Proverb ( bahasa inggris

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  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris



    Defning a “prover! i" a #i$%&'( (a")* Prover "%+o'ar" o,(en-&o(e Ar%+er Ta.'or/" %'a""i% “T+e #efni(ion o, a prover i"

    (oo #i$%&'( (o repa. (+e &n#er(a)ing*** An in%o00&ni%a'e-&a'i(. (e''" &" (+i" "en(en%e i" proveria' an# (+a( one i"no(* Hen%e no #efni(ion 1i'' ena'e &" (o i#en(i,. po"i(ive'. a"en(en%e a" proveria'!*2Ano(+er %o00on #efni(ion i" ,ro0Lor# 3o+n R&""e'' 4%* 56789 “A prover i" (+e 1i( o, one an#(+e 1i"#o0 o, 0an.*!

    More %on"(r&%(ive'. Mie#er +a" propo"e# (+e ,o''o1ing#efni(ion “A prover i" a "+or( genera''. )no1n "en(en%e o,(+e ,o') 1+i%+ %on(ain" 1i"#o0 (r&(+ 0ora'" an# (ra#i(iona'vie1" in a 0e(ap+ori%a' f;e# an# 0e0ori

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


     T+ere are 0an. "" in Eng'i"+ (+a( are %o00on'. re,erre# (o a"

    “prover"! "&%+ a" 1ea(+er ""* A'an D&n#e" +o1ever re>e%("in%'ing "&%+ "" a0ong (r&'. prover": “Are 1ea(+er prover"prover"? I 1o&'# "a. e0p+a(i%a''. @No@!T+e #efni(ion o, “prover! +a"a'"o %+ange# over (+e .ear"* For e;a0p'e (+e ,o''o1ing 1a" 'ae'e# “A

     Yor)"+ire prover! in 566 &( 1o&'# no( e %a(egori

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris




  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris





  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


     T+e "(. o, prover" i" %a''e# paremiology 

    1+i%+ +a" a varie(. o, &"e" in (+e "(. o,

    "&%+ (opi%" a" p+i'o"op+. 'ing&i"(i%" an#,o')'ore* T+ere are "evera' (.pe" an# "(.'e" o,prover" 1+i%+ are ana'.

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


    Proverbs in various languages are found with a wide variety of grammatical structures. In English, for

    example, we nd the following structures (in addition toothers)

    Imperative, negative ! "on#t beat a dead horse.Imperative, positive ! $oo% before you leap.

    Parallel phrases ! &arbage in, garbage out.

    'hetorical uestion ! Is the Pope atholic*

    "eclarative sentence ! +irds of a feather oc% together.-owever, people will often uote only a fraction of aproverb to invo%e an entire proverb, e.g. /ll is fairinstead of /ll is fair in love and war, and / rolling

    stone for / rolling stone gathers no moss.

    0he grammar of proverbs is not always the typical



  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


    Use inconversation

    • Proverbs are used in conversation by adults more than

    children, partially because adults have learned more proverbs

    than children. Also, using proverbs well is a skill that isdeveloped over years. Additionally, children have not mastered

    the patterns of metaphorical expression that are invoked in

     proverb use. Proverbs, because they are indirect, allow a

    speaker to disagree or give advice in a way that may be less

    offensive. Studying actual proverb use in conversation,however, is difficult since the researcher must wait for

     proverbs to happen.[1! An "thiopian researcher, #adesse $aleta

    $irata, made headway in such research by attending and taking

    notes at events where he knew proverbs were expected to be

     part of the conversations.

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


      * C%&'(&re" (+ere i" #ieren%e o, opinion on+o1 (o in(erpre( (+e proverA ro''ing "(one ga(+er" no 0o""* So0e "ee i(a" %on#e0ning a per"on (+a( )eep" 0oving

    "eeing 0o"" a" a po"i(ive (+ing "&%+ a"prof(J o(+er" "ee i( (+e prover a" prai"ingpeop'e (+a( )eep 0oving an# #eve'oping"eeing 0o"" a" a nega(ive (+ing "&%+ a"nega(ive +ai("*

    In an e;(re0e e;a0p'e one re"ear%+er1or)ing in G+ana ,o&n# (+a( ,or a "ing'eA)an prover (1e've #ieren( in(erpre(a(ion"1ere given*2K T+o&g+ (+i" i" e;(re0e

    prover" %an o,(en +ave 0&'(ip'ein(erpre(a(ion"*

    +i'#ren 1i'' "o0e(i0e" in(erpre( prover" ina 'i(era' "en"e no( .e( )no1ing +o1 (o&n#er"(an# (+e %onven(iona'i

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris



     T+ere are o,(en prover" (+a(%on(ra#i%( ea%+ o(+er "&%+ a" Loo)e,ore .o& 'eap an# He 1+o

    +e"i(a(e" i" 'o"(* T+e"e +ave een'ae'e# %o&n(er prover" 2 oran(on.0o&" prover"*28 =+en

    (+ere are "&%+ %o&n(er prover"ea%+ %an e &"e# in i(" o1nappropria(e "i(&a(ion an# nei(+er i"in(en#e# (o e a &niver"a' (r&(+*

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris


    "o&r%e"  Proverbs come from a variety of sources. Some are, indeed, the result of

    people pondering and crafting language, such as some by Confucius, Plato,

    Baltasar  Gracián, etc. Others are taen from such diverse sources as poetry,!"#$ songs, commercials, advertisements, movies, literature, etc. !"%$ & number of

    the 'ell no'n sayings of (esus, Shaespeare, and others have become

    proverbs, though they 'ere original at the time of their creation, and many ofthese sayings 'ere not seen as proverbs 'hen they 'ere first coined. )any

    proverbs are also based on stories, often the end of a story. *or e+ample, the

    proverb -ho 'ill bell the cat is from the end of a story about the mice

    planning ho' to be safe from the cat.

      Some authors have created proverbs in their 'ritings, such a (././. 0olien, !#1$

    !#2$ and some of these proverbs have made their 'ay into broader society, such

    as the bumper sticer pictured here. Similarly, C.S. 3e'is4 created proverbabout a lobster in a pot, from the Chronicles of Narnia, has also gained

    currency.!"5$ 6n cases lie this, deliberately created proverbs for fictional

    societies have become proverbs in real societies. 6n a fictional story set in a

    real society, the movie Forrest Gump introduced 3ife is lie a bo+ of

    chocolates into broad society.

  • 8/15/2019 Proverb ( bahasa inggris
