Carbon Capture and Storage The Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre Paul Fennell Department of Chemical Engineering Imperial College London Director, Imperial College Centre for CCS Grantham Institute for Climate Change Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Centre

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Presentation by Paul Fennell, Imperial College London at COP 18 side event Global Update on CCS and Regional Project Perspectives

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Carbon Capture and Storage –

The Qatar Carbonates and Carbon

Storage Research Centre

Paul Fennell Department of Chemical Engineering

Imperial College London

Director, Imperial College Centre for CCS

Grantham Institute

for Climate Change

Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

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Carbon capture and storage

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• Current emissions are around 30 Gt CO2 per year (8.5 Gt carbon).

• Say inject at 10 MPa and 40oC – density is 600-700 kgm-3.

• This is about 108 m3/day or around 700 million barrels per day. Current oil production is around 85 million barrels per day.

• Huge volumes – so not likely to be the whole story but could contribute 1-3 Gt carbon/yr… or ~ 10 Gt CO2 pa

• Costs: 2-3 cents/kWh for electricity for capture and storage; $40-100 per tonne CO2 removed – Shackley and Gough, 2006

Some numbers...

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Why CCS?

• CCS offers a vital role to balance grid

demand when renewables are not


• Without CCS, costs to halve emissions by

2050 rise by 70% in the electricity sector

(IEA CCS technology roadmap 2009)

• Industries such as Cement, and Iron and

Steel production intrinsically produce CO2.

ICCT August 2010


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Status of Technology

• Technology overall

– In good shape

– Ready for widespread deployment

• Capture processes relatively mature and


– 60-70% of overall cost

– Quite energy intensive (CO2 regeneration)

– Compression costs high

• New, improved capture processes in


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Status of Technology

• CO2 Transport Pipelines not very extensive

– Project specific

– Some talk/studies of ‘grids’ but still some way off

• Storage

– Site selection

– Injection design and implementation

– Long-term monitoring All well developed in principle, based on long experience

of oil and gas production and reservoir management,

including gas injection

– DNV CO2Qualstore Industry Guidelines for selection and

management of storage sites

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Status of Technology • But...

– No really commercial CCS field operations

– Actual experience and refinement through very

limited number of field demonstrators:

• 8-10 Large Scale Integrated Projects

• ~40 Small-Medium Projects

– Experience in Sandstones > Carbonates

• Overall

– 1st generation processes and methodologies

robust and being refined in field demonstrators

– Much 2nd generation technology in the pipeline

• To improve efficiency and security of containment

• To reduce costs

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CO2 Capture Challenges

• Lower Capex and Opex costs

• Higher pressure processes – lower

compression costs

• Sorbents with high sorption and low

regeneration energy

• Smaller and more efficient contacters

• Low cost air separation (oxyfuel)

• Exploit membranes – lower energy



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Likely technology adoption trajectory after Figueroa et al (2008)

P Fennell and N Florin, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London

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Key Storage Issues

• Site Selection

– Capacity, injectivity, containment, EOR?...

• Safe injection design

– Maximizing CO2 access to available storage


– Ensuring secure long term containment

– Avoiding damage to reservoir eg fracturing

• Long-term monitoring for containment


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In Salah project, Algeria 10% CO2 is produced with natural gas

CO2 cannot be put in commercial pipeline

Injected into deep saline formation in Krechba reservoir, at a depth of 2km

One million tonnes of CO2 stored each year

Operational since 2004

Surface has been uplifted by increased pressure


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Opportunities in CCS for GCC

• Already active demonstration activity in region

(In Salah, Masdar...)

• When accompanied by EOR, EGR improved

recoveries of valuable local resource

• Economic drivers

– CCS as part of CDM carbon credits

– Potential for GCC regional CO2 mitigation targets and

trading system?

• After energy efficiency, cheapest and quickest

route to ‘green electricity’ and reducing GHG

emissions...and only way if using fossil fuels 13

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Opportunities in CCS for GCC

• CO2 capture costs often already in place

– Coproduction from gas wells with CH4

– Gas-to-Liquids GTL

• CCS for gas...green gas

– ~50% less CO2 per kW lower % efficiency penalty,

lower CCS cost per kW

• Widespread experience in region of gas injection

• Many available reservoirs/aquifers – huge

storage potential in carbonate reservoirs

• CCS as an industry in its own right is a major

potential economic opportunity...jobs, technology 14

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Opportunities in CCS for GCC

• CCS powered by renewable energy?– no

efficiency penalty for power plant or additional

emissions for industrial processes

– Use solar energy for carbon capture (solvent


– Good fit – can use low temperature heat

• Potential in future to be ultimate green oil and

gas producers...combine production and CCS

– in situ pre-combustion and processing


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CCS as a driver for increased energy efficiency

