PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT WRITING A COMPELLING GRANT APPLICATION Trish Lowney, PhD 443-2882; [email protected] Oct 6, 2011

Proposal Development Writing a Compelling Grant Application

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Proposal Development Writing a Compelling Grant Application. Trish Lowney, PhD 443-2882 ; [email protected] Oct 6, 2011. Objectives. What’s a grant application and why would you want to write one? Creating the scaffold for your application Common application components - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Proposal Development

Writing a Compelling Grant ApplicationTrish Lowney, PhD

443-2882; [email protected] 6, 2011ObjectivesWhats a grant application and why would you want to write one? Creating the scaffold for your applicationCommon application componentsHow to really get startedResources available for assistanceApplications (aka proposals) Sell.Your idea,Yourself, andYour affiliation

To the right sponsor at the right timeProposals CommunicateWHAT you want to doWHY it is importantHow youre going to do it and WHY your strategy is the best tack to takeWHY you are qualified and capableThe BANG for the buck1. WHAT do you want to doThe Big IdeaHypothesis to be tested Gap in knowledge to be filledNeed to be filledProblem to be solvedOpportunity to be pursued Clearly stated Easily understood by Great Aunt Sally

1. WHAT do you want to doPerhaps (!) the most important part of applicationParts of WHAT can include: Goals (big picture 35,000 feet) Objectives (10,000 feet) Outcomes (on the ground)2. WHY is it important So what? Who cares?Significance of idea and/or outcomesSponsorsDiscipline/fieldCommunities/advocacy groupsAssociations Govt agencies SocietyState of knowledge, blue ribbon panels etc..Rationale

3. How/Why approach is bestHOW are you going to do it?Approach e.g., methods/experimental designRationale for methodsFeasibility Can you do in time/with resources available?Preliminary data necessary expertise?Experience with the system?Barriers/challenges?Alternatives

Why your approach is best contdHow do you know your approach has worked or when you are successful? (for each experiment, activity, intervention AND for the entire project)ControlsAnalysis (statistics)Expected ResultsInterpretation (!!)Evaluation formative, summativeSupported/refuted the hypothesisAddressed the needFilled the gap etc..4a. Why are you qualified Are you uniquely suited for this activity?Education and TrainingDegrees, licenses, certificationsProfessional experiencePublications/Grants History of productivity (Track record)Invited presentations, chapters etc..Necessary expertise is available (You maybe be many people from SU and elsewhere)Increase likelihood of success4b. Why you are capable Can you do what you propose? Resources/facilitiesEquipment and support servicesMentors; letters of support / collaborationAccess to special resourcesSpecific populationsResearch tools/reagents, archivesPartnershipsInstitutional support

5. Good Bang for the BuckValue to the sponsor and/or societyWhat will you do with the results?Dissemination planProgress reportsLocal, regional, national meetings/presentationsPublications/reports/books/monographsWeb pagesPress releasesGood Bang for the BuckIs the cost reasonable & appropriate?BudgetTranslate work plan dollars & cents Good judgmentRequest support for total project costsSharing project costs required?Sponsor requirements/constraints

Proposals ConveyWHAT you want to doWHY it is importantHow youre going to do it and WHY your strategy is the best tack to takeWHY you are qualified and capableThe BANG for the buck ObjectivesWhats a grant application and why would you want to write one? Creating the scaffold for your applicationCommon application componentsHow to really get startedResources available for assistanceExerciseIn two sentences Goal, idea, what do you want to do (35k)?Increase URM in STEM careersDrill down up to threeObjectives (measurable / verifiable / refutable)Increase URM enrolled in STEM majors at SU by 30%Reduce number of URM who transfer to non-STEM major by 50%Increase number of URM BS/BA in STEM by 50%ExerciseOutcomes Admissions & student records demonstrate that # of URM enrolled in STEM majors at SU increased by 30% over the period X YStudent records demonstrate that number of URM who transfer to non-STEM major was reduced by 50% over period X Y; total URM STEM enrollment increased by Student records demonstrate that number of URM who graduate with BA/BS in STEM increased by 50% over period of X Y with 50% of students graduating in 4 yr, 30% in 5 years and 20% in six year..

So.Proposals ConveyWHAT you want to doWHY it is importantHow youre going to do it and WHY your strategy is the best tack to takeWHY you are qualified and capableThe BANG for the buck .through common elementsObjectivesWhats a grant application and why would you want to write one? Creating the scaffold for your applicationCommon application componentsHow to really get startedResources available for assistanceCommon ElementsCover sheet/Face PageTitleBrief (~80 letters/spaces), informativePrincipal investigator/project directorContact informationResearch IntegrityAuthorizations (University signature)CostCompliance needsHuman, animal participants, certs & assurancesCommon Elements contdAbstract/Executive SummaryFirst thing reviewers readFirst impressions count!!!Get em hooked!Prepare lastExciting! Clear!Complete! (What, when, how, why?)Common Elements contdProject Narrative/DescriptionStatement of Work/Goal (IDEA)Specific Aims/Objectives (Idea drilling down)Significance to Sponsor, discipline, society (Rationale)Literature reviewTaskforce reportsMission/vision statementsPreliminary results (or in approach) (your capability)Common Elements contdProject Narrative/Description contdWork Plan/Experimental Design/MethodsWhy approach is best strategy to takeActivities for objective/aimControls, data, analysis, interpretationEvaluationDisseminationManagement PlanTimelineWhy approach is best strategy to take

Proposal NarrativesSpecifics vary; core components similar.

