PUBD Training

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  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    Potentially Unblinding Data


    October/November, 2013

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. 2

    PUBD - Overview

    ! Intro"ction! #o$ to recogni%e &U'(

    ! )t"y (oc"ments t*at ientify &U'(

    ! )O&s, +ANs an FO+s

    ! &rocesses

    ! oles

    ! &otentially Unblining events

     - scalation an Notification

     - Net )tes

     - Conse"ences

    !  Aitional Information on &rocesses

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. 3

    PUBD – Introduction

    In recent mont*s t*ere *ave been several otentially"nblining events, incl"ing

     - &U'( files in "nrestricte folers folers not roerly restricte

    or files lace on stanar folers4

     - &otentially "nblining information in email to bline staff 5(+4

     - )cramble ataset $it* otentially "nblining information

    ("e to t*e criticality of maintaining a blin for a st"y an

    t*e negative imacts affecting everyone, t*is

    resentation *as been constr"cte to reinforce roer

    roce"res to revent eos"re to &U'(.

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    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. 6

    Consequences of unblinding - Data

    integrity in question

    ! ose bline st"y team member may *ave to beremove from t*e trial

    !  An etreme case co"l be reg"latory a"t*orities

    re7ecting ata "e to erceive bias "ring trial con"ct

    ! 8*ere is a %ero tolerance 9&I/)5A in lace $it* F)&venors

     - +onetary conse"ences/enalty may be alie er signe :O

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;

    !ow to "ecogni#e PUBD! &otentially Unblining (ata &U'(4 is any information or ata t*at is collecte "ring

    t*e con"ct of an Amgen clinical trial an rior to initial loc< of t*e atabase $*ic*may

     - Inicate or infer treatment assignment

     - Create bias in t*e con"ct of a st"y

     - Imact t*e integrity of t*e clinical trial or ata

    ! amles of "nblining ata incl"e

     - 8reatment assignments

     -  Antiboy A'4 res"lts

     - &*armaco

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


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    $tudy Docu%ents t&at Identify PUBD

    ! 8*e rotocol is t*e rimary so"rce for efining &U'( an timing fort*e "nblining of t*e ata an treatment assignments. 8*e follo$ing

    oc"ments $ill ientify &U'( base on t*e rotocol

     - ')+ &lan

     - =):/(8&

     - )O:/C*arter  - ()8: - )): (ata Ac"isition tab

     - C*ange Control :or

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    $OPs' *s and +O"s! )O&?01B@B6 Foler Access &rovisioning &rocess

    ! )O&?01>1 Access to estricte (ata

    ! )O&?000>B6 (isclosing 8reatment Assignments for anomi%e Clinical 8rials

    ! +AN?001;@ evie$ of &otentially Unblining (ata

    ! +AN?001>1B Creation, Aroval D +aintenance of t*e 8rial Integrity (oc"ment


    ! +AN?001>1 Accessing an (istrib"ting estricte (ata for Amgen Clinical 8rials

    ! FO+?0@2366 estricte or &otentially Unblining (ata &lan

    ! U+AN?0002@; an CE eternal file *anling4

    ! FO+?00B23> signoff form for "nblining of res"lt ata4

    ! +AN?000@2 an CE reorting, scrambling an )A) Cs4

    ! +AN?0010B0 CE lacement of signoff form for "nblining of res"lt ata4

    ! +AN?0010B2 an CE estriction set " in ave for &U'(4

    ! +AN?0010B6 an CE E"iance on &U'(, restrictions4

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    $yste%s Processes ,&at ay !andle

    PUBD! eort generation re"ests

     - )crambling

     - CA

     - 55

     -  Any C( st"y reort re"est

     - 8reatment assignments! ternal (ata

     - 8ransfer to eternal gro"

     - 5oas to C8('

     - 8ransfer to C8)#A( for Non?C8(' or for "nbline gro" revie$

    ! it C*ec

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    $yste%s "ole aut&ori#ed for PUBD


