Prototype Report <e-Lockbox> <Team 10> <Team members and roles> Cheng Zhang Prototyper / Chief Developer Guancheng Li Project Manager/ Prototyper/ Developer Yutong Guo Operational Concept Engineer/ Developer/ Tester Qing Wei Life Cycle Planner/ Feasibility Analyst/ Developer Si Zhao Software Architect/ Tester

Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

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Page 1: Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

Prototype Report


<Team 10>

<Team members and roles>

Cheng Zhang Prototyper / Chief Developer

Guancheng Li Project Manager/ Prototyper/ DeveloperYutong Guo Operational Concept Engineer/ Developer/ TesterQing Wei Life Cycle Planner/ Feasibility Analyst/ DeveloperSi Zhao Software Architect/ Tester


Page 2: Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

Prototype Report (PRO) Version 4.0

Version HistoryDate Author Version Changes made Rationale

10/14/16 C. Zhang 1.0 Modify some description To mitigate risks by using “Buying information” strategy.

12/02/16 C. Zhang

G. Li

2.0 Update for DCR Prototype for DCR

02/19/17 G.Li 3.0 Update for RDCR Prototype for RDCR04/27/17 C. Zhang 4.0 Update activity part. Prototype for as built package.

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Page 3: Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

Prototype Report (PRO) Version 4.0

Table of ContentsPrototype Report............................................................................................................................................................iVersion History.............................................................................................................................................................iiTable of Contents.........................................................................................................................................................iiiTable of Tables.............................................................................................................................................................ivTable of Figures.............................................................................................................................................................v

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Purpose of the prototype..........................................................................................................................1

1.2 Status of the prototype..............................................................................................................................1

2. Navigation Flow.....................................................................................................................................................3

3. Prototype................................................................................................................................................................4

3.1 Prototype 1 - Login with verification code.............................................................................................4

3.2 Prototype 2 - Case Management..............................................................................................................7

3.3 Prototype 3 - User Management............................................................................................................30

3.4 Prototype 4 - Activity Management......................................................................................................33

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Page 4: Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

Prototype Report (PRO) Version 4.0

Table of TablesTable 1: Risks and Prototypes........................................................................................................................................1

Table 2: Login Page.......................................................................................................................................................4

Table 3: Login with Verification Code...........................................................................................................................5

Table 4: Login Security Control.....................................................................................................................................6

Table 5: View Brief Case Information............................................................................................................................8

Table 6: View Detailed Case Information......................................................................................................................9

Table 7: Edit case information.....................................................................................................................................11

Table 8: Create Case....................................................................................................................................................13

Table 9: Create Youth Account....................................................................................................................................14

Table 10: Delete a case................................................................................................................................................15

Table 11: Document Uploading...................................................................................................................................16

Table 12: Document Detail Editing.............................................................................................................................17

Table 13: Document Deleting......................................................................................................................................18

Table 14: Add Work History.........................................................................................................................................19

Table 15: Eidt Work History........................................................................................................................................20

Table 16: View Work History.......................................................................................................................................21

Table 17: Delete Work History.....................................................................................................................................22

Table 18: Add Additional Contact................................................................................................................................23

Table 19: View Additional Contact..............................................................................................................................24

Table 20: Edit Additional Contact...............................................................................................................................25

Table 21: Delete Additional Contact............................................................................................................................25

Table 22: Add Education History.................................................................................................................................26

Table 23: View Educational History............................................................................................................................27

Table 24: Edit Education History.................................................................................................................................28

Table 25: Delete Education History.............................................................................................................................29

Table 26: Create Youth Account..................................................................................................................................31

Table 27: Create Company Staff..................................................................................................................................32

Table 28: View Activity Dashboard.............................................................................................................................34

Table 29: Create Activity Page....................................................................................................................................34

Table 30: Edit Activity Page.........................................................................................................................................35

Table 31: Delete Activity Page.....................................................................................................................................36

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Page 5: Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

