Provincial Gazette Free State Province Published by Authority No. 103 FRIDAY. 13 February 2015 No. 103 No. Index PROVINClAL NOTICE VOLUME 1 150 OMaion of Revenue Act, 2014: Adjusted budget allocations: Schaclula1: Hospital budgets Provinsiale Koerant Provinsie Vrystaat Uitgegee op Gesag VRYDAG. 13 Februarfe 2015 Page

Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

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Page 1: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Provincial Gazette

Free State Province

Published by Authority

No. 103 FRIDAY. 13 February 2015 No. 103

No. Index



150 OMaion of Revenue Act, 2014: Adjusted budget allocations:

Schaclula1: Hospital budgets

Provinsiale Koerant

Provinsie Vrystaat

Uitgegee op Gesag

VRYDAG. 13 Februarfe 2015


Page 2: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Ng.1Q3 Provincial Gazette. 13 february 2015


[No. 150 of 2014]




I, EC Rockman, the MEC for Finance, acting in terms of section 30(3Xb} of the Division of Revenue Act, 2014 (Act No. 10 of 2014) of which initial allocations were published in Provincial Gazette No. 15 of 9 May 2014, hereby publish adjusted budget allocations as set out in the following Schedules:

• Schedule 1 - Hospitals budgets;

• Schedule 2 - Transfers to schools;

• Schedule 3 - Transfers to municipalities;

• Schedule 4 - Provincial Adjusted Allocations In terms of earmarked funds.

Page 3: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Schedule 1

Hospital budgets

The below tables relate to the adj ustments of the 2014/15 allocations to Hospitals:

2014115 MnI AppraprIItIon Changea AdJultlld Budget

C8Ir.II Hospitals 2054536 ·18851 2037685 General Regiooal Hospitals 1194 401 10158 1204 557 DisllE! Hospitals 1079801 150 408 1230209

Totll 4328 738 143713 4472451

RIce. Tran. racelpll from nlllonaJ 4247548 143 711 4391257

Equitable Share 3207804 138944 3346 748 CcndIIiDtlai GIanIs 1039742 4767 1044509

Fundi from Provlnclal Own Revanue 81194 811114 Total recelpli 4328740 143 711 4472451

payments CUlf8fIt JIIYmtntI 4211653 146 752 4408 405

CompensatiDfl of employees 3521288 -263365 3257923 Goods and selVlces 740287 410117 1150404 1ntef8s11lftd II!fIt on land 78 78

TI"III1IferI and BubeldIeB to: 13792 13792 Munlclpalles

I Depalfmental agencies and accounts Higher educaDon instiiutions Pu~ corporations and privata enlelprises NOfIiMOliI instilutions 1864 1864 Households 11928 11928

Payments for capl1allSlell 53219 -3025 50254 auMlgs and other fixed slrudlJres

50254 1 Machinery and eqlipmanl 53279 -3025 8101oQlcai assets I...and and sub-sol asselS

Software and oIhet InIalglbla assam Paymentl for financial uHII

Unallocatad contlgancy I'8S8M

Total menta 4328724 143m 4472451

Page 4: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Central Helpbll IhJn Appropr1atlo

PeIonomi 698887 535 Total 2054538 ·188!1


Transfer recqHa from IIItIonll 21H5142 -18851 1998 291 Equllable Share 975400 -21618 953 782 Conditional 1039 742 4767 1

HIV BIJd Aids G /'8Ilt GIlIIJt

Training 8Itd DeveIopm9n1 146419 Hosp/tBI ~8fion Goo

NatIonal HeeIth IllSuranca Grant 1500 ·1500 N8IlonaI T ediBfy S&rvices Gf!lIl 891824 898090 Nurslng CoI/Bg& and Schools Gmnt

Funds from Provincial Own Revenue 39394 39394 T DIal recalptl 20545311 ·18851 2

Paymenta CulTlllt paymantI 2012189 ~18 835

Cooip!lfl!lalio!l 1650305 471 Goods and SeMces 361604 225636 587500 of which

Consultants and professional sSNices 68087 81J90 129477 Contmctots 21000 5253 26253

