DOI: 10.1126/science.1227193 , 640 (2012); 338 Science et al. Robert Fickler Quantum Entanglement of High Angular Momenta This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles ): August 11, 2014 www.sciencemag.org (this information is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/338/6107/640.full.html version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2012/10/31/338.6107.640.DC1.html can be found at: Supporting Online Material http://www.sciencemag.org/content/338/6107/640.full.html#ref-list-1 , 1 of which can be accessed free: cites 27 articles This article http://www.sciencemag.org/content/338/6107/640.full.html#related-urls 3 articles hosted by HighWire Press; see: cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/physics Physics subject collections: This article appears in the following registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2012 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on August 11, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on August 11, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on August 11, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on August 11, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on August 11, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from

Quantum Entanglement of High Angular Momenta Robert ... › 2018 › 04 › ... · momentum (OAM), and their entanglement is important for quantum information science and fundamental

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DOI: 10.1126/science.1227193, 640 (2012);338 Science

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Page 2: Quantum Entanglement of High Angular Momenta Robert ... › 2018 › 04 › ... · momentum (OAM), and their entanglement is important for quantum information science and fundamental

test photon created by the detection of the corrob-orative photon, the presence of entanglement mustbe verified (16, 21). Note that several recent worksdid not do this; therefore, the presence of a QBShas not been proven unambiguously (22, 23). Inour realization, entanglement is proven by per-forming the same experiment as before, but usingthe complementary analysis basis, namely the diag-onal basis {D, A}. Now, the initial quantum state isrotated by 45°—i.e., 1


2p ðc†V t†V þ c†H t

†H Þjvac⟩ →


2p ðc†Dt†D þ c†At

†AÞjvac⟩—where D and A symbol-

ize diagonally and antidiagonally polarized pho-ton contributions, respectively. In this configuration,every single photon is unpredictably subjectedto a closed or open Mach-Zehnder configurationby the PDBS. In this case, as opposed to theexperiment in the {H, V} basis, if a statisticalmixture was analyzed instead of an entangledstate, no correlations should be observed whenmeasuring IH,b(q,a). However, the strong corre-lations shown in Fig. 4C exclude a statisticalmixture and are in good agreement with thetheoretical predictions of Eq. 6. This emphasizesthat wave and particle behavior coexist simulta-neously for the entire range 0° < a < 90° in the{H, V} basis and for –45° < a < 45° in the {D, A}basis. Figure 4D shows the measurements forV2, D2, and V2 + D2 as a function of a and con-firms the upper limits imposed by Eq. 7. Thequality of the entangled state is measured viathe Bell parameter S, which is deduced from thephase oscillation visibilities at a = 90° in the{H, V} basis and a = 45° in the {D, A} basis.We obtain S = 2.77 T 0.07, which is very closeto the optimal value of 2



attained with max-imally entangled states and is 11 standard de-viations above the classical/quantum boundaryS = 2 (16, 21).

The detection loophole remains open in ourexperiment, because some of the initial entan-gled photons are lost during their propagation in

the fiber or bulk channels or are not detectedby the single-photon detectors that show non-unit quantum detection efficiencies (24). There-fore, we make the reasonable assumption thatthe detected photons represent a faithful sam-ple (17).

In conclusion, we have carried out a quantumdelayed-choice experiment, enabled by polarization-entangled photons and the associated property ofnonlocality. We used an MZI in which the outputbeam splitter has been replaced by its quantumanalog (i.e., a beam splitter in a coherent su-perposition of being present and absent). In thisconfiguration, we observed that single photonscan behave as waves and as particles in the sameexperiment, meaning that the simple view of pho-tons being either waves or particles is refuted. Weexperimentally excluded interpretations basedon local hidden variables and/or information ex-change between the photon and the quantumbeam splitter. The state of the quantum beamsplitter is determined by the detection of the cor-roborative photon. We have, therefore, demon-strated delayed interference between wave andparticle behavior, which underlines the subtlenessof Bohr’s complementarity principle.

