SEPTEMBER 2011 Interview with Gospel Soul Artist SHELLY MASSEY The Dangers of Control and MANIPULATION

Proverbs Life Magazine September 2011

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Proverbs Life Magazine September 2011 with Gospel Artist Shelly Massey

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Interview with Gospel Soul ArtistSHELLY MASSEY

The Dangers of Control and


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Proverb of the Month

In Christ,

Kaylania Chapman Proverbs Life Magazine CEO/Editor In Chief

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“No Problem”...7

Importance of Prayer......................8

Interview with Shelly Massey.....11

What Do You Do For Work?............14

Authority Abusers..............15

Cooks Nook........................17

Striving Christians................19

When God Calls, Answer..........22

Word From The Editor:

Greetings in the name of Jesus! Wow! We have been very busy. I pray that all of you are blessed and highly favoured. God is up to something and it is my prayer that you are ready to receive. Continue to press toward the mark and see the perfect will of the Father. You are on the right track.

COMPLAININGThey spoke against God;

they said, “Can God really

spread a table in the wilderness?

True, he struck the rock,

and water gushed out,

streams flowed abundantly,

but can he also give us bread?

Can he supply meat for his people?”

Psalms 78:19-20

We do not like to admit it but more are the moments when we doubt God than the times when we believe him. We know perfectly what are the promises that God has given us but we’re not really sure when he will meet them of if they will come to pass at all. When we see that some of the promises of God are not becoming a reality in our lives we wonder: Maybe that promise is not for me?

Could it be that I’m doing something wrong that keeps this promise from being fulfilled? Has God forgotten that I exist? Can God really bring out those wonderful things he has promised? and many other questions like that. Just as faith pleases God, grumbling and complaining displeases him. We must realize that our responsibility is to believe and we can not expect to receive blessings and to see results without having done our part of exercising our faith in full.

James, the brother of the Lord Jesus put it this way: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

In matters of faith we need much patience to pre-vent doubt cast by our enemy from entering our minds. In any case, by grace, God’s plan will be ful-filled in spite of our doubts, griping and complain-ing, but it is better to have faith as we are the main beneficiaries when we exercise faith, even if the promises are not fulfilled in our lifetime. Enough of doubt and griping! Let us exercise our faith! To God alone be the glory!

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Have you ever met someone that just seems to go through life without a care? Always whistling, or singing a jaunty song--seeming to get things done at work without a bit of stress? Some of them even seem to have perfect families and their life always seems together. Don’t you just hate those people, but wouldn’t you like to BE one of them? Well, you can, at least to some degree.

The thing is, those people have problems just like the rest of us, but they either are really good at ignoring them, or they have found a way to handle storms without letting the stress control them. Each of us will have situations that we must deal with, but there IS a way to not let them become a PROLEM! How? This is the purpose for this article.

The answer is simple, we need to learn to be seed-oriented, NOT need-oriented! Just like Jesus when faced with the storm out on the sea of Galilee. He could have panicked, and He had reason to! They were about to die! He could have been scream-ing and crying like the disciples...I am sure there were emotions that even He had to suppress! But instead of doing ANY of those things, HE SPOKE TO THE PROBLEM! He took a faith seed out of the bag (the promises) and planted IT! Because He wanted DIFFERENT results than what He saw at the moment

Being seed-oriented instead of need-oriented is a PROACTIVE way to relate to the situations in life. So next time you meet an need, a storm, or a stress-ful situation, SEE YOURSELF PULLING OUT A SEED FROM THE WORD TO DEAL WITH IT.

You might even want to go through those kind of motions physically to remind your head that this is how you are going to deal with the situation instead of crying or stressing about it. This concept has made all the difference in my life, and I hope you will be able to use it. I am not telling you this be-cause its always easy to do, but because IT WORKS!

Life isn’t easy for any of us right now, and I can’t see that it’s necessarily going to get any better. But it DOESN’T have to overwhelm us! We CAN over-come, with the seed of the Word! So get your seed bag out!

