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Page 1: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014



Rocky Mountain BoaRd RepResentatives

Joel Munn, pResident, WesteRn slope

Rick Hinckley, vp, soutHeRn distRict

Rick Rodd , secRetaRy, WesteRn slope

donnie MecHalke, FRont Range

alicia HoucHen, FRont Range

Jane taRloW, FRont Range

Jason HaRtMann, WesteRn slope

Jenny coopeR, soutHeRn distRict

RoBin May, soutHeRn distRict

JoHn kiRscHneR, MeMBeR at laRge

andy docken, MeMBeR at laRge

RoBeRt leMley, MeMBeR at laRge

psia/aasi RepResentative

peteR donaHue

coMMittee cHaiRs:

kiRsten atkins – adaptive cHaiR

JonatHan Ballou – alpine cHaiR

dusty dyaR – cHildRen’s cHaiR

JiM sHaW – noRdic cHaiR

scott anFang – snoWBoaRd cHaiR

noaH sHeedy – MeMBeR scHool cHaiR

Page 2: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014


Have you ever been sitting around with your instructor friends and stepped back and listened to their conversa-tions? Is it ever about something other

than sliding or teaching? I spend quite a bit of time with our education staff and let me tell you, you put a bunch of them in a room and the conversation is always about this. I was recently at an alpine committee meeting and in the middle of dinner I randomly asked one of the guys if he had kids. I have been working with him for seven years and actually didn’t know for sure. I went on to do this all night…I kept redirecting the conversation back to things other than teaching and sliding. Unfortunately I eventually lost the battle so I drank a beer to dull the pain and eventually went to bed.

I started CrossFit seven months ago (eye roll from all of you who don’t do CrossFit and are tired of hearing about it) and people (friends who don’t do CF) are always picking on me because I am always talking about it. And even though I have made a conscious effort to not talk about it, I still find it coming up in my conversations with people. So why does this happen? Why do we incessantly talk about these two things?

When I was considering starting CrossFit the word community came up (as did cult but we won’t talk about that) and I didn’t get it. Now 7 months later it is what drags me there every morning at 5:30 AM, it is what makes me finish every WOD (workout of the day) and it’s what keeps me incessantly talking about it. During our daily workouts we work on form, we try new things, we up the chal-lenge and when we finish we wait and encour-age those not done to finish. We literally sur-round the last person cheering them on to find the energy to get it done. This to me is no dif-ferent then when I go out training with my fel-low instructors. We work on form almost to a fault, we are always trying new things, we try to master steeper more challenging terrain, and most of us with wait at the bottom until every-one gets there and when necessary we literally talk them off the cliffs.

When I consider the many other activities out there that I love to do, not many com-pare to these two when it comes to that level

of community support. Can you think of any that offer the support and encouragement that your co-instructors and trainers do? It is this selfless behavior that makes us a community. A community is a social unit of any size that shares common values. In human commu-nities, intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks, and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you and everyone around you share a common intent and belief. When the whole wants everyone around them to be success-ful, it makes success happen. This is the same feeling I get when I train and attend Rocky Mountain events or training at my resort and it feels great.

Now let’s talk about off season training…ha-ha you didn’t think I was going to pass up this opportunity to talk about CrossFit (CF) did you? Ok call it CF or Manic, P90X or what-ever you like, my advice is to do it! My co-worker often picks at me and says he does real sports like biking, not fake things like CF. Now before I defend weather CF is a “real” sport, while biking and running are great, as a skier or snowboarder you need strength training not just cardio. I can’t believe how much stronger I am at biking and running since I started lift-ing and doing full body training. Like me did any of you happen to gain a few pounds over the winter? Most people think to be leaner they just need more cardio and less strength. Well, yes, if you just do “more cardio”, you will lose more fat, but you would also lose muscle because without strength training, your body burns muscle as well as fat. Come next winter, once you stop doing “more cardio” you will gain fat even faster now that you don’t have

the muscle to burn the extra calories. You can see this in ex-athletes that have tried to “get leaner” by doing “more cardio” only to result in having more fat with less muscle.

I read somewhere, “if you train like an athlete…. you will look like an athlete”…most people can agree that they want to get “toned” and “lean”, and stronger to up their performance on the hill. So have you ever asked someone that was “toned” and “lean” what they have done to get that way? You should, because almost every athlete I know that looks “toned” and “lean” and “rocks on the hill” has spent years working to develop strength, power, speed, endurance, and stam-ina for a sport. They move HEAVY weights quickly. Now don’t get me wrong, keep rid-ing your bikes and running laps however add weight training in and I am not talking about those whimpy 10lbs hand weights, I am talking pounds in the hundreds, 3-5 days a week and you will see the difference next season.

Now on to weather CF is a “real” sport. For those of you who don’t know or assume you know I will argue that there is no other sport that tests all levels of fitness. Gymnastics, full body strength, mobility, cardio, agility and sheer determination and will. That’s what CF does; it trains to everything and more. Every day the workout changes and usually incorpo-rates a strength piece, cardio and gymnastics. One day you could be doing deadlifts, pull ups and burpees for 30 minutes straight and the next you could be running a mile, climbing a rope and doing handstand pushups in a format referred to “AMRAP” as many reps/rounds and possible. You are always racing a clock therefore you push hard, really hard. The best part, it’s affordable! I don’t know anywhere else that you can get semi private daily coach-ing for around $100 a month? For those of you non-believers check out these links about the history of the CF games http://games.crossfit.com/about-the-game and http://games.crossfit.com/about-the-games/history

People talk about it because they love it, they love it because it’s empowering and more so because there are surrounded by peo-ple like you. Supportive, engaged, caring and inspiring.

CommunityBy Dana Forbes, Executive Director

Page 3: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014


every Spring I jump on my bike for the inaugural start of mountain biking season in the Rockies and I still have winter on my mind. As excited as I am

to get rolling on dusty dry trails I can’t shake thoughts from the previous season of certs, training and lessons. As I roll down the trail taking in the sights of spring, budding trees, cool breezes, the occasional rain burst and that fresh earthy smell, I can’t help but relate what I do on snow to what I do on my bike. There are so many similarities and so many differences and I have boiled a few skills down to their basics and applied what I know on snow to what I need to practice on dirt.

Tilting/ Tipping: AASI says Tilt, PSIA says Tip…I say ‘Tip it and Rip it!!’ Weather I tilt or tip the result is the same; my board/skis are on edge. When I ride my bike my main turning skill is the same – tipping the bike over in the direction of the turn. Take this one step further and dive into the technique of inclination and angulation. On your bike you can incline (tilt the body at the same-ish degree as the tilt of the bike ) when in bermed turns or wall rides to help you rail the corners with maximum speed. Be careful, speed is your friend here, when you incline your CM

moves to the inside of the turn and without the proper amount of speed and force, gravity can pull you down. Angulating is when we tip the bike but keep our bodies in more of the vertical plane. To do this I stand up over my saddle but stay low in the attack position and extend one arm while flexing the other. Allow the bike to tilt between my legs with-out tilting my body. I am essentially steering the bike below my body.

Pressure: On the snow fore and aft pres-sure are used to engage the tip or tail of our device for different reasons and results. Early turn initiation, increased pressure for manag-ing the finish of our turns, freestyle jibberish, etc. On a mountain bike we employ fore and aft pressure in a similar way to how we would do it on snow. We can either move the CM towards the front or back of our tool or move the tool in front of or behind the CM. Either way we are shifting pressure fore or aft. On your Bike use fore pressure to assist in your steep up hills by either staying in the saddle and dropping your chest to your handle bars or by standing up, applying a little extra pres-sure to the handlebars and sprinting up hill. Use aft pressure when rolling off rocks, drops and ledges by standing up off your saddle,

keeping your CM close to the frame and pushing the bike in front of you by extend-ing your arm and legs and sending your CM behind your saddle just before your front tire drops off the edge. This will help you and your bike stay level in the air as you send it to a soft squishy landing.

Looking through a turn: This skill applies to countless action sports but is always worth a mention. A few years back I took a Motor-cycle safety course and during the cornering drill my coach pointed out to me that I was staring 2 feet in front of my front wheel! How could I possibly anticipate terrain changes or cornering changes if I wasn’t looking farther ahead? Mountain biking is no different and is very similar to sliding through the trees in the winter. Scanning ahead helps you pick your line, anticipate terrain changes which will then lead to appropriate technique choices. Moun-tain biking is exciting! The terrain never stays the same. Rocks are in your way, roots cross the trail in every way imaginable, side slopes are scary, tight ‘s’ turns pop up randomly – it’s a ‘choose your own adventure’ with limitless possibilities all in the confines of a single track and if your aren’t looking ahead you aren’t going to be prepared for what’s coming.

