Management Process and Organizational Behavior Unit1 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions 1.SWOT stands for a. Situation, Work, Organization, Task b. Symbol, Work, Operations, Training c. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats d. Supervision, Weakness, Opportunity,Team 2.The questions like What makes the organization distinctive? How skilled is our workforce? are usually asked to assess the a. Strength of the Organization b. Capacity of Organizaation c. Organizational Effectiveness d. Training Need 3._______ involves the process of defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving these goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities a. Leading b. Organizing c. Coordinating d. Planning 4.___________ focus on operations before they begin a. Concurrent Controls b. Feedback Controls c. Decisional Controls d. Feed Forward Controls

Question Bank of Mgnt Process and Org Behavior_2 Mark

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Management Process and Organizational Behavior

Unit1 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.SWOT stands for

a. Situation, Work, Organization, Task

b. Symbol, Work, Operations, Training

c. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

d. Supervision, Weakness, Opportunity,Team

2.The questions like What makes the organization distinctive? How skilled is our

workforce? are usually asked to assess the

a. Strength of the Organization

b. Capacity of Organizaation

c. Organizational Effectiveness

d. Training Need

3._______ involves the process of defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving

these goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities

a. Leading

b. Organizing

c. Coordinating

d. Planning

4.___________ focus on operations before they begin

a. Concurrent Controls

b. Feedback Controls

c. Decisional Controls

d. Feed Forward Controls

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5.___________ is the ability to work with, understand and motivate other people (both

individually and a group).

a. Social Skill

b. Technical Skill

c. Conceptual Skill

d. Human Skill

Unit2 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Esprit de corps means

a. efforts must be made to promote harmony within the organization

b. both materials and personnel must always be in their proper place

c. authority should be matched with corresponding responsibility

d. personnel must be treated with kindness and justice

2.The areas on which OB focuses are :1. Individuals who will often be working within

groups, 2. Which themselves work within organizations,3. As well as all the

interrelationships between them. This statement is

a. Completely False

b. None of the above

c. Partially True ( 1 and 2)

d. Completely True

3._______looked at OB from a structural viewpoint

a. Barnard

b. Max Weber

c. Mayo

d. Taylor

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4.________ emphasized on finding one best way of doing each job. He stressed on

selecting the right people for the job , train them to do it precisely in one best way

a. Adam Smith

b. Henry fayol

c. Fredrick Taylor

d. Dale Carnefie

5.___________ is the right to give orders and entails enforcing them with rewards and


a. Authority

b. Responsibility

c. Leadership

d. Managemen

Unit3 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Ability reflects a persons existing capacity to perform the various tasks needed for a

given job and includes

a. both relevant knowledge and skills

b. Skills

c. Knowledge

d. Physical Strength

2.The Nine Basic Physical Abilities proposed by Fleishman, are divided into three factors


a. Speed, Stamina, Flexibility

b. Strength, Weight, Stamina

c. Height, Weight, Others

d. Strength, Flexibility, Others

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3.The Read write speaking ability is related to

a. Perceptual Speed

b. Spatial Visualization

c. Inductive reasoning

d. Verbal Communication

4.The strong spatial-visualization abilities is a prerequisite for

a. Accountant

b. Pilots

c. Teacher

d. Doctor

5.This theory suggests eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of

human potential in children and adults

a. Theory of multiple intelligences

b. The Ability-Job Fit

c. Intelligence Quotient

d. Physical Ability

Unit4 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Honesty pay is a

a. fixed interval reinforcement

b. Variable-interval reinforcements

c. Variable ratio reinforcements

d. fixed ratio reinforcement

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2.Social-learning theory suggests that training should

a. Provide motivational properties

b. Evaluating performance improvement

c. Identifying behaviour consequences

d. Disciplining employees

3.The two major types of reinforcement schedules are

a. Continuous and intermittent

b. Positive and Negative

c. Reward and Recognition

d. Punishment and Promotion

4._KSA in this context refers to

a. Knowledge, Strength, Ability

b. Knowledge, Social behaviour, Age

c. Knowledge, skill ,ability

d. knowledge, skill and attitude

5._________ indicates that Individuals will be motivated to exhibit the modelled

behavior if positive incentives or rewards are provided

a. Attentional processes

b. Motor reproduction processes

c. Retention processes

d. Reinforcement processes

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Unit5 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Speedo Automobiles has plans to expand and develop. It is focusing on organizing the

resources of the organization to gain a competitive edge in the market. The main aim is to

develop the core competencies and also getting access to larger market share and

technology.What intervention is it following?

a. Human process interventions

b. Strategic interventions

c. Techno-structural interventions

d. Human resource interventions

Unit7 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.The basic emotions :Anger, aversion, courage, dejection, desire, despair, fear, hate,

hope, love, etc were stated by

a. Gray

b. Ellsworth

c. Arnold

d. Friesen

Unit8 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Directive styles is characterised by

a. Characterizes decision makers who work well with others

b. Low tolerance for ambiguity and seek rationality

c. Concerned with the achievement of peers and subordinates

d. Tries to avoid conflict and seeks acceptance

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2.Problem clarity, Known options, Clear preferences are the assumptions for

________________ model.

a. Model of creativity

b. rational decision making model

c. Bounded rationality

d. Creativity in Decision Making

3.__________is an unconscious process created out of distilled experience.

a. Bounded rationality

b. Rational Decision Making

c. Creative Decision Making

d. Intuitive decision making

4._____________decisions are made solely on the basis of their outcomes or


a. Emphasis on rights

b. Focus on justice

c. Utilitarian criterion

d. Focus on rights

Unit9 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.According to this theory employees make comparisons of their job inputs and outcomes

relative to those of others.

