Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules 1. What You Need 1/300 or 1/285 or 1/600 models and miniatures; terrain elements; one D6 die and one deviation die (D6 with one arrow on each side) for each player; chits for Disorganized and Suppressed units; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’ x 3’ or 120 x 80cm will suffice for a game involving one to three Battalions each side). 2. Units One base of infantry, artillery or one model represents one platoon or battery. Troops can be Elite, Average or Green. Bases can be 1” or 30mm squares, or whatever other sizes you already have. 1” in the rules represents 100 mt; when playing infantry scenarios, use 1” = 50 mt (i.e. double all distances). 3. Sequence of play Determine before game starts who is Side A and B (by agreement or rolling one die). Each Turn: 1. A moves 2. B fires 3. B moves 4. A fires 5. A and B rally 4. Movement Distances on open ground are: Infantry 2” HMG, Mortars 1” Cavalry 3” Trucks 4” Jeep, Motorcycles, Half-Tracks, Armoured Cars, Fast Armoured Vehicles such as BT- 7, M10 6” Tankettes, Light Tanks and Carriers 5” Medium and Heavy Armoured Vehicles such Pz III- IVs, Valentine, Sherman, M13/40, Semovente 75, T 34s, Panther 4” Slow Armoured Vehicles such as Matilda, Churchill, Tiger I and II, JS-II 3” Halve movement distance on rough ground (woods, hills, buildings etc), double on roads. Trucks, Half-Tracks, Carriers and such can transport one base of infantry, HMG or mortars. Artillery and Anti-tank guns can move only if limbered by a Truck, Half-Track or Carrier. Halve movement distance when mounting / dismounting, or unlimbering / limbering. 5. Fire Fire can be direct (when a unit can see the target) or indirect (artillery only). Friendly or enemy units, and non- open ground, block line of sight. Non-vehicle units or tank destroyers in rough ground, woods or buildings, are visibile only within 5”, unless they already fired in that turn. Tell the other player which unit fires and its target, check the firing range, then roll a D6. Target is hit with a result = 4, 5, 6 - 1 Target over half range - 1 Target in rough ground, buildings or field fortifications - 2 Target in bunkers - 1 Firing unit is Green + 1 Firing unit is Elite Indirect fire is done by artillery batteries that are supposed to be out of the table. Range is unlimited. Hits the target with a 5,6 (all other modifiers apply) otherwise it deviates. Roll one deviation die for direction and one D6 = inches. When a 1 or 2 is rolled to hit, that battery can’t anymore fire for that game. Close combat applies when enemy units are in contact; target unit is automatically hit. A unit in contact with buildings or field defences, is considered in close combat with the nearest unit(s) inside it. 6. Damage If target is hit, firing unit rolls one D6 + Attack Factor, target rolls one D6 + Defence Factor. Compare the results: if equal, no Damage if firing unit scores + 1, target is Disorganized if firing unit scores + 2, target is Suppressed if firing unit scores + 3 or more, target is Destroyed Disorganized units can’t move; they fire with a -1 to hit; if hit and Disorganized again, become Suppressed. Suppressed units can’t move or fire; if hit and Suppressed again, or engaged in close combat, are Destroyed. Destroyed vehicular units (tanks, trucks etc) are left on the table and marked as “burning wrecks”, blocking line of sight. Other units are removed from the table. Transported troops and limbered guns suffer the same damage of their transport. HQs that suffer Disorganized or Suppressed results, make a D6 saving roll (unless in close combat): 4-6 = downgrade 1 level of damage (i.e. ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if Suppressed); subtract to the D6 – 1 if Green, add + 1 if Elite.

Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

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Page 1: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Ru les 1. What You Need 1/300 or 1/285 or 1/600 models and miniatures; terrain elements; one D6 die and one deviation die (D6 with one arrow on each side) for each player; chits for Disorganized and Suppressed units; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’ x 3’ or 120 x 80cm will suffice for a game involving one to three Battalions each side). 2. Uni t s One base of infantry, artillery or one model represents one platoon or battery. Troops can be Elite, Average or Green. Bases can be 1” or 30mm squares, or whatever other sizes you already have. 1” in the rules represents 100 mt; when playing infantry scenarios, use 1” = 50 mt (i.e. double all distances). 3. Sequence of p l ay Determine before game starts who is Side A and B (by agreement or rolling one die). Each Turn: 1. A moves 2. B fires 3. B moves 4. A fires 5. A and B rally 4. Movement Distances on open ground are: Infantry 2” HMG, Mortars 1” Cavalry 3” Trucks 4” Jeep, Motorcycles, Half-Tracks, Armoured Cars, Fast Armoured Vehicles such as BT- 7, M10


Tankettes, Light Tanks and Carriers 5” Medium and Heavy Armoured Vehicles such Pz III-IVs, Valentine, Sherman, M13/40, Semovente 75, T 34s, Panther


Slow Armoured Vehicles such as Matilda, Churchill, Tiger I and II, JS-II


Halve movement distance on rough ground (woods, hills, buildings etc), double on roads. Trucks, Half-Tracks, Carriers and such can transport one base of infantry, HMG or mortars. Artillery and Anti-tank guns can move only if limbered by a Truck, Half-Track or Carrier. Halve movement distance when mounting / dismounting, or unlimbering / limbering. 5. F i re Fire can be direct (when a unit can see the target) or indirect (artillery only). Friendly or enemy units, and non-open ground, block line of sight. Non-vehicle units or tank

destroyers in rough ground, woods or buildings, are visibile only within 5”, unless they already fired in that turn. Tell the other player which unit fires and its target, check the firing range, then roll a D6. Target is hit with a result = 4, 5, 6 - 1 Target over half range - 1 Target in rough ground, buildings or field

fortifications - 2 Target in bunkers - 1 Firing unit is Green + 1 Firing unit is Elite Indirect fire is done by artillery batteries that are supposed to be out of the table. Range is unlimited. Hits the target with a 5,6 (all other modifiers apply) otherwise it deviates. Roll one deviation die for direction and one D6 = inches. When a 1 or 2 is rolled to hit, that battery can’t anymore fire for that game. Close combat applies when enemy units are in contact; target unit is automatically hit. A unit in contact with buildings or field defences, is considered in close combat with the nearest unit(s) inside it. 6. Damage If target is hit, firing unit rolls one D6 + Attack Factor, target rolls one D6 + Defence Factor. Compare the results: • if equal, no Damage • if firing unit scores + 1, target is Disorganized • if firing unit scores + 2, target is Suppressed • if firing unit scores + 3 or more, target is Destroyed Disorganized units can’t move; they fire with a -1 to hit; if hit and Disorganized again, become Suppressed. Suppressed units can’t move or fire; if hit and Suppressed again, or engaged in close combat, are Destroyed. Destroyed vehicular units (tanks, trucks etc) are left on the table and marked as “burning wrecks”, blocking line of sight. Other units are removed from the table. Transported troops and limbered guns suffer the same damage of their transport. HQs that suffer Disorganized or Suppressed results, make a D6 saving roll (unless in close combat): 4-6 = downgrade 1 level of damage (i.e. ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if Suppressed); subtract to the D6 – 1 if Green, add + 1 if Elite.

Page 2: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

7. Ranges Infantry 2” HMG 4” Mortar 10” 20-25mm 3” 37-47mm or 2pdr 4” Long 50mm 8” Short/ Early 75mm, 76mm or 6pdr 10” Later 75mm, 76mm, 85mm,17pdr 12” 88mm, 90mm, 100mm or 122mm 15” Medium Artillery (up to 105mm) or Rocket Launchers


Heavy Artillery 40” Range is measured 360° from the centre of the base, except Artillery, Anti Tank Gun and turretless Armour that have a firing arc of 45° forward. Artillery ranges are for direct fire only. Minimum range for Mortars is 2”, for Rockets is 5”. 8. At tac k Facto rs Unit Vs Soft Vs Armor Infantry 2 1 Infantry with PIAT, Bazooka or Panzerfaust

2 3

HMG 3 0 Mortar 3 1 20mm 2 1 37-47mm or 2pdr 2 2 Long 50mm 2 3 Short 75mm 4 2 Early 75mm or 6pdr 2 4 Later 75mm, 76mm, 85mm, 17pdr

2 5

88mm, 90mm, 100mm or 122mm

2 6

Medium Artllery (up to 105mm) 4 2 Heavy Artillery or Rockets 5 3 Note: subtract -1 to vs. Armour factor for French and Japanese early AT guns. 9. Defence Facto rs Infantry, HMG, Mortars, Unarmored Vehicles 0 Artillery and AT guns 1 Light Armoured Vehicles such as Armoured Cars, Half-Tracks, Tankettes


Light Tanks, Early British Cruiser Tanks, Italian and Japanese Medium Tanks, R35, H39, Pz 35-38t, and also Char B1


Early Medium Tanks such as Pz III, Stug III, Somua S35


Medium-Heavy Tanks such as Sherman, T34, Pz IV Valentine, Cromwell


Heavy Tanks such as Panther, Tiger, Matilda, Churchill, KV 1


Super-Heavy Tanks such as Tiger II, JSII 6 Armoured vehicles halve their Defence Factor (rounded up) if hit from sides or back, or by Indirect Fire.


