PSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITIES AND SCHIZOPHRENIA 1. Peter F. Buckley 1 ,2 , 2. Brian J. Miller 2 , 3. Douglas S. Lehrer 3 and 4. David J. Castle 4 + Author Affiliations 1. 2 Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of Georgia, 997 St Sebastian Way, Augusta, GA 30912 2. 3 Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and the Wallace-Kettering Neuroscience Institute 3. 4 ST. Vincent's Health and the University of Melbourne 1. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed; tel: 706-721-6719, e-mail:[email protected] . Abstract Psychiatric comorbidities are common among patients with schizophrenia. Substance abuse comorbidity predominates. Anxiety and depressive symptoms are also very common throughout the course of illness, with an estimated prevalence of 15% for panic disorder, 29% for posttraumatic stress disorder, and 23% for obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is estimated that comorbid depression occurs in 50% of patients, and perhaps (conservatively) 47% of patients also have a lifetime diagnosis of comorbid substance abuse. This article chronicles these associations, examining whether these comorbidities are “more than chance” and might represent (distinct) phenotypes of schizophrenia. Among the anxiety disorders, the evidence at present is most abundant for an association with obsessive- compulsive disorder. Additional studies in newly diagnosed antipsychotic-naive patients and their first-degree relatives and searches for genetic and environmental risk factors are needed to replicate preliminary findings and further investigate these associations.


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PSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITIES AND SCHIZOPHRENIA1. Peter F. Buckley 1,2, 2. Bri! ". Miller 2, #. D$u%l& S. 'e(rer 3 !) *. D+i) ". C&tle 4,Author Affiliations1.2Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of Georgia, ! "t "e#astian$ay, Augusta, GA 3%122.3$right "tate &ni'ersity (oonshoft "chool of Medicine and the $allace)*ettering +euroscience ,nstitute3.4"-. .incent/s 0ealth and the &ni'ersity of Mel#ourne1.1-o 1hom correspondence should #e addressed2 tel3 !%4)!21)4!1, e)mail3p#uc5ley6mcg.edu. A-&trctPsychiatriccomor#idities arecommonamongpatients 1ithschi7ophrenia. "u#stancea#usecomor#idity predominates. An8iety and depressi'e symptoms are also 'ery common throughoutthe course of illness, 1ith an estimated pre'alence of 19:for panic disorder, 2:forposttraumaticstressdisorder,and23:foro#sessi'e)compulsi'edisorder.,tisestimatedthatcomor#id depression occurs in 9%: of patients, and perhaps ;conser'ati'ely< 4!: of patientsalso ha'e a lifetime diagnosis of comor#id su#stance a#use. -his article chronicles theseassociations, e8amining 1hether these comor#idities are =more than chance> and might represent;distinct< phenotypes of schi7ophrenia. Among the an8iety disorders, the e'idence at present ismost a#undant for anassociation1itho#sessi'e)compulsi'edisorder. Additional studies inne1lydiagnosedantipsychotic)nai'epatientsandtheirfirst)degreerelati'esandsearchesforgenetic and en'ironmental ris5 factors are needed to replicate preliminary findings and furtherin'estigate these associations.-he clinical heterogeneity of schi7ophrenia is indisputa#le. .irtually no 2 patients present 1iththe same constellation of symptoms. Moreo'er, e'en in the same patient, symptoms can sho1dramatic change o'er time, and there is significant interplay #et1een different sets of symptoms3eg, =secondary> negati'e symptoms might #e ameliorated 1ith resolution of positi'e symptoms,1hile core =deficit> negati'e symptoms are more enduring #ut can 1orsen o'er the longitudinalcourse of illness. "uch o#ser'ations gi'e 1ay to considerations that these may e'en constitutegroups of diseases of generallycommonphenotypice8pression#ut of different underlyingetiopathology.1?urther complicating the clinical picture of schi7ophrenia as 1ell as understanding the#oundaries and etiology of this condition is the su#stantial psychiatric comor#idity.2 Depression,an8iety, and su#stance a#use are common accompaniments of the schi7ophrenia condition, andthey in turn pertur# the clinical picture.3 ?or e8ample, depression can cause secondary negati'esymptoms, panic attac5s candri'e paranoia, andcanna#is a#use can1orsenpositi'e anddisorgani7ationsymptoms. Con'ersely, depressi'esymptoms seenintheconte8t of afloridpsychotic relapse often resol'e 1ith treatment of the positi'e symptoms #ut may remerge in the=postpsychotic> state and in turn 1orsen the longitudinal course of the illness.4,9+osologistsha'egreat difficultydealing1ithcomple8setsofsymptoms.3,4,! Generally,animplicit ore8plicit