THE ADVERTISER. 11. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1857. S. JI. Paevis, Gpncral Advertising Agent, in rear of New York, ladies and Children's Shoe Store, BO West Fourth Street, Cinaunati. Visscher, Owes is. Ca., Xo. 316 and 343, Broadway, New Turk. . Andrew Wisd, American, Canadian and European Advertising and Subscription Otnec, No. 133, Nassau .Now York. W. S. Swtmmer, No. 43 Chcstmfl street, St. Louis. It. F. McLcng, Troy, Ohio. Dr. II. H. Da est, Tippecanoe, Ohio. V C.- - Hunger, CovingUm, Ky. . A . 1' Kirk, Archer, Nebraska. It. W. Peter, Oregon, Mo. DlLLOX & llAWK, Kck Port, M.. . Hides & White, Nebraska City, X T. Dn. AI. T. Tate. Linden, Mo. "T. J. Barxcm, Three Grove, Vre authorized Agents to solicit Subscriptions and Ad- vertisements fr the Advertiser, aud receieve and re- - 'eijt for monies therefor. Peritou resident in this Territory, coining from various rtioiis of the States, often suggest to us the names of . ia their old neighborhoods, who would doubtless beo.iiie subscribers if tl cy could sec a copy of the "Ad- vertiser." We always ond a specimen copy, atnl persons receiving, will consider it a solicitation to become a regu- lar subscriber. I Postmasters and others, feeling sufficient interest to rtake tip a club, can reUin the usual per cent for their trouble. Warrants and Nemaha County Orders drawing interest will be taken at par in payment lor n:ebteduess to this Office. 2 notified at the close of the Volume to dis-c- .n iuuo the "Advertiser," we shall take it for granted th.-t- t subscribers wish their paper continued, aud shall accordingly coiitiuue to send as heretofore. 3 ZSTThe "Nebraska Advertiser" having tmach the largest circulation of any paper in the Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St. Louis, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Eastern markets where Nebraska merchants purchase, will find no better advertising medium in the 'Western cou- ntry..: l'OR DELEGATE TO COXGRESS, of COL- - B. P. RANKIN, Of Sarpy County. 7EEZLY EEVIEV. The lonsr looked for come at last ! The Washington Union of the 21th ult. an- nounces the appointment of Col. Cumming to the Governorship of Utah. He is said to be a man of tried integrity, having had ' a large experience in frontier life, and possessing courage allied with prudence, energy combined with a conciliatory na-iur- e. Nothing less, indeed, than these requisites, is necessary to the man under- taking to perform the service expected of him under the present circumstances. The follqjving, we clip from the semi official organ of the administration, shows that his responsibilities are more numer- ous than it is generally supposed : ' Among the difficulties to be encoun- tered in Utah, it may be incidentally men- tioned that Brijham Youn? claims a title to till the lands in the Territory, and has never recognized the Umted, States sur-vey- s. None of his followers have pur- - 1 Vl !- -.) 1 .L d iiasvu lanus in accoruance wun our laws. Hence, one of the delicate duties of the federal courts of that Territory, will be to establish and maintain the rights of those who may hereafter purchase in accordance with our laws. Not an individual in all Utah now holds a foot of land the title of which . is derived from the United States, 1. 1 11 1 .I ana u lonows, under mis strange condition ttl things, that all parts of the Territory are at the present time open to pre-emp-tio- n. ' To aid. Col. Cummin? in the accom-ylishme- nt of his arduous task, the govern- ment has placed at his disposal and under his direct command a body of troops, num- bering 2,500 men, who are presently to be' concentrated at Fort Leavenworth. It is possible, however, that resort to force ' will not be necessary to compel obedience to'the federal authorities in Utah, for, while Brigham. Young organizes the Mormon militia, late reports state that dissensions have arisen amon? the saints. The San Francisco Bulletin says : " The news from Utah is important. The little nation built up by the energies engendered by superstition, ambition and elf interest, is divided against itself.- - It iuust shortly fall. All are not saints who are in Utah. There are 6,000 'apostates' at Salt- - Lake, its principal city. They are proscribed and persecuted. They are un der the ban of the church. Neither their lives- - or their property are protected. Their wives and their children and the things that in other nations are held sa cred, they hold by a tenure which is lim ited by the caprice of a besotted priest hood. 'Destroying Angels, paid and t authorized assassins, are the ministers of the justice there meted out. All are transgressors who venture to doubt the inspiration which commands a robbery or dictates v murder. Force and fear are . the only bands which hold its people long er together. JLmigration is forbid len. lie who would fly their accursed rule mus . leave behind his wife and children Neither is his properly under his control nor can he take it with him. The fruits iif his own industry are liable to be taken from him.- - If he attempts to withhold . llllTlit Ui3 AUV UJU 1 J "V iVii.iU . If the foregointps a true representation -- of the state of things at Salt. Lake, it is obvious that all the oppressed of mormon jpriesthood will accept with joy the iuter- - fnrntirp- - nf Cnl PnmminT nnd rnnriir with Lira in the establishment of the reign of "hw and order" in that Territory. Mr. Bowlin, our minister in NewGre- -' nada, is shortly expected at Washington. More 'than ever an amicable adjustment ' of our difficulties with that republic may be confidently anticipated. We have literally nothing from Europe ' w orthy of record. ' We rlosc the present review by clipping from the New York Herald a few lines expo-viiig- , better than we could, a plan dcMvned for a renewal of the political ," commotions which have so long disturbed : one of our tistcr republics: "The combination that is on foot be- - trprn Tlnme. Stiain and England to re- - place Santa Anni in power in Mexico, is ci.e cf the most important movements now transpiring on this continent. It is not t imply a Etruigle of the wily ex-Dicta- t Hzc r.iin the sweets cf power and of ? noil, but he has fchrewdly endeavored 'to juiiVc hiins If nt tlieh'.iid of a great .'011- - fVtfWrn-rvr-mnl- l ovpr Scanish-- 1 America between the Pope and the Rom-- ish Church on one side, and the liberal gltaon t"r.f S S! j i iintish ileet, in pursuit oi nis om emmera 1 1 I mat ne must oppose American process ana tne inuuence or iimencan iaeas, oe-- 1 i i i ! .1 x . uaus xie ut-jie- t t-- s uiey are utjiuomsut; iu .... assistance to sustain his administration and the establishment of liberal reforms and civil order in Mexico, against the as- - sault of this imhojy alliance, the true po- - ncy or our government, and tne natural instincts of our people, will readily afford him all he may require. The principles involved in the conflict are too great, and ed for a single mnment. Th nfTnr nf Mexico to throw off the incubus of church monopoly end intestine revolution, and to establish a firm rule that shall equally protect the rights of all, command the FJ1?- - wen yjL iuc luiwuiiaiii uCillS mill IllilV I nrinrr from thic A nrrlnTTicnar-iT- ? nmich viu A. AJQ A Al. '1A II V XCAA1A OX & alliance, let the politicians prepare for a call irom Mexico lor assistance, and aii ' extra session of Congress. " CONGRESSIONAL CONTENTION. The people of Xemaha county, x. t., are invited to meet at Brownville, on the Ilthof July, at 10 o'clock; to . select Delegates to represent their County in the proposed STSySSSrTS the Territorial Capital; of stopping further appropri- - ations by Congress, to complete The Public Building?. uutil the People can lc heard fairly; of the copitol tome place ia the Interior, by commissioners and opxsel to the clique who seek ta thwart their sovereign will. Theratiiof Keprc cntativcs will le equal to both branches or the Lcgifclat ure. Come one I come all ! ! let this our in jtto be, V'nion, Concert and Victory 1 MAXX C1TIZEXS. June 30th, 1S50. The above document was posted through this County pretty thoroughly last week, by a rrcntlcman . not a rest- - Q I acne vj mi wimy. y c learn, too, from rolinblp sntlrihr fi.of r v :.i r .1 t 11 i. Faiu lur u uuTO uy a smau clique oi six residents of Nebraska City, five of 1 f i rr rrt nom arc uspiranis ior omce. me trick wouldn't work iii this County people were too sharp. We've our own way of attending to our own businessinNemaha,andwhenweneed assistance will let our distant neighbors know. CONVENTION. a amass meeting or nie ciiiien or Juhnson county, therefor, r.D. Allen, Ei , wasthohen Chairman, and Dr. c. a then, secretary. . Alter tne oojeoi of the meeting was stated by C. A. Goshen, it was voted to elect one delegate to represent us in the Congressional Convention to be held at Bellevue July 14th, 1S57; aud that J. Blake Haycn, Ksq., be that delegate; and that he be instructed to vote for the Hon C. F. Holly, of Nebraska City, as our first choice for dele gate to the next t jngresg of the United State; but to exercise his discretion in relation to all other candidates. That the proceedings of this meeiing be published in tho eirasKi a vertiser ana the Net.raka News. The Convejation adjourned sine die. I E. D. ALLEN', Chairman C. A. Oosnrs, Sec'y. By special request we give place to he above. U c are sorry to see that our Johnson County neighbors have been caught in thc trap made at Belle- - vucand set by a few Nebraska Citv and that friend Holly has been used as a bait. Now, how- - ever much we might desire to support and see elected C. F. Holly, it re- - quires no particular keenness of oh- - serration to see and know that there i is no possible chance, especially at this late day, for his election ; nor is there any possible chance to secure a Conventional action in regard to a Dele gate to Congress. The election is entirely too close at hand, and