Side Side

Rear 10. Ra l ly During this phase, both players can try to recover Disorganized or Suppressed units that are within 12” of their HQ unit. Roll a D6 = 5,6 = unit ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if Suppressed. Add + 1 to roll if Elite, - 1 of Green. 11. Mine f i e lds, W i re and Smoke Minefields are represented by 1” square counters. For each “real” minefield counter, one or two “fake” minefield counters are deployed. When a unit enters a minefield, must stop for one turn. Reveal the minefield, if “real” it attacks immediately with Attack Factor = 3, after that it is removed. Engineers and Mine Clearing Tanks are immune to Minefields attacks, but must still stop one turn when they enter them. Wire sections are 1” wide and can’t be crossed by wheeled vehicles such as Trucks, Jeeps or Armoured Cars. Infantry units that enter them must stop and are immediately attacked with Attack Factor = 1. Engineers and all Tracked Vehicles must stop too, but they remove the Wire section. Smoke is treated like Artillery (direct or indirect); place a 1” square Smoke counter in the point of impact, blocking line of sight. Remove the counter after the end of the next Fire phase (in this or next turn). 12. A irc raf ts Players can make a limited number of air attacks during the game. In the Firing phase, place the Aircraft model near the target and roll a D6 = 4,5,6 = hit. All other modifiers apply. In addition, subtract -1 for each AA gun within 6” from the target. Attack Factors are: Fighter Bomber = 2, Dive Bomber or Tank Buster = 3, Bomber = 4. Armoured Vehicles halve (round up) their Defence Factor. 13. Acknow ledgement These ultra-simple rules are based on “MECHANIZED WARFARE RULES” by Andrew Thomas, published by Irregular Miniatures. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 3: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz 8 – 1950/1975 Wargame Rules 1. What You Need 1/300 or 1/285 or 1/600 models and miniatures; terrain elements; one D6 die and one deviation die (a D6 with one arrow on each side) for each player; chits for Disorganized and Suppressed units; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’ x 3’ or 120 x 80cm will suffice for a game involving one to three Battalion each side). 2. Uni t s One base of infantry, artillery or one model represents one platoon or battery. Troops can be Elite, Average or Green. Bases can be 1” or 30mm squares., or whatever other sizes you already have. 1” in the rules represents 100 mt; when playing infantry scenarios, use 1” = 50 mt (i.e. double all distances). 3. Sequence of p l ay Determine before game starts who is Side A and B (by agreement or rolling one die). Each Turn: 1. A moves 2. B fires 3. B moves 4. A fires 5. A e B rally 4. Movement Distances on open ground are: Infantry 2” HMG, Mortars, RCL, ATGW, SAM 1” Trucks 4” Jeep, Land Rover, Motorcycles, Half-Tracks, Armoured Cars, Fast Armoured Vehicles such as AMX 13, BTRs, BMP 1, M113


Fast MBT such as AMX30, Leopard 1, T62 5” MBT or Amphibious Tanks or WW2 Medium Tanks such as M47, M48, M60, T 54/55, PT-76, Sherman, T34/85, Pz IV


Slow MBT or WW2 Heavy Tanks such as Centurion, Chieftain, JS-II or III


Helicopters 18” Halve movement distance* on rough ground (woods, hills, buildings etc), double* on roads (*except Helicopters). Trucks, Half-Tracks, Armoured Personnel Carriers and Transport Helicopters can carry one base of Infantry, HMG, Mortars, RCL, ATGW or SAM. Artillery and Anti-tank guns can move only if limbered by a Truck or Half-Track or other suitable vehicle. Halve movement distance when mounting / dismounting, or unlimbering / limbering. 5. Fi re

Fire can be direct (when a unit can see the target) or indirect (artillery only). Friendly or enemy units, and non-open ground, block line of sight to all ground units. Helicopters can always see and be seen. Non-vehicle units or tank hunters in rough ground, woods or buildings, are visibile only within 5”, unless they already fired in that turn. Tell the other player which unit fires and its target, check the firing range, then roll a D6. Target is hit with a result = 4, 5, 6 - 1 Target over half range - 1 Target in rough ground, buildings or field

fortifications - 2 Target in bunkers - 1 Firing unit is Green + 1 Firing unit is Elite + 1 Firing with ATGW or SAM Indirect fire is done by artillery batteries that are supposed to be out of the table. Range is unlimited. Hits the target with a 5,6 (all other modifiers apply) otherwise it deviates. Roll a deviation die for direction and one D6 = “ When a 1 or 2 is rolled to hit, that battery can’t anymore fire for that game. Close combact applies when enemy units are in contact; target unit is automatically hit. A unit in contact with buildings or field defences, is considered in close combat with the nearest unit(s) inside it. ATGW or SAM teams, and helicopters with Rockets or ATGW, can fire with these weapons only once during the game. 6. Damage If target is hit, firing unit rolls one D6 + Attack Factor, target rolls one D6 + Defence Factor. Compare the results: • if equal, no Damage • if firer scores + 1, target is Disorganized • if firer scores + 2, target is Suppressed • if firer scores + 3 or more, target is Destroyed Disorganized units can’t move; they fire with a -1 to hit; if hit and Disorganized again, become Suppressed. Suppressed units can’t move or fire; if hit and Suppressed again, or engaged in close combat, are Destroyed. Destroyed vehicular units (tanks, trucks etc) are left on the table and marked as “burning wrecks”, blocking line of sight. Other units are removed from the table. HQ that suffer Disorganized and Suppressed results, make a D6 saving roll (unless in close combat): 4-6 = downgrade 1 level of damage (i.e. ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if suppressed); subtract – 1 if Green, add + 1 of Elite.

Page 4: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Helicopters are automatically removed from the game with a Disorganized or Suppressed result from Infantry, HMG, AA guns, or with a simple hit by SAM. Transported troops and limbered guns suffer the same damage of their transport. 7. Ranges Infantry 2” HMG 4” Mortar 10” RCL (= recoiless gun) 106mm 10” ATGW (= anti-tank guided weapon) 30” SAM (= surface to air missile) 40” WW2 45-47mm 5” WW2 75mm or 6pdr 10” WW2 76mm, 85mm or 17 pdr 12” WW2 88mm, 90mm, 122mm 15” Modern up to 57mm 12” Modern 75mm – 90mm - 100mm 15” Modern 105mm or over 18” Medium Artillery (up to 105mm) or Rockets 30” Heavy Artillery 40” Range is measured 360° from the centre of the base, except Artillery, Anti Tank Gun and turretless Armour that have a firing arc of 45° forward. Artillery ranges are for direct fire only. Minimum range for Mortars is 2”, for Rockets, ATGW and SAM is 5”. 8. At tac k Facto rs Unit Vs Soft Vs Armor Infantry 2 3 Infantry with assault rifles 3 3 HMG 3 0 Mortar 3 1 RCL 106mm 2 4 ATGW - 5 WW2 45-47mm 2 2 WW2 75mm or 6pdr 2 3 WW2 76mm, 85mm or 17 pdr 2 4 WW2 88mm, 90mm, 100mm or 122mm

2 5

Modern up to 57mm 2 3 Modern 75mm-76mm 2 4 Modern 90mm-100mm 3 5 Modern 105mm or over 3 6 Medium Artillery (up to 105mm) 4 2 Heavy Artillery or Rockets 5 3 9. Defence Facto rs Infantry, HMG, Mortars, Unarmored Vehicles 0 Artillery and AT guns 1 Light Armoured Vehicles such as Armoured Cars, Half-Tracks, BTRs, BMP1, M113


Light Tanks such as AMX 13 or PT-76 2 WW2 Tanks such as Sherman, T34 or PzIV 3 WW2 Heavy Tanks such as JS-II or III, or early MBT such as M47, M48, T54/55


MBT such as Centurion, M60, T62, Leopard I, AMX 30


Heavy MBT such as Chieftain, Conqueror, T64 6 Helicopters 3 Armoured vehicles halve their Defence Factor (rounded up) if hit from sides or back, or if attacked by Indirect Fire or Helicopters.


Side Side

Rear 10. Ra l ly During this phase, both players can try to recover Disorganized or Suppressed units that are within 12” of one HQ unit. Roll a D6 = 5,6 = unit ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if Suppressed. Add + 1 to roll if Elite, - 1 of Green. 11. Mine f i e lds, W i re and Smoke See WW2 rules. 12. A irc raf ts and He l ic opte rs Players can make a limited number of air attacks during the game. In the Firing phase, place the Aircraft model near the target and roll a D6 = 4.5,6 = hit. All other modifiers apply. In addition, subtract -1 for each AA gun within 6”, or for each SAM team within 40” from the target. Attack Factors are: Ground Attack WW2 = 2, Ground Attack Modern = 3, Bombers = 4. Armoured Vehicles halve (round up) their Defence Factor. Helicopters are instead treated like “soft” ground units, except that they don’t count terrain penalties and can be targeted only by Infantry, HMG, AA guns and SAM. 13. Ac know ledgment These ultra-simple rules are based on “MECHANIZED WARFARE RULES” by Andrew Thomas, published by Irregular Miniatures. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 5: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz 8 – 1975/2010 Wargame Rules 1. W hat You Need 1/300 or 1/285 or 1/600 models and miniatures; terrain elements; one D6 die and one deviation die (a D6 with one arrow on each side) for each player; chits for Disorganized and Suppressed units; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’ x 3’ or 120 x 80cm will suffice for a game involving one to three Bn. each side). 2. Uni t s One base of infantry, artillery or one model represents one platoon or battery. Troops can be Elite, Average or Green. Bases can be 1” or 30mm squares., or whatever other sizes you already have. 1” in the rules represents 100 mt; when playing infantry scenarios, use 1” = 50 mt (i.e. double all distances). 3. Sequence of p l ay Determine before game starts who is Side A and B (by agreement or rolling one die). Each Turn: 6. A moves 7. B fires 8. B moves 9. A fires 10. A e B rally 4. Movement Distances on open ground are: Infantry 2” HMG, Mortars, RCL, ATGW, SAM 1” Trucks 4” 4x4, Armoured Cars, Light Tanks, APCs, AFVs such as BTRs, BMPs, M113, Fv432, Marder, Warrior, Bradley


Fast MBT such as AMX30, T64/72/80, Leopard 1 & 2, M1 Abrams, Leclerc


MBT as M47-48-60, T54-55-62, Merkava, Challenger and amphibious light tanks such as PT76


Slow MBT such as Centurion, Chieftain 3” Helicopters 18” Halve movement distance* on rough ground (woods, hills, buildings etc), double* on roads (*except Helicopters). Trucks, Armoured Personnel Carriers and Transport Helicopters can carry one base of infantry, HMG, mortars, RCL, ATGW or SAM. Artillery and Anti-tank guns can move only if limbered by a Truck or Half-Track or other suitable vehicle. Halve movement distance when mounting / dismounting, or unlimbering / limbering. 5. F i re Fire can be direct (when a unit can see the target) or indirect (artillery only). Friendly or enemy units, and non-open ground, block line of sight to all ground units.

Helicopters can always see and be seen. Non-vehicle units or tank hunters in rough ground, woods or buildings, are visibile only within 5”, unless they already fired in that turn. Tell the other player which unit fires and its target, check the firing range, then roll a D6 Target is hit with a result = 4, 5, 6 - 1 Target over half range - 1 Target in rough ground, buildings or field

fortifications - 2 Target in bunkers - 1 Firing unit is Green + 1 Firing unit is Elite + 1 Firing with ATGW or SAM + 1 Firing with laser range finder and computer fire

control MBT with stabilization system roll 2D6 and count them separately (= they may hit one target twice). Indirect fire is done by artillery batteries that are supposed to be out of the table. Range is unlimited. Hits the target with a 5,6 (all other modifiers apply) otherwise it deviates. Roll a deviation die for direction and one D6 = “ When a 1 or 2 is rolled to hit, that battery can’t anymore fire for that game. Close combact applies when enemy units are in contact; target unit is automatically hit. A unit in contact with buildings or field defences, is considered in close combat with the nearest unit(s) inside it. ATGW or SAM teams, and helicopters with Rockets or ATGW, can fire with these weapons only once during the game. 6. Damage If target is hit, firer rolls one D6 + Attack Factor, target rolls one D6 + Defence Factor. Compare the results: • if equal, no Damage • if firer scores + 1, target is Disorganized • if firer scores + 2, target is Suppressed • if firer scores + 3 or more, target is Destroyed Disorganized units can’t move; they fire with a -1 to hit; if hit and Disorganized again, become Suppressed. Suppressed units can’t move or fire; if hit and Suppressed again, or engaged in close combat, are Destroyed. Destroyed vehicular units (tanks, trucks etc) are left on the table and marked as “burning wrecks”, blocking line of sight. Other units are removed from the table. HQ that suffer Disorganized and Suppressed results, make a D6 saving roll (unless in close combat): 4-6 = downgrade 1 level of damage (i.e. ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if suppressed); subtract – 1 if Green, add + 1 of Elite.

