ISEW-YORK TRIBUNE .TW* »PW.ViHH DAILY rHIRI >fj a /vatttHM EVTBY MORMrWO two 2VEN1AU Bt HOIiCL- O REKLET * C O., AO Til TXJiPHI trilDlt'l, <...*«*! OF ItV.tV AJTO »Inn .TlttT*. «.r»0»IT» THI CITV H»LL. mjm daB**t**i to fBy Subaerihar* »1 IS) eei.I* p«r week Mail ¦Mattet**, #1 per annum, la adtaoee, $ j \ n x moalU 1 Mmmm ~. ¦- TTTK KlITU ffSI KI V THfni,HF tjfatal-tl entry TiaiDtt aad Pamir McMiie. Prta, $3 fat fjMaat T"o O'l*. tut f>.', Pit.- <-.,.-. f.,r ail ii. TTfK ITFW-lltH« TKIHff e, tBB imoriiN ciicuuTioR, |j ^1 6)I*9i 4 oa th* departure of rack Mai! Stetaiei for LiTerpwJ, a) #4 far auaani, ptttuf- beBNaaB Single Copita, Six Cent*. the >TjTW-¥ORK TRIRF -VK, 90m wuivuKii, ^'VNfSflAN0 T,iis bawdw,ch fa aaatfUM-d aa Ihn Orrartarv ot aanu MaJi Siceoser for Atririwail m . I BP F*' annum. S.siie t- piet, Sir C< nU. .penal Äohref. y>ragnuataM- af Arraaarmraia mt mmol or thk yin-»» af JAMJW MONROB, rtrtb Prettdent of th'- Uatted State*, Or, (he aerair a of ta«' Removal of oil flctuaiai Prom New-Yuta t-o Virginia, Vadti tbe 4irretku of th Mai ipa,A itucri'-iei 0/ THE CITY OK NEW JORK, Oa KRIDAY, Jnly 2, 1»'.« fa* J«f*t Cnnitrlttee li'.'inioVd by the ( ^omturrn Counofl of U,* taa «f Pit w V rt to make tar are- itary arratipsmeiita f jr th'- n> ¦wral "f tbt teniato* of the la*e Pretitb-Dt JAMEK MONROE fata, ttr City ol K. w-Yoik to Itichnontl, the Capital al Virginia, jtt iaBa Slate, btte adopMd tbe following flograniiru) el Ar- tmjf Biea'i for the oeca ioa: faJPaa aiitjrian.u tl tat dty «1Q be ander the command of aYatova <J*d. WILLIAM ALL. ***» r*a. ¦¦«!*¦ will mmi frsai the Church of the AebudcI*- Bea, l*u-»t, near fl'li-av., at 4 o'cior-k prtclaeli, aud *>ui pry- agaiattaat Ihioocb idtb-et Broadway, atid ttiwn Br^aJwty ..tad 1 ->tad thr Park, and U.odcc through the Eaat fata to the 'jffr B.*.., hu tbt allowing older: ORDKil OK PROCESSION. DttaeAmenl* of tbe riWT DIVISION NEW-YORK STATIC militia, Hal* r tbe aomatand of BRIGADIER-OEN. HALL, at fctlowt: BQO? OF CAVALRY OK THIRD rlKGIMEMP. I'kdti the oomwand of Capt H ,.,. reYENTY-FIRöT REGIMENT, L'udri tbe eamaiaad of Vol. V t^M r ..11. TWELFTH AKOIMENT. aadar taa tauuuaad of Col. Join 8. CockK. 10; Kill KKUIMKNP, »1 ort Ibv toutmttid ti Coi. IllVtl*. ffBBXir OK CAVALBV.ot Third Ärjuacat, asder LB* eoiiiBaud uf »l't. Uritur. BlflUTfi KJCtitldKJtT, aadet the ttmniaadfof C*j). LvoHt, GUARD OK HONOR. OPTIlilATIN» (.LF.BOYaiEH. 01UIOR OF 1UE DAY. Ttoof af fjtrtafrr, J it Vwtao, Vraditg ttair Bxa.i i..U Cat DrsaTj by 81a Utay I '' 1..« tod By i> * - Troop of Cavalry, Card. J. M. Vanac Loadioa 59 aioma Tka MBcwtx-f Till RaaAEKt, InBaroucbra: IB. BVi). WUBeld Boott, Wm. K. IlaTeageytr, F**ti t*..|»t Jaooca T. «JUjter, Aataataa atbrll, Anilaoa* C. hit *alan*. aaLtoii) TKmaan, Col. Win. M. Pojrwa, K.i),.M.l.. I'*** ..k».. W rt bet*. " *4»"a T. Do Kotntt, t\ ut(, Itaae O. Baikisr, EL ., STliaatTiBLBltaief. I*.« "^Lda BniVaT M*.i Hiaiy h[bb, u. 3. a , bivamal Ktaalba Jm»«» i^,',-:d Aaduaa V Btiut, Ciarki^n Ctolloa, WUtoam J4. Tweed, Neltou J. Waterbnry, BW buta d \ atak De Witt. George H. Purr*. * E. .ali».a oi' tha Ketidly. YbgiLiaiii aadtbtir dtt.-et.cant*. rtaiuauu of tbe City tf New-Ywk. CtoiBdUor IraJn the -¦...¦ ul VutlaU. Et Pi.«rld»iiMef the ru led Stato*. af Ntw Yoik, Brooklyn, Uubabaa, Jartey City aad Netratk, Cosiuon Coaacll of the City of Ncvt-Yerk, m ihe a liowing ordel Tin ooa.-d of Aldermen, by that Bttfeaui at At. and beaded by their Trati dent allbUH'lrttaretr.l Tb* Boara of Couudluti-a, b] lb* it ^rt/auU-at-Ara.*, aud I.e..-'..by UieU l'ie-1 ti l l. a ith their ttatea of orliue, Ofaatii of both Board. Utadt af Depaiiwrtvu uf the City Oovaranriaut t.. >i t.. .. Ui. alo.1 r «¦ af Mufa.Tttor* 01 be City ai dCounty rt Naw-Tark, trttb their oflexra Offitert of lh« aity OoTvru.naaL CouiuioB Conoau of Lha City ol Brooahn, widl taelr effictta CoattiOD Coouoll of Jenet Ci.y, IlutLikta, txd Netrark, with lb*it ri- Bk FtttBcDcj troversor Kiof and flalta. Litutei.M.t GoviTDorof the State. Ii*ad* af Deiattiuebl* of tbe Slate. hVitate aid A.a. ..!-»;. of tbe Ktate td Nea-Totk. JPAaubN* uf Ue Senat M>d lion v> of lleptettutatiTVt af tbt Uahad biatca MtMn-Grtartlt Baadford aad Dnryea ad affl.eti aat an duty of the Kttit aud cJaooud Diiition b< a-koik State Troop*. OfAatn of tbe anny of tha United SteUe. OB.c-11 of too fatty of Iba failed .0- r Cr». OflVa-ra a* laa Naty-Yanl. Btoa-V.nl SlaA.< PWalety of tae CW.iOiaU. ft,,|r|4a>Mint«*«i* and Covluia. .lud: I cf the I 'mied fttetea, State aad Cky Court*. Kaftutenore aad UeaCi of DvpaiUtiotia of the Btata. «rtl.haia of !...». and ot tae Mate Leflalali.re. ftJaMayai, et Aaermtn, Atitotaiiti aud CouuoiL Mib a tbe Citki «1 New Ytub. Rrooklya, Jtaaet Cry. liabctro tad N nit I'tr.rd Htaea I'avrkt Attorney ana al< afbarra. BMBfaB Allvruaj, bit A*aitlaat, and vPiexa. MtBbciiof tbe Ba. Member* of tae Preea. HhtnA, t t 0. t Mi rtf. ana Def-tAk* allbe City of New. I oik. whb »ln it ilavea of «fioe. St|l*t<t. l'--ui'» Clerk, and 1 r .tu n af tbe City aad tVault of New-Vcik, with Uali aft'ear*. PatVe M«a*ir*le% wnb itartav Ctotki ol Datlka aad Po ire Cvuita. ¦araba) af tva I'taed Statea fur the fetouikctu DUltkiof New Yeik, a 11 j bi* Depalle* aad ctber ofl.ter*. r>dl*etoi of tbe Pot. ol New Yoik, ahb ttva r>le»k . aatt ataei . it-ear* ul hi* .lepartuieau Ntttl Oftiart, arhb tlwa OH ea-nat uaeatei with their Drpailiuei.lt. rotliiiaaer af tbe City cf Ni-a Vork wRh bit Aatatast, S. ctetary aad OM*BBk Beard af Jteui'a'.icu ol tl. City of fitw York a<«aeu>e by it* Pjr«;d« tit aud Caski. t,Tnttee« lacaity ao^ S.u«i.Btt of & lembia C«.ieft. Pir-iltM CanefJ, Pitt.ay and Siudtata tf tbe I'niiiieit* or Wtw Y rk. fV.!u, ut, Patroily and S adtna td the Krte Aaadoay ol itr I IV t f Na'.» Ii. k. fwUegt't'' Pby*tciai * and Sutfetva af tae Paklk hc*i.ol* al the City of New-York. CoOiBiiaiientK ot Po b<r. aat aad Ti. - -a ul ia« New- roik Pire Dt-partauent. file toe a.i>«imirr* u* tbe City af New-Yoik. tliirf aad Auittant Biafbtaaia Bate aaa At.ataat Koieoeta aid *ia>r Off.ran nf U*t BM* DapaiUaaiU al tan Citiea of Ntw York, Drooklya, Jtraey Qty, lU.la.keu and Neaaia. aaaa Veteraa* of I SIX, ander eouiniand af Ca,. Ra.aaati. VekemB* ul laii, uad« r cotaioaad of _^ C. L Job«*, .""'ant* and atbt; afkataM af toe artera, Beawvatart Sur ¦**. ^ of ft'ew-Yttk. """Mat*. OfitetMuBd Miiubtu* of ibo tr-r.-ral LRravy Sarie- tW* of tae City ol Ntw > ei*. Aaeiieab laalllula. mm Cuao'.t af Ca J*:ea. wardtat, ai d Hubor Maatet* of tbe Per*, af mlmmjy^* .* ,h« P*rt . New Y. rk, .7* -"v in tbe i'oriut New York, «BaOaai ml f«-w-Yatk. Bnokiyn Jna > I .ty, Uekokea, Naw- *Ma aaa* IU A---^ ""t abel faaOu* a^TX e.^rTtTr^' ^fcab Btoltar-a, Aaarvrdatitattng badi». u bare Dot yet re*»r>rt**l m\?ml*J?l* U ~^*^J*-*"t*I** Tbe fataakataaMafIB » ivi tut, ui ..i.. >u ^.u«iu a 1 rc^rllb'fT.'rt" °* ""^ 11 *** ."»...''«Mra.rLigaa bJa^ea*1^'' 2^!*'"d' "i'T" ** fs'* .** WHe- oB-.vii of .b«- Ar-uy at.-! Nuty, CD-W»,t ,)d_ - " aaailftt ,,u,! ,, f .u,.«reet. , oateuib art- Ciaia atli 1 tl.rytBieo, Oftlor of tbe day, tl-rtyaadaan beatren lwl?SUK' 'S^Mo. of .*»«**! ajaat Vx7^ mtmu, Poitit-i Iftrliti 1* tue Generale, Oaaamrni CoBJCti of |*,rW aftaLTtf^T- 'v**0*! Go«araol*. Uruat*.aiil Uorert,**, Hrm, Mm r*- xvm.5,360. thence pi o »4te fem Li - Is Seren'-h teen ~ left r**Ou» . Fci.rt-. .irret, Tlir !:-.;.> of Ihr f?f<J Stati > itaUaBed to ihlt barb IT and Dir OoMfl rnent rraaela lu pott, aierequrartad to tie uuouie guna tir.tr. S .. . i titl HHtJ Tbe otrsera »: ; i. a-. of the ntrbor, ai ! tbe ptorrleto-i 01' the variout pubio buiHioga ha the city, are re.|ne»*/vl to diep'aj L. r '. rt and flact at naif man from enoriae to lutaot. ibo itrertJ pan. na having the charge of the ebnrcband fire- alarm beil» ii fbe ej y, are reqotatcd to eaiee tbe rwoe to be tollrt f/otn tbe hour of 4 u'tWrA p. m. LOtU the cioae of Uta pre- ceatlcD. It i* alao letpeetf.Jly leyieatv.' that O'.r f*?lnw-c,l;l»eria Ae» tba.r aetatal pleoee of butineaa BoehfcJ the zrr.Ticg of tbe pro- Mtatoata Tiey are ajao requested to wear tbe ntual bidgc- af mooning CO ihr left uui. The r.wt.eet and pr1-7U-.ru nf £1 public; and hoecaod rarriafa and vobielae art direct, e, to withdraw tor i*roe from the ateeta thioofh which the ptoeeation it to part tiler the hear of j{ o'clock p. m. Tbe owniTt of private 'an las * and rehlc'et are &]*o r'-epe*t- fully t»qnt r*rd.to comp.y whb tbe wither of the Goounittee la thii tcrpert. No ubf, n.rtloii of toy kind will be permitted In the atteot* tbrcGtb whlrb the prorrttlou la to pata Tbe ii" o" for tbe o«e of tbe pail-bearera, and Society r.f the ro.rlmatl, wii be uimW the direction of VV t iiam U. Bteprmi.a, Fl »t Mimhal of the tllty. On tbr p rocration arriving at Bat flrr If all, tbr reinafalt of thr dacruid a*a*i*rcas and potrict will he deootitrd In tbe Gtrr- . 11 r « Booxu. where thry will lie to charge of the tab P.-e;- ; eaa;ua>d of boner, nutu tbe aeat day, Se'uidey, ». tbey will be remove.! at lOo'eVoeb a rn., to tlir ..ee.'n. r Jemeafown, ntidtr the eaecit of the *tb Regiment, National Ouard, at a anard of bvaor. THOMAS W. ADAMS, 1 MHIUKL Ml KCAY, Omirtttee on part Mif HARi, tiomey, ; ofth* JOHN ArNEeJ. i Board erf Aidennen. JAMES OWENS, I CHARLF8 1A HAS WELL, i Caiunif.er on tin THOMAS A I)' NN part GEOROFP BICKPORD, > of tbe CHA» 1KB Ii. CORNELL, Boaid of Coon- _SEYMOl'R A. BL'NCK, J eücueu. Mtvoa . 0»»7< ». N.w V.T-a. Julj I, IV,: The ( r»«i-he-. t - .1 the ft'NERALi of FX PltF.HI DKNT MONROE, to roaarr the Pall Beatrra asd tbr 80- utly of tbe Clntlrjuatl are brreby directed to aeaemble In BjArtt rut of 3d on FRIDAY, 2d Init., at 3 e'ejock p. Dt.preelwly. By order, WM II. STEPHENS. Pint MaribaL Tfcr Joint ( outuiittee appointed by the O<mmon CobdcU Ui a uti aniuble .»it.; :. <to cckbtatc toe upp: .. .'..if An¬ al'.-, narr of our National Indrp-.Tideuc', bare thu honor to tub- ir.lt followina to tbr public: At Runrise a Matiool Halute will he Bred m the Battery by the Vctcian Cup." of'7C, un-W the ootomaod of Col. Riyt.or, and at noon In too park by tbe Vetcraut of 1613, 'Uider the ou-iaaJ of Cch Raymotiil. The Flrat Dlalalon Nrw-Vork S'.^te Militia, nnjer eonniand of Major Oaieral Sanlord, will form on 14th-«t at 8 o'cl-xk a m., and be review'd by ih>' ClWlwataBtt tn tTltaf atvd tban take up «lieh line of mar. b, aid pcaad down Broadway te Chambrta- rt. to the eaat rate of Ike Park, nrrivlue at 10 a in., and pay the koi.ota of a Mairblnft Raliit« to the MTinlr.ipal Authorities. In tbe evening, Fireworka will be dltplayad, and Moiic far- Staecd. at tbe fulluwiue placri: C.ty UaU.AdftloV Btnd. MalUonaqnare.Robrriaon'a Band. fl:.iii!:r¦:. r. v.EzceJtlor Baud. Jaokaoo-tquare.Cat tat Band. Ilamaarrilj-iq,uare.Ccnm n't Band. TemfAtat-rquare.U'o&setnakar'a Bads. Fatt Broadway aod OteoB at.F.ioelalor Baud. Sttb-tt., between 7tb acd Sib ara.. Blind Band. Union Market.Wonoemtker i Band- 7th ar. and Broadway.tlbealda'a Band. Frankiln at. and \% aft Btcadway.Saelt jn't Band. MtmntMorria.Montitn't Bted. Mlaakmiquare.¦ Tba ewoera and n.aatrra of vaaeii lyinf in port, and prop tr- tora of bLttla and puiiiir are rrqurttcd to ditplar uebr 1 > on that day: tbe taajhatM are rrquvited to riny the bell* of thclt rctpcctlvc ebntcbet fcronc hour at tonrite, noon of tostrt, biila tbrrrfcr to be prearnted to tbe iindcriiyned. Drirera of rrtlelet are trqceitrd to avoid the line of lb" proeeaiion darinf lt. mar h Tt Cirlr Sccietlat a:.d Munictpal aathorlriea are In- vlti d to eooprra> wilt the Cimmlttie fa furtherance ol ta» Calibration. By order of the C-rotDittHh,- Tili» BTicfiirN», l.t.airmm _¦_«( Joint Otrnmlttee. ""VwYericnn llrnrrul 4 euimllli-e. 1H(>H. -Tbe reaular mi riiof of the Amaiicau Oeoeial Coiumlttte will Be belt THIS EVENING, attbeli room*, eorarr of Liapenard at. tod Broad- war, at 3 t/clevh. Fuurtual a:t"iid:iuc* la irqueattal. J. N. KEVMOLOd, ProaldoLt. N. S. Ht'firti, I a-rratarlea T C. W40NFR, ) . p_. 44. C. DEAN, 'JVlat IWtWt The Krlrnita et Trtafirraere are reaeart/ully 1: v :.- to uttroo a Truipttai rt l. cui f to I- he'd la tar Chapel of tee Fire Fomti lloutc of icduairy, TH1B (Kiidty) EVENINO. on ri.leb oocatkn .levnai addrtsaet will be uVUirrrd br weU koown aavocatet of tbe eante. Tbe ch'.Mrco will aaaetnble In the Park oppoalte to tbe boui^> and wii liojt levrral pb-cea pievloua to tbtif iBtrO lute Ihr Chapt-h Exeriaee to oomroeooe at 7J a m. J. W. REVRLIa, Beeratary. ~HHBdny~r^hool Kxc^ M ta OtiAFEli «I NI)AV BCMtJUL, Cnerry at, N. V., tbe ttev. J. B. Icakip, Paator. u-adi- their anuual *Tl**T1l to New Rochrlie ca Wedntaday, Jane an, IBM. A rote of tbankt to uoantmouily tetatovtl to Capt. Camerrn ef I- \i!Oi r.vui -t.Caia. lla-'.t of the XVlItb Frecinct. and Capt. Dr Cauip of the Ivth Frt- iurt, and the »everal officera nnjer their eommBiid. fir their effi'-ieut trrrieea and kind ttten- ti : on tbe abvvr 01 cation. _LEV I MABIt., t;Ajranaeoteota ArtharSi SELF SEALIKO CaNB AND JARS, sl » the ratrodoitioa ot theaa now cek-brated Cat.a and .Fart, erat IIAI.F A MILLION BATS BERN BOLD, and. aotw I'Jtaacdtnf m! m rta of rontrivaooea for the aoeon^pllah- meat of toe tarn" object moat of which were little lett tban Ira ida lifoo houerkteiHia, have been oflri-J to tbe publle, tbe atataWu-iifa 01 ARTLll'R'b, Lbe täte tri'M wAtrA tkey are managed, aud the eertaenry r r .i .:. hat» inaJe Um ui tbe BtrsrUc Coj.» uA Jera avety whale and now, In TW. FOL'ItTil YEAR eine their Iutroduttii 11, their rrpiitatioii ata;ida, by fenrral ac- ktiwb ..in-.'