TUGAS PROYEK SISTEM BILANGAN REAL KELOMPOK III Disusun oleh : Adik Niko Heri Mukti Kusuma (5215122652) Albinus Andy Kurniawan (5215122663) Andhika Wiradharma (5215122633) Atanasius Agung Novian Yolanda P. (5215120367) Dini Anggraini (5215122639) Lidya Setiawati (5215122680) Puspa Dwi Aryani (5215122670) Ridwan Saputra (5215122665) PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA 2012/2013

proyek sistem bilangan real

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Page 1: proyek sistem bilangan real




Disusun oleh :

Adik Niko Heri Mukti Kusuma (5215122652)

Albinus Andy Kurniawan (5215122663)

Andhika Wiradharma (5215122633)

Atanasius Agung Novian Yolanda P. (5215120367)

Dini Anggraini (5215122639)

Lidya Setiawati (5215122680)

Puspa Dwi Aryani (5215122670)

Ridwan Saputra (5215122665)




Page 2: proyek sistem bilangan real



Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa.Berkat rahmat, nikmat, serta

limpahan karunia-Nya Makalah Proyek Sistem Bilangan Real ini dapat

diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya.

Penulisan makalah proyek ini sebagai sarana pemenuhan tugas mata kuliah

pendidikan matematika I, pendidikan teknik elektronika semester 097 tahun

pelajaran 2012/2013.

Dalam penyelesaian makalah proyek ini penulis banyak mengalami kesulitan

karena kurangnya materi yang diperoleh.Namun berkat bantuan dari berbagai

pihak,akhirnya makalah ini dapat diselesaikan.Oleh karena itu, penulis

mengucapkan terima kasih kepada:

1. Dr.Ir.Rusmono sebagai Dosen Pembimbing Matematika I

2. Tim sebagai pencari informasi tambahan

Penulis menyadari makalah proyek ini masih jauh dari sempurna.Oleh karena

itu,penulis meminta kritik dan saran yang membangun makalah proyek ini

menjadi lebih baik.

Semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi yang membaca, khususnya


Jakarta, 31 Desember 2012


Page 3: proyek sistem bilangan real



Cover ....................................................................................................................... i

Kata pengantar ....................................................................................................... ii

Daftar Isi ................................................................................................................. iii


1.1 Latar belakang .................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Perumusan Masalah .......................................................................................... 2

1.3 Tujuan .............................................................................................................. 2


2.1 Definisi Sistem Bilangan Real .......................................................................... 3

2.2 Contoh Soal ..................................................................................................... 9

a. Aljabar ........................................................................................................ 9

b. Trigonometri ............................................................................................... 10

c. Eksponensial ............................................................................................... 10

2.3 Latihan Soal ..................................................................................................... 11

a. Aljabar ........................................................................................................ 11

b. Trigonometri ............................................................................................... 12

c. Eksponensial ............................................................................................... 12


3.1 Algoritma Program ............................................................................................ 13

3.2 Flowchart Program ........................................................................................... 14

3.3 List Program .................................................................................................... 15

3.4 Hasil Program .................................................................................................. 73


4.1 Kesimpulan ...................................................................................................... 83

4.2 Saran ................................................................................................................ 83


Page 4: proyek sistem bilangan real




1.1 Latar Belakang

Di dalam perkuliahan matematika I terdapat bab yang menjelaskan mengenai

Sistem Bilangan Real. Bilangan-bilangan real adalah tinjauan himpunan semua bilangan

(rasional dan irasional) yang dapat mengukur panjang, bersama-sama dengan negatifnya

dan nol.

Dalam rangka memenuhi proyek akhir perkuliahan matematika I maka dibuatlah

suatu aplikasi untuk memenuhi penyelesaian beberapa persoalan matematika yang secara

khusus mengenai bilangan real. Software yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini

adalah VISUAL BASIC 6.0. Algoritma yang sudah dirancang lalu di aplikasikan pada

syntax visual basic, kemudian di uji cobakan dengan membandingkan antara hasil

perhitungan manual dengan hasil dari output program aplikasi ini sehingga terdapat

kesesuaian hasil yang sama dan valid.

Dengan adanya aplikasi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika, khususnya

bilangan real maka diharapkan pengguna aplikasi ini dapat menggunakannya dalam

menyelesaikan persoalan bilangan real dengan lebih cepat, mudah, dan akurat karena

menggunakan aplikasi yang didesain praktis. Para pengguna aplikasi inipun diharapkan

dapat mengerti juga cara membuat program ini karena syntax dari program ini bisa dilihat

dalam VISUAL BASIC 6.0 . Adapun aplikasi ini dapat dijadikan pembanding untuk

mengkalibrasi (calibrate)/adjustment hasil perhitungan manual dengan perhitungan hasil

operasi program dari aplikasi sistem bilangan real ini.

Page 5: proyek sistem bilangan real


1.2 Perumusan Masalah

1. Apakah para pengguna dapat mengerti cara membuat program ini dan sistem kerja

program ini dengan melihat informasi syntax/list program yang tersedia?

2. Apakah penyajian dari aplikasi ini sudah memudahkan pengguna aplikasi ini?

3. Apakah aplikasi ini sudah bisa membantu menyelesaikan persoalan matematika

khususnya sistem bilangan real?

4. Apakah aplikasi ini dapat dijadikan acuan tetap atau hanya sebatas media

pembanding antara perhitungan manual dengan perhitungan program?

1.3 Tujuan

1. Dapat mengerti pembuatan program sehingga menjadi suatu aplikasi dengan bantuan

software VISUAL BASIC 6.0, dari mulai perancangan algoritma sampai

menkonversinya menjadi suatu syntax sehingga program dapat dijalankan dan

berfungsi dengan baik.

2. Menyajikan aplikasi sistem bilangan real dengan penggunaan yang mudah.

3. Membantu menyelesaikan persoalan sistem bilangan real dengan cara praktis dan

cepat dengan bantuan aplikasi yang dibuat dengan software VISUAL BASIC 6.0.

4. Sebagai acuan tetap pembantu perhitungan atau sebagai media pembanding antara

hasil perhitungan manual dengan output perhitungan program komputer.

Page 6: proyek sistem bilangan real




2.1 Definisi Sistem Bilangan Real

2.1.1 Sistem bilangan real

Bilangan rasional adalah bilangan-bilangan yang dapat dituliskan dalam


dengan m dan n adalah bilangan-bilangan bulat dengan n ≠ 0.

Bilangan irasional adalah bilangan yang tidak dapat dituliskan sebagai suatu

hasil bagi dari dua bilangan bulat, contoh:

Sifat-Sifat Medan

1. Hukum Komutatif, dan

2. Hukum Asosiatif, dan

3. Hukum Distributif,

4. Elemen-Elemen Identitas: Terdapat dua bilangan real yang berlainan 0 dan 1

yang memenuhi dan untuk setiap bilangan real

5. Balikan (Invers): Setiap bilangan mempunyai balikan penambahan (disebut

negatif) yaitu yang memenuhi . Juga setiap bilangan kecuali

0 mempunyai balikan perkalian (disebut juga kebalikan), yang memenuhi


Sifat-Sifat Urutan

1. Trikotomi, jika dan adalah bilangan-bilangan, maka pastilah salah satu

diantara yang berikut ini berlaku: atau atau .

2. Ketransitifan, dan

3. Penambahan,

4. Perkalian, bilamana positif maka

5. Bilamana negative maka

1 Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Vanberg, Steven E. Ringdon, Kalkulus Edisi Kedelapan Jilid 1 (Jakarta :

Erlangga, 2003), hlm. 2.