well the concoctors of this Bellevue Convention knew this. It is merely a trick a fire brand as it were, thrown into the race to produce confusion and division "Drowning men catching at straws," and the mass of the people easily see it. We arc sorry that a few good, well mean ing mcn are drawn into tho game. We are auite sure thev will rerret it. i v o 7 whon it U too latP fnr tUIr pemapS -- ..I goou I THE CELEBBATI0N AT NEMAHA CITY. rri. Tt. 4.: t. l jluu ceiuuiuuua uu uiu im nt, our sister town Nemaha City was a grand .... affair we say without hesitation it was the most magnificent affair of the L-i- PPVPrnttrndod. Tho tnUo iwas four hundred feet long, and perfectly groaned beneath the weight of eatables placed thereon. There were over two thousand persons present, and after all werc abundantly fed, there was yet "enourrh and to snare." There was a grand" attendance of the fair se- x- Nebraska Belles. We heard one gen- - tlcman. who has "traveled" thousands of miles, remark that there were "more pretty ladies present than he ever saw in all his life before.', Thc citizens of Nemaha City destrvc great credit for the manner in which their celebration was gotten up and carried out especially is credit due Dr. McComas and others who took upon their shoulders the labor attcn- - dant upon such occasions. As above stated the attendance was very large. Assembled in the new Hotel building of Mr. IIiatt the ex- - crcises were as announced last week, The Brownville Choir composed of Mr. and Mrs. TiiURCVR 0. F. and II. W. Lake, and Mr. Bennett, did them- - selves great credit on the occasion. They have but few cqus and no su- - pcriors as vocalists. Thc oration by Mr. Holmes was a happy effort. He lar aid himself, the Citv. and occasion an G.W.Nixo.,andU.C.JonLx,Esq:, of this City, both of whom entertained eablo I Next after the above exer- - iviinn ttijitiv iiir Jin i ui ur tnu ui w , . r . . .v.iu Afl T n OTTl CP I VPS 1 71 I rl rilllll?r lllC IIUIIU l vv -"- v-i""" rr o . - lantastic toe. in mu evcuiug an ... , hands adjourned to lrownville,wnere the merrv dance was kept up until the "wee hours of nicbt." In short ano- - ther "4th ofJul v" that remembrancer f h times tricd mcn bascome , , , buuc' -- '1J' "v.v rb,,v ably as on the occasion iust passed. , ... . Co Rantin. On Tuesday last this gentleman ad-- dressed a very large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Nemaha county assembled in this city. His speech was t0 the point, eloquent and impressive, and the cheers amid which he retired spoke I JnilfllV. find tO Dft Understood mat ne IS tne J 7 " I man for the squatters of Nebraska. He ..n v c.v pi0( 'Will can IA1C UUUUl uuc tuuuuv LV Ull I iI ovehelmmg majority; and is sure too Jmeeting was addressed by Gov. Cum-o- f being the next Delegate in Congress and MLG Judge Furgusox, who briefly irom AeDrash.a. juanc mai, ye conven- - . '3 e I "Oil COllCOCtors, ana agitators or issues ana irns fraught with destruction and ruin to tv,' Tprritnrv Acimuiy. " " but no boat in sight up or dm-n- . Looking across "Muddy" was to be seen the steam rising out of the hpavv timbpr. frnm thp- - o j I new steam saw mill just erected by Mr. Me Missouri. Ave are now per-- I f ectly surrounded on all sides, and cons- - LJ...,.., ,t , . limine -- snort or steam." , ...... . wnat a cnange wiUunlhe short space of three years. We can't help but reflect V .1 3 1 t e ' ft. t i . oe asiomsntu, anu nan mennea to aouot tne reality. Where but so recently glided tne "SAvift canoe" of the red man, now uail ea' &imoil nouny plows tne rusfting Steamers' loaQe 10 tne ards wnn supplies ior me mousanas wno nave driven the copper colored inhabitant, the deer and wolf , from their long cherished retreats, and instead opened farms, vIIWp nnd ritiP... ThP wbnnn d WL have given place i tO the SOll Of the plough boy, the mechanic's clatter and the busy hum of machinery. J Nemaha City, N. T. ( July 7, 1&57. Dear Adtertiseii, AVhile on a flying visit to Richardson county yesterday, I had occasion to slop nf ArrLpr nrrl nftpr rnnvorelnir ixMtli o f nnmirt c;t;pns T ivasbiahlvrlpliVbtprl with-Col- . Raskin's nrosnects for election. All aree that he will fret almost a una-- nimous vote at the Archer precinct. ! was at Salem also when the Col. addressed a large meeting ot squatters Hastily gathered together. So far as feeling and sentiment were concerned, I believe the . -- n 1 : ci e Ui IU"ucullJI iUCU 111 Mieiu uie Aur Col Rankin, and say his majority in that and Pawnee will be L. o(i(5 'aaL? The following nrP tbp nnmPS of candi- - At t , . t) v . . I f. IV I I 1 I1 I L I auu - - arp, xir. , xjt. romweii, a. Kooerts, a . uoojsberry, A. Shelly, V. King, Wm. Maddox, Win. Aniott, P. M. Rogers, L. Jenkins, Dr. Barnes, and Wm. Connell. A U"iO, I LINAS. From Utah. P. K. Dobson, U. S. ur i n TTi T i m t--v I xuarsnaii ior utae,ana x. u. 1'itt, ar- - rived at St. Louis on the 12th, direct from Salt Lake. They left there on .i -- I -- .r the loth ot April, and were 4d days I 1 ' On the TOad tO Independence. They report Uie uraSS On me piainS Very ,t7s . . slim. lhey met the first trains tWCntV fc , J nilleS thlS Side Oil? Ort liCamev. fCttintr ' nlon n? well as COllld ho PX-nprtp- nnrl o r.-.- , - a11 generally healthy. They report it : fTT CI 1 w"ei""--- uompames oi u.o. uragoons at Fort Kearney, about the samenum- - at u ort Laramie, all well. Met more or less emigrants every day, with 1:irSc numbers of stock; estimated that 10,000 wagons and30,000 cattle would crosf thc Plains this season for Cali- - The First Bolter. The Wilming ton (IlL) ITe ra1d a staunch Republican paPer which has swallowed all kinds . f rr Jiiiioao uuuais. dim omiCAUU 1U1 freedom as lustily as it was possible, peremptorily refuses to go the negro equality doctrine. Thc editor says: "Whenever negro suffrage becomes one 01 tne pianKs 01 tne lvenuoncan 1 .p .t.n e .1 r .. a . 1 iiiaiiuiui n c siiaii icti licv iu BCtfi. BUiiiu other political organization, and we think we shall find most of our Itepub- - hcan brethren m the same way. The St. Louis Democrat says that Sir George Gore, who has for three years been trapping on the Upper Mis- - souri, and just arrived in that city,re- - ports the condition of the country on thc Upper Missouri as highly unsettled and precarious. In consequence of the troops having been withdrawn from fort Randairand fort Lookout, the Indians in that region have assumed hostile and menacing attitude to wards the whites which lias had the effect of frightening the old traders, who are rapid!, 'vacating the country. A party naa gone irom iU xuuan, to co-ODer- ate with a number of troops . . . ' . . . . i r. I TTVT who had marched against tue oantees, ivj: ..vvvmunv.n i Uttr M;nt rtr, whitfis. 'Nfivw r?r v v T uu.iuuv - I - . - , , . t r. v o :.T!a.'- - I - in a worse conuiuvu xcsuvvw.. Indians, and it would not be astonish- - ing it before many weeks we snould receive the news of a general Indian war from the mouth of the Yellow Stone , , , r .1 T. . COUPLIHEXTAEY SUPPES TO JUDGE BLACK On Tuesday evening last we were t t a most mairnificent sunner gjven by the Bar of Omaha City in honor of the iudiciary and more par- - ticularly as a compliment to the Hon. Samuel W. Black, who has recently arrived amon us as one of our Su- - T fnt 11 , i . F"" ""'w. vwav luautu , t . .1 th all the luxuries of the season and "P avchub ucsu sivit;. Alter justice had been dona the eatables, the extended the rifht hand of fpilmvcTiirk . , - 0 T . 1 to J Udg6 15LACK. The J Udge TCSpond- - ed in one of the ablest and most elo- - quent speeches we ever remember to have heard. As a public speaker Judne JiLACK has tew eauals. no sn'ne- - 1 1 " .w w IKJ The meeting was addressed by Gen. CniPMAX, late of California, in an able and happy manner. The Gen. followed by Messrs. Poppleton. m 1 .n . 1 . 1. ir . . ' r,' scaProk Moore, and other Kcuucuiuu 111 siiutt uut aoic sneecnes . i . - .vuuiiiuuu vii vuia HJLi 1 Ull.i hoy reigned unconfined." At K' a late hoQr the co- - rapanybroke unwell satis- - fip(l with themselves, nnrl irltl, . fact that we now have a Judiciary no n . .1 TT i . . state in tne union need be ashamed oi.Omaha limes. The liellevue Uazetk' attributes Gov. izara s removal to tne mighty efforts U1 vcu. juuitcu, uuuiuumaies mat tne people vof Nebraska are under creat obligation to him therefor. The Gazette " simEIv &t&Qn in supposing that Y' B-- n h3-- S an!f. AueUCe at the iationai capital, or he is even known there, except in houses of three des criptions; as decency forbids us to mention the character of one-o- f these houses, we will leave the reader to Tiipoq flip elinrnnror nf Tir ntUme, JSebrag'han, Secretary of the Interior Hon, - Jacob Thompson is winniner colden Oniniftrm J13 Slnfrfifn ttt f te Trfrt.( The duties and responsibilities of his omce are about as multifarious and im- - Portant as -- a hole, as those of the entire government, under the earlier of the Pension Land Id" d pat t Office DenartmtQ TipMaq yrorld of duties devolving on him. of lesser grades, and the higher duties of nt,: .lM- - . i i , avaumeiuiiuisiur, as aayisory counsel of the President It taxes the talent, U1U uulua U11U muusiry oi tne man, to fill so many and so imnortantnnsitiW and We are glaltoknow and to assure the realizes the full exnectat on of his I V MenAa-Clevela- nd Plaindealer. lllarricir, . T. . ... .... T. T3 . . uij iu, iij uiin; ocucuici, Jlir. JIILO L. liATES andilissMAHiAM A. KES.MDT, lioth of Xemaha county. On Monday the 6th, at the Rossell nocso. hv Rev. J. B. Wells, 5Ir. Geo. A. Dcbt and iliss Oathahink 811 01 mTE!Lc!?' - . TTI V 3I0a At Rick Port, M.,onir.dayMy25th, 1357, LCCINDA, consort of theiate ezraxvceolls. K kuhhu.ccm I since a few moments as it were her fiends and her relatives were called to follow to the Krave the remains of her affectionate husband when a tecona summons emmnca ttem to discharge the same mournful duties to her own! Shediedas 6lie had li ved in ,ovc and devotion to her Creator, and when the angel or deaUi arrived'she rejoiced in the confidence or being re Hored In the joyous presence or their mutual Father, friend, and God, to one to whom, during her earthly ca- - hecr, she had rulfllled the obligations or a dutiful and an UflectionatewifcaswellasiohUchildre cf tender and fcn exemulary mother. While the public deeply fympathizes with the friends and relatives of the deceased in the grief that arises rrom thcabsenceor those thus suddenly removed rromamong us. it serves In some measure to mitisate our sorrow by reflecting that "Titty xctrc lovehj in their lives ana in tnetr death iccre not aivtaea." CANDID 'tt30ur charge for announcing a Candidate's name until the day of election Is $5, and no name will be inserted uniess me casn accompanies uieoruer.. We are authorized to announce the name of General LEVITT L. BOWEX, of Sarpy County, as a candidate for ueiegaie w congress from KeDrasna lerrnory. j, Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of J. B. WELLS, as a candidate for Representative from Xemaha comity. $5-pa-ld MAXT VOTERS. Mr. the name of O. F. Editor: Pltas announce T i t . . ...... . ... X'. .. 