., far tt-nre any otlirt cau or ,-.r iu the aaaiket. in proct cf tbia, we a., .u fx<im Ol at inauuierahle tcetinaynJaia, Uli one ftom tbe EDITOR OF THE I.ADY'tJ BOOK, rn the neaibrr for July, u >*.. He tayt: " Tbeta eelebtati d Cant a.d Jart, the filtt lutroduced. aud, by all odd*, tbe beat, at" atra-iily ooming iuU' mm eral uae Tbootar.da of hauaekeeperi a ho, in put MtWOBa, were U-uiptad to try oUtei BBBa and jara, and who lost more cr lota of their fniit in eonae- qaei ar, will be (lad to learn that ARTH I R H never fallt h er tue w.u.-!.. we ^arr a.iti.', ute no cthtr. er.rf tee repeat it. adrka ¦ ALL PAEFaKEO FOR SEALINO. Tt, t bare a rhannal aronod the Biouth, < u the outatde, JIUtd vith aatBtat «rare a .-.« and all ready f r aea:inf. You have, after B hi y )onr vaaarl a. bot fratt only to beet your tit, and p ^ kt Into Iht eriorut, wheu the woik ia Betta. if diteclivaa ate folk wad oarotuilj, auccr>« la alwaya cr.-taln. PATEMT STAMP. Take noth-a, rbat Arthi.r'a Caiia and Jara all >.- r th- Fa*act Btan.p Od kbe Tin Cant yea wii St,d it iaipreaaed in the rrvital: .a the EatthriiV. arr Jara, Lu an oval on the Uottotu; and In taiatri U ttrat on the itdea of the Olaaa Jara. 81ZL°a Akt) MATfKML. Tin Cata.pint qnart, half taJon a-..i. talion.) The Cana and Jan Ftar raoor Stoni watte (canccol'd) fiat ( (except alaaa) list, quart aud «ailon. 1 N1 > <it.Btkawtar.Fiat, quart aid l.alfgaUoa I boaeeureaajaaataWJ OLttt. Pint, quart and ha't tall t J lu freight. ARTnt'R'S SELF SEAIINO CAN9 AND JARS are uiariaaarturrd, or "er the ptrrnt tV-i tbe I'niti d Btatea, by AKT1,! P. Bl KNUAM A OILKOY. No*. 117 mot I lt> SoLth 10tb-at., Ptdladclphla. Ale«, ana*aatatt rra, otderthr patent for the I'nlted laute* aftba " OLD DOMINION" < OKFKki-POT Trade euppllrd, at 1.ufaolarei a pi>-« by K. F. TORRE V, Nr. 0 Fra>t at. New York. CHAS. Bl RNUAM, Spriiigrield, Maaa. 1 JCteEPIi R. OREilN. cotoer of 6ib and m .ihr. Cur eirnali, Ohio FanlN <;raalitr Knrlnn ( rai-kera are nukir ty Mt. C. II PAL I., at bia BaAery ol Um H-d* n Riter. Moaa a. DREW A FRJLNCH, No. as Barclay it, N.wVork, ar. hi* W holeiale Agmta. and tveatve a.uioat dally thipiaaota cf thi«e C»W bitted i'ra; beta " I'A, L - " l.l .Ni INK KABINA CRACKERS are raaitc ftoni the Hue Farina, nt ol teat part of Uta grain that U tbe mot: Biitiiliout and beahhy. Very gtaat rare la i:M«d lu tbe aitnn BjaBata tattkaaaj ctackrra, and uooe b.-tiie beet 01 atork uaod, Whatfe aceooata tji Ukh retaining tbrtr freebeeae toanrh a tr- L.arkabic dtgita'. ai d rn.h.r. PAI L to aril hia FarinaCraoker. in every Biet' iu Uta Dab a at . mr pr'c. than any erarkaia of au rqoal q iai.tr. An who have oeiJ FAI L'S FARINA CRACKERS will iraoiiy adrit that they are Plaatt 'lie moit p.raaai. to Ihr laaBBi Beixod: Toe t.iut BotrRleot and bra'tliy. Third: Th.-y retain ..- ha tbi.raa longn tban any ether Ftaitb: Tnat tlriciii :. tiarkm ao we'l adapted hiiiib d an a, hank, rt, koekkrrprn at d rleikt for a luneb. KiAh: That lor lao.ei kateBdrag to apeud a part of the 8-mac. r at 'he MB ahciv 1 r tn tar boentry, and etpeviai y tboae baring Laa tare of chili ten, lhe*e Faitna CtW t.-r* are or.tjrptaaed. hitth: Iber are moit r lvit.irutlu aarr) becauaa ao amtX Lbat th»v average H'(. to lor p- .. Faui'a Cracker ilakeiy bri..< i-je cf the oldeat aad moat a-.a- eaaafai tu the country, hit ttywe BaaM been numeroualy UU.U1- J In a'* own vi-Ho!j an.11 ;.« »..«!*. The geauiaa are lava::atly itaa.ped Pa 11. City haitikrd tfrtnaa. yellow KaOOLD HaMS. Bl'GAR-Cl'KFD HAMS. CITl SMOKED BRUT. NEW MESS ruitb. NJirs' lari» ami oils. Bit Iii It 1. ¦< hreee. FBRNU Daik' ol rrtal. nrlt m aSü tLat'K Tr AS. RH t BAtlLEY, starch. '" tNDLFs, VINCOAR, HuAF. ALL K1NUS SPICES. Ac. All b-at quality, aid waiiented, aetecti-d Ar uty and evuatry brade. for aale at a aataatkbl law tat BtH | ALLAN A Boat:, No Sil VVaati.^...oat,aborv Baiaiay. .atravt b< ri li a. I.ooai hrri lee, < hcrrlre, Acj->t he pr. «,-ved 'rnh Bl KPRATl'S FATErtf CaNS, wtu a laatr tad for thepaal t 1 v art by .i«auia, Baa Maiae to T--a», attd haWi :!y lOceeetfL;. Twelve DipioeDaa, ot 1- Medal aad two Prrmiunit bara hero awarded for theae f*BBt. which .a i'" J rveieoi-e af lB*tj aaBaatt l-r ever til ottx t". VA ELL8 A FRON OBT, Pr jprieti ra, No 216 Kro.lt at. N B. -Car-i bii.tited u> bbi pail of ih* < itv fneof «xp.-ate fAm Ice-Pltoawr thaU la tt Nicv, Piirher. I'boaW'l ooihmt to f vod 'i the nt ated blood at a eooUnadraagb*. of water. Nor tha/e bj.t'biEL' in wklrh tt ¦'.!> tve water t NM Üke a PATENT DO BLE ICE IIXCUER. Fa: Bale. tt/haUaalt aad Retail, hy LI t ICS HART, Mi* !and 6 Barttag-ahp VmijfiiriH. r-' Oi pal. Aal kind* of DIE98 TRUNKS. IMPKOVKU IRAVBLINO BA09, Bad One rOL>'-l KATHl'R Till'NAB, At No. I M array rt. JOHN BLACK. 04Jr!t,S A CTIOVKL-S BAaJ SPADES. . £> gajfj by IQMu ?*)! ;m t > fu v.u*u.n NEW-YORK, FRED Ktm pnbhcctwnf. rrilE RAILWAY GUIDE JULY NUMBER. J. APPLE TONS' P, A II,'.'. AT AND STTAM NA . IOATION i.UIDE. tv.tr 24 cot«. OPINIONS OP THE PRES». " It .«¦... be in tie band* <4 > vety on» " [Coarler Mid r'.s.r. -. r. " Tbl* ). witboct exception the moet eompirtu O-ui* er?r paAwatal " [Ctn. li.beU C^auL^ioUi " Araletcc'i Rathra* i, .: ..» become ¦ c*r**efty." [Harper1* Weekly. " Ore of the mcrt val-r^bie Guide* we hate teen ¦ r :... '. Lady* r t " App'.itot'* Railway i. I* :. .:.y tie beet tottir^iiaü if ltt kind." (Pittiseid Sir. It ha* no eo/ia!." [New Yaik Herald. " The Met accurate Guide p'jyi.beeL'1 IN O C-riu i-r-.il. " Toil Guide .if.' ry r-p lar md rt-Hib.e puoB-ttioi..'' 16 .riin*v>n Haak-Eye- " Tboee aba buy U oner wlJ never ateraard be wi bout it." Rkliln ore A - «r. " Dcct leave the eity with, at thb) book." | Boetoo Jma*i. " Every important r»*d ii repteieuted by » iu*p " ILoitM .V Joaraei. * It may t. regarded a -> r:<r:,y r ...,>.,.¦ (Montreal Oazef.a " Tbl* la a moat admirably arrareej Railway Oaide." lAi-er-eau Raitway Tiruca, " It U a moat complete and admirable r. . [rt--h. r Deriverat. For aale by al) Book** lb ri, Newa Agent* and boy* on t&e ear* throtjgt.« nt tie Uulv.1 Statea D. APFLETON A On , PubM.h»r», No* m6 and 3+S Broadway. riMIE NORTH-AMERICAN REVIEW. A No. CLXXX FOR JULY. 18«. Comnieneing a New Voluate. CONTENTS. Ait I..Plernr'i Ar.i'ytJc Mecbani ¦ II..Oeor*e Btepbeu*on. ill..The HuiwBii Valley and 'be Great Plain*. I V. .Contemporary French Literature. V..Vbr Phillip* family and Phillipe Exeter A-td.ro?. VI. .The Aquation. VII..Law*ot Aeeorlation io Omar eetal 0«ij«rj|r.g, V 'II " m.-.h. . Civliiiiiloa of "bo birth t Vn'.ury. IX..Lord N .rmanby'* Year, f R«*. lu'.Ion la Paris X fa* Baique* aod their CoanTv. XI. .R- c«nt C«mn.ealarlr* on Ues .*< w T. .'je. L Xll..Critiral Nolle»«. Mil..New fcbutwra. C. 8. FRANCIS A Otv, PobiUbera, _No. BM Hroadway. ~"N F E 8 8 I Ö N_S C 0 A GAM8LFR. NATIONAL POLICE GAZUTTE Elpe** of the Cheating Trkk* Of OwnHer* la ube Dakked S.*.m Il »......» üaokaure» Of the r^oeeedlnti Ol' i ' eatbcrftlei Of Ch-tMO. INTENSELY INTERESTING ROSS A TOUSEF, General Agents TJENKY WARD BEECHER. ¦ ANOTHER SERMON REV. HENRY WARD BRECHER, revered era fiUNDAY EVEN IN" Je27. Report. J verbatim. W i! le piUUbedoa FATVRDAY, Itw] J. IN THE BRW YORK DAILY SIN. _Oaa Cant par Copy. IMPORTANT NEW MEDICAL WORK.. btXDlCAL ADVI8KR AND MARRIAOE <H IDC. Nearly ?V« ISmo pagta. ItOlLueaiatmEe Cloth, Bl. :ty a ; .«".!% l»* bratrd Pari* aad London Pbyilrian and Ruigeuo, bow af New- York City. Tbl* itlereettng book »bou'd be lo Iba handlot every adult p*r«ou, ai ttlmpait* knowledge all hava eovght tat la vain in any other. Bold aid m&lied to any pail of ihr eaapttry by TV. A. TOWNKENO, No. 2<2 Broadway, New-York City. T HE WEEKLY TRIBUNE FOR JULY 3. "The New-York Weekly Tiumne for this wtfk fontaina the following: I..LEADING ARTICLES: Mr. Llneola'* Sa-Hnsb: Hfw Law in Virginia; «' v>mJ4>, The FitUbuixQ Oa- »ette. Mr. Moutgomery. U..REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Giving In a aondaniad and e^mpieuon» form the lateat an 1 mo*t lmp..rtai.t rventi that have tranaplred In the Citv and BubrrSi, L'ninnd Statei, Meaioo, Nioaragia, Canada, and Eu¬ rope. III. .TWO WFF.KS L4TKR FROM CALIFORNIA: Arrival r.f the M *.. lay; i, - of lb. Fort- Blgbl'i New*. IV. .MR. RAREY AND TUF ZEBRA. ä»äv V..TIIE ERUPTION K MOUNT VESl'VIUS." """M.-THE RIPORMERS- FREE tlONi ENTIONTilatn- rug af Free Lever* and Splntual^ta.Rranluoona Raleimlna Everyrhlog-Fiet -Love Spe.-ch by Mr*. Hraneb-Re.igk<u Uteri Up. The Bible Put Dowj. Tae Unruly Mrnuber U t.- i'..' and Wrong* of Womea. VII..SENATOR BELL. Vlll..REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLK8; Speech af the Bin, Abraham LL -oln of I.,;. .* at the Reri.bll.au Butte Convention. IX..MR. GILDINGS TO HIS CONSTITUENTS. X..K>\N6AS: Tbc Riding of Oai Jc^kiaa-Trial of Gen. Lane. XI..tue 1ION. RICHARD YATES: C rretpoudenea of Tit N. Y. Tilbune. XII. .LATEST NEWS RECEIVED BY TELZOIUFH, Float Waibing on. XIII. .POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: Iowa; Verm ct; Indiana XIV. .THE GREAT REGATTA XV..THE WEATHER AND THE CROPS. XVI..FACTS FOR FARMERS. XY II..AMBBICAN INSTITUTE FARMERS' CLUB. XVII1..FOXTUY: "Vernal " XIX..NEW PUBLICATIONS The Aqjaiium. XX. .BAY ARD TAYLOR IN SOUTHERN EUROPE: t'oat Dayi among the Uedem Hpartana. XXI. .THE CHARITIES IN THE WEST: Coneepond- , i.. of Iba N. Y. Tribune. XXU..TUE WORK OK THE GALLOWS: Eiecotics of Widow Bt-iiair and Jean lit;: ... Daciuifaa for Mir- dtr; Execution of Jamei McKee. XXIII. .MUaosii; High Rlackbcrriea; Caniei cf Bkt fl*r- r lean ot Trout Stteaat, Dijglae Ptataiai^ri ik**p- poiut-d. XXIV. .MARR1 AOLS AND DEATHS. XXV ..CALIFORNIA MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. XXV I..COMMERCIAL MaTTP.RB: Full Report* of the Stick, Mnn,-y. Cotton, Grain, Cattle and other Mtr- ktt*. gpaclally Reported lor Toe Tribune. Bi'iicaimoat.One copy far one year, fj'4. Three «ojKee, $.¦>. i i ' *n. ...-.[.., a t i. SINGLE COPIES far *a.e at the Pcbbcatioa OC*e T- ; Day. Price fl <5enta. C1UEHS MOaNTlILV lor JULY.Now rnady. J Content*: Che** in Deama-k | an e. griib Caew GI»**ery, An Etd Game by Moipoy Soherua of the Auail-jau-Oeteiano Notation Tatlve Game* (iav. a P. Marpay'il; Flva Enigmaa bight Piob'en.*; atiteellaita Za-.iikiolorka, A :. B3 * Tear t' r.m a t ,;mh.r. P. MiI.LPR h PON, rtn. *n Naaiaa »t N T MORNING Bl'Ah..lu tbr- preaa, Bud^wiU bV pobli.hel i.e. m.rk, THE HORNING STAR. Or. . > u* Ttir l*Clt**T|. a .'.. « (¦.-.- ¦. ,- J. . af Near Tcttameal By the oam*. M»» Pi'-:* I* taota Groceries, prot-ioionc, iCc. ME8S IY>1?K aid SMOKED MEATS..VAN BRUNT l iVAiROrs. Path pv-ker*. No. ... Ca*i^:, .t, New York. < der it lue I-.... aujg piKa* for aaab; Baa k< a ii A MS from it to 11 ernu. Sti.kr.l Slli'ULDEBS froa. fttoteeLt*. ¦a* kid KEEP <rom S't \'<{ eecra em.Atd BAC(>N Boa .-¦) Mm PORK ac D' 'che** tViaty Me** from B 'n to Bit s«, I.aRD iotaha or barrel*, from r (t > 11 e. nt*. N. B No or- . i.l. d .!.*{*. A,r caah. VaN ball tlT k WATAOL'S, N*. U-' Chanaei*-*t. TEAH..Grofn and Black Tea*, ol every Joacrip- i. c aad v .., U,i mk ^* TOiVfJiESD. CUNCH A DIKE. _No* 67 aud en Ft nt «c COKKEE.. Java in |>t cket* and bag*, aud MociaB il ua.' ai>i q.tk: i .. fur *ait by loWNSEND CLINCH A DIKF, _No*. (7 aad M Fronte *t PICES..All kind* of Spicea, La Uieir pitcJuLfe of imp. r.etK-6, f* r tik '-r Tt OVV^SEND CLINCH A DIKE. N a a?ai.da»Fiout-»t NDIliO..Mariüla, AltJru*, aad L'arac&d it> L aigv, f >r aale by TJW roEaND CLINCH A DIKE, _No*. B7 aad «B Froct-et f O U 8 V WIGHT dk Co " a. .*» -e , of tXrlJBLiVRFFlNA.) AND FAAULY SALERATLrli aTUFER-CARBONATE OP BOBA, BAL RODA, tut, Nv II Old ..'.a. Hairreei aqaare. New-York. PURE CREAM OF TARTAR ALW AYS ON HAND. Ho /ormtTB «nii (Dli)rrt. BÜRDEN'8 BaTW MBehiikB HOR.SE-SHObaj. fiue aaaiity. brw arira and very 4t4r»' ir. Dreot ts New f..tk, JGIAN W Oi INCY A Ca.. Na 98 a üM^m at FARM ER8* and G AR DENERb i^IJdMlrlSitS *w-a' vubrty. for *ale by IBAS S IJfTLE A O .. * p wi I FieitaoHt 'AY, JULY 2, 185«. H ©tu ©trat«. ealth! grace: i nmi BEAUTY r. a t>m-! apna 'Ac Latire by wearing I>OTjaiiA8 <t SHERWOOD'S CFI.FnRATEI) SKIRTS. the FCTAEAIXKLXD Si (TOS of tue NEW EXPANSION SKIRT IIV,08* of wb'ch tava bees ~ : «.."..« it. but 4 r-twn) baa b> dceed tbe a.anufar.nirera to Bäk« arraflaerncota that trill eaahat tbean to pn-ercc» »J0 eVaena i",4*> bMjU) ?*r a-% during Um aaor.tha or Ji- . July «od * .g>»* . Tbrr aleo «all attention to Lb* r NEW LINEN SUPERIOR SKIRT, ECB TRAVELING, wfcloh m r-ee+vtag nerv real orrora-odi:..