Prove It Sermon Series GuideIt+Sermon+Series+Guide.pdf · God. In his first epistle—which forms the basis for this series—the apostle John walks through several aspects of the

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Prove It Big Idea of the Series: A Christian’s life should be living proof of their connection to the Father. Essentially, our sacrificial love for others is a testament of our sacrificial love for God. In his first epistle—which forms the basis for this series—the apostle John walks through several aspects of the Christian life, revealing where the evidence lies for each. Do you know God? You can prove it because the evidence is in your obedience. Do you truly love your neighbor? You can prove it because the evidence is in your sacrifice. We don’t earn God’s forgiveness with our good deeds, but a transformed life should look just like that—transformed. Each entry in this 7-week series examines different claims made within the church, and asks for the evidence to prove that it’s true. It deals with themes like sin, the identity of Christ, and obedience. This series is a great way for your people to evaluate what areas of their life they need to change to be more obedient to Christ. You can say it with your mouth, but the evidence is in your actions. Week 1 Text: 1 John 1:1-4 Topic: Jesus, Evidence, Sacrifice Big Idea of the Message: A strong Christian life must find its foundation in the knowledge that Jesus is real, that He lives, and that we can have a relationship with Him. If we believe these principles, no sacrifice for Christ is too great. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   John’s testimony carries weight and authority because of his firsthand encounters

with Jesus. He was there with Jesus during most of His ministry. He saw it all. This letter isn’t full of instructions John made up on his own; he’s just passing on what he’s witnessed so his audience can come to know the same joy he possesses.

2.   Was there actually a historical Jesus? This question is a common source of doubt for many believers. Did this man really exist or is He a myth created to teach us how

to be good people? It’s important that the church understands it’s okay to express these doubts. In the article, “Why It’s OK to Question Your Faith,” Kris Dolberry shares great wisdom under the heading “Do Some Research.” Source: http://www.lifeway.com/Article/ministry-Why-its-OK-to-question-your-faith

3.   In this video, Professor Richard Baukham talks about how the gospels were based on eyewitness testimonies given to people who were alive when their respective accounts actually happened. If the gospels had fabricated details about what happened, these eyewitnesses would have been able to speak up and correct them. Source: http://www.bethinking.org/jesus/jesus-myths-vol1-11-eyewitness-testimony

4.   If Jesus wasn’t a real person, but a fictional character, then it wouldn’t seem like that big of a deal to be a casual or nominal Christian. But if Jesus really walked the Earth, really spoke those words, really died that death, and really rose from the grave, how could you be lukewarm in your relationship with Him?

5.   John ends this passage by explaining to his audience that he’s sharing his eyewitness testimony with them so they can have the same joy and fellowship with God that he has. He doesn’t put any divide between Christians who believe because they saw Jesus themselves, and those who believe through hearing. We can have a relationship with Christ that is just as intimate as what the apostles experienced.

6.   This M&M commercial is one of the most iconic Christmas commercials. Even though the M&M’s are going about the tradition of putting out snacks for Santa, everything changes when they learn that he’s real. “He does exist.” In our lives, do we go about the ritual of Christianity, without ever truly trusting in Jesus’ existence? Or, maybe we believe He exists, but we don’t live like He is King. Source: https://vimeo.com/147237433

Week 2 Text: 1 John 1:5-10 Topic: Confession, Repentance Big Idea of the Message: When we walk with God, we will be moved to confess our sin, seek forgiveness, and turn away from a sinful life. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   We claim we have a “walk with God.” Can we prove it? The way we handle our sin is

evidence of our fellowship with God. Obedience doesn’t save us, but it reflects a changed heart.

2.   This funny video shows a man dealing with a couple of dogs who don’t want to admit to wrong doing. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGSznB1G1Y4

3.   John is making the case for sanctification as a communal pursuit. He tells us not to hide our sins (vs. 6). He says when we walk in the light we have fellowship with one another (vs. 7). And he says we must confess our sins (vs. 9). We have to be honest with our sins if we ever want to be cleansed of all unrighteousness.

4.   In any 12 Step Recovery program, the first step you must make is admitting you have a problem. “This is because it is denial of the situation that keeps people

trapped indefinitely.” http://alcoholrehab.com/addiction-recovery/importance-of-step-1-in-alcoholics-anonymous/

5.   There could be several reasons why people would be reluctant to confess and deal with their sins. It could be a pride issue. They might underestimate God’s grace and fear they’ve messed up too big to be forgiven. They could be afraid of judgement from the church. They might be embarrassed that they’ve been dealing with the same sin their entire life.

6.   If having a walk with God will cause us to deal with our sin, then the inverse is also true. When we’re unwilling to deal with our sin, it will affect our walk with God.

Week 3 Text: 1 John 2:3-6 Topic: Obedience, Sanctification Big Idea of the Message: Our obedience to God does not entail our salvation, but it is an effect of our salvation. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points:

1.   We claim to know God. Can we prove it? Our obedience is the evidence. Actions speak louder than words.

2.   Week two and three are practically two sides of the same coin. Our relationship with God will affect our actions. We’ll no longer pursue our sin but instead we’ll pursue the life God has for us.

3.   Saying a Christian must “keep his commands” can sound like they must live a boring and strict life where all you do is focus on rules. But John says, “whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected.” Jesus boiled all the commandments down to loving God and loving people. It’s not meant to be a boring life. It’s a life of encountering God’s love and being compelled to share it with the world.