1.. i iiAfcfj, asacanaiuaicjor Kepreseuiu'.nca iiuiu I coumy. Mr. Editor: You will idease announce the name of A. J. BEXEDICT, as a Candidate for Representative frum the county of Xemaha. $5-p- id MAXr VOTERS. Mr. Editor: Pleate announce the- - name of I. L. . . . . VVtflTTT a.. 1 ; a.i fn till niHi-- t i.t county commissioner. -- paiu. iiA.M 1r1t1ts. .MR. tDiTOR: Please announce tue name 01 iiluj GEORGK, as a candidate for County Surveyor. S-p- aid . MAM VOTEKS. Mr. Editor: Please announce the namo of GEO. W. HI K, as a caudidate for Cunty Surveyor, and oblise HANI Vt'TKKS. Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of B. B. THOMPSOX, as a candidate for the office cf Register of Deeds for Xemaha countv. sd-pa- ia. - i. Ntrii-its- . Mr. Editor: Pleare announce the name of WM. n. HOOVER, an a candidate for to the efflce cf P.esisterof Deeds of Xemalaoounty. $5-pa- MANY VOTERS. TO THE PUBLIC. I wish it distinctly understood that I am not, nor can I be induced to become a candidate for the office of Sheriff, or any other office at the approaching election. My en gagements are such that if I couli not pivethc office that attention it demands. I take this public man ner of returning thank to the citizens of Xemaha county for past favors and the friendly fcclins etinred by my f risends at prefient. J W COLEMAN JulytKh, 1Sj7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MEREST. STOCK n 1 TT TVT C4 aTk TTK twl jjjj JT vLP vJJ HV Ever Offered GUTViflpq KV7mIcn(, " T 11 1 ,r J' hmi T p0D:r0(i JU.0L IlctClVtU Per Steamer Emma AT THE CASH AND PRODUCE STORE McAllister, dozier & co. Calico and Brown Sugar, Fish Hooka and Clothes Pins, at McAllister, dozier & co'a. Ginghams and Molasses, Steel Pens and Wash Boards, at McAllister, dozier & ccs. Salt and Brass Kettles, Tar and Fins. Combs, t McALLISTFR, DOZIER & CO's. Lawns and Ox Yokes, Tin Ware and Crushed Sngar, at McALLISTER,DOZIER & CO's. Bleached Muslin and Bed Cords, Shirt Collars and Fiddle Strings, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Denims' drawing Inircs, Do Lains and dried apples, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws, Blacking and pain killer, at " McAllister, dozier & CO's. Floor and irish linen, Black popper and bar lead, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Plows and powder, Pocket knives and percussion caps, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Bl'k silk cravats and cod fish, Lace mitts and wall paper, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Coffee and fine shirts, Red and white flannel and tobbacco, at McAllister, dozier & cas. Rice and ladies underslceves, Nutmeg graters and Queensware. at McAllister, dozier & co's. Glass and Avers cherry Pectoral, Carpet sacks and hardware, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Ladies hosiery and log chains, Needles and shovels, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Indies collars and striped shirting, Puff combs and saddlery, at McAllister, dozier & err. Broad cloth- - and bar soap. Curry combs and dress trimmings, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Boots, shoes and star candles, Lace edging and Salaratus, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Cottonades and spectacles, Brooms and Ticking, at McAllister, dozier & gos. Sewing silk and buckets, Envelopes and Kentucky jean?, at McAllister, dozier & co'a. Blue drilling, knives and forks, . Tea and white lead, at McAllister, dozier & co's.' Wra8h tubs'and tooth picks, Buck combs and knit needles, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Cassimcrs and Testings, Shoe brushes and Godfrey's cordial, at . McAllister, dozier & co's. Luce veil3 and cologne, Dress combs and scissors, at McAllister, dozier & CP's. Thimbles and razor straps, Pearl buttons and jews harps, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Suspenders and ribbons. Brown, green and blue barege, at r McAllister, dozier & CO's. Vinegar and linen thread, Jacouet muslin and shaving soap, at . McAllister, dozier & CO's. Linen table spreads and shoe laeets, Indigo and Jaynes' medicines, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Brown linen and razors, Cradh and diaper, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Colored cambric and ink, shoss. Thread and cotton kitting, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Table, tea spoons and wadding, Coat's thread and jack plains, at McAllister, dozier & CO's. Challi de lains, and window sash, Do-jr-s and shambray ginghams, at McAllister, dozier & ca-s- . Straw goods, and summer clothing, Su.rch and pins, at McAllister, dozier & co's. Bonnets and hair oil. Bacon and artificial flowers, ajt McAllister, dozier & co's. A thousand and one articles not mentioned, call round at McAllister, dozier & co's. For Dry Goods of every description go to McAllister, dozier & co's. For cheap Groceries and good brogans go to McAllister, dozier & co's. If you want to get that which is of the best go to McAllister,' dozier & co's. Who is it that always evinces the most solicitudi-nou- s anxiety to please the taato and captivate the lye? McAllister, dozier & co's. Consequently you should patronir McALLISTES, DOZIER & CO's. Deal With M'ALLISTER, DOZIER & CO. July 0, 1357. J5-l- y FRESH AliEIVAL O P NEW GOfiPS', AT I. :T. WHITE & CO. Brownville, N. T. have jusfc-receivc- per bteamer "trnma an WE entirely new and large assortment of SUPERIOR GOODS, Which we will sell at as reasonable prices as any establishment in the West, our motto being "LIVE AND LET LIVE." . We have now in store a great variety of the fol-owi- nu articles, which we purchased for CASII and consequently can sell cheap on the same terms : DRY GOODS, Si HATS AND CAPS; SADDLERY, ' hardware', CUTLERY, QUEENSWARE, WILLOW WARE, xr tzlj xic rci" rurrcizj xlvlthz 9 BOOTS AND y SHOES, Ready Made Clothing. And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES, Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda. Salaratus, Girjger, ' Allspice, etc., etc. And a good article of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. It is a pleasure to us to show goods, and we ask- - you to call round and see for yourselves. I. T. WIIYTE 4 CO. June 9th, 1857, . v2 1-- ly WE offer to thfl public, we are confident, the largest and best selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this market : 6 Hhds Sugar, 50 Sacks Coffee, 125 Sacks Flour, 5 Tierces llice, 30 Bbls Molasses, 16 Boxes Star Candles, 20 Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt, 15 Bbls Cider Vir.ier, 150 bbls Cider vinigcr. 1EP.AIS CASII'M 1. T. WHYTE & 00. 1 -- rv I1EGS NAILS, just received, and for sale, 1JJ by I. T. WIIYTE A CO. QOOTS and SHOES A Tremendous Stock, just received, opened, and for sale, by I, T. WIIYTE A CO. FIXE DOORS, For sale, by 75 - I. T. WIIYTE & CO. PRESERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, Peaches, &c , 4c., to be had at I. T. WIIYTE CO'S Claim Notice. LEW7.4 STOTTELL, Chas. A. Jame. an.1 all others it may concern, are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Otli-ei- Omuha, on the 21st djy of July. 1857, to prove up my right of Pre-empti- on to the Xorth-ea- st quarter of section eishi (8) in townxhip five (5) range fifteen (15). PETER XOFS1KGKK. Julv 9th. 1867. v2 4-- 2f REAL ESTATE W. FURNAS. NOTARY PUBLIC , AND-AGEN- T For the Purchaso, Sale, and Supcrintedance of REAL ESTATE. EEOWXVILLE, N. T. WILL attend promptly to all bmifiess entrusted his care. Persons residing in the States dcsiriDg to purchase Land or Town Lots in Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri, and Iowa, can have their Investments safely made by me. - Rare chances are continually offering to purchase lands in Nebraska, which have already been Pre- empted, and for which Warranty Deeds will be given. I have now for Sale, valuable Town Lots and Shares, in tho following towns in Nebraska: City of Brownyille, Nebraska City, Omaha City, Wyoming, La Platte, Omadi, Dahkotah, Ne Jiaha City, Table RockPawnec City, Salem, Ccctreville, Salina, Fontenelle, South Brown- ville. And many other valuable Point?. I have also for sale, a number "of excellent 160 acre tracts of land already pre-empte- d, more or less improvea, ana conveniently located, and all of as fine soil a3 can bo found in the world. PROCLAMATION. RY THE GOVERNOR OF NEBRASKA. EXECUTIYE DEPARTMENT,! Omaha Citt, N. T. ) To The qualified voters of Nebraska Territory: I, Mark W. Izard, Governor of the Territory of Ne- braska, in pursuance of an act of the Legislative As- sembly, approved January 2G, 1856, entitlel "Elec- tions," do hereby declaro and make known, that an election will be held in the several counties of this. Territory, on the first Monday in August, A I). 