Finally there is your Mo-Jo: A key com-ponent to any stylish and crafty skier, snow-boarder or biker. What I am referring to is your Momentum. This Mo, and this timing of the Mo is critical to advancing as a rider. Did you ever have a snowports coach tell you ‘speed is your friend’? At the time you were probably thinking ‘no, speed is NOT my friend. Speed scares me!’ From working on your first turns as a beginner to working on your first down rail, speed IS your friend, but it isn’t JUST speed, it’s Mojo! Mojo is the perfect amount of speed; not too fast, not too slow, that will lead you to mastery of the skill or trick you are attempting. When on single-track your accurate use of Mojo will help you over short steeps, rock gardens, step-ups, jumps, cornering and beyond.

The more I look at it the more endless it becomes. Next time you jump on your bike and decide it is time to school that snakey sin-gletrack; utilize some of the skills you learned at your last PSIA/AASI clinic and see what happens.

Tim Kenney is an AASI-RM RMT who lives and rides in Steamboat Springs Colo-rado and wants to know, ‘was that switch or fakie?’

Snowsports Meets Singletrack: Take Winter Skills and Apply Them to

Your Mountain BikingBy Tim Kenney

Page 4: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014


ASEA Board Report, May 30-June 1, 2014By Peter Donahue, ASEA Board Member

1. POLICY GOVERNANCE• TheboardvotedtoacceptPolicyGovernance as a new way of operating. • Theboardadoptedasetofbroadpoliciesbased on values, and focused on end results which will direct the actions of staff.• Themodelenablestheboardtofocusonthe larger issues, to delegate with clarity, to maintain oversight of management without micro managing, and to rigorously evaluate organizational accomplishment against specific metrics. • Thefinalpolicygovernancedocumentwillbe posted on www.TheSnowPros.org

2. BYLAWS • TheboardapprovedchangestoPSIA-AASI’s bylaws. Highlights include:

- Updates consistent with Policy Governance - Eliminating an executive committee in favor of broader board engagement


As you know, the Northwest division is the sixth division to sign the affiliation agreement, and consensus was reached following a meeting in Denver with leadership and counsel from both organizations. The clarity that this provided was paramount, as there had been some basic misunderstandings of how some language might affect ownership of the properties, copyrights, and day-to-day operations of the NW division. The NW board vote was 29 to 1 for approval of the agreement. The board will continue ongoing dialog with RM, East and IM.

4. STAFF REPORTS Marketing• Marketing/CommunicationsGroupwithdivisional representation meeting virtually on an ongoing basis. This collaboration resulted in:

- Brand standards and style guides- Print and electronic templates for

divisions’ use at their option• NoteworthyNewDeliverables

- Media Kit- Annual Report - Improved e-newsletter

• Morevideocontent- Member testimonials on website and promoted via social media

• SocialMediaengagement- Facebook: 50 percent increase in followers in FY14 to 10,400

• EmailOpenRates- 34.13% - Industry average of 400+ associations- 40% - PSIA-AASI Average

Marketing emphasis for Next Year1) Increase connections with snowsports school directors2) Enhanced membership marketing (improved communication to new members)3) Continued daily social media and web content, plus more video content.

Education • Events

- Fall Workshop and Conference• AdaptiveAlpine,AdaptiveSnowboard,Cross-country • Firstnationaldirectorsconferenceheld• Content&Manuals

- Alpine, Telemark, and Snowboard Manuals coming in Fall 2014

• Videowillbeintegratedintoelectronicversions and corresponding video referenced in print versions• MobileversionofmanualsindevelopmentInformation TechnologyMonthly User Group calls with division staffUp next in 2014-15:• CRM2011Upgrade• WebsiteRedesign

- User interface / user experience upgrades to make the website easier and more informative and valued as a resource - Search functionality upgrades – members will be able to find needed information more easily

- Additional performance tuning• Betterreportingandanalyticswillbeimplemented• Noincreaseinthe$2.01/memberfee

5. FINANCEFY14• FY14budgetwasreviewed.

- Revenue and expense within acceptable limits, and year-end estimates on track.- While acceptable, profitability is less owing to ongoing and unexpected costs related to governance, information technology, and unrealized services revenue from one division. - The planned $3 dues increase was postponed for two years to FY 2015 in the 2013 meeting.

FY15• Revenueisprojectedtobedown7%

- The anticipated end to the grant ($200,000 over each of the last three years) which was solely for educational purposes- One-time sponsorships less- Additional considerations

• Duesincreasetogointoeffectthisyear,FY 2015, postponed to FY 2016 which represents unrealized income of $93,000 (discussed further below in the 2016 and beyond discussion)• Impactofinflation(about$90,000peryear or 3% increase on items that are likely to be impacted by inflation)

- Overall, budget needed to reflect the combined negative impact of $383,000 on the budget

• Itemsthatwereincludedinbudgetedcuts:- Staff line item 5% ($80k), second year of reduction- Marketing ($100k)

• GoWithAProrenegotiated• Advertisingsupportreduced• Reductionsinbrandingactivity

- Programs and Projects• Grant-fundedsupportfor$15kinsupportfor adaptive content and programs, including free on-line materials.

Page 5: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014


The official publication ofPSIA - Rocky Mountain - AASI

P. O. Box 775143Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

Phone: 970.879.8335Fax: 970.879.6760

Executive Director - [email protected] of Operations - [email protected] of Education - [email protected]

Events Coordinators - [email protected] [email protected]

website - www.psia-rm.org

General InformationSubmissions of articles, photos or otheritems for publication are invited. PSIA-

Rocky Mountain- AASI members submitting articles of an educational nature

with a minimum of 500 words will be reimbursed $100 per published article.

Type copy should be double spaced andsent to the editor at the above address.A disk may be submitted along with a

hard copy in either PC or MAC formats.

All the submitted material is subject toediting. Use of all material will be at thediscretion of the editorial staff. Articlesare accepted on the condition that theymay be released for publication in allPSIA/AASI National and Divisional


Instructor to Instructor is publishedfour times per year by the PSIA-RockyMountain - AASI divsion. Permission is

hereby given to PSIA/AASI and all divisionsof PSIA/AASI to copy original

materials from the newsletter providingcredit is given to PSIA - Rocky

Mountain - AASI and the author, andthe material is not altered. Articles thatcontain specific copyright notices may

not be reprinted without written permissionfrom the author.

Subscriptions: Persons who are notmembers of PSIA - Rocky Mountain -

AASI can purchase a one-year subscriptionof Instructor to Instructor for $15.

Send your name and address along withpayment to the above address.

Note: Materials published in Instructorto Instructor which have

been provided by persons in otherthan an official capacity, or for official

purposes, are the responsibilityof the author, and do not necessarily

represent the opinions or policiesof PSIA-Rocky Mountain - AASI.

• TeamsSubsidy($12k)• PostponedproductionofCross-countryand Freestyle manuals• CappedexpenditureforFallConferenceatFY14 level

- Builds on previous cuts, including reducing Teams Workshop by a day- Frozen or reduced travel and training expenses- Miscellaneous savings related to telephones and bandwidth were realized- Presumes Legal fees back to FY13 levels- Includes a needed CRM upgrade. Current version dates to 2007 and vendor support for that version will cease.- Sponsorship unlikely to increase because of economics of the hard goods market- Increased reliance on outsourced, temporary, or part-time staff

• TheBoarddiscussedtheseitems,aswellas a discussion about additional potential cuts, including but not limited to (Note that all cuts would come with some downside):

- Raising fees for, or eliminate, the Fall Conference- Dramatically curtail the teams fall workshop and training- Freeze or eliminate membership marketing expenditures (including More Fun Starts Here and Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month programs)- Reducing or eliminating magazine and /or e-publishing initiatives- Further reduce or eliminate planned membership surveys- Additional reduction of volunteer and travel to divisional events, sponsors, NSAA and SIA shows (these expenses have not been increased over the past several years, nor do they keep up with the increased cost of travel. So travel is, in effect, already reduced)- Cut expenditures related to online community and social media- Move to an opt-in for membership cards (a longer term solution) or cut membership cards entirely- Cut staff training (this has already been frozen)- Eliminate membership services pins, making them available for purchase only

- Eliminate committee expenditures- Reduce BOD meetings from three to two- Eliminate representation at the international level- Reduce investment in new technologies and maintaining current technologies

• Theseoptionshavenotbeenimplemented,yet.• Theboardrecognizesthattheseoptionshave consequences ranging from member complaints, divisional dissatisfaction, and/or reduced non-dues revenue.• Theboardalsodiscussedtheneedto continue to invest in and use new technologies and provide services in the way members want and expect. The alternative would be to provide materials and communication as they have always been provided, which may not attract some members.• Aftercarefulconsideration,theBoardapproved, by a 7-2 vote, a variance on its policy to allow $70,000 more in expenditure than current revenue, and to allow the operation to spend at a deficit, the difference to be drawn from reserves.• Itisexplicitlyunderstoodbytheboardand management that all of the cost-saving options are available to management, and the objective is still to deliver a break-even or better operation.