• The real cost of energy from fossil fuels = generation costs +

CO2 mitigation costs

• Pass CCS (and fossil fuel production) costs to consumer rise in

power costs

driver for increased energy efficiencies and savings

lower consumption and preservation of valuable

national resource

• Hence achieve three things

– Reduced CO2 emissions from power generation and industrial processes

(by CCS)

– Reduced CO2 emissions from reduced power consumption (by cost-

driven efficiency improvements)

– Reduced depletion of valuable non-renewable resources

• In GCC energy requirements likely to rise rapidly over next few

decades...so benefits of CCS even greater proportionately than in

e.g. Europe 16

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

Qatar Carbonates and Carbon

Storage Research Centre • A 10 year, $70m programme to provide the science and

engineering underpinning the cost-effective, safe,

permanent storage of CO2 in carbonate reservoirs

• Also addresses CO2 EOR

• Sponsored by

– Qatar Petroleum

– Shell

– Qatar Science and Technology Park


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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

International Oil & Gas Expertise

World-leading Research

Sandstone Reservoirs Coal Seams + ECBM

CO2 Storage and EOR

CO2/Hydrocarbons/Water Properties at

Reservoir Temperatures and Pressures

• QCCSRC builds on the

Shell Grand Challenge Programme on Clean Fossil Fuels

• 5 year, £3m programme 2007-2011

One Grand Challenge...

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre




International Oil &

Gas Expertise

World-leading Research

Carbon Capture

and Storage

Improved Oil/Gas





Qatar Reservoir Expertise

Shell-Imperial Grand Challenge – Clean Fossil Fuels

Sandstone Reservoirs Coal Seams + ECBM

Building on the understanding and methodology emerging

from existing Shell-Imperial collaborations on

thermophysical / petrophysical properties, imaging and

related modelling concerning EOR and CCS

CO2 Storage and EOR (Sandstones)

CO2/Hydrocarbons/Water Properties and modelling at

Reservoir Temperatures and Pressures

...Leads to Another...

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

QCCSRC is born in 2008...

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

...and grows year on year...

Currently there are

• 17 Academic Staff

• 3 QCCSRC Lecturers

• 10 Postdoctoral Researchers

• 34 PhD Students

• 5 Technical Support Staff

working within the Centre

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

What’s different about

Carbonate Reservoirs?

• Structure

• Broader pore size distribution

• Natural fractures

• Chemical reaction

• Reactive flow changes pore space

• Dissolution-Precipitation

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre QCCSRC Overall Objectives

• Provide the underpinning science and engineering, state-of-the art

methodologies and simulators for CO2 storage in carbonate


• Enable sustainable optimization of production and recovery from

Qatar carbonate reservoirs, including CO2 EOR

• Support the design and execution of CCS field demonstration

project(s) to convert this improved understanding into practical


• Educate Qatari PhD students to provide the technology leaders of

the future for Qatar

• Transfer equipment, techniques, methodologies and expertise to

Qatar to create world-leading facilities in CCS and hydrocarbon

recovery from carbonate reservoirs

• Build on and leverage the Shell-Imperial Grand Challenge on

Clean Fossil Fuels

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

The second most important event in London in 2012


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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

The most important event

in London in 2012

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

September 2012...Official Opening of the

QCCSRC Laboratory Suite

The most important event

in London in 2012

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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

Inspiring a Generation in London in 2012

– the five projects of QCCSRC







Simulator for




scale Physics



Support for CCS





integration and

upscaling of

new physics,

models and


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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

The QCCSRC Laboratory Suite


Qatar Clumped











Qatar Multiscale







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Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

QCCSRC Roadmap


2008 2012 2018

Phase 1: Develop underpinning science, mainly on

model and simplified systems

Phase 2: Integrate Phase 1 components, upscale and

apply to Qatari rocks, fluids and conditions



Support for





for Qatari






Physics and


Studies on outcrops, Oman; Clumped Isotope


Support for design Field Laboratory -

and evaluation validation of models

Link to pore scale models. Apply to Qatari reservoirs for

CO2 storage design and optimisation

Develop adaptive meshing; validation on

outcrop model (Project 1); test scenarios

Effects of fluid and rock impurities; models and experiments

for Qatari fluids and rocks

Model fluids and pure minerals; flow in generic


Wider outcrop studies; applications to sub-surface;

Clumped Isotope deployment


non-reactive flow


reactive flow


reactive flow - fractures

Pore Scale

Core Scale Installation of

imaging facilities

and construction of

HPHT rel perm rig

Field Scale