Pumpkin Bulletin of Abbeydale Rotary, District 1220 Service above selfApril 2020 No.691 Abbeydale in-action…. ? In the last few weeks… But it still includes: President’s letter ADG’s Column Environmental projects Membership news News of Ambassadorial Students And humour!!!! Enjoy it if you can!!

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Pumpkin Bulletin of Abbeydale Rotary, District 1220

“Service above self”

April 2020 No.691

Abbeydale in-action…. ? In the last few weeks…

But it still includes:

President’s letter ADG’s Column

Environmental projects Membership news

News of Ambassadorial Students And humour!!!!

Enjoy it if you


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President Graham

writes ………. In these challenging and

uncertain times, I am going to

focus only on all the positive

things that have happened in Abbeydale Rotary.

The first is that we welcome Katie Birch from

Graysons Solicitors as our newest member.

Welcome to you Katie and all your colleagues at

Graysons which has joined as a Corporate

Member. We all remember the first time you

and your colleague, Maria Amin, came and spoke

at our lunchtime meeting. We hope that you

Katie will enjoy the meetings we will have once

this crisis has gone away.

Lets now look at some of the visits and activities

we have all enjoyed since the last issue of

Pumpkin (no. 690) in February.

1. Mossbrook School – the Soft Play room was

completed and officially opened. Photos were

shown in the earlier Pumpkin. Work on the sen-

sory garden has continued and, on 14th of

March, a gang of six members spent the day

tidying up, cleaning and pruning. There was a

good display of daffodils. Photos of the day are

shown in this newsletter. Thanks Phil and the

other gang members for doing this and also

ladies of the Inner Wheel for buying the bulbs.

Work on the Eco Greenhouse and plans for seats

and planters at Dore Station are in hand but

delayed due to the crisis. Phil is working at home

on building the planters.

* Photo by Trev Ward

2. RYLA Course at Castleton, 15th to 18th

February, 2020. Julia arrange for two students

to attend this course and later give a talk at one

of our lunchtime meetings. Safi, a female student

from Silverdale School attended the course

and enjoyed it all. Jamie from Notre Dame had

to withdraw at the last minute because of a

friend’s sudden bereavement. More to say about

Castleton later in this report.

3. Lunchtime Speakers – Once again Steve has

arranged a programme of speakers, each of

whom gave a most interesting talk. First we had

Jimmy McWilliams giving a talk based on his life

as a peripatetic entertainer. The talk by Sarah

Dunning described the work of “Bloodwise”; the

blood cancer charity to which we later gave a

donation. We were updated on the various

community groups that help people understand

blood cancer and the progress made in research,

treatment and care. Several members in

Abbeydale Rotary are benefitting from this work

since they have or had problems relating to

blood cancer. The most recent talk was by our

own Chris Kenyon who gave an illustrated talk on

the history of “Drovers and Roads in the UK”.

Thanks again to our members who either give

the talk or seek out someone to do one.

4. Coffee Morning at Heather’s on Friday, 21st.

of February. I think there were about 16

members and friends who went to Heather’s

home for coffee and home-made cakes and

pastries. What a lovely occasion. If only it could

be held again. Thank you Heather for hosting this

event which raised £69.

5. Rotary District Council Meeting on Saturday,

7th of March. Graham S., Julia and I went to this.

Alex also went under his own steam. Restrictions

had not yet tightened at that time. We were fully

aware that things were going to get worse.

Handshakes and hugs were discouraged. The

meeting went to plan and the three votes

allocated to Abbeydale Rotary were used where

necessary. 2 of 13

As Phil says; ‘A happy crowd!’ *

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Whilst our local churches have closed

their collection points, we can still contin-

ue to support FOODBANKS which

are in desperate need of help by…….