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Table of FiguresFigure 1: Navigation Flow of e-Lockbox System...........................................................................................................3

Figure 2: Login Page.....................................................................................................................................................5

Figure 3: Verification Code Page..................................................................................................................................6

Figure 4: Login Security Page.......................................................................................................................................7

Figure 5: Brief Case Information Page..........................................................................................................................9

Figure 6: View Detailed Case Information Page(old).................................................................................................10

Figure 7: View Detailed Case Information Page(new)................................................................................................11

Figure 8: Edit Case Information Page(old).................................................................................................................12

Figure 9: Edit Case Information Page(new)................................................................................................................13

Figure 10: Create Case Page.......................................................................................................................................14

Figure 11: Create Youth Account.................................................................................................................................15

Figure 12: Delete Case Page.......................................................................................................................................16

Figure 13: Upload Document Page.............................................................................................................................17

Figure 14: Edit Document Page...................................................................................................................................18

Figure 15: Delete Document Page...............................................................................................................................19

Figure 16: Add Work History.......................................................................................................................................20

Figure 17: Eidt Work History.......................................................................................................................................21

Figure 18: View Work History.....................................................................................................................................22

Figure 19: Delete Work History...................................................................................................................................23

Figure 20: Add Additional Contact..............................................................................................................................24

Figure 21: View Additional Contact............................................................................................................................25

Figure 22: Edit Additional Contact..............................................................................................................................25

Figure 23: Delete Additional Contact..........................................................................................................................26

Figure 24: Add Education History...............................................................................................................................27

Figure 25: View Education History.............................................................................................................................28

Figure 26: Edit Education History...............................................................................................................................29

Figure 27: Delete Education History...........................................................................................................................30

Figure 28: Create Youth Account Page.......................................................................................................................32

Figure 29: Create Company Staff Page.......................................................................................................................33

Figure 30: Activity Dashboard UI design....................................................................................................................34

Figure 31: Create activity page...................................................................................................................................35

Figure 32: Edit activity page........................................................................................................................................36

Figure 33: Delete activity page....................................................................................................................................37

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Page 6: Prototype Report - Web viewThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information

Prototype Report (PRO) Version 4.0

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the prototypeThis document, Prototype report, provides details about the prototypes which are used to mitigate risky items of the e-Lockbox project. The “Buying information” strategy is implemented to identify whether each risky item is doable and shows how difficult for its implementation in the project. Prototypes could be used for illustrating the concept of the system, clarifying the system flows as well as showing the user interfaces of the systems.

The table below gives the current high risk components that has been implemented in the two semesters and their corresponding prototypes. As it is a two-semester project, the major risk part of the first semester will focus on the migration of the current system. The second semester will focus on completing the migration of the current system and impletement the new features.

Table 1: Risks and Prototypes


Risk Prototype

1 Login system with verification (Migration of the system’s login component with the new feature of verification code)

Login with verification code prototypeA proof-of-concept prototype that provides feasibility evidence about interoperability between login system and the verification code.

2 Case management migration (System migration on case management and the new user interface implemented)

Case Management prototypeA migration prototype that shows the feasibility and success of migration of the system on case management item and also showcase a new designed UI for the case management.

3 User management migration (System migration on user management and the new user interface implemented)

User Management prototypeA migration prototype that shows the feasibility and success of migration of the system on user management item and also showcase a new designed UI for the case management.

4 Activity management migration (The new refined feature in the second semester)

Acitivty Management prototypeA prototype that shows the a new designed UI for the acitivity management.

1.2 Status of the prototypeSince the RDCR presentation, the progress has been moving in a good pace. Most functions in the case management has been implemented as well as the new activity management UI which are listed as below:

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1) The migration of the function of the additional contact under the case management of the current system.

2) The migration of the function of the work history under the case management of the current system.

3) The migration of the function of the education history under the case management of the current system.

4) The migration of the function of the file uploading and downloading on the case management of the current system.

5) The designed UI and logic for activity management, including create, delete, edit and view.

