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INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 5

Chapter 1- “It Is Jehovah Your God You Must Worship” ............................. 5

Chapter 2 - “God Approved” Their Gifts ...................................................... 8

SECTION 1- “The Heavens Were Opened” ................................. 10

Chapter 3 - “I Began to See Visions of God” ............................................. 11

Chapter 4 - Who Are “the Living Creatures With Four Faces”? ................. 13

SECTION 2 - “It Was My Sanctuary That You Defiled” —Pure Worship Corrupted ....................................................................... 15

Chapter 5 - “See the Evil, Detestable Things That They Are Doing” ......... 16

Chapter 6 - “The End Is Now Upon You” ................................................... 18

Chapter 7 – The Nations “Will Have to Know That I Am Jehovah” ............ 20

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SECTION 3 - “I Will . . . Collect You Together”—Restoration of Pure Worship Promised ............................................................... 22

Chapter 8 - “I Will Raise Up One Shepherd” ............................................. 23

Chapter 9 – “I Will Give Them a Unified Heart” ......................................... 25

Chapter 10 – “You Will Come to Life” ........................................................ 27

Chapter 11 - “I Have Appointed You as a Watchman”............................... 29

Chapter 12 - “I Will Make Them One Nation” ............................................ 31

Chapter 13 - “Describe the Temple” .......................................................... 33

Chapter 14 – “This is the Law of the Temple” ........................................... 35

SECTION 4 - “I Will Zealously Defend My Holy Name”—Pure Worship Survives Attack .............................................................. 37

Chapter 15 - “I Will Bring an End to Your Prostitution” .............................. 38

Chapter 16 - “Put a Mark on the Foreheads” ............................................. 40

Chapter 17- “I Am Against You, O Gog” .................................................... 42

Chapter 18 - “My Great Rage Will Flare Up” ............................................. 44

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SECTION 5 - “I Will Dwell Among the People”—Pure Worship of Jehovah Restored......................................................................... 46

Chapter 19 - “Everything Will Live Wherever the Stream Goes” ................ 47

Chapter 20 - “Allot the Land as an Inheritance” ......................................... 49

Chapter 21 - “The Name of the City . . . Will Be Jehovah Is There” ........... 51

Chapter 22- “Worship God” ....................................................................... 53

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Chapter 1- “It Is Jehovah Your God You Must Worship”

Image Description: Jesus in the wilderness of Judea

[David H. Splane – Governing Body]

Well, hello.

We’re starting a new book together with an interesting title: Pure Worship of Jehovah—Restored At Last! What spiritual gems will we find in this book? Will there be clarifications of understanding? Yes! Will we see beautiful illustrations of vivid prophetic visions? Yes! Rather than discussing the book of Ezekiel verse by verse, the Pure Worship book considers Ezekiel’s prophecy topic by topic.

Section 1, which begins with chapter 3, focuses on the celestial chariot.

The remaining four sections discuss how pure worship was contaminated and restored and how it will survive attack and remain for all time.

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Each chapter concludes with a box entitled “Your Place in Pure Worship.” Take time to meditate on the questions in those boxes.

Doing so will increase your appreciation for pure worship and your place in it.

Now, what can we expect in chapter 1? Are you dealing with a trial in your life? Or is someone tempting you to ignore Jehovah’s standards? If so, you can relate to the situation that Jesus faced in 29 C.E.

Satan had waited until Jesus was hungry before approaching him with the first of three temptations.

What was Satan’s goal? We learn the answer from the way Jesus responded to Satan.

Please read with me Matthew 4:10: “Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

This is the theme scripture for the chapter entitled “It Is Jehovah Your God You Must Worship.”

As you consider this material, look for these points:

• What tactics did Satan use in his first two temptations of Jesus, and how does Satan tempt us in similar ways?

• As shown by the third temptation of Jesus, what does Satan want from us, and how can we resist his enticements?

• How can you demonstrate that you agree with the words: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship”? Make time to study each chapter.

Look up the scriptures.

Consider how they apply to the material and what they teach you about our Father and Creator.

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Jehovah loves you and will give you the strength to deal with any trial or temptation.

One way he does so is through his Word, the Bible.

The better you understand Bible principles, the greater will be your desire to reject Satan’s traps and to give Jehovah exclusive, pure worship.

Enjoy the study!