-« from tee Ladiae. They ara Uta hk paoptietor« nf ia* Wp "PATENT ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE* n Baa. Batrara oftba taasy -jntutoi oBercd is UM market, at tb«*v ara all *"I »i Irfikagrawota or w<"HU)ieee They uao BMBtUeetnre mt 79 other different style* erftft aad trtfAoaii the "Patent Adjaetahle BcatW-"' Tbraa 8 klüts bare baas rveowimended by tb- HlOHTttft MEDICAL AUTHORfTT aa beieg (A. e#«« arttVar/er UtW a«* (Aa( Ae* «aar Aeee qdW«d ta BY* futrfia None geauiae raiaaa .. DOUGLAS A BHERWOOO," " MANUFACTURERS, NEVV-r ORK." for aale througuoot UV United Staate and Oauada*. P|BY GOODS. RTR1NO AND SI MMER DRE8B GOODS. ARNOLD, CONSTA BUS A 0* arUl arU the »nrtre baaaoea of U>*Lr Spring importation* at greatly reduced ; rl-.«. Their aeaottmeat of tbe ucduraenUoood arU.let la itBl tery complete. I'LA IN AND FANCY SILK 8. COLORED AND BLACK SILK ROBES. BAREGES AND BAREGE ROBKS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH JACONETS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH PRINTS. TRAVELING dress GOODS. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. N. B.-ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A Co. bare at..: on band t brautUol aad traaarpaated aaaortitieat of MANTILLAS, which tbey are clearing oat at extremely low pit -a. SILK MANTILLAS AND TALMAS. REAL LACE POINTS AND MA NTH. L VS. FRENCH LACE MANVlLLAB. BILK AND BAREGE MANTILLAS. TRAVELINO CLOAKS, RAOLAN8, DUSTERS, Ac. CANAL BT, ecraer Meraar, New-York. ASPLENDID 8TOCK <»f MANTILLAS, AT ERY REDUCED FRICES For tor balance of the avaaon, At BULFIN'S NEW STORE, No. 415 Broadway. R al Oolpure MantiUaa. Franco Leee tluiUUaa. Pjtbar Lave Maotiilaa. French Lava Circle;a. Black Barege Ci/cBtara. W tit>' Barege Circular*. _BULPIN, No. <U Broatway. ANEW LÄDIER' DUSTER of very Ree liaeo fabric, gnl'cd aiikr lor traveling or pro-ocaaie, will ar. try .i twit wata. Lv\DIES' D4J BF.OE DU8TFHS LAlm v TbaVF.LINO CLOTH DUSTER?. LADIES' PLAIN LINEN OUSTERS. LA 111 RA' CHECK LINEN DOSTE RS. A FULL AND LOMt-LElE ASSORTMENT. ALL AT MODr.lt A I K ;'R: > * BULViya ai »...»/ a*oaa, No. Hi Broadway. ADAMt, MULL ER, Be Paria, No. 147 10th- at. New Yerh, between 4th a*, and Broadway .FLUT¬ ING^EMBROIDERIK8. LACES, rJONlTON, Ml SDN and LACT. CURTAINS Ha* adopted a method that radera them of a auparVoe wntteneaa, equal to new Curalna. Will be doae at I aaa G/' lo a per pair, and if lnjored, paid f- t Moartn, 10/ a aVaMtr.done In tbe neateet etyle Ordert promptly attanoed to. IKIilA-KUliBEE GLOVES far Gaining, Uoma r.kaa.aag. or any oor.epartoa tl at eoila tbe banit aaa highly eatoaaaaB bytboee wtio taw them. Tb-y aaa sate rartoua laagLtt to proleat the wriata and artnt rrcm ripoeure, aad by wearrni render the btnda aaft, unorAh and enowy white, boid by all Rubber dreien end at No. 38 Johun* op ttalra. B~ EAUTIFUL FRENCH ÖliÖ^.^Et'I^ES baa removed to No. 973 Broadway, where ae haa a more aeecleaja etote and a baeameotaBd lofta affording inereaaed tnaa- bleeturlna fr..!.,-.! a. in addition to ait elegant ataortnimit of Ledl**' awaoa of every deerrijwioa, beta n-w enahaad to off.-r to ('. r CetxeL Bboea, Uaittra and Bilppert of auparior werbman- aMw The kwaat aoveitiee In Trimailrga and Deabrea are recerrrd bm t.t.y fror.i Paria, and all that ia rare hi tiybt or beauty ia urm- blned in Ul* JeSera Shoe. Tbe Braoab or tbia eatatlUhmrnt at Baratoga will epea for Iba Sonuatr isotitha, about the Itt of July. <fTl tfBSl .CLEAKINti OUT SALE. tf" I ?>»J%\}\f\Jm tJtSi'.oauof8UMMER CLOTHING. 1 will teil TBE ENURE BALANCE of my itcek of FASHlONaB'.E SUMMER Ct.OTRINO, At lAi i*-r aeut la** Iben ciy ua.i-d low price* I wiab it DISTINCTLY t'NDF.RBTOCiD that I wU not be I NDEBAOLD by any u^i. ori 'mbinatlon of men. No '..,'. kg anew t> B. DE OROOrS ...i. Hi.lL Carb Clothiug Warehouaa. Na. M. K It at. Pint Clothing Sure raat cf Broadway. rtTFJ 3CD FOR Paattyf 8HOES ami OAJTERS; .LFtF ALSO, ONLY #6 for FIRST (dl'ALITY of TENT LEATHER BOOTS at JoNES'8. No .INN ST. .ff Ollem it JOtTg .anutn. ATTENTION..If son with to fr.joy flood health, cleartr the -dy of all .-. p .:. ; and the very tea' poeei- ble way of dolna that, t* to take an ieca*tooai do*e of BK AN PRETii », WBlGHT'S, LtE'S or RliSU'S PILLS. To b- had lenuine tbe cheap Bookrt're No. Bowery, N. Y. Ou bald BARRY S TRICOPHErlOLS. LYON 9 KATUAi- RON tc._ ELIZABETH (iAJtlHLP:,7.roiiKht to New-York Cl y from WlUiamtburab by BaBBBJ M. Lowe1! 11 Septem¬ ber 1MÄ, BflaJ tent inti Ibe m.o'ry will bear ef t >ni"thiag to her adtattageby writiDgU) ELLEN MANLY, Nu. tt Eeet VAb *'_, Nvw-York. CuiattlJ paper* pl>a-.' copy. 1J0HN PYaNE.tjfthe City and County of New- 0 Y'ork, do brreby aolctntly aweai that I waa rmployid with the late Tabot U'altt for t f*ri -d of early aigbl yrara. I waa with his the linn, the Nervosa iotlBtft waa firat io- u h1u.*.1 to public noti e, I waaptrfecti> eo.ra'aant with ail the '...tirdtrUe u«ed in manafa-.i..i.'.« lit- af>..-e-aid Netvoua Ar.'l- dote; the art it U we now -«., ia precisely ih« aame ia awry oar- ticuiar a* otlglnaUy rouipoo: .|e.J by H. 8<<^y f.r tba kale TaiLot Va alte, ü u. th- recipe of Dr. A V*. T. Wataoa. JO'lN PYNL. Nu If'Nataaurt. Ke. rn'., before nie, Jtwr» O. Cooraa, Coaauueae. ,e, vf Deed. Baa Ofli.e. WATTSTJ NKRVOUS ANTIDOTE f 1 per bott> B9per i-I.. Forwarded to any aodn .*. a a Itfl IN I'> NK I I'* , N*. Naaaaa-r- 1J1IONO0KAPH\ TAUGHTUUMiiKh tic MAIL. - A Cccna of Lcaaoes in lid* Art will be givea by mall to any cia a*nd!ng the tabaenber BA All oeeaaaary wnrk* for- L!t>cd. Addteaa_W S. HYDE, W,uianittowB^M*«a. 1^0 TiTe^ATER^rInKINO PÜBLIC^If yea wiab to dirnk a .. r fie«fro a - .: j wb<<ner anlwal ai \*tetab>, nae W RIGHT'S PATENT WATER FILIER. Tbia ftl-jti be* Uier water way., ore tor tbe eatraeea af the water, ear fcrtba duMbara" af the aed.-nent that may colaoe- In the lower aha an bar, and ere for tbo pa*eaae of the water up Utroogb lie metiuaa aad out tbiuu/h Lh- prpe at Ute top. The wai. r ttrlkbu the nnder ttdr of toe medium it ao aegla. waabea off ail baiptuitiea. The ttedtuaa need ia a aupeiior qiaftty of For Felt, BaiBfaxtured rtprraaly for th'.a uae. aad fsead by erpeii.na.nta made by »riantiiia rrec, to be Ur beet for filtawtag rai'pa . and obviate* tea objaettona that eiwt In aJ atbera, aaen u o trta, prrana giaaa -end Ae, all "f wtich r -uin aotne of the aai-uil. ra'e and gaBBatja t, and toon become orTaoalvc aad uealea*. Ikt t'-periortty over me old reve'err g bito<t, aaty be area tr au tbe far-, that alter eaoa rtveraing. theie ia no poaaibtbty af pruaur.ng pn- wvtn, a* Ibe aaimaiwila. and eedimrnt that aaa M«... furraj Uioegh tb^ aietr In, with the quar'A or tasA will ha ooLateatly paa.ii a ou Mit*, Lbe foreo fjom l£e oppva te dlrraitaon naLl Law what tie* beeotnea ahobed, wraw ibe eaane tuBiaaary will artoa. Wkilc tbia Pti-er, knag ao rtiaple in il« euturtniauue, i* eaaiiy beat in rrder ba Ihr petaiut who twe Iheux Prtc »i jo. Man ottctn.-r i and for aale r-v LOCK A A CRAIGIE. PannO-rt, Mo. UEaatdan at., New-Yoik. IJnnting. B&TKU it GODWIN.raiBTTNE BUTLD- prtnr ererytblnf, fr. at toe araalle**. CARD u I.AHf.k o tae arg, at BILL or BOOK, at tbe Lcw»*< Caah Prioea I^'BfGHAViNG ai.d PRINTING HALF PRICE. ¦J.Wedding, AtHotneandlVu.'uini "aid*. Ac, BLftnaaaCarda BUI Head*, Nefee, Cie. k*. he . at KELLT 9. »7 Ftdtoa r., N. Y. £'LEGAN T \V..J.'iLa? w-14. VtfiÜDf: CAKDS, EN- i VELOPi 8. Ae -Latnat fvi atviea a \ ialtiag Plate and Park Card*, fl V), *i E'« BRDELL'S, Bredway, o.a. DüMoe-et. Qont% Carrtiigcs, «£c. ANICE FAMILY H'jR.-E fur 8ALE rhortp, 9 XV), the pBBBt % OfB ptivate gettaatnaa A aeapuuatiakt tuaraaly lor kia .^«ntttarat. I Tiaaia aid, j ha^da bU_ Appti at Nu *3 Pranklia-aa._ POB SALE. A knm aef gray MULES, M9i A match; kiad. good »otkera, and {..' £. Ln^-itr*O 8. ~X ill- We kj \itt L. -.v. -'. Plate *.'*. PRICE TWO CE1YTS. NlBLtV" THEATER..FAREWELL BENS- FIT .. LAST NIGHT "IT one of Mm CHARLOTTE C1 eliMAN. FRIDAY EVENING, li.i 2, MACBETH. Ladr Macbeth..Mit" C. Csiarr.en. hUe stih.Mr. E. L. Davenport. W.'.h mi ¦im»o»» C«tt. HMMbj ft) -euta. giiwtfd «cara M atm/t extra. TO-MORROW'-Leit afjM t U.*i ITJUMAN. SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL,, with a J .tr'.WVa of ,-rur».-t*r* »i,:b cannot rV . .rpe*«ed If *xy tfl.-a:cria:B.- watul. 8ea .h*e; mmj «: Nlblo'i OarJaa and it SlbrU'e, Na Will it. a n «r of ttHij. from 11. ui. to tp tn. F BENCH COMPANY at WALLACE ¦ THEATER.-L.it Performance of the Bratoc.-f RJPAY. J >- THE /ortVEA . * rear Miitary PW<-», »»!*.b r.. w Co*ti;m*a Two Ne w Vi > *i'.>*. I'. ¦it.r.-,u; m .- it ". pUBDY'« NATHfJ^TllEATER, Chatham- A »t-Ilie** f Ik,., j v. f) | rant*; Orchestra Chliil, .41 -«*:»; Privet* Bozee, Bi. n at * Baata*e w*r H«a at 7t._BENEFIT OF F S c I < UFR M -TUIB EVENING: " BOVEi H OLANCE AS NKVi Y-IRK. Ma*..Str. F. B Cnanf'ii I. Lee .... ..Mr*. J. J. Mfi PADDY MI'JSS .. ROT THE DfaiB 4J<*L I W ÜENOA. «..»rr*« '¦¦ Mr K B. Chat.In :!'- '->. M .1 Vt. » B'f. BARNIM9 M risk I'M '¦» the b.-*t p!a.*e t«> «-o to* ORAND PRUCFS.MON ' O-DAY -LAST TIME BI T ONE cf JISSIE WHARTvN, THE TRAITOR'S DAUGHTER; TUlS EVENING,*' .1 o'clock. with or.sinal ¦til eiiikine u: , . THIr? APTP.RNOON. at S o'clock. THE POSTMAN AND HIS DOG, kf Mr. Edwin it ... i tad hi* BboM Do*. Sar*>rK *riteTt*iiin;*nt« In pn-parat*. r ¦ the *»b of July. Ouftui'i >1 !, '?' THE NEW] r.NTRAL PARK U new here, at ..ell aj th* rar* AO.I A VI\ ARIA A*. Admiitaa** to a !, 24 can;*; ohlklren under tea. Id at mU\ O O D ' . BUILDING ». W TEMPLE OF FTHIOPIAIf MTNTREL8T, No*. 5*1 and 6*U Broadway, near Pnaoe-H. PI. Woco.Piro., t t 8 BLxr.xxa....Stage Maaafar WOOD* MINSTRELS PERFORM EVERY EVENINO, to a wie*', and v. raalile entertainment of NEOEO MINSTRELSY, On.Jr.dln* »ith the STUPENDOUS PANORAMA OF TILE HUDSON RIVER. latriducm* a t'*w of NEW-YORK CITY BY MOONLIGHT. An V.ant Fountain In th* Hail wUl tapply the audica.-a wttb la* water. Ticket* 23 rente. Dvort open at 71 Pet.Vtcance to aomrceoc* atao'eloeAatweaaily. CÖantt. APROTESTANT Armri. an r.iiddI*iiKf-d Wf> n waflM to do PLAIN COOKING, WASHING *ad IRONING BBaBytaatatl to a Hoo*«keep.,» or Child'* Nur*e ait :a n i> .... s. » r »eil racomu.euded, Udy aud clean. Call at No. ath aa., near ¦'. B"ÖKOM STITCHER8 WANTED.To work on Wheeler A W'llaon'* Bewla. Machiata Nooa bat % 1 hand* need apply a: No 52 Barelar it, f.rat Boor, up «taira. COOK WANTED.A Woman to COOK, WA8H and IRON In a privat* family on Ctlcton ar., errat eld*, fifth hcote *outb of Mittio av., Brooklyn. To the tight kind of help llbeial «vi*** t* be niran. Beat of referenoe* r.' .>'. F~ AMILIEB and HOTKL8, in city or eoontry, wantln*Male or Frmale HELP, for any etpeelty of «errloe, eao alirayi be iupp>i»d witb eompeteut help at the OfR.-e, Na BM Qranc it, near thn Bowery._I WATfB. OH! LI8T..A ytmDff AmorifBD, actit« ami in- duitrion*, waala a SITL'ATION la a MaaaaBtaH or Mas- ulictnriD* boalcew. Afl'lreti f. Tribune iKtW. ai- U. xFPKINTERS..1 he iwi\t«rtUcr wiahe* to ee- M ear* a petmanant SITUATIOtt, 111 either a < ity or a good country «.fice ii a rood eoi.ipo*itor, can make up, and ;.cu*r- lundt I'loiotuth'r jobbiu*or ucaipapnr aarkon* yiiador pre**; la iteady and tvliabl», and not afraid t) f-aha Uinavif uaeful. G-;od refererre can he giver;. Addreti PRINTER, Box No. 07, Sweeney'i Hotel, New Yotk. Y\rANTED.srn'ATIONS io tbecityorcoun- " try .. gtod Cook aad to VVaih ac l Iron, a* Walter vi Cban.b. rnald *. La x.'ree*. aa C)iaruiN>iraaid a d line Vtaa> <rei», and to do ranettl H by very competent Girl*. Call at No. it «th *v In the (tore. ANTED.A TAJ LOR to Moaroo, Ochiw County, Nea York. On* wh i tborongbly imdorita.'id* the C--.ttii.jr and Making of Mcu'tar. i Boya' Clothlox, and ubo al*o eat Die Whealer it VVIIeon'* Bealn* Marhlae. Ai:v *lu*lo t-ian who doec not uae ictoaicatin*: drink may addrea. T M OARRAll, No 419 Bmotae it uctil 2 o'el ck p m. to dav, .tati- f fetma per m >ritb, aud wh»re u. Interview may'us had. None cthen ce. d apply. Real of tfty rtli-r«uo*a giwi a.d to- .juired. Make r).. pUoe af intervk w aa at roy addr-i* a* *. .lb|e. .l)(mtt9 tot Bmnnu fllcn. F OR KALE or EXCHANGE for CITY PROP¬ RA Y Y -A PAPER MILL, with Cve aero* of land, (Ituatad in B.i ftu.fi. !d, N. f.. within twelve milea of New York CHy. Tt,. M hai been tn *u*»t***fui operation for the la«t twalra year*, and i* hn eomraete running order, eomprlidnf eteam eogine and t 1 of ft horae-power, four ra*- ea|li -«. 02 ineb ayllndat !.«..'.> ' aitbaaliend*;*, An., all aoaiplat* A lata* aorti >o o tlw nvitrn«*e money can romam en bond and it*- aaee i.ri term of ycara. Fur further p&-th.ulari Ixqaiie of D. t OMU/Jt, eao., No. HC;.., <t; or, of §M iubaarfbet, on the preir.iaa. _VVRHiH i' F. CONGER. IN 8 P RIN O FIE L D..MANl TACTURINQ PROPERTY for BALE.AB th* real and perioaal BaaMff at. iv k nji.ig to the Ward Manafaotiirto* Cornpaay, o -n .(.ting / a arkk Coavm Fantory, rontaining merhln*ry lor 1".'/»- anita- dlei of Ua caweat .