Page 6: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Helicopters are automatically removed from the game whit a Disorganized or Suppressed result from Infantry, HMG, AA guns, or with a simple hit by SAM. Transported troops and limbered guns suffer the same damage of their transport. 7. Ranges Infantry 2” HMG 4” Mortar 10” RCL (= recoiless gun) 106mm 10” ATGW (= anti-tank guided weapon) 30” SAM (= surface to air missile) 40” Guns up to 77mm 12” Guns 84-100mm 15” Guns 105mm or over 18” Medium Artillery (up to 105mm) or Rockets 30” Heavy Artillery 40” Guns with laser range finder increase their range by 50%. Range is measured 360° from the centre of the base, except Artillery, Anti Tank Gun and turretless Armour that have a firing arc of 45° forward. Artillery ranges are for direct fire only. Minimum range for Mortars is 2”, for Rockets, ATGW and SAM is 5”. 8. At ta ck Fact ors Unit Vs Soft Vs Armor Infantry 3 3 HMG 3 0 Mortar 3 1 RCL 106mm 2 4 ATGW - 5 Guns up to 57mm 2 3 Guns 75mm-76mm 2 4 Guns 90mm-100mm 3 5 Guns 105mm or over 3 6 Medium Artillery (up to 105mm) 4 2 Heavy Artillery or Rockets 5 3 9. De fence Facto rs Infantry, HMG, Mortars, Unarmored Vehicles 0 Artillery and AT guns 1 Light Armoured Vehicles such as Armoured Cars, BTRs, BMP1-2, M113 and Light Tanks such as AMX13, PT76, M551, Scorpion


IFV such as Marder 1, Warrior, M2/M3 and BMP3 2 Light 1st Generation MBT such as M47, Leopard 1, AMX30 and improved IFV such M2A2-A3, Marder 1A3


1st Generation MBT such as M48, T54/55/62, Centurion, Leopard 1A1-A4


2nd Generation MBT such as T64-72, Chieftain, 5

Merkava 1 Improved 2nd Generation and early 3rd Generation MBT such as M1 Abrams, T64B, T72A, T80B, Leopard 2, Challenger 1, Merkava 2,


Newer 3rd Generation MBT such as M1A1-A2, Leopard 2A5-2A6, Leclerc, T80U, T90, Challenger2, Merkava 3


Helicopters 3 Vehicles with Defence 1-5 fitted with reactive/applique armor, add + 1 against ATGW and Infantry (exception: tandem warheads and top attack weapons). Armoured vehicles halve their Defence Factor (rounded up) if hit from sides or back, or if attacked by Indirect Fire or Helicopters or top attack weapons.


Side Side

Rear 10. Ral ly During this phase, both players can try to recover Disorganized or Suppressed units that are within 12” of one HQ unit. Roll a D6 = 5,6 = unit ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if Suppressed. Add + 1 to roll if Elite, - 1 of Green. 11. Minef ie lds , W ire and Smoke See WW2 rules; except that units thermal weapon sights ignore Smoke cover effect. 12. A irc raf ts and Hel icopte rs Players can make a limited number of air attacks during the game. In the Firing phase, place the Aircraft model near the target and roll a D6 = 4.5,6 = hit. All other modifiers apply. In addition, subtract -1 for each AA gun within 6”, or for each SAM team within 40” from the target. Attack Factor is 5. Armoured Vehicles halve (round up) their Defence Factor. Helicopters are instead treated like “soft” ground units, except that they don’t count terrain penalties and can be targeted only by Infantry, HMG, AA guns and SAM. 13. Ac know ledgment These ultra-simple rules are based on “MECHANIZED WARFARE RULES” by Andrew Thomas, published by Irregular Miniatures, and developed together with the members of http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/pz8/ Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 7: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz 8 – Sc i-F i Wargame Ru les 1. What You Need 1/300 or 1/285 or 1/600 models and miniatures; terrain elements; one D6 die and one deviation die (a D6 with one arrow on each side) for each player; chits for Disorganized and Suppressed units; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’ x 3’ or 120 x 80cm will suffice for a game involving 10-30 units each side). 2. Uni t s One base of infantry, artillery or one model represents one platoon or battery. Troops can be Elite, Average or Green. Bases can be 1” or 20-30mm squares. or whatever other sizes you already have. Vehicles can be left unbased. 1” represents 100 mt; when playing infantry scenarios, use 1” = 50 mt (i.e. double all distances). 3. Sequence of p l ay Determine before game starts who is Side A and B (by agreement or rolling one die). Each Turn: 1. A moves 2. B fires 3. B moves 4. A fires 5. A e B rally 4. Movement Distances on open ground are: Infantry 2” Motorbikes, 4x4, APC, AFV 6” Light MBT or Hovertank 5” Medium MBT or Hovertank, Walkers 4” Heavy MBT or Hovertank 3” Jet Bikes 12” GEV (Gravity Effect Vehicle) 18” Halve movement distance* on rough ground (hills, woods, buildings etc) double* on roads (* except Hovertanks, Jet Bikes and GEV). Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC), Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV) and transport GEV can transport one base of infantry. Artillery should be limbered by some appropriate vehicle. Halve movement distance when mounting / dismounting, or unlimbering / limbering. 5. F i re Fire can be direct (when a unit can see the target) or indirect (Satellite Artillery only). Friendly or enemy units, and non-open ground, block line to ground units. Walkers and GEV can always see and be seen. Non-vehicle units in rough

ground or buildings, are visibile only within 5”, unless they already fired in that turn. Tell the other player which unit fires and its target, check the firing range, then roll a D6. Target is hit with a result = 4, 5, 6 - 1 Target over half range - 1 Target in rough ground, buildings or field

fortifications - 2 Target in bunkers - 1 Firing unit is Green + 1 Firing unit is Elite + 1 Firing with hi-tech fire control Indirect fire is done by Satellite Artillery that is supposed to be out of the table. Range is unlimited. Hits the target with a 4,5,6 (all other modifiers apply) otherwise it deviates. Roll a deviation die for direction and one D6 = inches. When a 1 or 2 is rolled to hit, that Satellite can’t anymore fire for that game. Attack factor is like “Rockets / Artillery”. Close combat applies when enemy units are in contact; target unit is automatically hit. A unit in contact with buildings or field defences, is considered in close combat with the nearest unit(s) inside it. 6. Damage If target is hit, firer rolls one D6 + Attack Factor, target rolls one D6 + Defence Factor. Compare the results: • if equal, no Damage • if firer scores + 1, target is Disorganized • if firer scores + 2, target is Suppressed • if firer scores + 3 or more, target is Destroyed Disorganized units can’t move; they fire with a -1 to hit; if hit and Disorganized again, become Suppressed. Suppressed units can’t move or fire; if hit and Suppressed again, or engaged in close combat, are Destroyed. Destroyed vehicular units (tanks, trucks etc) are left on the table and marked as “burning wrecks”, blocking line of sight. Other units are removed from the table. GEV are removed from the game with a Disorganized or Suppressed result. Transported units suffer the same damage of their transport. 7. Ranges Infantry 8” Light gun 12” Medium gun 16” Heavy gun 18” Rockets / Artillery 40”

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Range is measured 360° from the centre of the base or model, except turretless vehicles that have a firing arc of 45° forward. Minimum range for Rockets is 5”. 8. At ta ck Fact ors Unit Vs Soft Vs Armor Infantry 3 4 Light gun 3 3 Medium gun 4 5 Heavy gun 4 6 Rockets / Artillery 5 3 9. Defence Facto rs Infantry, Unarmored Vehicles 0 Infantry w/Armor 1 APC, AFV and other Light Armoured Vehicle 1 Light MBT or Hovertank or Walkers 2 Medium MBT or Hovertank or Walkers 3 Heavy MBT or Hovertank or Walkers 4 SKIP (Some Kind of Incredible Protection) 5 GEV 3 Infantry with or without armour, unarmored vehicles and GEV are considered “soft” targets. Armored vehicles halve their Defence Factor (round up) if hit from sides or back, or if attacked by Indirect Fire or GEV.


Side Side

Rear 10. Ra l ly During this phase, both players can try to recover Disorganized or Suppressed units. Roll a D6 = 5,6 = unit ok if Disorganized, Disorganized if Suppressed. Add + 1 to roll if Elite, - 1 of Green. 11. Ground at tack Players can make a limited number of air-to-ground attacks during the game. In the Firing phase, place the model of the ground attack unit near the target, and roll a D6 = 4,5,6 = hit. All other modifiers apply. Attack Factors are: Light Ground Attack = 2, Medium Ground Attack = 3, Heavy Ground Attack = 4. Armoured Vehicles halve (round up) their Defence Factor. GEV are instead treated like “soft” ground units, except that they don’t count terrain penalties and can be targeted only by Light guns and Infantry.