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Chapter 2 - “God Approved” Their Gifts

Image Description: Abel inspects his flock

[Gary Breaux – Helper to the Service Committee]

Abel was an imperfect man, born to sinful parents.

Even so, when he offered God a sacrifice as an act of worship, Jehovah accepted his gift.

However, when Abel’s brother Cain offered God a gift, Jehovah rejected his worship.


Please read with me Hebrews 11:4: “By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than that of Cain, and through that faith he received the witness that he was righteous, for God approved his gifts, and although he died, he still speaks through his faith.”

That scripture states the theme for the chapter “‘God Approved’ Their Gifts.”

In this chapter, we’ll discuss four elements that are essential if our worship is to be acceptable to God.

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You’ll learn why Jehovah accepted worship from Abel but not from Cain.

You’ll also consider what we can learn from the examples of others mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11.

As you review the history of pure worship, take time to meditate on the example set by such faithful men as Noah, Abraham, and Jacob.

If you do so, you will gain a deeper understanding of what we need to do to give Jehovah the pure worship he deserves.

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SECTION 1- “The Heavens Were Opened”

Image Description: Ezekiel sees a vision of Jehovah’s celestial chariot

FOCUS: A glimpse into Jehovah’s realm

No human can see the almighty God, Jehovah, and live. (Ex. 33:20) But Jehovah gave Ezekiel visions that reveal the heavenly part of His organization—visions that not only fill us with awe but also deepen our appreciation for the honor we have to worship the one true God.

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Chapter 3 - “I Began to See Visions of God”

Image Description: Ezekiel sees a vision

[Samuel F. Herd – Governing Body]

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be with Ezekiel when he saw the vision of Jehovah’s chariot, the cherubs, and those giant wheels?

Section 1 of the Pure Worship book, “The Heavens Were Opened,” will consider in detail this portion of Ezekiel’s prophecy.

Turn with me, please, and follow along as we read Ezekiel 1:1: “In the 30th year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was among the exiled people by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened and I began to see visions of God.”

What’s the setting? Ezekiel and thousands of Israelites are held captive near the great city of Babylon.

Has Jehovah abandoned his people? Are the Babylonian gods more powerful than Jehovah? What Ezekiel now sees in vision leaves him in no doubt —Jehovah is the Almighty, the only God worthy of worship! But what does Ezekiel see?

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Let’s continue our reading with verses 4, 26, and 27. “As I was looking, I saw a tempestuous wind coming from the north, and there was a huge cloud and flashing fire surrounded by a bright light, and from the midst of the fire was something that looked like electrum. Above the expanse that was over their heads was what looked like a sapphire stone, and it resembled a throne. Sitting on the throne up above was someone whose appearance resembled that of a human. I saw something glowing like electrum that was like a fire radiating from what appeared to be his waist and upward; and from his waist down, I saw something that resembled fire. There was a brilliance all around him.”

• What does the chariot that Ezekiel saw represent, and how do we know that?

• What can we learn from the chariot’s wheels and the way the vehicle moved?

• How was Ezekiel affected by his vision, and how does meditating on it affect you?

• How can we show that we are awed by the privilege of serving Jehovah along with his organization today?

These questions will be answered as you consider this chapter entitled “I Began to See Visions of God.”

Each meeting you attend opens and concludes with prayer.

Before you close your eyes to pray, picture the huge chariot that Ezekiel saw and the One seated on the throne.

Doing so will deepen your appreciation for the privilege of prayer and will strengthen your resolve to give Jehovah the pure worship that belongs to him.

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Chapter 4 - Who Are “the Living Creatures With Four Faces”?

Image Description: One of the four living creatures in Ezekiel’s vision

[Robert Ciranko – Helper to the Writing Committee]

Parents, you no doubt love to teach your children about Jehovah.

Many of you likely use the pictures and videos supplied by the faithful slave to help you teach basic truths about our loving God.

But pictures can also help us understand deeper truths about Jehovah.

Please read with me Ezekiel 1:5, 6, and 10: “Within it were what looked like four living creatures, and the appearance of each one was like that of a human. Each one had four faces and four wings. Their faces had this appearance: Each of the four had a man’s face with a lion’s face on the right, a bull’s face on the left, and each of the four had an eagle’s face.”

These verses are discussed in the chapter entitled “Who Are ‘the Living Creatures with Four Faces’?”

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As you consider this material, look for these key points:

• Why do the faces of a man, a lion, a bull, and an eagle especially reflect Jehovah’s strength and mightiness?