We note that, parallel to this work, Peruzzo et al.realized another version of a quantum delayed-choice experiment based on entangled photons (25).

References and Notes1. E. Schrödinger, Naturwissenschaften 23, 807 (1935).2. G. Greenstein, A. Zajonc, The Quantum Challenge:

Modern Research on the Foundations of QuantumMechanics (Jones and Bertlett Publishers, Sudbury,MA, 2006).

3. N. Bohr, in Quantum Theory and Measurement,J. A. Wheeler, W. H. Zurek, Eds. (Princeton Univ. Press,Princeton, NJ, 1984), p. 949.

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6. P. Grangier, G. Roger, A. Aspect, Europhys. Lett. 1, 173(1986).

7. J. A. Wheeler, in Quantum Theory and Measurement,J. A. Wheeler, W. H. Zurek, Eds. (Princeton Univ. Press,Princeton, NJ, 1984), pp. 182–213.

8. V. Jacques et al., Science 315, 966 (2007).9. W. K. Wootters, W. H. Zurek, Phys. Rev. D 19, 473

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J. L. O’Brien, Science 338, 634 (2012).26. X.-S. Ma et al., Nat. Phys. 8, 480 (2012).

Acknowledgments: We thank L. A. Ngah for his help on dataacquisition and O. Alibart for fruitful discussions. This work wassupported by the CNRS, l’Université de Nice–Sophia Antipolis,l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche for the “e-QUANET” project(grant ANR-09-BLAN-0333-01), the European ICT-2009.8.0 FETopen program for the “QUANTIP” project (grant 244026), leMinistère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, laFondation iXCore pour la Recherche, and le Conseil RégionalPACA for the “QUANET” project in the exploratory call.

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/338/6107/637/DC1Supplementary TextFig. S1

29 June 2012; accepted 18 September 201210.1126/science.1226755

Quantum Entanglementof High Angular MomentaRobert Fickler,1,2* Radek Lapkiewicz,1,2 William N. Plick,1,2 Mario Krenn,1,2

Christoph Schaeff,1,2 Sven Ramelow,1,2 Anton Zeilinger1,2,3*

Single photons with helical phase structures may carry a quantized amount of orbital angularmomentum (OAM), and their entanglement is important for quantum information science andfundamental tests of quantum theory. Because there is no theoretical upper limit on how manyquanta of OAM a single photon can carry, it is possible to create entanglement between two particleswith an arbitrarily high difference in quantum number. By transferring polarization entanglementto OAM with an interferometric scheme, we generate and verify entanglement between two photonsdiffering by 600 in quantum number. The only restrictive factors toward higher numbers are currenttechnical limitations. We also experimentally demonstrate that the entanglement of very high OAMcan improve the sensitivity of angular resolution in remote sensing.

Quantum entanglement—the nonclassicalphenomenon of joint measurements ofat least two separate systems showingstronger correlations than classically ex-

plainable (1, 2)—is widely considered one of thequintessential features of quantum theory. Sinceits discovery and first experimental demonstra-tion (3), photon entanglement has been shown

in various degrees of freedom (4–7). In the fieldof photonic quantum optics, studies of the orbitalangular momentum (OAM) of light have beenproductive. The natural solutions of the paraxialwave equation in cylindrical coordinates, Laguerre-Gauss modes, have a helical phase dependencethat leads to a vortex or phase singularity and thuszero intensity along the beam axis. These Laguerre-Gauss modes carry an OAM that can take anyinteger value (8). Entanglement of OAM of pho-tons (5) has led to many novel insights and ap-plications in quantum foundations and quantuminformation—for example, qutrit quantum com-

1Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum Informa-tion, University of Vienna, Vienna A-1090, Austria. 2Institutefor Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Acad-emy of Science, Vienna A-1090, Austria. 3Vienna Center forQuantum Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics, Universityof Vienna, Vienna A-1090, Austria.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected] (R.F.); [email protected] (A.Z.)

