QUALITY INDICATORS FOR HOSPITAL HYGIENE New rapport Workgroup meeting 19/11/2018 Dequeker Sara, RN, Msc [email protected]

Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

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Page 1: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical


HYGIENENew rapport

Workgroup meeting


Dequeker Sara, RN, Msc

[email protected]

Page 2: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical


• New set of indicators

• Individualized quality report per hospital

• Quality scores

• National report

• Aggregated quality scores

• Other aggregated data

• Report 2017: publication steps

• Discussion

Page 3: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

New set of indicators

• Indicators selected and developed by ‘Federaal Platform voor

Ziekenhuishygiëne’ (BAPCOC)

• New set of indicators for the next 3 years defined

• Contains all historical indicators (used in 2013, 2015 and 2016)

supplemented with a new group of indicators

• Collected in a ‘lastenboek’/ ‘cahier des charges’


• Data 2017 collected through Healthdata

Page 4: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

Four groups of indicators

• Organisation indicators (N=5)

• Evaluate the presence of a strategic plan, yearly action plan, …

• Means indicators (N=6)

• Evaluate the presence of means e.g. number of dedicated infection control


• Activity indicators (N=41)

• Evaluate the presence of surveillances, process audits, procedures, …

• Process indicators (N=1)

• Evaluate the consumption of alcohol-based hand-gel

Page 5: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

Individualized quality report per hospital

• To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital


• Historical set of indicators (2013, 2015 & 2016)

• Through NSIHweb

• Quality scores (hospital and national mean)

• Individual indicators

• Public available

• Will be converted in Healthstat

Page 6: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical
Page 7: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

Individualized quality report per hospital

• New set of indicators (2017, 2018, …)

• Through Healthstat

• Similar with report in NSIHweb

• Quality scores (hospital and national median)

• Individual indicators

• Some absolute numbers (e.g. vaccination grade)

• National percentage hospitals with a ‘1’-score (if possible)

Page 8: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical
Page 9: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

Quality scores

• Scores developed by ‘Federaal Platform voor Ziekenhuishygiëne’


• http://www.nsih.be/surv_iq/participation_nl.asp

• New and stable set of indicators for three years BUT scoring


• Some historical indicators get new scores

• Progressively more focus on audits and less on procedures

• Total score of 100

• Comparing over the years will not be possible for the quality scores

Page 10: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical
Page 11: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical
Page 12: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical
Page 13: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

National report

• To evaluate infection prevention and control policy and guidelines

at national level

• To assess the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital


• By aggregated quality scores (national and regional)

• By aggregated quality scores for each hospital

Page 14: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

National report: aggregated quality scores

• For each group of indicators

• National and per region

• Based on the quality scores => good, moderate or bad quality

Page 15: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

National report: other aggregated data

• National and regional percentage hospitals with a ‘1’-score

• Comparison over the years possible (but needed?)

• Looking into trend analyses

• National and regional median for quality scores

• Comparison over the years not possible

• Percentage hospitals (national and regional) for each quality group

• Comparison over the years not possible

Page 16: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical

Report 2017: publication steps

National report

1. Collecting all the data

2. Write the report

3. Translate the report

4. Send the report to BAPCOC and FOD for approval

5. Publication with a press release

Individual report

Healthstat, hopefully sooner online

Page 17: Quality indicators for hospital hygiene - NSIHIndividualized quality report per hospital • To improve the quality of infection prevention and control at hospital level • Historical


• 53 indicators = long report

• What do you use from these reports? What is useful?

• Lacking results/data?

• Quality groups (good, moderate and bad quality)

• Easy to understand

• But are graphs useful?

• Boxplots can give more information

• Publication of national report with press release: do we sent the report

a few days earlier to the data providers in the hospitals?