1S57, for one Delegate to the Congress i,f the United S tates, one Terri tonal Aud i tor, one Terri tor ial Treas- urer, one Territorial Librarian, one Attorney Gene- ral, and one District Attorney, for each Judicial tial District, to bo voted for by the qualified voters of the District for which he is to be elected. Also thirty-fiv- e Members to the House of Representatives of the Territorial Assembly, to wit: Tho Counties of Dabkota, Cedar, and L'Ear qui Court, will elect two Representatives; the counticsof Burt ar.dCuin" ing will elset ono Representative; tho county of Washington will elect three Representative; the county of Douglas will elect eight Representatives the county of Sarpy will elect lour Representatives' the eountiesof Dodge and Piatt will elect jointly one' Representative; the counties of Cass, Lancaster Gage and Clay will elect four Representativesfthe' county of Otoe, will elect six Representatives' the counties of Nemaha and Johnson, will elect three Representatives; the counties of Richardon and Pawnee, will elect three Representatives, And at the same time and place the qualified voters of each county, will elect the following county ofiiicrs, to wit: one Probate Judge; one Sheriff; one Register; one Treasurer; one County Clerk; one Superinten- dent of Common Schools; ono County Surveyor; one County Commissioner for each County; ro Justices of the Peace, and two Constables for each Precinct. The County Commissioners of the organized Coun- ties lying narcst adjacent to the unorganzcid Coun- ties, will proceed to divide the'unorganiacd Counties into convenient Election Districts, and cause notices to be posted in each Election Precinct of the time and place of holding said election, andof the officers to be voted for.and toappoint Judges, and cause the said Election to be conducted in all respects, and due returns mode thereof, as required bylaw. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto et my hand and caused to bo affixed tha great Seal of the Territory, done at Oina-L.- S. ha City, in said Territory, on the Thir- tieth day of May, A. D. 1S57, and of tho Independence of tho United States cf America, tho eighty-fir- st year. By the Governor MARK. W. IZARD. T. B. Ccmixg, Secretary. All newspapers in the Territory, please copy and publish until the day of Election, and forward tho account to the Secretary. June 11th, 1857. - n52 Ho More Credit ! NOTICE ia hereby given, that hereafter we gcll for Cash or pRonrcK oslt. MCALLISTER, DOZIER A tO. Brownville, March 12th, '57. . SCHOOL THE Board of Trtui... . made the tol lowing wwciment m 8TiI, :r.?::'""am -- n .rd Secretary furnished with receipt by return ml uui u, 4 3 8 15 Ot 1 1 Tir r. it'll, Y? U 7 00 Benedict, A J 2 u,3 rown, R do as ancnt "WiiM-GarvV- a' Bratton, G W 1175,iMli,r.:' k, emahaVal. i:5 OO'iMi.'u .r &li, Berger, R Bercer. J B 90 Mi-n- .. v, Coleman, Jas TT ox. S M Chapel, J M 1; Collins. ER Davis. JR Den, W Jt Dendurant, '2?' Pftsoa.rf. Edwards, T J RW 75;;pet(r3, uv h urnas, 8 75i Pries, V p Finney, WA 8 25;, PU,cr u',aic j Finch, W T Ferry company 15 OOl Rr 1 yTell, jf U Gibson, J w 3 OOljR. (Jij-- h Gordon, J Giddings. N B 00i,Ruth, 1 Haywood, TP 75!ftdntii. b f flooton, 3 Jl2 00 iStout p. B 115 Hntcbins, yt SOjiStotlt, V Q i'i Ifill, Wilis Estate 3 00!iSele4 Co Holladay, AS i:sUt,AD,kCo T HobliQell & Co Hoblitzell. W 7 5i! Shan). jt. Httblitzel), A 6 00!!Soii h. CB Hal Iain. A 30 00;:Th,.intoris,,n Jones, A D 22 eCiiThu bor ! Johnson, tl 22 60i!CI(ry)Jaa Kirk, A D 75!;r,lery, p.t.'l Lake, O F 15 0Ovischer,nu Lake, W n50!iWh!.r 1 Lake, SM 11 25;jwest,r A . Langdon, CS 7511 Whvfa in . 11 A.J. BEN'IiDICT.P-.- - BoarlotSlD. R. VT. Furxas Brownville, July 2d,1857. Farm Fcr" Sale for sale an excellent Fre-rir- pt IIIAYE of land adjoining t!i City of'? ville. The imnrovem'Jnt consi its of .in r, bottom, under good fence, a crop now in a good comfortable hou?e, bun:, and aa Ta' "4 well of water. About 80 acres is hriT.;. .. ' "i andthe.e is also on the farm ts f ao Lime s Quary as can be found in Ncbruka. The c 4 ' , - """o'.-u- ciaimj civi made, ana is, without Uoubt, as desirable a si,v, I land as can be found. The ow:ier desires L: other business is his onlv ohiivt :,n .np:.."J"' . T- - l : nn v ifft'ti irivin- - it v.i 11 h " o pvcure a twm, anr.lv soon. Ti W rrp'u . Brownville, July 2, '57. ' 3 tl TO CARPENTERS ' ealcd Prorofmls will be reeeivi.l f.,-.- , . O by the Board of Jducatioc f lJrowavii.V! trict for the erection of a; S'hl IIou?e "ia City. The whole work wi'J bi let to a siri'la 1 tractor & piau aim hpecmc:uion3 can be soon a, cffioe. K.W.FURXA3.Rec'jW. Brownville, July 2, 1S57. LGOfi-A-HEBE!!: LIGHTNING. RODS!! C. S. LANGDOX, BROWXVILLE, A'. T. I S prepared to sell and put ui. all size of H ! manmaciureu Dy tao "uuio lugu! Qn.j tri pany." Orders left at the "Advertiser Ofji'c," willrec.ve proirtpt attention; ' . May 7, 1857. 4;- - blacksmith can find con.-tai- .t VGOOD at remunerative wag?s ly !vii iu J. L. SHARI'. " Ncln.ihat'itr..VT. JuIy2,lST7. jtf BROWNVILLE HOTEL COMPM THE Board of Dirwtors of the Brownvil'. II t. ':: pany at their last meeting made an aises.-iiin- t ,l iu-- -, cent upon thc Stock tut:!ile!, wt ici i re I'litti u I paid within ten days. Siockho-d- r ire lircty ucc.)rding;y. A Li. a. UALLaji iw'tj Brownville, June 25 '57. ami T:eii'P. TEBSHOKy OF XEHHIiij ,. County of Kctulii. y . To the Qualified Voter of aii County: Notice in hereby given that in pursuim.e,t n.f il Legislative Assembly cf aid Territo-y- , entr.li! " .Approved January 26. lSifl ; there wiii tt jn election held ia the several Precincts iu aui C":i'T,n the flrst Monday in August, A. D. f.r tbeeitiii n ( tine Delegate to the Congress of tl e t'uited Stitn. 0e Territorial Auditor, OneTerritorial Tr.'aMirei;. 0nf Trr.-tori- al Librarian, tine Attorney Genorul. tine l):;r;it A- ttorney for the 2d Judicial District in said Territory. 7iv. members (jointly with Johnson county) to trie ilo t 4 Representative of theTerritori.il Acmbly, OnePr. t Judge Tor said County, One Sheri(',(nne;iter lJD'e OncCounty Treasurer, One County C ei k. due Siicriutw-de- nt of Common Schools, One County SurTeyor.ni.'tVin'y Commissioner for the Jeond CoTnrusi(.neri l)triit: said County, Two Justices of the Peco, and Two Ciat bles for each Precinct in oaid County. Said County isilivwled into three Prerincts, and rer-live- ly include the following descrited Territory, JNo. 1, Nemaha City Precinct: ('i.iit iii . E. Range 12, E, and township 4, Ran ;es 11, n.T5,l 17, aud sections 34, 35, 36, townbip 6. Rane 12, S. sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, towm-lii- ; 6, m Ilji-.-el- S and sections 31, 32,33,34, 35, 3t5, towiubipS, luR.iiitelli and sections 31, S2. 33, , 35, 33, in tovTsliip 5. in 15, ami seotions 31, S2, 33, 31, township 5, in Ran place ot voting will beat Xeniaba City. John G. Skefx, A.1DHE W II. Si O Vlit, JESOME llOOl E!l. AO. 2. Bromville Precinct: tVnta 11s E. -2 t--v ship 6. Range 12, and township 8, iLanst 13, 14, lJ, 'A ' except the section 011 the Ho a? a side cf towwi:? . Ran?e 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, made a pirr. cf NeinitiU'T Precinct. The place of voting will lent Browa-.iJk- . Jesse Xott, ) j.v-"- t. JDXTHOMl'StlNW Eit.d. JOH5SiIl5ICR. ) .Vo 3, Mount Vernon Pi ecinct: CBtainK ship 6, Range 12, and township 6, Rar. eci li, 13, li, '3 Tho plate of voting will be at itoiint Vernon. JEKEMIAU LYOS, ) J. ,!of . SAM-LACl- I AXIBEBS. :;ectwil ' Alfreh Mloe li: V, J By order of ths board of Coninii.ssi of f' 7. In testimony whereof Ihuve hereunto set iny haul ''1 afuxe! the seal of said Coni ty. at r:y odi. C iu Broavil!e-thi- s 20th day of June, AD 1857 WlLLIAJtlinOOVF.!'.. Brownville June, 25th, '67. C mrtyCrt. Richard Biowh, ALEXAJ.3XR nn.1.1 Pioneer of Xebraka. Late Cah'r Xciiuha Valley ! . BROWN Si HALLAU . 3 ST OS 1:1 -- i 2 BROWXVILL33 XEIT.ASKA. OCR attention will be given to the fil. twins ti"'1;''' viz: To the burin? of Bank notes, and loaairs iu;i:ey. g.x,d security, " " and selling f Eastern KsAang?. , " " " Land Wanaiti. " collection of dctu in Xcbtaki, ' t'i " " Missouri, and taasas. " buying ami selling jf ami", town lots, or " prove-- land. " nelection and entry of Ja iH for ietflcr others, either i:Ti land wr.-aiit- s or ir.'1"'- . Remittant-e- s can be made to r. in Iraf-- , jt Ve?-'1'- with Banks or Bankers utie:t t our 'inter. We will enter lands with M'arr.int.Ho-.Ca- a, pnr i'.'i taxes and commissions for on-tbi- nl I '!. gros ;.ua' accruinsr from the sale of .' In Nebraska and Kansas fn.ra twit three n:li"a aces of the finest lands in tl e Union 1 re Wu4 iiT-r- '' ' sale. Foreign capitalists wi: l find here it rt. h flQ 'l r r"" vestment. Investments juiicious y mjd? in We"!"'3 lands and town lots arcn iw Iron i'ty t. flveti''3 dred cet:t. W e solicit thc itronjgj f the ;uMic, cur cxrciiencc and knowledge in the but" i.c wrM cnai" us tg.ve entire sutisfaciion. Having a large acqaaintani-- in ttie MisissipW it will not be difficult to givs references when rr.'iin by corresponeiit, as regards wr Mandins; nd i!Ut ' times cDceriuiiy answer all letters of f inquiry- - isrownvnie. juneZath, 1S57. JOSEPH II. IUCIIAItDS, DEPUTY CQUHTY SUAVEYOH, Of Nemaha Count., N.'T. WILL attend promptly to aH lunness mi l when called upon: sicb a dividing Land, Laying out To-svi- , Jot, Dra.a vJ 1 Ml!, OIC, KEFEKSXCE.".. A.L. Ccate. R. W. Frame. PO. Address. Brownville, N. T. ) if irownviiie, 3iay 14. '57. Tin S33rxoj?9 , Front Street, ... BROWN VILLE. JT T- - CHRISTIAN DEDSEK, RESPECTFULLY announces to ti? citii or county, mi surround: country that he has reeeitly opened upasb' P1" Brownville f.r tho manufactory of Tir, "Trer . Sheet lion Waro of every doscrip:i n. Hi nt6 ery is all new, his stock cf the best qii;Jity,U all Warranted. ' ... Brownville, June 4tb, 18j7. Eeadv Llado Clothingr, TTVERY VARIETY, style, qualify, jrice, X l Hi tern of Ready Mado Othins. ntrecio f...i. 1.. lin?:l IT1!LL Jt a ciiiv vu.m) j '-

