Prayer Theme: Be Ambitious Prayer Lord Jesus, may the voice of the youth, which cries out in justice and truth for the poor and the oppressed, never be disregarded as you pour out your courage and strength upon us so that we can set a good example for others in our speech, our behaviour, in our love, faith and purity. Amen. Chaplaincy Lectionary Readings : 1st week of Advent Prayers in Chapel suspended—week of Chaplaincy assemblies Key Events and Activities Monday: St. John Damascene Technical rehearsal - (12.30 pm Hall) Callum Myerscough, Lewis Tupling-Baron, Louis Cookson, Ciaran Murphy-Horton, Josh Taylor and Clayton Andrews, SVP Meeting (All members) (Chapel 3.15—4.30 pm) Tuesday SVP Liturgy Leaders—readers (Chapel 12.30 pm) Holly Wilde, Sinead Gavin, Lily Ogden, Zoe Gomes, Michael Daly, Shannon Martin and Caitlin Elliott Wednesday 15 Minutes’ Peace (Chapel 12.30 pm) Thursday Film Club (Hall 12.30 pm) Friday The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary SVP meeting (Christmas Activities) All members (Chapel 11.05 am) Chaplaincy Notices Weekday Mass—29th November 2017 Well done to those pupils who contributed their talents to make the Mass for Youth the wonderful celebration it was. Thank you to all pupils and staff who attended the Mass and closed the Liturgical year in the most appropriate way. Pupil Bullen 4th—8th December (Week A)

Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

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Page 1: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

Prayer Theme: Be Ambitious Prayer Lord Jesus, may the voice of the youth, which cries out in justice and

truth for the poor and the oppressed, never be disregarded as you pour out your courage and strength upon us so that we can set a good example for others in our speech, our behaviour, in our love, faith and purity. Amen.

Chaplaincy Lectionary Readings : 1st week of Advent Prayers in Chapel suspended—week of Chaplaincy assemblies Key Events and Activities Monday: St. John Damascene Technical rehearsal - (12.30 pm Hall) Callum Myerscough, Lewis Tupling-Baron, Louis Cookson, Ciaran Murphy-Horton, Josh Taylor and Clayton Andrews, SVP Meeting (All members) (Chapel 3.15—4.30 pm) Tuesday SVP Liturgy Leaders—readers (Chapel 12.30 pm) Holly Wilde, Sinead Gavin, Lily Ogden, Zoe Gomes, Michael Daly, Shannon Martin and Caitlin Elliott Wednesday 15 Minutes’ Peace (Chapel 12.30 pm) Thursday Film Club (Hall 12.30 pm) Friday The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary SVP meeting (Christmas Activities) All members (Chapel 11.05 am) Chaplaincy Notices Weekday Mass—29th November 2017 Well done to those pupils who contributed their talents to make the Mass for Youth the wonderful celebration it was. Thank you to all pupils and staff who attended the Mass and closed the Liturgical year in the most appropriate way.

Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A)

Page 2: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

Chaplaincy Notices (continued)

Sacrament of Reconciliation 7th and 8th December Fr. David will be conferring the Sacrament of Reconciliation on pupils in the Chapel on Wednesday and Thursday next week between 9.15 am—12.25 pm Pupils will be issued with an appointment permit which they should show to their subject teacher if they have to leave their class. Christmas Hamper Collections—Reverse Advent Calendars Deadline for collections is registration on Friday 8th December after which time collections will cease. Saint Peter’s Primary School and Advent Services of Reconciliation It is important to maintain a peaceful and prayerful atmosphere around the Chapel at this time of year as Saint Peter’s school will be visiting for the next three Thursdays to hold their reconciliation services. The Chaplain will be holding regular prayer services and the Sacrament of Reconciliation for our pupils too. Carol Singing Stella Matutina (Tuesday December 19th) We will be taking the musicians’ form and a group of SVP members to Stella Matutina to do some carol singing. Collect a letter from Paula or Mr Warrington if you are interested in joining this visit.