    !  As a r"le, "ntil t*e atabase is formally "nbline, t*e follo$ing systems

    roles may access treatment assignments limite to t*at re"ire to erform

    t*eir role4

     - 5ea &rogrammer 

     - C)I or 8ec*nical )ecialist

     - (A/(I &rogrammer 

     - )A) &rogrammer

     - C( &rogrammer 

     - )t"y (esigner 

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    &en Potential Unblinding "is. Is

    Identified – /scalation and *otification!  Any E)O (+ 8A an )ystems incl"ing F)&s4 s*o"l notify t*e follo$ing oversig*t

    roles immeiately $*en a otential "nblining ris< is ientifie

     - )t"yGs Amgen &5, F)& Os 5ea, Amgen Os 5ea

    ! refer to the DM Systems ECS Portal  for FSP and Amgen Ops Lead contacts

    ! refer to GMAT for Amgen PL of the impacted study 

    !  Amgen Os lea, F)& Os 5ea an Amgen &5 $ill engage t*e reorter to establis*

    initial ris< assessment confirming t*e reorte ris< is not a false alarm

    ! If it is not a false alarm, Amgen &5 $ill notify t*e follo$ing istrib"tion list immeiatelyan $it*in t*e same b"siness ay of ientifie incient $it* s"mmary etails an

    rovie aily "ates "ntil t*e iss"e is close

    $u%%ary details to be included Distribution 0ist

    1. (escribe *o$ $as t*e ris< ientifie

    2. (escribe t*e establis*e start time of eos"reof ris<3. Incl"e root ca"se if available6. Incl"e "nblining eos"re analysis if available;. Incl"e corrective actions an stat"s>. (escribe lanne net stes see net slie4

    5ea (ata +anager 

     Amgen )r +anager5ea &rogrammer/C)I)ystems Oerations +anager 9im :a* 5o$4F)& Eovernance D Oversig*t 8ab #oa4(+ 58 ob 8arney/8ina #arris, 8aras Cariac4&U'( 58 sonsor 8ina #arris4&U'( )r. +anager )+ (avi +cErat*4Cc F)& Os 5ea, Amgen Os 5ea

    F)& an Amgen Os 5eas contact information

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    &en Potential Unblinding "is. Is

    Identified – *e1t $te2s! +$P3%gen O2s 0ead is res2onsible to ensure

     - emove ata/o"t"ts immeiately ost acB6   - &er confirmation from Comliance, for confirme non?eose event, o not nee N8F

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    Overall Points to "e%e%ber3+ollow

    &en !andling PUBD! IPO",*, lt&oug& users are able to create folders in C,$!"/D' only

    %gen +$, Business Owners are allowed to create PUBD folders wit&a22ro2riate restrictions

    !  Al$ays verify t*e correct foler "ner t*e correct st"y rior to lacing &U'(.

    !  Al$ays c*ec< restrictions on t*e foler rior to lacing &U'(.

    ! Immeiately notify manager of any otentially "nblining event

    ! (atasets $it* &U'( ata incl"e t*e $ors HrsltG or Hres"ltG

    ! estricte foler names incl"e t*e $ors HblineG or HrestricteG

    ! Never "se ro"ction &U'( as test ata

     - Uate $it* "mmy s"b7ects or "se entirely "mmy ata

    ! Never sen any atasets via email. Al$ays lace on cts*are an sen t*e cts*arefile lin< to t*e re"ester

    ! Never reference any etails on &U'( recors via email

    !  Al$ays revie$ email boy to ens"re t*ere in no &U' ata before for$aring or


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    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. 16

    $$ /dit C&ec.s

    against C,DB or non-C,DB data

    !  Any testing s*o"l "se non &U'( ata eit*er "mmy or nonbline ro"ction ata4

    ! Confirm o"t"t location is acc"rate an t*e foler is restricte aroriately by man"ally

    revie$ing t*e foler roerties

    ! &rogrammer to confirm restrictions rior to r"nning any c*ec

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


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    /1ternal Data! )O:/C*arter/etc

     - =enor oc"ment secification s*o"l incl"e bline information

     - Covance (+ $ill contact F)& (A Os 5ea if any ne$ )O:s rafts contain

    bline information for revie$.