Discussion of finances to FY16 and beyondObviously the FY16 revenue and expense figures have not been decided. The purpose of this discussion is to inform you and all division leaders and stakeholders of possible revenue increases and reductions in expense that will impact member service and generate member reaction. We hope to receive feedback as far in advance as possible to inform our decisions• Workingatanoperationalbreakevenormodest profit means we cannot a) overcome the effects of inflation (projected at 3% annually), b) develop new programs, c) maintain adequate reserves, and d) plan for capital expenditures appropriately or overcome the impact of depreciation.• Theboardbelievestheoperationisrunning efficiently and is positioned to meet

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the objectives it has set. However, it also believes that it is not positioned well for the long-term. In effect, by reducing the original FY13 dues increase amount and postponing planned dues increases, the board kicked the financial can down the road.• Atthesametime,membersexpectconsistent innovation in services and programs. This includes the way we provide educational materials, the web experience, and ways we communicate with them on an ongoing basis. This kind of innovation takes an investment. We can position ourselves to maintain current levels of membership or position ourselves to grow and attract new members well into the future. I’m for the latter.

Dues Facts• AftertheseparationwithNSP,thePSIA-AASI Board made a bold decision not to shrink services or just maintain the current level. We believed we were at a critical point where innovation was needed to exceed current member expectations and attract new members.• Weknowduesincreasesaffectthedivisions and the membership. We also believe that members will accept dues increases if they understand the need and see an increase in services and/or an improved experience. This is likely why we continue to see high membership numbers even with the last dues increase. With new manuals, materials and coming upgrades, we feel that members will tolerate the planned increase. Our belief is that the additional amount proposed, while not welcomed certainly, will not have a dramatic impact on member behavior. We have been correct about this in the past, and see no compelling reason that this should not be the case this time.

• Theplannedduesincreaseof$3isstillinplace for FY16• Individualmemberduesare47.5%ofrevenue (late fees are not dues and member schools are excluded). • Effectsofdiscounting(senior,student,lifetime, alumni, etc.) means actual dues to PSIA-AASI are $57.73 per member, not $61• RecallthatbenefitswereaddedinFY13during the last increase (Fall Conference, Free Movement Matrix subscriptions)• History:

- FY12 • Aftermuchconsiderationofthelong-termtrends, taking into account inflation and the demand for programs and services. The board voted to increase dues $15 for FY13 and another $5 for FY14. • Afterdivisionfeedback,thatproposalwasrevised to $11 in FY13 and $3 in FY14. • Theboardproposedincreasingthelatefeefrom $10 to $20 for FY14. This was later deferred. • Acommitmentfora3-yearanonymousdonation at $200k per year, enabling the new programs (that could have been paid for by the $15 increase) as well as underwriting Go With A Pro and Learn To Ski and Snowboard Month activity, was secured. The grant did not allow funds to be set aside to offset dues or to be saved for later years.

- FY13• Duesincreasedby$11.• Theboarddeferredthe$3forFY14,meaning $93,000 less revenue that year.

- FY14• Theboardagaindeferredthe$3increasefor FY15, meaning $93,000 less revenue that year, not including the lost revenue from the deferred increase for FY14.• Noincreaseinlatefees• Programsandservicescuttomaintainprofitability.• UnrealizedRevenue- By not implementing the original plan proposed in FY12, PSIA-AASI failed to realize $682,000 over 3 years.• Inotherwords,thedifferencebetween$15in Year 1, going to $20 in Year 2 and $20 in Year 3, versus $11 in Year 1, $11 in year 2, and $11 in year three/• 682,000=[(15-11)+(20-11)+(20-11)]x31,000- Postponing the $3 increase already passed resulted in unrealized revenue of $186,000.

Needs• PSIA-AASIhasmadenoinvestmentinitsreal property in a decade. Interior spaces are worn, and in some cases, even dangerous… worn carpet, elevator issues etc. Between $100k and $150k needed. • RecallthatPSIA-AASIisdebt-freeandhas been operating on a break-even basis.• Maintenanceisneeded,andthelikelihoodof replacing HVAC systems within the next 5 -10 years is high (Our share likely to be $100k to $200k). (The building is owned jointly with the National Ski Patrol, and the National Ski Areas Association is a tenant.)• PSIA-AASIcontinuestopayatleast50%of ongoing IT maintenance fees and licensing (division contributions do not cover related labor), as well as all of the development costs for services common among most divisions. In effect, this provides divisions with an IT department and capabilities they could not have on their own for less than $2.01 per member (an amount that has not been increased). In fact, some divisions have claimed significant payroll savings since implementation. This is viewed as a benefit to divisions, as well as members who expect consistent, reliable, and timely service. With the services of the Bross Group providing expertise in all potential areas of IT, from servers and hardware to across the board upgrade paths on all our integrated software, as well as website and portal improvements, our past problems are behind us.• Interskiislikelytotake$150kto$190kout of reserves, depending on exchange rate. The current plan does not replace this expenditure, which will be realized in the FY16 budget• Withoutanincrease,andmaintainingprograms after cuts in 2015 (see above), PSIA-AASI will run consistent six figure deficits starting FY16, and below the allowable operating capital threshold in FY17, with no additional reserve.

- Management is prepared to recommend significant cuts if the increase is not adopted. The same list as above, and more, is on the table. Each of these potential cuts comes with significant downside to services and programs affecting some, if not all, of the membership.- Additional cuts may include reducing the size of the Interski delegation over the

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St. Anton Interski probably to 15-20 team members. Based on experience, changes affecting the Teams are often perceived negatively by a portion of the membership as well as divisions.

• The$3increaseisnotsufficienttoovercome the effects of lost revenue, inflation, and the need to consistently improve the member experience. Please review the Marketing, Education, and Information Technology points above, as examples of planned improvements. Many of these will be difficult to implement successfully and or maintain without additional revenue.• Aftermuchconsiderationanddiscussion,the board determined the $3.00 dues increase deferred for the last 2 years needed to be implemented. Additionally, following on careful review and discussion, the board developed and unanimously recommended a proposal that an additional $5 dollars be added to account for inflation and the increased costs of providing the quality products PSIA-AASI is delivering to members. The board approved that the increase, in whatever final amount, be implemented after review and comment from divisions and in FY 16 (July 2015). • Attherequestofourdivisioninparticular,the national board continues to project as far into the future as is realistic. The intent is to give advance notice of possible future increases allowing time for comment, and to develop an alternating year schedule for divisions to anticipate possible national dues increases and plan around them accordingly.

6. LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS!Lifetime memberships for Patti Banks, Robert Charles (Bob) Barnes, and Jim Shaw, were approved unanimously by the board.

7. CONCLUSIONS Thanks for your time in thoroughly reviewing this report. Please consider the challenge that myself and the other national board members face in addressing the dues issue in particular. The emotions attached to this discussion in the past have made it difficult to address the issue with the clarity it demands. There is so much more to the discussion than simply the cost to the member. That said, I value your input based on

reasoned consideration of the facts. Look at the cuts implemented for FY 15 and consider the impact of additional cuts as outlined on service to the members. Try to consider, as I must, the implications for the association as a whole for the long term, not just RM, and suggest to me as the representative of all members of our division, how you think we should proceed. I will present your guidance for discussion and act accordingly.