12. Sample Un its Unit Move Range vs Soft vs Armd Def Infantry 2” 8” 3 4 0 Marines 2” 8” 3 4 1 Jet-Bike 12” 8” 3 4 0 4x4 transport 6” - - - 0 APC 6” - - - 1 AFV 6” 12” 3 3 1 MRL 5” 40” 5 3 2 SPG 4” 40” 5 3 3 Light MBT 5” 12” 3 3 2 Medium MBT 4” 16” 4 5 3 Heavy MBT 3” 18” 5 6 4 Light Hovertank 5” 12” 3 3 2 Medium Hovertank 4” 16” 4 5 3 Heavy Hovertank 3” 18” 5 6 4 Light Walker 4” 12” 3 3 2 Medium Walker 4” 16” 4 5 3 Heavy Walker 4” 18” 5 6 4 GEV 12” 12” 3 3 3 X-Heavy MBT 3” 18” 5 6 5 X-Heavy Walker 4” 18” 5 6 5 13. Names and Causes of W ar Gene rato r Roll 1 D6 for: Name of Organizations, Name of Planet, Cause of War and Name of War. ORGANIZATIONS 1 = Cosmic Anarchy 2 = Plutocratic Sphere 3 = Aliens United 4 = Supreme Republic 5 = Communist Theocracy 6 = Global Rebels PLANET 1 = Primae Noctis 2 = Ha-wanna-ganah 3 = 01000101001110 4 = Bob 5 = Paradox 6 = Nova Rizla CAUSE OF WAR 1 = You Stink 2 = War of Religion 3 = Civil War 4 = Conquest of the Planet 5 = Indipendence 6 = They Don’t Remember NAME OF WAR 1 = The 2nd Never Ending War 2 = The One Day Conflict 3 = The Big Skirmish 4 = The Seven Thousand Years War 5 = The War for Nothing 6 = The Great Intestine War 14. Po int System Point Cost is: [ (Attack vs Soft + Attack vs Armour) : 2 ] + Defence + 1 for every inch of movement after 3” + 1 for every inch ot range after 8”. Add a further + 1 for Hi-tech fire control, + 1 if Hovertank or Jet Bike or GEV. Multiply total x 1.5 if Elite, x 0.75 if Green. Examples (from the Sample Units table): Infantry = 3.5 points, Marines = 4.5 points, APC = 4 points, AFV = 11 points, Medium MBT = 16.5 points, Medium Hovertank = 17.5 points, GEV = 20 points. I suggest to roll 1D6 or more = nr of Ground Attack and / or Satellite Artillery available to each player. 14. Ac know ledgment These ultra-simple rules are based on “MECHANIZED WARFARE RULES” by Andrew Thomas, published by Irregular Miniatures. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 9: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz8 - WW2 Div is ional Wargame Ru les 1. What You Need 1/300 or 1/285 or 1/600 or 2mm models and miniatures; terrain elements; one D6 die for each player; many small D6s for Fatigue Points (FPs) and artillery turns of fire; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’ x 3’ or 120 x 80cm will suffice for a game involving 1-3 Divisions for each side). 2. Uni t s One base represents one Battalion (Bn) or Divisional Headquarter (HQ). Troops can be Elite, Average or Green. Bases can be 1” or 30mm squares, or whatever other sizes you already have. 1” in the rules represents 1 Km. 3. Sequence of p l ay Determine before game starts who is Side A and B (by agreement or rolling one die). Each Turn: 1. A moves his units 2. A fires with his Artillery 3. A & B combat (in the order decided by A) 4. A rallies 5-8. Repeat the sequence in reverse order (i.e. B moves, etc.) Each day is 12 turns long, throw one D6 after turn 9, if result is 5-6 = day ends. If you want to continue the battle the next day, roll one D6 to rally all the fatigued units (see 7. Rally) 4. Movement Distances on open ground are: Leg infantry 3” Cavalry 4” Motor infantry 6” Divisional HQ 6” Artillery 6” Slow Tanks 4” Tanks 6” Fast Tanks & Recon 9” Halve movement distance on rough ground (woods, hills, buildings etc), double on roads. 5. F i re Only Artillery can fire at distance, and only to targets spotted by at least one unangaged unit of its own Division. Spotting distance is 9” for Reconnaissance, Artillery and HQ units, 6” for every other unit. These distances are increased by 3” if the spotting unit is over hills; decreased by 3” is the target unit is inside woods or buildings or fortifications. Friendly units or ground features do not block line of sight for spotting and firing. Firing distance is 18”. Roll one D6 = 5,6 = target is hit and takes 1 FP. Add + 1 if artillery is Elite, subtract – 1 if

artillery is Green, - 1 if target is inside fortifications. A natural “6” is always a hit. Each artillery unit can fire for a number of turns during a day, determined by the scenario: for example 3-4 turns, representing assault preparation and fire calls. When artillery units are “out of ammo”, they are automatically destroyed if engaged by enemy in close combat. Use a small D6, face up, to keep track of the FPs / artillery turns of fire as the game goes on. 6. Combat If a unit moves in contact with a enemy unit, must stop and engage in close combat. The two units roll each one D6, and add their Combat Factor, + 1 if inside fortifications. Add +1 if attacker is of superior quality (for example, Average vs Green); subtract -1 if attacker is of lesser quality. If result is the same = no effect If one result is higher, but less than the double = the loser withdraws the difference in inches, and takes one FP. The winner can advance 1”. Fortifications are removed from play. If the withdrawing unit contacts other enemy units, it is destroyed. If one result is the double or more = the loser withdraws 4” and takes 2 FPs. The winner can advance 2”. Fortifications are removed from play. If the withdrawing unit contacts other enemy units, it is destroyed. In addition to these effects = every unit involved in Combat take one FP. A unit is automatically Destroyed when it takes a nr. of FPs = 6 (Heavy and Medium Tanks), 2 (Artillery and HQs), 4 (all other units). A winning unit can be Destroyed as a result of Combat. This means that even if victorious, it spent all his human resources, ammunition, fuel etc. and can not fight anymore. Combat factors Infantry, Cavalry, Engineers, Divisional HQ, Recon 2 Artillery, Light Tanks 3 Medium Tanks 4 Heavy Tanks 5 These are just basic guidelines. Adjust them to reflect the firepower of different historical units; for example, Early War

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tankette Bn can have a Combat Factors = 2, Late War heavy tank Bn can have a Combat Factor = 6, etc. Some units can be considered particularly weak or strong, when fighting vs. tank units. For example, Early War infantry can subtract -1 to Combat Factor, Late War infantry can add + 1, heavy AT guns can add +1, etc. Note that HQs and Artillery can not move voluntarily in contact with enemy units, but can be engaged in Combat. 7. Ra l ly / Supply Roll one D6 for each unit within 12” from its Divisional HQ (9” for Green units) if result = 5,6 remove 1 FP or add 1 turn of fire if artillery (up to the max. for that scenario) Add + 1 to the die roll for Elite units, - 1 for Green units. 8. G round At t acks Players can agree a number of air-to-ground attacks for the battle. A quick method is rolling one D6 = nr of attacks, modified by – 1. + 1 etc, depending on Nation and Theatre, Bombing missions are resolved during the Artillery phase. Design a target and roll one D6 = 4,5,6 = the target is hit (subtract – 1 if inside Fortifications, - 1 if target is HQ) and takes 1 FP. 9. M inef ie ld s Minefield sections are one base wide. Units crossing a Minefield section must stop and roll one D6; if result is 5,6 they take 1 FP. Remove the Minefield if the crossing unit is not Destroyed. Engineers must stop, but clear the Minefield section without taking FP. 10. Fo rt i f ic at ions Fortification sections should be two bases wide, and hold one base of Infantry or Artillery. Each enemy unit in contact with one Fortification section, is considered engaged in Combat with the defending unit. 11. Objec t iv es The gaming table should include some Logistical or Tactical objectives (Deposits, Towns, Bridges, Crossroads etc.). When one Objective is occupied by one enemy unit, subtract – 1 to Rally die rolls of all its friendly units. 12. Sample D iv i s i onal O rgan izat ion (N.A fr ica 1940-43 and Russ ia 1941) Italian Infantry Division 1940 (Poor) HQ, 6 x Infantry, 3 x Artillery

Italian Armoured Brigade 1940 (Poor) HQ, 2 x Light Tanks, 2 x Medium Tanks, 1 x Motor Infantry, 2 x Artillery Indian Infantry Division 1940 (Average) HQ, 1 x Recon, 9 x Infantry, 4 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer German Pz Division 1941 (Elite) HQ, 1 x Recon, 2 x Medium Tank, 3 x Motor Infantry, 3 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer German Leichte Division 1941 (Elite) HQ, 1 x Recon, 2 x Motor Infantry, 2 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer British Armoured Division 1941 (Average) HQ, 2 x Recon, 6 x Medium Tank, 2 x Motor Inf, 4 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer Italian Armoured Division 1942 (Average) HQ, 1 x Recon, 1 x Light Tank, 3 x Medium Tank, 2 x Motor Infantry, 4 x Art, 1 x Engineer US Armoured Division 1943 (Poor) HQ, 1 x Recon, 2 x Light Tank, 4 x Medium Tank, 3 x Motor Infantry, 3 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer German Infantry Division 1941 (Average) HQ, 1 Recon, 9 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 1 Engineer URSS Rifle Division 1941 (Poor) HQ, 9 x Infantry, 3 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer URSS Armoured Division 1941 (Poor) HQ, 1 Recon, 3 Light Tank, 3 Medium Tank, 3 x x Motor Infantry, 2 x Artillery, 1 x Engineer 13. Sample B rigade Organiz at i on ( Sina i 1967) Egyptian Mechanized Brigade (Poor) HQ, 2 x Motor Infantry, 1 x Medium Tank, 2 x Artillery Israeli Armored Brigade (Average) HQ, 1 x Motor Infantry, 2 x Medium Tank, 1 x Artillery 14. Ac kowledgements These ultra-simple rules are inspired by “KISS Rommel” by N.Mackenzie, available from www.freewargamesrules.co.uk. The original rules have been modified in different ways and maybe used for pre WW2 (1920’s onwards) and post WW2 (1950-75) conflicts. This revised version has been discussed and playtested in the Pz8 Yahoogroups. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/pz8/ Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 11: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz8 – 1939/41 Naval Wargame Rules 1. What You Need 1/2400, 1/3000, 1/4800 or 1/6000 models or counters. A playing area divided into 8 zones, representing large sea areas. Feets deploy on the opposite shorter edges and can move only into the 4 zones of their side, i.e. ships can’t cross the central line. Suggested size for 1/3000’s is 100x70cm, divided into 8 zones 12,5 cm deep.