1. Making cash payments to the Grace

Food Bank

2. Donating as you shop. Many Super-

markets have boxes near the checkouts

for practical donations. Just ask whoever

is doing the shopping to buy something

extra and, after payment, drop it in the


3. Or even

volunteering to

help a local


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6. Celebration Dinner on 9th, March -This was

organised by Sheffield Rotary to celebrate 100

years of Rotary in Sheffield. It was held at the

Crowne Plaza. (was Royal Victoria Hotel). Alex

Ritchie, Mike Jackson and I attended on behalf of

Abbeydale Rotary. The dinner was good and

attended by members from many Rotary clubs in

district 1220. I estimate the number of attendees

at 120. Guests included the Lord and Lady

Mayoress of Sheffield, Master and Mistress

Cutler plus our own DG, David Hood in his kilt

and associated attire. Speeches were given by

Roger Summers and David. Jeremy and Melanie

Holmes organised the whole event superbly.

There was an audio-visual presentation which

gave a lot of information about formation of the

Castleton Camp and an outline history of the

Sheffield Rotary Club. I have kept a copy of the

booklet for anyone who wishes to borrow it. It

makes very interesting reading and convinces

anyone that, whatever the crises such as World

War 1 and 2 plus general strikes and economic

depressions between 1914 and 1939-45, Rotary

can survive.

Once this coronavirus is finally conquered, we

will get back to revitalising Abbeydale Rotary and

moving forward. Given the spirit, and of support

all our members, I am sure we can do it. Please

keep safe and well. If you know of anyone in

need of help please let anyone on Council know

so that something can be done. Heather Morris is

keeping tabs on any members in need of help.

Pat Jackson has offered to produce a smaller

edition of Pumpkin more regularly with current

information. Graham 26th. March, 2020

Seen on a Plumber’s Van: “No Toilet Rolls kept in here overnight!”

“No Toilet Rolls kept

in here overnight!”



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from the

Like so many people I feel as if I am redundant, but life goes on – hopefully - and there are still a load of e-mails on Rotary matters coming in each day. Mind you a couple of weeks back most of the e-mails included the words “cancelled” or “postponed”.

I knew 16th March was going to be a difficult day for me personally as it would have been my 52nd wedding anniversary, the first since Maureen died, but I certainly had no time to be sad or morbid. From the time I switched on the computer at 7.30am until late in the evening I received e-mails and telephone calls regarding the visit of RGBI President Donna. The numbers attending went up as well as down, but when I received Dorothy’s email at 5.45pm I realised the lunch had to be cancelled. In the next couple of hours I made 46 telephone calls to Rotarians in the Peak Group and to be honest cancellation was the only alternative. Donna spoke to me and asked that her best wishes be passed on to Rotarians in the Peak Group and that she hopes some day to come back to meet you all.

Since I last wrote my column there has been a District Council meeting and to be honest it was strange one. We heard more about the future relationship with the Chambers of Commerce, (now on hold), saw a video promo for the 2020 Conference in Southport, heard of the development work going on re marketing and membership following on from the agree Strategy Report, but it was like a phony war period. We all knew of the impending pandemic but did not wish to mention it.

The following week I took Fumika to Dronfield Rotary, where our double act seemed to go down well. Mentioning Fumika, this is a difficult time for all of us but she is spending most of her days in a small bedsit in a student hall of residence, thousands of miles from her home and family. I am keeping in touch through phone calls, emails, texts and she appears to be OK. Mind you she will be in Japan next year for the rearranged Olympics, so I might visit her!

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Ann receiving her

District Award

Some local Rotarians are trying to arrange meetings through some app called Zoom. I know that DG David is looking into this for clubs, but I shall leave it to the techies to consider it.

Obviously like everyone else I have no idea how long all of this will last, but I do hope we can have the Thanksgiving Serve on Sunday 28th June. This is to be held at Holy Trinity Church, led by the vicar, Peter Ingram (member of Abbeydale) and with Dore Male Voice Choir performing. I have already drafted an ‘Order of Service’, but we will just have to wait and see.