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Page 3: Quantum Entanglement of High Angular Momenta Robert ... › 2018 › 04 › ... · momentum (OAM), and their entanglement is important for quantum information science and fundamental

munication protocols (9), uncertainty relationswith angular position and OAM (10), or higher-dimensional entanglement (11–13).

An important motivation for our work isthe open question of the existence of macro-scopic entanglement, which is intricately con-nected to the very definition of “macroscopicity”(14). The OAM degree of freedom offers the pos-sibility to create entanglement of quantum num-bers in principle up to arbitrarily high values. Inoptomechanical experiments, which already makeuse of linear momentum (15), such photons canbe used to create entanglement of a mechanicalsystem with high angular momentum. Also, rela-tive to classical methods, quantum remote sensingoffers an improved angular resolution that is am-plified by large OAM values (16).

Because of the rapidly decreasing efficiencyof the downconversion process for the direct gen-

eration of entanglement of higher OAM (17, 18),we use a different approach similar to the ideasin (7, 19–21). We start with high-fidelity two-dimensional entanglement in the polarization de-grees of freedom and transfer it to various OAMsubspaces with chosen amounts of angular momen-tum (Fig. 1). The polarization-entangled photonpairs propagating in single-mode fibers enter thetransfer setups in the two-photon state describedby the tensor product of two degrees of freedom(polarization and OAM):

jyin⟩ ¼ ½ajH⟩jV ⟩þ b expðiϕÞjV ⟩jH ⟩�⊗j0⟩j0⟩ð1Þ

where a, b, and ϕ are real and normalized (a2 +b2 = 1), H and V denote horizontal and verticalpolarization, 0 indicates the amount of OAMper photon (Gauss mode), and the positions of

the ket vectors, which describe the quantum me-chanical states of the photon, label the differentphotons. The transfer is realized with a foldedinterferometric structure that is intrinsically phase-stable and has by design equal arm lengths. De-pending on their polarization, the photons aretransferred to a well-defined Laguerre-Gauss modeby a spatial light modulator (SLM), which mo-dulates the phase of the light (22). The SLM isprogrammed such that photons that take the pathfor horizontally polarized light are changed to +lafter leaving the interferometer, and those thattake the path for vertically polarized light arechanged to –l after leaving the interferometer.Finally, a polarizer projects the photons onto thediagonal polarization (D), erasing any informationabout path and creating the state

jyout⟩ ¼ jD⟩jD⟩⊗½aj þ l⟩j−l⟩ þb expðiϕÞj−l⟩j þ l⟩� ð2Þ

Our method does not rely on phase matching,as in the generation of OAM entanglement viaspontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC),but instead benefits from the efficient and high-quality polarization entanglement. The resultingstates can be entangled in any two-dimensionalsubspace of the infinite-dimensional OAM spaceor even in the general space of all spatial modesthat can be generated with SLMs (23–25).

To realize projective measurements onto high-OAM superposition states in order to demonstrateentanglement, we use a technique that takes advan-tage of the specific spatial structure of the createdphotonic states (Fig. 2). Any equal Laguerre-Gausssuperposition, jc⟩ ¼ 2−1=2½jl⟩þ expðiϕÞj−l⟩�, hasan intensity distribution showing a radially sym-metric structure with 2l maxima arranged in aring (Fig. 2, B to D). Because the angular po-sition g = (ϕ/2l)·(360°/2p) of this petal structureis determined by the phase ϕ, a mask with 2l slitsmaximally transmits only a specific superposition.By rotating the mask, all possible superpositionswith equal amplitude are accessible. For analysisof the created state and demonstration of entangle-ment, one mask is installed after each transfer setup