You will also need one D6 die for each player; chits for T (turret) and H (hull) hits; black wool for Crippled ships; white cotton for smoke screens. 2. Sequence of p l ay Determine before each turn who is Side A and B, rolling one D6. 1. A moves 2. B fires 3. B moves 4. A fires 5. A e B repair damage. 3. Movement Ships can move one zone forward or backward. They can be freely placed within a zone, but they must clearly face the central line if moving forward; face their side of the table if moving backward; otherwise, stay parallel to the central line (“broadside”). Ships moving backward can place a smoke screen near them for that turn. 4. F i re Tell the other player which ship fires and its target. Ships don’t block line of sight. Ships protected by a smoke screen can’t fire. Roll one D6 and look at the “to straddle” table. Range (zones) To st radd le 1 2 3 4 18”-14” guns 4,5,6 5,6 5,6 6 12”-8” guns 4,5,6 5,6 6 - 1 if firing ship not broadside - 1 for every T damage to the firing ship - 1 if two or more ships firing at same target

- 1 if target protected by a smoke screen, or at night or bad weather, unless firing ship w/Radar

+ 1 if target ship Crippled 5. Damage If target is straddled, firer rolls D6 + Attack factor, target rolls D6 + Defence factor. If firer scores more, the difference is the nr. of damage inflicted (max 3 damages). Roll a D6 for each hit to determine the damage: 1 = No significant damage 2 = H 3 = T 4 = H 5 = T 6 = Critical damage. In case of Critical damage, roll again: 1 = Crippled 2 = D3 T 3 = D3 H 4 = D3 T 5 = D3 H 6 = Sunk. D3 T and D3 H mean, that you roll a D6 and halve the result (rounded up) = nr. of T or H damages. When H damages are = to ½ Defence factor (rounded up), the ship can’t move from one zone to the other, until it repairs. It can still manouvre into broadside position. When H damages are = to Defence factor, ship is Crippled. Can’t move, fire or be repaired. If it takes another one or more H damages, it sinks. When T damages are equal to = Attack factor, subsequent T damages are counted as H. 6. Repai r At the end of each turn, damaged ships roll one D6. With a result of 5,6 they repair one T or H damage (not both). 7. Sh ip fac t ors Defence factor is calculated adding +1 for each 10.000 t (rounded up or down). Add a further +1 if max. armour > 350mm. To calculate the Attack factor, take the main battery caliber of the ship. 18” guns = 5 16”-15” guns = 4 14”-13” guns = 3 12”- 11” guns = 2 8” guns = 1

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+ 1 to Attack if main battery with more than 8 guns - 1 to Attack if main battery with less than 8 guns 8. A i r ra ids Aircraft carriers are supposed to be out of table (you can display the models if you want). They can launch one air raid for every 10 airplanes embarked. Air raids are launched during the fire phase (max 2 each turn). For each raid, place a counter or a small model near the target. Roll a D6: 1-3 = nr of damages, 4-6 = no effect. Torpedoes inflict H damages, Bombs inflict T damages. Land based planes follow same rules, but enter the table only with a D6 = 5,6. 9. Sample sh ips and scenar io s Denmark Strait – 1941

Def Att Range Hood* (8x15”) 5 4 4 Prince of Wales (10x14”) 5 4 4 * When rolling for Critical Hit, adds + 1

Def Att Range

Bismarck (8x15”) 4 4 4 Prinz Eugen (8x8”) 1 1 3 Cape Matapan – 1941

Def Att Range Barham 3 4 4 (8x15”) Valiant 3 4 4 (8 x 15”) Warspite 3 4 4 (8 x 15”) Formidable 2 x Torpedo Raids

Def Att Range Vittorio Veneto 5 5 4 (9 x15”) Zara, Fiume, Pola Trieste, Trento, Bolzano 1 1 3 (8x8”) Roll 2D6 = nr. of Daylight turns. Subsequent turns = Night. British ships have Radar. 10. So lo rule s a) Take your fleet, the other is the Not Playing Opponent (NPO) b) At the start of each turn roll 1D6 for you and 1 D6 for the NPO, the higher is player A, as for normal rules. c) When the NPO moves, roll 1 D6:

1-2 = withdraw, place smoke screens (during 1st turn = advance) 3-4 = stay, manouvre broadside 5-6 = advance, ( if already adjacent to central line = stay broadside) - 1 to D6 for each NPO's Crippled or Sunk ship + 1 to D6 for each of your Crippled or Sunk ship - 1 to D6 if NPO under Air attack during previous turn Game ends when the NPO withdraws out table, or you have enough! 11. Ru les f or ac t i ons between Bat t l e Cru isers (BC) and L ight Cru ise rs (CL) . Range (zones) To st radd le 1 2 3 4 11”-12” guns 4,5,6 5,6 5,6 6 8”-6” guns 4,5,6 5,6 6 Attack factor: 11”-12” guns = 3 8” guns = 2 5.9” / 6” guns = 1 BC can fire with both Main and Secondary batteries, but only on one target (subtract -1 to hit). Defence factor: Add +1 for every 5000 t (rounded up or down) Torpedoes: Ships have one Torpedo Salvo for each 2 torpedoes. Range is one zone, hit with D6 = 1-3 (that is also the nr. of H damages inflicted). River Plate - 1939

Def Att* Range* Graf Spee 3 2/1 4/3 3 x Torpedo Salvo * Main/ Secondary

Def Att Range Exeter 2 1 3

3 x Torpedo Salvo

Def Att Range Ajax, Achilles 2 1 3 4 x Torpedo Salvo 12. Ac know ledgment These ultra-simple wargaming rules are designed for a quick game, or a campaign, on a small table. The concept of “range bands” derives from “Salvo!” by Minden Games. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 13: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz8 – WW2 Coastal Wargame Ru les 1. W hat y ou need 1/1250 models; one D6 for each player; one deck of playing cards; chits for Activated, Damaged, Wrecked vessels, and for KO guns; torpedo counters; a ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments; a playing area (4’x3’ or 120x80cm will suffice for a game involving 4-8 vessels). If using 1/600 or 1/700 models, double all distances in the rules. 2. N ight v is ib i l i t y Before game starts, roll a D3 x 10” = average visibility for that game. When spotting larger vessels such as Corvettes, Minesweepers, Escorts or large transports = + 5” W.s. smaller vessels such Vosper, MAS, Elco or Higgins PT = - 5” W.s a vessel moving at 5” or 6” of speed = + 5” Patrols and Convoys should follow a determined course (use a white thread to plot it), until at least one vessel spots the enemy. After that, movements of all vessels are free for all the duration of the game. 3. Turn sequence a) Determine the speed of each vessel for that turn (from 0” to 6”, use a D6 face up, remove D6 if speed = 0”); MTB, S-boot, PT and MAS can increase or decrease their speed 1 or 2 levels each turn, other vessels 1 level each turn. b) Draw one card (red = Allied, black = Axis) and activate one vessel at player’s choice. When all vessels are activated, move Torpedoes, then turn ends. To speed things up, you can move all the vessels of a Patrol/Convoy, instead of single models, along their predetermined course, until they spot the enemy. 4. Movement When activated, one vessel can move, than fire; or fire, then move. Vessels can pivot up to 45° for every 1” of straight movement if MTB, S-boot, PT and MAS, 2” if others. The whole movement distance must be expended. 5. Speed (max .) Faster vessels (36-40 knots) such as Vosper MTB, S-Boot, Elco or Higgins PT = 6”. Fast vessels (30-35 knots) such as Fairmile MGB, MAS or T Class Escort = 5” Agile vessels (20-28 knots) such as Fairmile MGB = 4” Slow vessels (16-18 knots) such as Flower or Gabbiano Corvette, Minesweepers or Raumboote = 3” Very Slow vessels (8-12 knots) such as Transports, F-Lighter, MFP, Trawler = 2”

6. F i r i ng Firing vessel must first spot the target. Other vessels do block line of sight. There are 3 class of weapons: 30mm or smaller, 37mm or larger, and Torpedoes. 30mm or smaller calibre, are all grouped into a single Attack Factor, roll one D6 all toghether and fire 360°; halve the Attack Factor (rounded up) if firing +/- 45° Forward or Aft; add + 1 if firing within 2”. Single 37mm or larger guns have a firing arc of +/- 45 Forward, Aft (rear), Port (left) or Starboard (right), depending on their position. Torpedoes have a firing +/- 45° Forward. See rule 10. Roll a D6 for each weapon firing; target is hit with a result = 4-6 if within half range, 5-6 if over half range. - 1 if target speed is 6” + 1 if target speed is 2” or less - 1 if firing vessel speed is 6” 7. Damage When a hit is scored, compare D6+Attack factor of that weapon, less D6 + Defence Factor of the target. 0 or less = no significant damage + 1 = target is Damaged + 2 = target is Wrecked + 3 = target is Sunk Damaged vessels subtract - 2” to their maximum speed (- 1” for Very Slow Vessels) and – 1 to the Attack Factor of their 30mm or smaller calibre. In addition to this, roll one D6 for each gun 37mm or larger: 5,6 = KO. Wrecked vessels subtract a further – 2” to their maximum speed (slower vessels are immobilized) and a further – 2 to the Attack Factor of 30mm or smaller calibre. In addition to this, roll one D6 for each gun 37mm or larger:,4,5,6 = KO. Damaged 2nd time = Wrecked. Wrecked 2nd time = Sunk. 8. At ta ck Fact ors and F i r i ng Ranges 30mm or smaller: +1 for each weapon aboard, range is 4” 37-40 mm or larger: see the table: Weapon Attack Factor Range 2 pdr 2 4” 37-40mm 2 8” 57mm-6 pdr 3 10”

Page 14: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

3” gun 4 12” 88mm 5 12” 4” gun 6 15” 9. De fence Facto rs Vessel type Defence Small MTB such as Vosper, MAS, Elco or Higgins PT


Larger MTB or MGB such as Fairmile, S-Boote, Raumboote or Small Transport


F-lighter, Trawler or Medium Transport 4 Corvette, Minesweeper, T-boot, MFP, Landing Craft or Large Transport


10. To rpedoes When firing a Torpedo, place a counter (I use toothpick points) 3” away from the model, inside the Forward firing arc. This is the minimum range. After all vessels have been activated for that turn, move the Torpedo along a straight line. Max. range is equal to the caliber of the Torpedo (21” or 18”). If the counter crosses a target, roll “to hit” as for other weapons (4,5,6 if within half distance, 5.6 if over). Torpedoes are ineffective vs. Small and Larger MTBs. They automatically sink all other vessels when they hit. 11. Submar ines Submarines are considered Slow Vessels (max speed 3”) with a Defence Factor = 4, armed with Torpedoes and Deck Gun(s). The main difference from other Vessels, is that they can Submerge at the end of their movement, unless Damaged or Wrecked. This is considered an evasive manouver. Remove the model from the gaming table and consider it “out” from the game. (Submarine hunts are not considered in these simple rules). Due to their low profile, when spotting a Submarine, subtract – 5” from the visibility distance and roll one D6: the Submarine is spotted with a result = 5,6 if over half distance; 4,5,6 if within half distance. Submarines are a poor gun platform, so subtract – 1 to their “to hit” D6 when firing with Deck Gun(s). 12. Sample Vesse ls Fairmile D MTB: Def 3, Speed 5” 6pdr (FPS), 6pdr (APS), 2 x 20mm, 2 x 18” Fairmile C MGB: Def 3, Speed 4” 2pdr (FPS), 2 pdr (APS), 2 x 20mm Vosper Mk II MTB: Def 2, Speed 6”

