Public Health Dorset Presents Rhonda Halling, May 2015

Public Health Dorset Presents Rhonda Halling, May 2015

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Public Health Dorset Presents

Rhonda Halling, May 2015

Page 2: Public Health Dorset Presents Rhonda Halling, May 2015

• Preventable diseases such as lung cancer and CVD remain biggest cause of deaths in UK,

• lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet and increasing alcohol consumption all contribute to disease risk,

• Evidence shows that 70% of the population engage in 2 or more of the above contributing risky behaviours.

New look health improvement Service

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Entry and access to existing services restrictive and confusing;

– numerous referral processes restricted referral – numerous pathways confused service users and referrers – difficult to assess outcomes, particularly in areas of high need

New model required to improve the provider links with the community;

– extend reach into areas of need– increase impact to ensure better outcomes– develop standardised approach to improve consistency

Why a new service?

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How did we respond to this need?

We engaged local people to explore:

• what kind of service they would use?• what would motivate them to use the service?• What don’t they want? • how would they like to access such a service?

June 2014 - launched an open tender process in line with EU procurement requirements.

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Ensure an evidence based approach informed our commissioning model:

Develop an approach most likely to have the greatest effect,

Incorporate trusted behaviour change theories and practices

apply rigorous academic and professional quality control mechanisms,

remain within existing funding envelope while building on quality, scope, reach and impact.

Our job

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and the winner is...............

Central Hub promotes the service directly and indirectly

Team of Wellbeing Advisors and Coaches

Science-based approach to assessment and intervention

Targeted outreach and social marketing

First contact is key – the start of on-going “client journey” relationship

Analysis of outcomes to inform commissioning, improve services and build community capacity

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New service, creating a customer-centric ‘single point of access’, for the 750,000 people of Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset

Purpose to protect and improve health and wellbeing, enabling sustainable behaviour change in key lifestyle areas (alcohol, tobacco, diet and activity)

Opportunity to move away from fragmented silos of service, and towards a more holistic model; Empowering clients to take ownership of their health and wellbeing

A universal offering, also actively engaging communities and promoting the service to ‘hard to reach’ groups where health outcomes are poorest

Range of brief interventions provided within the service, and guiding client through other available support and community assets

A new service takes shape

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Access and Engagement

• LiveWell Dorset’s multi-channel single point of access creates ‘one front door’, and makes access fair and equitable across the Dorset population.

• Customer engagement approach ensures every contact counts. After initial contact with a Wellbeing Advisor, referred clients begin their unique wellbeing journey with their Wellbeing Coach.


• All of the Wellbeing Advisors and Coaches will be skilled and trained in Motivational Interviewing, which, in conjunction with the COM-B* model, help assess sources of behaviour, and understand the barriers or enablers to change.

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4 Stage approach:

1. Telephone service,

2. web based service,

1. face to face,

2. training and development within community to expand reach.

The first year..................

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Keeping it simple

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Service delivers

Commissioned pathway – including Healthy Choices Programme, exercise referral schemes and other local PA opportunities (e.g. Health Walks), specialised alcohol services, GP and Community Pharmacy Stop Smoking services

Local health improvement offer – referral or signposting to local opportunities, such as beachfront activity, leisure centre offers, charities, voluntary organisations and community groups

Retention - Clients will be encouraged to keep in contact with the service through a range of communication channels and campaigns.

Follow up - The Wellbeing Advisors and Coaches will follow-up directly with each customer after 12, 24 and 52 weeks, in addition to planned coaching and mentor support sessions.

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Thank you

Rhonda Halling Health Programme Advisor Public Health [email protected]