Page 7: proyek sistem bilangan real


2.1.2 Ketaksamaan

Untuk menyelesaikan suatu ketaksamaan berarti mencari semua

himpunan bilangan real yang membuat ketaksamaan itu berlaku. Berbeda dengan

persamaan, himpunan penyelesaian suatu ketaksamaan biasanya terdiri dari suatu

keseluruhan selang bilangan atau, dalam beberapa kasus, gabungan dari selang-

selang yang demikian.

Ketaksamaan ganda menggambarkan selang terbuka yang

terdiri dari semua bilangan antara a dan b,tidak termasuk titik titik ujung a dan b.

Sebaliknya ketaksamaan menggambarkan selang tertutup, yang

mencakup titik- titik ujung a dan b.

Sama halnya dengan persamaan, prosedur untuk menyelesaikan

ketaksamaan terdiri atas pengubahan ketaksamaan satu langkah tiap kali sampai

himpunan penyelesaiannya jelas. Alat utamanya adalah sifat-sifat urutan.

Khususnya :

1. Kita dapat menambahkan bilangan yang sama pada kedua ruas suatu


2. Kita dapat mengalihkan kedua ruas suatu ketaksamaan dengan suatu

bilangan positif.

3. Kita dapat mengalihkan kedua ruas dengan suatu bilangan negatif, tetapi

kemudian kita harus membalikkan arah tanda ketaksamaan.2

2.1.3 Nilai Mutlak, Akar Kuadrat, Kuadrat

Nilai mutlak suatu bilangan real x, dinyatakan dengan |x|, didefinisikan sebagai



Sifat sifat nilai mutlak berperilaku manis dibawah perkalian dan pembagian tetapi

tidak begitu baik dalam penambahan dan pengurangan.

2 Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Vanberg, Steven E. Ringdon, Kalkulus Edisi Kedelapan Jilid 1 (Jakarta :

Erlangga, 2003), hlm. 11.

Page 8: proyek sistem bilangan real


Sifat-sifat Nilai Mutlak



3. (Ketaksamaan segitiga)

4. 3

Ketaksamaan yang Melibatkan Nilai Mutlak.


Akar Kuadrat

Setiap bilangan positif mempunyai dua akar kuadrat.

Rumus Kuadrat

Penyelesaian untuk diberikan oleh

3 Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Vanberg, Steven E. Ringdon, Kalkulus Edisi Kedelapan Jilid 1 (Jakarta :

Erlangga, 2003), hlm. 15.

Page 9: proyek sistem bilangan real




Bentuk pada ruas kiri (1) dinamakan fungsi eksponensial dengan absis


Jika bilangan positif sebarang dan bilangan riil sebarang, maka fungsi yang

didefinisikan oleh

Dinamakan fungsi eksponensial dengan basis

Fungsi eksponensial dengan basis memenuhi sifat-sifat yang sama dengan fungsi

eksponensial asli

► Ilustrasi 1, jika dan bilangan riil sebarang dari positif, maka dari (1)

Dari ilustrasi 1 kita peroleh

Kita juga dapat memeroleh sifat berikut:


Bukti (3) sampai dengan (6) diserahkan kepada pembaca sebagai latihan untuk

menentukan turunan fungsi eksponensial dengan basis kita ambil dan kita

terapkan aturan rantai.

Page 10: proyek sistem bilangan real



4 Louis Leithold, Kalkulusdan Ilmu Ukur Analitik Edisi Kelima Jilid 2 (Jakarta : Erlangga, 1993),

hlm. 132.

Page 11: proyek sistem bilangan real


Rumus Jumlah Dua Perbandingan Trigonometri.


Bukti :



Terbukti dengan jalan yang sama diperoleh :





5 Soedadyatmodjo, Buku Materi Pokok Trigonometri (Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka, 1986), hlm.


Page 12: proyek sistem bilangan real


2.2 Contoh soal

a. Aljabar

1. Selesaikan ketaksamaan dan perlihatkan grafik himpunan


(Tambahkan 7)

(Tambahkan )

(Kalikan dengan


Himpunan penyelesaian:

Pemisahan selang penyelesaian:

Grafik: 6

2. Selesaikan dan perlihatkan grafik himpunan


(Tambahkan -6)

(Kalikan dengan


Himpunan penyelesaian:

Pemisahan selang penyelesaian:

Grafik: 7

3. Selesaikan ketaksamaan dan perlihatkan himpunan

penyelesaiannya pada garis real.

Penyelesaian Ketaksamaan ini dapat ditulis secara beruntun sebagai


6 Louis Leithold, Kalkulusdan Ilmu Ukur Analitik Edisi Kelima Jilid 2 (Jakarta : Erlangga, 1993), hlm. 132.

003), hlm. 11. 7 Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Vanberg, Steven E. Ringdon, Kalkulus Edisi Kedelapan Jilid 1 (Jakarta :

Erlangga, 2003), hlm. 12.


| )

Page 13: proyek sistem bilangan real




Himpunan penyelesaian:

Pemisahan selang penyelesaian:



b. Trigonometri

1. Selesaikan: cos 30o + cos 180


Cos 300 + cos 180

o =



c. Eksponensial


24 6

8 Edwin J. Purcell, Dale Vanberg, Steven E. Ringdon, Kalkulus Edisi Kedelapan Jilid 1 (Jakarta :

Erlangga, 2003), hlm. 16.

| |

Page 14: proyek sistem bilangan real


2.3 Latihan Soal

a. Aljabar

1. Selesaikanlah ketaksamaan dan perlihatkan grafik himpunan

penyelesaiannya !

Penyelesaian :

Himpunan penyelesaian :

Pemisahan selang penyelesaian :


2. Selesaikan dan perlihatkan grafik himpunan


Himpunan penyelesaian:

Pemisahan selang penyelesaian:


3. Selesaikan ketaksaman dan perlihatkan himpunan penyelesaiannya

pada garis real.

Penyelesaian Ketaksamaan ini dapat ditulis secara beruntun sebagai





| )

Page 15: proyek sistem bilangan real




Himpunan penyelesaian :

Pemisahan selang penyelesaian :


a. Trigonometri

1. Selesaikan: cos 90o + cos 270


Cos 900 + cos 270

o =


b. Eksponensial


| |

Page 16: proyek sistem bilangan real




3.1 Algoritma Program

1. Start.

2. Judul program = Sistem Bilangan Real.

3. Variabel yang digunakan = x dan e.

4. Input soal .

5. Proses = Aljabar, Trigonemetri, Eksponen..

6. Hasil.

7. Selesai.

Page 17: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.2 Flowchart Program





Reset Alamat Reset

Merubah Alamat Input Alamat File Flash



About Me

Contoh Soal


Hasil Input Angka

Play file flash0.swf




Command 1-5


Page 18: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3 List Program

a. List Program Form 1 : Private Sub lp1_Click()

frm2a.Visible = False

Frame12.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

Label2a = Form1.Label1

'Menampilkan caption Label3

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3a.Caption = a & "x < " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = a & "x < " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = a & "x < -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = a & "x < -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = "-" & a & "x < " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = "-" & a & "x < " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = "-" & a & "x < -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3a.Caption = "-" & a & "x < -" & c & "x " & f

Page 19: proyek sistem bilangan real


End If

Label4a.Caption = E & "x < " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5a.Caption = "x < 0"