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2. Navigation Flow

Figure 1: Navigation Flow of e-Lockbox System

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3. Prototype

3.1 Prototype 1 - Login with verification code

3.1.1 Purpose of this prototypeThe highest risk item of this project is to integrate the verification code with the current login system which require the users to enter a unique and randomly generated verification code from their email inbox after they entered correct username and password.

Since the verification code is not embedded in the framework of Laravel5.3, so we need to make some modification on the login process to make sure that only after the correct verification code is entered, the user gets finally logged into the system.

3.1.2 ResultAfter prototyping was completed, we found that the verification code has been successfully integrated with the login system. As a user, after the verification on the username and the password, the system will randomly generate 6-digit number sequence which will then be forwarded to the user via email and the user could use this verification code to logged into the system. Moreover, the verification code will be changed or keep the nature of “uniqueness” whenever the user logs into the system again. In other words, the same verification code could not be re-used. Furthermore, if the user would like to direct to system working panel without the process of validating the verification code, he/she will be redirected to the login page again.

In conclusion, the prototype illustrates that the verification code is integrated with system perfectly and it also run through some corner cases to make sure the process is unbreakable. As such manners, it will act as a second lock to the system which in return concrete the security of the system. The details of the prototype and its new user interface will be provided below.

Table 2: Login Page

Description This screenshot is a login page, in which user needs to input their username and password. If these information is correct and account status is active, the user will receive the verification code.

Related Capability WC_3901: The system shall send a verification code when a user is trying to log in, in order to increase system security.

Pre-condition A user want to log into the system.Post condition User will receive an email with verification code.

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Figure 2: Login Page

Table 3: Login with Verification Code

Description The screenshot is a verification code page, in which user need to submit the verification code that they received.

Related Capability WC_3935: Admin can login with verification code securely.WC_3978: Case Manager can login with verification code securely.WC_3996: Staff can login with verification code securely.

Pre-condition A user’s username and password is correct, and he/she received verification code.

Post condition Users can use their username, password and verification code log into the system, and after these processes, they can access pages with different permissions.

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Figure 3: Verification Code Page

Table 4: Login Security Control

Description The screenshot is a login security control to prevent malicious attempts. If after 7 times of attempt failture.

Related Capability WC_3935: Admin can login with verification code securely.WC_3978: Case Manager can login with verification code securely.WC_3996: Staff can login with verification code securely.

Pre-condition A user or attacker tried to login the system with wrong username and password for more than 6 times.

Post condition The user’ IP will be blocked for 900 secs before the next login attempt.

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Figure 4: Login Security Page

3.2 Prototype 2 - Case Management

3.2.1 Purpose of this prototypeThe case management component is one of the key part of the current system and it is an important function for administration daily management of the system including adding, editing, deleting cases, generate accounts for the cases, case dashboard and view details of each case. Even it is not a new feature for the system, it requires to be migrated into the latest Laravel 5.3 framework from the outdated Laravel framework to keep the system updated and make the process easier for new features integration at later time.

Because of changes of the framework’s structure, we need to make sure the migration version of this component works like before. For example, if user has logged as a admin user, he/she could create a new case by providing necessary case information, edit the information of the existing cases and delete any non-validate cases if needed and generate the account after the case has

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been created successfully. What’s more, most of the functions in the detailed page of the case management have been implemented, we need demonstrate on those properties in order to make sure they meet the requirements in the judge of our client. In addition, we need to showcase and test the new designed user friendly interface for case management.

We built this prototype based on admin user, as admin user have the super privilege, in other words, he/she has all the functions that a case manager and staff have plus some extra functions. As a result, if the prototype conducts successfully, we could inherit some of the functions for case manager and staff as well.