From my view, we are approaching synergies that will alter the landscape of our service to the public and snowsports industry. The increasing traffic to the national website (and via links, to all division websites) by members and non-members will create the opportunity to develop new services to the member as well as future sources of revenue for the association. This growth is already happening, and the new tools we possess give us a growing understanding of who is clicking through and what they’re looking for, members and non-members alike. Also consider the recent adoption of our certification by USSA national team coaches, a huge success by any measure. Past president John Armstrong quoted US National Team Head Coach Sascha Rearick

as stating that the technical framework and consistent terminology of the Skills Concept is what national team coaches in particular, and USSA coaches in general have been lacking. This event was conducted in the Intermountain Division, but it is a national credential due to our collaborative efforts to create national standards and recognized best practices. Consider also that the USSA “Skills Quest” is a stepping-stone to the possibility of requiring PSIA certification for coaches. RM alone would gain hundreds of members were this to happen. With the addition of IFSA coaches (the International Freeskiing Association, I have spoken of the possibility with president Scott Mahoney), and with USASA we could see substantial growth in numbers. Even more importantly, we could see an increase in our credibility with young athletes. This has posed a challenge in attracting young members for years. I was certainly one of them back in the day. Any of you involved in coaching has seen the lack of basic technical knowledge and teaching skills possessed by many coaches in junior competition programs at our resorts, as well as some of the disrespect that comes our way from them. This is only possible with the improving alignment of standards and education provided by collaboration of all our parts, a collaboration that is already bearing fruit for all division’s programs and in the value of our credentials for the benefit of all members nationwide. Look at Children’s Specialist for an example of what is possible. I am certainly optimistic about what our association can accomplish working together. The ball is already moving, and we are continuing to see the growth that began in 2006 when I was asked by our RM board to serve as our representative. I am confident that this is only the beginning.

SUMMER OFFICE HOURSPlease make a note that office hours for the months of June, July and August are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The office is closed on Fridays for the summer.

Page 8: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014



The official newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Division is published four times per year with an average circulation of 6000. The schedule for submission of articles and advertisements is listed below:



Spring March 10 MarchSummer June 2 JuneFall August 10 SeptemberWinter December 10 January

CLASSIFIED AD RATES• Classifiedrateformembersis$15forupto 200 characters, and $2.00 for each addi-tional 50 characters. Maximum ad length is 400 characters.• Classifiedratefornon-membersis$30forup to 200 characters, and $4.00 for each addi-tional 50 characters. Maximum ad length is 400 characters.

DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES• Adssubmittedmustbecamerareadyorindigital format.• Alladswillbeprintedinblackandwhiteonly.• Noadcancellationswillbeacceptedafterthe submission deadline.


1/12 page $60.00 2.5” x 2.5”1/8 page $90.00 2.5” x 3.75” or 3.75” x 2.5”1/6 page $115.00 2.5” x 5.0” or 5.0” x 2.5”¼ page $175.00 2.5” x 7.5” or 7.5” x 2.5” or 3.75” x 5.0”1/3 page $220.00 2.5” x 10.0” or 5.0” x 5.0” or 7.5” x 3.35”½ page $330.00 5.0” x 7.5” or 7.5” x 5.0” or 3.75” x 10.0”2/3 page $420.00 5.0” x 10.0” or 7.5” x 6.67”¾ page $475.00 7.5” x 7.5”Full page $600.00 7.5” x 10.0”

* Inserts, colors and special arrangements quoted upon request.* All ad prices are quoted per issue.

ihope you are having a great summer, or maybe you are back in the middle of winter somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. I am settling in to my new

role as Director of Education in the Steam-boat office and I’m finding Steamboat to be a great town. It’s already really green, the rivers are slowly dropping, and the people here are really friendly.

Before I accepted this job, I had spent the last 16 years in the Vail Valley. I moved to Colorado after college in 1998 from Maine with plans to only stay for one season while I figured out grad school. I grew up reading Powder magazine and watching Greg Stump movies in my hometown and I thought there would be no better way to spend my first winter after college than skiing powder. After a long look for a place to live all over Colorado, I found a place in Edwards, and a week later, I just happened to get a job as an instructor with Lionshead’s Children’s ski school in Vail.

This was a really exciting time for me because I never thought I was good enough to be paid to teach people to ski. I had so much fun my first season that I put off grad school for one more year so I could return for another season. (Does this story sound familiar?) I went on to teach for several years and then I moved into management for several years at Vail, then Beaver Creek for the last two.

One of the reasons I have stayed in the industry for so long is because of all the amazing people I have met along the way, many whom I am now lucky to call my friends. Now, I am so excited to have this role with RM so that I get to meet so many more of you, the membership. I have been an alpine examiner since 2004, so I have crossed paths with many of the alpine group, but I’m looking forward to meeting the membership across all disciplines.

Currently, the committees in each disci-pline are meeting and working hard on proj-ects for next season. I am actually headed down to Crested Butte to join the Adaptive crew soon so I can spend time with their com-mittee and learn how best I can support them. The alpine committee has met several times as they are looking at, among other things, reworking the ITC process. I’ll catch up with the rest of the disciplines when they hold their meetings later in the summer and fall.

I look forward to working with the entire RM staff and the membership to help con-tinue a long standing history of educational excellence and leadership.

If you find yourself in Steamboat, please stop by the office and say hello. You can also reach me by phone in the office or at [email protected]. Otherwise, I plan on being on snow at many of next season’s events, so maybe I’ll see you then. In the meantime, enjoy your summer.

So Excited to be Here!By Dave Gregory, Director of Education

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Confused About the Education Credit Requirement?

Here are the details:• Certified, active members mustattend at least 12 hours of clinics or exams for credit every other season. A

one-day clinic or exam is equal to 6 hours of credit.• Inactivemembersmustattendatleast12hours of clinics for credit every four seasons. Credits must be up-to-date at time of request to change to inactive status.• Memberswith25to34yearofmembershipin Rocky Mountain have five years to accumu-late their 12 hours of education credit.• Memberswith35yearsofmembershipinRocky Mountain or members 70 years of age or older are not required to meet the education credit requirement to keep their membership

current.• Alumnimembersarenotrequiredtomeetthe education credit requirement, however, education credits must be up-to-date at time of request to change to Alumni status. If for some unforeseen reason you become delinquent in your education credits you are required to attend the appropriate amount of hours to become up-to-date. A member may make a request for an edu-cation credit waiver. Such request must be submitted in writing to the office with expla-nation of reason for request. There is no fee for the first waiver. If there is a second request the fee is 50% of the regular two-day clinic fee. A third request would have a fee of 100% of the regular two-day clinic fee. If the request

for an education credit waiver is for a medi-cal reason a fee will not be assessed as long as there is medical verification. It is expected that the member will meet the education credit requirement in the next season. If a member is delinquent in education cred-its a $35.00 prepayment will be assessed. If the member registers and attends a clinic dur-ing the season for which the prepayment was made, the $35.00 will be applied to the event registration fee. If the member does not attend clinics to become current in that season, the prepayment is forfeited.

Additionally, any member who is not up-to-date with education credits is in jeopardy of losing certification.

Please contact the office if you have ques-

Thanks to All the Rocky Mountain Member Schools for Your Support During the 2013-14 Season!

We truly appreciate your support in providing meeting space, helpfulness when events are held at your areas and donation of lift tickets.

Your support is greatly appreciated!! We look forward to a great 2014-15 season.

Adaptive Adventures Adaptive Athletic SpecialistsAdaptive Ski Program-Santa Fe/Sandia Peak Adaptive Sports Association Adaptive Sports Center of Crested Butte Alpenglow Ski Safaris, LLCAngel Fire Ski SchoolArapahoe Basin Arizona Snowbowl Aspen ExpeditionsBeaverCreekSki&SnowboardSchoolBreckenridge Outdoor Education Center BreckenridgeSki&RideSchoolCasper Mountain Biathlon ClubChallenge Aspen Challenge New MexicoColorado Discover Ability CopperMt.Ski&RideSchoolCrestedButteSki&RideSchool

Eldora Snowsports School Enchanted Forest Nordic Ski School Ernie Blake Ski School At TaosEskimoSki&BoardClubExtreme Sports Camp Ignite Adaptive SportsInternational Mountain Adventures, Inc.KeystoneSki&SnowboardSchoolLoveland Ski SchoolMonarchSki&SnowboardSchoolNational Sports Center for the DisabledNeverSummerSun&SkiSportsPajarito Ski School PowderhornSki&SnowboardSchoolPurgatory at Durango Mtn ResortRed River Snowsports SchoolRookie Academy Sandia Peak Snowsports SchoolSanta Fe Snowsports SchoolSierra Club Inner City Outings

Sipapu Snowsports SchoolSki&RideGranbyRanchSki Apache Snowsports Learning CtrSki Cooper Ski SchoolSki&SnowboardClubofVailSki&SnowboardSchoolsofAspenSnow TrainersSnowy RangeSTARSSteamboatSki&SnowboardSchoolSunlightSki&SnowboardEducationCenterSunrise Ski SchoolTelluride Adaptive Sports ProgramTellurideSki&SnowboardSchoolVail Nordic CenterVailSki&SnowboardSchoolVista Verde Ranch Nordic CenterWinterParkSki&SnowboardSchoolWolf Creek Ski School

tions about your status.