• In what ways are you already benefiting from expressions of Jehovah’s outstanding attributes?

• Why can we conclude that the four faces of the cherubs when viewed together represent all of Jehovah’s attributes?

• How does this vision of Ezekiel assure you that you are never beyond the reach of Jehovah’s love?

If possible, answer as often as you can during the study.

Your answers will encourage your brothers and sisters.

But they’ll do more.

They’ll tell Jehovah how you feel about him, and they’ll strengthen your resolve to give Jehovah pure worship.

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SECTION 2 - “It Was My Sanctuary That You Defiled” —Pure Worship Corrupted

Image Description: Apostate Jews worshipping the idolatrous symbol of jealousy at the temple in Jerusalem

FOCUS: Judah and Jerusalem become spiritually and morally corrupt

Jehovah loved and cared for the Israelites as his “treasured possession.” (Ex. 19:5, ftn.) But they repaid Jehovah by worshipping false gods in the very temple that bore his name! They broke Jehovah’s heart and brought reproach upon him. Why did Israel sink so low? What can we learn from Ezekiel’s prophecy about Jerusalem’s destruction? And what lessons can we draw from Israel’s dealings with the surrounding nations?

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Chapter 5 - “See the Evil, Detestable Things That They Are Doing”

Image Description: Apostate Jews worshipping the idolatrous symbol of jealousy at the temple in Jerusalem

[M. Stephen Lett – Governing Body]

Jehovah loved and cared for the Israelites as his “treasured possession.” But how did they respond to God’s love? By worshipping false gods in the very temple that bore his name! They broke Jehovah’s heart and brought reproach upon his name.

Why did Israel sink so low?

What can we learn from Ezekiel’s prophecy about Jerusalem’s destruction?

Those questions are answered in section 2 of the book Pure Worship of Jehovah —Restored At Last!

This section is based on Ezekiel 5:11 and is entitled “It Was My Sanctuary That You Defiled.”

The first chapter of this section focuses on apostate Judah’s spiritual and moral decline.

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Ezekiel knew the Mosaic Law well.

He knew what was involved in giving Jehovah pure worship, but he saw things happening at the temple in Jerusalem that would shock any faithful worshipper of Jehovah.

Turn, please, to Ezekiel 8:9, and read along with me: “He said to me: ‘Go in and see the evil, detestable things that they are doing here.’”

This passage sets the scene for chapter 5, “See the Evil, Detestable Things That They Are Doing.”

As you study this chapter, look for the answers to the following questions:

• What does Jehovah rightly expect of his worshippers, and how can you live up to his expectation?

• In what ways did the Israelites become spiritually unclean, but how can you keep spiritually clean?

• And why are you determined to stay morally clean?

As you consider this material, ask yourself, ‘What temptations must I resist if I’m to remain spiritually clean?’ Please be assured that Jehovah will give you the strength you need to reject any temptation or to overcome any unclean habit.

Only if we remain clean can we give Jehovah what he deserves —our pure worship.

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Chapter 6 - “The End Is Now Upon You”

Image Description: Ezekiel etches a drawing on a brick

[Kenneth Cook, Jr.- Governing Body]

Jehovah asked the prophet Ezekiel to do some strange things.

For example, on one occasion Ezekiel sat speechless for a week.

Then he suddenly got up and shut himself in his house.

When he came out again, he picked up a brick and etched it with a drawing.

Ezekiel’s actions were unusual, but they conveyed an important message that has meaning for us today.

Chapter 6 of the Pure Worship book discusses Ezekiel’s unusual actions.

It is entitled “The End Is Now Upon You.”

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That statement is found at Ezekiel 7:3, the theme scripture for this chapter: “The end is now upon you, and I will unleash my anger against you, and I will judge you according to your ways and call you to account for all your detestable deeds.”

As you study this material, look for the answers to these three questions:

• The events that Ezekiel acted out remind us of what momentous events that God’s Word foretold for our future?

• How does the way Ezekiel carried out his commission to preach Jehovah’s warnings affect your view of the ministry?

• Why might the prophecies that we consider in this chapter move you to reexamine your priorities?

Allow what you learn in this chapter to affect you as you set priorities for yourself.

May the choices you make help you to give Jehovah the pure worship he so richly deserves.