Label5a.Caption = "x < " & f & "/" & E

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp2_Click()

frm2b.Visible = False

Frame16.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

Page 20: proyek sistem bilangan real


End If

Label2b = Form1.Label1

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3b.Caption = a & "x < " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = a & "x < " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = a & "x < -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = a & "x < -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = "-" & a & "x < " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = "-" & a & "x < " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = "-" & a & "x < -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3b.Caption = "-" & a & "x < -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4b.Caption = E & "x < " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5b.Caption = "x > 0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Label5b.Caption = "x > -" & f & "/" & G


Label5b.Caption = "x > " & H & "/" & G

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp3_Click()

frm3a.Visible = False

Frame17.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

Page 21: proyek sistem bilangan real


End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

Label2c = Form1.Label1

'Menampilkan caption Label3

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3c.Caption = a & "x <= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = a & "x <= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = a & "x <= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = a & "x <= -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = "-" & a & "x <=" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3c.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4c.Caption = E & "x <= " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5c.Caption = "x <= 0"


Label5c.Caption = "x <= " & f & "/" & E

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp4_Click()

frm3b.Visible = False

Frame18.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

Page 22: proyek sistem bilangan real


If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

Label2d = Form1.Label1

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3d.Caption = a & "x <= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = a & "x <= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = a & "x <= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = a & "x <= -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= " & c & "x + " & f

Page 23: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3d.Caption = "-" & a & "x <= -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4d.Caption = E & "x <= " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5d.Caption = "x >= 0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Label5d.Caption = "x >= -" & f & "/" & G


Label5d.Caption = "x >= " & H & "/" & G

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp5_Click()

frm4a.Visible = False

Frame22.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

Label2e = Form1.Label1

'Menampilkan caption Label3

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Page 24: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label3e.Caption = a & "x > " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = a & "x > " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = a & "x > -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = a & "x > -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = "-" & a & "x > " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = "-" & a & "x > " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = "-" & a & "x > -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3e.Caption = "-" & a & "x > -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4e.Caption = E & "x > " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5e.Caption = "x > 0"


Label5e.Caption = "x > " & f & "/" & E

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp6_Click()

frm4b.Visible = False

Frame23.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

Page 25: proyek sistem bilangan real


End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

Label2f = Form1.Label1

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3f.Caption = a & "x > " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = a & "x > " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = a & "x > -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = a & "x > -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = "-" & a & "x > " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = "-" & a & "x > " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = "-" & a & "x > -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3f.Caption = "-" & a & "x > -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4f.Caption = E & "x > " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5f.Caption = "x < 0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Label5f.Caption = "x < -" & f & "/" & G


Page 26: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label5f.Caption = "x < " & H & "/" & G

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp7_Click()

frm5a.Visible = False

Frame24.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

Label2g = Form1.Label1

'Menampilkan caption Label3

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3g.Caption = a & "x >= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3g.Caption = a & "x >= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3g.Caption = a & "x >= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3g.Caption = a & "x >= -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3g.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3g.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Page 27: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label3g.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3g.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4g.Caption = E & "x >= " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5g.Caption = "x >= 0"


Label5g.Caption = "x >= " & f & "/" & E

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp8_Click()

frm5b.Visible = False

Frame28.Visible = True

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

Page 28: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

Label2h = Form1.Label1

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And f >=

0 Then

Label3h.Caption = a & "x >= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = a & "x >= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = a & "x >= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = a & "x >= -" & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= " & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And

f < 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= " & c & "x " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f >= 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= -" & c & "x + " & f

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And

f < 0 Then

Label3h.Caption = "-" & a & "x >= -" & c & "x " & f

End If

Label4h.Caption = E & "x >= " & f

If f = 0 Then

Label5h.Caption = "x <= 0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Label5h.Caption = "x <= -" & f & "/" & G


Label5h.Caption = "x <= " & H & "/" & G

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lp9_Click()

frm6.Visible = False

Frame29.Visible = True

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Page 29: proyek sistem bilangan real


M = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

M = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L + K

End If

Label2i = Form1.Label1

Label3i.Caption = M & " < " & J & "x < " & N

Label4i.Caption = M & "/" & J & " < x < " & N & "/" & J

End Sub

Private Sub lp10_Click()

frm7.Visible = False

Frame30.Visible = True

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

M = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

M = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L + K

End If

Label2j = Form1.Label1

Page 30: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label3j.Caption = M & " < " & J & "x <= " & N

Label4j.Caption = M & "/" & J & " < x <= " & N & "/" & J

End Sub

Private Sub lp11_Click()

frm8.Visible = False

Frame34.Visible = True

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

M = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

M = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L + K

End If

Label2k = Form1.Label1

Label3k.Caption = M & " <= " & J & "x < " & N

Label4k.Caption = M & "/" & J & " <= x < " & N & "/" & J

End Sub

Private Sub lp12_Click()

frm9.Visible = False

Frame35.Visible = True

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

M = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Page 31: proyek sistem bilangan real


M = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

M = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

N = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

N = -L + K

End If

Label2l = Form1.Label1

Label3l.Caption = M & " <= " & J & "x <= " & N

Label4l.Caption = M & "/" & J & " <= x <= " & N & "/" & J

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Form1.Cmd1.Enabled = False

Form1.Enabled = True

Form1.Label1.Caption = "Soal Yang Anda Buat"


Form1.T1.Text = ""

Form1.T2.Text = ""

Form1.T3.Text = ""

Form1.T4.Text = ""

Form1.T5.Text = ""

Form1.T6.Text = ""

Form1.T7.Text = ""

Form1.T8.Text = ""

Form1.Ls8.Text = ""

Form1.Ls9.Text = ""

Form1.Ls10.Text = ""

Form1.T9.Text = ""

Form1.T10.Text = ""

Form1.T11.Text = ""

Form1.Lsa.Text = ""

Form1.Lsc.Text = ""

Form1.T12.Text = ""

Form1.T13.Text = ""

Form1.Lsd.Text = ""

Form1.Lse.Text = ""

Form1.Lsf.Text = ""

Form1.T14.Text = ""

Form1.T15.Text = ""

Form1.T16.Text = ""

Form1.gog1.Text = ""

Form1.gog2.Text = ""

Form1.gog3.Text = ""

Unload Me

End Sub

Page 32: proyek sistem bilangan real


b. List Program Form 2 : Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

Dim Response As Integer

Response = MsgBox("Apakah anda yakin ingin keluar ?", vbYesNo,


If Response = vbYes Then




End If

End Sub

Private Sub apl_Click()

azx = filepres.Text

bzx = filewell.Text

ShockwaveFlash1.Movie = azx

ShockwaveFlash2.Movie = bzx

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click()

Dim Response As Integer

Response = MsgBox("Apakah anda yakin ingin keluar ?", vbYesNo,


If Response = vbYes Then




End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timmers_Timer()

Xmili.Caption = Val(Xmili.Caption) + 1

If Len(Xmili.Caption) = 1 Then Xmili.Caption = "0" &


If Xmili.Caption = "60" Then

Xmili.Caption = "00"

xdetik.Caption = Val(xdetik.Caption) + 1

If Len(xdetik.Caption) = 1 Then xdetik.Caption = "0" &


End If

If xdetik.Caption = "60" Then

xdetik.Caption = "00"

xmenit.Caption = Val(xmenit.Caption) + 1

If Len(xmenit.Caption) = 1 Then xmenit.Caption = "0" &


End If

End Sub

Private Sub bk1_Click()