Q Co hardware', FJ1?-€¦ · THE ADVERTISER. 11. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1857. S. JI. Paevis, Gpncral Advertising Agent, in rear of New York, ladies and Children's

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Page 1: Q Co hardware', FJ1?-€¦ · THE ADVERTISER. 11. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1857. S. JI. Paevis, Gpncral Advertising Agent, in rear of New York, ladies and Children's



S. JI. Paevis, Gpncral Advertising Agent, in rear ofNew York, ladies and Children's Shoe Store, BO WestFourth Street, Cinaunati.

Visscher, Owes is. Ca., Xo. 316 and 343, Broadway,New Turk. .

Andrew Wisd, American, Canadian and EuropeanAdvertising and Subscription Otnec, No. 133, Nassau

.Now York.W. S. Swtmmer, No. 43 Chcstmfl street, St. Louis.It. F. McLcng, Troy, Ohio.Dr. II. H. Da est, Tippecanoe, Ohio.

V C.- - Hunger, CovingUm, Ky.. A . 1' Kirk, Archer, Nebraska.

It. W. Peter, Oregon, Mo.DlLLOX & llAWK, Kck Port, M..

. Hides & White, Nebraska City, X T.Dn. AI. T. Tate. Linden, Mo.

"T. J. Barxcm, Three Grove,Vre authorized Agents to solicit Subscriptions and Ad-

vertisements fr the Advertiser, aud receieve and re--'eijt for monies therefor.

Peritou resident in this Territory, coining from variousrtioiis of the States, often suggest to us the names of

. ia their old neighborhoods, who would doubtlessbeo.iiie subscribers if tl cy could sec a copy of the "Ad-

vertiser." We always ond a specimen copy, atnl personsreceiving, will consider it a solicitation to become a regu-

lar subscriber. I

Postmasters and others, feeling sufficient interest tortake tip a club, can reUin the usual per cent for theirtrouble.

Warrants and Nemaha County Ordersdrawing interest will be taken at par in payment lor

n:ebteduess to this Office. 2

notified at the close of the Volume to dis-c- .n

iuuo the "Advertiser," we shall take it for grantedth.-t-t subscribers wish their paper continued, aud shallaccordingly coiitiuue to send as heretofore. 3

ZSTThe "Nebraska Advertiser" havingtmach the largest circulation of any paperin the Territory, Wholesale Merchants inSt. Louis, St. Joseph, Cincinnati andother Eastern markets where Nebraskamerchants purchase, will find no betteradvertising medium in the 'Western cou-ntry..:


COL- - B. P. RANKIN,Of Sarpy County.


The lonsr looked for come at last ! TheWashington Union of the 21th ult. an-

nounces the appointment of Col. Cummingto the Governorship of Utah. He is said

to be a man of tried integrity, having had' a large experience in frontier life, andpossessing courage allied with prudence,energy combined with a conciliatory na-iur- e.

Nothing less, indeed, than theserequisites, is necessary to the man under-taking to perform the service expected ofhim under the present circumstances.The follqjving, we clip from the semiofficial organ of the administration, showsthat his responsibilities are more numer-ous than it is generally supposed :

' Among the difficulties to be encoun-tered in Utah, it may be incidentally men-

tioned that Brijham Youn? claims a titleto till the lands in the Territory, and hasnever recognized the Umted, States sur-vey- s.

None of his followers have pur- -1 Vl !- -.) 1 .L diiasvu lanus in accoruance wun our laws.

Hence, one of the delicate duties of thefederal courts of that Territory, will be toestablish and maintain the rights of thosewho may hereafter purchase in accordancewith our laws. Not an individual in allUtah now holds a foot of land the title ofwhich


is derived from the United States,1. 1 11 1 .Iana u lonows, under mis strange condition

ttl things, that all parts of the Territoryare at the present time open to pre-emp-tio- n.


To aid. Col. Cummin? in the accom-ylishme- nt

of his arduous task, the govern-

ment has placed at his disposal and underhis direct command a body of troops, num-

bering 2,500 men, who are presently tobe' concentrated at Fort Leavenworth.It is possible, however, that resort to force

' will not be necessary to compel obedienceto'the federal authorities in Utah, for,while Brigham. Young organizes theMormon militia, late reports state thatdissensions have arisen amon? the saints.The San Francisco Bulletin says :

" The news from Utah is important.The little nation built up by the energiesengendered by superstition, ambition andelf interest, is divided against itself.- - It

iuust shortly fall. All are not saints whoare in Utah. There are 6,000 'apostates'at Salt- - Lake, its principal city. They areproscribed and persecuted. They are under the ban of the church. Neither theirlives- - or their property are protected.Their wives and their children and thethings that in other nations are held sacred, they hold by a tenure which is limited by the caprice of a besotted priesthood. 'Destroying Angels, paid and

tauthorized assassins, are the ministers ofthe justice there meted out. All aretransgressors who venture to doubt theinspiration which commands a robbery ordictates v murder. Force and fear are

. the only bands which hold its people longer together. JLmigration is forbid len. liewho would fly their accursed rule mus

. leave behind his wife and childrenNeither is his properly under his controlnor can he take it with him. The fruitsiif his own industry are liable to be takenfrom him.- - If he attempts to withhold

. llllTlit Ui3 AUV UJU 1 J "V iVii.iU

. If the foregointps a true representation--of the state of things at Salt. Lake, it isobvious that all the oppressed of mormon

jpriesthood will accept with joy the iuter--

fnrntirp- - nf Cnl PnmminT nnd rnnriir with

Lira in the establishment of the reign of

"hw and order" in that Territory.

Mr. Bowlin, our minister in NewGre- -'

nada, is shortly expected at Washington.

More 'than ever an amicable adjustment'

of our difficulties with that republic may

be confidently anticipated.

We have literally nothing from Europe' w orthy of record.

' We rlosc the present review by clipping

from the New York Herald a few linesexpo-viiig- , better than we could, a plan

dcMvned for a renewal of the political," commotions which have so long disturbed:

one of our tistcr republics:

"The combination that is on foot be- -

trprn Tlnme. Stiain and England to re- -

place Santa Anni in power in Mexico, is

ci.e cf the most important movements now

transpiring on this continent. It is not

t imply a Etruigle of the wily ex-Dicta-

t Hzc r.iin the sweets cf power and of

? noil, but he has fchrewdly endeavored 'tojuiiVc hiins If nt tlieh'.iid of a great .'011- -

fVtfWrn-rvr-mnl- l ovpr Scanish-- 1

America between the Pope and the Rom--

ish Church on one side, and the liberal

gltaon t"r.fSS!

j i

iintish ileet, in pursuit oi nis om emmera1 1 I

mat ne must oppose American processana tne inuuence or iimencan iaeas, oe-- 1

i i i ! .1 x .uaus xie ut-jie- t t--s uiey are utjiuomsut; iu

....assistance to sustain his administrationand the establishment of liberal reformsand civil order in Mexico, against the as- -

sault of this imhojy alliance, the true po--ncy or our government, and tne naturalinstincts of our people, will readily affordhim all he may require. The principlesinvolved in the conflict are too great, and

ed for a single mnment. Th nfTnr nfMexico to throw off the incubus of churchmonopoly end intestine revolution, and toestablish a firm rule that shall equallyprotect the rights of all, command the

FJ1?- -

wen yjL iuc luiwuiiaiii uCillS mill IllilV I

nrinrr from thic A nrrlnTTicnar-iT- ? nmichviu A. AJQ A Al. '1A II V XCAA1A OX &

alliance, let the politicians prepare for acall irom Mexico lor assistance, and aii'extra session of Congress. "


The people of Xemaha county, x. t., are invited tomeet at Brownville, on the Ilthof July, at 10 o'clock; to .select Delegates to represent their County in the proposedSTSySSSrTS

the Territorial Capital; of stopping further appropri- -ations by Congress, to complete The Public Building?.uutil the People can lc heard fairly; of thecopitol tome place ia the Interior, by commissioners andopxsel to the clique who seek ta thwart their sovereignwill. Theratiiof Keprc cntativcs will le equal to bothbranches or the Lcgifclat ure. Come one I come all ! ! letthis our in jtto be, V'nion, Concert and Victory 1

MAXX C1TIZEXS.June 30th, 1S50.

The above document was postedthrough this County pretty thoroughlylast week, by a rrcntlcman

.not a rest- -Q I

acne vj mi wimy. y c learn, too,from rolinblp sntlrihr fi.ofr v

:.i r .1 t 11 i.Faiu lur u uuTO uy a smau clique oisix residents of Nebraska City, five of

1 f i rr rrtnom arc uspiranis ior omce. metrick wouldn't work iii this County

people were too sharp. We'veour own way of attending to our ownbusinessinNemaha,andwhenweneedassistance will let our distant neighborsknow.

CONVENTION.a amass meeting or nie ciiiien or Juhnson county,

therefor, r.D. Allen, Ei , wasthohen Chairman, andDr. c. a then, secretary. .

Alter tne oojeoi of the meeting was stated by C. A.Goshen, it was voted to elect one delegate to represent usin the Congressional Convention to be held at BellevueJuly 14th, 1S57; aud that J. Blake Haycn, Ksq., be thatdelegate; and that he be instructed to vote for the HonC. F. Holly, of Nebraska City, as our first choice for delegate to the next t jngresg of the United State; but toexercise his discretion in relation to all other candidates.That the proceedings of this meeiing be published in tho

eirasKi a vertiser ana the Net.raka News.The Convejation adjourned sine die.

I E. D. ALLEN', ChairmanC. A. Oosnrs, Sec'y.

By special request we give place tohe above. U c are sorry to see that

our Johnson County neighbors havebeen caught in thc trap made at Belle- -

vucand set by a few Nebraska Citvand that friend Holly

has been used as a bait. Now, how- -ever much we might desire to supportand see elected C. F. Holly, it re- -

quires no particular keenness of oh- -

serration to see and know that therei

is no possible chance, especially atthis late day, for his election ; nor isthere any possible chance to secure aConventional action in regard to a Delegate to Congress.