-«..:... i..; (Vrunting and Ctoth R.a.i. Hi kwaotiae, two blooa* of brisk B.ardin* Looaoa (more taao lulS- .iant for the arecinunodation of th* Mha). brick Machine-aboy, l.i t: i Hou**, da OviTteer*' CrAtaga*. together with lundry otter buildlna*. Alao. a branch Railroad, one mU* In length, ermneettrg with th* We*t-ra Kaliroad. a Water power ad. qaala to *piadlea, with *ab*tantfal ». .. dam and -a - and *- 0 aejea of Land lying on both Bdaa of kh* Chlotrpaa Rlvnr, In lYwna of Bprloffiead, Chieopee and L.nliow. F.rr furtLsr .. a. a.be) I) to I FROTTIINUHAM, »......,, OEO. WALKER, .- ,<. :.t O. W. fIOLT, at the Mill; or c SaAj*Tvw aod H DELANO N»w Yotk. A PER MILL for SÄIeT-A Mill SaS5 iaa (¦a.* «aavaauieTjt for the .*. t, . . «I tlaMMI "f mntatiaia aud pr^doet*. with an aNmaaat and never-faLlLg water power, full* app jnted witb ataahtofrv, itaam-engtuu, Bjtb, aad hitherto pr> soeitg paper* in uum-raal di mand aad Mvorita articla* ia the market. Tnia property wiU be told eheap, and oa . eb tarma that th* puroiaaer uvay taailae a karte pr.ition of the amutiLt from the pr-fita of toe naa er/sy-ture in tlu.e to meet the peymeuta It la a very favorable oppnrtyoity for any ptmon ha ring a moderate amount of re pile, an r .-i buauaK* 'apubUitici te eakar upon a prvGleble and «aduru . Dadnea*. Aridtet* _PAPER, Box Na 2,172 Pot Offl-a. VALUABLE COTTON MILL, LANDED PROPERTY and WHARF ESTATE for SALE..The .team Co ton Maaaf»*ttiring Co ofTrr for SALE their e*Uh.ja- ¦Mait ia tae eitv vl FVn !. re R. I., eomprwina A brick COTTON MILL aid feet I og aad bu feat wieV, I t ¦torie* aadj aUb', ooataialn* la.OGO Spin die* v <1 Loom*, witb Fitter tad Boiler bovuvi. Machine tatty, *»d ail aeciaan/ but ding*, u tether witb ....'««, feet of bawd aad a oocaa. dku* Whaif and Store bou**a A 43 TuMxneut* M tUe immediate vicinity ef Urn eetabiiah- meat. For term* of aala and other iitforn.itIon apply at the Cotnpany'i c antlag room wi the yirnnaea. I'nb*a a Id be( tha Intl. of Acfuit next, it wtU be dl*>oaed of oa that day at puba* anctioa. J. M FISHER. Traa* .reT. P Jnsirwtion. RUTGERS FEMALE INSTITUTE. -Tlw FaO aViilnn f thii lamto'l d wbi open BVrt Id. aad.tr 'be aoargeof Mr HENil Y M. PIERCE, A. M with aeerefo'ly m> Uet»d aorpa ot i jperteneed tearoet*. lataraaaaaMi M Mia will be taiabt at the ln-ifLte. Ar.-angoment* have been male (n naafffaa or reaidlog pnp*l* In the fairJIy of tae PrujCtpaL Affhiaaaea: fcl aduiwuu or for «.r-niar* or any infonnatle«, taaka n.ad« to the Prtoelnal, No. U7 Ea*t Broadway, o: to tae uaderi'gned. Rrr. J V KREPS D. D FaaWert, No. HI Henry it J. W. C LEVER1D0E, Secretary No li Ritg» ra-plan.. T~liE~FERKlS FEMALE INSTTI DTaV- I '*> *l).! Boardingl. N a. (t and Cd M»di*.n av. N< a V ...-To b* coad ^e'ed on :ue «am- pian aad to ecibrar* the aaci' riior- augb coai*e .. th* R itg»r>. Open Segt Ii Cire^iara ob-Xaed at RAYNOK'H, No. tfewery, ml th- Prior pal at No. 194 Kall Broadway. Re* D. FE BRIS, R C H (1 ARb.NKK, A M PrioriyaL ÖiÄjÖÖT^aiV^ITm Conn.. Rar. B. 9. WRIGHT, M. A , Raetor.-Bl'MblKP. HEB- SIGN coQD4xe.ee Mit ! IbMBB comfort*, aarantal ut*cj.laaj avalertal oara and julicV-u» «littvattoji of HEALTH, AUBB and MANNERS, are tba r.araXertat;.» »? Lbl* fftrcaiari atldjea* Iba Aaotor. Waives. Jctuflrri, Srt. SECOND-HAND i;ol.D HATCHES..Two Dea-n lice Goal Englah Ftf-'Ot Ovar* aud Saw* IVtr «d Lev«r>, arioui. have h-an wora will b? *oid at great bargaim by G C ALLEN, (to. 11 W'all-et, *e*«.d m -t. SlarioTirrn tmij lanqo C9oo5i. ACCOTTi'T BOOKS irtarrnfVtirvd ord»*r and ruM aad bnand to any pattern. Alan, LITHOGRAPHY. RNURAVING aad LETTER PRESS PRINTING ez^-ub-d hi »euperWr inaniKr. By. r*a,oi*i4a for B*Nh.-i, INrft'iLVNtE OFFICE*. COMPANLKB aad MERCiiASla fttrniaacd. oa* a rnprzia, o^kk, aad at a-Aw-a P*?^^ ~ N >nla-.i at. DOT. f i ;:»..,. -u. RAN CIS dt LOITREL, No. 45 Mtadcri-laxri*. BLANK HI-jKK PAPKB and STATIONitBY Btaaiu JOB PRINTING, LiTllvi/R Ai'Hi'. WORK, B.NDlNG, Aa. IkawawBaBawM /irciDOTk*. A A mehican INDEPBNDBNCK.- riTtKTON a ma>*:y.n. eVneeal kernte #n the e»**^«A*J iiciliioi riiiwuni, Mai ifV* av a A IdLXllSNlfAHL, I Oil AN CANDLES 1XK.AITS, W1, T.iulAt Bad otbet bbtAa, mu SMI.M aNT F!Ars wliliali aod eated. Ala*, er». (»Uli; ca iu'id. FIRA-CRACREB8 aad Tt)A"ED^Sv*. OaVta re«a«.i tue otty end town aaaAHtliaa. but t) Jt 4 _ NMVERSAitY of our INDEPENDENCE.- Taecbeapeat KIRCH OKAS to tba ekty fat ftretBae afi cv ein. tt .*. *t toe LV pete ( toe CONSOLIDATED FIR.*'. AVOBK> COMPANY. No. 410 8t >edw*y, oeeoeK* Mapeaaed-ft, end No. 43 Naataa at. j.-o«i of Liberty. All t »d» at waoleaaa fataaa,_ j. MoAt LI rFE, aide Aj-et Edge* FIRST PREMIUM COLOEEI) and BB1LLIANT FIREWORKS, Let -v*- * Netto Point, Jeawy Ctta, N A \\ M. J. RYMS<t 1<K« >., KDI .K AQENTSt No are tt.miA «" RW-TOU i \\k«r* «mp.< ' EXHIBITION PlKCFS. ab» every rertety a FUU.WOKRS auted to rtorehrrpvrt' ta. . 1 at Ptrwerwaaera, TtJtSace. Wheete. TrBaaalea. Bet goto Lxnu. IWArU. Keane« UiT.o*. atirxuv BaxaarUa. ha., aaay ha f «»A City and Town Coa_Ue*e auv, .w « jt P'-bbo Di*pleye at abort notice FIREWORKS.NEW YORK LABORATORY, No. im Front at.Fire trackere. Ca aa OorkeX Dee baa Heed.-tt, Jo*» Btieka, and a oapiplete taaml mi Pteew >ta watianted of tor tit« quality. Coualry a»e aAan't mm daaatrt aa general, iht eaanaalataaa Bar elty and*o>_t.; diepfcy*, bbqwbbw »a the inoet reaaonebie l«at M. BEMNKT No. IW Praet-ek. IREWORKS..A^oroplptd) etaortaaeal tyf Brat premium fireworks of Joaaab Ohl. Edgwe naao- betura. warranted brat ty of wortmareelp tad mate, v o-niprtair a awry Jeeeriptioa ofeakubilion a id a*'., wmh, at lauf Agency No. ,S« etbtngl- a »t. e..r.ar of Barr'ay. abateaiJ town ooiumlttoea aopfkird at tie icweat on.BBA ..'raVra eho-iid aa nAfcapnti tu JOhN D. BOBBINS. A .ihnietd Aa. at Mo. SU ti. :.-t m r- Maw Ter», J______ FIREWORKS, PETER TfEAJ, ^UHMtmmm, F T w !V-lta the ejection e (the, tnvd» to Me etonh at Flee work.,' ln.Jndroe; XUOE'S BRILL1 ANT-OOUJtUD OAN- DLE8 and Rut K FT*, aa IM a aeoetej aaao.-taucol af BW*. YYorfci lor Jobbing and retatUna. Quality guarantead, and prt-ea beyond iveataetJaieav Ott MaTÜEN-LAJSE. foruer of Nawaaau-aL-- «.O KlREWtlRKB.Badtield'a rittt premium Fire Werbe, evny artieia wairatted, at :be d.p t BJa. Laidan l*a% ooener of S'%.-a tt EihlMtJnna anoplied »» p"t eaat k»w, teau v.y other boae* In the .-Ay. Bn-e'l work aiwaya oa bead. B>. ttt No.Ä afaldaaiaue, corner of Nat*, tt_ WHITE k BIRD. _ Marea'tOrrtcE. Naw Yoaa, JoaeSa, law. | rTHlE attention of tli<< public ia onlltxj to tlVB f«J- f t tirewnrka ealledar bnown by tba earn** af 'Boabee' or (a AU.,nor any Braarorkt callad known by the nae>a of . Double Headera,' nor any hreworkt, under aay ether nauw, rompoaed of Iba taoie atertal, and ol th« aeaae eaaraabtr af taeae brewoikatpecibed In tbiaaaatK'n, ander the penalty *f tboO f r eaeh 0(rente, to be aoed t-r and ieeot>ied of the pet.a eeUmg -r etpoalng tie aame for tale, Iii tug 4 *t dlaaba/tbig the aaaaa Au4 in caae turn peraoo thail be aa appreaUea, anah paoaity abail be aued for and reeororad of aud from the aiatter at taeb appeaotlw. In raae iu<-h perron tbail to a aulnor, and no*, an appteattoa, that caae tbail be tued for and recovered of and ftoea Uta father, at Jt oaar of the death of the lather, then of and i<ota the aaatiet er eiiardkvü of nicb mlu»r " *y ordea of :..* Mayor. ' WR II. STEIMIrtNi, Flrat MareaaA t ßnmtneT Rctrcate. VERY PLEASANT HUMMER RESORT J. \ may be ton BON RIVER I Urni by am ii-t ir.ki: « ooHiriUy N ard at the tll'D- n,.,, a r . .NNTlTl'TC, three uiiiea Ire« dude*, during the two muntb raeatkm from July «to i>rpt BR Terwat Bxwa .< be *a weak. Addreal B> 4i FLACK, tia.erark, BiaaaUa UJaa- «y. n. y._,- KITTATINNY FIOUHE, DEI.AWARB WATER OAJV-Thla favorite roa^t taatdjhe m*m\ da. llght'nl and heailhf'il of tbr mountain n-giona of riaaajriaaia, l»V>» aaaaj to vlaitora Tl.oaa who g-> the »B*ybi Uwk|- oratbag ait. aad to hod where aelare ha* wreoabt aaeet baaatl- f^ÜTtbould viitt the Utp. For .por'amen there are aaeatal noe trom .treama U kha neighborhood, and grtatar atMaaVra are taken kbla aeaaea tban natial. Faweegera l«ava peer Wo.1 N. iBfcjlat » .Vloek* ..^arrite-tbuohaa., '^^««^0* ßOffTtJ ÜX\h taOOTM. PRIVATE BOARD in R(>Hi^)N.-Ckk-»aen5eBi wttb their »amlira V IIITINO BOSTt >N, aad wlahtaj atlnaw toerd in a cen'ral »itoatioB, will bid plmiaut _v.-. the hoaee of Mr. DAVID REED, No. 34 Chawecyek Refer* W any of the < leegy of B-wton._ ROOM.S to let.In a r> denirabio hjcaiiiiti. laraa airy and aoatasodiooa, Bn L'idging or Biaakfaat *tv| Tea Traneiei t Boardera aaa be aaran,moditt*4 with LeaWioga, Ur.aAtaal arid Tea at B1 per day. Apply at No. IIS _et afroad- TO LET.To a iinv> dfiitlflinAo, in 'dtl-ar.. plea*- antl- and eonveniently located, -be FRO IT ROOM, ae,oaaJ Boot bat) ro to aJj ilning. Apply a. No. 77 Chambateet., urn ttaitt, at the oBVe. 4oatet 10 let. FITINISTIED COTTAGE to LET at 8tam- FORD, CONN..Contain* 13 Rootaa. & oa tba mm Boar, aM in roiuplr- order, and cholte Uwatioa--five ratawiee' Waat (ruaa Railroad Orp^a or Btaatnboat l.anotrg. Fruit Bbeda aaaiOraae mental Tree. good Oardro. (*<i 'i.-.'D L SOOFfKLD, eaa., at Btani'ord Depot, or *!drete Box No. U$ Trieaae OaV a. LOfTB TO IaET?.The) l_^LOFTS of ¦aritaB* front atore No. 17 4> urtlandtet. TO LOT et flaute» tent. Pr«**a*lon ImmedlaU If eealred. Apply oa the pveealaee] 0 YYTCVÄ to LET in th« Biblt) Htyoes, Aator J piaoa.-loanlra to the Treaacrar'* OaVa. tatiaaaaea 4_-ee S~~ TORE^ to~i*ET taTt^Triboao Daiidtttfi, Ro. 7 Bpruee-at. larydre U the Tribune OaUa. 1^0 LET.To a tenteel fajnilr, bCOTTAOB HOI'SE, north aide jtth-et N. Y., BW feet eaatof Ifh *». Orapia, Fruit, Ae. 1 3g lota. Rent gtm Apply to J. AlfKAN, N). 118 Nutau tt, from 10 to3p m. _ Wtol Gmtati fox Bait. CLTNTON-AV., Brtiokiju..For BALK, oao ttf the tinttt Bl'lLDINO SITES In thia nasat aetuttt'al of all a .enuet-tLe jlory aud prMe of the rltw- pieaaaat aad healthy. For areeidrnce, uneq ited in Naw York or Brooklyn. Tee p> t '.a Ti feet front by 2W feat deep, bring the north watt eoraer of Olmton and OaUa avt. Can be divided ioto two plota el SB f~t by -aval earn. FruiUreea. of 3 trart trowth. in ana baaatof order. Cime and tee. MILES I BF.m. Mo. 11 Ptoett.W. T. MTCRANTS, TAKE NOTICE.MTCJIIOAH LANDS far BALE.3,4ör) arre* of land itaaatd to toe ermntiaa at Oakiaod. Saollar, Taaaata. riagtoaw tonka Karat aad Kalajoar*/, for aale at ptlcra raoaloa from * 2 to Bl per m im, h, Ibaoahaina to one, two aad vbrar . d by Uta lato Uoa. Dong arpoaea. For full panic tp rtl. payable ia oaah, tbr ba_ve in one, two aad three) BowV t tbeae land* were atlerfd by the laU Uoa. Dottg- Lit iloi:*aton rxprettly for farming parpw* Portultpa Ur* app.y to THOMPSON A lit NlF.R, No. to W aap. FOR SALE.A auptrior FARM, on SaRlt-towa River, elagaotly improved. Cna Lawn, with karp* £"*_ Trout Pocd and tir..k. boa** boilt in n; Arn *tyto. tt by w fret, with wing; Bieatr of Fr.Jt Oneatird eaeh, hataoee ja mortaaae. Alao, a one FARM of AO aeree 1<D the border» af the all lege o^mlOttoarn good Feriubouee aad OidbaAMiaga. faa batf I Ü r;jnt on iL» principal atreet; pleuly of Fruil aad BAaaBa Term, eary- A. TBLiUrCfER. BON * Co.. (1,161) No. 7 Broad at. 170R SALE or EXCIIANGE . A ilrst-elBJBJ T AlSlDE.StEat RAVINJlav«OU. Eatt B^Maaraaof Land. Apply to WM HARSELIj, Mo 4t Oilf «t FARM of M ACRES, with 5 tteree of Villa«» Property, el/gant B-lldag* and abaxlene*i of freit u SED- FOBD, tVeeuh't'ar Co., for aaia or Uade lot city'ttt\.***Jjm prop ity, B. COCKCROFT, No. IS MeeaeaeaV aaaebaoaa. Wallet. ^^^______________._ . Fl OR SALE.A lärm«, well finialW tj«mbl« HOt SE. with abcet aa acre ,1 ground, at OLESWVF., r* I .The Houee i* new aad in taoaVn »tyte, Sn '.wt froot by 32 r«« deep, 2 ttory BttM aod beaaoMtA, and even, wa- adawr^ta pUee. f « müy readme-. A^o . to ad COfTAOrJ aod B M aame prrmU«* to be void wttb the Hou «e. Bold to aloe* eatato at Letting CarpeoU-r Ooea«ed. Apply b> ' ' DANIEL it CARPENTER,_No. M BetHeaavet, N y. FOR SALE^A beautiful C'b'lOTB_RESl- DENCE, wttbm 20 aalnu'ea' *«ae tide free» Btobwkaa e..rvy, with tUble. well and fruit I.e .. a tW ^^^l^L*T e»*h, the rett ou r^rtgage. Iu«ijL'¦ Uk freer****, r**»«<«e- BT.. - r Sa"!ay at, W.at Hibokr-n. N. J._ FARMS "Tor ball.Go ««7 Dt«"n,L act.a roe* conaiting of Vv heat. By ^B-ie y-Wbatt, t-Ur to*, txdcaaer Ugatab^a. laa-iie at No. TB) fraadway, la i^e baarnjl lit VÄLI.ABLE PROPERTY at TAaaRiT*J\V71 T FOP. SALE .A pirA of groend ePgibtv loeat-d B-ar the vil- lace of Ttrrytown, eontainiog aboat 40 acr- a we.I wtt-red w. Jt mmmaalraäwaj , brook.,ac-_B»endtnge tteo.lve - e-rao4l.-.lanl I'.,*, a. .U^y adapted u toe rormataoa of alaigapatA erlA eiunai-* drive. rUd. and featotaa of wabW,.w^tha Sgg^_^ ^ygsggggaggr AlaL persons GOING WEBT..An ia- CvUUTS, m)axliVi9Xt OTtÖ 1X0*1 fNGÖT COPPER, BPELTavB, BANCA TTH, X ANTIMON T. he-, fcr aala by -. JOHN W. UoINCT a Co., Nat Bl WBBaaa ai nraOT COPPER.In Urta ^ ^t^^*z 1 for aala by MiNXSOTA M1N1NO COatfaJIT, Mo. tt Oreeinmloo-ot ___________._..-.... ¦ MÖl'NT HOPE CUT NALLati-VatT ****** n,l*<yaff>t*^^^^»111^- iOMAB PIG IHON-Soft, fWtJ, aaTCabf, ami 4% araaaiated r^twu r re-acb Pa- JOHN rV. 44. 1NCT a tV, Me. B* ».m