4129 36692 40821 146048 4fJ1

85068 780 37534 120

T l'lmlfers I!Id • ubsldlel to: 7351 7351 Municipallies Nooidt Inslltutioos Households 7351 7351

Paymantl for 35000 Bltilgs slruclures Madllnery 35000 Software assets

Payments for Unalocamd contIgancy reaerve

Total payments 2054 520 ·18835 2037685

Page 5: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

General Regional Hoapltaill 2014115 Maln Appraf)rtatIon Changes

PsyctjaIricHO!lpllal 283879 ~ 12818 Boogool 315938 6076 0Il1a1:eog 1~7B4 3856 Mofumahadl Hospital 191905 12723

243095 319 243414 Total 1194 401 10156 1204 551

ReceIpts 10158


Fundi from Reftflue Total~ 1D 156

PaymantB Current payments 1178 430 139118 1190 338

CompensaiIon of employees 966536 -S23Tl 914159 Goods and S9l\llces 209868 66283 276151 ofwhich

and profession8/ !eMces 27822 522 9679 033

36868 595 53127 969

Medidne 50174 ·10638 39536 OIlIer (Specify) 321Q8 32 B02 ~OOO

Ir~resl Md I'efll 00 larK! 26 28

TransIenI and subaJd1eI to: 5182 !i 182 ~nicipailies

NoIJ.profIt 1884 Households 3318

Payments 12789 750 Buildilgs SIrucluI8S

MachlneIY and eq~Elfl\ 12789' -3750 9039 Software and other lo\arIgibie asset9

Payments fur fMtclaJ auta LMlaIloc8ted ~.ncy l'8I8fVe

T otaJ paymentB 1194401: 10156

Page 6: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

DlItrIct HOI pltaJl 2014115 Ching .. AdJuatld

DIamant 810 S\DIfBI 16 S95 785

18035 689 132146 no 105535 13781

Mantsopa Hospital 24930 -6112 18818 Dr. JS Moroka HospUai 102008 13834 115842

Mahau Hospital 16262 838 17100 NaJa HoslXiBI 23m -330 23397 Thusanong HospJtal 69424 ·1508 67918 Katieho 81876 162 W1nbulg 15950 734 MII'lIllmllholo 70044 19769

Pa~ 29024 338 TokDllo HOilpital 35017 302 MrIfI.tba 21591 745 Ellzabe!h Ross Has pIIaI 78008 20165 98203 Thebe Hospital 55102 6306 61408 Ptlumelala HoapIIaI 15549 4461 20010 Ptiekoloog Hospllal 74578 149 74727

Nkeioena Hoa~ 22409 1111 23520 PhIlllNIoIia 533

John Oanlel 375 IIemoIlaflg 787

Total 1079 408


T I1iII8fur ntc:aIpts from national 1 0:10 003 150 408 1200409 Equil8ble ShaRI 1050003 150406 1200409 Coodllonal Grants

Funds from Provincial Own RewnUI 29800 29800 T otJ.I racalpta 1079 803 1:10 406 1230 2D9

Payments Currant payIIIIf11a 1 DT.I D54 5B1

Com~ 904447 483 Goods 168555 198 oIwhJch

8nd profau/oIJaJ S8Mces 16646 091 ConinIcIots 5420 16885 223D5 Agency & suppod / outsoutted serv/cas 17222 6550 23m MedIcal supplies 28489 14967 43456 Medldne 61148 1521 ~2669

Other (Specily) 406J1 57184 97815

Inlanls! 52

Transfal1l and 1259 Munlcipalilles Households 1259

Payments for 5GO 725 Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equlpmeot 5490 725

PaymenW for flna rIC 1a11l11ltB

Unallocated co Total payments 1 079 803 1~406 1230209

Page 7: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Provincial Gazette

Free State Province

Published by Authority

No. 103 FRIDAY, 13 February 2015 No. 103

No. Index



150 Division of Revenue Act. 2D14: Adjusted budget allocations:

Schadule2: Transfers to schools

Provinsiale Koerant

Provlnsle Vrystaat

Uitgege8 op Gesag

VRYDAG, 13 Februarle 2015


Page 8: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Schedule 2


The below to the the 2014/15 schools:


Hl:r.&l:21 Sd;n2i Sa:btl 1tn&I:21 SdJI21

01 ot 05 ot 01 Ot Ot 01 Ot Q1

03 Sodin21

Page 9: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:
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Page 17: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Provincial Gazette

Free State Province

Published by Authority

No. 103 FRIDAY, 13 February 2015 No. 103

No. Index



150 DMsron of Revenue Act, 2014: Adjusted budget allocations:

Schedula2: Transfers to schools

Provinsiale Koerant

Provinsie Vrystaat

Ultgegee Dp Gesag

VRYDAG, 13 Fabruarie 2015


Page 18: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:
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Page 29: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Provincial Gazette

Free State Province

Published by Authority

No. 103 FRIDAY. 13 February 2015 No. 103

No. Index



150 Division of Revenue Act. 2014: Adjusted budget allocations:

Schedule 3: Transfers to municipalities

Provinsiale Koerant

Provinsie Vrystaat

Uitgegee op Gesag

VRYDAG. 13 Februarie 2015


Schedule 4: Provincial adjusted allocations In terms of earmarked funds

Page 30: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Schedule 3

Transfers to Municipalities

The below table relates to the adjustments of funds to be transferred to MunIcipalities during the 2014115 financial year:

WORlD BEACH VOUEYBAJJ.. 1. 1 PrcMnclal ~ Sport, Ar1s, ~Iture and RecreatIon (V<ie 12) 2. Purpose To assist nmclpalltles wHh co-fundl1Q of World Beach VoIIeybaD hosted by Mqaung Melropolilan

Municipality In 2014

3. Measurable Outputs Hosting of the Wodd Beach Volle)i>al by Mlqaung MeIropdltan Mwi:ipalty 4. CoocItions 4.1 Funds IransfemId mlllt only be used for Iha purpose indicated

4.2 A monthly slalBment indIcaIIl1D that funds were _ for the slated puIJIOSe IIIISt be soomiUed within 15 days after !he end of !he month

4.3 Internal and extamal audit to ascel1aln !hat funds are used for the staled PIllpOS8 and !hat measW'8ble 0UIpu1s are ac~\/8d

4.4 Mcn!hly moniIoting visits 10 review p8ffoIrnanc. 4.5 Signilrd of a SeMcelsvel Agl89lllent for Iha u1IIlza1iDn of !he funds

5. Allocation aitBrIa AIocatecI aa:o~ to Terms of Reference between dep8f1ment and /IlInlcipallly 6. MonItoring madlanlsm 6.1 Monthly statements

6.2 Monthly monitoring vlsb by Dislricl Managef9 6.3 QIatar1y performaJl::e repor1s 6.4 Monitoring'" Evaluation by !he Provincial Evaluation Team es~hed in Iefms of the DMsIon of


7. Projected lie 2014115 8. Paymeti Sc/le(Ue In tefms of I(188mIlf1ts

Page 31: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:


1. TlWIBfenilg Pro>.ftlal Department Spott, Arts. Cullure and Reaeatlon (Vote 12) 2. PUfllOS8 To aalsl municipality wllh funding ct Ibrarlas' compensation prior 10 fuP take-oVer of pltilc lbarles 3. Measurable Outputs Compensab of Iblwlans' OOn.,ansaliOll 4. Coocllltwls 4.1 Funds InI1sfamld must only be IB8d for !he PIlJlOS& indicated

4.2 A IIICfdhIy statament Indicallng Ihat foods W8flI used ror !he statad IlUIPDSe IIIIst be smtted wi1Illn 15 days altar the end of Ihe month

4.3 Intemal and BXtBmaJ audft 10 ascertain that lurlds are used lor the staed pwpose and that measurable outpu1S are achieved