hierarchyisem#raced, suchthat schi7ophrenia=trumps,>depression, andan8iety. @r, if no primacy can #e determined, resort is made to la#els such as =schi7oaffecti'edisorder> or e'en =schi7oo#sessi'e> su#type of schi7ophrenia.3,A An alternati'e approach,reified in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is to consider these symptomsas part of another a8is , diagnosis that is occurring alongside schi7ophrenia. &nder thisscenario, thepatient has2maBor conditions, andtheseha'eco)occurred;perhapsfor someetiologicalreasoncommonto#othdisorders2 they suggest thatpsychiatric comor#idities are so common that they might #e integral to schi7ophrenia. -o a largee8tent, our current research in clinical trials and neuro#iological studies is increasingly coming inline1iththisproposition#ecauseno1suchstudies support #roadinclusioncriteriaof =allcomers>Dtheschi7ophreniapatients1hom1eseeine'erydayclinicalpractice, 1hoha'eprominent an8iety symptoms, or may also ha'e depressi'e symptoms, and also a#use drugs andalcohol.-he purpose of this article is to =ta5e stoc5> of these ;an8iety, depression, and su#stance a#use to the core disorder, schi7ophrenia2 to ha'e manifested #ecause schi7ophrenia is more common in this core disorder2 or are a conseGuence of some underlying shared lia#ility to #oth sets of disorders.SCHIZOPHRENIA AND AN.IETY-here is an increased pre'alence of an8iety disorders among patients 1ith schi7ophreniacompared1iththegeneral population.13 -heseinclude panicdisorder, posttraumatic stressdisorder ;P-"D effect, such the more canna#isconsumedthegreater theli5elihoodof schi7ophrenia.14 0o1e'er, againthepre'alenceofschi7ophrenia is disproportionate tothe u#iGuitous smo5ingof canna#is, there is noclearassociation #et1een rates of schi7ophrenia and rates of canna#is use in any gi'en population, andmost people 1ho im#i#e canna#is do not de'elop schi7ophrenia. -hus, it seems that canna#is can#e conceptuali7ed as a cumulati'e causal factor in some indi'iduals, acting in concert 1ith other'ulnera#ility factors to promote the manifestation of the illness in some indi'iduals 1ho mightother1ise ha'e remained schi7ophrenia free. -he effect is small, 1ith a population attri#uta#lefractionof9:I!:. Also, it doesnot appear that patients1ithschi7ophreniaandcomor#idcanna#isha'eanyhighergeneticloadingforschi7ophreniathanpatients1ithschi7ophreniaalone.1!Caton et al1A e8amined the relationship #et1een su#stance)induced psychosis andschi7ophrenia #ylongitudinallye'aluatingpatients 1hopresentedacutelypsychotic, all of1hom had a#used drugs or alcohol prior to this first e'er presentation 1ith psychosis. ?orty)fourpercent of patients turned out o'er time to ha'e had a drug)induced psychosis, 1hile 94: ofpatientsultimatelyhadschi7ophreniaastheirprimarydiagnosis. Patients1ithadrug)relatedpsychosis had marginally less positi'e and negati'e symptoms at initial presentation, they 1eremore li5ely toha'e'isual hallucinations,and theirparentshada history ofsu#stancea#use.Caspi et al11 e8amined this issue from a different, complementary perspecti'e. As part of a largeepidemiological study of schi7ophrenia in +e1 Realand, they found that those adolescents 1hopossessed the =faulty> allele ;'al 19A met< polymorphism of the C@M- ;cathechol )@)methyl)transferase< gene 1ere the people 1ho had the 'ulnera#ility to canna#is a#use. -his might helpe8plainthisassociation, 1hichappearsro#ust fromepidemiological data#ut isstill asmalleffect. -hereis a recentstudy of#rainimaging in nonpsychoticcanna#isa#users thatsho1sprogressi'e #rain changes 1ith hea'y and chronic canna#is a#use.1 -he authors report someassociation #et1een paranoid e8periences in a su#set of these patients and greater prominence ofhippocampal changes. As a general o#ser'ation, there ha'e #een fe1 #iological studies of thisdual diagnosis patient population #ecause su#stance a#use is more often than not an e8clusionarycriterion. @n the other hand, there is a gro1ing appreciation of potentially shared neurochemical'ulnera#ility#et1eensu#stancea#useandschi7ophrenia.2%% Animal neurochemical andno1human#rainimagingstudiespointtotheroleofdopamineintheamygdalaas#eing5eytounderstandingdrugcra'ingandre1ard#eha'iors. ,nschi7ophrenia, pleasureandre1ardare#lunted as part of negati'e symptoms. ,t is plausi#le that dopamine dysregulation mightpredispose patients 1ith schi7ophrenia to a#use drugs.14,2%% ,t has also #een e8plained thatpatients 1ith schi7ophrenia 1ho a#use drugs may actually ha'e milder symptoms and that theirpoorer course is more attri#uta#le to the direct effect of drugs on 1orsening symptoms as 1ell asthe associated medication nonadherence. -his is certainly intuiti'e in the sense that patients 1ithmore se'ere illness are less li5ely to ha'e the opportunity and social conte8t to acGuire streetdrugs. ,t has also long #een suggested that patients self medicate either to reduce their symptomsor to counteract the effects of antipsychotic medications.2%1,2%2 Hither association is plausi#leand in accord 1ith clinical e8perience. 