Sport – Notices Please remember, for the next two weeks, KS3 classes will be outside for their PE lessons

Sport – Fixtures & Practices Monday: Table tennis (hall 8.00 am)

KS3 boys’ badminton (Hodgson after school) Tuesday: Table tennis (hall 8.00 am)

Year 11 handball finals (Cardinal Allen after school) Wednesday: Table tennis (hall 8.00 am)

Year 11 GCSE revision (room 1 before school/ room 12 lunchtime)

KS3 girls’ badminton (Hodgson after school) Thursday: Table tennis (hall 8.00 am)

Year 9 netball (Carr Hill after school) Year 10 handball final (Hodgson after school) Friday: Table tennis (hall 8.00 am) Clubs and practices finish between 4.15 and 4.30pm. All welcome

Page 3: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin



To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin Example: The little boy fervently tried to fabricate an elaborate and believable reason as to why his bedroom was such a mess.

Well done to the 421 pupils who submitted entries to last week's competition. Congratulations to Sophie Bohannon of 7CO on her winning entry: 'Once the eventful school day was over the two groups of annoyed girls clearly represented the enmity between them after a colossal row.'

Numeracy Challenge A, B and C are three vertices of a regular polygon with 30 sides.

Work out the size of angle BAC. Thirteen out of the twenty three entries were correct last week, with the winning entry coming from Luke Skelton in 11 Cottam. He found out that the cost of a bunch of tulips was £1.80.

To enter the Weekly Numeracy Challenge, fill in an entry slip, and place

into one of the Numeracy Challenge boxes, in Mr Binns’ classroom or the


Page 4: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

Clubs and Activities Monday Numeracy drop-in for all years (room 9 lunchtime) SVP meeting with Paula (Chapel 3.15—4.30pm) Tuesday Chess Club (Room 18 lunchtime) Allotment Club (meet Mrs Elston in reception at 12.40 pm unless it’s raining) Wednesday 15 minutes’ Peace 12.30 pm in Chapel Thursday Film Club (12.30 pm Hall) History film club (rm 13) Allotment Club (meet Mrs Elston in reception at 12.40 pm unless it’s raining) Friday Film Club (12.30 pm Hall)

Year Notices All years: Friday Citizenship (P1 and 2)

Year 11:

Thursday Year 11 Cardinal Newman College ‘drop-in’: (room 1 3.15 pm and 5.00 pm) If you need assistance in completing your application to Cardinal Newman, please visit this event.

Friday Bus Prefects’ meeting (Room 1 breaktime)

Page 5: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

Date Session Revision details

Year 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Year 10 Monday Thursday

12.25 pm 3.25 pm 8:20 am before school 12.25 pm 3.25 pm Before school 12.25 pm 3.25 pm

8:20 am 12.25 pm 3.25 pm 12.25 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm

History - Room 17 - USA 1920-1973 RE - Rooms 23, 24, 25 Mathematics - Room 18 Mr Jackson - Foundation Chemistry (sets 4-6) Lab 5 Mrs Malley - pupils in Year 11 set 4 are required to attend. Pupils from sets 5 and 6 are also welcome RE - Rooms 23, 24, 25 Mathematics - Room 9 Mr Binns - Higher History - Room 17 - Korea and Vietnam Geography - GCSE revision and support class Mathematics - Room 10 Mr Roe - Foundation Mathematics - Room 12 Mr Shrewsbury - Higher Mathematics - Room 12 Mrs Pearson - Higher History - Room 13 - Paper 2 Physics - (sets 4-6) Lab 1 Mr Smith Mathematics - Room 18 Mr Jackson - Foundation Mathematics - Room 9 Mr Binns - Higher

History - Room 17 USA technique Mathematics - Room 9 Mr Binns - Higher Biology - (sets 1-3) Lab 3 Miss Evans