2 x 20mm, 2 x 21” Flower Corvette: Def 5, Speed 3” 4” (FPS), 2pdr (APS), 2 x 20mm S-100: Def 3, Speed 6” 40mm (APS), 2 x 20mm, 2 x 21” Raumboote: Def 3, Speed 3” 37mm (APS), 3 x 20mm MFP (Marine Artillerie-Fahr): Def 5, Speed 2” 88mm (FPS), 88mm (FPS) or (APS), 8 x 20mm MAS: Def 2, Speed 5” 1 x 20mm, 2x18” Gabbiano Corvette: Def 5, Speed 3” 4” (FPS), 6 x 20mm, 2 x 21” Elco 80’ PT Boat: Def 2, Speed 6” 37mm (FPS), 40mm (APS), 1 x 20mm, 4 x 21” Higgins 78’ PT Boat: Def 2, Speed 6” 1 x 20mm,, 4 x 21” Type VII U-Boat: Def 4, Speed 3” 88mm (FPS), 4 x 21” (F), 1 x 21” (A) 13. Ac know ledgement s The starting point for these simple wargaming rules was “Schnell Rules for Schnelboote” by David Manley, that is also a precious source for weapons and data for many different vessels. The concept of one cumulative Attack factor for lesser guns, derives from “Hunters on the Shoreline”, by David Gregory and Haüte Kuck. Both excellent rule sets are freely downloadable from Internet. 14. Turn ing and F i r i ng Arcs




To indicate KO guns, use a small folded strip of paper placed over the model in the appropriate place (for example Bow, Stern or Turret) Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

Page 15: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz8 – Space Wargame Rules 1. What You Need Spaceship models mounted on hexagonal flying bases; a playing surface marked in hexes; chits for Activated, Cloaking and Damaged Spaceships; Torpedo models ot counters; one D6 for each player. 2. Sequence o f p lay At the start of each turn, players roll one D6, the higher has Initative and can activate one of his Spaceships (two if his Spaceships are the double of his opponent, three if they are the triple, and so on). Then the other player activates one of his Spaceships (or two, or three…), until all Spaceships are activated (end of turn). 3. Movement Po ints (MPs) Each activated Spaceship can expend a maximum of six Moviment Points (MPs) to perform the following actions: move forward one hex 1 MP change direction 60° 1 MP The first MP in a turn must be expended to move forward one hex. Each Spaceship must expend at least 2 MPs during its activation. Spaceships can’t be activated more than one time during each turn. Spaceships can’t end their movement in one hex already occupied by another one. 4. Fi r i ng Firing is done after the movement, and before another Spaceship is activated. Spaceships fire straight forward. Spaceships do not block line of sight. Select a target (Spaceship or Torpedo, see par. 5) and roll one D6: Distance 1-3 hex 4-6 hex 7-9 hex D6 to hit 4-6 5-6 6 If the target is hit, the Attacker rolls two D6 (if not Damaged) or one D6 (if Damaged), the Target rolls two D6 (if not Damaged) or one D6 (if Damaged) If the results are equal, no damage occurs. If the Attacker scores + 1 or + 2, the Target is Damaged: immediately reduces its MPs to 3; permanently subtracts -1 to hit; if already Damaged, it’s Destroyed. If the Attacker scores + 3 or more, the Target is Destroyed. In addition, if the Target is not Destroyed, can immediately fire back to the Attacker, but subtracts a further -1 to hit. 5. To rpedoes

Each Spaceship can launch one Torpedo during the game, during its Firing phase. Place a Torpedo counter (use one different colour for each player) inside the hex in front of the Spaceship. Torpedoes move simultaneously at the end of each turn, towards the nearest enemy Spaceship (if two or more are at the same distance, determine randomly which), until they hit a target, or explode. Torpedoes have 6 MPs but they don’t expend MPs to change direction. If they enter one hex occupied by one enemy Spaceship (or one enemy Spaceship moves into one hex occupied by a Torpedo counter), they automatically hit it and attack with 2 D6. When Spaceships fire to Torpedoes, subtract – 1 to their D6 to hit. Torpedoes automatically explode when hit. 6. J ump Instead of expending MPs, a Spaceship can make a Jump (but can’t fire or launch torpedoes during that turn). Select one hex everywhere on the table and move the model there. Name each side of the hex 1-6 clockwise and roll 1 D6 = model direction. Roll 1 D6 = 1, 2 = model deviates x 1 D6 hexes. If one Spaceship ends its Jump in one hex occupied by another Spaceship, they are both destroyed. 7. C loaking After moving with MPs, a Spaceship can Cloak (but can’t fire or launch torpedoes during that turn). Mark the model with a counter; all Spaceship firing at it subtract a further – 1 to hit; Torpedoes still hit a Cloaked Spaceship but attack it only with 1 D6. Remove the Cloaking counter at the beginning of the next turn. Note that a Spaceship that makes a Jump, can not Cloak, and viceversa. 8. Ast ero ids If players agree, they can place some Asteroids on the table, each occupying one hex. At the end of each turn, shift the Asteroids one hex, in a pre-planned direction (place a counter with one arrow into one corner hex). Asteroids can’t be destroyed, do block movement and line of sight, and destroy a Spaceship if they collide with it. If they exit the table from one side, they enter again from the other side. 9. Des igne r Notes There are a lot of spaceship wargaming rules around, but these are really simple (only one page!), ideal for children, a quick beer-and-pretzel game, a big battle with dozens of models, or a campaign. If you don’t have an hex mat, print several times the other side, cut the hex areas and join with adhesive tape. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

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Page 17: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

Pz8 - WW1 Div is ional Wargame Ru les 1. W hat y ou need Each unit is a Battalion of Infantry, or MG / Tank Company, represented by a base with wargaming miniatures (2mm or 6mm are ideal, but you can use whatever scale). Table is divided in squares, with each side = three times the size of a unit. For example, if a unit is a 25x25mm base with 6mm or 2mm miniatures, each square should be 75x75mm. Table size for the scenarios included is 6 x 8 squares, with the shorter sides being the player’s edges. You will also need some D6 for each player; and models (or counters) for Barbed Wire, Trenches, Bunkers and Craters. 2. Game P repa rat ion a) F ie ld De fences Attacker and Defender take turn placing a nr. of Barbed Wire, Trench and Bunker, determined by the game scenario, inside whatever square at their choice, within their half of the table. Players can place max. 2 Field Defences inside a square, including max. 1 Bunker. Some squares can be considered “difficult ground” (wood, town etc.) as determined by the game scenario or by mutual agreement. b) P re l iminary Bombardment Each player has a nr. of Artillery Points (AP), determined by the game scenario. Draw a nr. of small circles over a piece of paper, one for each AP, and cross-check them when they are expended. The Attacker can expend 3 Artillery points for each Preliminary Bombardment (PB) point. He declares the target square(s) and rolls 1 D6 for each PB. 1-3 = damage points; 4-6 = no effect It takes 1 damage point to remove one Barbed Wire, 2 damage points to remove one Trench, 3 damage points to remove one Bunker. If the total damage points exceed the Field Defences removed, that square is considered “difficult terrain” for the game; mark it with a Crater model or counter. c) In i t ia l Dep loyment Defender deploy his units, then Attacker do the same, within their half of the table. One square can hold max. 4 units and

Field Defences. This means that if, for example, a square contains 2 Field Defences, it can hold a max. of 2 units. 4. Sequence of P lay a. The Attacker moves his units, then makes Assaults. b. The Defender moves his units, then makes Assaults. 4. Move Infantry and Tanks can move one square forward, back, left or right (not diagonally). Stormtroopers can move one square in all directions. MG units are static. When a Tank unit moves, roll one D6 = 1 = stuck (can’t move anymore for that game). Tanks can’t move into into “difficult terrain”. 5. Assault a. All units that are inside one square, can Assault all enemy units in another adjacent square (not corner to corner). b. Units in two different squares, can not Assault together a single square. c. When a player wants to make an Assault, adds these factors: + 1 for each Infantry unit + 2 for each Tank unit + 1 if one or more units are Elite - 1 if one or more units are Green Roll 1 D6 for each Artillery Point expended in support: if result = 1-3 = add the result to the total. d) The other player adds these factors: + 1 for each Infantry or MG unit + 2 for each Tank unit + 1 for each Barbed Wire + 2 for each Trench + 3 for each Bunker + 1 if one or more units are Elite - 1 if one or more units are Green +1 if the square is considered “difficult terrain” Roll 1 D3 (i.e. one D6 where 1,2 = 1; 3-4 = 2, 5,6 = 3) for each MG unit, and add the result to the total. Roll 1 D6 for each Artillery point expended in support: if the result is = 1-3 = add the result to the total.

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The total difference is the nr. of units eliminated from the loosing player, in this order: a) Green Infantry b) Average Infantry c) Elite infantry d) MG e) Tanks. In case of a tie, both players remove one unit, in the same order. If all enemy units in one square are eliminated, the other player can move his units inside that square (max 4 including Field Defences). Units add enemy Field Defences factors (except Barbed Wire) if Assaulted inside a square with them. 5. Po ison Gas Players can have a nr. of Poison Gas (PG) points, determined by the scenario, that can be used in support instead of Artillery points (not together). During one Assault, a max of 1 PG point can be used. Roll 1D6 for each Gas point (+ 1 if one or more units are Green, - 1 if one or more units are Elite), and add the result to the total. 6. Ba rbed W i re At the end of each turn, units that did not move or fight, can try to remove Barbed Wire features inside their square. Each Infantry unit remove one Barbed Wire with a D6 = 5-6; - 1 for Green unit, + 1 for Elite unit. Each Tank unit remove automatically one Barbed Wire. 7. A rt i l l er y l ast rounds When a players expends all his AP, roll 1 D6 = nr. of last additional APs he can expend for that game. 8. V ic t ory cond it i ons Game lasts max. 9 turns, after the turn 6 roll 1 D6 = 5,6 = game ends. If the Attacker occupies, with at least one of his units, all the squares in the first row after his half of the table; and there are not enemy units within his half; it is an Indecisive Victory; in the second row, it is a Marginal Victory; in the third row, it is a Decisive Victory. Otherwise, the Defender wins the game.

