Remarkably Detailed and Truly Natural Full-HD Images LCD Projector PT-LZ370

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Remarkably Detailed and Truly Natural Full-HD Images

LCD Projector


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Outstanding Images with Stunning Full-HD Quality

High-Contrast, High-Quality Images from a Full-HD LCD Panel and Dynamic Iris ProTheFull-HD (1920x1080-pixel) LCDpanel of thePT-LZ370producesthemeticulousdetail of Full-HD images.With its“normallyblack” system,the liquidcrystalmoleculesare vertically alignedwhennopower isapplied, todramatically reduceunwanted light.TheDynamic IrisProalsoadjusts thebrightnessof the light source tomatch the image.Thebrightnessof eachscene isanalyzedand the lamppower,gammacurve,and iris areadjustedaccordingly frameby frame.Thisachievesahighcontrast ratioof10,000:1,providingawidedynamic range for addedbeauty inbothdarkandbright scenes.

3,000-lm BrightnessThePT-LZ370 featuresahigh-power280WUHM lamp.Optimalutiliza-tionof this light sourceachievesa full3,000 lumensofbrightness, forsharp, crisp images.

Detail Clarity Processor 3 Gives Natural Clarity to Even the Finest DetailsAftera twodimensional analysisof the videosignal’s frequency ineachsceneandextracting informationon thedistributionof the super-high-,high-,medium-,and low-frequency imagecomponents, thenewcircuit

optimizes the sharpnessof each imageportionbasedon theextractedinformation.The resulting imageshaveamorenatural, lifelikeexpressionthan thoseofprevious image-processingmethods.

Daylight View Premium for Better Color PerceptionThis functioncorrects the imagequality toproject sharp, clear imageseven inbrightly lit rooms.A luminancesensormeasures theambientbrightness, anda real-timeadjustment functionoptimizes sharpnessandbrightnessaccording to the surroundings.Thisadjustment functionalsoworks togetherwith theDetailClarityProcessor3 toenhance the realismand vividnessofprojected images.Thismakes imageseasier to viewandoffershighcontrast.

In addition to its Full-HD LCD panel, the PT-LZ370 generously employs unique Panasonic technologies in itsopticalandsignal-processingsystems toproducecaptivating images. It is the idealprojector forpresentationswithhighlydetailedimages,andprojectingBlu-RaydiscandincreasinglypopularHDcontents.Offeringavarietyof functions, suchas2x zoomandawide lens shift, forpermanent installationuse, thePT-LZ370 is ready fora host of applications, starting with classrooms and meeting rooms, and extending to uses that demand highcolor fidelity and finedetail reproduction, suchasengineering,R&D, art history, and filmclasses/meetings.

All the Beauty of Full HD.Ideal for Lectures and Presentations Requiring Detailed Images.

Full HD

3,000 lm

Dark scenewith iris closed Without theDynamic IrisPro PT-LZ370

Conventional sharpness control:Sharpness isapplieduniformly,whichcancauseahaloor ringeffect.

Detail Clarity Processor 3:Signal frequency isextracted realtimeandnecessarysharpness isappliedat varyingdegrees fornatural,life-like images.

Bright scenewith iris opened Without theDynamic IrisPro PT-LZ370

Simulated imagewithDaylightViewPremiumturnedoff.

Simulated imagewithDaylightViewPremiumturnedon.

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E c o l o g y - c o n s c i o u s D e s i g n

Panasonicworksfromeveryangletominimizeenvironmental impact intheproductdesign,productionanddeliveryprocesses,andintheperformanceoftheproductduringits lifecycle.ThePT-LZ370projectorreflectsthefollowingecologicalconsiderations.

• Nohalogenatedflameretardantsareusedinthecabinet.• Non-coatedcabinetforeasyrecycling.• Lead-freesolder isusedtomountcomponentstotheprintedcircuit

boards.• Lamppowerswitchingfurtherreducespowerconsumption.• Standbypowerconsumptionofonly0.08W.*6

• “ECO”buttonontheremotecontrol.• AnAutoOffTimerswitchestheprojectortoStandbymodewhennoinput

signal isreceivedforapresettime.