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ALPINE CERTIFIED LEVEL IKari Aaeng, Frank Ackerson, Oren Ackerson, Shervin Aghili, Andrew Albee, Stephen Allday, Nina Amey, Chris Ammons, Avery Anderson, John Anderson, Benjamin Anklan , Luciana Arguello, Ashton Armbruster, Sharon Armstrong, Nancy Ayres, Ron Bailey, Robert Baker, Terry Baker, Glynna Baker, Koehler Baker, Ronald Ball, Corinne Bangs, Amy Barfield, Thomas Barker, C Barkley Coggin, Trudie Barraza, Christopher Bartram, Eric Baryza, Steven Bates, Ayako Bates, Britni Beagley, Buck Beatrous, Tamara Beier, Brittany Bell, Claire Bender, Dylan Bennis, Anthony Benson, Patrick Benway, Benjamin Berisso, Curtis Berklund, Kathy Berkman, Alexander Bernstein, Jennifer Bicknell, Elin Binck, Cheryl Birt, Benjamin Birtch, William Bittorf, Ethan Black, Alexander Boase, Joseph Boberschmidt, Jason Boles, Ryan Boone, Rebecca Bowden, Charlotte Brady, Jonathan Bray, Lauren Breaux, Roy Brechlin, Patrick Breen, Harold Brehm, Kimberly Brockway, Whitney Brofos, Tania Broglia, Todd Brooks, David Brown, Blythe Brugger, John Buckley, Julia Budsey, Beauregard Burckhart, Nicholas Burns, Mya Burns, Greg Bushey, Walter Cabot, Christopher Callahan, Patrick Callahan, Steve Callister, Meigan Canfield, John Cannon, Melissa Carey, Ingrid Carlson, Robert Carmichael, Kathryn Carroll, Chase Carter, Fiona Caruthers, Jamie Caulfield, Brandon Causey, Joaquin Cespedes, Kenna Chapman, Jordan Chapman-Cayford, Eric Chappel, Kyle Charles, Clare Charsley-Groffman, Heather Chluda, Haesook Cho, Noah Christenson, Adrienne Christy, Karen Clayton, Timothy Clute, Martin Cody, Gregory Coffin, Charlie Cohan, Rachel Cohen, Michael Cohen, Amy Cohen, Alexander Cole, Susan Cole, Ronald Coleman, Rebecca Collins, Sarah Connelly, Mary Conry, Zachery Converse, Charlie Cook, Rachel Cook, Timothy Cooney, James Copple, Nicole Cosby, Charlotte Cosgrove, Brodrick Coval, William Cox, Erin Cox, Jay Creighton, Carlyn Crispell, Alex Cristiano, Sewall Crosby, Sebastian Cuadra, Carolyn

Cummins, Raj Dagstani, Joseph D’Alessandro, Stephen Daniels, Julian Dann, Alexander Davenport, Carly Davis, Candelaria de Urquiza Anchorena, Michelle DeLong, Mary deMarigny, Jacques Deyoe, Edward Dietrich, Ricky Dietz, John Dirkse, Craig Dodson, Harrison Doll, Christopher Donovan, Lillian Dorris, Mark Dubovy, Moira Duffy, Corey Dusin, Tom Dutton, Sedona Easton, Luke Edwards, Jessica Eidenschink, Lacey Ellingson, Jennifer Ellis, Liza Elman, Bruce Enever, Alex Epstein, Daniel Evans, Robert Exum, David Falk, Joshua Fancy, Craig Farson, Joel Ferris, Tara Ferris, Daniel Fink, Matthew Fishman, Claire Fletcher, Lucy Follansbee, Jackie Foote, John Ford, Matthew Foster, Alexandra France, Michael Fratarcangeli, Nick Fredricks, Nicolas Fremery, Ian Frye, Stephen Fucik, Kristina Gabrielsen, Larissa Galens, Joseph Garcia, Lucia Gasso, Bryan Gates, Ana Gelly y Obes, Michael Geurink, Hale Gewehr, Alex Gibson, Joe Giebel, Lucas Gillies, Karen Gilsdorf, Julie Gittings, Marilyn Gleason, Kevin Glenney, Brynne Goldberg, William Golde, Elizabeth Goodbarn, Addem Goodell, Chelsea Gosdin, Matilda Gray, Rosa Greeley, Stafford Grey, Gary Grossman, Agustina Grun, Brian Gudolawicz, Meryl Gura, Luz Gutierrez, Garrett Haag, Jessica Halasz, Heddie Hall, Rachel Halzel, Mary Hamilton, Gabriel Hamilton, Joel Hamilton, Katie Hankinson, Jennifer Hanson, Seth Hardy, Juanita Harles, Samuel Harris, Timothy Hartmuller, Andrew Harvison, Kelsey Haun, Andrew Hawthorne, Steven Heckel, Patrick Hedrick, Lauren Heininger, Hannah Hendrickson, Bradley Henicke, Mark Herman, Helen Higgins, Robert Hillyer, Karen Hilton, Jessa Hoffman, Kai Hoffman, Hayley Hoffman, Paul Hogan, Casey Hogarth, Keegan Hooper, Eva-Maria House, Anna Huff, Natalie Hughes, Cecilia Huisman, Katherine Hunt, Patrick Hurley, Riley Huss, Marquita Hynes, Brody Indursky, Alexander Ingram, Peter Israels, Carly Jacobs, Leah Jewett, Katherine Jewett, Sarah Johnson, Clark Johnson, Stephen Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Jean Jullien, Tim Juul, Josh Kaman, Michael Kannaley,

Richard Karsten, Greg Kass, Emily Katz, Lucas Keenan, Chloe Keeney, Michael Keller, Haley Keller, Michael Kelliher, Henry Kelly, Sheryl Kelts, Alexander Kendall, Joanna Kerwin, Reed Kildow, Jake Kilrain, Lydia King, Jeffrey King, Mike King, Maria King, Lindsey Kirby, Susan Knopf, Anna Knorr, Carly Koczera, Susan Komarek, Randall Koran, George Koren, Jenna Kreuger, Sarah Krumholz, Aaron Kurman, Kenneth Ladouceur, Marlene Ladouceur, Danielle Lambert, Kathryn Landers, Rachel Landin, Adelaide Lang, Julie Lang, Jenn a Lanoff, Rebecka Larsdotter, Tyler Latch, Taylor Lau, Heather Lautman, Mike Lavelle, Michael Lawlor, Emma Lawrance, Travis Lawrie, Dane Leary, Jason Leeds, Jessica Legaretta, Tristan Leger, David Lenke, Jeff Leonard, Darcy Lester, Nicole Leveillee, Christopher Liby, Michael Lillis, Tryler Lincoln, Vit Linhart, Aquiles Lira, Matthew Liston, Ashley Little, Gregory Lock, Michele Lohman, Sandra Longenecker, Amanda Loughlin, Victoria Lovely, Myreh Luallen, Phil Lukert, Mark Lundberg, Emma Lundin, Konstantinos Lyketsos, Jennifer MacKenzie, Traci Macnamara McCoy, Ryan Maddux, Charles Magee, Mya Magney, Iona Main, Benjamin Maines, Lucas Malaret, Katie Mann, Jasper Mapes, Celia March, Daniel Markle, Matthew Marks, Kimberly Marshall, Madeline Martin, Jennifer Martin, Ashley Massow, Kim Mathews, Alexander Mathieson, Brian Matthews, Cody May, Bobbie May, Katelyn McBurney, Conor McCloshey, MJ McCoy, Missy McDaniel, Brittany McDermott, Penny McDill, Michael McDonald, Park McGee, Michael McGowan, Wesley McKerrihan, James McLeroy, Camille McMahan, Alexa McRoberts, Kahla McRoberts, Matteson Meldon, Daniel Mercier, Diane Merrall, Douglas Merrill, Pavla Mertlik, Alec Meyer, Joe Middelburg, Dana Mielke, Michael Mignone, Jason Miller, Hallie Miller, Casey Miller, Michela Millette, Jessica Milloy, Mark Mills, Martin Miros, Thomas Mitchell, Robert Mitchell Jr., Susan Mol, Fidel Monroy, Steven Montez, Justin Moore, Mary Moravec,

