Qualitative Research Methods for Policy, Practice, and Research KENDALL COTTON BRONK, PHD

Qualitative Research Methods for Policy, Practice, and ...Qualitative Research Methods for Policy, Practice, and Research KENDALL COTTON BRONK, PHD. ... Qualitative research design

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Qualitative Research Methods for Policy, Practice, and ResearchKENDALL COTTON BRONK, PHD

AgendaThings to think about before getting started:

1. Assumptions undergirding qualitative research

2. Characteristics of qualitative research

3. Ethical issues

Conducting research:

4. Selecting a sample

5. Interviewing basics

6. Enhancing validity

Qualitative vsQuantitative Inquiry

Assumptions undergirding qualitative researchWe can understand reality, but multiple realities exist◦ Reality is socially constructed◦ We want to understand our participants’

perspective on particular events and experiences

To understand others’ realities, we need to interact with them directly ◦ We usually do this through observations, interviews,

and focus groups

Characteristics of qualitative inquiry◦ Qualitative research:

1. Attempts to make sense of phenomena in terms of the meanings people people bring to them

2. Findings are specific to particular individuals in a particular time, at a particular place

3. Findings are interpreted by the researcher(s)4. Often includes multiple data sources5. Enables study designs to emerge or change

Considering ethical issues◦ Gain informed consent

◦ Get permission from gatekeepers

◦ Avoid deceiving participants

◦ Have a plan in place in case you witness something illegal

◦ Avoid stereotypes or labels

◦ Respect participants’ privacy

Selecting a sample- Purposeful sampling approaches include:

◦ Maximum variation sampling◦ Homogenous sampling◦ Extreme case sampling◦ Total population sampling◦ Criterion sampling

Determining sample size

◦ Inverse relationship between amount of information participants can provide and amount of participants needed (Patton, 2015)

Interview basics- Interview types:

- Unstructured- Semi-structured- Structured

- Semi-structured interview protocol construction- Warm-up questions- Grand tour questions- Pointed questions- Probe throughout

Establishing validity

“Validity is not a commodity that can be purchased with techniques.”

Brinberg & McGrath, 1985, p. 13)

Further readingCreswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Maxwell, J. A. (2013). Qualitative research design (3rd 3d.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Merriam, S. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., & DeVault, M. L. (2016). Introduction to qualitative research methods (4th ed.). New York: Wiley.

Yin, R. K. (2014). Case study research: Design and methods. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

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