Waveform Monitor for Precise CalibrationWhen theoutput level of the sourcedevicefluctuatesdue to theperfor-manceof thedeviceor its cableconnections, theoriginalblackandwhite levelsof the imagecontent cannotbe repro-duced.With thePT-LZ370,youcan view thewave-formson the screenandadjust the settingseitherautomatically ormanuallyas youprefer.

DICOM Simulation Mode*1

This imagingmode is similar toDICOMPart14,which is amedicalimagingstandard. It reproducesX-ray imageswith remarkableclarity. Italsoallows information tobesharedbymany viewersona largescreen,suchasduringmedical conferencesor trainingcourses.

Full 12-bit Digital Signal Processing Achieves Smooth, Natural GradationThePT-LZ370handles full12-bit digital imageprocessing. It faithfullyreproducesevensubtlehuesandbrightness variations.The resultingsmoothgradation rendersnatural imageswithfinelydetailednuances.

Installation and Operation Flexibility

2x Zoom Lens and Wide Horizontal/Vertical Lens ShiftThe2x zoom lensandhorizontal/vertical lens shift let youaccommodateawide rangeof roomsizesandshapes.When lightsor ventilationholesare located in theceilingmountingsite, youcansimply relocate thepro-jector toavoid them.Andwhen replacingexistingprojectors, this canreducecostsbypermitting theuseof existingmountingpositionsandcablings.

Abundant Connection Terminals, Including HDMIInterfaces include twosetsofHDMI input.Theserial terminal (RS-232C)hasanEmulate function that lets youcontinueusingexistingcontrol sys-temswhen replacingpreviousPanasonicmodels. It is alsopossible tooutputaudioduringStandbymode.*2This is convenientwhenconnectinganexternal audio system through theprojector.*3

Easy Remote Monitoring and Control over a LANAwebbrowseronacomputer connected throughawiredLANsystemlets you remotelyoperateprojectorsandcheck their status.Ane-mailmessaging functioncanalsonotify youwhena lampneeds replacement,and indicate theoverall projector status. Inaddition,MultiProjectorMoni-

toringandControlSoftware is available formonitoringandcontrollingmultiplePanasonicprojectors fromasinglePC.ThewiredLAN terminalis compatiblewithPJLink™ (class1), anopenprotocol that isusedbymanymanufacturers, toenable integratedcontrol of systems that containdifferentbrandsofprojectors.

Crestron RoomView™

TheLAN terminal allowsacomputerconnected to thenetwork touseCrest-ronRoomView™application software tomanageandcontrol systemdevices.

Superb Basic Performance

Eco Management FunctionsAnumberof functionsareprovided to reducepowerconsumption.Theyadjust thebrightnessaccording toambient light conditions, and reducethe lamppowerwhen there isno signal inputor theprojector is inAVMutemode.Youcaneasily set theEcoManagement functionsaccordingtooperatingconditionsbyusing theECObuttonon the remotecontrol.

Up to 3,000-Hour Lamp/Filter Replacement Cycle*4 *5 and Simple MaintenanceThe lampandair filterbothhave replacementcyclesofup to3,000hours.This reduces theamountofbothersomemaintenancenecessaryovera longperiodof time, cutsmaintenancecosts, andhelps to lower theenvironmentalimpact. Foreasymaintenance, youcan replacethefilter from thesideand the lamp from thetopof theprojector.Thefilter and lampareeas-ily replacedevenafter thePT-LZ370 is installedon theceiling.

Seminar room


Lecture room

*1 Thisproductisnotamedicalinstrument.Donotuseitforactualmedicaldiagnosis.*2 Requiresmenuselection.*3 Audiomonitoringrequiresexternalspeakersandanaudioamplifier*4 Theusageenvironmentaffectsthelampreplacementcycle.