Successful 2014-2015 Exam Candidates

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Melanie Morone, Glenn Mueller, Kelsey Muir, Seth Muller, Rebekah Munnikhuysen, Jordan Naftalis, Joseph Napier, Madeline Nash, Lindsay Nasshorn, Frederick Nelson, Rafael Nelson, Ayla Nett, Michael Nichol, Rylie Niebuhr, Kyle Niemer, Gregory Noe, Eric Nordstrom, Trevor Norman, Matthew Normann, Katherine Obermark, Rob O’Connell, Kelly O’Connor, Jacob O’Connor, Mike Odonnell, Gavin Okoniewski, Alexandra Oldham, Corbin O’Neal, Evan O’Rear, Richard Osmer, Sophia Padden, Lauren Page, Julie Paine, Maria Pattenden, Bryna Patterson, Kelsey Paules, Trey Peden, Keigh Perlmutter, Elizabeth Perner, Sierra Perry, Susan Peterson, Gregorio Pezza, Austin Pierpont, Chris Pilgrim, Danny Pinegar, Viktoria Plitt, Brett Porterfield, Ryan Poteat, Katie Potter, Adrian Powell, Marc Prisant, Clarissa Profant, Michael Puretz, Sam Quattrochi, Whitney Quinlan, Carlos Quintanilla, Carter Quintero, Richard Radcliffe, Shawn Radtke, Todd Raetzke, Kate Ragan, Bentley Rager, Ryan Raker, Estefania Rapp, Richard Ratliff, Sebastian Recalde, Donald Redmiles, Robbie Reeder, Sam Reichstein, Ciara Reidhead, Cody Reinheimer, Carl Reynolds, Anna Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, William Reynolds, Natalie Ricci, Lauren Richards, Ryan Richardson, Kristina Ritchie, Matias Rivera, John Rivers IV, Bettina Roberts, Charles Robin, Renee Rodgers, Mark Roepke, Aaron Rogers, Clay Romanek, Nicholas Romolino, Agostina Rostagno, Gregory Royal, Alexander Rudolph, Bob Rue, Shawna Ryan, Michael Sabin, Claire Sacco, Bull Salzarulo, Brian Sanger, Paula Maria Santillan, Gerome Sarasin, Dillon Sargent, Michael Scarpa, Philipp Schaefer, Christina Schleicher, Scott Schlichter, Marin Schmidt, Robert Schmitt, Julia Schoepfle, Erik Schuller, James Schutz, Joseph Schwartzman, Domenick Scili, Lesley Seale, Margaret Seitz, Steven Seltzer, Keith Seward, Emily Shah, Coleman Shapiro, Connie Shaw, Tonia Shaw, Alden Sheffield, Mitchell Sheperd, Benjamin Shepperson, Sedona Shonnard, Neal Shubert, Nikole Simecek, Alexandra Simon, Ashley Singiser, David Skelly, Harriet Skinner, Patrick Slack, Chase Slyter, Jeffrey Smith, Andrew Smith, Ted Smith, Samantha Smith, Zoe Solomon, Mark Sorensen, Scott Sorensen, Brittany Spangler, Carolyn Spencer, Katharine

Spencer, Consuelo Spiniak, Kelsey Sprowell, Austin St. George, Kristen St. Pierre, Dean Stapleton, Sam Stark, Beth Steele, Judith Stein, Teddy Stepleton, Madison Stern, Anna Steuart, Jonathan Stevens, Daniel Stewart, Ashley Stewart, Nancy Stockton, Matthew Stucky, Sheila Sullivan, Nathan Sumner, Kevin Sundheim, Michael Svendsen, Roger Swinehart, Rachel Tabin, Jessican Tappy, James Taylor, Graeme Taylor, Ellen Terry, Jeremy Theisen, Margaret Thomas, Timothy Thompson, Buck Thompson, John Tiess, Christi Timm, Alessandra Tortorello, Shelby Totten, Frank Traylor, Triantafyllos Triantafyllou, Robert Trigg, Charles Tripp, Thomas Trotter, Alexis Tubb, Donald Turner, Beth Turner-Summerton, Howard Tuthill, Santiago Ureta, Martin Vaccarezza, Sofia Valdivia, Bea van den Heuvel, Trevor Van Langendon, Blake Vassar, Jenny Veilleux, Benjamin Veloso, Hallie Venaglia, Andrew Vest, Camila Vizzoco, Hannah Vogt, Blaire Volbers, Hanna Waldman, David Walk, Thomas Walsh, Sarah Ward, Adam Weindling, Nicole Weiss, Christina Welch, Mark Welsh, Lindy Wenner, Jeff Werbick, Ann West, Judith Whetstine, Gemma Wilkop, Elizabeth Williams, Katelyn Williamson, Adam Williamson, David Wilson, Caroline Wilson, Tyler Wilson, Stephanie Winsor, Michael Wirth, Gustav Wold, David Woll, Howard Wolsky, Jeane Woods, Emily Woolley, Stacy Wren, Shaun Wright, Kelse Wyatt, Lauren-Taylor Young, Eli Zablud, Donald Zelkind, Dakota Zelko, Alicia Zimmel, Domini Zopf.

ALPINE CERTIFIED LEVEL II Erica Aamodt, Craig Abbott, Sonya Atkinson, Nancy Ayres, Jared Bailey, Lihue Bariggi-Amara, Matthew Bates, Nancy Bobrow, Thomas Bone, Timothy Borden, Amanda Braun, Chris Bright, William Brodine, Tim Brown, Michael Brown, Wilbert Brown, Nicholas Burns, Jeff Cahill, Molly Cannon, Amanda Coale, Ryan Cockburn, Andrew Conarroe, Enrique Coscarelli, Dorothy Crowe, J. Davis, Alexandre Delecluse, Mariano Di Franco, Abigail Eagye, Byron Emmons, Maximo Esteves, Timothy Faust, Brennan Fay, Maria Fiocchi, Caro Fowler, Theresa Friede, Jay Giddens, David Gifford, Michael Gross, Mark Hanks, Mary Hart, Martin Herre, Charlie Hobor, Rachel Hook, Ronald Hyatt,

Peter Israels, Theodore James, John Jones, Reed Kildow, Lydia King, Sylvan Kline, Laura Landre-Girten, Emily LeBus, Josh Lively, Ronald Lohn, Amy Lones, Sonnet Ludwig, Walter Luke, Lauren Madry, John Mannix, Megan Markoff, Tom McCarthy, David McCormick, Mallory Meloy, Garrett Michaels, Christopher Milam, Wynn Miller, Kenneth Molcsan, Nathalie Nevins, Brynn O’Connell, Rob O’Connell, Lance O’Donnell, Gavin Okoniewski, Richie Parrent, Kyle Parry, Katherine Peterson, Chris Peterson, Anna Petherick, Peter Petrovski, Brett Porterfield, Nicolas Ragona, Richard Reavis, Kevin Roach, Michael Roberts, Andrew Rohrer, Dino Ruggeri, Alejandro Savina, Garrett Scahill, Julie Schmidt, Alexandra Simon, Daniel Smith, Michael Stanley, Elle Stark, Austin Stauffer, Gordon Stuart, Sarah Thompson, Thomas Trotter, Jack Turner, Oliver Umpleby, Christopher Updike, Patrick Vaughan, Cassidy Warner, Brendan Warren, Richard Webster, Tyler Wilson, Christopher Young, Angie Zimmerer, Stefanie Zwolak.

