Q U E S T ® / Q U E S T ® P L U S S T R O N G I D ® C 2 X A N T H E L C I D E ® E Q S T R O N G I D ® P A S T E D E W O R M I N G I N D I V I D U A L I Z E D QUEST ® (moxidectin) Gel and QUEST ® Plus (moxidectin praziquantel) Gel Description QUEST Gel and QUEST Plus Gel are broad-spectrum equine dewormers containing the active ingredients moxidectin and praziquantel (QUEST Plus Only). Approved Uses QUEST and QUEST Plus are approved for: The removal and control of large strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, Triodontophorus brevicauda, T. serratus); small strongyles (Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Gyalocophalus capitatus); encysted cyathostomes; Ascarids (Parascaris equorum); pinworms (Oxyuris equi); hairworms (Trichostrongylus axei); large- mouth stomach worms (Habronema muscae); stomach bots (Gasterophilus intestinals, G. nasailis); tapeworms - QUEST Plus only (Anaplocephala perfoliata). Key Features • 84 days of strongyle egg suppression with one dose; providing a period of protection against reinfection • Approved for use in breeding mares and stallions, and foals six months of age and older • Specially formulated as a palatable, clear dissolving gel for an instantly easier deworming process Packaging 0.4 oz (11.6g) Sure-Dial ® syringe Dosage and Administration • QUEST Gel is packaged in ready-to-use Sure-Dial ® syringes. The syringe is calibrated in 50-pound increments, up to 1,150 lb. This enables the administration of the recommended dose level of 0.4 mg moxidenctin/kg body weight by choosing a setting consistent with the animal’s weight • Determine the weight of the horse and dial the correct setting on the plunger. Remove the cap from the syringe. Insert the tip of the syringe into the side of the animal’s mouth between the incisor and molar teeth and press the plunger down as far as it will go, depositing the paste on the back of the tongue. The table below will help estimate the number of horses or ponies the contents of each syringe will treat. • Veterinarians are the best source to determine frequency of treatments. • Extreme caution should be used when administering QUEST or QUEST Plus to foals, young and miniature horses, as overdosage may result in serious adverse reactions. Do not use in sick, debilitated or underweight animals. These products should not be used in other animal species, as severe adverse reactions, including fatalities in dogs, may result. Ponies Light Horses Heavy Horses Weight Treated Animals Weight Treated Animals Weight Treated Animals Age (lbs) (kg) (per syringe) (lbs) (kg) (per syringe) (lbs) (kg) (per syringe) 6 months 200 (91) 5 400 (181) 2 550 (250) 2 9 months 250 (113) 4 500 (227) 2 700 (318) 1 Mature 450 (204) 2 900 (409) 1 1,300 (590) * TO LEARN MORE, CONTACT YOUR PFIZER ANIMAL HEALTH REPRESENTATIVE OR VISIT IDMYHORSE.COM Extreme caution should be used when administering QUEST or QUEST PLUS to foals, young and miniature horses, as overdosage may result in serious adverse reactions. Do not use in sick, debilitated or underweight animals. These products should not be used in other animal species, as severe adverse reactions, including fatalities in dogs, may result. All brands are the property of Pfizer Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ©2010 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. EQW0510021 INDIVIDUALIZED DEWORMING PRODUCT GUIDE *A full syringe plus a portion of a second syringe is required to treat horses weighing more than 1,150 lb.

QUEST moxidectin) Gel and QUEST moxidectin ... - … · QUEST® (moxidectin) Gel and QUEST ... 10 days to two (2) weeks after birth of foal. Horses and ponies over eight (8) months

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I D U A L I ZEDQUEST® (moxidectin) Gel and QUEST® Plus (moxidectin praziquantel) GelDescription QUEST Gel and QUEST Plus Gel are broad-spectrum equine dewormers containing the active ingredients moxidectin and praziquantel (QUEST Plus Only).