One final piece of news. Unfortunately Lynn Washer from the Sheffield Vulcan will not be my successor as DAG, which I consider to be a great shame. I have no idea who next year’s DAG will be, but IT WON’T BE ME!

Take care, keep in touch and please remember I am on my own so the occasional telephone call will not go amiss.


Our D.A.G. recently had a new car… but sadly it hasn’t got a spoiler like this one..

This is more the style of our President Elect. How about it Steve ? Could be useful!! Editor

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MEMBERSHIP NEWS from Julia Massey (Membership Officer)

Sadly, because of COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to progress

designing the club strategy for increasing and retaining membership –

for this club and Rotary in general. However, there is some good

news. As Graham mentions in his letter:

We welcome Graysons Solicitors as a Corporate Member with Katie Birch their main delegate.

Sheffield 0114 299 1731 Chesterfield 01246 889 784

Website, which details the many services they provide is- https://www.graysons.co.uk/about-us/

Katie is a member of the Wills, Estates, Trusts and Elderly Client Services team. Email: [email protected] Phone : 0114 241 9011 Katie sent me the following message which I am including as it may be very useful for some of our members.

I wanted to let you know that Graysons are now offering a free Ordinary Power of Attorney document for all over 70 year olds to help them in this time of uncertainty.

“An OPA is a legal document which allows the Donor to appoint somebody they trust (the Attorney) to manage their Property & Financial affairs. It is sometimes called a ‘General Power of Attorney’ too. An OPA cannot be used for Health and Welfare decisions. Clients should still be advised to put in place a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney and/or an advance decision/living will.

An OPA can only be used whilst the donor still has mental capacity – they are commonly put in place for temporary emergencies such as being out of the country for several weeks. Clients should still be advised on LPA’s to ensure if the client does lose capacity, they still have the appropriate documents in place. An OPA does not need to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. Attorneys are still bound by the same duties and responsibilities as under a Lasting Power of Attorney. As the Donor still has capacity the Attorneys will simply act on the instructions from the Donor. They cannot make decisions for the Donor without consulting them first. This could be very important to point out to clients who are fearful of “giving up control”.

LPAs are still valid if the Donor loses mental capacity. There are two types of LPAs – one for finances and a separate one for health. Before either type can be used, they must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian - in normal circumstances this would take approximately 6-8 weeks.”

If you have any questions please get in touch. Katie.

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Environmental….. Before lock-down ….

Phil Haywood and ’the team’ at Mossbrook Special School on 14th March

Phil reports….

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Steve, Tina, Jo Trev

The cleaning Gang

Tree pruning

Tidying up in pro-

Looks cleaner now and daffodils

doing well

More of the daffodils planted 9th

November 2019

Photos from Phil

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Photo : Phil Haywood

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After lockdown ...Phil reports

“I hope you are keeping safe and well. We were due to have an environmental committee meeting next week but obviously lots of things are on hold. Canal litter pick now not until October. Bottles at Killamarsh School awaiting greenhouse construction - looking like an autumn task or possibly later this summer.

However I have been able to make a start on the planters for the Dore Station scheme as fortunately I had the materials at home before the lockdown”..”

Great way to get your exercise

Phil , brilliant!


P.S When this is all over will you

be taking orders????

Since then Phil has sent us

this picture of the bench

which is also for Dore Station

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Twenty odd years ago I became a Member of Abbeydale Rotary. Well I remember my Information Meeting held in the Wagon and Horses on Abbeydale Road South with Brian Cousins, Jack MacDiarmid, Leo Gibbons and David Ludlam.

Many Members will recall the comprehensive over-view of Rotary given by Brian and afterwards over a pint Jack gave me his own summary of the volun-tary works done by Abbeydale Rotarians. He reminded me that we all pulled together as far as possible, but we were not expected to become involved in all the Rotary activities – except for one - viz. the Pitchfork Party. This was virtually a three line whip for everyone to be involved.