*5 Theusageenvironmentaffectsthedurationofthefilter.*6 WhenthestandbymodeissettoECO,networkfunctionssuchaspoweronover


Page 4: PT-LZ370 - panasonic.com › business › projectors › pdf › ... · 3. The projector uses a high-wattage lamp that becomes very hot during operation. Please observe the following

Optional accessories

ET-PKA110HCeiling mount bracket for high ceilings

ET-PKA110SCeiling mount bracket for low ceilings

ET-LAA110Replacement lamp unit

1. Donot install theprojector in locations thataresubject toexcessivewater,humidity,steam,oroilysmoke.Doingsomayresult in fire,malfunction,orelectricshock.

2. Theprojectorusesahigh-voltagemercury lampthatcontainshigh internalpressure.Thislampmaybreak,emittinga largesound,or fail to illuminate,due to impactorextendeduse.

3. Theprojectorusesahigh-wattage lampthatbecomesveryhotduringoperation.Pleaseobserve the followingprecautions:• Neverplaceobjectson topof theprojectorwhile it isoperating.• Makesure there isanunobstructedspaceof100mm(3-15/16 in)ormorearound the

projector’sair intakeopenings.• Donotstackprojectorunitsdirectlyon topofoneanother for thepurposeofmultiple

(stacked)projection.Whenstackingprojectorunits,besure toprovide theamountofspace indicatedbelowbetween them.Thesespacerequirementsalsoapply to installa-tionswhereonlyoneprojectorunit isoperatingatone timeand theotherunit isusedasabackup.

• If theprojector is installed inanenclosedspace,ensure that theprojector’s intakeandexhaustopeningsarenotblocked.Takeparticularcare toensure thathotair fromtheexhaustopenings isnotsucked into the intakeopenings.

4. If theprojector is tobeoperatedcontinuously12hoursormore, lampreplacementcycledurationbecomesshorter.

5. The lampreplacementcycledurationbecomesshorter if theprojector isoperatedrepeatedlyforshortperiods (onehouror less).


(16:9aspectratio)unit: meters (feet)

1.0 2 m1. 27 m1. 52 m1.78 m2 .0 3 m2 . 2 9 m2 . 5 4 m3 .0 5 m3 .81 m5 .0 8 m6 . 3 5 m7.6 2 m .02 . 32 .62 .93 .54 . 35 .87. 28 .7

2 . 32 .93 .54 .04 .65 . 25 .87.08 .7

11.614 . 517.4

- 0 .0 8- 0 .0 9- 0 .11- 0 .13- 0 .15- 0 .17- 0 .19- 0 . 2 2- 0 . 2 8- 0 . 37- 0 .47- 0 . 5 6

0 . 5 80 .710 .8 61.0 01.151. 2 91.4 41.712 .152 .8 63 .5 84 . 3 0


4 0 i n5 0 i n6 0 i n70 i n8 0 i n9 0 i n

10 0 i n12 0 i n15 0 i n2 0 0 i n2 5 0 i n3 0 0 i n


( 3 .7 )( 4 .6 )( 5 .6 )( 6 . 5 )( 7. 5 )( 8 .4 )( 9 .4 )

( 11. 3 )( 14 . 2 )( 19 .0 )( 2 3 .8 )( 2 8 .6 )

( 7. 5 )( 9 .4 )

( 11. 3 )( 13 .3 )( 15 . 2 )( 17.1 )( 19 .0 )( 2 2 .8 )( 2 8 .6 )( 3 8 .1 )( 47.7 )( 5 7. 2 )

( - 0 . 2 6( - 0 . 3 0( - 0 . 3 6( - 0 .4 3( - 0 .4 9( - 0 . 5 6( - 0 .6 2( - 0 .72( - 0 .9 2( -1. 21( -1. 5 4( -1.8 4

1.9 0 )2 . 3 3 )2 .8 2 )3 . 2 8 )3 .7 7 )4 . 2 3 )4 .72 )5 .61 )7.0 5 )9 . 3 8 )

11.75 )14 .11 )


Projection size[diagonal]

Projection distance [L]Min [wide] Max [telephoto]

Height from the edge of screento center of lens [H]