3.2.2 ResultAfter prototyping was completed, we found that the functionalities of the case management component work as expected and required. The admin user could do add cases, edit cases, delete cases and generate new user accounts after create the new case. The dashboard displayed correct cases information in the system and it keeps updated whenever some modification actions are made to the cases database. Also, with the check of the database through each process, we declared that those actions are actually interact with the database correctly with no any potential bugs so far. Furthermore, the case dashboard will display information about cases in the system and the admin could click the view details button to navigation to details page, he/she could also activate and inactivate any cases. Further in the detail page, the admin could do the add, edit, view and delete operation on the addition information field which including note, additional contact, work history, education history by interacting with the corresponding action buttons. Furthermore, admin user could successfully upload documents, which in the format of pdf, word, JPG, PNG and etc, to the case and download documents from the system. The documents could also be viewed by the admin user online if they are in specific format. At last, we tested our new user interface from the user prospect and found it was easy to use.

In conclusion, we can ensure the case management for admin would have the same functions exactly as previous system and the new interface has been implemented with satisfaction from the client. Also, it indicates that case management for case manager and staff could also be successfully implemented in the later time of this semester.

Table 5: View Brief Case Information

Description This screenshot is for viewing brief case information.Related Capability WC_3897: Admin can view brief case information in a table.

WC_3942: Case Manager can view brief case information in a table.WC_3981: Staff can view brief case information in a table.

Pre-condition A user logged in admin, case manager or staff.Post condition The user can view cases brief information in a table.

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Figure 5: Brief Case Information Page

Table 6: View Detailed Case Information

Description These two screen shots show how UI changes for the detail page of the case management. Redesigend UI to make the page more informative and less space.

Related Capability WC_3896: Admin can view a detailed case information.WC_3941: Case Manager can view a detailed case information.WC_3980: Staff can view a detailed case information.

Pre-condition An admin, or case manager, or staff choose a case to view detailed information.

Post condition An admin, or case manager, or staff can view a detailed case.

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Figure 6: View Detailed Case Information Page(old)

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Figure 7: View Detailed Case Information Page(new)

Table 7: Edit case information

Description These two screen shots show how the UI changes for the edit profile function under the detail page of the case management. The new designed UI for editing function will use a popup window instead of opening a new window to fill the form. More user-friendly!

Related Capability WC_3891: Admin can edit a case general information.WC_3938: Case Manager can edit a case general information.

Pre-condition An admin, or case manager choose a case to edit.Post condition The user can edit case, and edited information will be saved.

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Figure 8: Edit Case Information Page(old)

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Figure 9: Edit Case Information Page(new)

Table 8: Create Case

Description The screenshot shows the create case page.Related Capability WC_3890: Admin can create a case.

WC_3937: Case Manager can create a case.Pre-condition An admin, or case manager want to create cases.Post condition The case is created.

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Figure 10: Create Case Page

Table 9: Create Youth Account

Description The screenshot is for creating youth account.Related Capability WC_4008: Admin can create youth account.

WC_3965: Case Manager can create youth account.Pre-condition An admin, or case manager want to create a youth account.Post condition A youth account is created, and a youth can login with this account.

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Figure 11: Create Youth Account

Table 10: Delete a case

Description The screenshot is for deleting a case. This is a new designed UI following the professional rules of the Github, other than one time delete a case, the delete popup convince you to enter the correct required information in order to activiate the delete button. This will prevent deleting a case without care.

Related Capability WC_3892: Admin can delete case.Pre-condition An admin want to delete a case.Post condition The case is deleted from the case management dashboard and from the

database as well as all information and files related to the case.

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Figure 12: Delete Case Page

Table 11: Document Uploading

Description The screenshots is for uploading a document.Related Capability WC_3914: Admin can upload documents under a case.

WC_3959: Case Manager can upload documents under a case.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to upload a document for a case.Post condition A document is uploaded and will show on the document section in the

case detail page.

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Figure 13: Upload Document Page

Table 12: Document Detail Editing

Description The screenshots is for editing a document details.Related Capability WC_3915: Admin can edit documents under a case.

WC_3960: Case Manager can edit documents under a case.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to edit the details of a document for a

case.Post condition The details of the document will be modified.