Approved Uses QUEST and QUEST Plus are approved for: The removal and control of large strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, Triodontophorus brevicauda, T. serratus); small strongyles (Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Gyalocophalus capitatus); encysted cyathostomes; Ascarids (Parascaris equorum); pinworms (Oxyuris equi); hairworms (Trichostrongylus axei); large-mouth stomach worms (Habronema muscae); stomach bots (Gasterophilus intestinals, G. nasailis); tapeworms - QUEST Plus only (Anaplocephala perfoliata).

Key Features• 84 days of strongyle egg suppression with one dose;

providing a period of protection against reinfection

• Approved for use in breeding mares and stallions, and foals six months of age and older

• Specially formulated as a palatable, clear dissolving gel for an instantly easier deworming process

Packaging0.4 oz (11.6g) Sure-Dial® syringe

Dosage and Administration• QUEST Gel is packaged in ready-to-use Sure-Dial®

syringes. The syringe is calibrated in 50-pound increments, up to 1,150 lb. This enables the administration of the recommended dose level of 0.4 mg moxidenctin/kg body weight by choosing a setting consistent with the animal’s weight

• Determine the weight of the horse and dial the correct setting on the plunger. Remove the cap from the syringe. Insert the tip of the syringe into the side of the animal’s mouth between the incisor and molar teeth and press the plunger down as far as it will go, depositing the paste on the back of the tongue.

The table below will help estimate the number of horses or ponies the contents of each syringe will treat.

• Veterinarians are the best source to determine frequency of treatments.

• Extreme caution should be used when administering QUEST or QUEST Plus to foals, young and miniature horses, as overdosage may result in serious adverse reactions. Do not use in sick, debilitated or underweight animals.

These products should not be used in other animal species, as severe adverse reactions, including fatalities in dogs, may result.

Ponies Light Horses Heavy Horses




Age (lbs) (kg) (per syringe) (lbs) (kg) (per syringe) (lbs) (kg) (per syringe)

6 months 200 (91) 5 400 (181) 2 550 (250) 2

9 months 250 (113) 4 500 (227) 2 700 (318) 1

Mature 450 (204) 2 900 (409) 1 1,300 (590) *

To lEArn morE, conTAcT yoUr PFizEr AnimAl HEAlTH rEPrESEnTATivE or viSiT iDmyHorSE.com

Extreme caution should be used when administering QUEST or QUEST PLUS to foals, young and miniature horses, as overdosage may result in serious adverse reactions. Do not use in sick, debilitated or underweight animals. These products should not be used in other animal species, as severe adverse reactions, including fatalities in dogs, may result.

All brands are the property of Pfizer Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ©2010 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. EQW0510021


*A full syringe plus a portion of a second syringe is required to treat horses weighing more than 1,150 lb.

AnTHElciDE® EQ Paste (oxibendazole)DescriptionANTHELCIDE EQ Paste is a broad-spectrum equine dewormer containing the active ingredient oxibendazole.

Approved UsesANTHELCIDE EQ Paste is approved for: The removal and control of large strongyles (Strongylus edentatus, S. equinus, S. vulgaris); small strongyles (species of the genera Cylicostephanus, Cylicocyclus, Cyathostomum, Triodontophorus, Cylicodontophorus, and Gyalocephalus); large roundworms (Parascaris equorum); pinworms (Oxyuris equi), including various larval stages and threadworms (Strongyloides westeri).

Key Features• One syringe doses up to 1,200-lb body weight

• Shows efficacy against benzimidazole-resistant strongyles

• Wide margin of safety

Packaging0.85-ounce (24 g) syringes

Dosage and Administration• The dosage of oxibendazole is 10 mg/kg (2.2 lb) of

body weight (15 mg/kg for strongyloides). Each mark on the syringe delivers ANTHELCIDE EQ to treat 100 lb (67 lb for strongyloides)

• Horses maintained on premises where reinfection is likely to occur may be retreated in 6 to 8 weeks. Veterinarians are the best source to determine frequency of treatments

• ANTHELCIDE EQ is compatible with carbon disulfide, which can be used concurrently for bot control (Gasterophilus spp.) when administered by a veterinarian. Routine carbon disulfide cautions must be observed

• Determine the weight of the horse and dial the correct setting on the plunger. Remove the cap from the syringe. Insert the tip of the syringe into the side of the animal’s mouth between the incisor and molar teeth and press the plunger down as far as it will go, depositing the paste on the back of the tongue

STronGiD® Paste (pyrantel pamoate)DescriptionSTRONGID Paste is a broad-spectrum equine wormer containing pyrantel, a compound from the tetrahydropyrimidine class.