4.4 Monthly monlloring vlsiSto review peIformance 4.5 Signing of 8 Setvice level Agreement ror !he uUll2aIIOII of !he ""ds

5. AIocation crileria Allocated aa:ortiJg to Terms of Rafal1lflce beMeen depMment and munidpalty

8. Monitoring mechanism 6.1 MOIIIhIy &Iiilments 8.2 Monthly monitoring visits by Olstrict Manage!!

6.3 Quariady pedomIance repOOs

8.4 Monitoring and Evaluation by the Pmvlnclal Evaluation Team es1abllshed in terms of the DlvlsIOfl of Rev&flue Ad.

7. ProJacIsd Ife 2014115 a. payment ScheIkJIe In terms of agreements

2014115 Category DIstrIct Mu n!dpailly Number Municipality Allocation


A MAN Mlqlatqj 4000

B DC 19 FS 193 Nkeloana 643 B DC 19 FS 195 Phllll8leta 596 Total 5239

Page 32: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Schedule 4 (8)


The following table relates to the adjusted allocations for Infrastructure Enhancement allocation (lEA) and Revenue Enhancement Allocation (REA):

TmsfarrIng Type of Hamaaf PurpDI8 Depaltmant 2014115 dept Alacat!on AIlocaIlon Initial Adjultmeli Adjustacl

aDacadon EItinataI IIIocation R'OOO R'OOO R'001

Provincial Genaral InfmslruclJn AssIst m accelntloo of Free Stale legisIBbR Tl8IISUry mstructure EllllancetJllnt consfructiOll, maintllnaflce Ecanoo1Ic and SroaI8usiness

a1localionlD AJtx:alIon (lEA) aOO rehabilla600 of new Deveklpment, TolJ1sm & 54019 -34661 19358 depERnenls 800 sxisIilg inIrastrucIum. Envioomanlal Alfairs

HealD! 24500 -18514 5988 Education 16660 -11996 4884 Soctal DeveqllOOrt 14828 14828 PubRc Worb aoo InfrastJUclul8 154485 --4000 150485 Police, Roads & T_ort 374225 -85804 288421

Agrtuilln aOO Rural Development 78475 61m 84475

I Sport, AIls, ClAIre & Recrealim 164506 22000 186 50fI lEA TOTAL 881898 ·126975 754723

Revenue Enhance capacly to Ecooon: and SmalBusnss Enhm!menl delver 00 InfJastruclJn. Developmant. TolliSm & 200 2619 2819 Allcalioo (REA) Erwimmental AlfalIS

Pravirdal T IB8SllY 2000 -1500 500 HeaIIh 3CUl 1000 4000 Ptmlic WIIfks aoo Inhslruclure 1200 2719 3919 Poke, Roads & Transport 23734 23734

AgriclJltIJe and Rural D~ 293 293


Page 33: Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant · ng.1q3 provincial gazette. 13 february 2015 provincial notice [no. 150 of 2014] free state provincial treasury division of revenue act, 2014:

Schedule 4 (b)


The following table relates to the adjusted allocations of a portion of the provincial equitable share to departments, earmarked for specific purposes to enhance service delivery:

Trnfefrlng Type of Allocation Department Purpose I Project I PI10fly 2014115 clapt initial Adjultmant Adjultacl R'OOO IIIocat1on EtIlmataa ailoca11on

ProviooIaI Specllcally lIIIll1IIIked Hedh Il}-SouRilg (Secllily) 2100 2100 Tf8aSUry aIQcdonslo EdlDIIoo Pmvilcial8ta'sariaa 510000 -75 'JJr/ 434793

daparIments (exdoolng Pubic WOlD Rates and TUBS (1/dJded i1 Selled. 3: 298861 -34496 264365 lEA and REA) T rIIISfeIs 10 IIIJridpalilles)

Police, Roads & Transport Asset Managemeri 15000 15000 TOTAL PROVINCIAl EARMARKED AUOCATIONS (Del INFRASTRUCTURE) 825981 ·109703 718258