ShockwaveFlash2.Playing = False

well.Visible = False

Powerpoint.Visible = True

ShockwaveFlash1.Playing = True

Aboutme.Visible = False

Latihan.Visible = False

cpanel.Visible = False

Page 33: proyek sistem bilangan real


End Sub

Private Sub bk2_Click()

well.Visible = False

Powerpoint.Visible = False

ShockwaveFlash1.Playing = False

ShockwaveFlash2.Playing = False

Aboutme.Visible = False

Latihan.Visible = True

cpanel.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub bk3_Click()

well.Visible = False

Powerpoint.Visible = False

ShockwaveFlash1.Playing = False

ShockwaveFlash2.Playing = False

Aboutme.Visible = True

Latihan.Visible = False

cpanel.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub bk4_Click()

well.Visible = False

Powerpoint.Visible = False

ShockwaveFlash1.Playing = False

ShockwaveFlash2.Playing = False

cpanel.Visible = True

Aboutme.Visible = False

Latihan.Visible = False

End Sub

'Task Bar'

Private Sub hlo_Click()

tutup.Enabled = True

Timmers.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub opn_Click()

buka.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub buka_Timer()

'tskbar.Move Left = tskbar.Left, Top = tskbar.Top + 120

tskbar.Top = tskbar.Top - 120

If tskbar.Top = -480 Then

buka.Enabled = False

opn.Visible = False

hlo.Visible = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub tutup_Timer()

tskbar.Top = tskbar.Top + 120

If tskbar.Top = 480 Then

tutup.Enabled = False

opn.Visible = True

Page 34: proyek sistem bilangan real


hlo.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

'Task Bawah'

Private Sub Jam1_Timer()

'Frm1.Move Left = Frm1.Left, Top = Frm1.Top - 120

Frm1.Top = Frm1.Top - 120

If Frm1.Top = 7680 Then

Jam1.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Jam2_Timer()

'Frm1.Move Left = Frm1.Left, Top = Frm1.Top - 120

Frm1.Top = Frm1.Top + 120

If Frm1.Top = 8400 Then

Jam2.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Tmbl1_Click()

If Frm1.Top = 8400 Then

Jam1.Enabled = True

Jam2.Enabled = False

ElseIf Frm1.Top = 7680 Then

Jam1.Enabled = False

Jam2.Enabled = True

Slideshow.Visible = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub mr1_Timer()

a = Me.iklan.Caption

b = Left(a, 1)

c = Right(a, Len(a) - 1)

Me.iklan.Caption = c + b

End Sub

'Tmbol Sesi'

Private Sub k1_Click()

End Sub

'Source Code aplikasi perhitungan bilangan real'

Private Sub Cb1_Click()

Cmd2.Enabled = True

If Cb1.ListIndex = 0 Then

Frame1.Enabled = True

Frame2.Enabled = False

Frame4.Enabled = False

Frame5.Enabled = False

Page 35: proyek sistem bilangan real


Frame6.Enabled = False

Frame1.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Frame2.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame4.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label7.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label9.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label19.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

ElseIf Cb1.ListIndex = 1 Then

Frame1.Enabled = False

Frame2.Enabled = True

Frame4.Enabled = False

Frame5.Enabled = False

Frame6.Enabled = False

Frame1.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame2.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Frame4.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label7.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label9.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label19.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

ElseIf Cb1.ListIndex = 2 Then

Frame1.Enabled = False

Frame2.Enabled = False

Frame4.Enabled = True

Frame5.Enabled = False

Frame6.Enabled = False

Frame1.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame2.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame4.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Frame5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label6.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Label7.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label9.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label19.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

ElseIf Cb1.ListIndex = 3 Then

Frame1.Enabled = False

Frame2.Enabled = False

Frame4.Enabled = False

Frame5.Enabled = True

Frame6.Enabled = False

Frame1.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame2.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame4.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame5.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Frame6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Page 36: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label7.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Label9.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Label5.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Label19.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

ElseIf Cb1.ListIndex = 4 Then

Frame1.Enabled = False

Frame2.Enabled = False

Frame4.Enabled = False

Frame5.Enabled = False

Frame6.Enabled = True

Frame1.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame2.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame4.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame6.BackColor = &HFFFF80

Label6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label7.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label9.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label19.BackColor = &HFFFF80

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Cmd1_Click()

If Frame1.Enabled = True Then


ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True Then


ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True Then


ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True Then


End If

If Frame6.Enabled = True Then


Form2.ekw.Visible = True

End If


q = Val(T14)

w = Val(T15)

t = Val(T16)

If Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

u = q * w * t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

u = -q * -w * -t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

u = -q * w * t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Page 37: proyek sistem bilangan real


u = q * w * -t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

u = -q * -w * t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

u = q * -w * -t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

u = q * -w * t

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

u = -q * w * -t

End If

da = Val(gog1)

db = Val(gog2)

dc = Val(gog3)

mn = da + db + dc

If Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & q & " x " & w & " x " & t & "

)" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = gog1 & " + " & gog2 & " + " & gog3

Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & -q & " x " & -w & " x " & -t &

" )" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & " - " & gog1 & " - " & gog2 &

" - " & gog3

Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & -q & " x " & w & " x " & t & "

)" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & " - " & gog1 & " + " & gog2 &

" + " & gog3

Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & q & " x " & w & " x " & -t & "

)" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & gog1 & " + " & gog2 & " - " &


Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & -q & " x " & -w & " x " & t & "

)" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & " - " & gog1 & " - " & gog2 &

" + " & gog3

Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Page 38: proyek sistem bilangan real


Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.Label1.Caption = " = ( " & q & " x " & -w & " x " & -t &

" )" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & gog1 & " - " & gog2 & " - " &


Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & q & " x " & -w & " x " & t & "

)" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & gog1 & " - " & gog2 & " + " &


Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.loto1.Caption = " = ( " & -q & " x " & w & " x " & -t & "

)" & "e"

Form2.pangkat.Caption = " e ^ " & " - " & gog1 & " + " & gog2 &

" - " & gog3

Form2.loto2.Caption = " = " & u & "e"

Form2.Loto3.Caption = mn

End If

If u > 125 Then

Form2.pangkat.Left = 2400

Form2.loto1.Width = 2300

End If

If u > 125 Then

Form2.loto2.Width = 2000

Form2.Loto3.Left = 1200

End If

If u > 8000 Then

Form2.pangkat.Left = 2500

Form2.loto1.Width = 2400

End If

If u > 8000 Then

Form2.loto2.Width = 2100

Form2.Loto3.Left = 1300

End If


'Aljabar 1'

a = Val(T1)

b = Val(T2)

c = Val(T3)

d = Val(T4)

If Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

Page 39: proyek sistem bilangan real


E = -a - c

ElseIf Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If


If Cb2.ListIndex = 0 And E > 0 Then


Form2.frm2a.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6a.Caption = "{x: x < 0}"

Form2.Label7a.Caption = "( -~ , 0 )"

Form2.Label8a.Caption = "0"


Form2.Label6a.Caption = "{x: x < " & f & "/" & E & "}"

Form2.Label7a.Caption = "(-~ , " & f & "/" & E & ")"

Form2.Label8a.Caption = f & "/" & E

End If



ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 0 And E < 0 Then


Form2.frm2b.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

Page 40: proyek sistem bilangan real


c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6b.Caption = "{x: x > 0}"

Form2.Label7b.Caption = "( 0 , ~ )"

Form2.Label8b.Caption = "0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Form2.Label6b.Caption = "{x: x > -" & f & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7b.Caption = "( -" & f & "/" & G & " , ~ )"