ALPINE CERTIFIED LEVEL III Ivana Chabadova, Jasha Cultreri, Justin Folger, Noah Goldmann, Brian Jennings, Kayla Kawalick, Stephanie Parker, Ben Potts, Russell Reininger, Judith Rothman, Brandon Snyder, James Titsworth, Sam Wallack, Stephen Weiss, Sarah Wilson. ALPINE RM TRAINER William Gordon, Joshua Laney

ALPINE FREESTYLE LEVEL I Ursula Acurio, Tim Allerdings, Emil Ashley, Megan Ballard, Bobby Barajas, William Battjes, Dave Belin, Antonio Bellomo, Jeffrey Bennett, Brooke Bevan, Jordan Bieber, Michael Biggs, Gary Blamire, Christopher Bright, Stephanie Brown, Nicholas Burns, Addison Canino, David Carlton, Ivana Chabadova, Kate Chasson, Emily Clausen, Ryan Cockburn, Pamela Conners, Randall Cox, William Cox, Juan Cruz Garcia Barros, Amy Darosa, Matthew Elston, Casey Farrell, Timothy Faust, Kira Fling, Daniela Fockova, Jay Giddens, Frederick Giffin, Kate Goldmann, William Gordon, Blake Green, Ryan Gross, Andrew Halley, Gabriel Hamilton, John Hill, Earl Hill, Craig Huddleston, Patrick Hurley, Mary Irwin, Sarah Johnson,

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Agata Kaminska, Michael Keller, Tyler Keyes, Andre Koslowski, Lauren Kovsky, Chris Lai, Stephen Lambert, Denise Landau, Priscilla Larson, Ryan Latham, Jennifer Leksander, Tyler Lincoln, Vit Linhart, Spencer Mack, William Mako, Joseph Marino, Nicol Marx, Elizabeth McCabe, Paul McCloskey, Michael McKenna, Earl Mielke, Garrett Motelet, Nicole Mucciolo, Brendan Murphy, Meg Nelson, Matthew Niedermeyer, Rob O’Connell, Louise Parry, Peter Petrovski, Justin Picken, Robert Pine, Randy Quint, Joaquin Quiroga, Kim Raess, Andrea Reilly, Benjamin Roberts, Shannon Roberts, Raymond Rodarte, Andrew Rohrer, Laurel Romero, Jonas Root, Dino Ruggeri, Arthur Sanborn, Kristen Scahill, Herbert Schactner, Domenick Scioli, Emily Sedlak, Jason Seiber, Erin Sigerson, Jennifer Simpson, Sarah Smith, Josefina Soffia, John Sowers, Jason Stachurski, Jason Stahl, Michael Stanley, Blake Stretton, Barbara Szwebel, Nicole Talarico, Tracy Taylor, Frank Taylor, Melissa Templet, Eric Thoren, Chris Vozella,Stephanie Walton, Beverly Weaver, Dennis Weber, Richard Webster, Leah Weisman, Penelope Wood, Christopher Young, Jerry Young, Sinilkov Zhivko, Catherine Zinn, Bernard Zuroff, Rochelle Zuroff.

ALPINE FREESTYLE LEVEL II Ryan Cockburn, William Cox, Alexander Darbut, Michael Keller, Christopher Lauria

SNOWBOARD CERTIFIED LEVEL I Alicia Ahumada, Carson Allen, Juan Amenabar, Kevin Armstrong, Jonathan Ayalon, Paul Baker, Vicki Balabous, Kevin Basham, Darren Bates, Ryan Beavers, Nikki Beck, Erin Bello, Joseph Bennett, Carly Boudah, Casper Bradbury, Dyson Breakstone, Ciera Brecto, Thomas Brennan, Trevor Broderick, Ilya Bronisz, John Brown, Brittany Bruhn, Matt Bryan, Cameron Buxton, Guillermo Buzzi, Eric Cambria, Paige Cantliffe, Jared Carleton, Bjorn Carlson, Donnie Chell, Scott Chester, Daniel Chuck, Brian Cirrinciane, Summer Clark, Kenneth Cole, Abda Conyers, Hollie Czlonka, Erik Dahl, Patrick Daley, Michael Dallas, Shawn Day, Ella Dayton, Peter de Coppet-Hillman, N deLapouyade, Deven Descisciolo, Brian Dixon, Calum Donaldson, Travis Dunn, Matthew Dunstan, David Duskin, Christopher Dutt, Erica

Eddy, Amanda Ellis, Sara Emerson, Eli Epstein, Sara Everhart, Dustin Fauth, John Feidt, Edward Fincher, Eric Fincher, Diane Finelstein, Andrew Fisher, Rosa Foth, James Fox, Thomas Frampton, Jacob Friedman, Spencer Friedrich, Joseph Garcia, Ryan Garner, Ian Gaughan, Rebecca Geelhood, Mandi Gerry, Michael Gilstrap, Matt Golden, Elias Goutos, Carl Grandinetti, Rosa Greeley, Erin Gunther, Christina Gurnsey, Cory Hager, Brian Hanley, Kelsey Haun, Aaron Hauser, Jonathan Hemminger, Ali Henry, John Hill, Paul Hogan, Michael Hogan, Chris Hollinger, David Horne, Natasha Hudok, Richard Humphrey, Gregory Intermaggio, Matthew Isaac, Ryan Johnson, Leah Jones, Jordan Jones, Kristen Joyce, Jenna Kern, Michelle Kluskiewicz, Jeffrey Krueger, Brittany LaClair, Chelsea Ladd, Kristen Laing-Herbert, Pedro Lami, Madelyn Larson, Bryn Lawrence, Zarrin Leff, Samantha Lemansky, Paul LeSueur, Dan Levine, Brittany Lindsey, Norman Lloyd, Skyler Lomahaftewa, Jacob Lumsdaine, Logan Maier, Xavier Manson, Todd Manspeaker, Timothy Mapoles, Bradley Martinez, Nicholas Masjuk, Zach Maun, Dane McCollum, David McCormick, Megan McCulloch, Kaegan McDaniel, Virginia McKinney, Elizabeth Mears, Corienne Meyer, Gus Meyers, Corey Monaghan, Jeffrey Moritz, Sara Morton, Timothy Muetz, Jacob Munson, Brendan Murphy, Mike Myers, Jeffrey Nadas, Don Nieters, Connor O’Brien, Justin Ockinga, Rogan O’Herlihy, Tim Oliver, Daniel Olsen, David Orlando, Sebastian Oyarbide, Christopher Parke, Richie Parrent, Joseph Pascucci, Jessica Poma, Lara Porter, Dave Powers, Erika Puglia, Wilbur Pyn, Mark Rehberger, Max Rentz, Joseph Richardson, Matthew Richenberg, Steven Rivera, Benjamin Roberts, Michael Rodriguez, Clint Rosen, Adrienne Ross, Eric Roth, Edward Rutledge, Chase Ryan, Kristina Sappenfield, Delphine Schaller, Nolan Schroeder, Jacob Schuss, Sascha Seebeck, Frederick Seltenreich, Austin Shattuck, Kimberly Shikverg, Sean Slivka, Andrew Smith, John Staight, Claudia Stasny, Luke Stewart, Mary Stipe, Joey Stokes, Katherine Stuart, Jeffrey Sundwall, Tamara Susa, John Sztukowski, John Tanner, Teresa Tarn, Jon Tesseo, Eric Thomas-Hill, Gary Thornton, Michael Tishchenko, Nicholas Torres Garcia, Nicholas Truitt, Zachary Tucker, Christopher

Turiello, Charles Upchurch, Scott Valentine, Blake Vassar, Christina Vides, Stephanie Villavicencio, William Vorilhon, Mitch Wagner, Jefferson Walsh, Christopher Walton, Georgia Watson, Matthew Weiss, Lindy Wenner, Michael Wheeler, Jacob Whisler, Stanley Williams, Frank Winter, Joseph Wood, Tracie Wright, Leigh Wright, Michael Wyatt, William Yates IV, Allen Yingling, Robert Yokota, Alexandra Young, Jacob Zopes.

SNOWBOARD CERTIFIED LEVEL II Austin Anthony, Ryan Beavers, Isaac Brown, N deLapouyade, Paul Gagnon, Hayden Goodrick, Magdelynn Green, David Hanson, Joseph Hodgins, Ryan Krisch, Marc Latiolais, Virginia Low, Kevin Manwarren, Wesley Martin, Mark Noonan, James O’Connor, Donald Overbeek, Kandace Padilla, Nolan Quinn, Ethen Rebillard, Sebastian Recalde, Juan Rubio, Maria Schaible, Guy Sedillo, Jason Smith, Clark Stewart, Brian Thompson, Jacob Wagner, William Wright.

SNOWBOARD CERTIFIED LEVEL III Jeren C’debaca, Justin DeVita, Josh Ganz, Matt Hammell, Lynn Hasday, Noah Hopkins, Michele Lohman, Derrick Maestas, Jennifer McCready, Laci Montrose, David Radcliff, Blake Rogers, Steven Rosenthal, Cory Van Gulden, Domenic Weber. SNOWBOARD TRAINER’S ACCREDITATION Nicholas Alfieri, Ronald Barr, William Duffy, Erica Marciniec, Krista Van Parys.

SNOWBOARD FREESTYLE LEVEL I Paul Baker, Howard Beck, Chris Boylan, John Burger, Pascal Burnam, David Chapman, Matt Donger, Christopher Dutt, Noah Hopkins, Edwin Jenkins, Corianne Lambert, James Lowell, Clement Michel, Charlie Morrison, Mark Nesline, Matthew Niedermeyer, Anton Nikonov, Zane Schaefer, Jaime Schulte, Lyndsey Stevens, Christopher Warr, Richard Wedlake, Shayna Yellon.