The election is entirely too close athand, and well the concoctors of thisBellevue Convention knew this. It ismerely a trick a fire brand as itwere, thrown into the race to produceconfusion and division "Drowningmen catching at straws," and themass of the people easily see it. Wearc sorry that a few good, well meaning mcn are drawn into tho game.We are auite sure thev will rerret it.i v o 7

whon it U too latP fnr tUIrpemapS-- ..Igoou I


rri. Tt. 4.: t. ljluu ceiuuiuuua uu uiu im nt, oursister town Nemaha City was a grand....affair we say without hesitation itwas the most magnificent affair of theL-i- PPVPrnttrndod. Tho tnUo iwasfour hundred feet long, and perfectlygroaned beneath the weight of eatablesplaced thereon. There were over twothousand persons present, and after allwerc abundantly fed, there was yet"enourrh and to snare." There was agrand" attendance of the fair se-x-Nebraska Belles. We heard one gen- -

tlcman. who has "traveled" thousandsof miles, remark that there were "morepretty ladies present than he ever saw

in all his life before.',Thc citizens of Nemaha City destrvc

great credit for the manner in which

their celebration was gotten up andcarried out especially is credit dueDr. McComas and others who tookupon their shoulders the labor attcn- -

dant upon such occasions.As above stated the attendance was

very large. Assembled in the newHotel building of Mr. IIiatt the ex- -

crcises were as announced last week,

The Brownville Choir composed of Mr.and Mrs. TiiURCVR 0. F. and II. W.

Lake, and Mr. Bennett, did them- -

selves great credit on the occasion.They have but few cqus and no su--

pcriors as vocalists. Thc oration by

Mr. Holmes was a happy effort. He lar

aid himself, the Citv. and occasion an

G.W.Nixo.,andU.C.JonLx,Esq:,of this City, both of whom entertained


Next after the above exer- -

iviinn ttijitiv iiir Jin i ui ur tnu ui w

, . r . . .v.iuAfl T n OTTl CP I VPS 1 71 I rl rilllll?r lllC IIUIIU lvv -"- v-i""" rr o . -

lantastic toe. in mu evcuiug an... ,

hands adjourned to lrownville,wnerethe merrv dance was kept up until the"wee hours of nicbt." In short ano- -

ther "4th ofJul v" that remembrancer

f h times tricd mcn bascome, , ,

buuc' -- '1J' "v.v rb,,vably as on the occasion iust passed., ... .

Co Rantin.On Tuesday last this gentleman ad--

dressed a very large and enthusiasticmeeting of the citizens of Nemaha county

assembled in this city. His speech was

t0 the point, eloquent and impressive, andthe cheers amid which he retired spoke


JnilfllV. find tO Dft Understood mat ne IS tneJ 7 " I

man for the squatters of Nebraska. He..n v c.v pi0('Will can IA1C UUUUl uuc tuuuuv LV Ull I

iIovehelmmg majority; and is sure too Jmeeting was addressed by Gov. Cum-o- fbeing the next Delegate in Congress andMLG Judge Furgusox, who brieflyirom AeDrash.a. juanc mai, ye conven- -

. '3 e I

"Oil COllCOCtors, ana agitators or issues anairns fraught with destruction and ruin totv,' TprritnrvAcimuiy.

" "

but no boat in sight up or dm-n- . Lookingacross "Muddy" was to be seen the steamrising out of the hpavv timbpr. frnm thp--

o j I

new steam saw mill just erected by Mr.

Me Missouri. Ave are now per-- I

fectly surrounded on all sides, and cons- -LJ...,.., ,t , .limine -- snort or steam.", ...... .wnat a cnange wiUunlhe short space of

three years. We can't help but reflectV .1 3 1 t e ' ft. t i .oe asiomsntu, anu nan mennea to aouottne reality. Where but so recently glidedtne "SAvift canoe" of the red man, nowuail ea' &imoil nouny plows tnerusfting Steamers' loaQe 10 tne ardswnn supplies ior me mousanas wno navedriven the copper colored inhabitant, thedeer and wolf , from their long cherishedretreats, and instead opened farms,vIIWp nnd ritiP... ThP wbnnn d WLhave given placei

tO the SOll Of the ploughboy, the mechanic's clatter and the busyhum of machinery.

J Nemaha City, N. T.( July 7, 1&57.

Dear Adtertiseii,AVhile on a flying visit to Richardson

county yesterday, I had occasion to slopnf ArrLpr nrrl nftpr rnnvorelnir ixMtli o f

nnmirt c;t;pns T ivasbiahlvrlpliVbtprlwith-Col- . Raskin's nrosnects for election.All aree that he will fret almost a una--

nimous vote at the Archer precinct. !was at Salem also when the Col. addresseda large meeting ot squatters Hastilygathered together. So far as feeling andsentiment were concerned, I believe the

. -- n 1 : ci eUi IU"ucullJI iUCU 111 Mieiu uie Aur

Col Rankin, and say his majority in thatand Pawnee will beL. o(i(5 'aaL?The following nrP tbp nnmPS of candi- -

At t , . t) v.

.I f. IV I I 1 I 1 I L Iauu - - arp, xir. ,

xjt. romweii, a. Kooerts, a . uoojsberry,A. Shelly, V. King, Wm. Maddox, Win.Aniott, P. M. Rogers, L. Jenkins, Dr.Barnes, and Wm. Connell.

A U"iO, I


From Utah. P. K. Dobson, U. S.ur i n TTi T i m t--v I

xuarsnaii ior utae,ana x. u. 1'itt, ar- -

rived at St. Louis on the 12th, directfrom Salt Lake. They left there on.i --I -- .rthe loth ot April, and were 4d days I

1'On the TOad tO Independence. Theyreport Uie uraSS On me piainS Very

,t7s . .slim. lhey met the first trains tWCntV

fc , JnilleS thlS Side Oil? Ort liCamev. fCttintr'nlon n? well as COllld ho PX-nprtp- nnrlo r.-.- , -a11 generally healthy. They report

it : fTT CI 1

w"ei""--- uompames oi u.o. uragoonsat Fort Kearney, about the samenum- -

at u ort Laramie, all well. Metmore or less emigrants every day, with1:irSc numbers of stock; estimated that10,000 wagons and30,000 cattle would

crosf thc Plains this season for Cali- -

The First Bolter. The Wilmington (IlL) ITe ra1d a staunch RepublicanpaPer which has swallowed all kinds

.f rrJiiiioao uuuais. dim omiCAUU 1U1

freedom as lustily as it was possible,peremptorily refuses to go the negroequality doctrine. Thc editor says:

"Whenever negro suffrage becomesone 01 tne pianKs 01 tne lvenuoncan

1 .p .t.n e .1 r .. a . 1

iiiaiiuiui n c siiaii icti licv iu BCtfi. BUiiiuother political organization, and wethink we shall find most of our Itepub- -

hcan brethren m the same way.

The St. Louis Democrat says thatSir George Gore, who has for threeyears been trapping on the Upper Mis- -

souri, and just arrived in that city,re- -

ports the condition of the country on

thc Upper Missouri as highly unsettledand precarious. In consequence ofthe troops having been withdrawn from

fort Randairand fort Lookout, theIndians in that region have assumed

hostile and menacing attitude to

wards the whites which lias had theeffect of frightening the old traders,who are rapid!, 'vacating the country.

A party naa gone irom iU xuuan,to co-ODer- ate with a number of troops

. . . ' . . . . i r. I TTVT

who had marched against tue oantees, ivj:

..vvvmunv.n i

Uttr M;nt rtr, whitfis. 'Nfivw r?rv v T uu.iuuv - I- . - , , . t r.v o

:.T!a.'- - I -in a worse conuiuvu xcsuvvw..

Indians, and it would not be astonish- -

ing it before many weeks we snouldreceive the news of a general Indianwar from the mouth of the Yellow Stone

, , , r .1 T. .


On Tuesday evening last we weret t a most mairnificent sunner

gjven by the Bar of Omaha City inhonor of the iudiciary and more par- -ticularly as a compliment to the Hon.Samuel W. Black, who has recentlyarrived amon us as one of our Su- -

T fnt 11 , i .F"" ""'w. vwav luautu, t . .1th all the luxuries of the season and

"P avchub ucsu sivit;. Alterjustice had been dona the eatables, the

extended the rifht hand of fpilmvcTiirk. , - 0 T . 1to J Udg6 15LACK. The J Udge TCSpond- -

ed in one of the ablest and most elo- -quent speeches we ever remember tohave heard. As a public speakerJudne JiLACK has tew eauals. no sn'ne- -

1 1 " .w w

IKJ The meeting was addressed byGen. CniPMAX, late of California, inan able and happy manner. The Gen.

followed by Messrs. Poppleton.m 1 .n . 1 . 1. ir . . 'r,' scaProk Moore, and otherKcuucuiuu 111 siiutt uut aoic sneecnes. i . -

.vuuiiiuuu vii vuia HJLi 1 Ull.ihoy reigned unconfined." AtK' a latehoQr the co-

-rapanybroke unwell satis- -fip(l with themselves, nnrl irltl, .fact that we now have a Judiciary non . .1 TT i . .state in tne union need be ashamedoi.Omaha limes.

The liellevue Uazetk' attributes Gov.izara s removal to tne mighty effortsU1 vcu. juuitcu, uuuiuumaies mat tnepeople vof Nebraska are under creatobligation to him therefor. The Gazette" simEIv &t&Qn in supposing that

Y' B--n

h3--S an!f. AueUCe at the

iationai capital, or he is even knownthere, except in houses of three descriptions; as decency forbids us tomention the character of one-o- f thesehouses, we will leave the reader toTiipoq flip elinrnnror nf Tir ntUme,JSebrag'han,

Secretary of the Interior Hon, -Jacob Thompson is winniner coldenOniniftrm J13 Slnfrfifn ttt f te Trfrt.(The duties and responsibilities of hisomce are about as multifarious and im- -Portant as -- a hole, as those of theentire government, under the earlier

of the Pension Land Id" dpat t Office DenartmtQ TipMaqyrorld of duties devolving on him. oflesser grades, and the higher duties ofnt,: .lM- - . i i ,avaumeiuiiuisiur, as aayisory counselof the President It taxes the talent,U1U uulua U11U muusiry oi tne man, tofill so many and so imnortantnnsitiWand We are glaltoknow and to assuretherealizes the full exnectat on of hisI VMenAa-Clevela- nd Plaindealer.

lllarricir, .

T. . ... .... T. T3 . .uij iu, iij uiin; ocucuici, Jlir. JIILO L. liATESandilissMAHiAM A. KES.MDT, lioth of Xemaha county.

On Monday the 6th, at the Rossell nocso. hv Rev. J.B. Wells, 5Ir. Geo. A. Dcbt and iliss Oathahink

811 01mTE!Lc!?'- .TTI V

3I0aAt Rick Port, M.,onir.dayMy25th, 1357, LCCINDA,

consort of theiate ezraxvceolls.Kkuhhu.ccmI since a few moments as it were her

fiends and her relatives were called to follow to theKrave the remains of her affectionate husband when atecona summons emmnca ttem to discharge the samemournful duties to her own! Shediedas 6lie had li ved in,ovc and devotion to her Creator, and when the angel ordeaUi arrived'she rejoiced in the confidence or being reHored In the joyous presence or their mutual Father,friend, and God, to one to whom, during her earthly ca- -

hecr, she had rulfllled the obligations or a dutiful and anUflectionatewifcaswellasiohUchildre cf tender and

fcn exemulary mother.While the public deeply fympathizes with the friends

and relatives of the deceased in the grief that arises rromthcabsenceor those thus suddenly removed rromamongus. it serves In some measure to mitisate our sorrow byreflecting that "Titty xctrc lovehj in their lives ana intnetr death iccre not aivtaea."