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1858-07-02/ed...ISEW-YORKTRIBUNE.TW* »PW.ViHH DAILY rHIRI>fj a/vatttHM EVTBY MORMrWOtwo2VEN1AU Bt HOIiCL- OREKLET

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a /vatttHM EVTBY MORMrWO two 2VEN1AU


AO Til TXJiPHI trilDlt'l, <...*«*! OF ItV.tV AJTO »Inn

.TlttT*. «.r»0»IT» THI CITV H»LL.

mjm daB**t**i to fBy Subaerihar* »1 IS) eei.I* p«r week Mail

¦Mattet**, #1 per annum, la adtaoee, $ j \n x moalU

1 Mmmm ~. ¦-


tjfatal-tl entry TiaiDtt aad Pamir McMiie. Prta, $3

fat fjMaat T"o O'l*. tut f>.', Pit.- <-.,.-. f.,r ail ii.

TTfK ITFW-lltH« TKIHff e,

tBB imoriiN ciicuuTioR,|j ^1 6)I*9i 4 oa th* departure of rack Mai! Stetaiei for LiTerpwJ,a) #4 far auaani, ptttuf- beBNaaB Single Copita, Six Cent*.


90m wuivuKii, ^'VNfSflAN0 T,iis bawdw,ch

fa aaatfUM-d aa Ihn Orrartarv ot aanu MaJi Siceoser for Atririwail

m . I BP F*' annum. S.siie t- piet, Sir C< nU.

.penal Äohref.y>ragnuataM- af Arraaarmraia

mt mmol or thk yin-»»


rtrtb Prettdent of th'- Uatted State*,Or, (he aerair a of ta«' Removal of oil flctuaiai

Prom New-Yuta t-o Virginia,Vadti tbe 4irretku of th Mai ipa,A itucri'-iei 0/


KRIDAY, Jnly 2, 1»'.«fa* J«f*t Cnnitrlttee li'.'inioVd by the (^omturrn Counofl of U,*

taa «f Pit w V rt to make tar are- itary arratipsmeiita f jr th'- n>

¦wral "f tbt teniato* of the la*e Pretitb-Dt JAMEK MONROEfata, ttr City ol K. w-Yoik to Itichnontl, the Capital al Virginia,jtt iaBa Slate, btte adopMd tbe following flograniiru) el Ar-

tmjf Biea'i for the oeca ioa:faJPaa aiitjrian.u tl tat dty «1Q be ander the command of

aYatova <J*d. WILLIAM ALL.***» r*a. ¦¦«!*¦ will mmi frsai the Church of the AebudcI*-Bea, l*u-»t, near fl'li-av., at 4 o'cior-k prtclaeli, aud *>ui pry-agaiattaat Ihioocb idtb-et I« Broadway, atid ttiwn Br^aJwty..tad 1 ->tad thr Park, and U.odcc through the Eaat fata to the'jffr B.*.., hu tbt allowing older:

ORDKil OK PROCESSION.DttaeAmenl* of tbe

riWT DIVISION NEW-YORK STATIC militia,Hal* r tbe aomatand of


BQO? OF CAVALRY OK THIRD rlKGIMEMP.I'kdti the oomwand of

Capt H ,.,.

reYENTY-FIRöT REGIMENT,L'udri tbe eamaiaad of

Vol. V t^M r ..11.

TWELFTH AKOIMENT.aadar taa tauuuaad ofCol. Join 8. CockK.

10; Kill KKUIMKNP,»1 ort Ibv toutmttid ti

Coi. IllVtl*.ffBBXir OK CAVALBV.ot Third Ärjuacat,

asder LB* eoiiiBaud uf»l't. Uritur.

BlflUTfi KJCtitldKJtT,aadet the ttmniaadfof



Ttoofaffjtrtafrr,J it Vwtao,VraditgttairBxa.i



81a UtayI '' 1..«

todBy i> * -


Cavalry,Card. J. M. Vanac


Tka MBcwtx-f Till RaaAEKt, InBaroucbra:IB. BVi). WUBeld Boott, Wm. K. IlaTeageytr,F**ti t*..|»t Jaooca T. «JUjter,Aataataa atbrll, Anilaoa* C. hit *alan*.aaLtoii) TKmaan, Col. Win. M. Pojrwa,

K.i),.M.l.. I'***..k».. W rt bet*.

" *4»"a T. Do Kotntt,t\ut(, Itaae O. Baikisr,EL .,STliaatTiBLBltaief. I*.« "^Lda

BniVaT M*.i Hiaiy h[bb, u. 3. a ,

bivamal Ktaalba Jm»«» i^,',-:dAaduaa V Btiut, Ciarki^n Ctolloa,WUtoam J4. Tweed, Neltou J. Waterbnry,BW buta d \ atak De Witt. George H. Purr*.*

E. .ali».a oi' tha Ketidly.YbgiLiaiii aadtbtir dtt.-et.cant*.rtaiuauu of tbe City tf New-Ywk.

CtoiBdUor IraJn the-¦...¦ ul VutlaU.

Et Pi.«rld»iiMef the ru led Stato*.af Ntw Yoik, Brooklyn, Uubabaa, Jartey City aad

Netratk,Cosiuon Coaacll of the City of Ncvt-Yerk,

m ihe a liowing ordelTin ooa.-d of Aldermen,

by that Bttfeaui at At. and beaded by their Tratident allbUH'lrttaretr.lTb* Boara of Couudluti-a,

b] lb* it ^rt/auU-at-Ara.*, aud I.e..-'..by UieU l'ie-1ti l l. a ith their ttatea of orliue,

Ofaatii of both Board.Utadt af Depaiiwrtvu uf the City Oovaranriaut

t.. >i t.. .. Ui. alo.1 r «¦

af Mufa.Tttor* 01 be City ai dCounty rt Naw-Tark,trttb their oflexra

Offitert of lh« aity OoTvru.naaLCouiuioB Conoau of Lha City

ol Brooahn,widl taelr effictta

CoattiOD Coouoll of Jenet Ci.y, IlutLikta,txd Netrark,

with lb*it ri-

Bk FtttBcDcj troversor Kiof and flalta.Litutei.M.t GoviTDorof the State.

Ii*ad* af Deiattiuebl* of tbe Slate.hVitate aid A.a. ..!-»;. of tbe Ktate td Nea-Totk.

JPAaubN* uf Ue Senat M>d lion v> of lleptettutatiTVtaf tbt Uahad biatca

MtMn-Grtartlt Baadford aad Dnryeaad affl.eti aat an duty of the Kttit aud cJaooud Diiition

b< a-koik State Troop*.OfAatn of tbe anny of tha United SteUe.

OB.c-11 of too fatty of Ibafailed .0- r

Cr». OflVa-ra a* laa Naty-Yanl.Btoa-V.nl SlaA.< PWalety of tae CW.iOiaU.

ft,,|r|4a>Mint«*«i* and Covluia..lud: I cf the I 'mied fttetea,

State aad Cky Court*.Kaftutenore aad UeaCi of DvpaiUtiotia of the Btata.«rtl.haia of !...». and ot tae Mate Leflalali.re.ftJaMayai, et Aaermtn, Atitotaiiti aud CouuoiL

Mib a tbe Citki «1 New Ytub. Rrooklya,Jtaaet Cry. liabctro tad N nit

I'tr.rd Htaea I'avrkt Attorneyana al< afbarra.

BMBfaB Allvruaj, bit A*aitlaat,and vPiexa.

MtBbciiof tbe Ba.Member* of tae Preea.

HhtnA, t t 0. t Mi rtf. ana Def-tAk*allbe City of New. I oik.

whb »ln it ilavea of «fioe.St|l*t<t. l'--ui'» Clerk, and 1 r .tu naf tbe City aad tVault of New-Vcik,

with Uali aft'ear*.PatVe M«a*ir*le% wnb itartav

Ctotki ol Datlka aadPo ire Cvuita.

¦araba) af tva I'taed Statea fur thefetouikctu DUltkiof New Yeik,

a 11 j bi* Depalle* aadctber ofl.ter*.

r>dl*etoi of tbe Pot. ol New Yoik, ahb ttvar>le»k . aatt ataei . it-ear* ul hi* .lepartuieauNtttl Oftiart, arhb tlwa OH ea-nat uaeatei with their

Drpailiuei.lt.rotliiiaaer af tbe City cf Ni-a Vork wRh bit

Aatatast, S. ctetary aad OM*BBkBeard af Jteui'a'.icu ol tl. City of fitw York

a<«aeu>e by it* Pjr«;d« tit aud Caski.t,Tnttee« lacaity ao^ S.u«i.Btt of & lembia C«.ieft.

Pir-iltM CanefJ, Pitt.ay and Siudtatatf tbe I'niiiieit* or Wtw Y rk.

fV.!u, ut, Patroily and S adtna td the Krte Aaadoayol itr I IV t f Na'.» Ii. k.

fwUegt't'' Pby*tciai * and Sutfetvaaf tae Paklk hc*i.ol* al the City of New-York.

CoOiBiiaiientK ot Po b<r.aat aad Ti. - -a ul ia« New- roik Pire Dt-partauent.file toe a.i>«imirr* u* tbe City af New-Yoik.

tliirf aad Auittant BiafbtaaiaBateaaa At.ataat Koieoeta aid *ia>r Off.ran nf U*t

BM* DapaiUaaiU al tan Citiea of Ntw York, Drooklya, JtraeyQty, lU.la.keu and Neaaia.

aaaaVeteraa* of I SIX, ander eouiniand af

Ca,. Ra.aaati.VekemB* ul laii, uad« r cotaioaad of

_^ C. L Job«*,.""'ant* and atbt; afkataM af toe artera, Beawvatart Sur ¦**.^ of ft'ew-Yttk."""Mat*. OfitetMuBd Miiubtu* of ibo tr-r.-ral LRravy Sarie-

tW* of tae City ol Ntw > ei*.Aaeiieab laalllula.

mm Cuao'.t af Ca J*:ea.wardtat, ai d Hubor Maatet* of tbe Per*, af

mlmmjy^* .* ,h« P*rt . New Y. rk,.7* -"v in tbe i'oriut New York,«BaOaai ml f«-w-Yatk. Bnokiyn Jna > I .ty, Uekokea, Naw-

*Ma aaa* IU A---^ '¦ ""t abel faaOu*a^TX e.^rTtTr^'^fcab Btoltar-a, Aaarvrdatitattng badi». u bare Dot yet re*»r>rt**lm\?ml*J?l* U ~^*^J*-*"t*I**Tbe fataakataaMafIB » ivi tut, ui ..i.. >u ^.u«iu a 1

rc^rllb'fT.'rt" °* ""^ 11 *** ."»...''«Mra.rLigaabJa^ea*1^'' 2^!*'"d' "i'T" ** fs'* .** WHe-oB-.vii of .b«- Ar-uy at.-! Nuty, CD-W»,t ,)d_ -


aaailftt ,,u,! ,, f .u,.«reet. ,oateuib art-

Ciaia atli 1 tl.rytBieo, Oftlor of tbe day, tl-rtyaadaan beatrenlwl?SUK' 'S^Mo. of .*»«**! ajaat Vx7^mtmu, Poitit-i Iftrliti 1* tue Generale, Oaaamrni CoBJCti of |*,rWaftaLTtf^T- 'v**0*! Go«araol*. Uruat*.aiil Uorert,**, Hrm,

Mmr*- xvm.5,360.

thence pi o »4te fem Li - Is Seren'-h teen ~ left r**Ou» .

Fci.rt-. .irret,Tlir !:-.;.> of Ihr f?f<J Stati > itaUaBed to ihlt barb IT and

Dir OoMfl rnent rraaela lu pott, aierequrartad to tie uuouie gunatir.tr. S .. . i titl HHtJTbe otrsera »: ; i. a-. of the ntrbor, ai ! tbe ptorrleto-i 01'

the variout pubio buiHioga ha the city, are re.|ne»*/vl to diep'ajL. r '. rt and flact at naif man from enoriae to lutaot.ibo itrertJ pan. na having the charge of the ebnrcband fire-

alarm beil» ii fbe ej y, are reqotatcd to eaiee tbe rwoe to betollrt f/otn tbe hour of 4 u'tWrA p. m. LOtU the cioae of Uta pre-ceatlcD.

It i* alao letpeetf.Jly leyieatv.' that O'.r f*?lnw-c,l;l»eria Ae»tba.r aetatal pleoee of butineaa BoehfcJ the zrr.Ticg of tbe pro-MtatoataTiey are ajao requested to wear tbe ntual bidgc- af mooning

CO ihr left uui.The r.wt.eet and pr1-7U-.ru nf £1 public; and hoecaod rarriafa

and vobielae art direct, e, to withdraw tor i*roe from the ateetathioofh which the ptoeeation it to part tiler the hear of j{o'clock p. m.Tbe owniTt of private 'an las * and rehlc'et are &]*o r'-epe*t-

fully t»qnt r*rd.to comp.y whb tbe wither of the Goounittee lathii tcrpert.No ubf, n.rtloii of toy kind will be permitted In the atteot*

tbrcGtb whlrb the prorrttlou la to pataTbe ii" o" for tbe o«e oftbe pail-bearera, and Society r.f the

ro.rlmatl, wii be uimW the direction of VV t iiam U. Bteprmi.a,Fl »t Mimhal of the tllty.On tbr procration arriving at Bat flrr If all, tbr reinafalt of thr

dacruid a*a*i*rcas and potrict will he deootitrd In tbe Gtrr-. 11 r « Booxu. where thry will lie to charge of the tab P.-e;- ;

eaa;ua>d of boner, nutu tbe aeat day, Se'uidey, ». tbeywill be remove.! at lOo'eVoeb a rn., to tlir ..ee.'n. r Jemeafown,ntidtr the eaecit of the *tb Regiment, National Ouard, at a

anard of bvaor.THOMAS W. ADAMS, 1MHIUKL Ml KCAY, Omirtttee on partMifHARi, tiomey, ; ofth*JOHN ArNEeJ. i Board erf Aidennen.JAMES OWENS, ICHARLF8 1A HASWELL, i Caiunif.er on tinTHOMAS A I)' NN partGEOROFP BICKPORD, > of tbeCHA» 1KB Ii. CORNELL, Boaid of Coon-

_SEYMOl'R A. BL'NCK, J eücueu.Mtvoa . 0»»7< ». N.w V.T-a. Julj I, IV,:

The ( r»«i-he-. >¦ t - .1 the ft'NERALi of FXPltF.HI DKNT MONROE, to roaarr the Pall Beatrra asd tbr 80-

utly of tbe Clntlrjuatl are brreby directed to aeaemble In BjArttrut of 3d a» on FRIDAY, 2d Init., at 3 e'ejock p. Dt.preelwly.

By order, WM II. STEPHENS. Pint MaribaL

Tfcr Joint ( outuiittee appointed by the O<mmon CobdcUUi a uti aniuble .»it.; :. <to cckbtatc toe upp: .. .'..if An¬al'.-, narr of our National Indrp-.Tideuc', bare thu honor to tub-ir.lt .» followina to tbr public:At Runrise a Matiool Halute will he Bredm the Battery by the

Vctcian Cup." of'7C, un-W the ootomaod of Col. Riyt.or, and atnoon In too park by tbe Vetcraut of 1613, 'Uider the ou-iaaJ ofCch Raymotiil.The Flrat Dlalalon Nrw-Vork S'.^te Militia, nnjer eonniand of

Major Oaieral Sanlord, will form on 14th-«t at 8 o'cl-xk a m.,and be review'd by ih>' ClWlwataBtt tn tTltaf atvd tban take up«lieh line of mar. b, aid pcaad down Broadway te Chambrta-rt. to the eaat rate of Ike Park, nrrivlue at 10 a in., and pay thekoi.ota of a Mairblnft Raliit« to the MTinlr.ipal Authorities.

In tbe evening, Fireworka will be dltplayad, and Moiic far-Staecd. at tbe fulluwiue placri:

C.tyUaU.AdftloV Btnd.MalUonaqnare.Robrriaon'a Band.fl:.iii!:r¦:. r. v.EzceJtlor Baud.Jaokaoo-tquare.Cat tat Band.Ilamaarrilj-iq,uare.Ccnm n't Band.TemfAtat-rquare.U'o&setnakar'a Bads.Fatt Broadway aod OteoB at.F.ioelalor Baud.Sttb-tt., between 7tb acd Sib ara.. Blind Band.Union Market.Wonoemtker i Band-7th ar. and Broadway.tlbealda'a Band.Frankiln at. and \% aft Btcadway.Saelt jn't Band.MtmntMorria.Montitn't Bted.Mlaakmiquare.¦

Tba ewoera and n.aatrra of vaaeii lyinf in port, and prop tr-tora of bLttla and puiiiir are rrqurttcd to ditplar uebr

1 > on that day: tbe taajhatM are rrquvited to riny the bell* ofthclt rctpcctlvc ebntcbet fcronc hour at tonrite, noon of tostrt,biila tbrrrfcr to be prearnted to tbe iindcriiyned. Drirera ofrrtlelet are trqceitrd to avoid the line of lb" proeeaiion darinflt. mar h Tt Cirlr Sccietlat a:.d Munictpal aathorlriea are In-vlti d to eooprra> wilt the Cimmlttie fa furtherance ol ta»

Calibration. By order of the C-rotDittHh,-Tili» BTicfiirN», l.t.airmm

_¦_«( Joint Otrnmlttee.

