Every year, the education-packed, fun filled PYIB convention gets bigger and better and this year has a lot of new and exciting events that will be sure to please all attendants. So why attend the PYIB convention in Edmonton on September 16-17, 2011? What’s in it for me? And why would my boss spend the money to send me? These are great questions and below are the reasons and value our participants get from the convention. The insurance industry is a very small world as we all know. It’s very impor- tant to get out and network with your fellow brokers and company reps and for the “under 40” set, there is no better place than a PYIB convention. At our 2010 convention we had 19 insurance company trade show booths and a total of 57 company reps attend the trade show and entertainment night. The company reps ranged from personal lines and commercial lines underwriters to marketing and claims reps. The ma- jority of the companies send their front line underwriting staff which provides you with an opportunity to meet the underwriters you deal with on a daily basis and put a face to the name and voice. By the end of the evening, you have made new friends and formed a stronger relationship with your under- writers, which is sure to help you out with your day-to-day dealings when you get back to the office. With brokers attending from all over the province, from large offices to small offices and from two months to ten years experience, the opportunity to network and find out other brokers challenges, what’s working for them, etc… is another great benefit of attend- ing. You will make some great friends and when you have a large trucking ac- count you are quoting for the first time, you will be able to call your new friend who specializes in trucking to give you some tips and advice to help you close the account. The education portion of the conven- tion is certainly the most important aspect of the event. Over the years, we have had amazing speakers such as Jennie Moshous (AXA Pacific Insur- ance), Dianne Brickner (Peace Hills Insurance) and Scott Tannas (Western Financial Group). Education session topics have included “What Drives Young Insurance Professionals,” tech- nology and change, political issues and many more. We’ve also featured ses- sions designed to motivate and inspire young brokers to achieve success. Note: all convention education sessions are accredited. We try to choose topics that we know would benefit young brokers and help you with your day-to-day roles and advance in your careers. A lot of the participants in our con- vention are individuals who want to get involved with the PYIB and give back to the industry that’s given so much to them. Your participation level can include helping out with setup and takedown, working the registration desk, etc. By helping out and getting involved, you are able to interact and learn from the board and executive and their experiences in the industry and with the PYIB. We host several events throughout the year so if anyone wants to get involved just contact me and I’ll point you in the right direction.

PYIB Convention

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Article from the April/May Issue of Alberta Broker Magazine

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Page 1: PYIB Convention

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� � � � � � � ! � " # $ % � & ' ( ) * + & , - . / Every year, the education-packed,

fun filled PYIB convention gets bigger

and better and this year has a lot of new

and exciting events that will be sure to

please all attendants.

So why attend the PYIB convention

in Edmonton on September 16-17,

2011? What’s in it for me? And why

would my boss spend the money to

send me? These are great questions

and below are the reasons and value our

participants get from the convention. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The insurance industry is a very small

world as we all know. It’s very impor-

tant to get out and network with your

fellow brokers and company reps and

for the “under 40” set, there is no better

place than a PYIB convention. At our

2010 convention we had 19 insurance

company trade show booths and a total

of 57 company reps attend the trade

show and entertainment night. The

company reps ranged from personal

lines and commercial lines underwriters

to marketing and claims reps. The ma-

jority of the companies send their front

line underwriting staff which provides

you with an opportunity to meet the

underwriters you deal with on a daily

basis and put a face to the name and

voice. By the end of the evening, you

have made new friends and formed a

stronger relationship with your under-

writers, which is sure to help you out

with your day-to-day dealings when

you get back to the office.

With brokers attending from all over

the province, from large offices to

small offices and from two months to

ten years experience, the opportunity

to network and find out other brokers

challenges, what’s working for them,

etc… is another great benefit of attend-

ing. You will make some great friends

and when you have a large trucking ac-

count you are quoting for the first time,

you will be able to call your new friend

who specializes in trucking to give you

some tips and advice to help you close

the account. : ; < = > 2 7 4 8 The education portion of the conven-

tion is certainly the most important

aspect of the event. Over the years, we

have had amazing speakers such as

Jennie Moshous (AXA Pacific Insur-

ance), Dianne Brickner (Peace Hills

Insurance) and Scott Tannas (Western

Financial Group). Education session

topics have included “What Drives

Young Insurance Professionals,” tech-

nology and change, political issues and

many more. We’ve also featured ses-

sions designed to motivate and inspire

young brokers to achieve success. Note:

all convention education sessions are

accredited. We try to choose topics that

we know would benefit young brokers

and help you with your day-to-day roles

and advance in your careers. ? 7 @ 7 8 9 A > = 6 2 4 7 8 ; < B 2 5 C A lot of the participants in our con-

vention are individuals who want to

get involved with the PYIB and give

back to the industry that’s given so

much to them. Your participation level

can include helping out with setup and

takedown, working the registration

desk, etc. By helping out and getting

involved, you are able to interact and

learn from the board and executive and

their experiences in the industry and

with the PYIB. We host several events

throughout the year so if anyone wants

to get involved just contact me and I’ll

point you in the right direction.

Page 2: PYIB Convention

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � D

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? 5 1 > 2 1 8 2 1 5 2 > 7 8 ] 1 8 2 And last but not least, the entertain-

ment leaves everyone going away from

the convention with a smile. We’ve

had everything from a hypnotist to a

stand-up comedian and dueling pianos.

The entertainment portion of the eve-

ning creates a comfortable atmosphere

for everyone to let loose, have some fun

and interact with their industry peers.

Hope to see you at the upcoming con-

vention. We love to get feedback from

our members so if you have any ideas,

concerns, suggestions etc., please email

or call us anytime.