0o1e'er, the rate of su#stance a#use comor#idity has notseemedtodiminishinaneraof treatment 1ith"GAs that ha'elessmotor andsecondarynegati'e symptomeffects.2%3 Eegarding treatment of patients 1ith su#stance a#use, thesepatients sho1similar responses to antipsychotic medications as nona#using patients 1ithschi7ophreniaConce they ta5e their medication, a maBor challenge in this patientgroup.2%,2%4 ,ntheclinical antipsychotictrials of inter'entioneffecti'eness ;CA-,H< study,patients 1ithcomor#idsu#stancea#usesho1edcompara#leresponses 1itheach"GAthanpatients 1ithout su#stance a#use.2%9 -here is some e'idence that dual diagnosis patients mightdo #etter on clo7apine, 1ith less relapse into a#use of drugs or alcohol.2%4@'erall, 1hile su#stance a#use comor#idity is remar5a#ly common in schi7ophrenia, thee'idence is lac5ing that this represents some distinct su#group of etiopathological significance.$hilee8planationsto1ardasharedneurochemical, dopamine)mediated'ulnera#ilityto#othschi7ophreniaandsu#stancea#useareintuiti'elyappealing, at present thee'idence#aseisscant.14 Moreo'er, the pre'ailing 'ie1 in #oth the addiction field and in schi7ophrenia researchisthat thisrepresentsaco)occurrenceof2conditionsratherthansomeetiologicallydistinctsu#group of schi7ophrenia patients 1ho are characteri7ed #y a procli'ity to su#stance a#use.Pre'ious "ection +e8t "ectionConclusions-here is clearly an increased pre'alence of an8iety, depressi'e, and su#stance a#use disorders inpatients 1ithschi7ophrenia that occurs ine8cess of that inthe general population. -hesecomor#idities occur at all phases of the course of illness, including in the psychosis prodrome,?HP,andchronicschi7ophrenia.A limited#odyofe'idencesupportstheplausi#ilityofthehypothesisthat an8ietydisordersarepart oftheillnessofschi7ophrenia, 1iththestrongeste'idence #eing for @CD. P-"D, and other an8iety symptoms, 1hile common, do not appear to#e etiologically lin5ed to schi7ophrenia. Depressi'e symptoms are also intrinsic to the illness andimport a poorer outcome, including more psychotic relapses. &nderstanding this relationship isimportant and is also additionally complicated #y #roader perspecti'es a#out the#oundariesFo'erlap#et1eenpsychosis andmooddisorders. "u#stance a#use is particularlycommon and also 1orsens the course of illness, although here this effect is ine8trica#ly lin5ed totreatment noncompliance. ?or each of these comor#idities, their presence is generally associated1ith more se'ere psychopathology and 1ith poorer outcomes. $hat is conspicuous from thisre'ie1 is the relati'e lac5 of in'estigation to1ard a neuro#iological #asis of comor#idity amongpatients1ithschi7ophrenia. -hisisstri5ingin'ie1ofho1commonandchallengingthesecomor#idities are. -here is a conspicuous a#sence of any =smo5ing gun> findings for etiologicalheterogeneityhere.$hiletherehas#eenatleastsomehead1ayintreatmentstudiesof#othpharmacology and nonpharmacology, it is rudimentary and in relation to @CD and schi7ophreniathere is the suggestion that antipsychotic medications might e'en aggra'ate thesesymptoms.3 -here is also, on the other hand, e'idence that antidepressants can not Bust impro'edepressi'e symptoms #ut perhaps also impact fa'ora#ly negati'e and general psychopathologyas 1ell.9-hese o#ser'ations may contri#ute in part to the high rates of polypharmacy that areo#ser'edinthetreatment ofschi7ophrenia.2%! At present, thetherapeuticimplicationsofthisclinical heterogeneityarepoorlyunderstoodandarelargelymanifestedin=trial anderror>treatment choices. -he most parsimonious conclusion at the present time is that thesecomor#idities are certainly more common than chance in schi7ophrenia, #ut theiretiopathological significance and treatment implications thereupon are poorly understood at thepresent time. S -he Author 2%%A. Pu#lished #y @8ford &ni'ersity Press on #ehalf of the MarylandPsychiatric Eesearch Center. All rights reser'ed. ?or permissions, please email3Bournals.permissions6o8fordBournals.org.Pre'ious "ection Eeferences1. 1. 1. *ir5patric5 (, 2. (uchanan E$, 3. Eoss DH, 4. Carpenter $- Or. A separate disease 1ithin the syndrome of schi7ophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2%%129A3149)1!1.CrossEef Medline $e# of "cience Google "cholar2. 2. 1. Pincus 0A, 2. -e1 D, 3. ?irst M(. Psychiatric comor#idity3 is more lessQ $orld Psychiatry 2%%42331A)23.Medline Google "cholar3. 3. 1. Green A,, 2. 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