    ! 8*is revie$ is to verify t*at *anling of t*e bline ata is ac*ievable

    ! amle is for reeat or "nsc*e"le visits - as &U'( c*ec< r"n by (A cannot

    iscriminate by certain "nsc*e"le or reeat visits, it is best to *ave all

    "nsc*e"le/reeats as bline.

    ! (ata *anling - any aitional *anling of res"lts s*o"l be

    incl"e in (8&/=):

     -  As is original bline file sent to reciient or lace in foler 

     - +as

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    /1ternal Data

    ! (A to eec"te "bc*< for all *eaer ata rior to loa into C8(' an non?ctb

    ata files

     - &"bc*< o"t"t $ill nee to be revie$e by (A an F)& Os lea to verify


     - (o not loa ata if any &U' ata fo"n in *eaer file

     - (o not lace non?ctb ata files if any &U' ata fo"n in *eaer file

    ! 5oaing of &U'( ata to C8(' only after signe "nblining form i.e. FO+?

    00B23>4 is receive an confirmation from 5(+ to loa &U'( ata. 8*is is tyically

    $it*in 3 ays from Initial 5oc<

    !  Any lacement of &U'( ata on cts*are

     - =erify ermissions of foler by man"ally revie$ing t*e foler roerties

     - If foler oes not eist, re"est t*e Amgen FA)8 '"siness O$ners +ic

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    PUBD C& Pur2ose

    ! &"rose C*ec< if t*ere are any val"es in t*e any of t*ebline fiels in *eaer files receive from eternal

    venor. 'line Fiels s*o"l be emty in *eaer tet


    ! Fre"ency "n &"b( C*ec

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


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    PUBD C& "equests

    ! (A eresentative $ill re"est &"b( c*ec< rogrambe set " for a st"y

    ! 8*e email incl"es )t"y J, =enor, Fiels $*ic* are to

    be bline, =isits t*at s*o"l be bline

    ! mail also s*o"l *ave =): attac*e

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    PUBD C& Process

    !Navigate to t*e at* /cm/ro"ct/st"yJ/lab

    ! =erify if "bc*ec< irectory eists. If not t*an create it.

     - .g. /cm/amg16;/20001;B/lab/"bc*ec<

    ! C*ec< for rogram in t*e foler 

     - If it oes not eist, coy it from /cts*are/cm/sas/general/scrits/an moify it accoring to t*e re"irements

    ! C*ec< for rogram for any artic"lar lab in t*e foler 

     - If it oesnGt eist, e.g. covancea@B;200>[email protected] coy from


     - &rogram Name laba an moify it accoring to t*enees of t*e c"rrent st"y. Name of t*e rogram s*o"l be

    la!name aNNN studynum!er .sas, a samle coe belo$

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    PUBD C& Para%s4sas

    ! Contents of t*is coe1.(ata (irectory $*ere t*e =enor files are


    2.=enor Files!. 'asically, efining macro variables t*at *ol t*e val"es

    of venor ata irectory an t*e filenames e.g. belo$

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    PUBD C& $et U2 Caller 2rogra%


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    PUBD C& $et U2 Caller 2rogra%


    ! (atafilename C*emlab2 is ta

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    PUBD C& $et U2 Caller 2rogra%


    ! (ata ste t*at creates err ataset, "se t*e setnameassigne in earlier ste $*ic* is cl2. 5ist all t*e fiels

    "se in fiel list an criteria2, e.g. fieldnameMK K

    ! 8*e macro call "dump#err call s*o"l list atafilename

    e.g. C*emlab24, )"b7i Cevent field_list 

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    PUBD C& 5C $te2s

    !  Anot*er )A) &rogrammer $ill be assigne to =aliate t*e rogram

    ! =aliator navigates to t*e venorGs foler "ner

    /cm/amg$$$ /study#num!er /lab/%endor 

     - .g. /cm/amg16;/20110233/lab/covance

    ! =aliator creates a rogram name Hvaliation initialsG, e.g.


