You are not expected to cover every detail of this Pulpit Curriculum, rather, consider it a resource to help you in guiding your group to a deeper understanding of the Word and to gain richer profit from the Word’s application to life. Lifegroup leaders may find it beneficial to select 3 to 6 questions that will make the time most productive. Remember, there is great benefit to group members whose hunger to grow will stimulate their returning, on their own at a later time, so as to understand and apply it further. Introduction: Pastor Dan Dumas compared being in a “mud room” to properly preparing for Sunday worship. Of course, the purpose of mud rooms is to take off dirty pieces of clothing and to put on clean ones before we enter the house. How does this apply to us preparing for worship? Have you ever set aside time on Friday or Saturday to prepare for Sunday? Why is preparation necessary to receive the teaching and preaching? What should our attitudes be as we approach worship? Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. Read James 1:19-25. What is your plan to approach Sunday differently this week? 1. Open your ears. James 1:19 says we are to be quick to hear. Pastor Dan said this was less about speed and more about our quality of listening. What did Jesus Christ constantly remind His listeners? (Matt. 11:15). What is the connection between our heart and our ears? Does listening involve a choice? How? Does hearing God’s Word grip you? Can you give an example of how God’s Word has affected you this week? How do we get God’s Word moving from our heads to our hearts? 2. Close your mouth. What makes it so difficult to stop talking? What is the attitude we need to have that will help us to listen carefully rather than to speak? As we come to worship or face a trial, we may become inspired to make a vow to the Lord. What is the caution in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 about this? James 3:5-6 describes the tongue as a fire. How have you seen this in your own life? Read Matthew 12:36- 37. What does Jesus Christ promise? 3. Control your temper. When we gather to worship, we need to forbear with one another. Our tendency is to judge the faith, attitudes and convictions of others – to make comparisons. We allow resentment to develop. Are you angry with decisions the leadership makes? Are you angry with the way others worship? Are you angry with the music, children’s ministry, etc.? Does your anger achieve the righteousness Pulpit Curriculum God's Mud Room James 1:19-25 by Pastor Dan Dumas

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You are not expected to cover every detail of this Pulpit Curriculum, rather, consider it a resource to help you in guiding your group to a deeper understanding of the Word and to gain richer profit from the Word’s application to life. Lifegroup leaders may find it beneficial to select 3 to 6 questions that will make the time most productive. Remember, there is great benefit to group members whose hunger to grow will stimulate their returning, on their own at a later time, so as to understand and apply it further.

Introduction: Pastor Dan Dumas compared being in a “mud room” to properly preparing for Sunday worship. Of course, the purpose of mud rooms is to take off dirty pieces of clothing and to put on clean ones before we enter the house. How does this apply to us preparing for worship? Have you ever set aside time on Friday or Saturday to prepare for Sunday? Why is preparation necessary to receive the teaching and preaching? What should our attitudes be as we approach worship? Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. Read James 1:19-25. What is your plan to approach Sunday differently this week?

1. Open your ears. James 1:19 says we are to be quick to hear. Pastor Dan said this was less about speed and more about our quality of listening. What did Jesus Christ constantly remind His listeners? (Matt. 11:15). What is the connection between our heart and our ears? Does listening involve a choice? How? Does hearing God’s Word grip you? Can you give an example of how God’s Word has affected you this week? How do we get God’s Word moving from our heads to our hearts?

2. Close your mouth. What makes it so difficult to stop talking? What is the attitude we need to have that

will help us to listen carefully rather than to speak? As we come to worship or face a trial, we may become inspired to make a vow to the Lord. What is the caution in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 about this? James 3:5-6 describes the tongue as a fire. How have you seen this in your own life? Read Matthew 12:36-37. What does Jesus Christ promise?

3. Control your temper. When we gather to worship, we need to forbear with one another. Our tendency is to judge the faith, attitudes and convictions of others – to make comparisons. We allow resentment to develop. Are you angry with decisions the leadership makes? Are you angry with the way others worship? Are you angry with the music, children’s ministry, etc.? Does your anger achieve the righteousness of God? What is the command of Hebrews 12:14? What is your testimony about your church, its leaders and its people?

4. Cleanse your hearts. In James 1:19-21, we are “to put aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness”. What a joy to put off our sins! What do I John 1:9 and II Cor. 5:21 tell us? As believers we understand the great cost that God paid for our sin. How does this inspire you to live differently? Remember Pastor Dan’s analogy of the thief? True repentance occurs when? What about you? Do you see your heart changing? Is Colossians 3:1-11 true for your life?

5. Mortify your pride. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (I Pet. 5: 5). James says we are to “in humility receive the word implanted” (James 1:21). Have you got it all figured out? Have you decided there is very little that you can learn? Instead, what do you need to do to cultivate an attitude of humility when you come to worship? What are you doing to be more teachable and open to the Lord

Pulpit Curriculum

God's Mud Room

James 1:19-25by Pastor Dan Dumas

when you worship? How can you become more like Samuel (I Sam. 3:10)? What is the great promise from James about the power of God’s Word?

6. Move your feet. Until we act or do what God commands, we are only part way home. It is great to be a hearer of God’s Word, but the blessing is for those who do it. Pastor Dan warned us of the danger of hearing God’s Word but not having a plan to obey it. Application is paramount. There is no other way to get an accurate rather than a delusional view of ourselves. What do you see in your attitudes, preparation for worship, relationships with others need to change? What decision will lead to your application of these truths? Are you an expository listener?

Mutual Ministry Moment: Take time to discuss issues of anger you may have. Are these feelings based on perception or reality. If reality, investigate the cause. What is the root issue that causes the anger? Can it be changed? If not, what does that mean? What is your responsibility?

Pray for the church to be ready to take up the work that can help us “get there” to the next stage of ministry. Pray for our leadership as they beg God’s help and clarity for our future as we make His name great. Pray for leaders to arise from our midst, mature men and women, young men and girls, motivated to press on for the sake of the gospel. The “Intercessory Prayer” groups during our worship services 04/29/12: 1st hour – Blanchard2nd hour – Johncock3rd hour – V. Krick

We All Need Sunday morning.