Projection distance

Power supply

Power consumption

LCD*10 panel Panel size Display method Drive method Pixels



Projection size

Throw distance



Center-to-corner uniformity ratio*12

Contrast ratio*12


Scanning frequency HDMI



Optical axis shift*13

Keystone correction range


On-screen menu languages


Power cord length

Cabinet materials

Dimensions (W × H × D)


Operation noise*12

Operating temperature

Operating humidity

Supplied accessories

100–240 V AC, 50/60 Hz

350 W (0.08 W with STANDBY MODE set to ECO,*9 7 W with STANDBY MODE set to NORMAL, 10 W when STANDBY MODE set to NORMAL and AUDIO MONITOR OUT. )

18.7 mm (0.74 in) diagonal (16:9 aspect ratio)Transparent LCD panel (× 3, R/G/B)Active matrix2,073,600 (1,920 × 1,080) × 3, total of 6,220,800 pixels

280 W UHM lamp

Manual zoom (1–2×), manual focus lenses,F 2.0–3.4, f 21.5–43.0 mm

1.02–7.62 m (40–300 in)

1.11–17.45 m (3 ft 8 in to 57 ft 3 in)

Full color (1,073,741,824 colors)

3,000 lm

85 %

10,000:1 (all white/all black, with Dynamic Iris Pro on)

1,920 × 1,080 pixels ( Input signals that exceed this resolution will be converted to 1,920 × 1,080 pixels.)

525p (480p), 625p (576p), 750 (720)/60p, 750 (720)/50p, 1125 (1080)/60i, 1125 (1080)/50i, 1125 (1080)/60p, 1125 (1080)/50p, 1125 (1080)/24p Dot clock: 25.2–162.0 MHz, displayable resolution: VGA–UXGA (non-interlace)fH: 15.6–91.1 kHz, fV: 24.0–85.1 Hz, dot clock: 162.0 MHz or lower525i (480i): fH 15.75 kHz; fV 60.0 Hz, 625i (576i): fH 15.63 kHz; fV 50.0 Hz,525p (480p): fH 31.5 kHz; fV 60.0 Hz, 625p (576p): fH 31.25 kHz; fV 50.0 Hz,750 (720)/60p: fH 45.0 kHz; fV 60.0 Hz, 750 (720)/50p: fH 37.5 kHz; fV 50.0 Hz,1125 (1080)/60i: fH 33.75 kHz; fV 60.0 Hz, 1125 (1080)/50i: fH 28.13 kHz; fV 50.0 Hz, 1125 (1080)/24p: fH 27.0 kHz; fV 24.0 Hz, 1125 (1080)/60p: fH 67.5 kHz; fV 60.0 Hz, 1125 (1080)/50p: fH 56.25 kHz; fV 50.0 HzNOTE: Not compatible with 3-value composite SYNCfH: 15.75 kHz, fV: 60 Hz [NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL-M/PAL60]fH: 15.63 kHz, fV: 50 Hz [PAL/PAL-N/SECAM]

Vertical: ±65 %, horizontal: ±26 %

Vertical: approx. ±30°

Ceiling/desk, front/rear (menu selection)

English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Portuguese, Thai, Japanese

HDMI 19-pin × 2, Deep Color, compatible with HDCPD-sub HD 15-pin (female) × 1RCA pin (Y, PB/CB, PR/CR) × 3RCA pin × 1, 1.0 Vp-p, 75 ohmsMini DIN 4-pin × 1M3 (L, R ) × 1M3 (L, R ) × 1 (monitor out: 0–2.0 Vrms, variable)D-sub 9-pin × 1 for external control (RS-232C compliant)RJ-45 × 1, for network connection, 100Base-TX/10Base-T, compliant with PJLink™

2.0 m (6 ft 7 in)

Molded plastic (PC+ABS)

470 mm × 151 mm*14 × 380 mm (18-17/32 in × 5-15/16 in*14 × 14-31/32 in )

Approx. 8.6 kg (19.0 lbs)


0– 40 °C*16 (32–104 °F*16)

20–80 % (no condensation)

Power cord (× 1) (× 2 for PT-LZ370EA), Wireless remote control unit (× 1), Batteries for remote control (AA/R6 type × 2), Software CD-ROM (Logo Transfer Software, Multi Projector Monitoring and Control Software) (× 1)


470 (18-17/32) 380 (14-31/32)





Dimensions un i t :mm ( inches )

ThePT-LZ370iscarefullymanufac-turedatthePanasonicfactory inJapan,understrictqualitycontrol.This isanother,very importantadvantageofaPanasonicprojector.

