public or private issue is a topic to discuss. When a person speaks on their feelings or emotions, an emotional intelligence takes place. Where you locate this emotional intelligence, the emotion itself is a mode. The mode in mind, is to be mindful, or to think of something. This thought in mind, the mindful thought, are ideas that enable us to think, and act accordingly. At times, it takes a lot of work to make an effort in order to support a cause. The cause and effect analysis entails a action to an equal or opposite reaction, as the scientist Sir Isaac Newton once defined in his studies of gravity. The gravitational pull, a pulley, the motion of a string. These things, enact a velocity that gathers a force with the pull of a rubber pulley. When things fall apart, an apple drops on top of your head, and it is said, or defined to have loss of gravity we are to acknowledge it, as an act to be known, to be made public. The act itself, is embarrassing but, not without the act itself, the apple falling on top of your head, or the apple's loss of gravity. I would have hope that it is does not occur more than once. Although, it has an occurrence, and the event is more than once without Sir Isaac Newton presence, we should have it as private issue. Something to keep by itself, to act upon the issue, as self-contained, under the stress and pressures of the public. No more than one person or two should know of the act, nor its occurrence until proven. Repetition is a good way to know if, it is will occur, again. This experience is observable and with due diligence, and help visualize the effects of a loss of gravity, and how it occurs, as the effect. I do feel this will not help if, made private, nor is a private issue for me but, I would want to tell others if, I were Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist who has written the law of gravity. A topic that has revolutionize the world in to the cause and effect analysis of the realm of science with concerns on this issue, made known, in private. Investment, a period of dispursment, when we compound interest into monthly payments, and use the mature value formula, in fact, the time period, or period of time. When the amount due by principal, we may incur, that their is a value, a need to this payment, a plan to save, preserve what is given, the value of buying and selling, a product, the item to which value is placed, a monetary value, with the need of interest, to infer on the facts of life, and its need to preserve the value of the item. Whether by interest, or the value of the interest, we may take heed to the interest, in the decision making process, in order, to lower the costs, with less preference towards its initial value, the principal of a loan. The preservation of fine arts, the interest of judgment, taste, and the art, is a of interest to many and not of few, only the selective few infer such interests, and find the value of the interest when the process of the precedence, the eye of the beholder, the third eye, or the stages of development, with preference to the location of the form of art, whether by framework, display, or portrait. The glance, the glimpse, the second in command, the eye what is placed in value, to generate the interest, the emotion with detail, and the intelligence of the emotional value, we may find to be of interest, and prefer to engage, a morale, a moral reasoning. The judgement of taste, what is or is not with knowledge of the interest, the form of art, and the artform, within the discipline, has objectives. The objective, is the personal, or the privatization of the population to infer on such art, the fine art, and with preference, may adept to the value of the art, with a reputable, interest. We must preserve these interests but, have no reference to whom it is that we prefer when the formalities, are the casual attributes, to the contribution, and the distributive properties, of the paradigmatic, mimick society, to a t. The positive emotions, the positivity, of the value of the art, the painting, sculpture, or architecture, the Sistene Chapel,

Public or Private Issue is a Topic to Discuss

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What is the Bible? Three basic fundamental Ideas Three basic themes Three basic plots Opening Book, Genesis-God Is In Conflict? Who would want to withstand with God? Conflict-Covenant Assurance of the Word: Covenant Relational Agreement Adam-Noah-David The depicting is exceedingly relational The way God is solving the problem of conflict. Essential Nature-He creates. Central-The Idea of a Covenant The way God sorta of deals with the issue of conflict. He sends: ?The Messiah Christ? Jesus-According to scripture, He is fully God and fully Man. Establishes a community-The idea is a theme, a country of people that keeps covenant with God. Plot-Turn of Events Re-Creating the Earth, the Kingdom of Heaven by means of the Church. He bridges the country by the covenant. Composite-Tells Story Book of Rules- A list of tools on what to do and what not to do. Ex. God in the human sense-God, as a Man. A. Aesthetics-Creator; reaches at the expense B. Conceptualize-Investment of His own life to reach His friends. C. Engages-Winning Creation back to God. Experience of The Holy Bible-Is implicitly an appeal-to participate and live this story. John 5:39, C:5, V:39-In the Scriptures, the scriptures give eternal life. Rabbinical tradition-Table of Truth Affriming the basic idea of where Truth comes from. Thinking-In a beneficial, as the beneficiary spoken of, and told in the right way. It is not a talisman?.It is only telling a story and Jesus tell it in the right way. Christ?Bold, NT Sermon on the Mount-Preaching ?The Preacher? Explanation of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus. Questions 1. How are the Scriptures read? 2. Are you reading your book in the wrong way? Discipleship-Crucifixion-Putti ng pieces together. Law-Prophets-?.. Jesus-The Center of the Story Foundation of Christ-Moses. Proverbs Ecclesiastes-Song of Solomon Expectation of the 2nd Coming of Christ NT-New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Heroicism-God?s Covenant has carried in Human Flesh. Consummation of Christ-Book of Acts-The process of bringing the Truth of Testament Each of these instances, Christ, The Center of the Story Lay History reaches its God ordained climax. Two Interesting Roles: The Development A. As Israel-Jesus (Covenant with the Jewish Nation, where Jesus exceeds.) B. Significance of the New Israel Failure to Faithfulness Two statutes of the Son of God. Adam-Son of God, The New History. The Bible is a Series of Story. Thus, to tell the story of Jesus Christ. The Table of Truth A. The Holy Bible B. The Story of Jesus C. The Building Block D. The Human Divinity, in the Man of Jesus What is understood, when living single, as a challenging adult? 1. Storytelling 2. Story Marriages 3. Story Commitees The Best things about living single?Is not to tell anybody. A. Reliving B. Ideal tasks, to do yourself C. Traveling, Just you D. Coordination, Motivation anybody else. Miracles: The be lead in the battle, the fight and exist, as free people. God with us. God is with us. The Sword-The Word of God No enslavement- no child, no woman, nor man. Andrew Wommack Proverbs 23:7, ?For he is the kind of person who is always thinking about the?,?Eat and drink, he says to you, but his heart is not with you.? Psychology: Sexual Abuse, Victor/victim. What is used to consecrate from the abuses of life? Problems, in your entire life-outside of life Changes, As a child, in the past, laws in the past to negotiate changes to represent because of the past. If: changes-?As you think in your heart.?(Proverbs) The many that you see us, this causes a change. Non-Prositive things-Big hurt, bitter or better. Choose to do better and allow it to destroy what is keeping you from changing. Overcome, to adversity-Through Christ whom strengthens (change starts inside of you. You. Phillipians 4:17, ?Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that none be credited to your account.? The Power of God, in your soul. 2 Peter 1:2, ?Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God