Patricia Taylor Proverbs Life Magazine Writer-


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Importance of PrayerPrayer is the very language to God from His dear children. When spo-ken from the heart, prayer gives divine access to God. The Bible says, “The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.” Prayer changes situations, open doors, solves problems, gives hope, removes doubt, encourages and is a bridge to God from sin. A Christian who maintains a personal relationship with God must cannot do so without a consistent prayer life. Often times Jesus Himself made personal time to pray. A regular prayer life has many rewards.

Any great relationship requires consistent intentional effort and invest-ment. Prayer is a key ingredient and mighty weapon in Christian living. God wants His children to communicate regularly with Him. The Bible says,”Cast your cares upon me for I care for you.” A relationship is give and take. Yes God speaks in many ways yet He wants us to talk with Him. Prayer is the tool that Christians have been privileged to use. It is essential. It brings power, strength and God’s desire for Christians’ lives.

by: Rosalind Newton

Rosalind Newton Proverbs Life Magazine Writer

In Cinema

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Shelly Massey

This month’s Artist Spotlight is shining on the sensational Shelley Massey. She is an awesome woman of God and a mighty psalmist whose jazzy vocals is sure to bless young and old alike. I had the pleasure of interviewing Sis. Shelly and would like to share excerpts of her bio* and interview with you

Those who have experienced the sounds of Shelly Massey know that she is an experienced and creately inventive singer and song writer. Orginally from Humboldt, Tennessee, Shelly’s music career took an amazing turn after moving from Milan, Tennessee to Murfressboro, Tennessee in 2003.

At this time she and her husband and manager Jeff Massey met Ben Tankard, and since then Shelly has experienced rapid progression in her music career through being mentored and produced by this Stellar and Dove Award winning Jazz artist. This ordained connection led her to sing for his conferences and special events, as well as leading vocals on three of his major recording projects.

In 2004 she sang and recorded with R&B great Shirley Murdock on Ben’s album “Piano Prophet.” Then, in 2006, she co-wrote and recorded “Let’s Get Quiet,” from Ben’s album of the same name. It became the theme song of that CD, mak-ing that compliation number six on the Comtemporary Jazz Charts. In 2008 Shelly wrote and recorded, “My Lips Shall Utter Praises,” and it was the first single to be released from Ben’s album, “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy.” It receives an ever increasing numbers of spins on the radio daily.

After several years of recording and touring with Ben Tankard, the decision was made to launch Shelly out into her own music ministry. In 2010 Shelly recorded and released her soloGospel Jazz “EP” project. Shelly wrote and Ben produced the hit songs, “Healing Me,” “Changes,” and “Bah Bah.” The tunes “Healing Me” and “Bah Bah” quickly became favorites and have created a consistent buzz on internet radio. These songs are now well- loved by listeners from all over the United States and Canada.

by: Pamela “Tehilliah” Yvonne Hatter



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Tehillah: Thank you for joining us and sharing your music ministry…I was just listening to your music and your song Bah Bah is soooo stuck in my head. I absolutely love that song and your vocal range is just ridiculous…lol…where do you pull that from?

Shelly Massey: To God be the glory. I have to give God all the praise for it.

Tehillah: Is that natural ability or did you receive training to learn that? Or did somebody just give you a shot of song? (lol)

Shelly Massey: I have been singing since the age of 8 years old. I recently decided to get some training because you can never get too much training and I am grateful for the trainer and the opportunity to do what I do. My testimony is similar to Dr. Ben Tankard’s ministry where it just came upon him to be able to play the piano. I remember being in the children’s choir and my director wanted to audition me for a song and I really didn’t know how to sing and I remember being in the choir stand and something leaped on me and I just started singing and haven’t stopped since.

Tehillah: Amen…now you said something just leaped on you and we know that as the HOLY GHOST…HalleluYah!

Shelly Massey: Amen…you said it right…the HOLY GHOST! (lol)

Tehillah: Sis. Shelly what is the vision God has given you for your music and where do you see the Lord taking your ministry over the next few years?