Fig. 1. Left panel: Schematic sketch of the setup. Polarization entanglement is created in a parametricdownconversion process (source) and afterward transferred to modes with high quanta of OAM (transfersetups, shown as blue boxes). (A) Experimental layout for one of the two identical transfer setups wherethe photon is split by a polarization beam splitter (PBS) and its spatial mode is transformed to a higher-order Laguerre-Gauss mode by a spatial light modulator (SLM). Half-wave plates (HWP) in the pathsensure that the SLM works optimally and that the output is separated from the input. A polarizer (blue)projects the photon to diagonal polarization and completes the transfer. (B to D) Three-phase pattern ofincreasing complexity of the structure: l = 10 (B), l = 100 (C), and l = 300 (D). Because the SLM hasfinite resolution, a Moiré pattern emerges.

Fig. 2. Sketch of the measurement principle. (A) The angular position of theradial superposition structure (red) is dependent on the phase ϕ of the state,here jc⟩ = j10⟩ + exp(iϕ)j−10⟩. A mask with the same rotational symmetry(20 slits) is able to detect any superposition depending on the mask’sangular position g. (B to D) Three superpositions (false colors denoteintensity gradations) for l = T10 (B), l = T100 (C), and a section of the modefor l = T300 (D), experimentally created with a laser imaged by a charge-

coupled device camera. Additional structures around and inside of the mainintensity pattern (higher-order Laguerre-Gauss modes with the same OAMand unmodulated photons, respectively) arise from the imperfect creation ofthe modes at the SLM but will be blocked by the slit mask. For l = T300, onlythe section of the mode shown here was used in the measurements, becauseof the noise from diffraction at the SLM housing and distorted modulationdue to the limitations of the finite resolution.

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and the coincidence of two transmitted photonsfor different combinations of g is measured.

In our experiment, polarization-entangled pho-ton pairs (uncorrected average visibility 97.99 T0.03%) at 810 nm were created using a type IInonlinear crystal in a Sagnac-type configuration(26, 27). The SLM in the transfer setup is pro-grammed such that the reflected photons acquirel multiples of 2p azimuthal phase (l quanta ofOAM), which leads to complex patterns whenOAM is large (Fig. 1, B to D). Therefore, weused a high-resolution SLM (1920 × 1080, fullHD; Holoeye Photonics AG, Berlin) with smallpixel size (8 mm). Nonetheless, for values of l ≥300 we observed a clear reduction of mode trans-formation efficiency, which is the main limitingfactor (22). This is only a technical limitation thatcan be overcome by higher-resolution SLMs ornovel techniques for creating photons with higherl values (28). After the transfer setups, the modesare enlarged to fit the masks (laser-cut black card-board) and transmitted photons are focused tobucket detectors.

As a demonstration of the flexibility of oursetup, we created two-dimensional spatial modeentanglement with highly asymmetric OAMstates, in which one photon is transferred to l =T10 and the second photon to l = T100 (Fig. 3A).Because of its intrinsic conservation of angularmomentum, the SPDC process could not createthis asymmetric state directly. We then transferredboth photons to l = T100, showing the ability tocreate OAM modes with very high differencein quantum number (Fig. 3B). The highest valueof OAM per single photon where strong cor-relations were still measurable was l = T300 forboth photons (Fig. 3C). The decrease in modetransformation efficiency of the SLM, however,strongly affects the coincidence rate (about 1 coin-cidence count per minute in the maximum) andtherefore the statistical significance of our results.