A few weeks later my wife, Maureen, received a telephone call from Anne Underdown asking if she would be prepared to assist the ladies of Inner Wheel at the Party. Maureen was never an Inner Wheeler, but until her health broke down she looked forward to helping out at Pitchfork. Mind you in those days the party was held across the road from home at Holy Trinity Church Hall.

For my part I can only recall missing one Pitchfork, usually taking instructions from Tina Ludlam and then clearing up the end.

William Martin did a very good job in running the parties over the past few years, but he did give notice of his intention to cease his detailed involvement after last December’s Party. Plenty of notice to be exact and I honestly thought someone would have volunteered to take over.

When I came back from holiday I had to announce to the Club the demise after this year of Music in the Gardens and here I was the following week hearing of the possible demise of the Pitchfork Party. Where, I thought, was Jack MacDiarmid's three line whip? Anyway I stuck my hand up and said I would co-ordinate the parties and immediately my good friends Steve Walker and Andy Fields agreed to serve on a small committee with me to at least arrange the 2020 June and December Parties.

BUT, we need help from all Club Members as in the past. PLEASE.

We had to alter the date of the June Party to Wednesday 17th June and whether we have to cancel or even postpone for a few weeks is a decision Graham, Steve. Andy, Tina and I will make after Easter.

The December Party will be on Wednesday 9th December, so please get the date in your diaries now.

There is however one thing we would ask you all to consider now – viz. guests. Over the years the make up of guest numbers has changed. It used to be a party for elderly people living on their own in the Dore, Totley, Ecclesall Millhouses, Beauchief area. Folk like the elderly guy who lives across the road from Peter Ingram – late seventies, living alone who might like an evening out - instead of co-ordinating such an event.

Now we are having people from homes, sheltered accommodation etc. from other parts of the City as well. Oh, that’s all and good but trust me from my experience at Broomcroft a lot of events take place in such places, especially at Christmas. So, please ask around and find people living alone who might like an evening out – and invite them to bring a friend for company.

Let’s take this opportunity to revert back to the type of Pitchfork Party Jack MacDiarmid was so proud of.

Thank you, Alex.

Addendum – Ralph Pitchfork was President of Abbeydale back in 1965/66 and one of only two members to have been a District Governor - in 1969/70. He was not an original Member of Abbeydale, joining the year after its formation. On his death a trust was set up ‘The Dixon Pitchfork Trust’ which annually makes a donation to finance the parties. (The other District Governor was David Wortley).

This lovely

photo, (by Jane

Ward), of Denis

and Betty Ward,

at the last

Pitchfork party,

featured in the



Denis sadly died in February, aged 93. Both really en-

joyed the parties and Betty still hopes to come to future


Denis, a very successful accountant, was a founder

member of The Whirlow Hall Farm management

Committee, serving on it for over 10 years. He always

maintained a keen interest in its work.


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Mike pausing for a

breather whilst Trevor

keeps at it. (Or is he

just avoiding the

camera?? )

Photos sent in by Phil Haywood

Thanks to Ann Norris for another bit of nostalgia PLUS a

contribution from a past Ambassadorial Student…….

Some of you will remember Phomolo Lebotds fro Lesotho, who was

Abbeydale’s Ambassadorial Student a few years ago. When his grant ran out,

and he was still finishing his dissertation, he stayed with me for several

weeks. Whe he returned home he joined Maseru Rotary. We keep in touch

via Facebook. On 25th March he posted the following to me and two other

friends — I thought you might be interested.

The Internet, especially social media in all its guises,

has made it super-easy to publish information,

(accurate or otherwise), at the touch of a button.

This double-edged characteristic manifests, for

example, in fake news/articles that can misinform,

create panic and generally contribute to mismanage-

ment of information and knowledge.

As the world grapples with the realities of fighting a

pandemic, fact-checking and the general importance

of accurate information have never been more

important. We all need to be responsible

(individually and collectively) and thoughtful about

what we put out for consumption by others.