SNOWBOARD FREESTYLE LEVEL II Nicholas Alfieri, Beau Brown, Jonathan Goldstein, Mike Leighton, Joseph Morrison.

ADAPTIVE LEVEL 1 MODULES Erin Anderson, Lauren Breaux, Jimi Clark, Gregory Coffin, Rachel Cohen, Michael

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Cunningham, Carly Davis, Ann Doody, Marc Driver, Peter Garber, Michael Geurink, Andrew Halls, Theodore James, Timothy Jones, Jan Kaminski, Jason Kawaguchi, Benn Kayne, Haley Keller, Nathan Kowalczk, Chris Kuppens, Rob Laughlin, Matthew Liston, Mya Magney, Stephanie Maltarich, Daniel Marshall, Ashley Massow, Christopher Milam, Michael Mollison, Alex Norton, Richard Paylor, Che Pirozak-Lillick, Christin Ripley, Steven Ristorcelli, Maura Roche, Adrienne Ross, Brian Sample, Stephanie Seidl, Hannah Shier, Louis Smith, Zoe Solomon, Tracy Spann, Katherine Spina, Joseph Staron, Roger Swinehart, Kristi Vine, Hanna Waldman, James Woolaway.

ADAPTIVE CERTIFIED LEVEL II Erin Anderson, Michael Cunningham, Jason Kawaguchi, Nathan Kowalczk, Chris Kuppens, Rob Laughlin, Steven Ristorcelli, Roger Swinehart.

ADAPTIVE SNOWBOARD LEVEL I Ben Banker, Jim Cervenka, Mike Geheb, Noah Hopkins, Jeremy Justus, Stephanie Maltarich, Michael Meyer, Robyn Perez, Steven Rosenthal, Ruth Schalch, Keith Speckman, Christopher Stuckey, Cheyna Swartz, Eric Widenor.

ADAPTIVE SNOWBOARD STAND-UP MODULE Fred Annes, Moritz Brinkama, Matthew Cecere, Chuck Chiu, Anne Goldberg, Charles Hewitt, Charley Phelan, Rebecca Richardson.

CHILDREN’S SPECIALIST 1 Erica Aamodt, Scott Adams, Andrew Albee, David Alcott, Melissa Anderson, Susan Armitage, Thomas Barker, Ryan Beavers, Andrew Beckler, Elisa Beltramone, Claire Bender, Katherine Berry, Adam Betkowski, Jennifer Bicknell, Cheryl Birt, Benjamin Blackwood, Sarah Blaine, Ciara Borghesi, Carly Boudah, Nia Brinkley, Damien Bruck, Nicholas Burns, Owen Carey-Hatch, Douglas Carver, Timothy Cashel, Trace Chesner, Natalie Chudacoff, William Cooney, Kathy Copple, Jay Creighton, Jasha Cultreri, Daniel D’Alessandro, Erin Daley, Martin Davis, Tomas Dawson, Tracy Dean, Mariano Di Franco, Mike Dieter, Lauren Dines, Matt Donger, Cassidy DuBois, Anna Dutch, Matthew Elston,

Glenn Erickson, Anna Fischer, Carl Fischer, Tyrrell Flawn-Chopp, Claire Forsmann, Tomas Forsmann, Leslie Forster, Timothy Fraust, Suzanne Gartner, Pantelis Geralis, Marilyn Gleason, Kevin Glenney, Johana Goerner, Robert Gosiewski, Dennis Green, Dennis Green, Gregory Hall, Robert Hamel, Joel Hamilton, Mark Hanks, Kent Hartfield, Karen Harvey, Lloyd Harvey, Gaston Havandjian, Martin Herre, Chris Hingst, Howard Holtzman, Rachel Hook, Cecilia Huisman, Nancy Hummel, Laurie Hunter, Jamie Hyndman, Betty Jacobs, Howard Jay, Gloria Jenkins, Leah Jewett, Rona Jones, Teresa Jones, Laura Jordan, Jean Jullien, Claude Kahn, William Kalish, Jason Kawaguchi, Henry A. Kelly, Henry W. Kelly, Joanna Kerwin, Tyler Keyes, Reed Kildow, Susan Knopf, Jeffrey Kohlhardt, Matt Kovalik, Kenneth Ladouceur, Marlene Ladouceur, Emily Landon, Emily LeBus, Adwoa Lemieux, Leah Lentz, Rick Levinson, Ashley Little, Amy Lones, Amber Lopez, Victoria Lovely, Laura Lucero, Karen Lutz, Mary Lynn Goberis, Michael MacDonald, Craig Maldonado, John Mannix, Emily Marotta, George Mattison, Emily McCabe, Timothy McCole, David McCormick, Matthew McKenney, Michael Meehan-Keefe, Clement Michel, Abigail Minton, Dana Miraglia, Mary Moravec, Matthew Naschak, Christine Newcomb, Thomas Newell, Kiki Niebuhr, Rob O’Connell, Blake O’Donnell, Lance O’Donnell, Justin Osborn, Kandace Padilla, Becky Paradee, Kyle Partin, Nikolai Petkov, Peter Petrovski, Arjun Pravin, Colleen Pruss, Tommy Pyatt, Shawn Radtke, Nicolas Ragona, Michael Reichert, John Robinette, Adam Roth, Cullen Roth, Marcia Sabeti, Danielle Schaeffer, Christina Schleicher, Julie Schmidt, Robert Schmitt, Joshua Schofield, Richard Schulte, Domenick Scioli, Kimberly Shikverg, Marty Skolnick, David Slavin, Judith Stein, Richard Stettner, William Stuhr, Duane Stutzman, Lindsey Sullivan, Benjamin Taymore, Kyle Tenenbaum, Doran Teramoto, Jennifer Thayer, Sarah Thompson, John Tufano, Jeffrey Von Stein, Gabriele Walser, Cassidy Warner, Christopher Warr, Kimberly Welsh, Judith Whetstine, Pamela White, Jeffrey Whitmore, Terry Wilson, James Woolaway, Amanda Wright, Christopher Young.

CHILDREN’S SPECIALIST 2 Amber Aldercotte, Matthew Allan, Claire Altenau, Pete Amos, Melissa Anderson, Adam Beaulieu, Thomas Bennett, Courtney Block, Casey Brown, Caamon Brunk, Amanda Burnham, John Carey, Anthony Christopher, April Cox, Erin Craig, Amelia Crofut-Bittingham, Wendy Crosby, Candace Crosby, Kirsten DeGroat, Chris Devens, Nathan Dole, Hugh Driscoll, Ryan Dunn, Jason Dunning, Nathaniel Emerson, Madison Foley, Jacqui Forster, Timothy Fowler, Katherine Francis, Jacob Friedman, Sandra Giesler, Kate Goldmann, Chris Gorga, Scott Grigg, Ryan Gross, Danisa Guardatti, Deb Hall, Lilly Hardin, Philip Hart, Jon Hinckley, Mark Hoffbauer, David Hoffman, Kevin Hueth, Charles Jernberg, Agata Kaminska, Joan Didi Kearsley, Ryan Loeb, Gonzalo Lopatin, Tracey Lucks, Travis Maag-Brown, Kim Macken, Richard Maclaurin, Lindsay Mallar, Kimberly Manahan, Joseph Marino, Michael McFarland, Doug Menix, Christian Michelet, Lauren Milligan, Dana Miraglia, Brendan Murphy, Leah Nakamoto, Chris Noone, Jennifer Oberling, Michael Pantea, Charles Pedersen, Michelle Poirier, Andrea Reilly, Shelby Rogala, Steven Rosenthal, Arthur Sanborn, Audra Schmidt, Jason Seiber, Tammi Sjoden, Gail Smith, Christopher Stuckey, Danielle Tarloff, Nicholas Truitt, Pete Van Deventer, Debra Vanderbeck, Chris Vozella, James Welch, Alex Welch, Richard White, Mignon Wills, Sarah Wilson

NORDIC TELEMARK LEVEL I Edith Elsner-Ridgeway, Janine Hay, Michael McDonald, Elmer Medina, Burton Merical, Mallory O’Connell, Carol Padlick, Thomas Skeados, David Skinner, Diane Strassberg

NORDIC TELEMARK LEVEL II Norman Bowles, Todd Loomis



NORDIC CROSS-COUNTRY LEVEL I Malin Bengtsson, Dave Croll, Carlton Johnson, Maria Pattenden, Rosemarie Surette.

Page 14: PSIA-RM SUMMER 2014


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