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    PUBD C& 5C $te2s Contd4

    ! =aliator coies files from lab ata foler to valiation foler t*at

    $as create in earlier ste

    ! =aliator t*en in t*e valiation foler renames t*e files insie, e.g.

    t*e c*aracters &O( or UA8 $ill be relace by &U'(=A5

    ! .g.

     - a1>200@0;>1?&O(?CO=ANCIN('5UNI8?C#+5A'3?


    would be c&anged toa1>200@0;>1?&U'(=A5?CO=ANCIN('5UNI8?C#+5A'3?


     - C*anging t*e filename as mentione $ill eliminate

    any ossibility of t*e file inavertently being loae

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


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    PUBD C& 5C ste2s contd4

    ! =aliator Oens files in valiation foler eit*er in celor any tet eitor 

    ! nters ata into t*e fiels t*at are eecte to be


    ! efer to =): for fiel attrib"tes s"c* asc*aracter/n"meric etc.

    ! If some visits are to be bline, ata s*o"l be entere

    in a ro$ for at least one of t*ose tyes of visits

    ! )ave an close t*e files an "bc*ec

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. 2B

    PUBD C& 5C $te2s Contd4

    ! On t*e UNI romt, enter comman &U'(C#C9! )ystem $ill romt for st"y n"mber an in"t file


    ! For valiation, in"t file location $ill be t*e valiation


    ! &"b(c*ec

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    PubDC& Progra% to P"OD

    ! If t*e "bc*ec

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    ! ave &"b( (ata

     - #eaer (ata gets 5oae into A=

     - &"b( ata oes not get loae into A= "ntil "nblining

    of t*e st"y

    ! Non?C8(' &"b( (ata

     - #eaer (ata $ill be coming from eternal venor

     - If t*e *eaer ata is in 88tet4 format, it s*o"l be

    converte to )A) atasetataset name format

    nb1, $*ere enotes t*e tye of ata4 an t*e

    ataset s*o"l be store in ))( foler of t*e st"y

    $cra%bling PubD and !eader Data

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    ! 8*e re"est to scramble ata comes from - C(+

     - E)&

    ! If t*e &"b( secs are not rovie $it* t*e re"est, as<

    for it.! &"b( secs are create by 'iostatistics/E)&. Ieally,

    t*ey s*o"l resie in (+ 8eams

    $cra%bling "equests

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    ! ave ata/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ss

    ! es"lt Files




    $cra%bling $tandard +ile Directories

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  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


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    ! traction /cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ss

    ! (isg"ise Assignment estricte4/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssa

    ! &"b( ata estricte4/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssbline

    ! )cramble ata/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssisg"ise

    ! )sa an ssbline, bot* nee to be restricte. C*ec< $it*

    FA)8 aministrators +ic

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    ! )tanar +acros Use are at/cts*are/cm/sas/general/rograms/macros

    ! +acro Calling &rograms at st"y level resie "ner/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/rograms/at


    $cra%bling Progra% Directory

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    ! C*ec< if &at*s4 to es"lt Files are rovie! If not, re"est t*e at*s4 to res"lt files to C(+ or 5ab

     Amin irectly

    ! Once $e *ave t*is "ate t*e calling rograms $it* t*e

    ne$ lin< an files as alicable

    ! *ote A' an &9 es"lt files m"st be in CO format,

    i.e. 8ab (elimite. If t*eyGre not rovie in CO format,

    re"est it.