Here's a Four- Way Test to consider before sharing

information during these testing times (adapted

from the Rotary Four-Way Test):

1) Is it the truth? 2) Is it fair to all concerned?

3) Will it help others to know or understand better? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Phomolo with Mike

Jackson, Ian Powell and

Mike Cox working, I

think, on the Rotary 100

year project at



Following Alex’s passionate account of this Abbeydale institution, members may be interested to know that when I ran Holy Trinity Guides from 1965 to 1985, we put on a Christmas Party for Senior Citizens in the same church hall. The Guides, with parental help, did all the catering and the girls set everything up and provided entertainment. Parents provided a ‘taxi’ service for those unable to get there under their own steam. It fell to me to be the co-ordinator so I empathise Alex – I know I was a lot younger then but I also had a full-time job!. Our parties were EXACTLY the format of the Pitchfork parties. Clare and Jane Tummon, daughters of Malcolm Tummon, (a member of Abbeydale Rotary until his death about 12 ago), were keen Guides during this time and both Malcolm, and Hilary, his widow, helped us with these parties. When I moved to work with the older girls, (Rangers), and different leaders ran the Guides, the parties only continued for a short while. I have often wondered if our ‘Old Folks’ Parties’, as the Guides called them, were a fore-runner to the ‘Pitchfork Parties’ and if they came about through Malcom Tummon? Maybe Hilary can shed some more light on this!!

Pat Jackson

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Eight years ago, as part of the ’End polio now’ campaign, Rotary

Clubs all over Britain planted thousands of purple-flowering crocus bulbs to draw the public’s attention to the campaign. Abbeydale planted a heart-shaped area, about 2-3 metres diameter, in Millhouses Park with a plaque placed in the ground the following year when they were in flow-er. Having been replenished last year, Alex took Fumika, our Rotary Scholar from Japan, along to see them on 8th March, just before ’lockdown’! Photos are from Fumika

And finally to Coronavirus/covid 19 which has so suddenly and completely changed all our lives…. Firstly — THANKS Having just been out, (Thurs 2nd April), clapping

the NHS, I would like to add the following:

To Neighbours and a fellow Rotarian for


For Technology, including Abbeydale’s

WhatsApp’ group enabling me to keep in touch with family and friends

and what’s happening both locally, nationally and internationally.

To Our church family for prayers and messages of

reassurance and hope.

That I don’t live alone — and have three dogs to keep me


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Secondly — Life under lockdown - from three Abbeydale members

The enforced and unwanted lockdown has certainly changed life for us all. We have been very careful during the past two weeks. Only one trip (for one of us) to the supermarket and one to the local Post Office. Our newspapers are still being delivered and with the aid of email and internet connection we can still keep in touch with the outside world. WhatsApp and other social media programmes have come into their own now. We had a family get-together the other day on Houseparty and I have set up a WhatsApp group for residents at Whinfell, where we live. People have been regularly posting messages of good cheer, funny jokes and videos and even a number of brain-teasing games. One particular benefit is that some residents, who had not before had much to do with the others, have been joining in with the messages and games and with offers to help neighbours.

I have been doing lots of odd jobs around the garden and cleaning cars and tidying the garage. Also my office has not been as tidy for a long time. The fine weather last week led us to have a longish walk every day, between 2 and 5 miles each time. I have seen parts of my near neighbourhood I hadn’t visited before and admired people’s gardens.

I am sure that all of you must have been having a similar set of experiences. For those of you who live alone it must be much harder and I do think of you. Stay safe and keep well. I look forward to meeting up again in the near future.

Mike Cox

Thinking of the many who have had to cancel holidays,

Graham Steven says you know you are missing that

holiday when

1. You fight with family members for that seat by

the window.

2. You fold shapes into the end of the loo roll.

3. You go back to the kitchen for 2nds, 3rds and

4ths at breakfast and you put an apple in your

pocket for later.