CANDID'tt30ur charge for announcing a Candidate's name until

the day of election Is $5, and no name will be inserteduniess me casn accompanies uieoruer..

We are authorized to announce the name of GeneralLEVITT L. BOWEX, of Sarpy County, as a candidate forueiegaie w congress from KeDrasna lerrnory. j,

Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of J. B.WELLS, as a candidate for Representative from Xemahacomity.

$5-pa-ld MAXT VOTERS.

Mr. the name of O. F.Editor: Pltas announceT i t . . ...... . ... X'. .. 1..i iiAfcfj, asacanaiuaicjor Kepreseuiu'.nca iiuiu

I coumy.

Mr. Editor: You will idease announce the name ofA. J. BEXEDICT, as a Candidate for Representative frumthe county of Xemaha.

$5-p- id MAXr VOTERS.

Mr. Editor: Pleate announce the-- name of I. L.. . . .VVtflTTT a.. 1 ; a.i fn till niHi-- t i.tcounty commissioner.

--paiu. iiA.M 1r1t1ts.

.MR. tDiTOR: Please announce tue name 01 iilujGEORGK, as a candidate for County Surveyor.

S-p- aid . MAM VOTEKS.

Mr. Editor: Please announce the namo of GEO. W.HI K, as a caudidate for Cunty Surveyor, and oblise


Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of B. B.THOMPSOX, as a candidate for the office cf Register ofDeeds for Xemaha countv.

sd-pa- ia. - i. Ntrii-its- .

Mr. Editor: Pleare announce the name of WM. n.HOOVER, an a candidate for to the efflce cfP.esisterof Deeds of Xemalaoounty.


TO THE PUBLIC.I wish it distinctly understood that I am not, nor can I

be induced to become a candidate for the office of Sheriff,or any other office at the approaching election. My engagements are such that if I couli not pivethcoffice that attention it demands. I take this public manner of returning thank to the citizens of Xemaha countyfor past favors and the friendly fcclins etinred by myf risends at prefient. J W COLEMAN

JulytKh, 1Sj7




n 1 TT TVT C4 aTk TTK twljjjj JT vLP vJJ HV

Ever OfferedGUTViflpq KV7mIcn(," T 11 1 ,r J' hmi

T p0D:r0(iJU.0L IlctClVtU

Per Steamer Emma



McAllister, dozier & co.

Calico and Brown Sugar,Fish Hooka and Clothes Pins, at

McAllister, dozier & co'a.

Ginghams and Molasses,Steel Pens and Wash Boards, at

McAllister, dozier & ccs.

Salt and Brass Kettles,Tar and Fins. Combs, t


Lawns and Ox Yokes,Tin Ware and Crushed Sngar, at


Bleached Muslin and Bed Cords,Shirt Collars and Fiddle Strings, at

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Denims' drawing Inircs,Do Lains and dried apples, at

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws,Blacking and pain killer, at "

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Floor and irish linen,Black popper and bar lead, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Plows and powder,Pocket knives and percussion caps, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Bl'k silk cravats and cod fish,Lace mitts and wall paper, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Coffee and fine shirts,Red and white flannel and tobbacco, at

McAllister, dozier & cas.

Rice and ladies underslceves,Nutmeg graters and Queensware. at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Glass and Avers cherry Pectoral,Carpet sacks and hardware, at

McAllister, dozier & cos.

Ladies hosiery and log chains,Needles and shovels, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Indies collars and striped shirting,Puff combs and saddlery, at

McAllister, dozier & err.Broad cloth-- and bar soap.Curry combs and dress trimmings, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Boots, shoes and star candles,Lace edging and Salaratus, at

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Cottonades and spectacles,Brooms and Ticking, at

McAllister, dozier & gos.

Sewing silk and buckets,Envelopes and Kentucky jean?, at

McAllister, dozier & co'a.

Blue drilling, knives and forks, .

Tea and white lead, atMcAllister, dozier & co's.'

Wra8h tubs'and tooth picks,Buck combs and knit needles, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Cassimcrs and Testings,Shoe brushes and Godfrey's cordial, at. McAllister, dozier & co's.

Luce veil3 and cologne,Dress combs and scissors, at

McAllister, dozier & CP's.

Thimbles and razor straps,Pearl buttons and jews harps, at

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Suspenders and ribbons.Brown, green and blue barege, atr McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Vinegar and linen thread,Jacouet muslin and shaving soap, at .

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Linen table spreads and shoe laeets,Indigo and Jaynes' medicines, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Brown linen and razors,Cradh and diaper, at

McAllister, dozier & cos.

Colored cambric and ink, shoss.Thread and cotton kitting, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.

Table, tea spoons and wadding,Coat's thread and jack plains, at

McAllister, dozier & CO's.

Challi de lains, and window sash,Do-jr-s and shambray ginghams, at

McAllister, dozier & ca-s-.

Straw goods, and summer clothing,Su.rch and pins, at

McAllister, dozier & co's.Bonnets and hair oil.Bacon and artificial flowers, ajt

McAllister, dozier & co's.A thousand and one articles not mentioned, call

round atMcAllister, dozier & co's.

For Dry Goods of every description go to

McAllister, dozier & co's.

For cheap Groceries and good brogans go to

McAllister, dozier & co's.

If you want to get that which is of the best goto

McAllister,' dozier & co's.

Who is it that always evinces the most solicitudi-nou- sanxiety to please the taato and captivate the


McAllister, dozier & co's.Consequently you should patronir


Deal With

M'ALLISTER, DOZIER & CO.July 0, 1357. J5-l- y



I. :T. WHITE & CO.

Brownville, N. T.have jusfc-receivc- per bteamer "trnma anWEentirely new and large assortment of


Which we will sell at as reasonable pricesas any establishment in the West,

our motto being


We have now in store a great variety of the fol-owi- nu

articles, which we purchased for CASII andconsequently can sell cheap on the same terms :







xr tzljxic rci" rurrcizj xlvlthz 9


Ready Made Clothing.

And a fine assortment ofLIGHT GROCERIES,

Such asSpice,


Salaratus,Girjger, '

Allspice,etc., etc.

And a good article ofSmoking and Chewing Tobacco.

It is a pleasure to us to show goods, and we ask--

you to call round and see for yourselves.I. T. WIIYTE 4 CO.

June 9th, 1857, . v2 1-- ly

WE offer to thfl public, we are confident, thelargest and best selected stock of Groceries

ever offered in this market :

6 Hhds Sugar, 50 Sacks Coffee,125 Sacks Flour, 5 Tierces llice,30 Bbls Molasses, 16 Boxes Star Candles,20 Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt,15 Bbls Cider Vir.ier, 150 bbls Cider vinigcr.


1 -- rv I1EGS NAILS, just received, and for sale,1JJ by I. T. WIIYTE A CO.

QOOTS and SHOES A Tremendous Stock, justreceived, opened, and for sale, by


FIXE DOORS, For sale, by75 - I. T. WIIYTE & CO.

PRESERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, Peaches,&c , 4c., to be had at


Claim Notice.LEW7.4 STOTTELL, Chas. A. Jame. an.1 all others

it may concern, are hereby notified that I willappear at the Land Otli-ei- Omuha, on the 21st djy ofJuly. 1857, to prove up my right of Pre-empti- on to theXorth-ea- st quarter of section eishi (8) in townxhip five(5) range fifteen (15). PETER XOFS1KGKK.

Julv 9th. 1867. v2 4-- 2f



For the Purchaso, Sale, and Supcrintedance of


WILL attend promptly to all bmifiess entrustedhis care. Persons residing in the States

dcsiriDg to purchase Land or Town Lots in Nebraska,Kansas, Northern Missouri, and Iowa, can havetheir Investments safely made by me. -

Rare chances are continually offering to purchaselands in Nebraska, which have already been Pre-empted, and for which Warranty Deeds will be given.

I have now for Sale, valuable Town Lots andShares, in tho following towns in Nebraska:

City of Brownyille, Nebraska City, OmahaCity, Wyoming, La Platte, Omadi, Dahkotah,Ne Jiaha City, Table RockPawnec City, Salem,Ccctreville, Salina, Fontenelle, South Brown-ville.

And many other valuable Point?.I have also for sale, a number "of excellent 160

acre tracts of land already pre-empte- d, more or lessimprovea, ana conveniently located, and all of asfine soil a3 can bo found in the world.



To The qualified voters of Nebraska Territory:I, Mark W. Izard, Governor of the Territory of Ne-braska, in pursuance of an act of the Legislative As-sembly, approved January 2G, 1856, entitlel "Elec-tions," do hereby declaro and make known, that anelection will be held in the several counties of this.Territory, on the first Monday in August, A I). 1S57,for one Delegate to the Congress i,f the UnitedS tates, one Terri tonal Aud i tor, one Terri tor ial Treas-urer, one Territorial Librarian, one Attorney Gene-ral, and one District Attorney, for each Judicialtial District, to bo voted for by the qualified votersof the District for which he is to be elected. Alsothirty-fiv- e Members to the House of Representativesof the Territorial Assembly, to wit: Tho Countiesof Dabkota, Cedar, and L'Ear qui Court, will electtwo Representatives; the counticsof Burt ar.dCuin"ing will elset ono Representative; tho county ofWashington will elect three Representative; thecounty of Douglas will elect eight Representativesthe county of Sarpy will elect lour Representatives'the eountiesof Dodge and Piatt will elect jointly one'Representative; the counties of Cass, LancasterGage and Clay will elect four Representativesfthe'county of Otoe, will elect six Representatives' thecounties of Nemaha and Johnson, will elect threeRepresentatives; the counties of Richardon andPawnee, will elect three Representatives, And atthe same time and place the qualified voters of eachcounty, will elect the following county ofiiicrs, towit: one Probate Judge; one Sheriff; one Register;one Treasurer; one County Clerk; one Superinten-dent of Common Schools; ono County Surveyor; oneCounty Commissioner for each County; ro Justicesof the Peace, and two Constables for each Precinct.