8. Sample Scena rio : W este rn F ront , 1916 British (Attacker): 24 x Infantry, 1D6 x Tank, 1 D6 x MGs, 48 x AP, 18 x Trenches, 12 x Barbed Wire, 3 x Bunkers German (Defender): 12 x Infantry, 1 D6 x MGs, 24 x AP, 18 x Trenches, 12 x Barbed Wire, 3 x Bunkers, All units are Average. 9. Sample Scena rio : W este rn F ront , 1918 German (attacker): 18 x Infantry, 6 x Stormtroopers, 1D6 x MGs, 36 x AP, 6 x PG, 18 x Trenches, 12 x Barbed Wire, 3 x Bunkers British or French (defender): 12 x Infantry, 1 D6 x MGs, 12 x AP, 18 x Trenches, 12 x Barbed Wire, 3x Bunkers, Infantry units are Average, Stormtroopers are Elite. Germans can subsitute 1-2 Stormtrooper unit with 1-2 Tank unit (Average). 9. Designe r Notes These rules are intended for WW1 Trench Warfare, at Divisional / Corp level. One Division is made of 9-12 Infantry bases, plus MGs and Tanks. Make your own scenarios, experimenting variations of forces and defences, artillery and gas points, planned artillery barrages and arrive of reinforcements during the game. Several scenarios (designed by Pierre Laporte) are available on the Pz8 website. 10. Appendi x - How to make F ie ld Defences Here is a quick method for making a large number of Field Defences counters. Cut some squares from card, mdf or cork tiles (this latter material has already a nice brown texture and can be cut with scissors). Draw a zig-zag brown line for Trenches; a thin, crossed black line for Barbed Wire; glue over a piece of thick grey card for Bunkers.

Cratered terrain can be made using larger squares of the same material(s), painted with irregular brown dots. One even quicker and more aesthetic solution, is to download the free print and play WW1 fortifications (designed by Pierre Laporte) from the Pz8 website. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

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Pz8 – 1935/65 Aer ia l Wargame Ru les (w ith WW1 append ix)

1. What You Need 1/600 or 1/300 aircraft models mounted on hexagonal flying bases; a playing surface marked in hexes; chits for Activated and Damaged aircrafts; one normal D6 and several small D6 for each player. 2. Sequence o f p lay At the start of each turn, players roll one D6, the higher has Initative and can activate one of his aircrafts (two if his aircrafts are the double of his opponents, three if they are the triple, and so on). Then the other player activates one of his aircrafts (or two, or three…), until all aircrafts are activated (end of turn). 3. Movement Po ints (MPs) One activated aircraft can expend his MPs to perform the following actions: Move forward one hex: 1 MP Move forward one hex, dive one altitude level: 1 MP Move forward one hex, climb one altitude level: 2 MPs Slip one hex left or right, dive one altitude level: 2 MPs Move forward one hex, change direction 60°: 2 MPs Move forward one hex, climb one altitude level, change direction 180°(*):

4 MPs

(*) if Biplane aircraftt: 3 MPs Each aircraft must expend at least 1/3 (rounded up) of his MPs during its activation. Aircrafts can’t be activated more than one time during each turn. Aircrafts can’t end their movement on one hex already occupied by another aircraft. Place one small D6 near the flying base to record the current altitude level. 4. Tai l i ng If one aircraft is “tailed” by another enemy aircraft on its rear hex, flying in the same direction, it must be activated before other, non “tailed” aircraft(s). If two or more aircraft are “tailed”, the player can choose which activate first.

In the example, the red aircraft is “tailing” the black. 5. Fi r i ng

Firing is done after the movement, and before another aircraft is activated. Target must be within the firing arc and at the same altitude level, if targeted by frontal (fixed) weapons; at the same on one higher altitude level, if targeted by rear (flexible) weapons; see firing arc diagrams. Aircrafts do not block line of sight. Select a target and roll a D6: Distance 1 hex 2 hex 3 hex 4 hex D6 to hit 4-6 5-6 5-6 6 - 1 if the firing aircraft changed direction 180° during that activation - 1 it the target is one level higher (rear / flexible weapons only) - 1 for Green pilot / gunman + 1 for Veteran pilot / gunman If the target is hit, the Attacker rolls a D6 + Attack Factor, the Target rolls a D6 + Defence Factor. If the results are equal, no damage occurs. If the Attacker scores + 1 or + 2, the Target is Damaged: immediately halves his MPs (round up); permanently subtracts -1 to hit; permanently subtracts – 1 to its maximum altitude (must dive as its next first action, if required). If already Damaged, it’s Destroyed. If the Attacker scores + 3 or more, the Target is Destroyed. In addition, if the Target is not Destroyed, can immediately fire back to the Attacker, but subtracts -1 to hit. 6. Fac to rs MPs = 1 for each 100 Km/h of speed Attack Factor = 1 for single MG, 2 for multiple MGs, 3 for MGs + cannons, 4 for multiple cannons. Defence Factor = 1-3 depending on the strength of structure, speed, manouvrability etc. Altitude = 1 level for each 3.000 mt. 7. Samp le Data CR42 MP 4 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 3 Gladiator MP 4 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 3 Hurricane MP 5 Att 3 Def 2 Alt 3 Spitfire MP 6 Att 3 Def 2 Alt 4 Mosquito MP 6 Att 4 Def 2 Alt 3 Me 109 MP 6 Att 3 Def 2 Alt 3 Bf 110 MP 5 Att 3 (f) 1 (r) Def 2 Alt 3 Ju 87 Stuka MP 4 Att 2 (f) 1 (r) Def 2 Alt 2 Yak 9 MP 6 Att 3 Def 2 Alt 3 Il-2 Shturmovik MP 4 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 2 A6M Zero MP 5 Att 3 Def 2 Alt 3 F4U Corsair MP 7 Att 3 Def 2 Alt 4

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P51 Mustang MP 6 Att 2 Def 2 Alt 4 Me262 MP 8 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 4 Meteor MP 9 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 4 Mig 15 MP 10 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 F-86 Sabre MP 11 Att 3 Def 3 Alt 5 8. F ir i ng Arc s ( Fronta l and Rear)

Frontal FiringArc

Rear FiringArc

9. G round At t acks Ground Attacks can be done instead of firing, when one aircraft ends its movement in one hex adjacent to a Target. Select type of attack: Bomb(s) / Rockets (once in a game) or Strafing. Roll 1 D6 – Alt Level, - 1 if the aircraft expended more than 3 MPs in that turn. Exception: Dive bombers must attack from their max Alt Level, and simply roll 1D6 -1. Target is Destroyed with a result = 3-5 if using Rockets, 4-5 if using Bomb(s), 5 if Strafing. If the D6 roll = unmodified 1, the Aircraft is Destroyed by AA fire. Aircrafts carrying Bombs or Rockets subtract - 1 from their MPs and max. Altitude and can’t change direction 180°, until they deliver them. 10. Campaign Ru les Players take one Squadron of pilots, that can be “Green” “Average” or “Veteran”. Each pilot has a fighter plane. The campaign is a series of short battles (6 turns on a 22x28 hexes board) with the objective of shooting down the enemy fighters. When a fighter is destroyed, roll one D6 for the pilot: with a 5-6 he survives and returns to the next battle, with other results he is injured / killed / captured and must be substituted by a new pilot (Green). Pilot that kill enemy planes during a game, gain one level of experience in the next encounter (i.e. they become “Average” if “Green”, “Veteran” if “Average”;). Damaged

planes can exit the table, but can’t return back for that game. Deploy one Squadron first, all planes in adjacent hexes, touching one side of the board, around the centre of that side. Then roll another D6 to see where the other Squadron comes from (1-2 = left, 3-4 = front, 5-6 = right, around the centre too). Roll one D6 for the Altitude of each Squadron. If the result exceeds the max. Altitude allowed, use the max. Altitude (i.e. if one plane has a max. Altitude of 3, and the D6 = 4, it will start at Altitude 3). Victory conditions: kill the higher number of fighter planes, after 3 games. In case of a tie, count the number of “Veteran” pilots. 11. So lo Rules Each plane of the solo player and of the NPO (“non playing opponent”) is indicated by a playing card (example: A,K,Q,J of Hearts for the plater, A,K,Q,J of spades for the NPO). At the start of each turn, draw one card = plane activated, then another one and so on, until all planes are activated. When a plane is killed, remove its card. Shuffle the cards at the start of next turn. Ignore “Tailing” rule. 12. WW1 Append ix For WW1 games, use the above rules with these modifications. Factors: 1 MP for each 50 Km/h of speed; Altitude = 1 level for each 1500 mt. Movement Points: move forward one hex, change direction 120° = 3MPs. Firing: when rolling one unmodified D6 = 1, machine guns jam (no fire). To unjam, roll one D6 = 5,6 next activation(s). Sample Data: Sopwith Camel MP 3 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 3 RE8 MP3 Att 1 (f) 2 (r ) Def 2 Alt 2 SE5a MP 4 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 3 Fokker DR1 MP 3 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 3 Fokker DVII MP 3 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 4 Albatros D.III MP3 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 3 SPAD 7 MP4 Att 1 Def 1 Alt 3 Nieuport 27 MP 3 Att 1 Def 1 Alt 3 Aviatik D.I MP 3 Att 2 Def 1 Alt 4 13. Designe r Notes These ultra-simple rules are intended for a very quick game or a campaign between fighters, fighter bombers and dive bombers squadrons. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

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Pz8 – 1965-75 Aer ia l Wargame Ru les 1. W hat You Need 1/600 or 1/300 aircraft models mounted on hexagonal flying bases; a playing surface marked in hexes; chits for Activated and Damaged aircrafts; one normal D6 and some small D6 for each player. You need also a system to keep track of missiles availiable to each aircraft (counters or a roster sheet). 2. Sequence of p l ay At the start of each turn, players roll one D6, the higher has Initative and can activate one of his aircrafts (two if his aircrafts are the double of his opponents, three if they are the triple, and so on). Then the other player activates one of his aircrafts (or two, or three…), until all aircrafts are activated (end of turn). 3. Movement Points (MPs) One activated aircraft can expend his MPs to perform the following actions: Move forward one hex: 1 MP Move forward one hex, dive one altitude level: 1 MP Move forward one hex, climb one altitude level: 2 MPs Slip one hex left or right, dive one altitude level: 2 MPs Move forward one hex, change direction 60°: 1 MPs Move forward one hex, climb one altitude level, change direction 180°:

3 MPs

Each aircraft must expend at least 1/3 (rounded up) of its MPs during its activation. Aircrafts can’t be activated more than one time during each turn. Aircrafts can’t end their movement on one hex already occupied by another aircraft. Place one small D6 near the flying base to record the current altitude level. 4. Ta i l i ng If one aircraft is “tailed” by another enemy aircraft on its rear hex, flying in the same direction, it must be activated before other, non “tailed” aircraft(s). If two or more aircraft are “tailed”, the player can choose which activate first.