Shelly Massey: I see nations, I see God causing us to travel all over the world. My husband and I are also ministers and we minister in a different way as we collaborate together. And as we go places ministering, we see the glory of the Lord come down, birthing a new praise and worship. I see us collaborating with other artists, psalmists with other psalmists coming to-gether and turning this world upside down. I see revival and I know that we are going to be a part of a huge revival in the U.S. and all over the world….and I’m excited about it……

Tehillah: Praise God! HalleluYah!

This is just an excerpt of the interview with Sis. Shelley Massey. A complete mp3 of the show is available upon request.

Pamela Yvonne Hatter Proverbs Life Magazine Entertainment Reporter

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Proverbs “LIVE” with Kay airing every Wednesday at 7:15pm ESTOnly on WOKB 1680AM Gospel Radio

Are you happy in the work that you do? It’s sur-prising how few people are. Most people, if they didn’t need the money, would not be doing what they are for 40+ hours of their lives every week.

I’ve been pretty fortunate. I started work-ing in high school. I went to a Christian board-ing school and part of the curriculum there was teaching the students the value and responsibil-ity of work. Every student was required to work half of the day and go to school the other half.

At that time in my life, I applied for the jobs that paid the highest hourly wage. That’s where my focus was. Once I got out of school, it didn’t take very long for me to decide that shouldn’t be the deciding factor in which job to take.

But, I worked hard and learned as much as I could with each job. By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I had developed office skills that could get me hired just about anywhere I wanted to work. That was when work began to be fun for me.

Every day I see people who don’t like their jobs. I see their posts on FaceBook dreading Monday and just muddling along until the week-end comes again. If you are working just for money, you are probably miserable because your work isn’t fulfilling.

The problem is, we make it difficult for God to bless us when we work for money. On the other hand, if you find your gift and work in a job with passion where you get to use your gifts, I believe God blesses everything you set your hands to do.

Usually the most fulfilling jobs are service oriented. We are spiritually wired to help others, and in doing so, we are blessed beyond measure. But, what is fulfilling to you might be drudgery to me, and what fills my work day with meaning might bore you to tears. We are all different.

by: Cheree Miller

I ran across this great quote by J.C. Penny: “Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I’ll show you a man who will make his-tory; give me a man without a goal and I’ll show you a stock clerk.”

You see, sometimes the job you have right now might not be where you’re headed or where you eventually want to be, but we have to start somewhere. Just like working in the laun-dry in high school was not what I wanted to do with my life, it taught me work skills and developed a strong work ethic that still serves me today.

As you have a vision of what you want to do, and then everything you do is done for God’s glory, you will be blessed financially. Work as if you are working for God, not your earthly employer. It will give new meaning to every task and generate an enthusiasm and excitement within you about going to work each day.

When you love what you do, and you are doing it for the glory of God, look up, because your blessings will soon be raining down on you.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

Cheree Miller

Proverbs Life Magazine Writer

Authority Abusers : Manipulation

There seems to be an epidemic in the realm of the spirit that is plaguing the world to stay in oppression. Not only is the epidemic fierce, but it’s very contagious and very deadly. The epidemic is called “Control”. I am sure that many of you (and even me) have been plagued by control and manipulation. As we look at the world around us, we can see how many nations, countries, and cities are being over taken by communism and manipulation of the laws to keep people bound. But what happens if someone you know is abusing their authority over YOU?

I can earnestly say that as a recovering control freak, I have learned how to seriously be humble before God. James 4:6 (ESV) says “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” God is NOT a fan of pride and arrogance. It is unfortunate how many people abuse their authority. I do not feel that control is intentional at times. Many people (such as my-self) have always been smothered by oppressing and Jezebel spirits. I never had the ability to “be me and be free.” The spirit of Jezebel is very dangerous! Jezebel is a very con-trolling, manipulating, seducing, and treacherous spirit. Jezebel wants to keep the voice of the prophetic shut so the truth can’t be revealed (1Kings 19:2).

