The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Psikologi tentang MBTI

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  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

  • HISTORYBased on Carl Jungs personality theory Swiss PsychiatristDeveloped by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers

  • Extraversion (E) Introversion (I)Sensing (S) Intuition (N)Thinking (T) Feeling (F)Judging (J) Perceiving (P)16 type/combinations

  • Everyone can use one or the other, but people have preferences in which they tend to use.

    There is a consistency of trend of which people prefer to use in their daily lives. This tendency then becomes a specific pattern, thus resulting in our personality differences from each other.

  • Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a persons behavior.

  • MeaningTraits : contribute to individual differences in behavior, consistency of behavior over time, and stability of behavior across situations. Traits may be unique, common to some group, or shared by the entire species, but their pattern is different for each individual. Thus, each person, though like others in some ways, has a unique personality. Characteristics : unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as temperament, physique, and intelligence.


  • *

    People who prefer Extraversion like to focus the outer work of people and activity. They direct their energy and attention outward and receive energy from interacting with people and from taking action. People who prefer Introversion like to focus on their own inner world of ideas and experiences. They direct their energy and attention inward and receive energy from reflecting on their thoughts, memories, and feelings. Extraversion - IntroversionThe big question: How do you energize yourself?


  • People who prefer Sensing like to take information that is real and tangible -- what is actually happening. They are observant about the specifics of what is going on around them and are especially attuned to practical realities.People who prefer Intuition like to take in information by seeing the big picture, focusing on the relationships and connections between facts. They want to grasp patterns and are especially attuned to seeing new possibilities. Sensing - IntuitionThe big question: How do you prefer to take information?


  • People who prefer Thinking in decision making like to look at the logical consequences of a choice or action. They want to mentally remove themselves from the situation to examine the pros and cons objectively. People who prefer Feeling in decision making like to consider what is important to them and to others involved. They mentally place themselves into the situation to identify with everyone so they can make decisions based on their values about honoring people. Thinking - FeelingThe big question: How do you make decisions?


  • People who prefer to use their Judging process in the outer world like to live in a planned, orderly way, seeking to regulate and manage their lives. They want to make decisions, come to closure, and move on. Their lives tend to be structured and organized, and they like to have things settled. People who prefer Perceiving process in the outer world like to live in a flexible, spontaneous way, seeking to experience and understand life, rather than control it. Detailed plans and final decisions feel confining to them, they prefer to stay open to new information and last-minute options. Judging - PerceivingThe big question: How do you deal with the outer world?

  • *Important to Note!Please note that while the names of some of the MBTI preferences are commonly used in everyday language, they contain different meanings from what is commonly perceived.

    Extrovert. =. Talkative, Loud

    Introvert. =. Shy, Inhibited

    Feeling. =. Emotional

    Judging. =. Judgmental

    Perceiving. =. Perceptive XXXXX

  • ISTJLifes Natural OrganizersISFJCommitted to getting the job doneINFJAn inspiring leader and followerINTJLifes independent thinkersISTPJust do itISFPAction speaks louder than wordsINFPMaking life kinder and gentlerINTPLifes problem solvers

    ESTPMaking the most of the momentESFPLets make work funENFPPeople are the productENTPProgress is the productESTJLifes natural administratorsESFJEveryones trusted friendENFJSmooth-talking persuadersENTJLifes natural leaders

  • Occupational Trends by TypeSource: From Introduction to Type and Careers,A.L. Hammer, 1993, Consulting Psychologists Press

  • ISTJ (the inspector)Try to understand peoples feeling & needsLessen your urge to control or order others to stick up with the ruleSee more of the positive side of other people/thingsBe open to changes

  • ISFJ (the nurturer)Look deeper & more enthusiatic Learn to say no. When you try to please everyone, you turn out to be indecisiveGet out of your comfort zone & routine. Try new things. There are a lot of constructive & positive activity you might have not tried.

  • ISTP (the operator)Observe the social life around you, what makes people feel angry, love, happy or motivated & apply it in your relationships. Learn to be aware of your feeling and express it. Be more open, get out of your comfort zone, explore new ideas, and be involved in discussion with other people. Solving problems is not by looking for what you/other people do wrong, instead try to look for options and solutions.Be generous and share the information that you have, learn to delegate duties to other person.

  • ISFP (the artist)Rejection and conflict are real, everyone get through it. We can not please everyone. What does not kill you makes you stronger, face it.Try to think about the long term effect of the little things or decisions you do everyday.Develop the creativity and art skill in yourself. Try to be more open and express your feeling.

  • INFJ (the protector)Balance your point of view. See the positive and opportunity side of everything, not just the negative and risk. Be patient, be slow to angry. Blaming yourself/others/situation does not solve the problem. Try to relax, put aside a time to do your hobby. Life is not just all about thinking and doing your responsibility.

  • INTJ (the mastermind)Learn to speak up about your emotions & feeling. Try to be more open to the outside world, socialize more, read more, visit more places, explore new things & broaden your horizon. Avoid unnecessary debate. Learn to empathize with others, be attentive and sensitive to others.