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Chapter 7 – The Nations “Will Have to Know That I Am Jehovah”

Image Description: A lone sheep is attacked by a pack of wolves

[Harold Corkern – Helper to the Publishing Committee]

The Israelites had to deal with pressure from relatives who did not serve Jehovah, and Israel was surrounded by rich and powerful nations.

When the Israelites relied on Jehovah, he protected them from their enemies.

Often, though, his people allowed themselves to be corrupted by their neighbors.

How did Jehovah respond?

Chapter 7 has the title “The Nations ‘Will Have to Know That I Am Jehovah.’” That declaration appears repeatedly throughout Ezekiel’s prophecy.

The theme scripture for this chapter contains a similar thought.

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Please read Ezekiel 25:17 with me: “I will execute on them great acts of vengeance “with furious punishments, and they will have to know that I am Jehovah when I bring my vengeance on them.”

We can learn much by examining the way that the Israelites interacted with the surrounding people —including many who were related to them— and the way that Jehovah responded.

So when you prepare this material, look for the answers to these questions:

• Why should it not surprise us if family members oppose our worship of Jehovah?

• About what should we remain confident even if powerful governments persecute us?

• What lesson can we learn from the inhabitants of Tyre?

• And how can we show that we know Jehovah?

As you study this chapter, ask yourself, ‘How can I use the key points discussed to encourage someone, ‘such as a Bible student, to prepare for opposition?’

It’s so important that all of us remain loyal to Jehovah! Only then can we give him pure worship.

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SECTION 3 - “I Will . . . Collect You Together”—Restoration of Pure Worship Promised

Image Description: Ezekiel’s vision of a temple on a high mountain

FOCUS: Restoration revealed in Ezekiel’s prophecies

Israel is shattered—her unity torn by apostasy. She is suffering the

consequences of her actions; she defiled pure worship and defamed God’s

name. Amid the despair, Jehovah moves Ezekiel to utter a series of

prophecies that offer hope. Using striking word pictures and awe-inspiring

visions, Jehovah encourages not just the captive Israelites but all who long to

see pure worship restored.

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Chapter 8 - “I Will Raise Up One Shepherd”

Image Description: A shepherd leads his sheep

[Mark Sanderson – Governing Body]

Israel is shattered —her unity torn by apostasy.

She defiled pure worship and defamed God’s name and is suffering the consequences.

Amid the despair, Jehovah moves Ezekiel to utter a series of prophecies that offer hope.

These prophecies are discussed in section 3 of the Pure Worship book.

Based on Ezekiel 20:41, the title of the section is “I Will . . . Collect You Together.”

Prophecies about the Messiah are among the most thrilling facets of Jehovah’s purpose.

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They’re the basis of our hope, and they’re the focus of chapter 8, which is entitled “I Will Raise Up One Shepherd.” That title is based on Ezekiel 34:23: “I will raise up one shepherd over them, my servant David, and he will feed them. He himself will feed them and become their shepherd.”

As you study this chapter, look for these key points:

• What lesson can we learn from the prophetic riddle about the great eagles?

• How do the Messianic prophecies found in Ezekiel give you sound reasons to trust in the King, Jesus Christ?

• And how can you contribute to the peace and unity of the spiritual paradise?

Look closely at the pictures and captions in this chapter, and read each of the footnotes.

These teaching aids will deepen your understanding of the prophecies we consider.

The better you understand this material, the stronger your determination will be to give Jehovah pure worship.

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Chapter 9 – “I Will Give Them a Unified Heart”

Image Description: Jews in Babylon listen to the reading of a scroll containing Ezekiel’s prophecies

[Ronald Curzan – Helper to the Teaching Committee]

Do you enjoy serving Jehovah along with his united, spiritually clean people? No doubt you do.

What you’re experiencing is a modern-day miracle, one foretold by the prophet Ezekiel.

That prophecy is stated in the title of chapter 9, “I Will Give Them a Unified Heart.”

It’s found at Ezekiel 11:19: “And I will give them a unified heart, and I will put a new spirit in them; and I will remove the heart of stone from their bodies and give them a heart of flesh.”

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This chapter of the Pure Worship book will help you to answer these questions:

• What was Babylonian captivity like for the Jews, and why did Jehovah eventually liberate his people?

• How was the Christian congregation corrupted, and what happened that was similar to the Babylonian captivity of the Jews?

• What promises of restoration did Jehovah make through Ezekiel, and how have they been fulfilled on true Christians during the last days?