Form2.Label8b.Caption = "-" & f & "/" & G


Form2.Label6b.Caption = "{x: x > " & H & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7b.Caption = "( " & H & "/" & G & " , ~ )"

Form2.Label8b.Caption = H & "/" & G

End If

'End of frm2b'

Page 41: proyek sistem bilangan real



ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 1 And E > 0 Then


Form2.frm3a.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6c.Caption = "{x: x <= 0}"

Form2.Label7c.Caption = "( -~ , 0 ]"

Form2.Label8c.Caption = "0"


Form2.Label6c.Caption = "{x: x <= " & f & "/" & E & "}"

Form2.Label7c.Caption = "(-~ , " & f & "/" & E & "]"

Form2.Label8c.Caption = f & "/" & E

End If

'End of frm3a'


ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 1 And E < 0 Then


Form2.frm3b.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

Page 42: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6d.Caption = "{x: x >= 0}"

Form2.Label7d.Caption = "[ 0 , ~ )"

Form2.Label8d.Caption = "0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Form2.Label6d.Caption = "{x: x >= -" & f & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7d.Caption = "[ -" & f & "/" & G & " , ~ )"

Form2.Label8d.Caption = "-" & f & "/" & G


Form2.Label6d.Caption = "{x: x >= " & H & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7d.Caption = "[ " & H & "/" & G & " , ~ )"

Form2.Label8d.Caption = H & "/" & G

End If

'End of frm3b'


ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 2 And E > 0 Then


Form2.frm4a.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

Page 43: proyek sistem bilangan real


a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6e.Caption = "{x: x > 0}"

Form2.Label7e.Caption = "( 0 , ~ )"

Form2.Label8e.Caption = "0"


Form2.Label6e.Caption = "{x: x > " & f & "/" & E & "}"

Form2.Label7e.Caption = "(" & f & "/" & E & ", ~ )"

Form2.Label8e.Caption = f & "/" & E

End If

'End of frm4a'


ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 2 And E < 0 Then


Form2.frm4b.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

Page 44: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6f.Caption = "{x: x < 0}"

Form2.Label7f.Caption = "( -~ , 0 )"

Form2.Label8f.Caption = "0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Form2.Label6f.Caption = "{x: x < -" & f & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7f.Caption = "( -~ , -" & f & "/" & G & " )"

Form2.Label8f.Caption = "-" & f & "/" & G


Form2.Label6f.Caption = "{x: x < " & H & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7f.Caption = "( -~ , " & H & "/" & G & " )"

Form2.Label8f.Caption = H & "/" & G

End If

'End of frm4b'


ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 3 And E > 0 Then


Form2.frm5a.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

Page 45: proyek sistem bilangan real


E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6g.Caption = "{x: x >= 0}"

Form2.Label7g.Caption = "[ 0 , ~ )"

Form2.Label8g.Caption = "0"


Form2.Label6g.Caption = "{x: x >= " & f & "/" & E & "}"

Form2.Label7g.Caption = "[" & f & "/" & E & ", ~ )"

Form2.Label8g.Caption = f & "/" & E

End If

'End of frm5a'


ElseIf Cb2.ListIndex = 3 And E < 0 Then


Form2.frm5b.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

a = Val(Form1.T1)

b = Val(Form1.T2)

c = Val(Form1.T3)

d = Val(Form1.T4)

If Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = -b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = -d - b

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 0 Then

f = b + d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

f = b - d

End If

Page 46: proyek sistem bilangan real


If a < c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex =

0 Then

G = c - a

ElseIf Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

G = c + a

ElseIf a > c And Form1.Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

G = a - c

End If

If b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex =

0 Or b > d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex

= 0 Then

H = b - d

ElseIf Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = b + d

ElseIf b < d And Form1.Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And

Form1.Ls4.ListIndex = 1 Then

H = d - b

End If

If f = 0 Then

Form2.Label6h.Caption = "{x: x <= 0}"

Form2.Label7h.Caption = "( -~ , 0 ]"

Form2.Label8h.Caption = "0"

ElseIf f > 0 Then

Form2.Label6h.Caption = "{x: x <= -" & f & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7h.Caption = "( -~ , -" & f & "/" & G & " ]"

Form2.Label8h.Caption = "-" & f & "/" & G


Form2.Label6h.Caption = "{x: x <= " & H & "/" & G & "}"

Form2.Label7h.Caption = "( -~ , " & H & "/" & G & " ]"

Form2.Label8h.Caption = H & "/" & G

End If

'End of frm5b'

End If

'Aljabar 1'

'Aljabar 2'


If Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 0 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 0 Then


Form2.frm6.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Mc = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Mc = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Page 47: proyek sistem bilangan real


Mc = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Mc = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Nc = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Nc = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Nc = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Nc = -L + K

End If

Form2.Label5i.Caption = "{ x: " & Mc & "/" & J & " < x < " & Nc

& "/" & J & " }"

Form2.Label6i.Caption = "( " & Mc & "/" & J & " , " & Nc & "/"

& J & " )"

Form2.Label7i.Caption = Mc & "/" & J

Form2.Label8i.Caption = Nc & "/" & J

End If

'End of frm6'


If Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 0 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 1 Then


Form2.frm7.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Md = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Md = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Md = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Md = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Nd = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Nd = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Nd = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Nd = -L + K

End If

Page 48: proyek sistem bilangan real


Form2.Label5j.Caption = "{ x: " & Md & "/" & J & " < x <= " &

Nd & "/" & J & " }"

Form2.Label6j.Caption = "( " & Md & "/" & J & " , " & Nd & "/"

& J & " ]"

Form2.Label7j.Caption = Md & "/" & J

Form2.Label8j.Caption = Nd & "/" & J

End If

'End of frm7'


If Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 1 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 0 Then


Form2.frm8.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Ma = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Ma = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Ma = -I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Ma = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Na = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Na = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Na = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Na = -L + K

End If

Form2.Label5k.Caption = "{ x: " & Ma & "/" & J & " <= x < " &

Na & "/" & J & " }"

Form2.Label6k.Caption = "[ " & Ma & "/" & J & " , " & Na & "/"

& J & " )"

Form2.Label7k.Caption = Ma & "/" & J

Form2.Label8k.Caption = Na & "/" & J

End If

'End of frm8'

Page 49: proyek sistem bilangan real



If Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 1 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 1 Then


Form2.frm9.Visible = True

Form1.Enabled = False

I = Val(Form1.T5)

J = Val(Form1.T6)

K = Val(Form1.T7)

L = Val(Form1.T8)

If Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Mb = I - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 Then

Mb = I + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 Then

Mb = -I - K

ElseIf FForm1.Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1


Mb = -I + K

End If

If Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Nb = L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Nb = -L - K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Nb = L + K

ElseIf Form1.Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Form1.Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Nb = -L + K

End If

Form2.Label5l.Caption = "{ x: " & Mb & "/" & J & " <= x <= " &

Nb & "/" & J & " }"

Form2.Label6l.Caption = "[ " & Mb & "/" & J & " , " & Nb & "/"

& J & " ]"

Form2.Label7l.Caption = Mb & "/" & J

Form2.Label8l.Caption = Nb & "/" & J

End If

'End of frm9'

'Aljabar 2'

'Aljabar 3'

If Frame4.Enabled = True Then

Form2.Hslfrm4.Visible = True

End If

Ac = Val(T9)

Bc = Val(T10)

Cc = Val(T11)


Page 50: proyek sistem bilangan real


If Ac = Bc And Bc = Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Bc = Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac = Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac = Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Bc = Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Bc < Cc Then

