Punch Cartoons of the Great War

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  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    The Project Gutenberg EBook of Punch Cartoons of the Great War, by Various

    This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoeer! "ou may co#y it, gie it away orre$use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg %icense includedwith this eBook or online at www!gutenberg!org&license

    Title' Punch Cartoons of the Great War

    (uthor' Various

    )elease *ate' +uly -, ./0 1EBook 2034..5

    %anguage' English

    666 7T()T 89 T:;7 P)8+ECT G P

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    Women and Children 9irst 4F

    The =ew )akes Progress$$aiser F

    The )aider D4


  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    +anuary ./, -4!5

    1;llustration' T:E ?8*E)= (%E(=*E)7 9E(7TN 8), T:E P8WE) 89 78

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    Christian Powers #utting #ressure u#on "ou, my dear 9riendHH :orribleH; cant think how Peo#le can do such thingsHJ

    8ctober F, --!5

    1;llustration' =8T ;= T:E P;CT

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    GE)?(= 899;CE)' J(h, but see what you sae on the Eastern 9rontier,where theres nobody but us!J

    +anuary , !5

    T:E 7T)

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    @To the tune of JTi##erary!JA

    +(C>! J;T7 ( %8=G, %8=G W(;T 98) W;%%;(?7 =(V", B;=G 89 T:E BE%G;(=7! J=8T ?" 78E "8E*!J

    Wilhelm! JT:E= ?(>E ;T W()7(W!J Clerk! J%;=E B%8C>E*!J

    Wilhelm! JWE%%, W:(T (B8E*!J

    Wilhelm! J:(=G ;TH ; ?

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    1;llustration' T:E E(G%E C8?;R(;7E) @reiing old ?usic$hall refrainA! J:(7 (="B8*" :E)E 7EE=C(%(;7J

    =oember -, 0!5

    1;llustration' G88* :

    =oember -, 0!5

    1;llustration' ?E= 89 9EW W8)*7

    Grand *uke =icholas! J( ?()C:EJ

    General +offre! J(77ES B;E=! ET C:ES V8

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    1;llustration' T:E B)E(>;=G 89 T:E 7PE%%

    7TE;=B(C:, +(=E ;T (W("!J

    1;t seems to be dawning u#on Vienna that the armies of (ustria haenot been consistently ictorious!5

    (#ril 0, F!5

    1;llustration' C(=(*(H

    "P)E7' (P);% ..$.0, F

    ?ay F, F!5

    1;llustration' T:E =EW ()?" T8 T:E 9)8=T

    *ecember 4/, 0!5

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    1;llustration' (7 BETWEE= 9);E=*7

    British %ion! JPlease dont look at me like that, 7am! "8(;7E) @to (mericaA! JPerha#s it was right to dissemble your loeNBut why did you kick me downstairsJ

    (#ril ., F!5

    1;llustration' T:E )E78

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    1;llustration' T:E :

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    German 7oldier 7ering Tea to Wounded Enemies

    German 7oldiers )om#ing with Belgian Children

    German 9eeding 7taring Belgians

    ( Prussian Court$#ainter earning an ;ron Cross by #ainting #ictures in#raise of the 9atherland for neutral consum#tion

    =oember , 0!5


  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    1;llustration' J;= T:E 7P);=G ( "8

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    The ?urderer! J(%(7H 7;)E, =8=E!J

    The Em#eror! JWE%%, T:E=, =8 B(BE7, =8 ;)8= C)877E7!J

    1EKit murderer, discouraged!5

    +anuary .D, F!5

    1;llustration' T:E B)E(*$W;==E)

    ?arch 4, F!5

    1;llustration' ( G)E(T =(V(% T);

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    1;llustration' T:E G)E(T ;%%aiser! J?" P88) B;)*, W:(T :(7 :(PPE=E* T8 "8>aiser! JT(>E T:" 9(CE :E=CE !!! ; (? 7;C> (T :E()T!J

    ?acbeth, (ct V!, 7c! 4!

    *ecember ., 0!5

    1;llustration' T:E W:;TEW(7:E)7

    >aiser! J%ay it on, my worthy #rofessors$$lay it on thickH ; want eerydro# of it!J

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    +anuary ./, F!5

    1;llustration' W;%9aiser! J;7 (%% ?" :;G: 7E(7 9%EET 7(9E%" %8C>E*

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    TE"! JGoodH if only all those other Christian nations get at oneanothers throats, ; may hae a dogs chance yet!J

    *ecember 0, .!5

    1;llustration' 7ETT%E*

    *ame Euro#a! J"oue always been the most troublesome boy in theschool! =ow go and consolidate yourself!J

    Turkey! JPlease, maam, what does that meanJ

    *ame Euro#a! J;t means going into that corner$$and sto##ing thereHJ

    (#ril ., 4!5

    1;llustration' :;7 ?(7TE)7 V8;CE

    T:E >(;7E) @to Turkey, reassuringlyA! J%eae eerything to me! (ll

    youe got to do is to eK#lode!J

    TE"! J"es, ; Quite see that! But where shall ; be when its alloerJ

    =oember , 0!5

    1;llustration' T:E Eaiser! J; say, how are you going to eK#lain away the surrender of yourarmy cor#s in the CaucasusJ

    7ultan of Turkey! J=othing sim#ler! ; shall say, 8ur gallant troo#sdetermined to embarrass the enemys commissariat, and carried out theirobject with oerwhelming success!J

    >aiser! J7#lendidH Couldnt hae #ut it better myself!J

    7ultan! J?y dear boy, we were in the business ages and ages before youwere thought of!J

    +anuary 4, F!5

    1;llustration' T:E G8* ;= T:E C()T


  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    Turkish Camel! JW:E)E T8J

    German 8fficer! JEG"PT!J

    Camel! JG

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


    (ll$:ighest @to certain =eutralsA! J(B8E=;=G

    Prince on Blow @to ;talyA! J7T8P, 7T8P, 7;G=8)(H "8

  • 8/12/2019 Punch Cartoons of the Great War


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