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public or private issue is a topic to discuss. When a person speaks on their feelings or emotions, an emotional intelligence takes place. Where you locate this emotional intelligence, the emotion itself is a mode. The mode in mind, is to be mindful, or to think of something. This thought in mind, the mindful thought, are ideas that enable us to think, and act accordingly. At times, it takes a lot of work to make an effort in order to support a cause. The cause and effect analysis entails a action to an equal or opposite reaction, as the scientist Sir Isaac Newton once defined in his studies of gravity. The gravitational pull, a pulley, the motion of a string. These things, enact a velocity that gathers a force with the pull of a rubber pulley. When things fall apart, an apple drops on top of your head, and it is said, or defined to have loss of gravity we are to acknowledge it, as an act to be known, to be made public. The act itself, is embarrassing but, not without the act itself, the apple falling on top of your head, or the apple's loss of gravity. I would have hope that it is does not occur more than once. Although, it has an occurrence, and the event is more than once without Sir Isaac Newton presence, we should have it as private issue. Something to keep by itself, to act upon the issue, as self-contained, under the stress and pressures of the public. No more than one person or two should know of the act, nor its occurrence until proven. Repetition is a good way to know if, it is will occur, again. This experience is observable and with due diligence, and help visualize the effects of a loss of gravity, and how it occurs, as the effect. I do feel this will not help if, made private, nor is a private issue for me but, I would want to tell others if, I were Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist who has written the law of gravity. A topic that has revolutionize the world in to the cause and effect analysis of the realm of science with concerns on this issue, made known, in private. Investment, a period of dispursment, when we compound interest into monthly payments, and use the mature value formula, in fact, the time period, or period of time. When the amount due by principal, we may incur, that their is a value, a need to this payment, a plan to save, preserve what is given, the value of buying and selling, a product, the item to which value is placed, a monetary value, with the need of interest, to infer on the facts of life, and its need to preserve the value of the item. Whether by interest, or the value of the interest, we may take heed to the interest, in the decision making process, in order, to lower the costs, with less preference towards its initial value, the principal of a loan. The preservation of fine arts, the interest of judgment, taste, and the art, is a of interest to many and not of few, only the selective few infer such interests, and find the value of the interest when the process of the precedence, the eye of the beholder, the third eye, or the stages of development, with preference to the location of the form of art, whether by framework, display, or portrait. The glance, the glimpse, the second in command, the eye what is placed in value, to generate the interest, the emotion with detail, and the intelligence of the emotional value, we may find to be of interest, and prefer to engage, a morale, a moral reasoning. The judgement of taste, what is or is not with knowledge of the interest, the form of art, and the artform, within the discipline, has objectives. The objective, is the personal, or the privatization of the population to infer on such art, the fine art, and with preference, may adept to the value of the art, with a reputable, interest. We must preserve these interests but, have no reference to whom it is that we prefer when the formalities, are the casual attributes, to the contribution, and the distributive properties, of the paradigmatic, mimick society, to a t. The positive emotions, the positivity, of the value of the art, the painting, sculpture, or architecture, the Sistene Chapel, Mozart, in concerto, or stature of David. May improve interests, but, will develop a style of art not known to man or woman. This may very well be the latter days of our lives, the monogamy of the unknown, the dichotomy of the anatomy, the assumption of our comments, what is value, who is worthy, and why do we desire..? Pleasure, the right pleasure, or pain, the pain within, human nature, in a humane society, with the right to civil judgment, and to know right from wrong, within the consequential moral reasoning, independence, for the function of our dependence, to what we do need and not what we desire. So, what may rise to the occasion is not always the interest of the public, but, of a private interest, a sole independent with the his/her own interest to pertain to, his/her value of our right, to freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the morale, of the preservation of art, the fine art, Immanuel Kant, may have what we desire to know, but, a right pleasure, receptive, to the ideals of the facts of life is a vision and within hindsight.