The County Commissioners of the organized Coun-ties lying narcst adjacent to the unorganzcid Coun-ties, will proceed to divide the'unorganiacd Countiesinto convenient Election Districts, and cause noticesto be posted in each Election Precinct of the timeand place of holding said election, andof the officersto be voted for.and toappoint Judges, and cause thesaid Election to be conducted in all respects, and duereturns mode thereof, as required bylaw.

In testimony whereof, I have hereuntoet my hand and caused to bo affixed tha

great Seal of the Territory, done at Oina-L.- S.

ha City, in said Territory, on the Thir-tieth day of May, A. D. 1S57, and of thoIndependence of tho United States cfAmerica, tho eighty-fir- st year.

By the Governor MARK. W. IZARD.T. B. Ccmixg, Secretary.All newspapers in the Territory, please copy and

publish until the day of Election, and forward thoaccount to the Secretary.

June 11th, 1857. -n52

Ho More Credit !

NOTICE ia hereby given, that hereafter we gcllfor Cash or pRonrcK oslt.

MCALLISTER, DOZIER A tO.Brownville, March 12th, '57. .

SCHOOLTHE Board of Trtui... .

made the tol lowing wwciment m8TiI,

:r.?::'""am -- n .rd

Secretaryfurnished with receipt by return ml

uui u, 4 3 8 15 Ot1 1 Tir r.it'll, Y? U 7 00

Benedict, A J 2 u,3rown, R

do as ancnt "WiiM-GarvV- a'Bratton, G W 1175,iMli,r.:'

k, emahaVal. i:5 OO'iMi.'u .r &li,Berger, RBercer. J B 90 Mi-n- .. v,Coleman, Jas TT

ox. S MChapel, J M 1;Collins. E RDavis. JRDen, W JtDendurant, '2?' Pftsoa.rf.Edwards, T J

R W75;;pet(r3, uv hurnas, 8 75i Pries, V pFinney, W A 8 25;, PU,cru',aic

jFinch, W TFerry company 15 OOl Rr

1yTell, jf UGibson, J w 3 OOljR. (Jij-- hGordon, J

Giddings. N B 00i,Ruth,1

Haywood, TP 75!ftdntii. b fflooton, 3 Jl2 00 iStout p. B 115Hntcbins, yt SOjiStotlt, V Q i'iIfill, Wilis Estate 3 00!iSele4 CoHolladay, AS i:sUt,AD,kCo THobliQell & CoHoblitzell. W 7 5i! Shan). jt.Httblitzel), A 6 00!!Soii h. CBHal Iain. A 30 00;:Th,.intoris,,nJones, A D 22 eCiiThu bor !Johnson, tl 22 60i!CI(ry)JaaKirk, A D 75!;r,lery, p.t.'lLake, O F 15 0Ovischer,nuLake, W n50!iWh!.r 1Lake, SM 11 25;jwest,r A .Langdon, C S 7511 Whvfa in . 11

A.J. BEN'IiDICT.P-.- -

BoarlotSlD.R. VT. FurxasBrownville, July 2d,1857.

Farm Fcr" Salefor sale an excellent Fre-rir- ptIIIAYE of land adjoining t!i City of'?

ville. The imnrovem'Jnt consi its of .inr,

bottom, under good fence, a crop now ina good comfortable hou?e, bun:, and aa Ta'


well of water. About 80 acres is hriT.;. .. ' "iandthe.e is also on the farm ts f ao Lime sQuary as can be found in Ncbruka. The c 4


,- """o'.-u- ciaimj civimade, ana is, without Uoubt, as desirable a si,v, Iland as can be found. The ow:ier desires L:

other business is his onlv ohiivt :,n .np:.."J"'. T- - l :nn v ifft'ti irivin- - it v.i 11 h "o pvcure a twm,

anr.lv soon. Ti W rrp'u .

Brownville, July 2, '57. ' 3 tl

TO CARPENTERS 'ealcd Prorofmls will be reeeivi.l f.,-.- ,


O by the Board of Jducatioc f lJrowavii.V!trict for the erection of a; S'hl IIou?e "iaCity. The whole work wi'J bi let to a siri'la 1tractor & piau aim hpecmc:uion3 can be soon a,cffioe. K.W.FURXA3.Rec'jW.

Brownville, July 2, 1S57.



IS prepared to sell and put ui. all size of H !

manmaciureu Dy tao "uuio lugu! Qn.j tripany."

Orders left at the "Advertiser Ofji'c," willrec.veproirtpt attention; ' .

May 7, 1857. 4;- -

blacksmith can find con.-tai- .tVGOODat remunerative wag?s ly !vii iu

J. L. SHARI'. "

Ncln.ihat'itr..VT.JuIy2,lST7. jtf

BROWNVILLE HOTEL COMPMTHE Board of Dirwtors of the Brownvil'. II t. '::

pany at their last meeting made an aises.-iiin- t ,l iu-- -,

cent upon thc Stock tut:!ile!, wt ici i re I'litti u I

paid within ten days. Siockho-d- r ire lirctyucc.)rding;y. A Li. a. UALLaji iw'tj

Brownville, June 25 '57. ami T:eii'P.

TEBSHOKy OF XEHHIiij , .County of Kctulii. y .

To the Qualified Voter of aii County:Notice in hereby given that in pursuim.e,t n.f il

Legislative Assembly cf aid Territo-y- , entr.li! "

.Approved January 26. lSifl ; there wiii tt jnelection held ia the several Precincts iu aui C":i'T,nthe flrst Monday in August, A. D. f.r tbeeitiii n (

tine Delegate to the Congress of tl e t'uited Stitn. 0eTerritorial Auditor, OneTerritorial Tr.'aMirei;. 0nf Trr.-tori- al

Librarian, tine Attorney Genorul. tine l):;r;it A-

ttorney for the 2d Judicial District in said Territory. 7iv.members (jointly with Johnson county) to trie ilo t 4

Representative of theTerritori.il Acmbly, OnePr. tJudge Tor said County, One Sheri(',(nne;iter lJD'eOncCounty Treasurer, One County C ei k. due Siicriutw-de- nt

of Common Schools, One County SurTeyor.ni.'tVin'yCommissioner for the Jeond CoTnrusi(.neri l)triit:said County, Two Justices of the Peco, and Two Ciatbles for each Precinct in oaid County.

Said County isilivwled into three Prerincts, and rer-live- ly

include the following descrited Territory,JNo. 1, Nemaha City Precinct: ('i.iit iii . E.

Range 12, E, and township 4, Ran ;es 11, n.T5,l17, aud sections 34, 35, 36, townbip 6. Rane 12, S.

sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, towm-lii- ; 6, m Ilji-.-el- Sand sections 31, 32,33,34, 35, 3t5, towiubipS, luR.iiitelliand sections 31, S2. 33, , 35, 33, in tovTsliip 5. in15, ami seotions 31, S2, 33, 31, township 5, in Ran

place ot voting will beat Xeniaba City.John G. Skefx,A.1DHE W II. Si O Vlit,JESOME llOOl E!l.

AO. 2. Bromville Precinct: tVnta 11s E. -2t--v

ship 6. Range 12, and township 8, iLanst 13, 14, lJ, 'A '

except the section 011 the Ho a? a side cf towwi:? .

Ran?e 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, made a pirr. cf NeinitiU'TPrecinct. The place of voting will lent Browa-.iJk-


Jesse Xott, ) j.v-"- t.

JDXTHOMl'StlNW Eit.d.JOH5SiIl5ICR. ).Vo 3, Mount Vernon Pi ecinct: CBtainK

ship 6, Range 12, and township 6, Rar. eci li, 13, li, '3Tho plate of voting will be at itoiint Vernon.


I AXIBEBS. :;ectwil 'Alfreh Mloe li: V, J

By order of ths board of Coninii.ssi of f' 7.

In testimony whereof Ihuve hereunto set iny haul ''1

afuxe! the seal of said Coni ty. at r:y odi. C iu Broavil!e-thi- s

20th day of June, AD 1857WlLLIAJtlinOOVF.!'..

Brownville June, 25th, '67. C mrtyCrt.

Richard Biowh, ALEXAJ.3XR nn.1.1Pioneer of Xebraka. Late Cah'r Xciiuha Valley ! .



OCR attention will be given to the fil. twins ti"'1;'''viz:

To the burin? of Bank notes, and loaairs iu;i:ey.g.x,d security," " and selling f Eastern KsAang?. ,

" " " Land Wanaiti." collection of dctu in Xcbtaki, ' t'i" " Missouri, and taasas." buying ami selling jf ami", town lots, or

" prove-- land." nelection and entry of Ja iH for ietflcrothers, either i:Ti land wr.-aiit- s or ir.'1"'- .

Remittant-e-s can be made to r. in Iraf-- , jt Ve?-'1'-

with Banks or Bankers utie:t t our 'inter.We will enter lands with M'arr.int.Ho-.Ca- a, pnr i'.'i

taxes and commissions for on-tbi- nl I '!. gros ;.ua'accruinsr from the sale of .'

In Nebraska and Kansas fn.ra twit three n:li"aaces of the finest lands in tl e Union 1 re Wu4 iiT-r- '' 'sale. Foreign capitalists wi: l find here it rt. h flQ 'l r r""vestment. Investments juiicious y mjd? in We"!"'3lands and town lots arcn iw Iron i'ty t. flveti''3dred cet:t.

W e solicit thc itronjgj f the ;uMic,cur cxrciiencc and knowledge in the but" i.c wrM cnai"us tg.ve entire sutisfaciion.

Having a large acqaaintani-- in ttie MisissipWit will not be difficult to givs references when rr.'iinby corresponeiit, as regards wr Mandins; nd i!Ut 'times cDceriuiiy answer all letters of f inquiry- -

isrownvnie. juneZath, 1S57.


Of Nemaha Count., N.'T.WILL attend promptly to aH lunness mi l

when called upon: sicb a

dividing Land, Laying out To-svi- , Jot, Dra.avJ 1 Ml!, OIC,

KEFEKSXCE."..A.L. Ccate. R. W. Frame.

PO. Address. Brownville, N. T. ) ifirownviiie, 3iay 14. '57.

Tin S33rxoj?9, Front Street, ...


CHRISTIAN DEDSEK,RESPECTFULLY announces to ti? citii or

county, mi surround:country that he has reeeitly opened upasb' P1"Brownville f.r tho manufactory of Tir, "Trer .

Sheet lion Waro of every doscrip:i n. Hi nt6

ery is all new, his stock cf the best qii;Jity,Uall Warranted. ' ...

Brownville, June 4tb, 18j7.

Eeadv Llado Clothingr,TTVERY VARIETY, style, qualify, jrice, X


Hi tern of Ready Mado Othins. ntreciof...i. 1.. lin?:l IT1!LL Jta ciiiv vu.m) j '-