  • INFP (the idealist)Learn to deal with critics. A constructive critic makes you a better person. Toward a destructive critic, try to reflect and take your own insight. It is OK to ask for opinion or suggestion. Learn to be firm with your opinion. Being lenient or kind to please others is not always the norm. Being good is different with being right. Failure is real and it happens to everyone. Stop blaming yourself too much.Love others like how you love yourself. Stop being too kind to others and forget your own self.

  • INTP (the thinker)Learn to build relationship and interaction with others, to empathize, listen actively, and give attention. Try to relax. Stop thinking or ruminating too much. Try to find an idea, plan, and make it happen. Stop having so many idea with none happening.

  • ESTP (the promoter)Learn to understand peoples feeling especially when you are talking with them.Learn to be patient, enjoy the process, not everything can be achieved in a short time. Once in a while, spare your time to reflect and plan yiur future. Try to jot down your experiences, it could be in a form of a diary or blog or note to yourself.

  • ESFP (the performer)Learn to focus and decisive for important matters. Take your time to decide on things. You can not please everyone. Vice versa, not everyone can please you. Learn to deal with critic and conflict. Stop running away. Be careful with your tendency of materialism. Not everything can be measured with material or money.

  • ENFP (the inspirer)Learn to focus, be discpline, firm, and consistent. Learn to deal with conflict and critic. Think of your own needs. Stop forgetting about yourself because youre too caring about others need. Learn to manage your financial state. Avoid spending your money so lavishly.

  • ENTP (the visionary)Try the win-win solution. Avoid being selfish. Learn to be discipline and consistent.Avoid unnecessary debate.Learn to be more watchful. Balance your point of view, avoid being too optimistic or unrealistic. Learn to be attentive to others feeling.

  • ESTJ (the guardian)Lessen your need to control and push others.Learn to control your emotion and anger.Try to do introspection and spare your time to reflect/ruminate. Learn to be more patient and low profile.Learn to understand others.

  • ESFJ (the provider)Stop sacrificing yourself to please others. Stop measuring your self-worth based on others appraisal and compliment. In decision taking, ask for others opinion. Then, be firm with the decision you have taken. Accept your responsibility and learn to be more mature. Avoid doing self-pity. Deal with critic and conflict. Stop running away.

  • ENFJ (the giver)Stop sacrificing yourself to please others. Stop measuring your self-worth based on others attitude toward you. Avoid being too disappointed when others are not like what you expect them to be. Learn to be decisive and firm. Stop being too hard on yourself.

  • ENTJ (the leader)Learn to relax. Life is not all about perfection and competition. Speak up about your feeling. Expressing feeling is not a weakness. Learn to manage your emotion and anger.Learn to appreciate and appreciate others. Look at the positive side of everything/everyone. It not juts about right or wrong. Avoid being too arrogant and look down on others.

  • Reflection 1What do you think is your personality type?What does the questionnaire say about your personality type?Do you agree with the questionnaires result?If you agree, how do you think the personality type resembles you? Describe relevant experiences.If you disagree, how do you think the personality type does not resemble you? Describe relevant experiences.

  • Reflection 2Pick one of the self-development suggestion for your personality type. Then, try to put it into practice for a week.Describe:your reasons choosing that suggestionyour experiences doing that suggestion for a weekyour conclusion

  • The purpose of learning about personality type is to help you understand yourself better and to enhance your relationships with others.

    There is no right or wrong type. There are no better or worse types. Each individual brings special aspects that are unique to their relationships to others.

    These type results from the MBTI suggest your PROBABLE type. YOU are the final judge of your best-fit type.

    Type does not explain everything. Human personality is much more complex.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKnNO5pxRGQFor example: A right-handed person, IS still ABLE to use his left hand to write. It might not be perfect writing, but it can still be done. However, because of this, he prefers to use his right hand because this is the most comfortable he feels in writing.

    Ask who consider themselves as extrovert or introvert or based on the questionnaires result: what do you want to do after a tiring day?Ask who used to like math/physics and who like PE or based on the questionnaires result: how do you describe this object? Ask them to describe that to the rest of the class (isian steples)They are energized by critiquing and analyzing to identify what's wrong with something so they can solve the problem. Their goal is to find a standard or principle that will apply in a similar situation. They are energized by appreciating and supporting others and look for qualities to praise. Their goal is to create harmony and treat each person as a unique individual.

    Ask who think they are more to the logic or feeling or based on the questionnaires result: Tell them that they are the Vice-President(s) for Human Relations at your company and that they need to fire an employee due to budget cuts. Ask them to act that out.Sticking to a plan and schedule is very important to them, and they are energized by getting things done.They are energized by their resourcefulness in adapting to the demands of the moment.

    Ask a random two or three persons or based on the questionnaires result: if you have unlimited money for holiday, how will you plan a perfect holiday?