    ! *ote 5ab es"lt files are ie HPG elimite

    $cra%bling "esult +iles ("ave)

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    ! *ote A' an &9 es"lt 88tet4 files m"st be in&O( format, i.e. ie HPG elimite. If t*eyGre not in

    &O( format, re"est it.

    ! 8*e res"lt ata$*ic* is in 88 format4 s*o"l t*en be

    converte to )A) ataset. Use t*e conversionrogramsif not alreay eists, create t*e conversion

    rogram as er =):4 to o t*e conversion

    ! *ote 5ab es"lt file $ill be in )A) format)A) ataset4

    $cra%bling "esult +iles (*on-C,DB)

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    ave! tract elevant A= ata "sing C(+)2)A)

     - .g. 5A', A', &9 etc.

     - 8*is $ill etract t*e ata "ner Q../ata/ss

     - C*ec< an confirm t*at ssbline an ssa bot* are



    #eaer ata.g. nblab1, nbab1, nb

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    !If t*e rogram are not alreay set ", set it ". 8*is canbe one by coying vario"s rograms from ot*er st"y

    an moifying it accoring to t*e nees

    ! &rograms resie "ner Q/rograms/ataisg"ise at

    st"y level

    Process (contd4)

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    ! "n +a

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    ! 8*is ata is store "ner


    ! =ario"s &rograms t*at create Unblining ata are

    o ea'lineA'

    o ea'line&

    o ea)ynarc'

    o ea'

    ! :*at t*is oes is eas t*e es"lt Files, merges $it* #eaer ata an

    t*an creates t*e "nbline file $it* bline ata t*at is store "ner

    ssbline $*ic* again is a restricte irectory

    ! O"t"ts from t*ese are e.g. lab", ab",

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    ! 8*is ata is store "ner


    ! =ario"s &rograms t*at create Unblining ata are

    o ea'linNONC8('

    o ea'linNONC8('&

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    ! Oen t*e relevant )A) 5og

    ! C*ec< if t*ere are any errors resent. If t*ere are any errors,

    ossibility is t*at in t*e macro calls, $rong filenames or at*names

    are given. 8*ere may be some ot*er reasons t*at nee to be

    investigate if errors are "e to some ot*er reasons

    ! C*ec< for A58 message. A58) are resent in case of t*ere isany mismatc* of t*e ata, i.e. recor eists in res"lt files, b"t

    corresoning recor oes not eist in *eaer file. .g.

     A58 (ata from res"lts file oes not *ave a matc*ing *eaer recor

    in 5A'A55 t10>>61001 Foler:6B )A)NA+A&O'

     A58 (ata from res"lts file oes not *ave a matc*ing *eaer recor

    in 5A'A55 t10>>61001 Foler:6B )A)NA+5(5(

    $cra%bling 5C $te2 for Creating

    Unblinding +ile

    $cra%bling ,o "esolve is atc&es of

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    !Contact (A or ')+ as alicable, rovie t*ese alertsan re"est to c*ec< an get t*e "ate *eaer file.

    )to rocessing t*e file t*at *as A58).

    ! For 5abs, only rovie t*e alert as in eamle above. (o

    NO8 rovie =I)I8 (ate, =I)I8 (ate a$ or =isit 8ime.8*ese are act"ally resent in )A) 5og, b"t $*en

    roviing t*e A58 to t*ese fiels nee to be ta

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    ! )cramble ata resies "ner/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssisg"ise

    ! &rograms t*at create )cramble ata are

    o +a

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    ! )cramble ata resies "ner/cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssisg"ise

    ! &rograms t*at create )cramble ata are


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    ! N"mber of ecors in " an s*o"l matc*.

    ! C*ec< ata against &"b( secs. All variables er secs m"st be resent.