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Figure 14: Edit Document Page

Table 13: Document Deleting

Description The screenshots is for deleting a document.Related Capability WC_3916: Admin can delete documents under a case.

WC_3961: Case Manager can delete documents under a case.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to delete a document for a case.Post condition A document is deleted and will be removed on the document section in

the case detail page.

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Figure 15: Delete Document Page

Table 14: Add Work History

Description The screenshot is for adding a new work history to a case.Related Capability WC_3910: Admin can create work history.

WC_3955: Case Manager can create work history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to add a new work history for a case.Post condition A work history is created and will show on the work history section in the

case detail page.

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Figure 16: Add Work History

Table 15: Eidt Work History

Description The screenshot is for editing a work history to a case.Related Capability WC_3911: Admin can edit work history.

WC_3956: Case Manager can edit work history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to edit a work history for a case.Post condition The work history has been modified and the changes will be applied to the

work history section in the case detail page.

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Figure 17: Eidt Work History

Table 16: View Work History

Description The screenshot is for viewing a work history to a case.Related Capability WC_3912: Admin can view work history.

WC_3957: Case Manager can view work history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to view a work history for a case.Post condition None

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Figure 18: View Work History

Table 17: Delete Work History

Description The screenshot is for deleting a work history to a case.Related Capability WC_3913: Admin can delete work history.

WC_3958: Case Manager can delete work history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to delete a work history for a case.Post condition The work history is deleted and has been removed from the work history

section of a case.

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Figure 19: Delete Work History

Table 18: Add Additional Contact

Description The screenshot is for creating a new additional contact to a case.Related Capability WC_3902: Admin can create additional contacts.

WC_3947: Case Manager can create additional contacts.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to add an additional contact for a case.Post condition The additional contact is deleted and has been removed from the

additional contact section of a case.

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Figure 20: Add Additional Contact

Table 19: View Additional Contact

Description The screenshot is for view an additional contact to a case.Related Capability WC_3904: Admin can view additional contacts.

WC_3949: Case Manager can view additional contacts.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to view an additional contact for a case.Post condition None.

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Figure 21: View Additional Contact

Table 20: Edit Additional Contact

Description The screenshot is for eidt an additional contact to a case.Related Capability WC_3903: Admin can edit additional contacts.

WC_3948: Case Manager can edit additional contacts.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to edit an additional contact for a case.Post condition The additional contact is modified and the change has been applied to the

additional contact section of a case.

Figure 22: Edit Additional Contact

Table 21: Delete Additional Contact

Description The screenshot is for deleting an additional contact to a case.Related Capability WC_3905: Admin can delete additional contacts.

WC_3950: Case Manager can delete additional contacts.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to delete an additional contact for a

case.Post condition The additional contact is deleted and has been removed from the

additional contact section of a case.

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Figure 23: Delete Additional Contact

Table 22: Add Education History

Description The screenshot is for creating a new education history to a case.Related Capability WC_3906: Admin can create education history.

WC_3951: Case Manager can create education history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to add an education history for a case.Post condition The education history is deleted and has been removed from the education

history section of a case.

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Figure 24: Add Education History

Table 23: View Educational History

Description The screenshot is for view an education history to a case.Related Capability WC_3908: Admin can view education history.

WC_3953: Case Manager can view education history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to view an education history for a case.Post condition None.

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Figure 25: View Education History

Table 24: Edit Education History

Description The screenshot is for eidt an education history to a case.Related Capability WC_3907: Admin can edit education history.

WC_3952: Case Manager can edit education history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to edit an education history for a case.Post condition The education history is modified and the change has been applied to the

education history section of a case.

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Figure 26: Edit Education History

Table 25: Delete Education History

Description The screenshot is for deleting an education history to a case.Related Capability WC_3909: Admin can delete education history.

WC_3954: Case Manager can delete education history.Pre-condition An admin or a case manager want to delete an education history for a

case.Post condition The education history is deleted and has been removed from the additional

contact section of a case.