Ec = Cc - Bc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Cc And Bc < Cc Then

Ec = Cc - Bc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Ac < Cc Then

Ec = Cc - Bc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Bc < Cc Then

Ec = Cc - Bc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Cc And Bc > Cc Then

Page 51: proyek sistem bilangan real


Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Ac > Cc Then

Ec = Bc - Cc

Eco1 = Ec & "/" & Ac

End If



If Ac = Bc And Bc = Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Bc = Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac = Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac = Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Bc = Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Bc < Cc Then

Ecc = Cc + Bc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Cc And Bc < Cc Then

Ecc = Cc + Bc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Ac < Cc Then

Page 52: proyek sistem bilangan real


Ecc = Cc + Bc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac > Bc And Bc > Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Bc < Cc Then

Ecc = Cc + Bc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Cc And Bc > Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If

If Ac < Bc And Ac > Cc Then

Ecc = Bc + Cc

Eco2 = Ecc & "/" & Ac

End If


If Cb5.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.Label6.Caption = Ac & "x + " & Bc & " > + " & Cc & " atau

" & Ac & "x + " & Bc & " < " & Cc

Form2.Label7.Caption = Ac & "x > " & Ec & " atau " & Ac & "x <

" & Ecc

Form2.Label8.Caption = "x > " & Eco1 & " atau x < " & Eco2

Form2.Label1.Caption = "{ x : x > " & Eco1 & " } U { x : x < "

& Eco2 & " }"

Form2.Label2.Caption = "( " & Eco1 & ", ~ ] U [ - ~ , " & Eco2

& ")"

Form2.gr2aa.Visible = True

Form2.Label3.Caption = ""

Form2.Label3as.Caption = Eco1

Form2.gr2bb.Visible = True

Form2.Label4.Caption = ""

Form2.Label4as.Caption = Eco2

ElseIf Cb5.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.Label6.Caption = Ac & "x + " & Bc & " >= + " & Cc & "

atau " & Ac & "x + " & Bc & " <= " & Cc

Form2.Label7.Caption = Ac & "x >= " & Ec & " atau " & Ac & "x

<= " & Ecc

Form2.Label8.Caption = "x >= " & Eco1 & " atau x <= " & Eco2

Form2.Label1.Caption = "{ x : x >= " & Eco1 & " } U { x : x <=

" & Eco2 & " }"

Form2.Label2.Caption = "( " & Eco1 & " , ~ ] U [ - ~ , " & Eco2

& " )"

Form2.gr1aa.Visible = True

Form2.Label3.Caption = ""

Form2.Label3as.Caption = Eco1

Page 53: proyek sistem bilangan real


Form2.gr1bb.Visible = True

Form2.Label4.Caption = ""

Form2.Label4as.Caption = Eco2

ElseIf Cb5.ListIndex = 2 Then

Form2.Label6.Caption = Ac & "x + " & Bc & " < + " & Cc & " atau

" & Ac & "x + " & Bc & " > " & Cc

Form2.Label7.Caption = Ac & "x < " & Ec & " atau " & Ac & "x >

" & Ecc

Form2.Label8.Caption = "x < " & Eco1 & " atau x > " & Eco2

Form2.Label1.Caption = "{ x : x < " & Eco1 & " } U { x : x > "

& Eco2 & " }"

Form2.Label2.Caption = "( - ~ , " & Eco1 & " ] U [ " & Eco2 & "

, ~ )"

Form2.gr2a.Visible = True

Form2.Label3.Caption = Eco1

Form2.Label3as.Caption = ""

Form2.gr2b.Visible = True

Form2.Label4.Caption = Eco2

Form2.Label4as.Caption = ""

ElseIf Cb5.ListIndex = 3 Then

Form2.Label6.Caption = Ac & "x + " & Bc & " <= + " & Cc & "

atau " & Ac & "x + " & Bc & " >= " & Cc

Form2.Label7.Caption = Ac & "x <= " & Ec & " atau " & Ac & "x

>= " & Ecc

Form2.Label8.Caption = "x <= " & Eco1 & " atau x >= " & Eco2

Form2.Label1.Caption = "{ x : x <= " & Eco1 & " } U { x : x >=

" & Eco2 & " }"

Form2.Label2.Caption = "( - ~ , " & Eco1 & " ] U [ " & Eco2 & "

, ~ )"

Form2.gr1a.Visible = True

Form2.Label3.Caption = Eco1

Form2.Label3as.Caption = ""

Form2.gr1b.Visible = True

Form2.Label4.Caption = Eco2

Form2.Label4as.Caption = ""

End If

'Aljabar 3'


If Frame5.Enabled = True Then

Form2.Hslfrm5.Visible = True

End If

sudut = 180 / 3.14159265358979

Ab = Val(T12)

Bb = Val(T13)

Page 54: proyek sistem bilangan real


If Frame5.Enabled = True And Ab = 90 Or Ab = 270 Then

Ab = 0

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Bb = 90 Or Bb = 270 Then

Bb = 0

End If

If Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 0 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 0 Then

Fb = Ab + Bb

Gb = Ab - Bb

Eb = 2 * Cos((Fb / sudut) / 2) * Cos((Gb / sudut) / 2)

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 1 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 1 Then

Fb = -Ab - Bb

Gb = -Ab + Bb

Eb = 2 * Cos((-Fb / sudut) / 2) * Cos((-Gb / sudut) / 2)

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 1 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 0 Then

Fb = -Ab + Bb

Gb = -Ab - Bb

Eb = 2 * Cos((-Fb / sudut) / 2) * Cos((Gb / sudut) / 2)

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 0 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 1 Then

Fb = Ab - Bb

Gb = Ab + Bb

Eb = 2 * Cos((Fb / sudut) / 2) * Cos((-Gb / sudut) / 2)

End If

If Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 0 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.lst1.Caption = " 2 . COS . 1/2 " & " ( " & Ab & " + "

& Bb & " ) " & " . " & " COS . 1/2 " & "( " & Ab & " - " & Bb &

" )"

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 1 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.lst1.Caption = " 2 . COS . 1/2 " & " ( " & -Ab & " -

" & Bb & " ) " & " . " & " COS . 1/2 " & "( " & -Ab & " + " &

Bb & " )"

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 1 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 0 Then

Form2.lst1.Caption = " 2 . COS . 1/2 " & " ( " & -Ab & " +

" & Bb & " ) " & " . " & " COS . 1/2 " & "( " & -Ab & " - " &

Bb & " )"

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 0 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 1 Then

Form2.lst1.Caption = " 2 . COS . 1/2 " & " ( " & Ab & " - "

& Bb & " ) " & " . " & " COS . 1/2 " & "( " & Ab & " + " & Bb &

" )"

End If

Form2.Lst2.Caption = " 2 . COS . 1/2 " & " ( " & Fb & " ) "

& " . " & " COS . 1/2 " & " ( " & Gb & " )"

Form2.Lst3.Caption = " 2 . COS " & Fb / 2 & " . " & " COS "

& Gb / 2

Form2.Lst4.Caption = " " & Eb


Page 55: proyek sistem bilangan real


End Sub

Private Sub Cmd2_Click()

Frame3.Enabled = True

Label1.Caption = ""


a = Val(T1)

b = Val(T2)

c = Val(T3)

d = Val(T4)

I = Val(T5)

J = Val(T6)

K = Val(T7)

L = Val(T8)

q = Val(T14)

w = Val(T15)

t = Val(T16)

Aa = Val(T9)

Ba = Val(T10)

Ca = Val(T11)

Ab = Val(T12)