""VwYericnn llrnrrul 4 euimllli-e. 1H(>H. -Tbe reaularmi riiof of the Amaiicau Oeoeial Coiumlttte will Be belt THISEVENING, attbeli room*, eorarr of Liapenard at. tod Broad-war, at 3 t/clevh. Fuurtual a:t"iid:iuc* la irqueattal.

J. N. KEVMOLOd, ProaldoLt.

N. S. Ht'firti, I a-rratarlea

T C. W40NFR, ) . p_.44. C. DEAN, 'JVlat IWtWt

The Krlrnita et Trtafirraere are reaeart/ully 1: v :.-

to uttroo a Truipttai rt l. cui f to I- he'd la tar Chapel of tee

Fire Fomti lloutc of icduairy, TH1B (Kiidty) EVENINO. on

ri.leb oocatkn .levnai addrtsaet will be uVUirrrd br weU koownaavocatet of tbe eante. Tbe ch'.Mrco will aaaetnble In the Parkoppoalte to tbe boui^> and wii liojt levrral pb-cea pievloua totbtif iBtrO lute Ihr Chapt-h Exeriaee to oomroeooe at 7J a m.

J. W. REVRLIa, Beeratary.~HHBdny~r^hool Kxc^M taOtiAFEli «I NI)AV BCMtJUL, Cnerry at, N. V., tbe ttev. J.B. Icakip, Paator. u-adi- their anuual *Tl**T1l to New Rochrlieca Wedntaday, Jane an, IBM.A rote of tbankt to uoantmouily tetatovtl to Capt. Camerrn

ef I- \i!Oi r.vui -t.Caia. lla-'.t of the XVlItb Frecinct. andCapt. Dr Cauip of the Ivth Frt- iurt, and the »everal officerannjer their eommBiid. fir their effi'-ieut trrrieea and kind ttten-ti : on tbe abvvr 01 cation.

_LEV I MABIt., t;AjranaeoteotaArtharSi

SELF SEALIKO CaNB AND JARS,sl » the ratrodoitioa ot theaa now cek-brated Cat.a and .Fart,


and. aotw I'Jtaacdtnf m! m rta of rontrivaooea for the aoeon^pllah-meat of toe tarn" object moat of which were little lett tban Ira idalifoo houerkteiHia, have been oflri-J to tbe publle, tbe atataWu-iifa01 ARTLll'R'b, Lbe täte tri'M wAtrA tkey are managed, aud theeertaenry r r .i .:. hat» inaJe Um ui tbe BtrsrUc Coj.» uA Jeraavetywhale and now, In

TW. FOL'ItTil YEAReine their Iutroduttii 11, their rrpiitatioii ata;ida, by fenrral ac-

ktiwb ..in-.'., far tt-nre any otlirt cau or ,-.r iu the aaaiket. inproct cf tbia, we a., .u fx<im Ol at inauuierahle tcetinaynJaia,Uli one ftom tbe

EDITOR OF THE I.ADY'tJ BOOK,rn the neaibrr for July, u >*.. He tayt:" Tbeta eelebtati d Cant a.d Jart, the filtt lutroduced. aud, by

all odd*, tbe beat, at" atra-iily ooming iuU' mm eral uae Tbootar.daof hauaekeeperi a ho, in put MtWOBa, were U-uiptad to try oUteiBBBa and jara, and who lost more cr lota of their fniit in eonae-

qaei ar, will be (lad to learn that ARTH I R H never fallt h er

tue w.u.-!.. we ^arr a.iti.', ute no cthtr. er.rf tee repeat it. adrka ¦

ALL PAEFaKEO FOR SEALINO.Tt, t bare a rhannal aronod the Biouth, < u the outatde, JIUtdvith aatBtat «rare a .-.« and all ready f r aea:inf. You have, afterB hi y )onr vaaarl a. bot fratt only to beet your tit, and p ^

kt Into Iht eriorut, wheu the woik ia Betta. if diteclivaa ate

folk wad oarotuilj, auccr>« la alwaya cr.-taln.PATEMT STAMP.

Take noth-a, rbat Arthi.r'a Caiia and Jara all >.- r th- Fa*actBtan.p Od kbe Tin Cant yea wii St,d it iaipreaaed in the rrvital:.a the EatthriiV. arr Jara, Lu an oval on the Uottotu; and In taiatriU ttrat on the itdea of the Olaaa Jara.

81ZL°a Akt) MATfKML.Tin Cata.pint qnart, half taJon a-..i. talion.) The Cana and JanFtar raoor Stoni watte (canccol'd) fiat ( (except alaaa)

list, quart aud «ailon.1 N1 >

<it.Btkawtar.Fiat, quart aid l.alfgaUoa I boaeeureaajaaataWJOLttt. Pint, quart and ha't tall t J lu freight.

ARTnt'R'S SELF SEAIINO CAN9 AND JARSare uiariaaarturrd, or "er the ptrrnt tV-i tbe I'niti d Btatea, by

AKT1,! P. Bl KNUAM A OILKOY.No*. 117 mot I lt> SoLth 10tb-at., Ptdladclphla.

Ale«, ana*aatatt rra, otderthr patent for the I'nlted laute*aftba " OLD DOMINION" < OKFKki-POTTrade euppllrd, at 1.ufaolarei a pi>-« by K. F. TORRE V,

Nr. 0 Fra>t at. New York. CHAS. Bl RNUAM, Spriiigrield,Maaa. 1 JCteEPIi R. OREilN. cotoer of 6ib and m .ihr. Cureirnali, OhioFanlN <;raalitr Knrlnn ( rai-kera are nukir ty Mt.

C. II PAL I., at bia BaAery ol Um H-d* n Riter. Moaa a.DREW A FRJLNCH, No. as Barclay it, N.wVork, ar. hi*W holeiale Agmta. and tveatve a.uioat dally thipiaaota cf thi«eC»W bitted i'ra; beta

" I'A, L - " l.l .Ni INK KABINA CRACKERS are raaitcftoni the Hue Farina, nt ol teat part of Uta grain that U tbemot: Biitiiliout and beahhy. Very gtaat rare la i:M«d lu tbe aitnnBjaBata tattkaaaj ctackrra, and uooe b.-tiie beet 01 atork uaod,Whatfe aceooata tji Ukh retaining tbrtr freebeeae toanrh a tr-L.arkabic dtgita'. ai d rn.h.r. PAI L to aril hia FarinaCraoker.in every Biet' iu Uta Dab a at . mr pr'c. than any erarkaia ofau rqoal q iai.tr.An who have oeiJ FAI L'S FARINA CRACKERS will

iraoiiy adrit that they arePlaatt 'lie moit p.raaai. to Ihr laaBBiBeixod: Toe t.iut BotrRleot and bra'tliy.Third: Th.-y retain U» ..- ha tbi.raa longn tban any etherFtaitb: Tnat tlriciii :. tiarkm ao we'l adapted hiiiib

d an a, hank, rt, koekkrrprn at d rleikt for a luneb.KiAh: That lor lao.ei kateBdrag to apeud a part of the 8-mac. r

at 'he MB ahciv 1 r tn tar boentry, and etpeviai y tboae baring Laatare of chili ten, lhe*e Faitna CtW t.-r* are or.tjrptaaed.

hitth: Iber are moit r lvit.irutlu aarr) becauaa ao amtX Lbatth»v average H'(. to lor p- ..

Faui'a Cracker ilakeiy bri..< i-je cf the oldeat aad moat a-.a-

eaaafai tu the country, hit ttywe BaaM been numeroualy UU.U1- JIn a'* own vi-Ho!j an.11 ;.« »..«!*. The geauiaa are lava::atlyitaa.ped Pa 11.

City haitikrd tfrtnaa.yellow KaOOLD HaMS.Bl'GAR-Cl'KFD HAMS.CITl SMOKED BRUT.NEW MESS ruitb.NJirs' lari» ami oils.

Bit Iii It 1. ¦< hreee.FBRNU Daik' ol rrtal.nrlt m aSü tLat'K Tr AS.RH t BAtlLEY, starch.'" tNDLFs, VINCOAR, HuAF.ALL K1NUS SPICES. Ac.

All b-at quality, aid waiiented, aetecti-d Ar uty and evuatrybrade. for aale at a aataatkbl law tat BtH |

ALLAN A Boat:, No Sil VVaati.^...oat,aborv Baiaiay..atravt b< ri li a. I.ooai hrri lee, < hcrrlre, Acj->t

he pr. «,-ved 'rnh Bl KPRATl'S FATErtf CaNS, wtu a laatrtad for thepaal t 1 v art by .i«auia, Baa Maiae to

T--a», attd haWi :!y lOceeetfL;. Twelve DipioeDaa,ot 1- Medal aad two Prrmiunit bara hero awarded for theae f*BBt.which .a i'" J rveieoi-e af lB*tj aaBaatt l-r ever til ottx t".

VA ELL8 A FRON OBT, Pr jprieti ra, No 216 Kro.lt at.N B. -Car-i bii.tited u> bbi pail of ih* < itv fneof «xp.-ate

fAm Ice-Pltoawr thaU la tt Nicv, Piirher. I'boaW'looihmt to fvod 'i the nt ated blood at a eooUnadraagb*. of water.Nor I« tha/e bj.t'biEL' in wklrh tt ¦'.!> tve water t NM Üke aPATENT DO BLE ICE IIXCUER. Fa: Bale. tt/haUaaltaad Retail, hy LI t ICS HART, Mi* !and 6 Barttag-ahp

VmijfiiriH. r-' Oi pal.Aal kind* of


At No. I Marray rt.JOHN BLACK.

04Jr!t,S A CTIOVKL-S BAaJ SPADES.. £> gajfj by IQMu ?*)! ;m t a« > fu v.u*u.n




tv.tr 24 cot«.OPINIONS OP THE PRES».

" It .«¦... be in tie band* <4 > vety on» "

[Coarler Mid r'.s.r. -. r." Tbl* ). witboct exception the moet eompirtu O-ui* er?r

paAwatal " [Ctn. li.beU C^auL^ioUi" Araletcc'i Rathra* i, .: ..» become ¦ c*r**efty."

[Harper1* Weekly." Ore of the mcrt val-r^bie Guide* we hate teen ¦

r :... '. Lady* r t" App'.itot'* Railway i. I* :. .:.y tie beet tottir^iiaü

ifltt kind." (Pittiseid Sir.'¦ It ha* no eo/ia!." [New Yaik Herald." The Met accurate Guide p'jyi.beeL'1 IN O C-riu i-r-.il." Toil Guide .if.' ry r-p lar md rt-Hib.e puoB-ttioi..''

16 .riin*v>n Haak-Eye-" Tboee aba buy U oner wlJ never ateraard be wi bout it."

Rkliln ore A - «r." Dcct leave the eity with, at thb) book." | Boetoo Jma*i." Every important r»*d ii repteieuted by » iu*p "

ILoitM .V Joaraei.* It may t. regarded a -> r:<r:,y r ...,>.,.¦

(Montreal Oazef.a" Tbl* la a moat admirably arrareej Railway Oaide."

lAi-er-eau Raitway Tiruca," It U a moat complete and admirable r. .

[rt--h. r Deriverat.For aale by al) Book** lb ri, Newa Agent* and boy* on t&e ear*

throtjgt.« nt tie Uulv.1 StateaD. APFLETON A On , PubM.h»r»,

No* m6 and 3+S Broadway.riMIE NORTH-AMERICAN REVIEW.A No. CLXXX FOR JULY. 18«.

Comnieneing a New Voluate.CONTENTS.

Ait I..Plernr'i Ar.i'ytJc Mecbani ¦II..Oeor*e Btepbeu*on.ill..The HuiwBii Valley and 'be Great Plain*.I V. .Contemporary French Literature.V..Vbr Phillip* family and Phillipe Exeter A-td.ro?.

VI. .The Aquation.VII..Law*ot Aeeorlation io Omar eetal 0«ij«rj|r.g,V 'II " m.-.h. . Civliiiiiloa of "bo birth t Vn'.ury.IX..Lord N .rmanby'* Year, f R«*. lu'.Ion la ParisX fa* Baique* aod their CoanTv.XI. .R- c«nt C«mn.ealarlr* on Ues .*< w T. .'je. L

Xll..Critiral Nolle»«.Mil..New fcbutwra.

C. 8. FRANCIS A Otv, PobiUbera,_No. BM Hroadway.

~"N F E 8 8 I Ö N_SC 0A GAM8LFR.


Cheating Trkk*Of OwnHer*la ube Dakked S.*.m

Il »......» üaokaure»Of the r^oeeedlnti

Ol' i ' eatbcrftleiOf Ch-tMO.


General Agents



revered era fiUNDAY EVEN IN" Je27.

Report. J verbatim.


_Oaa Cant par Copy.


?V« ISmo pagta. ItOlLueaiatmEe Cloth, Bl. :ty a ; .«".!% l»*

bratrd Pari* aad London Pbyilrian and Ruigeuo, bow af New-York City. Tbl* itlereettng book »bou'd be lo Iba handlot everyadult p*r«ou, ai ttlmpait* knowledge all hava eovght tat la vain

in any other. Bold aid m&lied to any pail of ihr eaapttry byTV. A. TOWNKENO, No. 2<2 Broadway, New-York City.


"The New-York Weekly Tiumne for thiswtfk fontaina the following:

I..LEADING ARTICLES: Mr. Llneola'* Sa-Hnsb: HfwLaw in Virginia; «' v>mJ4>, The FitUbuixQ Oa-»ette. Mr. Moutgomery.

U..REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Giving In a aondaniadand e^mpieuon» form the lateat an 1 mo*t lmp..rtai.trventi that have tranaplred In the Citv and BubrrSi,L'ninnd Statei, Meaioo, Nioaragia, Canada, and Eu¬rope.

III. .TWO WFF.KS L4TKR FROM CALIFORNIA:Arrival r.f the M *.. lay; i, - of lb. Fort-Blgbl'i New*.


rug af Free Lever* and Splntual^ta.RranluoonaRaleimlna Everyrhlog-Fiet -Love Spe.-ch by Mr*.Hraneb-Re.igk<u Uteri Up. The Bible Put Dowj.Tae Unruly Mrnuber U t.- i'..' and Wrong* ofWomea.


Abraham LL -oln of I.,;. .* at the Reri.bll.au ButteConvention.

IX..MR. GILDINGS TO HIS CONSTITUENTS.X..K>\N6AS: Tbc Riding of Oai Jc^kiaa-Trial of Gen.

Lane.XI..tue 1ION. RICHARD YATES: C rretpoudenea of


Float Waibing on.




t'oat Dayi among the Uedem Hpartana.XXI. .THE CHARITIES IN THE WEST: Coneepond-

, i.. of Iba N. Y. Tribune.XXU..TUE WORK OK THE GALLOWS: Eiecotics of

Widow Bt-iiair and Jean lit;: ... Daciuifaa for Mir-dtr; Execution of Jamei McKee.

XXIII. .MUaosii; High Rlackbcrriea; Caniei cf Bkt fl*r- r -»

lean ot Trout Stteaat, Dijglae Ptataiai^ri ik**p-poiut-d.


Stick, Mnn,-y. Cotton, Grain, Cattle and other Mtr-ktt*. gpaclally Reported lor Toe Tribune.

Bi'iicaimoat.One copy far one year, fj'4. Three «ojKee,$.¦>. i i ' *n. ...-.[.., a t i.SINGLE COPIES far *a.e at the Pcbbcatioa OC*e T- ;

Day. Price fl <5enta.

C1UEHS MOaNTlILV lor JULY.Now rnady.J Content*: Che** in Deama-k | an e. griib Caew GI»**ery,

An Etd Game by Moipoy Soherua of the Auail-jau-OeteianoNotation Tatlve Game* (iav. a P. Marpay'il; Flva Enigmaabight Piob'en.*; atiteellaita Za-.iikiolorka, A :. B3 * Tear t'r.m a t ,;mh.r. P. MiI.LPR h PON, rtn. *n Naaiaa »t N T

MORNING Bl'Ah..lu tbr- preaa, Bud^wiU bVpobli.hel i.e. m.rk, THE HORNING STAR. Or. U»

. > u* Ttir l*Clt**T|. a .'.. « (¦.-.- ¦. ,- J. . af NearTcttameal By the oam*. M»» Pi'-:* I* taota

Groceries, prot-ioionc, iCc.

ME8S IY>1?K aid SMOKED MEATS..VANBRUNT l iVAiROrs. Path pv-ker*. No. ... Ca*i^:,

.t, New York. < der it lue I-.... aujg piKa* for aaab;Baa k< a ii A MS from it to 11 ernu.Sti.kr.l Slli'ULDEBS froa. fttoteeLt*.¦a* kid KEEP <rom S't 1» \'<{ eecraem.Atd BAC(>N Boa .-¦)Mm PORK ac D' 'che** tViaty Me** from B 'n to Bit s«,

I.aRD iotaha or barrel*, from r (t > 11 e. nt*. N. B No or-. i.l. d .!.*{*. A,r caah. VaN ball tlT k WATAOL'S, N*.

U-' Chanaei*-*t.

TEAH..Grofn and Black Tea*, ol every Joacrip-i. c aad v .., U,i mk ^*

TOiVfJiESD. CUNCH A DIKE._No* 67 aud en Ft nt «c

COKKEE..Java in |>t cket* and bag*, aud MociaBil ua.' ai>i q.tk: i >¦ .. fur *ait by

loWNSEND CLINCH A DIKF,_No*. (7 aadM Fronte *t

PICES..All kind* of Spicea, La Uieir pitcJuLfe ofimp. r.etK-6, f* r tik '-r

TtOVV^SEND CLINCH A DIKE.N a a?ai.da»Fiout-»t

NDIliO..Mariüla, AltJru*, aad L'arac&d it>L aigv, f >r aale by

TJW roEaND CLINCH A DIKE,_No*. B7 aad «B Froct-et

f O U 8 V WIGHT dk Co"a. .*» -e , of


Nv II Old ..'.a. Hairreei aqaare. New-York.PURE CREAM OF TARTAR ALW AYS ON HAND.