In the example, the red aircraft is “tailing” the black. 5. F i r i ng Firing is done after the movement (with cannon or missiles, not both) and before another aircraft is activated. Aircrafts do not block line of sight. Cannons have a range of 2 hex. HS (Heat Seeking) Missiles have a min. range of 4 hex and a max. range of 12 hex. RH (Radar Homing) Missiles have a min. range of 7 hex and a max. range of 24 hex. a) Cannon

Select a target inside the firing arc ( red hexes ) and at same altitude level, and roll a D6: Distance 1 hex 2 hex D6 to hit 4-6 5-6 - 1 if the firing aircraft changed direction 180° during that activation - 1 for Green pilot + 1 for Veteran pilot If the target is hit, the Attacker rolls one D6 + Attack Factor, the Target rolls one D6 + Defence Factor. If the results are equal, no damage occurs. If the Attacker scores + 1 or + 2, the Target is Damaged: immediately halves his MPs (round up); permanently subtracts -1 to hit w/cannons; permanently subtracts – 1 to its maximum altitude (must dive as its next first action, if required). If already Damaged, it’s Destroyed. If the Attacker scores + 3 or more, the Target is Destroyed.

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In addition, if the Target is not Destroyed, can immediately fire back to the Attacker, but subtracts -1 to hit. b) (HS) Missiles

Select a target inside the firing arc ( red hexes ), at the same altitude level, and flying in the same direction; roll one D6 + /- the following factors: For each missile fired + 1 NATO/Israeli: + 1 3rd World: - 1 Flying at Alt 1 - 1 1st generation missiles - 1 Target aircraft rolls 1 D6 +/- the following factors: Aircraft with more than 4 MPs: + 2 Veteran pilot: + 1 Green pilot: - 1 Compare the results: If shooting aircraft wins, the missile(s) hit and destroy the target. c) (RH) Missiles

Select a target inside the firing arc (red hexes); at the same altitude level; and roll 1D6 + /- the following factors: For each missile: fired + 1 NATO/Israeli: + 1 3rd World: - 1 Flying at Alt 1 - 1 1st generation missiles - 1 Target over 12 hex - 1 Target aircraft rolls 1 D6 +/+ the following factors: Aircraft with more than 4 MPs: + 1 Veteran pilot: + 1 Green pilot: - 1 Compare the results: If shooting aircraft wins, the missile(s) hit and destroy the target.

6. Fac t ors MPs = 1 for each 300 Km/h of speed Attack Factor = 4 for multiple cannons Defence Factor = 3 Altitude = 1 level for each 3.000 mt. 7. Sample Data Mig 19 MP 4 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 4 x HS Missiles Mig 21 MP 7 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 2 x HS Missiles F 100 MP 4 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5

4 x HS Missiles F 104 MP 7 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 2 x HS Missiles F4E Phantom MP 7 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 6 0-4 x RH Missiles, 0-4 x HS Missiles F5 MP 6 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 4 x RH Missiles A4 Skyhawk MP 3 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 4 4 x HS Missiles Super Mystere MP 4 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 2 x HS Missiles Mirage III MP 7 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 5 2 x HS Missiles Saab 35 Draken MP 7 Att 4 Def 3 Alt 6 4 x HS Missiles 8. So lo ru le s Each plane of the solo player and of the NPO (“non playing opponent”) is indicated by a playing card (example: A,K,Q,J of Hearts for the plater, A,K,Q,J of spades for the NPO). At the start of each turn, draw one card = plane activated, then another one and so on, until all planes are activated. When a plane is killed, remove its card. Shuffle the cards at the start of next turn. Ignore “Tailing” rule. 9. Des igne r Notes These ultra-simple rules are intended for a very quick dogfight game or a campaign between fighter squadrons. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com

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Pz8 - Co lon ia l Wargame Ru les 1. W hat y ou need 6mm-28mm miniatures, individually based. 6mm-10mm figures can be also based in groups of 2-3 miniatures, each considered as a single miniature for the game. You will also need terrain elements. A ruler marked in inches or 25mm segments. Several six sided dice (D6). A deck of playing cards. Note: distances in the rules are for 15mm miniatures, you can double them for 28mm or count 1” = 1 cm for 6mm-10mm. 2. Uni t ac t iv at ion A Unit is made of 6-12 men or one Machine Gun/ Artillery + Crew (European); 8-24 men (up to 50% with firearms) or one Artillery + crew (Native). Draw one card from the deck and activate one unit, depending on the card colour: Red = European, Black = Native. One activated Foot or Mounted unit can Move / Fire or Charge. Move =Foot 6”, Mounted 12” (on bad ground 1D6” Infantry, 2 D6” Mounted) then can Fire or move another 1D6”; units must keep cohesion (all figures within 2” from another). Fire = 1 D6 x figure = 5,6 = hit (6 over half range except Revolver and Spear.) Range is = 24” European rifle, 16” Native rifle or Carbine, 12” Musket, 9” Revolver or Bow, 6” Spear +1 Aimed fire (must be stationary; n.a. to Spear, MG

and Artillery) + 1 Veterans - 1 Green - 1 Target in bad ground or cover - 1 Musket or Spear If needing a score more than 6, then half the number of dice, rounding up, rolling to hit on a 6. When a figure is hit is eliminated, except Officer / Chief / NCO / Religious Leader that make a saving roll. If D6 = 4-6 they ignore hit (5-6 for NCO / Religious Leader). To speed playing, roll together the D6 for the figures that are firing. The opponent chooses which figures are hit.

If a Native with firearm is eliminated, another Native figure armed wit sword / spear within 2” can take its place, if the owning player wants. Charge (must end movement in contact with enemy) = infantry 9” / cavalry 18” (6” / 12” in bad ground) Fanatic units must Charge if they are activated within Charge distance. Charged unit can move and match its figures too, up to ½ of normal movement allowance. Each figure in contact rolls 1D6, winner eliminates loser if score is 2+ difference: - 1 Green + 1 Veteran or Fanatic + 1 Using Shield, Revolver or cavalry Lance + 2 Cavalry - 1 MG/Artillery Crew or Native with firearms

+ 1 Defending a hill, a builiding of a field fortification Tie or difference of 1 = both figures recoil 2” Winning cavalry can engage in combat another enemy on their path and so on, within their initial Charge distance. Mounted troops can not charge into buildings, woods or fortifications. 3. Machine Gun Needs two crew, move 6”, takes one activation to pack / unpack. Fire = 12 x Rife. If two or more D6 = 1 it jams. To unjam next activation(s) roll D6 = 5,6. 4. A rt i l l er y Needs four crew, move 6,” takes one activation to limber / unlimber or pack/unpack. Shell range is unlimited, canister range is 12”. Takes one activation to reload + another activation for each crew missing (min. 2 crew are needed). Shell: estimate the distance and place one impact marker on that point. Each figure within 2” (light gun) or 3” (medium gun) makes a saving roll D6 = 4,5,6 if in cover, 5-6 if in open, otherwise = hit. Canister = roll 12 x D6 (medium gun) or 8 x D6 (light gun), hits with 5,6. 5. Mount i ng / D i smount ing European / Colonial Cavalry must dismount to fire. Use an Action to Dismount or Mount. If armed with revolvers, then can fire these while mounted. Native Cavalry with firearms (including Boers) can Fire while

Page 24: Pz8 - WW2 Wargame Rules

mounted, but subtract -1 to hit. They can shoot with Bows and Spears as normal. 6. Came l ry Camels move 9”/ charge 12” on good or bad ground. European / Colonial Camelry are as Cavalry for Firing; in melee, they don’t get the Cavalry + 2 modifier and the “carry on” rule. Native Camelry are as Cavalry for Firing; in melee, they get the + 2 Cavalry modifier but not the “carry on” rule. 7. Mora le When one unit is reduced to 50% (by excess) and is activated, roll 1D6 = 1-3 = routs (Charge movement towards its side of the table). + 1 Veterans or Fanatic - 1 Green, + 1 Officer / Chief / NCO / Religious Leader present. Repeat test every time it is activated. If exits the table, can not come back. 8. So lo rul es The solo player takes the Europeans. When a Native unit is activated roll one D6: 1 = Aimed Fire if in range, otherwise act as 2,3 2, 3 = Move and Fire 4-5 = Move and add 1D6 “ 6 = does nothing Native units within Charge distance, always Charge. Native units that suffer 50% casualties test as usual; if pass, roll again and see the above table. 9. Random Unit Rat i ng (opt iona l) Roll 1D6 per unit and see the table: European Regula rs Score 1 = Green, 2-4 = Average, 5,6=Veteran. Co lonia l Regula rs Score 1-2 = Green, 3-5 = Average, 6=Veteran. Zulu Score 1 = Green, 2-4 = Average, 5,6=Fanatic. Pathan Score 1-2 = Green, 3-4=Average, 5-6=Fanatic Derv ish Score 1 = Green, 2-5 = Average, 6 = Fanatic Fuzzy W uzzy Score 1-4 = Average, 5-6 = Fanatic

Aby ss ini an Score 1-3 = Green, 4-5 = Average, 6 = Fanatic Boe r Score 1 = Green, 2-5 = Average, 6 = Veteran Boxer Score 1=Green, 2-4= Average, 5,6=Fanatic 10. Nat ive Sn ipers (opt iona l) The Native force has 1D6 = Snipers that are individually activated. They can target any figure in Line of Sight upto 24" range; to Hit = 5,6 if target in the open, 6 if in cover (no modifiers to these rolls). 11. Unexpected Events (opt iona l) When a Joker is drawn, that player (Red = European, Black = Native) in addition of activating one of his units, can choose one of the following Events, that immediately apply. Sho rt on Mun it ions: one enemy Unit fires with -1 for the rest of the game. Panic : one enemy unit routs, until it passes a Morale test. Re info rc ements: all the killed figures of one Unit form a new Unit, deploying on the player’s table edge. St ray Bu l l et : one enemy Officer/NCO/Chief/Religiuos Leader is killed (no saving throw). Ra l ly : one unit that is routing, automatically recovers. Stand Fast : one unit is immune to all Morale tests for the rest of the Game. Before drawing another card, shuffle the deck. Players can add other Events to the list, based on the scenario or using their imagination. 12. Nat ive Ac t ivat ion (opt iona l) When a Black K,Q,J is drawn, the Native player can activate 2 units. This reflect their familiarity with the ground to be fought on. 13. Designe r Notes Very simple rules with “classic” concepts for Colonial Wargames, like card activation or sight estimation of distance. Nothing serious but a light hearted game! Many thanks to Terry Pilling that helped with several wise amendments and good ideas. Last edited – January 2012 http://panzer8.weebly.com