RE - Rooms 23, 24, 25 English - Room 5 Mrs Blackburn English ‘drop in’ clinic Room 3 Mrs Joseph Mathematics - Room 12 Mr Shrewsbury - Higher Mathematics - Room 10 Mr Roe - Foundation Biology (sets 4-6) Lab 3 Miss Cochrane Physics (sets 1-3) Lab 2 Mr Hargreaves RE - Rooms 23, 24, 25 PE - Lab 2 Mr Frankel and Mrs Smith For RE, pupils have been advised of topics for each week via Firefly English Literature - Room 2 Mrs Holmes English Literature - Room 2 Mrs Holmes

Revision sessions

Page 6: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

Date Session Exam details

Year 11

Monday 4 December Tuesday 5 December Wednesday 6 December Thursday 7 December Friday 8 December

9.05 am 1.20 pm 9.05 am 1.20 pm 9.05 am 1.20 pm 9.05 am 1.20 pm 9.05 am 11.20 am 1.20 pm

Year 11 English Paper 1 (1 hr 45 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 Maths Paper 1 (1 hr 30 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 Year 11 Science (1 hr 30 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 English Paper 2 (1 hr 45 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 Year 11 Maths Paper 2 (1 hr 30 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 RE Paper 1 (1 hr 45 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 Year 11 Maths Paper 3 (1 hr 30 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 History Paper 1 (1 hr 15 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 Year 11 History Paper 2 (1 hr) sports hall/room 6/room 4 Year 11 RE Paper 2 (30 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4 PE Paper 1 (1 hr 30 mins) sports hall/room 6/room 4

Year 11 mock exams (Morning sessions): Pupils to register in their forms and then to line up in silence outside the sports hall in form groups and other venues with the correct equipment at the specified time. For afternoon exams, unless otherwise stated, pupils should register with their period 4 teacher before lining up outside the sports hall and other venues in form groups.

Mock Exams 2017

Page 7: Pupil Bulletin 4th—8th December (Week A) Verb To invent something in order to deceive. Synonyms: concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin

General Notices Parcel Liturgies - Friday 8th December 2017 P1 and P2 Citizenship: Form representatives are to deliver the parcels from their forms as soon as possible during morning registration and to place them where directed by the SVP group. When it is their form’s liturgy, representatives are to wait with their parcels at the rear of the hall and to process to the front when directed to do so before returning to seats at the back of the hall. The timing of Liturgies are as follows: BA/BE - 9.10 - 9.40 am - Visitors from Fylde Foodbank and SVP CO/FI - 9.50 - 10.20 am - Vincent House and Streetlife HA/HY - 10.30 - 11.00 am - Harbour House and St.Cuthbert’s Soup Kitchen and Family Centre Pupils to leave bags and coats in form bases. All forms to enter the hall via the dining room in silence. The SVP group will lead in this Liturgy. The Year 10 Ambassadors to meet visitors at reception from 9.05am as briefed and accompany them into the Liturgy. Year 11 mock exams: Please show consideration to the Year 11 pupils sitting mock exams at this time by being quiet near the exam venues (sports hall. room 4 and room 6). Keeping Safe in Saint Bede’s: Please remember that school bags must not be taken into the dining room at break or lunchtime and devices should be placed in lockers.

Mr. Grice I have received very positive feedback from the employers and colleges who attended the Year 11 Mock Interview Day last Friday. They commented on the professional, mature approach of the pupils they interviewed and I am delighted that the qualities our Year 11 pupils exhibit on a day-to-day basis were recognised by visitors to the school. Comments from two of the visitors were: “The students completely embraced the day, taking it very seriously and very much buying into the interview process” and ”Pupils were extremely polite and a credit to the very obvious effort the school makes to support and develop every individual”. I was also delighted to learn of the excellent performance by 34 of our pupils at this week's Dance Festival held at The Winter Gardens and how it reflected their dedicated preparation over the past few weeks.