To demonstrate successful transfer, we con-structed an entanglement witness [similar to (29)],which verifies entanglement if the sum of twovisibilities in two mutually unbiased bases isabove the classical bound of (21/2 + 1)/2 ≈ 1.21(22, 29). The data for the visibilities were takenin addition to the fringe measurements (apart froml = T300) with longer integration. For the asym-metric OAM state l = T10/T100, we achieved awitness value of 1.48 T 0.01. When both photonswere transferred to l = T100, the witness valuewas 1.55 T 0.01. Both values were calculatedwithout any correction of the data and violatethe classical limit by ~30 standard deviations,demonstrating the successful entanglement trans-fer. Because of the significantly smaller cre-ation and detection efficiencies (hence a lowerpair detection rate) for l = T300, we correctedfor accidental coincidence counts (22), yieldinga value of 1.6 T 0.3 for our entanglement wit-ness. With a statistical significance of more than80%, we thus violate the bound for separablestates with photons that each carry l = T300quanta of OAM.

Fig. 3. Measured coincidencecounts as a function of the angleof one mask and different anglesof the other mask. The measuredcoincidence counts (points) showa sinusoidal dependence (fittedlines) and depend only on the dif-ference between the angles ofthe masks, which is a clear signa-ture of nonclassical correlations.(A) The first photon is transferredto l = T10ℏ and the second tol = T100ℏ, showing the abilityto create asymmetric OAM entan-gled states. (B) Both photons aretransferred to l = T100ℏ. (C)Both photons carry l = T300ℏand nonclassical correlations canstill be measured. Here, the countrate decreased significantly (about1 coincidence count per minute)primarily because of limited con-version efficiency. The integrationtimes in (A), (B), and (C) were 2min, 9 min, and 64 min, respec-tively, for each data point. Errorbars in all plots (if large enoughto be seen) are estimated fromPoissonian count statistics.

Fig. 4. Measurementsof remote angular sensi-tivity enhancement. (A)Normalized coincidencecount rates where one pho-ton is projected on diag-onal polarization, and thesecond photon is eitherkept polarization-encodedwhile the polarizer is ro-tated (green triangles) ortransferred to l = T10ℏ(blue diamonds), to l =T100ℏ (red squares), orto l = T300ℏ (black cir-cles) while the appropri-ate mask is rotated. Theerrors are estimated as-suming Poissonian countstatistics. (B) From thesteepest part of the fringes(0°), it is possible to cal-culate the correspondingangular sensitivity limitedby statistical fluctuationsfor different numbers ofdetected pairs. The dashedlines are the theoreticallyexpected sensitivities (as-suming 100% visibility and Poissonian fluctuation) and the points are the measured values. To illustratethe enhancement for 100 detected pairs, we measured the angular position of the randomly rotated maskby correcting the change in the coincidence counts with a rotation of the remote polarizer. The right panelshows histograms of 20 different random angles that were measured for each arrangement. For l =T300ℏ, the limit of our high-precision rotation stage (T0.016°) was determined with the polarizer in alow-precision mount (T1°). To reach the same precision without OAM-induced angular resolution en-hancement, about 3.3 million detected pairs would have been necessary.

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To further corroborate this successful entan-glement creation, we transferred only one pho-ton to l = T300 and measured the other photonin the polarization bases. The measured witnessvalue was 1.628 T 0.004. Therefore, our resultsdemonstrate that single photons can carry 300ħof OAM (where ħ is Planck’s constant dividedby 2p) and that entanglement between two pho-tons differing by 600 in quantum number canbe achieved. Even in classical optics, the highestvalue of OAM that had been created with anSLM was l = 200 (30).

Apart from the fundamental interest of en-tangling high quantum numbers, we also dem-onstrate the use of high-OAM entanglement forremote sensing. For this we use the same meth-od as before for creating high-OAM entangledstates (folded interferometric scheme includingSLM) and analyzing them (slit wheel method).When we transfer one photon to high OAM val-ues and keep the other in its polarization state,the pair can be used to remotely measure an an-gular rotation with a precision that is increasedby a factor l relative to the situation when onlypolarization-entangled photon pairs are used(Fig. 4) (22). This can lead to notable improve-ments for applications in the field of remotesensing, especially where low light intensities arerequired, such as in biological imaging experi-ments with light-sensitive material. An analogousimprovement can be achieved classically if diag-onally or circularly polarized light enters our trans-fer setup. However, the important difference is thatentanglement enables the measurements to bedone remotely, with the photons being spatiallyseparated or even in unknown locations at somelater time.