Other Valuable Features• Scheduling function• Directpoweroff• 15m (49 ft) long-rangewireless

remotecontrol• Quiet,29dB*7operation

• Security features:userpassword, text superim-posingandstartup logo*8 (default or original)

• Whiteboardandblackboardmodes• AVmute for image/soundmuting• Selectable17-languageonscreenmenu• Built-in closedcaptiondecoder

*7WhenthelampmodeissettoECO;35dBwhenthelampmodeissettoNormal.Measurement,measuringcondit ionsandmethodofnotationallcomplywith ISO21118internationalstandards.*8AnewlogocanbeeasilyuploadedbyconnectingacomputertothePT-LZ370,throughtheLANorserialconnectionbyusingtheLogoTransferSof twarewhichiscompatiblewithWindows ®XP,WindowsVista®,andWindows®7.Uploadablestill imagesare limitedto1,024×768pixelbitmapfiles.Also,theapplicationwillreducethenumberofcolorsto191.*9Whenthestandbymodeissettoeco,networkfunctionssuchaspoweronovertheLANnetworkwillnotoperate.Also,onlycer taincommandscanbereceivedforex ternalcontrolusingtheserial terminal.*10Theprojectorusesatypeof liquidcrystalpanelthattypicallycon-sistsofmillionsofpixels.Thispanel isbuiltwithveryhigh-precisiontechnologytoprovidethef inestpossible image.Occasionally,afewpixelsmayremainturnedon( bright )orturnedof f ( dark ) .Pleasenotethatthis isanintr insiccharacterist icofthemanufacturingtechnologythataf fectsallproductsusingLCDtechnology.*11Theprojectorusesahigh-voltagemercury lampthatcontainshighinternalpressure.This lampmaybreak,emit t inga largesound,orfail to illuminate,dueto impactorex tendeduse.Thelengthoft imethat it takesforthelamptobreakorfail to illuminatevariesgreatlydependingonindividual lampcharac-terist icsandusagecondit ions.*12Measurement,measuringcondit ions,andmethodofnotationallcomplywith ISO21118internationalstandards.*13Shif trangeis limitedduringsimultaneoushorizontalandver ticalshif t ing.*14With legsatshor testposit ion.*15Averagevalue.Maydif ferdependingonmodels.*16Theoperatingtemperaturerangeis0°Cto35°C(32°Fto95°F )whenusedinHigh-Alt itudemode(1,400mto2,700m(4,593f tto8,858f t )abovesealevel ) .


Factories of Business Solutions Business Group have received ISO 14001:2004—the Environmental Management System certification (except for third parties’ peripherals).

Weightsanddimensionsshownareapproximate.Specificationsandappearancearesubject tochangewithoutnotice.Productavailabilitydiffersdependingonregionandcountry.Thisproductmaybesubject toexportcontrol regulations.Theprojectiondistancesandthrowratiosgiven in thisbrochureare foruseonlyasguidelines.Formoredetailed information,pleaseconsultthedealer fromwhomyouarepurchasingtheproduct.Also, the throwratiosshownare thevalues foran80-inch imagesize(measureddiagonally).ThePJLink trademark isanapplication trademark inJapan, theUnitedStates,andothercountriesandregionsorregisteredtrademarks.RoomView,CrestronRoomView,andCrestronConnectedare trademarksofCrestronElectronics, Inc.Allother trademarksare thepropertyof their respective trademarkowners.Projection imagessimulated.©2011PanasonicCorporation.All rightsreserved. PT-LZ370G1 Printed in Japan.

All information included here is valid as of December 2011.

http://panasonic.net/avc/projectorFor more information about Panasonic projectors