4.   God didn’t give commandments just to see if we’d follow His rules. They exist to guide and protect us from sin and hurting ourselves or other people. We have to trust that these commandments are given out of love. You can tell what someone puts their trust in by their actions. No one trusts car alarms. Whenever we hear a car alarm go off, we never jump to action. We assume it was an accident or a malfunction. No one actually believes it’s alerting us to danger, and it’s clear because everyone keeps going about their day when one goes off.

5.   “God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.” – Max Lucado

Week 4 Text: 1 John 2:18-27 Topic: Exclusive, Salvation Big Idea of the Message: While there are many philosophies that teach otherwise, it’s important to stand firm on the belief that Jesus is the only way to salvation. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points:

1.   John is writing to an audience dealing with false teachers who are minimizing or denying the role of Jesus in Christianity. This is something that is still happening in our culture.

2.   In the article, “It’s Ok to Say Jesus is the Only Way,” Jonathan Dodson refutes the idea that it’s arrogant for Christians to claim Jesus is the only way. http://www.relevantmagazine.com/god/church/features/27256-its-ok-to-say-jesus-is-the-only-way

3.   In John 14:6, Jesus Himself makes the statement that, “No one comes to the father except through me.”

4.   William Lane Craig argues that Jesus has to be the only way because his death on the cross is the only sufficient answer to the problem of our sin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a82G0UdfHZ8

5.   What we think about salvation will greatly affect our commitment to evangelism. If we really believe that Jesus is the only way, we’ll prove it by sharing the gospel message with others.

Week 5 Text: 1 John 3:11-24 Topic: Sacrifice, Love Big Idea of the Message: We must love others by being willing to lay down our comforts, our security, and even our own lives for them—just like Jesus. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   We claim we love our neighbor. Can we prove it? The sacrificial element of our love

is the evidence. 2.   John points to Jesus’ death as the ultimate example of an act of love. He laid down

His life for us, and so we should lay down our lives for others. This doesn’t mean we’re not loving unless we’re dying. It means that love isn’t something to share just when it’s easy.

3.   Some times we’re better at making excuses for why we can’t act out in love than getting out of our comfort zone and loving sacrificially. Some times we’re not even good at the excuses like the characters in this clip from Despicable Me 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIi3uYKEwfk

4.   This Huffington Post article lists all the things love is and isn’t. Sound familiar (1 Corinthians 13)? It’s always interesting to see secular writers discover Biblical truths.


Week 6 Text: 1 John 4:1-6 Topic: Authority, Heresy, Scripture Big Idea of the Message: To avoid being misled by false prophets, test everything against scripture. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   People claim to have the authority to teach spiritual truths. Can they prove it? The

way they speak of Jesus and the way their teachings line up with scripture will be the evidence.

2.   Other religions and belief systems might believe that Jesus existed, John is specific that they must proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, came in flesh, and was sent by God. All other explanations of who Jesus is are not from God and should not be followed. It’s not enough to call him a prophet or a good teacher.

3.   Verse 4 is one of the most popular and famous verses. It’s rarely read in the context of this passage. John is comforting his readers and easing their fears about being tempted away from the truth. Jesus is greater. His truth is greater. And standing firm in it will yield a better outcome.

4.   A recent study shows that when you have high anxiety, you’re more likely to listen to bad advice. If we’re confident in verse 4, we won’t be anxious. He overcomes all. Source: http://www.businessinsider.com.au/how-to-avoid-bad-advice-2012-12

5.   John ends this passage by stating that whoever is not from God will not listen to the teaching of the apostles, which we now have in the New Testament. Scripture must be our authority and the lens through by which we view all other teachings. If it doesn’t like up with God’s Word, then it’s from the world.

6.   A child wakes up early one Saturday morning and goes to the kitchen for something to eat. He takes a few eggs out of the fridge and starts cracking them over his head, licking the yoke off his face. His mother walks in, but when she goes to punish him, the boy says, “Daddy said I could!” The mother knows this is a lie. Why? Because she knows her husband. She knows his character. She knows he would never be okay with this. In this same way, we should strive to know the Bible so well that we can discern if something is from God or not.

Week 7 Text: 1 John 5:13-21 Topic: Maturity, Assurance Big Idea of the Message: We don’t have to play a guessing game when it comes our our salvation; God grants us the understanding necessary to grasp our relationship with Him and the world. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   We claim to have spiritual maturity. Can we prove it? The evidence is in how we

treat our relationship with God, with sin, and with the world. 2.   John wraps up his letter with a brief recap of his major themes. Verses 18-20 all

begin with “We know.” This shows how focused John is on certainty. We are certain of all the things we claim as Christians because of the evidence we have in our lives. As you recap these themes, make sure your church family is certain of these things. If they don’t see the evidence in their own lives, that means something needs to change.

3.   What you know will have a huge affect on how you act. In the movie, Elf, Buddy knows Santa because he has a personal relationship with him. When he finds out Santa is coming to the store he’s in, his knowledge has a huge influence on his actions. https://youtu.be/9jyCfRHumHU

4.   There’s an old Hollywood legend that Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest and lost. When what we know about how a Christian should be is compromised, we can completely misidentify what the ideal Christian looks like. Source: http://www.newsweek.com/five-strange-facts-charlie-chaplin-322850