Quality Assurance, Harmonisation and Capacity Building – a German-Southeast Asian Case Study ASEM Conference Quality Assurance and Recognition in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects Limassol, 7. December 2010

Quality Assurance, Harmonisation and Capacity Building – a German-Southeast Asian Case Study

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Quality Assurance, Harmonisation and Capacity Building – a German-Southeast Asian Case Study. ASEM Conference Quality Assurance and Recognition in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects Limassol, 7. December 2010. Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Quality Assurance, Harmonisation and Capacity Building – a German-Southeast Asian Case Study

Quality Assurance, Harmonisation and Capacity Building – a German-Southeast Asian Case Study

ASEM Conference Quality Assurance and Recognition in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects Limassol, 7. December 2010

Page 2: Quality Assurance, Harmonisation and Capacity Building – a German-Southeast Asian Case Study



1. Interregional cooperation in the field of QA – where do we come from and why are we here?

2. Who we are: The DAAD and the DIES-programme

3. Upcoming cooperation on transnational Quality Assurance with partners in South East Asia

1. Interregional cooperation in the field of QA – where do we come from and why are we here?

2. Who we are: The DAAD and the DIES-programme

3. Upcoming cooperation on transnational Quality Assurance with partners in South East Asia

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Berlin, May 2008: 1st Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME1)

Berlin, April 2010: ASEM Expert Seminar on Credit Systems and Learning Outcomes

Copenhagen, May 2011: Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME3)

Limassol, December 2010: ASEM Expert Conference on Quality Assurance and Recognition

ASEM: Interregional cooperation in the field of QA

Ha Noi, May 2009: 2nd Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME2)

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Who we are: the DAAD

• 14 Regional Offices and 50 Information Centres (IC)

• approx. 850 DAAD staff and approx. 500 DAAD Lecturers

• Host to the International ASEM Education Secretariat

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Educational cooperation with

developing countries

Promoting academic, economic,and democratic development

in developing and reform countries

€ 76 m

Internationalisationof German universities

Increasing the international appeal of German universities

and promotingthe international dimension in

German higher education

€ 75 m

PromotingGerman Studies and

the German language abroad

Promoting the German language and German Studiesat foreign universities

€ 47 m

Scholarshipsfor foreigners

Supporting future foreign elitesat German universities and

research institutes

€ 83 m

Scholarships for Germans

Supporting future GermanLeaders in their studies and

Research abroad (including ERASMUS)

€ 111 m

Who we are: the DAAD

June 2010June 2010

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… aim at encouraging institutional partnership and at improving the management of university structures as well as resources at the institutional level

Training Courses

… give advice on improving management strategies and structures of universities


• International Deans’ Course


• Proposal Writing


… fosters the exchange on topics of higher education management and quality assurance

• DIES Conferences

• DIES Visits

• DIES Seminars

DIES: Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies

Who we are: the DIES-Progamme


… support developing countries in the establishment of transnational quality assurance systems

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DIES: Our experience in transnational QA Projects

Central America (2004-2008)

Regional University Association CSUCA strengthened

20 QA units established 150 study programmes and 6

universities evaluated Central American Accreditation

Council established Regional QA agencies

(Postgraduate + Engineers) established

East Africa (2006 to date)

Regional QA Coordination Unit at IUCEA set up

Handbook as QA framework developed and politically endorsed

45 QA units established

50 self evaluations carried out

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Long-term, general objectives:

• Increased mobility of students and researchers

• Increased employability of graduates

• Increased international competitiveness of HE in SEA

• Increased EU-SEA dialogue and exchange in HE


•mutual learning, coordination, comparability, compatibility;

•trust building, transparency, credibility, efficiency

DIES: Transnational Quality Assurance in South East Asia

Partners: Projects

… support developing countries in the establishment of transnational quality assurance systems

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Specific objectives:

• Developing the capacity of staff working in the field of QA both on the university as well as on the system level (IQA officers & EQA agency/ ministry staff)

• Strengthening university structures by enhancing quality („quality culture“)

• Making curricula more relevant by meeting the demands of stakeholders (e.g. labour market, students)

• Facilitating a regional framework for QA, and thus increasing interregional higher education cooperation and mobility (recognition)

• Mapping QA standards and guidelines in Europe and in South East Asia

• Exchange of experiences and good practice in Europe and South East Asia (learning from each other)

DIES: Transnational Quality Assurance in South East Asia


… support developing countries in the establishment of transnational quality assurance systems

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Specific objectives (continued):

• Benchmarking regional learning outcomes on the subject level (joint standards)

• Increasing HE cooperation not only within but also beyond the region (European-South East Asian Dialogue)

DIES: Transnational Quality Assurance in South East Asia

Dialogue & Multiplication


1.Cooperation with regional higher education organisations, QA authorities (agencies and governments), relevant stakeholders (e.g. labour market and students)

Training for Self-Evaluation Training for Peer-Review

2. Capacity Development in the field of QA


… support developing countries in the establishment of transnational quality assurance systems

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DIES: Transnational Quality Assurance in South East Asia

IQA: University QA officers

EQA: a. Middle Management QA agenciesb. Peers/ assessors

•QA theory•prepare SAR•QA theory•prepare SAR

•Elaborating regional QA standards

•Elaborating regional QA standards

Oct. 2011

•Draft SARs•Report writing•Draft SARs•Report writing

•Peer training•Peer training

March 2012

•Submit SARs•Preparation of site visits

•Submit SARs•Preparation of site visits

•Preparation of site visits•Preparation of site visits

Oct. 2012

March 2011 June 2011

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• Under the framework of the DIES-programme, the DAAD in cooperation with AUN, AQAN, SEAMEO-RIHED and ENQA is launching a joint project on transnational Quality Assurance in Southeast Asia.

• This initiative is very much in line with the foci and recommendations of the 1st and 2nd ASEMME in 2008 and 2009, the ASEM Expert Seminar in 2010 and feeds into the 3rd ASEMME in May 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

• Its objectives aim at supporting and enhancing trust among stakeholders, transparency, mutual recognition of study periods and degrees, mobility.

• This project focuses on development capacity – if also embedded in a regional political process it gains more impact and sustainability.

• This project has the potential to serve as a starting point for further (bilateral) cooperation if comparable measures, trainings or workshops are supported and its results dissemminated accordingly.


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Contact: Marc Wilde, Head of Unit, Joint Higher Education Management Programmes (DIES), DAAD GermanyEmail: [email protected]

Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies