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Figure 27: Delete Education History

3.3 Prototype 3 - User Management

3.3.1 Purpose of this prototypeThe user management component is one of the key part of the current system and it is an important function for administration of the system including adding, editing, deleting different types of users and the user dashboard. Even it is not a new feature for the system, it requires to be migrated into the latest Laravel5.3 framework from the outdated Laravel framework to keep the system updated and make the process easier for new features integration at later time.

Because of changes of the framework’s structure, we need to make sure the migration version of this component works like before. For example, if a user has logged as a admin user, he/she can create any type of user including admin, case manager, staff and youth. Also, he/she could edit and delete any user from the current system.

We built this prototype based on admin user, as admin user have the super privilege, in other words, he/she has all the functions that a case manager and a staff have plus some extra functions. As a result, if the prototype conducts successfully, we could inherit some of the functions for case manager and staff as well.

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3.3.2 ResultAfter prototyping was completed, we found that the functionalities of the case management component work as expected and required. The admin user could do add cases, edit cases, delete cases and generate new user accounts after create the new case. Also, with the check of the database through each process, we declared that those actions are actually interact with the database correctly with no any potential bugs so far. Furthermore, we tested our new user interface from the user prospect and found it was easy to use.

In conclusion, we can ensure the user management component for admin user would have the same functions exactly as previous system and the new interface has been implemented with satisfaction from the client. Also, it proves that case management for case manager and staff could also be successfully implemented.

Table 26: Create Youth Account

Description The screenshot is for creating youth account.Related Capability WC_4009: Admin can create youth account.

WC_3965: Case Manager can create youth account.Pre-condition An admin, or case manager want to create a youth account.Post condition A youth account is created, and a youth can login with this account.

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Figure 28: Create Youth Account Page

Table 27: Create Company Staff

Description This screenshot is for creating admins, case managers and staff.Related Capability WC_3920: Admin can create a user account, including admin, case

manager, staff.Pre-condition An admin want to create a new user account.Post condition An account is created, and user can login with this account.

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Figure 29: Create Company Staff Page

3.4 Prototype 4 - Activity Management

3.4.1 Purpose of this prototypeThe acitivity management component is the new added feature for the e-Lockbox project this semester. It is very important for its administration purpose as it could not only keep record of the activities that made by the case mangers for what they have done for their cases, but also gives the ability for admin users to assign tasks to case managers. It combines two parts, the first part is the activity dashboard which will display all corresponding activites to the user and the second part will be the note section in the case detail page which will record the activities associate with the case only.

We build the prototype to test the whether UI is user-friendly and fulfill the needs of out client.

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3.4.2 ResultAfter prototyping was completed, we could declare that the UI is user-friendly, and our client satisfied with the UI and its further potential to improve the product. Furthermore, the timestamps are used to indicate when the activity is created and modified as recommended by our client.

Table 28: View Activity Dashboard

Description This screenshot shows the main page of viewing activities.Related Capability WC_3927: Admin can view brief activities information in a table.

WC_3970: Case Manager can view brief activities information in a table.WC_3990: Staff can view brief activities information in a table.

Pre-condition Users are logged in.Post condition None

Figure 30: Activity Dashboard UI design

Table 29: Create Activity Page

Description This screenshot shows create activity page.

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Related Capability WC_3926: Admin can create activity.WC_3969: Case manager can create activity.WC_3989: Staff can create activity.

Pre-condition User are logged in.Post condition An activity is successfully created.

Figure 31: Create activity page

Table 30: Edit Activity Page

Description This screenshot shows edit activity page.Related Capability WC_3929: Admin can edit activity.

WC_3972: Case manager can edit activity.Pre-condition User are logged in.Post condition An activity is successfully updated.

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Figure 32: Edit activity page

Table 31: Delete Activity Page

Description This screenshot shows delete activity page.Related Capability WC_3930: Admin can delete activity. Pre-condition User are logged in.Post condition An activity is successfully deleted.

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Figure 33: Delete activity page

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