4. It’s mid-afternoon and you can’t understand why

the bed’s not been made.

5. You think about stealing your own shampoo.

6. You wear a bog hat to go to the supermarket.

Chris Kenyon wanted to share this moving poem

written by his 11 year old grandson……

Control the virus

Our health is important

Revise for school

Overwhelming death and sadness

Nurses working hard

After everything wash our hands

Virus will be beaten

If we work together

Reduce the amount of deaths

Understand the rules

Socially distant 2m away

Thirdly — HUMOUR

The familiar war song, ‘Keep smiling through, just like you always do’, is so relevant and, like me, many of you appreciate the many ways folk are finding to make others smile. This to me is so important, especially if you live alone or will, like Julia and I, be in isolation for a minimum of 12 weeks as I’m officially in the very high risk category!!

We’ve had so many pictures and videos to laugh at that we can’t help but keep smiling (another THANK-YOU.!) I’ll take the editor’s liberty to share (on the next page) a few, of the ’funnies’, particularly some linked to the current situation and including several sent directly as Pumpkin fodder. Hopefully you will enjoy as much as we did.


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Especially for our Tartan Terrier (from

a fellow member of Sheffield’s

Caledonian Society).

Tae a Virus Twa months ago, we didna ken,

yer name or ocht aboot ye But lots of things have changed since

then, I really must salute ye

Yer spreading rate is quite intense,

yer feeding like a gannet Disruption caused, is so immense,

ye’ve shaken oor wee planet.

Corona used tae be a beer, they garnished it wae limes

But noo it’s filled us a’ wi’ fear These days, are scary times.

Nae shakin hawns, or peckin lips,

it’s whit they a’ advise But scrub them weel, richt tae the tips,

that’s how we’ll a’ survive

Just stay inside , the hoose, ye bide Nae sneakin oot for strolls

Just check the lavvy every hoor And stock-take, your, loo rolls

Our holidays have been pit aff

Noo that’s the Jet2 patter Pit oan yer thermals, have a laugh

And paddle ‘ doon the waater ‘

Canary isles, no for a while Nae need for suntan cream

And awe because o this wee bug We ken tae be..19

The boredom surely will set in,

But have a read, or doodle Or plan yer menu for the month

Wi 95 pot noodles.

When these run oot, just look aboot A change, it would be nice

We’ve beans and pasta by the ton and twenty stane o rice.

So dinny think yell wipe us oot

Aye true, a few have died, but Bubonic, bird flu, and TB

They came, they left, they tried.

Ye might be gallus noo ma freen As ye jump fae tae to cup

But when we get oor vaccine made Yer number will be up.

Willie Sinclair March 2020

And from Luds, “In Germany they are

stockpiling sausage and cheese. It is a

würst käse scenario... “

Don Ellis sent a number of really good

ones - enjoy!

Make a special cake for your


The rest are from non-Rotarian


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Club Diary

May be?? Andy Fields Dinesh Naik Don Ellis

All contributions for the next edition by email, please, to the editor: [email protected]

by 1st May 2020 Please put “Pumpkin” somewhere in the subject line, thanks, Pat

N.B. The editor takes NO responsibility for opinions expressed in this publication which are written by and ascribed

to another author!

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www.abbeydalerotary club.org.uk





Other useful links www.rotary.org




Including the Distrist Conference in

October….. HOWEVER…..

N.B. Ken Marshall has rebooked Ponds

Forge for the Young Artists’ Exhibition

for 16/17th October.

...And finally from our

treasurer, Graham Stevens,

six reasons to be cheerful

No one’s talking about Brexit anymore It’s at least 3 weeks since the last VAR controversial decision Nigel Farage hasn’t been on the Telly We are learning to value the older community Air quality has gone up massively It’s stopped raining

And remember… “Keep smiling through just

like we always do, ‘Til the blue skies drive

the dark clouds far away”

As we keep being told…

this won’t last forever !!!