The sad part about authority abuse is that it happens on our jobs, in church, in relationships, and in business affairs. Not all people who abuse their authority originally started out that way. Rejection is often to the culprit that leads to control. Rejection is the feeling of abandonment, isolation, feeling unloved, unwanted, and pushed aside. Many people who have faced rejection most of their lives may not have ever received any real ability to be “the boss” or “leader” of something.

The unfortunate side of recognizing control is that some people do not want to give up control or change. I must admit that I struggled with this for most of my life. Control wasn’t a way for me to oppress, but I always had things taken from me. I was bullied, tossed aside, abused, and other things. It would be hard for me to hold on to lasting relationships because I would be-come clingy and controlling out of fear I would be left alone. Fear is the primary emotion of control. Lack of self-esteem and self-worth is the dominating factor of being controlling. So why is it that so many people fear losing control when it really isn’t theirs anyway? The simple answer to that is…not knowing who they are and why they are in their position.

I have been in and seen marriages fall apart when one spouse feels the need to control each other. The end results have been:

• Attempted murder

• Domestic Abuse

• Verbal Abuse

• Drug Abuse

There had always been a root cause someplace that was never dealt with. Root causes of people’s behavior are often misinterpreted, unnoticed or unrecognized. What makes a man or woman become a tyrant over their spouse? What would cause a pastor or Godly leader to become so self-righteous and prideful that their spirit begins to poison and oppress their flock? As we dive further into authority abuse, my next article will explain the hidden dangers of authority abuse and control. You will be able to see and recognize the inanimate dangers of the spirits of Absalom, Jezebel, Pharaoh, and Nebuchadnezzar.

by: Kaylania Chapman

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What Do You Do For Work?

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CD Now Avaiilale on iTunes. Visit Robert on the web at: www.robertpierre.com

The Cook’s Nook Delicious Recipes At Your Finger Tips.

Chicken in Basil Cream

Prep Time:15 Min Cook Time:15 Min Ready In: 30 MinIngredients

1/4 cup milk1/4 cup dried bread crumbs4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts3 tablespoons butter1/2 cup chicken broth1 cup heavy whipping cream1 (4 ounce) jar sliced pimento peppers, drained1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese1/4 cup chopped fresh basil1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper


Place milk and bread crumbs in separate, shallow bowls. In skillet, heat butter or margarine to medium heat. Dip chicken in milk, then coat with crumbs. Cook in butter or margarine, on both sides, until juices run clear (about 10 minutes). Remove and keep warm.Add broth to skillet. Bring to a boil over medium heat, and stir to loosen browned bits from pan. Stir in cream and pimentos; boil and stir for 1 minute. Reduce heat.Add Parmesan cheese, basil and pepper. Stir sauce and cook until heated through. Pour mixture over chicken and serve!

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving Calories: 496 Total Fat: 35.7g Cholesterol: 183mg



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“Love is patient, love is kind... “ I Corinthians 13:4-7

As we all know, anyone can call themselves a Christian these days. We see it all the time in TV and in the media. We may even have some acquain-tances, colleagues, friends or family who claim to be Christian, yet have not fully embraced the Christian life. This is not meant to be a judgment in any way; it is simply an observation. In reality, we know that being a Christian is far more than just a personal proclamation that makes someone a Christian. So what is it that sets Christians apart from others?

Logically, we all have a set of moral beliefs that guide what we do and don’t do. These deep moral beliefs and values propel us through situations and life in general, as our actions are usually based on these deep beliefs. As we grow in our faith, our ac-tions become closer to becoming a true expression of those values.

Since my childhood, I have always loved the song, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Today’s bible verse sort of maps out what that love actually means. Today, as the world looks on, Christians are encouraged to take the high road and to consistently act as loving believers with oth-ers. Love is the chosen language of Christianity; and we are compelled to love others with all our strength.