Bb = Val(T13)

If a > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T1.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If b > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T2.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If c > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T3.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If d > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T4.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If I > 999 Then

Page 56: proyek sistem bilangan real


MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T5.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If J > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T6.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If K > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T7.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If L > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T7.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If w > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T15.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If t > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T16.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If q > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T14.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If Aa > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T9.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If Ba > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T10.Text = ""

Page 57: proyek sistem bilangan real


Exit Sub

End If

If Ca > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T11.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If Ab > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T12.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If Bb > 999 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 999", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T13.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

aau = Val(gog1)

abu = Val(gog2)

acu = Val(gog3)

If aau >= 10 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 10", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

gog1.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If abu >= 10 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 10", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

gog2.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If acu >= 10 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh lebih besar dari 10", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

gog3.Text = ""

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 0 And Cb2.Text = "Hubungan" Or Cb1.ListIndex

= 1 And Cb3.Text = "Hubungan" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Cb4.Text

= "Hubungan" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 2 And Cb5.Text = "Hubungan"


MsgBox "Anda belum memilih hubungan pertaksamaan", vbOKOnly

+ vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

Page 58: proyek sistem bilangan real


If Cb1.ListIndex = 0 And Ls1.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.Text = "" Or

Cb1.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Anda belum memilih operator", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls5.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Anda belum memilih operator", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 2 And Ls8.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 2 And

Ls9.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 2 And Ls10.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Anda belum memilih operator", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 3 And Lsa.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 3 And

Lsc.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Anda belum memilih operator", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 4 And Lsd.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 4 And

Lse.Text = "" Or Cb1.ListIndex = 4 And Lsf.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Anda belum memilih operator", vbOKOnly +

vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 0 And E = 0 Then

MsgBox "Ada kesalahan dalam memasukkan input data, silahkan

masukkan angka yang berbeda", vbOKOnly + vbCritical,


Cmd1.Enabled = False

T1.Text = "0"

T3.Text = "0"

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And T6 = "0" Then

MsgBox "Nilai x tidak boleh 0", vbOKOnly + vbCritical,


Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

Page 59: proyek sistem bilangan real


If Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls5.ListIndex = Ls7.ListIndex And T5 =

T8 Then

MsgBox "Nilai tidak boleh sama", vbOKOnly + vbCritical,


T5.Text = "0"

T8.Text = "0"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If

If Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And T5 > T8 Or

Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1

Or Cb1.ListIndex = 1 And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex =

1 And T5 < T8 Then

MsgBox "Nilai di sebelah kiri tidak boleh lebih besar dari

nilai di sebelah kanan", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Kesalahan"

T5.Text = "0"

T8.Text = "0"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Exit Sub

End If



q = Val(T14)

w = Val(T15)

t = Val(T16)

If Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = q & "e^" & gog1 & " + " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

+ " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = -q & "e^" & gog1 & " - " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

- " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = q & "e^" & gog1 & " + " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

+ " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = q & "e^" & gog1 & " + " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

- " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = -q & "e^" & gog1 & " - " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

+ " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Page 60: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = q & "e^" & gog1 & " - " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

- " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 0 And

Lse.ListIndex = 1 And Lsf.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = q & "e^" & gog1 & " - " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

+ " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

ElseIf Frame6.Enabled = True And Lsd.ListIndex = 1 And

Lse.ListIndex = 0 And Lsf.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = -q & "e^" & gog1 & " + " & w & "e^" & gog2 & "

- " & t & "e^" & gog3 & " = "

End If


'Aljabar 1'

a = Val(T1)

b = Val(T2)

c = Val(T3)

d = Val(T4)

If Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = a - c

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = a + c

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls3.ListIndex = 0 Then

E = -a - c

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls3.ListIndex = 1 Then

E = -a + c

End If

If Frame1.Enabled = True And Cb2.ListIndex = 0 Then

If Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " < " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " < " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " < -" & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " < -" & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Page 61: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " < " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " < " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " < -" & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " < -" & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " < " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " < " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " < -" & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " < -" & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " < " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " < " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " < -" & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " < -" & c & "x

- " & d

End If

Page 62: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Cb2.ListIndex = 1 Then

If Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " <= " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " <= " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " < -" & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " <= -" & c & "x - "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " <= " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " <= " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " <= -" & c & "x + "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " <= -" & c & "x - "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " <= " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " <= " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " <= -" & c &

"x + " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Page 63: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " <= -" & c &

"x - " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " <= " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " <= " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " <= -" & c &

"x + " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " <= -" & c &

"x - " & d

End If

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Cb2.ListIndex = 2 Then

If Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " > " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " > " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " > -" & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " > -" & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " > " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " > " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Page 64: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " > -" & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " > -" & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " > " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " > " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " > -" & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " > -" & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " > " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " > " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " > -" & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " > -" & c & "x

- " & d

End If

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Cb2.ListIndex = 3 Then

If Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " >= " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Page 65: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " >= " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " >= -" & c & "x + "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x + " & b & " >= -" & c & "x - "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " >= " & c & "x + " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " >= " & c & "x - " &


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " >= -" & c & "x + "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = a & "x - " & b & " >= -" & c & "x - "

& d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " >= " & c & "x

+ " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " >= " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " >= -" & c &

"x + " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 0 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x + " & b & " >= -" & c &

"x - " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " >= " & c & "x

+ " & d

Page 66: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 0 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " >= " & c & "x

- " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 0


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " >= -" & c &

"x + " & d

ElseIf Frame1.Enabled = True And Ls1.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls2.ListIndex = 1 And Ls3.ListIndex = 1 And Ls4.ListIndex = 1


Label1.Caption = "-" & a & "x - " & b & " >= -" & c &

"x - " & d

End If

End If

'Aljabar 1'

'Aljabar 2'

I = Val(T5)

J = Val(T6)

K = Val(T7)

L = Val(T8)

If Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 0 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 0 Then

If Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = I & " < " & J & "x + " & K & " < " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = I & " < " & J & "x -" & K & " < " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x + " & K & " <

" & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x + " & K & " <

-" & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x - " & K & " <

" & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x - " & K & " <

-" & L

End If

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 0 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 1 Then

If Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Page 67: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = I & " < " & J & "x + " & K & " <= " &


ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = I & " < " & J & "x -" & K & " <= " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x + " & K & "

<= " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x + " & K & "

<= -" & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x - " & K & "

<= " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " < " & J & "x - " & K & "

<= -" & L

End If

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 1 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 0 Then

If Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = I & " <= " & J & "x + " & K & " < " &


ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = I & " <= " & J & "x -" & K & " < " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x + " & K & "

< " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x + " & K & "

< -" & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x - " & K & "

< " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x - " & K & "

< -" & L

End If

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Cb3.ListIndex = 1 And

Cb4.ListIndex = 1 Then

If Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = I & " <= " & J & "x + " & K & " <= " &


ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Page 68: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = I & " <= " & J & "x -" & K & " <= " &


ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x + " & K & "

<= " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 0 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x + " & K & "

<= -" & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x - " & K & "

<= " & L

ElseIf Frame2.Enabled = True And Ls5.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls6.ListIndex = 1 And Ls7.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "-" & I & " <= " & J & "x - " & K & "

<= -" & L

End If

End If

'Aljabar 2'

'Aljabar 3'

Aa = Val(T9)

Ba = Val(T10)

Ca = Val(T11)

If Frame4.Enabled = True And Cb5.ListIndex = 0 Then

If Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " <

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " <

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " <

-" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " <

-" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " <

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " <

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " <

-" & Ca

Page 69: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " |

" & " < -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " < " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " < " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " < -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " < -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And LLs10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " < " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " < " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " < -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " < -" & Ca

