology, Dae-

jeon. Attended by Prof. Wawan

Gunawan, Vice Rector for

Research and Innovation ITB,

and Ghoris Mustaqim, founder

of ASGAR MUDA Foundation as

main speakers.


CISAK 2016 Proposal 8

Documentation of 6th CISAK

2013, it was held at KAIST,

Daejeon. Attended by Ridwan

Kamil, Mayor of Bandung City,

and Ilham Akbar Habibie, found-

er of PT Regio Aviation Indus-

tries as main speakers.


Albert Wicaksono (Kyung Hee University)

Amir Tjolleng (University of Ulsan)

Chair Person

Muhamad Erza Aminanto (KAIST)



Chief : Olvi Claristya Damayanti (Dong A University)

Member : Hamida (Univ. Sebelas Maret Surakarta)

Brahma Andira Putra (Caholic University of Daegu)

Fendi Suharso (Catholic University of Daegu)

Meiliza Fitri (Chonnam National University)


Chief : Chrestella Chitra (Seoul Nasional University)

Member :Timotius Yonathan Sunarsa (KAIST)


Chief :Nur’aeni (KNU of Transportation)

Member :Dewi Kusumaningrum (Chungnam National University)

Ivan Derianto (Kyungsung University)

Zihnil Adha Islamy M. (KNU of Transportation)


CISAK 2016 Proposal 9

CISAK 2016 Proposal 10


Chief : Ha�zh Prihtiadi (Institute for Basic Science)

Member : Ancilla Katherina Kustedjo (Hanyang University)

Faris Rizky Andika (KAIST)

Muhammad Sulaeman (University of Seoul)

Christianus Frederick Hotama (Yeungnam University)

I Gusti Ayu Synta .C .L (Ewha Womans University)

Dick Sigmund (KAIST)


Chief : Muhammad Ridwan D. (Sunmoon University Cheonan)

Member : Rahmad Hidayat Sya�ulloh (Catholic University of Daegu)

Bivan Alzacky Harmanto (KAIST)

Marcella Astrid (UST)


Chief : Mutia Anissa Marsya (Pukyong National University)

Member : Aris Nurlaili (Soongsil University)

Bayu Aji Saputra (STIE ASIA Malang)

Agung Septiadi (KAIST)

This proposal was made in order to inform other communities and introduce our

event, as well as seeking sponsorship and support from di�erent parties. We hope and

believe that this event would be useful and bene�cial for all its participants. For further

information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Person

Albert Wicaksono +82-10-4564-3390

Muhamad Erza Aminanto +82-10-9723-1993

O�cial E-mail

[email protected]


CISAK 2016 Proposal 11


Secretary of CISAK 2016

Olvi Claristya Damayanti

President of PERPIKA


Muhammad Hilmy Alfaruqi

Chair of CISAK 2016

Muhamad Erza Aminanto

“Encouraging Knowledge Collaboration for National Resilience towards Asean Economic Community’’

The 9th Conference of Indonesian Students Association In Korea