For the mandate of Christian love, delivered per-sonally by Jesus Christ himself, beckons us to help the homeless, the downtrodden, and the lost sheep. It calls us to step out of our comfort zones to make life a little better for the hurting, weary soul. It calls us to be a little more patient, a little more comfort-ing, and to protect those living in oppression. To love the unlovable, and the unloved...

Being a Christian really is all about love. It is not easy, yet the yoke of Christianity is light, as we actively seek to lighten the burdens of others, and try to do the right thing. As a striving people, we try to emulate Jesus, knowing full well that we are sinners and will fall short. However, understand-ing this perspective of Christianity, we are more apt to bring light into the lives of others as the feet and hands of Jesus.

The world may chide you for loving freely by the grace of Jesus, for His glory, even calling you a fool for doing so. You may sometimes feel on the outside personally, as your relationships are tested by others to see if you will hold your faithful stance. Your employer and even your own family and friends may find you unsavvy as you face situations with kindness and gentleness. But for striving Christians, this is all part and parcel of living the Christian Life.

So go on... Dare to define for yourself what you believe and fully embrace your Christianity to the best of your ability. You will have the Holy Spirit with you to guide you every step of the way, and let your light shine for all to see.


“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;love and faithfulness go before you.” - Psalm 89:14

Here are four things that good people desire but the world rarely offers : justice, righteousness, love and faithfulness. The world can not deliver what it does not have and we understand that it is foolish to expect the world to give us something we can only find in God. These four things are personified in Jesus Christ and yet the world rejected him because it failed to recognize him as its Creator and Lord. Now, these four virtues must be present in our lives if we are to become true witnesses of the wonders of God. In every decision we must make sure that justice will prevail. If someone gets hurt because of our actions then we are not acting with the justice and equity that God expects of us.

On the other hand we must ensure that in every activity we perform we are complying with the laws and regulations established, provid-ed they do not lead us to do something that displeases God. As for love, what could we add to the exhortations of the apostle John, who urged us to live in love, thus living in God, and God in us because God is love. As for faithfulness, there is no easier way to keep the enemy away from our path than to walk in truth. Our enemy, being the father of lies, hates the truth and just the same way where there is light there can be no darkness, where there is truth, deceit has no place.

Most people generally do not practice these things because a nucleotide sequence is missing in the spiritual DNA of every human being and the sequence only can be completed by the presence of God and therefore all are under condemnation unless they ask God to save them through the redeeming work of Christ on the cross of Mount Calvary. Let the whole world know that the only way to fill the void in their lives is through repentance of their sins, the for-giveness of God and the presence of Christ in their lives. To God alone be the glory!

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Sadly to say that was my weakness. In the past. But now I can see clearer now the path that Christ wants me to take and if I don’t tell you the truth than why am I writing to you in the first place! But in 2 Corinthians 12:9, it says,’’ And he said unto me,My grace is sufficient for thee:for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.’’

I am so thankful for the glory of God. That Paul said, ‘’that His strength is made perfect in His weakness’’. That scripture really encourages me to see that by trusting in the Lord, I am able to glory in my infirmities. That the power of Christ will rest upon my weak soul. It’s so wonderful to know the my weak-nesses will bring forth a new life and a hope and peace in Christ Jesus.

A new creature comes to life, once you resolve to realize in life there are many obstacles that sometimes keep us from doing what we wanted to do. Or maybe who we wanted to become in life. When I was younger, there were so many things I wanted to do and become. But I never did accomplish all I wanted to.

God is good and He has a plan each and everyone of us. As christians, we need to obey His call and answer, so we don’t have to waste years of walking in the wilderness and wandering around.Just because we wanted our will for our lives, instead of reaching for God’s will. Thanks be to our Lord and pre-cious Saviour, He loves us and wants the best for each and everyone of us in our lives.God bless you all.

When Your God Calls, Answerby: Everlasting Truth

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1The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.

2All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.

3Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

4The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

5Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

-Proverbs 16:1-5