Psychiatrist By:Rachel Schaefer

Psychiatrist By:Rachel Schaefer. Psychiatry:A psychiatrist helps patients deal with their mental illnesses and emotions. I wanted to know……. Educational

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By:Rachel Schaefer

Psychiatry:A psychiatrist helps patients deal with their mental illnesses and emotions.

I wanted to know…….

•Educational Needs

•How well a job in this field pays

•How easy the job is



•Too stressful

•Have to deal with REALLY crazy people

•Expensive school

•Influence someone badly

Things I Learned

1. You need a lot of schooling

2. They help in many different ways

3. Self-employed psychiatrists typically earn more

4. Interning is very stressful

About the Job

Pros:• Emotionally


• Pays well

• Could help a lot of people

Cons:• Work long hours

• Have to go to school for a long time

• Follow up schooling throughout your years of practice


•Psychiatrists help by: drugs, psychological therapy, health plans, and counseling.

•High job demand by 2016

•They earn around 173,922 – 400,000 per year

Interview Questions

1. Do you think this job stressful?

2. Have you ever been not able to “fix” a patient?

3. Did you struggle during school?

4. What do you do to mentally separate yourself from your job?

5.What is your greatest accomplishment?

6. What is the saddest case you have handled?

Is it easy to find information on this profession?

Yes, psychiatrist ask each other’s advice a lot of the

time, and there are postings and information



I would need to:

•Work hard in school

•Stay focused

•Be devoted to my work