Go from big picture to details/specifics

If not specified in guidelines, organize by review criteria.

Respond to review criteria.

Common Elements contdLiterature Cited/BibliographyComprehensive

Current, appropriately historical


ObjectiveCommon Elements contdBiographical Sketch (2-pg)Your qualificationsEducation & TrainingInstitution, degreeLicenses, credentials, certificationsHonorsProfessional ActivitiesPublicationsOther relevant infoCommon Elements contdFacilities & ResourcesYour capabilitiesLaboratory (space & equipment)Office (space & equipment)Secretarial support Library, other unique resourcesMachine shop, media, glassware, centers, animal facilities (AAALAC)Access to other species resources/facilitiesPartnerships, agreementsCommon Elements contdBudget (line item) Use OSP budget template

Personnel Services

Other than Personnel ServicesCommon Elements contdBudget Narrative/JustificationMost important/expensive firstPersonnelRoles, responsibilitiesAdequate and appropriate effortOther major categoriesWhy essential for project?Demonstrate costs reasonableDemonstrate your experience & judgmentCommon Elements contdAppendices/Supplemental Docs.Letters of SupportCollaborationProvide access to resource/toolDocumentationSubmitted manuscripts/publicationsNon-profit statusIDC rateSurveys etc.Certifications & assurancesCommon Elements contdCover sheet/Face PageTitleBrief (~80 letters/spaces), informativePrincipal investigator/project directorContact informationResearch IntegrityAuthorizations (University signature)CostCompliance needsHuman, animal participants, certs & assurancesCommon Elements contdAbstract/Executive SummaryFirst thing reviewers readFirst impressions count!!!Get em hooked!Prepare lastExciting! Clear!Complete! (What, when, how, why?)ObjectivesWhats a grant application and why would you want to write one? Creating the scaffold for your applicationCommon application componentsHow to really get startedResources available for assistanceGetting Started..Refine/clarify the idea DiscussionsDepartment meetings, lab groupJournal Club, etc. Ongoing, iterative process

Answer the Big Three QuestionsWhat, Why & How??

Find a Potential SponsorDatabasesCOS, IRIS, Grant Advisor, Fnd Center


AcknowledgementsJournal articles, meetings, etc..Have a Potential Sponsor & Program Check out recent awardsReview similar, successful proposalsContact program manager ASAP Explore interest & fitEarlier the betterIf a goInform folks who need to know Chair (cost sharing)AdministratorsOSPRead AND FOLLOW the instructionsSponsor & OSP can help interpret/clarifyReview and reflect on review criteriaWriting the proposal..Whats the sponsors agenda?Prepare an outlineAnnouncement/agency guidelinesInsert (and address) review criteriaInsert answersWhat, Why & How? Expand your OutlineWriting the proposal..contdWrite Text Manageable units2 or more months in advance ()Have many others read and reviewWrite for Reviewers (known?)Develop the budget & narrative 1 month in advanceDoes the budget make sense?Support requested for all project costs?Secure approval for cost-sharingTip - Write for generalist reviewersBut balance technical detailMake reviewers your friend and advocate Eliminate reasons not to fund youAvoid jargonMake no assumptions.Summer beach reading.Legible font, effective use of headers

Finalizing the proposal..Proof read after 2-3 day rest ()

Spell check

Check figure numbers

Check/confirm all referencesStrong proposalsGreat idea, clear & compellingSignificant to sponsorGreat approach, well thought outQualified applicantResources availableImportant impact Cost effectiveInternal Review OSP Checklist (under revision)Accompanies proposal Department/Admin/College ApprovalCost sharingAllows OSP to transmit to sponsorOSP review budget (RA) & proposalOSP (RA) - authorized to submitOSP assures compliance in event of award

Choosing to not follow instructions..Return unreviewed

Alienate reviewers

Alienate program managers/staff

Decrease likelihood of awardObjectivesWhats a grant application and why would you want to write one? Creating the scaffold for your applicationCommon application componentsHow to really get startedResources available for assistanceHelp is all aroundOSP http://osp.syr.edu



Department Chair

Program Managers

Help is all aroundThe sponsorCheck out prior awardees (get copies?)Sample applicationsGuidance to applicants

If at first you dont succeedTry, try againReview written feedback Talk to the program managerGet objective inputRe-writeProcess takes time. From idea to $$ >>1 yr