Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?


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Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

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To make sure our product was successful we had to make sure what our target audience expected off us in order to make our film successful. We made a questionnaire as a group which we asked our target audience to fill out. These questions were very helpful as we could then get ideas of what we needed to improve or add into our opening sequence. People wanted to see a lot of action and killing as that’s what most thrillers consist of, however our storyline was completely different so we decided to create flashbacks showing a murder scene to try and create the same sort of atmosphere. This idea worked much better for us, as our film is aimed at both genders , action scenes may not appeal to all females. I also think using characters that are around the same age as the target audience was important as it allows the audience to really engage with the characters. If I was someone watching it for the first time, I would be worried for the suspect but then also be wondering whether he was innocent or is it some act? As our storyline is about a teenager getting interrogated for a crime, it gives a message to the young people out there about confessing your crime instead of getting caught between lies. Finally the ending of our opening sequence, ends with the second police officer coming in and whispering something into the interrogator’s ear, this gets the audience excited and also intrigued on whether he really is the victim or not?