Ho /ormtTB «nii (Dli)rrt.

BÜRDEN'8 BaTW MBehiikB HOR.SE-SHObaj.fiue aaaiity. brw arira and very 4t4r»' ir. Dreot ts New

f..tk, JGIAN W Oi INCY A Ca.. Na 98 a üM^m at

FARMER8* and GARDENERb i^IJdMlrlSitSM» *w-a' vubrty. for *ale by

IBAS S IJfTLE A O .. .« * p wi I FieitaoHt

'AY, JULY 2, 185«.

H©tu ©trat«.

ealth!grace: i

nmi BEAUTYr. at>m-! apna 'Ac Latire by wearing



IIV,08* of wb'ch tava bees ~ : «.."..« it. but 4 r-twn) baa b>dceed tbe a.anufar.nirera to Bäk« arraflaerncota that trill eaahattbean to pn-ercc» »J0 eVaena i",4*> bMjU) ?*r a-% during Umaaor.tha or Ji- . July «od * .g>»* .

Tbrr aleo «all attention to Lb* r


wfcloh m r-ee+vtag nerv real orrora-odi:..-« from tee Ladiae.They ara Uta hk paoptietor« nf ia* Wp"PATENT ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE*n Baa. Batrara oftba taasy -jntutoi oBercd is UM market, at

tb«*v ara all *"I »i Irfikagrawota or w<"HU)ieeeThey uao BMBtUeetnre mt

79 other different style*erftft aad trtfAoaii the "Patent Adjaetahle BcatW-"'Tbraa 8klüts bare baas rveowimended by tb- HlOHTttft

MEDICAL AUTHORfTT aa beieg (A. e#«« arttVar/er UtWa«* (Aa( Ae* «aar Aeee qdW«d ta BY* futrfia None geauiae raiaaa


for aale througuoot UV United Staate and Oauada*.


DRE8B GOODS.ARNOLD, CONSTA BUS A 0* arUl arU the »nrtre baaaoea

of U>*Lr Spring importation* at greatly reduced ; rl-.«.

Their aeaottmeat of tbe ucduraenUoood arU.let la itBl terycomplete.I'LA IN AND FANCY SILK 8.




N. B.-ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A Co. bare at..: on band t

brautUol aad traaarpaated aaaortitieat of MANTILLAS, whichtbey are clearing oat at extremely low pit -a.






For tor balance of the avaaon,At BULFIN'S NEW STORE,

No. 415 Broadway.R al Oolpure MantiUaa.Franco Leee tluiUUaa.Pjtbar Lave Maotiilaa.French Lava Circle;a.Black Barege Ci/cBtara.W tit>' Barege Circular*.

_BULPIN, No. <U Broatway.

ANEW LÄDIER' DUSTERof very Ree liaeo fabric,

gnl'cd aiikr lor traveling or pro-ocaaie,will ar. try .i twit wata.




BULViya ai »...»/ a*oaa,No. Hi Broadway.

ADAMt, MULLER, Be Paria, No. 147 10th-at. New Yerh, between 4th a*, and Broadway .FLUT¬

ING^EMBROIDERIK8. LACES, rJONlTON, Ml SDN andLACT. CURTAINS Ha* adopted a method that radera them ofa auparVoe wntteneaa, equal to new Curalna. Will be doae atI aaa G/' lo a per pair, and if lnjored, paid f- t Moartn, 10/ a

aVaMtr.done In tbe neateet etyle Ordert promptly attanoed to.

IKIilA-KUliBEE GLOVES far Gaining,Uoma r.kaa.aag. or any oor.epartoa tl at eoila tbe banit aaa

highly eatoaaaaB bytboee wtio taw them. Tb-y aaa sate rartoualaagLtt to proleat the wriata and artnt rrcm ripoeure, aad bywearrni render the btnda aaft, unorAh and enowy white, boidby all Rubber dreien end at No. 38 Johun* op ttalra.

B~EAUTIFUL FRENCH ÖliÖ^.^Et'I^ESbaa removed to No. 973 Broadway, where ae haa a more

aeecleaja etote and a baeameotaBd lofta affording inereaaed tnaa-bleeturlna fr..!.,-.! a. in addition to ait elegant ataortnimit ofLedl**' awaoa of every deerrijwioa, beta n-w enahaad to off.-r to('. r CetxeL Bboea, Uaittra and Bilppert of auparior werbman-aMwThe kwaat aoveitiee In Trimailrga and Deabrea are recerrrd

bm t.t.y fror.i Paria, and all that ia rare hi tiybt or beauty ia urm-blned in Ul* JeSera Shoe.Tbe Braoab or tbia eatatlUhmrnt at Baratoga will epea for Iba

Sonuatr isotitha, about the Itt of July.

<fTl tfBSl .CLEAKINti OUT SALE.tf" I ?>»J%\}\f\Jm tJtSi'.oauof8UMMER CLOTHING.


ofmy itcek ofFASHlONaB'.E SUMMER Ct.OTRINO,

At lAi i*-r aeut la** Iben ciy ua.i-d low price*I wiab it


by any u^i. ori 'mbinatlon of men.No '..,'. kg anew t>

B. DE OROOrS...i. Hi.lL

Carb Clothiug Warehouaa.Na. M. K It at.

Pint Clothing Sure raat cf Broadway.



.ff Ollem it JOtTg .anutn.

ATTENTION..If son with to fr.joy flood health,cleartr the -dy of all .-. p .:. .« ; and the very tea' poeei-

ble way of dolna that, t* to take an ieca*tooai do*e of BK ANPRETii », WBlGHT'S, LtE'S or RliSU'S PILLS. To b-had lenuine a» tbe cheap Bookrt're No. Bowery, N. Y. Oubald BARRY S TRICOPHErlOLS. LYON 9 KATUAi-RON tc._ELIZABETH (iAJtlHLP:,7.roiiKht to New-York

Cl y from WlUiamtburab by BaBBBJ M. Lowe1! 11 Septem¬ber 1MÄ, BflaJ tent inti Ibe m.o'ry will bear ef t >ni"thiag to heradtattageby writiDgU) ELLEN MANLY, Nu. tt Eeet VAb *'_,Nvw-York. CuiattlJ paper* pl>a-.' copy.

1J0HN PYaNE.tjfthe City and County ofNew-0 Y'ork, do brreby aolctntly aweai that I waa rmployid with

the late Tabot U'altt for t f*ri -d of early aigbl yrara. Iwaa with his the linn, the Nervosa iotlBtft waa firat io-u h1u.*.1 to public noti e, I waaptrfecti> eo.ra'aant with ail the'...tirdtrUe u«ed in manafa-.i..i.'.« lit- af>..-e-aid Netvoua Ar.'l-dote; the art it U we now -«., ia precisely ih« aame ia awry oar-ticuiar a* otlglnaUy rouipoo: .|e.J by H. 8<<^y f.r tba kale TaiLotVa alte, ü u. th- recipe of Dr. A V*. T. Wataoa.

JO'lN PYNL. Nu If'Nataaurt.Ke. rn'., before nie, Jtwr» O. Cooraa, Coaauueae. ,e, vf

Deed. Baa Ofli.e.WATTSTJ NKRVOUS ANTIDOTE f 1 per bott> B9peri-I.. Forwarded to any aodn .*.a aItfl IN I'> NK I I'* , N*. 1« Naaaaa-r-

1J1IONO0KAPH\ TAUGHTUUMiiKh tic MAIL.- A Cccna of Lcaaoes in lid* Art will be givea by mall to

any cia a*nd!ng the tabaenber BA All oeeaaaary wnrk* for-L!t>cd. Addteaa_W S. HYDE, W,uianittowB^M*«a.1^0 TiTe^ATER^rInKINO PÜBLIC^If

yea wiab to dirnk a .. r fie«fro a - .: j wb<<ner anlwalai \*tetab>, nae W RIGHT'S PATENT WATER FILIER. Tbiaftl-jti be* Uier water way., ore tor tbe eatraeea af the water,ear fcrtba duMbara" af the aed.-nent that may colaoe- In thelower aha an bar, and ere for tbo pa*eaae of the water up Utroogblie metiuaa aad out tbiuu/h Lh- prpe at Ute top. The wai. r

ttrlkbu the nnder ttdr of toe medium it ao aegla. waabea off ailbaiptuitiea. The ttedtuaa need ia a aupeiior qiaftty of For Felt,BaiBfaxtured rtprraaly for th'.a uae. aad fsead by erpeii.na.ntamade by »riantiiia rrec, to be Ur beet for filtawtag rai'pa . andobviate* tea objaettona that eiwt In aJ atbera, aaen u o trta,prrana giaaa -end Ae, all "f wtich r -uin aotne of the aai-uil.ra'e and gaBBatja t, and toon become orTaoalvc aad uealea*. Iktt'-periortty over me old reve'err g bito<t, aaty be area tr au tbefar-, that alter eaoa rtveraing. theie ia no poaaibtbty af pruaur.ngpn- wvtn, a* Ibe aaimaiwila. and eedimrnt that aaa M«... furrajUioegh tb^ aietr In, with the quar'A or tasA will ha ooLateatlypaa.ii a ou Mit*, Lbe foreo fjom l£e oppva te dlrraitaon naLl Lawwhat tie* beeotnea ahobed, wraw ibe eaane tuBiaaary will artoa.Wkilc tbia Pti-er, knag ao rtiaple in il« euturtniauue, i* eaaiiybeat in rrder ba Ihr petaiut who twe Iheux Prtc »i jo.Man ottctn.-r i and for aale r-v LOCKA A CRAIGIE. PannO-rt,

Mo. UEaatdan at., New-Yoik.


I» prtnr ererytblnf, fr. at toe araalle**. CARD u I.AHf.ko tae arg, at BILL or BOOK, at tbe Lcw»*< Caah Prioea

I^'BfGHAViNG ai.d PRINTING HALF PRICE.¦J.Wedding, AtHotneandlVu.'uini "aid*. Ac, BLftnaaaCarda

BUI Head*, Nefee, Cie. k*. he . at KELLT 9. »7 Ftdtoa r., N. Y.

£'LEGAN T \V..J.'iLa? w-14. VtfiÜDf: CAKDS, EN-i VELOPi 8. Ae -Latnat fvi atviea a \ ialtiag Plate and

Park Card*, fl V), *i E'« BRDELL'S, Bredway, o.a. DüMoe-et.

Qont% Carrtiigcs, «£c.

ANICE FAMILY H'jR.-E fur 8ALE rhortp,9 XV), the pBBBt% OfB ptivate gettaatnaa A aeapuuatiakt

tuaraaly lor kia .^«ntttarat. I Tiaaia aid, j ha^da bU_ Apptiat Nu *3 Pranklia-aa._POB SALE.A knm aef gray MULES, M9iA match; kiad. good »otkera, and {..' £. Ln^-itr*O 8. ~Xill- We kj \itt L. -.v. -'. Plate *.'*.




MACBETH.LadrMacbeth..Mit" C. Csiarr.en.

hUe stih.Mr. E. L. Davenport.W.'.h mi ¦im»o»» C«tt.

HMMbj ft) -euta. giiwtfd «cara M atm/t extra.TO-MORROW'-Leit afjM t U.*i ITJUMAN.

SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL,,with a J .tr'.WVa of ,-rur».-t*r* »i,:b cannot rV . .rpe*«ed If*xy tfl.-a:cria:B.- watul.8ea .h*e; mmj «: Nlblo'i OarJaa and it SlbrU'e, Na Will

it. a n «r of ttHij. from 11. ui. to t p tn.


THEATER.-L.it Performance of the Bratoc.-fRJPAY.J >- THE /ortVEA

. * rear Miitary PW<-», »»!*.b r.. w Co*ti;m*a Two New Vi >*i'.>*. I'. ¦it.r.-,u; m .- it ".

pUBDY'« NATHfJ^TllEATER, Chatham-A »t-Ilie** f Ik,., j v. f) | rant*; Orchestra Chliil,.41 -«*:»; Privet* Bozee, Bi. n at * Baata*e w*r H«aat 7t._BENEFIT OF F S c I < UFR M -TUIB EVENING:


Ma*..Str. F. B Cnanf'ii I. Lee .... ..Mr*. J. J. MfiPADDY MI'JSS .. ROT

THE DfaiB 4J<*L I W ÜENOA.«..»rr*« '¦¦ Mr K B. Chat.In :!'- '->. M .1 Vt. » B'f.

BARNIM9 M riskI'M '¦» the b.-*t p!a.*e t«> «-oto* ORAND PRUCFS.MON ' O-DAY -LAST TIME

BI T ONE cf JISSIE WHARTvN, THE TRAITOR'SDAUGHTER; TUlS EVENING,*' .1 o'clock. with or.sinal¦til eiiikine u: , . THIr? APTP.RNOON. at S o'clock.THE POSTMAN AND HIS DOG, kf Mr. Edwin it ... itad hi* BboM Do*. Sar*>rK *riteTt*iiin;*nt« In pn-parat*. r ¦

the *»b of July. Ouftui'i >1 !, '?' THE NEW] r.NTRALPARK U new here, at ..ell aj th* rar* AO.I A VI\ ARIA A*.Admiitaa** to a !, 24 can;*; ohlklren under tea. Id at mU\


No*. 5*1 and 6*U Broadway, near Pnaoe-H.PI. Woco.Piro., t t 8 BLxr.xxa....Stage Maaafar


to a wie*', and v. raalile entertainment ofNEOEO MINSTRELSY,

On.Jr.dln* »ith theSTUPENDOUS PANORAMA OF TILE HUDSON RIVER.latriducm* a t'*w of

NEW-YORK CITY BY MOONLIGHT.An V.ant Fountain In th* Hail wUl tapply the audica.-a wttb

la* water.Ticket* 23 rente. Dvort open at 71 Pet.Vtcance to aomrceoc*



APROTESTANT Armri. an r.iiddI*iiKf-d Wf>n waflM to do PLAIN COOKING, WASHING *ad

IRONING BBaBytaatatl to a Hoo*«keep.,» or Child'* Nur*e ait :an i> .... s. » r »eil racomu.euded, Udy aud clean. Call

at No. ath aa., near >¦ ¦'.

B"ÖKOM STITCHER8 WANTED.To work onWheeler A W'llaon'* Bewla. Machiata Nooa bat % 1

hand* need apply a: No 52 Barelar it, f.rat Boor, up «taira.

COOK WANTED.A Woman to COOK, WA8Hand IRON In a privat* family on Ctlcton ar., errat eld*,

fifth hcote *outb of Mittio av., Brooklyn. To the tight kind ofhelp llbeial «vi*** t* be niran. Beat of referenoe* r.' .>'.

F~AMILIEB and HOTKL8, in city or eoontry,wantln*Male or Frmale HELP, for any etpeelty of «errloe,

eao alirayi be iupp>i»d witb eompeteut help at the OfR.-e, NaBM Qranc it, near thn Bowery._I WATfB.

OH! LI8T..A ytmDff AmorifBD, actit« ami in-duitrion*, waala a SITL'ATION la a MaaaaBtaH or Mas-

ulictnriD* boalcew. Afl'lreti f. Tribune iKtW. ai- *» U.

xFPKINTERS..1 he iwi\t«rtUcr wiahe* to ee-M ear* a petmanant SITUATIOtt, 111 either a < ity or a goodcountry «.fice ii a rood eoi.ipo*itor, can make up, and ;.cu*r-lundt I'loiotuth'r jobbiu*or ucaipapnr aarkon* yiiador pre**;la iteady and tvliabl», and 1« not afraid t) f-aha Uinavif uaeful.G-;od refererre can he giver;. Addreti PRINTER, Box No. 07,Sweeney'i Hotel, New Yotk.

Y\rANTED.srn'ATIONS io tbecityorcoun-" try .. gtod Cook aad to VVaih ac l Iron, a* Walter viCban.b. rnald *. La x.'ree*. aa C)iaruiN>iraaid a d line Vtaa><rei», and to do ranettl H by very competent Girl*.Call at No. it «th *v In the (tore.

ANTED.A TAJLOR t» to Moaroo, OchiwCounty, Nea York. On* wh i tborongbly imdorita.'id*

the C--.ttii.jr and Making of Mcu'tar. i Boya' Clothlox, and uboal*o eat Die Whealer it VVIIeon'* Bealn* Marhlae. Ai:v *lu*lot-ian who doec not uae ictoaicatin*: drink may addrea. T MOARRAll, No 419 Bmotae it uctil 2 o'el ck p m. to dav,.tati- f fetma per m >ritb, aud wh»re u. Interview may'us had.None cthen ce. d apply. Real of tfty rtli-r«uo*a giwi a.d to-

.juired. Make r).. pUoe af intervk w aa at roy addr-i* a* *.


.l)(mtt9 tot Bmnnu fllcn.

FOR KALE or EXCHANGE for CITY PROP¬RAY Y -A PAPER MILL, with Cve aero* of land, (Ituatad

in B.i ftu.fi. !d, N. f.. within twelve milea of New York CHy.Tt,. M hai been tn *u*»t***fui operation for the la«t twalrayear*, and i* hn eomraete running order, eomprlidnf eteam eogineand t 1 of ft horae-power, four ra*- ea|li -«. 02 ineb ayllndat!.«..'.> ' aitbaaliend*;*, An., all aoaiplat* A lata* aorti >o otlw nvitrn«*e money can romam en bond and it*- aaee i.ri termof ycara. Fur further p&-th.ulari Ixqaiie of D. t OMU/Jt, eao.,No. HC;.., <t; or, of §M iubaarfbet, on the preir.iaa.


IN 8 P RINO FIE L D..MANlTACTURINQPROPERTY for BALE.AB th* real and perioaal BaaMff

at. iv k nji.ig to the Ward Manafaotiirto* Cornpaay, o -n .(.ting/ a arkk Coavm Fantory, rontaining merhln*ry lor 1".'/»- anita-

dlei of Ua caweat .-«..:... i..; (Vrunting and Ctoth R.a.i. Hikwaotiae, two blooa* of brisk B.ardin* Looaoa (more taao lulS-.iant for the arecinunodation of th* Mha). brick Machine-aboy,l.i t: i Hou**, da OviTteer*' CrAtaga*. together with lundryotter buildlna*. Alao. a branch Railroad, one mU* In length,ermneettrg with th* We*t-ra Kaliroad. a Water power ad. qaalato *¦ *piadlea, with *ab*tantfal ». .. dam and -a - and *- 0aejea of Land lying on both Bdaa of kh* Chlotrpaa Rlvnr, In lYwnaof Bprloffiead, Chieopee and L.nliow. F.rr furtLsr .. a. a.be)

I) to I FROTTIINUHAM, »......,, OEO. WALKER,.- ,<. :.t O. W. fIOLT, at the Mill; or c SaAj*Tvw aodH DELANO N»w Yotk.