    ! C*ec< if t*ere is any restriction on n"mber of "ni"e s"b7ects in isg"ise ata

    mentione in t*e )&C. If yes, t*e lin

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    !  Any ata t*at is NO8 &"b( is consiere to be #eaer


    ! ntere into ave for ave st"ies

    ! For Non?C8(', t*e *eaer ata $ill be rovie by t*e

    eternal venor 

    !  At t*e en of t*e scrambling rocess, coy *eaer ata

    e.g. 5abAll,nblab1for Non?C8('4 from ss to


    $cra%bling !eader Data

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;0

    !  At t*e en of t*e rocess t*e follo$ing o"t"ts are eecte

    7"st "sing labs for eamle4

    ! 5A'U or blab1"for Non?C8('4 &"b( (ata store in


    ! 5A'( or blab1for Non?C8('4 )cramble (ata

    store "ner ssisg"ise

    ! 8*en from ss irectory, 5A'A55 or nblab1for Non?

    C8('4 coie over to ss*eaer 



    $cra%bling Out2uts in *uts&ell

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;1

    ! Fail"re to c*ec< )A) 5ogs of t*e relevant rograms

    ! Using $rong Files

    ! Use Coy an &aste, b"t forget to "ate t*e coe er secs

    ! +or labs in C,DB' %issing calculated $I values in t&e scra%bled out2ut

     - In orer to calc"late t*e )I val"es, t*e analyte "nit an conversion factor from reorte "nit to )I "nit4 m"st

    be set " in ave 5ab Amin mo"le for t*e analyte. In aition, t*e range secifically t*e *ig* range4 m"st

    be assigne to t*e analyte for t*e lab venor "se for t*e st"y.

     - "e%ediation

    ! If conversion factor is missing, 5(+ to confirm $it* 5( if t*ere is an available conversion factor. If so,

    t*e conversion factor is to be arove an ae to t*e analyte in t*e ave 5ab Amin +o"le. If no

    conversion factor is available, )I val"e cannot be rovie in t*e scramble ataset - only reorte


    ! If only t*e range is missing, 5(+ to confirm $it* 5( if tetboo< ranges are available for "se in t*e

    st"y. If available, 5(+ to re"est to "ate ranges for t*e st"y. If not available, 5(+ to re"est "mmy

    ranges to be "se i.e. 0?4. Note, t*e "mmy range selecte s*o"l be s"c* t*at none of t*e res"ltsare falsely flagge as abnormally lo$ or *ig*.

    $cra%bling Co%%on Issues

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;2

    ! Create a ate foler, e.g. October2012 "ner eac* ssbline, ssisg"ise

    an ss*eaer, eening on $*en t*e ata is re"este

    ! +ove all "nbline/&"b( ata from ssbline irectory to t*e +ont*year foler

    create "ner it.

    .g. +ove :u files from /cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssbline

    to /cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssbline/+ont*Rear 

    ! +ove all )cramble (ata from ssisg"ise to t*e +ont*year foler create "ner


      .g. +ove :d files from /cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssisg"ise

    to /cts*are/a%g678/inication/Protocol9/cm/sas/ec/ata/ssisg"ise/+ont*Rear 

      *O,/ ,&e $0 to 2rocess PubD is ; Business Days4 In case of *ew studies t&at need t&is set u2' it %ayta.e a day or two additional4

    $cra%bling +inal $te2s

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;3

    ! #eaer (ata "ner ss irectory to be CO&I( over

    from ss to ss*eaer/+ont*Rear 


    COP7  :all filesrelate to t*e ata being scramble4





    $cra%bling Co2y !eader Data

    $cra%bling $ending 0in.s to t&e

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;6

    ! 8*e email *aving t*e re"est to scramble ata may

    *ave information on $*o to sen t*e lin

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;;

    ! Once t*e ata *as been rocesse an all stes CGe,

    sen t*e ata manager an bline E)& rogrammer


  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confiential. ;>

    ! )en t*e lin

  • 8/17/2019 PUBD Training


    $cra%bling $a%2le PubD s2ecs