• How can we show that we appreciate the way that Jehovah has restored pure worship in our time?

It’s our hope that this material will strengthen your faith in God’s promises, increase your appreciation for the truths you’ve learned, and deepen your desire to invite others to join us in giving Jehovah pure worship.

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Chapter 10 – “You Will Come to Life”

Image Description: The Jews in Babylon are devastated when they learn that Jerusalem and the temple have been destroyed

[Joel Dellinger – Helper to the Service Committee]

Can you imagine seeing a valley full of human bones that slowly assemble themselves; grow sinew, muscle, and skin; and then come to life? It must have made the hair on Ezekiel’s neck stand up.

But Jehovah gave this vision not to frighten us but to give us hope.

That hope is expressed in the title of chapter 10, “You Will Come to Life.”

The statement is recorded at Ezekiel 37:5: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says to these bones: ‛I will cause breath to enter you, and you will come to life.’”

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This chapter will help you answer these intriguing questions:

• Why did the exiles in Babylon say that their bones were dry?

• In what way was the modern-day “Israel of God” in a deathlike situation?

• How did “the Israel of God” experience a gradual restoration, and when did they “come to life”?

How do you feel about being part of the “extremely large army” that Ezekiel’s prophecy foretold? You are living proof that the prophecy we’re about to discuss has been fulfilled.

The Governing Body considers it a privilege to serve along with you in the large army of loyal ones who give Jehovah pure worship.

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Chapter 11 - “I Have Appointed You as a Watchman”

Image Description: A watchman stands on the walls of Jerusalem and trumpets a warning

[John Ekrann- Helper to the Coordinators’ Committee]

Jehovah has appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” to be a watchman.

Now, in Bible times, a watchman might blow a horn or sound an alarm to warn of approaching danger.

But watchmen often did more than just warn people.

Now, Jehovah appointed Ezekiel as a watchman.

Please read with me Ezekiel 33:7, and see what Jehovah told him to do.

“As for you, son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman to the house of Israel; and when you hear a word from my mouth you must warn them from me.”

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The chapter you’re about to consider in the Pure Worship book is based on that scripture and has the title “I Have Appointed You as a Watchman.”

As you discuss this material, you’ll learn what else is required of a watchman, and you’ll gain insight into Jehovah’s personality.

Look for the answers to these questions:

• What motivates Jehovah to appoint watchmen?

• What twofold message do the watchmen deliver?

• And what is your role in supporting pure worship?

Now, it can be a challenge to do the work that Jehovah has assigned to us.

But please be assured that “the faithful and discreet slave” appreciates your help and support.

And you can be sure that Jehovah appreciates your hard work, your endurance, and your loyalty.

The material you’re about to discuss will give you courage, and it will help you to do your part in upholding pure worship.

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Chapter 12 - “I Will Make Them One Nation”

Image Description: Ezekiel holds up two sticks to convey a message to the exiles

[Kenneth Flodin – Helper to the Teaching Committee]

What do you love most about Jehovah’s people?

One of the things close to my heart is the unity we all enjoy.

We come from a variety of national, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.

We also have two hopes.

Some of God’s people have the hope of life in heaven, while most of us have a hope of living on earth as subjects of God’s Kingdom.

Yet, despite these differences, we’re one spiritual nation.

That’s the theme of chapter 12, “I Will Make Them One Nation.”

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This title is taken from Ezekiel 37:22: “I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king will rule over all of them, and they will no longer be two nations; nor will they be divided any longer into two kingdoms.”

In this chapter of the Pure Worship book, you’ll learn the answers to these questions:

• What important truth about pure worship does the prophecy about the two sticks highlight?

• Why do we conclude that this unification prophecy saw its greater fulfillment after 1914?

• And what can you personally do to contribute to the precious unity we now enjoy?

Satan would love to disrupt our unity. Let’s not let that happen.

May each of us apply the points we learn in this chapter.

If we do our part to promote unity in the congregation, we will preserve a haven where pure worship will flourish.

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Chapter 13 - “Describe the Temple”

Image Description: Ezekiel is met by an angel whose appearance is like copper

[Patrick LaFranca – Helper to the Personnel Committee]

Bible prophecies build our faith.

At times, though, we may find it challenging to grasp them fully.

It’s true that understanding Bible prophecy requires humility, hard work, and

holy spirit.

But the rewards are worth the effort.