Our approach could be generalized to higher-dimensional entanglement for spatial modes—for example, by starting with higher-dimensional(hybrid) entanglement and a more complex inter-ferometric scheme. Such a development wouldhave potential benefits in applications such asquantum cryptography, quantum computation,and quantum metrology.

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Acknowledgments: Supported by the European ResearchCouncil (advanced grant QIT4QAD, 227844) and the AustrianScience Fund (FWF) within the Special Research Programs(SFB) F40 (Foundations and Applications of Quantum Science;FoQuS) and W1210-2 (Vienna Doctoral Program on ComplexQuantum Systems; CoQuS). R.F. participated in the designand building of the experimental apparatus, collected andanalyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript. R.L., C.S., andS.R. participated in the design and building of the experimentand assisted on the experimental side. W.N.P., S.R., andM.K. assisted on the theoretical side. A.Z. initiated the workand supervised the experiment. All authors contributed toconceiving the experiment, discussing the results, andcontributing to the final text of the manuscript.

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/338/6107/640/DC1Materials and MethodsSupplementary TextTable S1Fig. S1

9 July 2012; accepted 20 September 201210.1126/science.1227193

Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells Basedon Meso-SuperstructuredOrganometal Halide PerovskitesMichael M. Lee,1 Joël Teuscher,1 Tsutomu Miyasaka,2 Takurou N. Murakami,2,3 Henry J. Snaith1*

The energy costs associated with separating tightly bound excitons (photoinduced electron-holepairs) and extracting free charges from highly disordered low-mobility networks representfundamental losses for many low-cost photovoltaic technologies. We report a low-cost,solution-processable solar cell, based on a highly crystalline perovskite absorber with intensevisible to near-infrared absorptivity, that has a power conversion efficiency of 10.9% in asingle-junction device under simulated full sunlight. This “meso-superstructured solar cell”exhibits exceptionally few fundamental energy losses; it can generate open-circuit photovoltagesof more than 1.1 volts, despite the relatively narrow absorber band gap of 1.55 electron volts.The functionality arises from the use of mesoporous alumina as an inert scaffold that structuresthe absorber and forces electrons to reside in and be transported through the perovskite.

An efficient solar cell must absorb over abroad spectral range, from visible to near-infrared (near-IR) wavelengths (350 to

~950 nm), and convert the incident light effec-tively into charges. The charges must be collected

at a high voltage with suitable current in order todo useful work (1–8). A simple measure of solarcell effectiveness at generating voltage is the dif-ference in energy between the optical band gapof the absorber and the open-circuit voltage (Voc)

generated by the solar cell under simulated airmass (AM) 1.5 solar illumination of 100 mW cm−2

(9). For instance, gallium arsenide (GaAs) solarcells exhibit Voc of 1.11 V and an optical bandgap of 1.4 eV, giving a difference of ~0.29 eV(2). For dye-sensitized and organic solar cells,this difference is usually on the order of 0.7 to0.8 eV (2, 9). For organic solar cells, such lossesare predominantly caused by their low dielectricconstants. Tightly bound excitons form, whichrequire a heterojunction with an electron accep-tor with a large energy offset to enable ion-ization and charge separation (10, 11). Likewise,dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have losses,both from electron transfer from the dye (or ab-sorber) into the TiO2, which requires a certain“driving force,” and from dye regeneration from

1Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University ofOxford, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK. 2Graduate School of Engi-neering, Toin University of Yokohama, 1614 Kurogane, Aoba,Yokohama 225-8503, Japan. 3Research Center for PhotovoltaicTechnologies, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sci-ence and Technology, Central 5, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki305-8565, Japan.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 338 2 NOVEMBER 2012 643