End If

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Cb5.ListIndex = 1 Then

If Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

<= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

<= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " <

-" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

<= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

<= " & Ca

Page 70: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

<= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

<= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

<= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " <= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " <= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " <= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " <= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " <= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " <= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " <= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " <= -" & Ca

End If

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Cb5.ListIndex = 2 Then

If Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " >

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " >

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " >

-" & Ca

Page 71: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & " >

-" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " >

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " >

" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " >

-" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & " >

-" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " > " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " > " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " > -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " > -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " > " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " > " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " > -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " > -" & Ca

End If

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Cb5.ListIndex = 3 Then

If Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

>= " & Ca

Page 72: proyek sistem bilangan real


ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

>= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

>= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | " & "

>= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

>= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

>= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

>= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 0 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | " & "

>= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " >= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " >= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " >= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 0 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x + " & Ba & " | "

& " >= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " >= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " >= " & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " >= -" & Ca

ElseIf Frame4.Enabled = True And Ls8.ListIndex = 1 And

Ls9.ListIndex = 1 And Ls10.ListIndex = 1 Then

Page 73: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label1.Caption = " | " & "-" & Aa & "x - " & Ba & " | "

& " >= -" & Ca

End If

End If

'Aljabar 3'


Ab = Val(T12)

Bb = Val(T13)

If Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 0 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "COS " & Ab & " + COS " & Bb

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 1 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "COS " & -Ab & " + COS " & -Bb

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 1 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 0 Then

Label1.Caption = "COS " & -Ab & " + COS " & Bb

ElseIf Frame5.Enabled = True And Lsa.ListIndex = 0 And

Lsc.ListIndex = 1 Then

Label1.Caption = "COS " & Ab & " + COS " & -Bb

End If


Cmd1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Xmili.Caption = "00"

xdetik.Caption = "00"

xmenit.Caption = "00"

Cmd1.Enabled = False

Cmd2.Enabled = False

Label1.Caption = "Soal Yang Anda Buat"

Cb1.AddItem "Aljabar Contoh Ke -1"

Cb1.AddItem "Aljabar Contoh Ke -2"

Cb1.AddItem "Aljabar Contoh Ke -3"

Cb1.AddItem "Trigonometri"

Cb1.AddItem "Eksponensial"

Cb2.AddItem "<"

Cb2.AddItem "<="

Cb2.AddItem ">"

Cb2.AddItem ">="

Cb3.AddItem "<"

Cb3.AddItem "<="

Cb4.AddItem "<"

Cb4.AddItem "<="

Cb5.AddItem "<"

Cb5.AddItem "<="

Cb5.AddItem ">"

Cb5.AddItem ">="

Ls1.AddItem "+"

Ls1.AddItem "-"

Ls2.AddItem "+"

Ls2.AddItem "-"

Ls3.AddItem "+"

Page 74: proyek sistem bilangan real


Ls3.AddItem "-"

Ls4.AddItem "+"

Ls4.AddItem "-"

Ls5.AddItem "+"

Ls5.AddItem "-"

Ls6.AddItem "+"

Ls6.AddItem "-"

Ls7.AddItem "+"

Ls7.AddItem "-"

Ls8.AddItem "+"

Ls8.AddItem "-"

Ls9.AddItem "+"

Ls9.AddItem "-"

Ls10.AddItem "+"

Ls10.AddItem "-"

Lsa.AddItem "+"

Lsa.AddItem "-"

Lsc.AddItem "+"

Lsc.AddItem "-"

Lsd.AddItem "+"

Lsd.AddItem "-"

Lse.AddItem "+"

Lse.AddItem "-"

Lsf.AddItem "+"

Lsf.AddItem "-"

T1.Text = ""

T2.Text = ""

T3.Text = ""

T4.Text = ""

T5.Text = ""

T6.Text = ""

T7.Text = ""

T8.Text = ""

Ls8.Text = ""

Ls9.Text = ""

Ls10.Text = ""

T9.Text = ""

T10.Text = ""

T11.Text = ""

Lsa.Text = ""

Lsc.Text = ""

T12.Text = ""

T13.Text = ""

Lsd.Text = ""

Lse.Text = ""

Lsf.Text = ""

T14.Text = ""

T15.Text = ""

T16.Text = ""

gog1.Text = ""

gog2.Text = ""

gog3.Text = ""

Frame1.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame2.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame4.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Frame6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label6.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label7.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Page 75: proyek sistem bilangan real


Label9.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label5.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Label19.BackColor = &HFFFFFF

End Sub

'Source Code aplikasi perhitungan bilangan real'

Page 76: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3 Hasil Program

3.3.1 Contoh Soal ke - 1 (Aljabar)

Page 77: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.2 Contoh Soal ke – 2 (Aljabar)

Page 78: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.3 Contoh Soal ke – 3 (Aljabar)

Page 79: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.4 Contoh Soal Trigonometri

Page 80: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.5 Contoh Soal Eksponensial

Page 81: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.6 Latihan Soal ke - 1 (Aljabar)

Page 82: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.7 Latihan Soal ke - 2 (Aljabar)

Page 83: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.8 Latihan Soal ke - 3 (Aljabar)

Page 84: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.9 Latihan Soal Trigonometri

Page 85: proyek sistem bilangan real


3.3.10 Latihan Soal Eksponensial

Page 86: proyek sistem bilangan real




4.1 Kesimpulan

Bilangan-bilangan real adalah tinjauan himpunan semua bilangan (rasional dan

irasional) yang dapat mengukur panjang, bersama-sama dengan negatifnya dan nol.

Sistem bilangan real

Bilangan rasional adalah bilangan-bilangan yang dapat dituliskan dalam

bentuk dengan m dan n adalah bilangan-bilangan bulat dengan n ≠ 0.

Bilangan irasional adalah bilangan yang tidak dapat dituliskan sebagai suatu

hasil bagi dari dua bilangan bulat, contoh:

Ketaksamaan ganda menggambarkan selang terbuka yang terdiri dari

semua bilangan antara a dan b,tidak termasuk titik titik ujung a dan b. Sebaliknya

ketaksamaan menggambarkan selang tertutup, yang mencakup titik- titik

ujung a dan b.

Nilai mutlak suatu bilangan real x, dinyatakan dengan |x|, didefinisikan sebagai



4.2 Saran

Demikianlah yang dapat kami sajikan kepada pembaca tentang makalah proyek

Sistem Bilangan Real, adapun dalam pengerjaan makalah proyek dan sebagai referensi

kami menggunakan Software VISUAL BASIC Versi 6.0 dan buku Kalkulus Edisi

Kedelapan Jilid 1 serta sumber - sumber lain. Makalah proyek ini kami sajikan secara

bertahap, mulai dari pengenalan teori, contoh soal latihan , latihan soal , algoritma , list

program dan hasil program , sehingga makalah proyek ini dapat mempermudah

pembaca dalam mengikuti panduan penggunaan dari Program tersebut. Akhir kata, kami

berharap mudah - mudahan makalah proyek ini kami dapat bermanfaat dan bakerja

dengan baik apabila digunakan dikemudian hari, dan seutas saran juga sangat berharga

Page 87: proyek sistem bilangan real


bagi kami dalam pengembangan makalah dan program kedepanya. Apabila diproyek

dan dimakalah ini terdapat kesalahan kami mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya.

Page 88: proyek sistem bilangan real



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