Consider, for example, the vision that Ezekiel saw of a temple located on a

lofty mountain.

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Read with me, please, the instructions that Jehovah gave to the prophet,

recorded at Ezekiel 43:10: “As for you, son of man, describe the temple to the

house of Israel, so that they will feel ashamed because of their errors, and

they should study its plan.”

As you can see, the title of chapter 13, “Describe the Temple,” is drawn from

that verse.

This chapter will help clarify our understanding of this prophecy.

During your study, look for these key points:

• What simple approach are we taking in our discussion of Ezekiel’s

temple vision?

• Why do we no longer say that Ezekiel saw the great spiritual temple

that the apostle Paul later explains?

• For Ezekiel and his fellow exiles, what was the overall prophetic

message of the temple vision?

Take time to meditate on this prophetic vision.

As you do, ask yourself, ‘What does this teach me about Jehovah’s

personality?’ Thinking about this vision will impress on us the need to give

Jehovah undivided, pure worship.

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Chapter 14 – “This is the Law of the Temple”

Image Description: Ezekiel watches as his angelic guide measures the gates of the visionary temple

[Robert Luccioni – Helper to the Publishing Committee]

In the preceding chapter, we saw an overview of what Ezekiel’s temple vision

meant for the Jews held captive in Babylon.

In this chapter, we’ll discuss some specific lessons that the vision conveyed

to the Jews.

That’ll help us understand the vital message that the temple vision has for us

today and in the future.

Read with me, please, the theme scripture at Ezekiel 43:12: “This is the law

of the temple. The entire territory all around the top of the mountain is most

holy. Look! This is the law of the temple.”

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When you study this chapter, “This Is the Law of the Temple,” look for the

answers to these questions:

• What practical lessons did the exiled Jews likely draw from Ezekiel’s

temple vision?

• In what ways does the temple vision apply in our own time?

As you look over the diagram of Ezekiel’s visionary temple, what lessons

would you like to apply in your own worship?

Ezekiel’s vision of the temple reminds us that Jehovah is the Grand

Instructor. Using vivid, detailed word pictures, he teaches us so much that we

need to know about serving him acceptably.

As the world’s moral standards continue to decline, we must remember that

Jehovah’s lofty standards do not change.

He required that the Israelites render him pure worship, and he requires the

same of us today.

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SECTION 4 - “I Will Zealously Defend My Holy Name”—Pure Worship Survives Attack

Image Description: Angels hover over the earth, ready to fight during the great tribulation

FOCUS: Jehovah preserves his people through the great tribulation

Jehovah loves people, but he also holds us accountable for our actions. How

does he feel about those who claim to worship him but betray him by their

conduct? How will he determine who survives the great tribulation? And why

will Jehovah, a God of love, execute the many millions of wicked people?

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Chapter 15 - “I Will Bring an End to Your Prostitution”

Image Description: The great prostitute sits on the scarlet-colored wild beast

[Anthony Morris III – Governing Body]

Jehovah loves people, but he also holds us accountable for our actions.

How does Jehovah feel about those who claim to worship him but betray him by their conduct?

How will he determine who survives the great tribulation?

Why will Jehovah, a God of love, execute millions of people?

Those questions are answered in section 4 of the Pure Worship book.

Based on Ezekiel 39:25, it’s entitled “I Will Zealously Defend My Holy Name.”

The depth of Jehovah’s feelings are vividly conveyed in the first chapter of this section.

It has the title “I Will Bring an End to Your Prostitution.”

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That title is drawn from Ezekiel 16:41: “They will burn your houses with fire and execute judgment on you before the eyes of many women; and I will bring an end to your prostitution, and you will stop giving payment.”

As you study this chapter, look for these key points:

• Why is comparing false religion to a prostitute an effective illustration?

• What do the prostitutes of Ezekiel chapters 16 and 23 teach us about Jehovah’s feelings regarding false worship?

• What lies ahead for false religion, and what action should we take now?

It’s so comforting to know that Jehovah has a strong emotional attachment to those who serve him!

But that special relationship brings with it a serious responsibility.

Never would we want to hurt Jehovah’s feelings!

May this chapter strengthen your resolve to give Jehovah the pure worship that rightly belongs only to him.

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Chapter 16 - “Put a Mark on the Foreheads”

Image Description: The man with the secretary’s inkhorn puts a mark on a man’s forehead

[William Malenfant – Helper to the Teaching Committee]

Jehovah loves justice.