Approved Uses STRONGID Paste is approved for: The removal and control of mature infections of large strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, S. equinus); pinworms (Oxyuris equi); large roundworms (Parascaris equorum); and small strongyles in horses and ponies.

Key Features • Chemical class, unrelated to other classes of equine


• Convenient disposable syringe treats 1,200-lb body weight

• Wide margin of safety

Packaging 20-mL tubes

Dosage and Administration• To be administered as a single oral dose of 3 mg

pyrantel base per pound of body weight. The syringe has four (4) weight mark increments. Each weight mark indicates the recommended dose for 300 pounds of body weight

• For maximum control of parasitism, it is recommended that foals (2 to 8 months of age) be dosed every four (4) weeks. To minimize the potential source of infection that the mare may pose to the foal, the mare should be treated one (1) month prior to the anticipated foaling date followed by retreatment 10 days to two (2) weeks after birth of foal. Horses and ponies over eight (8) months of age should be routinely dosed every six (6) weeks. Veterinarians are the best source to determine frequency of treatments

• After removing the cap, the paste should be deposited on the dorsum of the tongue. Introduce the nozzle end of the syringe at the corner of the mouth. Direct the syringe backwards and depress the plunger to deposit the paste onto the tongue. Given in this manner, it is unlikely that rejection of the paste will occur. Raising the horse’s head sometimes assists in the swallowing process. If only part of the paste has been used, replace the cap on the syringe nozzle

STronGiD® c/c 2X (pyrantel tartrate)DescriptionStrongid C 2X is an Equine Anthelmintic medicated for continuous feeding for the prevention of Strongylus vulgaris larval infestation in horses.

Approved UsesSTRONGID® C/C 2X is approved for: The control of large strongyles–adults (S. vulgaris, S. edentatus); small strongyles–adults and 4th-stage larvae (Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp., Poteriostomum spp., Triodontophorus spp.); pinworms–adults and 4th-stage larvae (Oxyuris equi); ascarids–adults and 4th-stage larvae (Parascaris equorum)

Key Features • Continuous dosing of pyrantel tartrate in the

gastrointestinal tract, instead of a conventional program of deworming every 60 days that leaves horses open to reinfection

• Safe for use in pregnant mares and foals

PackagingDoses per package for a 1,000 lb horse:• STRONGID C 2X

50 lb bag = 400 daily doses

• STRONGID C 25 lb bucket = 100 daily doses

• STRONGID C 2X 10 lb pail = 80 daily doses

Doses and AdministrationStrongid C 2X is to be administered on a continuous basis either as a top-dress or mixed in the horse’s daily grain ration at the rate of 1.2 mg pyrantel tartrate per lb of body weight daily.

To achieve this dose, administer:• 1 oz of STRONGID C per 250 lb of body weight.

• 0.5 oz of STRONGID C 2X per 250 lb of body weight.

ingredients:Dehydrated alfalfa meal, wheat middlings, ground corn, cane molasses, mineral oil, preserved with propionic acid.

Unprotected animals that have grazed may already have an established S. vulgaris larval infestation. Before administering Strongid C 2X, these animals should be treated with a therapeutic dose of a larvicidal product.

Foals may be administered STRONGID C or STRONGID C 2X as soon as consistent intake of grain mix is occurring. This is generally between two to three months of age. STRONGID C or STRONGID C 2X may be used in mares at any stage of pregnancy or lactation. Stallion fertility is not affected by the use of STRONGID C or STRONGID C 2X.

A D E W O R M I N G P R O G R A M T H AT F I T S E A C H H O R S E ’ S L I F EThe following products make up the Pfizer Animal Health complete portfolio of dewormers. Together, they provide every tool you need to design an Individualized Deworming (ID) program that fits the needs of each horse.