APER MILL for SÄIeT-A Mill SaS5 iaa(¦a.* «aavaauieTjt for the .*. t, . . «I tlaMMI "f mntatiaia

aud pr^doet*. with an aNmaaat and never-faLlLg water power,full* app jnted witb ataahtofrv, itaam-engtuu, Bjtb, aad hithertopr> soeitg paper* in uum-raal di mand aad Mvorita articla* ia themarket. Tnia property wiU be told eheap, and oa . eb tarmathat th* puroiaaer uvay taailae a karte pr.ition of the amutiLt fromthe pr-fita of toe naa er/sy-ture in tlu.e to meet the peymeuta Itla a very favorable oppnrtyoity for any ptmon haring a moderateamount of repile, an r .-i buauaK* 'apubUitici te eakar upon a

prvGleble and «aduru . Dadnea*. Aridtet*_PAPER, Box Na 2,172 Pot Offl-a.


.team Co ton Maaaf»*ttiring Co ofTrr for SALE their e*Uh.ja-¦Mait ia tae eitv vl FVn !. re R. I., eomprwinaA brick COTTON MILL aid feet I og aad bu feat wieV, I t

¦torie* aadj aUb', ooataialn* la.OGO Spindie* v <1 Loom*, witbFitter tad Boiler bovuvi. Machine tatty, *»d ail aeciaan/ *¦

but ding*, utether witb ....'««, feet of bawd aad a oocaa. dku*Whaif and Store bou**a

A 43 TuMxneut* M tUe immediate vicinity ef Urn eetabiiah-meat.For term* of aala and other iitforn.itIon apply at the Cotnpany'i

c antlag room wi the yirnnaea.I'nb*a a Id be( r« tha Intl. of Acfuit next, it wtU be dl*>oaed

of oa that day at puba* anctioa.J. M FISHER. Traa* .reT.



RUTGERS FEMALE INSTITUTE. -Tlw FaOaViilnn f thii lamto'l d wbi open BVrt Id. aad.tr 'be

aoargeof Mr HENil Y M. PIERCE, A. M with aeerefo'ly m>Uet»d aorpa ot i jperteneed tearoet*. lataraaaaaMi M Mia willbe taiabt at the ln-ifLte. Ar.-angoment* have been male (n

naafffaa or reaidlog pnp*l* In the fairJIy of tae PrujCtpaLAffhiaaaea: fcl aduiwuu or for «.r-niar* or any infonnatle«,taaka n.ad« to the Prtoelnal, No. U7 Ea*t Broadway, o: to taeuaderi'gned.

Rrr. J V KREPS D. D FaaWert, No. HI Henry itJ. W. C LEVER1D0E, Secretary No li Ritg» ra-plan..

T~liE~FERKlS FEMALE INSTTI DTaV- I '*>*l).! Boardingl.N a. (t and Cd M»di*.n av. N< a V ...-To

b* coad ^e'ed on :ue «am- pian aad to ecibrar* the aaci' riior-augb coai*e .. th* R itg»r>. Open Segt Ii Cire^iara ob-Xaedat RAYNOK'H, No. 7« tfewery, ml th- Prior pal at No. 194Kall Broadway. Re* D. FE BRIS, R

C H (1 ARb.NKK, A M PrioriyaLÖiÄjÖÖT^aiV^ITm Conn..Rar. B. 9. WRIGHT, M. A , Raetor.-Bl'MblKP. HEB-

SIGN coQD4xe.ee Mit ! IbMBB comfort*, aarantal ut*cj.laajavalertal oara and julicV-u» «littvattoji of HEALTH, AUBBand MANNERS, are tba r.araXertat;.» »? Lbl*fftrcaiari atldjea* Iba Aaotor.

Waives. Jctuflrri, Srt.

SECOND-HAND i;ol.D HATCHES..TwoDea-n lice Goal Englah Ftf-'Ot Ovar* aud Saw* IVtr «d

Lev«r>, arioui. have h-an wora will b? *oid at great bargaim byG C ALLEN, (to. 11 W'all-et, *e*«.d m -t.

SlarioTirrn tmij lanqo C9oo5i.

ACCOTTi'T BOOKS irtarrnfVtirvd ord»*r andruM aad bnand to any pattern. Alan, LITHOGRAPHY.

RNURAVING aad LETTER PRESS PRINTING ez^-ub-d hi»euperWr inaniKr. By. r» r*a,oi*i4a for B*Nh.-i, INrft'iLVNtEOFFICE*. COMPANLKB aad MERCiiASla fttrniaacd. oa* arnprzia, o^kk, aad at a-Aw-a P*?^^


N >nla-.i at. DOT. f i ;:»..,. -u.

RANCIS dt LOITREL, No. 45 Mtadcri-laxri*.BLANK HI-jKK PAPKB and STATIONitBY Btaaiu

JOB PRINTING, LiTllvi/R Ai'Hi'. WORK, B.NDlNG, Aa.IkawawBaBawM




mehican INDEPBNDBNCK.-riTtKTON a ma>*:y.n.

eVneeal kernte #n the e»**^«A*Jiiciliioi riiiwuni,

Mai ifV* ava A IdLXllSNlfAHL,

I OilAN CANDLES 1XK.AITS, W1, T.iulAt Bad otbet bbtAa,mu SMI.M aNT F!Ars wliliali aod eated. Ala*, er».(»Uli; ca iu'id. FIRA-CRACREB8 aad Tt)A"ED^Sv*.OaVta re«a«.i tue otty end town aaaAHtliaa. but t) Jt 4


NMVERSAitY of our INDEPENDENCE.-Taecbeapeat KIRCH OKAS to tba ekty fat ftretBae afi

cv ein. tt .*. *t toe LV pete ( toe CONSOLIDATED FIR.*'.AVOBK> COMPANY. No. 410 8t >edw*y, oeeoeK* Mapeaaed-ft,end No. 43 Naataa at. j.-o«i of Liberty. All t »d» at waoleaaa

fataaa,_ j. MoAt LI rFE, aide Aj-et


Let -v*- * Netto Point, Jeawy Ctta, N A\\ M. J. RYMS<t 1<K« >., KDI .K AQENTSt

No are tt.miA «" RW-TOU i\\k«r* «mp.< ' EXHIBITION PlKCFS. ab» every rertety aFUU.WOKRS auted to rtorehrrpvrt' ta. . 1 at Ptrwerwaaera,TtJtSace. Wheete. TrBaaalea. Bet goto Lxnu. IWArU. Keane«UiT.o*. atirxuv BaxaarUa. ha., aaay ha f «»ACity and Town Coa_Ue*e auv, .w « jt P'-bbo Di*pleye at

abort notice

FIREWORKS.NEW YORK LABORATORY,No. im Front at.Fire trackere. Ca aa OorkeX Deebaa

Heed.-tt, Jo*» Btieka, and a oapiplete a» taaml mi Pteew >tawatianted of tor tit« quality. Coualry a»e aAan't mm daaatrt aa

general, iht eaanaalataaa Bar elty and*o>_t.; diepfcy*, bbqwbbw »athe inoet reaaonebie l«at

M. BEMNKT No. IW Praet-ek.

IREWORKS..A^oroplptd) etaortaaeal tyf Bratpremium fireworks of Joaaab Ohl. Edgwe naao-

betura. warranted brat ty of wortmareelp tad mate, v

o-niprtair a awry Jeeeriptioa ofeakubilion a id a*'., wmh, at laufAgency No. ,S« etbtngl- a »t. e..r.ar of Barr'ay. P« abateaiJtown ooiumlttoea aopfkird at tie icweat on.BBA ..'raVra eho-iid aa

nAfcapnti tu JOhN D. BOBBINS. A .ihnietd Aa. atMo. SU ti. :.-t m r- Maw Ter»,


F T w !V-lta the ejection e (the, tnvd» to Me etonh at Fleework.,' ln.Jndroe; XUOE'S BRILL1 ANT-OOUJtUD OAN-DLE8 and Rut K FT*, aa IM a aeoetej aaao.-taucol af BW*.YYorfci lor Jobbing and retatUna.Quality guarantead, and prt-ea beyond iveataetJaieav

Ott MaTÜEN-LAJSE. foruer of Nawaaau-aL--«.O KlREWtlRKB.Badtield'a rittt premium Fire Werbe,evny artieia wairatted, at :be d.p t BJa. S« Laidan l*a% ooenerof S'%.-a tt EihlMtJnna anoplied »» p"t eaat k»w, teau v.yother boae* In the .-Ay. Bn-e'l work aiwaya oa bead. B>.ttt No.Ä afaldaaiaue, corner of Nat*, tt_WHITE k BIRD.

_Marea'tOrrtcE. Naw Yoaa, JoaeSa, law. |

rTHlE attention of tli<< public ia onlltxj to tlVB f«J-

f t tirewnrka ealledar bnown by tba earn** af 'Boabee' or(a AU.,nor any Braarorkt callad known by the nae>a of

. Double Headera,' nor any hreworkt, under aay ether nauw,rompoaed of Iba taoie atertal, and ol th« aeaae eaaraabtr aftaeaebrewoikatpecibed In tbiaaaatK'n, ander the penalty *f tboO f r

eaeh 0(rente, to be aoed t-r and ieeot>ied of the pet.a eeUmg -r

etpoalng tie aame for tale, Iii tug 4 *t dlaaba/tbig the aaaaa Au4in caae turn peraoo thail be aa appreaUea, anah paoaity abail beaued for and reeororad of aud from the aiatter at taeb appeaotlw.In raae iu<-h perron tbail to a aulnor, and no*, an appteattoa, thatcaae tbail be tued for and recovered of and ftoea Uta father, at Jtoaar of the death of the lather, then of and i<ota the aaatiet ereiiardkvü of nicb mlu»r " *y ordea of :..* Mayor.'WR II. STEIMIrtNi, Flrat MareaaA t


J. \ may be tonBON RIVER I

Urni by am ii-t ir.ki: « ooHiriUy N ard at the tll'D-n,.,, a r . .NNTlTl'TC, three uiiiea Ire« dude*, during the

two muntb raeatkm from July «to i>rpt BR Terwat Bxwa .< be*a weak. Addreal B> 4i FLACK, tia.erark, BiaaaUa UJaa-

«y. n. y._,-

KITTATINNY FIOUHE, DEI.AWARBWATER OAJV-Thla favorite roa^t taatdjhe m*m\ da.

llght'nl and heailhf'il of tbr mountain n-giona of riaaajriaaia,l»V>» aaaaj to vlaitora Tl.oaa who g-> t» the »B*ybi Uwk|-oratbag ait. aad to hod where aelare ha* wreoabt aaeet baaatl-f^ÜTtbould viitt the Utp. For .por'amen there are aaeatal noe

trom .treama U kha neighborhood, and grtatar atMaaVra are takenkbla aeaaea tban natial. Faweegera l«ava peer Wo.1 N. iBfcjlat »

.Vloek* ..^arrite-tbuohaa., '^^««^0*ßOffTtJ ÜX\h taOOTM.

PRIVATE BOARD in R(>Hi^)N.-Ckk-»aen5eBiwttb their »amlira V IIITINO BOSTt >N, aad wlahtaj atlnaw

toerd in a cen'ral »itoatioB, will bid plmiaut _v.-.the hoaee of Mr. DAVID REED, No. 34 Chawecyek Refer* Wany of the < leegy of B-wton._ROOM.S to let.In a *« r> denirabio hjcaiiiiti.

laraa airy and aoatasodiooa, Bn L'idging or Biaakfaat *tv|Tea Traneiei t Boardera aaa be aaran,moditt*4 with LeaWioga,Ur.aAtaal arid Tea at B1 per day. Apply at No. IIS _et afroad-

TO LET.To a iinv> dfiitlflinAo, in 'dtl-ar.. plea*-antl- and eonveniently located, -be FRO IT ROOM, ae,oaaJ

Boot bat) ro to aJj ilning. Apply a. No. 77 Chambateet., urnttaitt, at the oBVe.

4oatet 10 let.

FITINISTIED COTTAGE to LET at 8tam-FORD, CONN..Contain* 13 Rootaa. & oa tba mm Boar, aM

in roiuplr- order, and cholte Uwatioa--five ratawiee' Waat (ruaaRailroad Orp^a or Btaatnboat l.anotrg. Fruit Bbeda aaaiOraaemental Tree. good Oardro. (*<i 'i.-.'D L SOOFfKLD, eaa.,at Btani'ord Depot, or *!drete Box No. U$ Trieaae OaV a.

LOfTB TO IaET?.The) l_^LOFTS of ¦aritaB*front atore No. 17 4> urtlandtet. TO LOT et flaute»

tent. Pr«**a*lon ImmedlaU If eealred. Apply oa the pveealaee]

0YYTCVÄ to LET in th« Biblt) Htyoes, Aator Jpiaoa.-loanlra to the Treaacrar'* OaVa. tatiaaaaea 4_-ee

S~~TORE^ to~i*ET taTt^Triboao Daiidtttfi, Ro. 7Bpruee-at. larydre U the Tribune OaUa.

1^0 LET.To a tenteel fajnilr, bCOTTAOBHOI'SE, north aide jtth-et N. Y., BW feet eaatof Ifh *».

Orapia, Fruit, Ae. 1 3g lota. Rent gtm Apply to J. AlfKAN,N). 118 Nutau tt, from 10 to3p m.


Wtol Gmtati fox Bait.

CLTNTON-AV., Brtiokiju..For BALK, oao ttfthe tinttt Bl'lLDINO SITES In thia nasat aetuttt'al of all

a .enuet-tLe jlory aud prMe of the rltw- pieaaaat aad healthy.For areeidrnce, uneq ited in Naw York or Brooklyn. Tee p> t'.a Ti feet front by 2W feat deep, bring the north watt eoraer ofOlmton and OaUa avt. Can be divided ioto two plota el SB f~tby -aval earn. FruiUreea. of 3 trart trowth. in ana baaatof order.Cime and tee. MILES I BF.m. Mo. 11 Ptoett.W. T.

MTCRANTS, TAKE NOTICE.MTCJIIOAHLANDS far BALE.3,4ör) arre* of land itaaatd to toe

ermntiaa at Oakiaod. Saollar, Taaaata. riagtoaw tonka Karat aadKalajoar*/, for aale at ptlcra raoaloa from * 2 a» to Bl per m im,

h, Ibaoahaina to one, two aad vbrar. d by Uta lato Uoa. Dongarpoaea. For full panic tp

rtl. payable ia oaah, tbr ba_ve in one, two aad three)BowV t tbeae land* were atlerfd by the laU Uoa. Dottg-

Lit iloi:*aton rxprettly for farming parpw* PortultpaUr* app.y to THOMPSON A lit NlF.R, No. toW aap.

FOR SALE.A auptrior FARM, on SaRlt-towaRiver, elagaotly improved. Cna Lawn, with karp* £"*_

Trout Pocd and tir..k. boa** boilt in n; Arn *tyto. tt by wfret, with wing; Bieatr of Fr.Jt Oneatird eaeh, hataoee jamortaaae. Alao, a one FARM of AO aeree 1<D the border» afthe alllege o^mlOttoarn good Feriubouee aad OidbaAMiaga. faa batfI Ü r;jnt on iL» principal atreet; pleuly of Fruil aad BAaaBaTerm, eary- A. TBLiUrCfER. BON * Co..

(1,161) No. 7 Broad at.

170R SALE or EXCIIANGE . A ilrst-elBJBJT AlSlDE.StEat RAVINJlav«OU. Eatt B^MaaraaofLand. Applyto WM HARSELIj, Mo 4t Oilf «t

FARM of M ACRES, with 5 tteree of Villa«»Property, el/gant B-lldag* and abaxlene*i of freit u SED-

FOBD, tVeeuh't'ar Co., for aaia or Uade lot city'ttt\.***Jjmprop ity, B. COCKCROFT, No. IS MeeaeaeaV aaaebaoaa.Wallet.

^^^______________._ .

FlOR SALE.A lärm«, well finialW tj«mbl«HOt SE. with abcet aa acre ,1 ground, at OLESWVF., r*

I .The Houee i* new aad in taoaVn »tyte, Sn '.wt froot by 32 r««

deep, 2 ttory BttM aod beaaoMtA, and even, wa- adawr^ta pUee.f « a« müy readme-. A^o . to ad COfTAOrJ aod B Maame prrmU«* to be void wttb the Hou «e. Bold to aloe* eatato atLetting CarpeoU-r Ooea«ed. Apply b> ' '

DANIEL it CARPENTER,_No. M BetHeaavet, N y.

FOR SALE^A beautiful C'b'lOTB_RESl-DENCE, wttbm 20 aalnu'ea' *«ae tide free» Btobwkaa e..rvy,

with tUble. well and fruit I.e .. a tW ^^^l^L*Te»*h, the rett ou r^rtgage. Iu«ijL'¦ Uk freer****, r**»«<«e-

BT.. - r Sa"!ay at, W.at Hibokr-n. N. J._FARMS "Tor ball.Go ««7 Dt«"n,L

act.a roe* conaiting of Vv heat. By ^B-ie y-Wbatt, t-Urto*, txdcaaer Ugatab^a. laa-iie at No. TB) fraadway, la i^e

baarnjl lit

VÄLI.ABLE PROPERTY at TAaaRiT*J\V71T FOP. SALE .A pirA ofgroend ePgibtv loeat-d B-ar the vil-

lace of Ttrrytown, eontainiog aboat 40 acr- a we.I wtt-red w. Jt

mmmaalraäwaj , brook.,ac-_B»endtnge tteo.lve - e-rao4l.-.lanlI'.,*, a. .U^y adapted u toe rormataoa of alaigapatA erlAeiunai-* drive. rUd. and featotaa of wabW,.w^thaSgg^_^^ygsggggaggr

AlaL persons GOING WEBT..An ia-

CvUUTS, m)axliVi9Xt OTtÖ 1X0*1

fNGÖT COPPER, BPELTavB, BANCA TTH,X ANTIMON T. he-, fcr aala by -.

JOHN W. UoINCT a Co., Nat Bl WBBaaa ai

nraOT COPPER.In Urta ^ ^t^^*z1 for aala by MiNXSOTA M1N1NO COatfaJIT, Mo. ttOreeinmloo-ot ___________._..-....


MÖl'NT HOPE CUT NALLati-VatT ******

n,l*<yaff>t*^^^^»111^-iOMAB PIG IHON-Soft, fWtJ, aaTCabf, ami 4%araaaiated r^twu r re-acb Pa-

JOHN rV. 44. 1NCT a tV, Me. B*».m