He’d never destroy the righteous with the wicked —that would be unjust and unloving.

For instance, before Jehovah executed judgment on unfaithful Jerusalem, he lovingly assured his prophet Ezekiel that faithful ones would be spared.

Ezekiel saw a vision of someone marking people who’d survive God’s judgment.

Who receive that mark? Who does the marking? And when are individuals marked for survival?

Chapter 16 discusses this thrilling vision.

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The title is “Put a Mark on the Foreheads,” which is taken from Ezekiel 9:4: “Jehovah said to him: ‘Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city.’”

This chapter will answer two important questions:

• First, how does Ezekiel’s vision of the man with the secretary’s inkhorn highlight Jehovah’s mercy?

• Second, what do you need to do now in order to be marked in the future for survival?

How loving of Jehovah to assure us that he’ll deliver his faithful worshippers when he executes judgment on this wicked system of things! Meanwhile, may this chapter move you to exert yourself in the lifesaving work of preaching the good news, thereby helping as many as possible to come in line to be marked for survival.

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Chapter 17- “I Am Against You, O Gog”

Image Description: Enemy soldiers from the coalition of nations known as Gog of Magog prepare to fight against pure worshippers

[Mark Noumair – Helper to the Teaching Committee]

We live in momentous times.

Very soon now, we’ll face the greatest demonstration of God’s destructive power ever seen on earth.

What can we expect to happen? Thankfully, Jehovah does not leave us in the dark.

Chapter 17 of the Pure Worship book is about the final attack that will be made on Jehovah’s people during the great tribulation.

The enemy and leader of the attack is named in the title of the chapter “I Am Against You, O Gog.”

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That title is drawn from Ezekiel 38:3. Please read that with me: “Say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ”Here I am against you, O Gog, head chieftain of Meshech and Tubal.””

As you study this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:

• What’s the identity of Gog of Magog?

• When, why, and how will Gog attack Jehovah’s people?

• What is the spiritual land, and how can you beautify it?

Brothers and sisters, we have no reason to fear the approaching tribulation.

Jehovah tells us what to expect, and he’ll be with us every step of the way as long as we continue to uphold pure worship in our life.

Never forget this: No enemy could ever prevail against the Sovereign Lord Jehovah!

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Chapter 18 - “My Great Rage Will Flare Up”

Image Description: A family reads the Bible together while a brother keeps watch at a window

[David Schafer – Helper to the Teaching Committee]

In chapter 17, we learned about Gog’s attack on Jehovah’s people.

We’re grateful that Jehovah has warned us about what the coalition of nations will do.

But that’s not the end of the story.

Ezekiel’s prophecy goes on to tell us what will happen to this enemy of pure worship.

Chapter 18 of the Pure Worship book is entitled “My Great Rage Will Flare Up.”

That title comes from Ezekiel 38:18: “‘On that day, the day when Gog invades the land of Israel,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘my great rage will flare up.’”

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As we study this thrilling information, look for these key points:

• What provokes Jehovah’s great rage?

• Why will his enemies not have valid cause to be surprised when he unleashes his wrath?

• When will Jehovah’s rage flare up, and how will he express it?

Just think: During the great tribulation just ahead, pure worshippers will witness something truly spectacular —how Jehovah will stand up for his people and sanctify his holy name.

May this chapter move you to do all you can to promote pure worship now.

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SECTION 5 - “I Will Dwell Among the People”—Pure Worship of Jehovah Restored

Image Description: Ezekiel’s angelic guide shows him a flowing river

FOCUS: Features of the temple vision and what they teach us about pure worship

Jehovah gave the prophet Ezekiel and the apostle John visions that have striking similarities. Features of those visions teach us valuable lessons that help us worship Jehovah acceptably now and provide a window into life in Paradise under God’s Kingdom.

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Chapter 19 - “Everything Will Live Wherever the Stream Goes”

Image Description: Ezekiel’s angelic guide has Ezekiel pass through the water

[Gerrit Lösch – Governing Body]

A river that brings life wherever it goes, a land that’s divided so that each inhabitant has equal access to its bounties, an earthly seat of administration that governs according to Jehovah’s loving ways —these thrilling truths and more are discussed in the final section of the Pure Worship book.

Based on Ezekiel 43:7, the title of section 5 is “I Will Dwell Among the People.”

In the first chapter of this section, we’ll learn about the remarkable river that Ezekiel saw in his temple vision.

The title of the chapter is “Everything Will Live Wherever the Stream Goes.”

That title is drawn from Ezekiel 47:9. Please read it with me: “Swarms of living creatures will be able to live wherever the waters flow. There will be an abundance of fish, because this water will flow there.The seawater will be healed, and everything will live wherever the stream goes.”

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As you study this chapter, try to answer these questions:

• How was Ezekiel’s vision of the river fulfilled in ancient times?

• In what ways are we seeing a fulfillment of that vision today?

• How will Ezekiel’s visionary river flow in the greatest sense during Christ’s Millennial Reign?

Do you enjoy picturing yourself and your loved ones in Paradise? A study of Ezekiel’s visionary river will help you to make that picture even more vivid.

May this chapter fill your heart with that precious hope!

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Chapter 20 - “Allot the Land as an Inheritance”

Image Description: A portion of the allotted land Ezekiel saw in a vision

[William Turner Jr. – Helper to the Service Committee]

Have you ever wondered how Jehovah views you? Some of our dear brothers and sisters struggle with feelings of unworthiness.

It’s important for us to know that Jehovah God loves and values each of his worshippers, and this includes you.

Chapter 20 of the Pure Worship book discusses the heartwarming encouragement we can receive from Ezekiel’s last vision.

The title is “Allot the Land as an Inheritance,” based on Ezekiel 45:1.

Please read that with me: “When you allot the land as an inheritance, you should offer as a contribution to Jehovah a holy portion out of the land. Its length should be 25,000 cubits, and its width, 10,000 cubits. Its entire area will be a holy portion.”

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As you study this chapter, you will learn this reassuring lesson: No matter how modest our responsibility in the earthly part of God’s organization may be, each of us has a secure place in the spiritual paradise.

How loving of Jehovah to give Ezekiel a vision that’s filled with such encouragement and assurance! May this chapter help you to become fully convinced that you are precious to Jehovah and that he values all that you do in his service.

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Chapter 21 - “The Name of the City . . . Will Be Jehovah Is There”

Image Description: The city that Ezekiel saw in vision

[Ralph Walls – Helper to the Personnel Committee]

In the chapter we just completed, we learned how Ezekiel’s final vision assures us that we all have a secure place and a valuable assignment in the spiritual paradise.

In this chapter of the Pure Worship book, we’ll see how that same vision provides us with further heartwarming assurance.

Chapter 21 is entitled “The Name of the City . . . Will Be Jehovah Is There,” taken from Ezekiel 48:35.

Please read it with me: “The perimeter will be 18,000 cubits. And the name of the city from that day on will be Jehovah Is There.”

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As you study this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:

• What does this visionary city represent, and what lesson can we learn from its name?

• What important reminder does this vision have for elders?

• What can we learn from Ezekiel’s description of all the activities in and around the city gates?

• What larger fulfillment will Ezekiel’s vision have in the future?

May this chapter, which will complete our discussion of Ezekiel’s final vision, assure you of this unassailable truth: Jehovah is and always will be with his pure worshippers!

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Chapter 22- “Worship God”

Image Description: Jesus takes off his crown and hands over the Kingdom to Jehovah God

[Geoffrey W. Jackson – Governing Body]

Wouldn’t you agree that it’s been absolutely thrilling to study Ezekiel’s prophecies and visions?

In the 21 chapters of the Pure Worship book that we’ve studied thus far, we’ve learned many valuable lessons about pure worship.

The final chapter of the Pure Worship book is entitled “Worship God,” based on Revelation 22:9. Let’s read that verse together: “But he tells me: “Be careful! Do not do that! I am only a fellow slave of you and of your brothers the prophets and of those observing the words of this scroll. Worship God.””

In this chapter, we’ll review some of the principal themes of Ezekiel and how they apply both now and in the future.

Then, with the help of Bible prophecy, we’ll peer into the future to the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ.

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Look for the answers to these questions:

• What final test will Jehovah’s worshippers face?

• What will happen to those who fail that test?

It’s our hope that what you’ve learned from the Pure Worship book will strengthen your determination to give Jehovah what he so richly deserves —your exclusive worship.

And may you be more determined than ever to preach with zeal and urgency, helping others to join us in pure worship.

How we all long for the time when everyone in heaven and on earth will be united in the pure worship of Jehovah!