a. Two Factor Theory.

b. Expectancy Theory

c. Need Hierarchy Theory

d. Adams equity theory

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2.McClellands (1961) theory focuses on three needs

a. Physiological, Psychological Esteem

b. Basic Needs, Comfort , Luxury

c. Achievement, power, and affiliation

d. Money, Recognition, Power

3.Works councils and ___________ are two most common forms of participative


a. Board representatives

b. Meetings

c. Teams

d. MBO

4.______Includes security and protection from physical and emotional harm

a. Need for Power

b. Achievement Need

c. Social Need

d. Safety Need

5._________are intrinsic factors, such as, advancement, recognition, responsibility, and

achievement. Presence of these factors ensure job satisfaction.

a. Motivators

b. Valance

c. Hygiene

d. Objectives

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Unit10 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Identify The correct sequence of group formation:

a. Storming ,adjourning, forming, norming, performing.

b. Forming, norming, performing , storming ,adjourning.

c. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning.

d. Performing , forming ,storming, norming , adjourning.

2.In a Cross-functional team :

a. Team members, who are physically dispersed, use computer technology to

connect with each other

b. Small groups from same department who meet regularly to discuss ways of

improving quality and efficiency.

c. Employees from different work areas but from same hierarchical level, come

together to accomplish a task.

d. Small groups who take responsibilities of their own targets

3.The potential disadvantages of group decision making include:

a. Late decision.

b. Social pressure to conform

c. Information

d. Wrong decision

4.When all group members agree totally on the course of action to be taken.

a. Decision by authority rule

b. Decision by unanimity.

c. Decision by majority rule

d. Decision by consensus

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5._____ are acceptable standards of behavior that are shared by the group s members.

a. Laws

b. Norms

c. Roles

d. Rules

Unit11 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Normal everyday politics complaining to your supervisor, bypassing the chain of

command, forming coalitions, etc is_________

a. Bad Political Behaviour.

b. Legitimate political behaviour

c. Illegitimate Political behaviour

d. Good behaviour

2.These 3 strategies-Avoid action and risk taking, Redirect accountability and

responsibility, Defend their turf, are commonly used to counter the effects of

a. Coalition

b. Machiavellian

c. Politicking

d. Empowerment

3.These 3 strategies-Avoid action and risk taking, Redirect accountability and

responsibility, Defend their turf, are commonly used to counter the effects of

a. Coalition

b. Empowerment

c. Machiavellian

d. Politicking

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4.These 3 strategies-Avoid action and risk taking, Redirect accountability and

responsibility, Defend their turf, are commonly used to counter the effects of

a. Coalition

b. Empowerment

c. Machiavellian

d. Politicking

5.These 3 strategies-Avoid action and risk taking, Redirect accountability and

responsibility, Defend their turf, are commonly used to counter the effects of

a. Politicking

b. Coalition

c. Machiavellian

d. Empowerment

6.Three factors are responsible for dependency. They are:

a. Scarcity, demand, power.

b. Intelligence, coalition expertise

c. Politics, power, coalition

d. Importance, scarcity, Non-substitutability

7.Three factors are responsible for dependency. They are:

a. Importance, scarcity, Non-substitutability

b. Scarcity, demand, power.

c. Intelligence, coalition expertise

d. Politics, power, coalition

8.Three factors are responsible for dependency. They are:

a. Intelligence, coalition expertise

b. Politics, power, coalition

c. Importance, scarcity, Non-substitutability

d. Scarcity, demand, power.

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9.Three factors are responsible for dependency. They are:

a. Intelligence, coalition expertise

b. Scarcity, demand, power.

c. Importance, scarcity, Non-substitutability

d. Politics, power, coalition

10.Use of negotiation through the exchange of benefits or favours.Identify the type of

power tactic here.

a. Sanction

b. Coalition.

c. Reason

d. Bargaining

11.Use of negotiation through the exchange of benefits or favours.Identify the type of

power tactic here.

a. Reason

b. Sanction

c. Bargaining

d. Coalition.

12.Use of negotiation through the exchange of benefits or favours.Identify the type of

power tactic here.

a. Sanction

b. Bargaining

c. Coalition.

d. Reason

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13.Use of negotiation through the exchange of benefits or favours.Identify the type of

power tactic here.

a. Reason

b. Sanction

c. Bargaining

d. Coalition.

14._______coalitions are likely be created where there is a great deal of task and resource


a. Political

b. Less

c. More

d. No

15._______coalitions are likely be created where there is a great deal of task and resource


a. Less

b. No

c. Political

d. More

16._______coalitions are likely be created where there is a great deal of task and resource


a. More

b. Political

c. Less

d. No

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17._______coalitions are likely be created where there is a great deal of task and resource


a. No

b. Political

c. Less

d. More

Unit12 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.An appeal to common goals can focus on

a. Separating the conflicting units from one another.

b. Buffering.

c. The mutual interdependence of the conflicting parties to achieve the common

goal of an organization.

d. Reporting the conflict to senior level.

2.BATNA stands for:

a. Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement

b. Be Accommodating To Negotiated Agreement

c. Better Alternative To No Agreement

d. Better Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.

3.The conflict is constructive if

a. Distortion of group

b. It is able to improve the quality of decision

c. Reduction in group Cohesiveness

d. Retardation of Communication

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4.The hard approach may lead to _______outcome.

a. Zero

b. Perfect

c. Win-Win

d. Win lose

5.The usual conflict management process has ___ stages.

a. Five

b. Nine

c. Three

d. Four

Unit13 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Eustress indicates:

a. Emotional Stress

b. Physical stress

c. Negative Stress

d. positive stress

2.Political uncertainties are _________ source of stress.

a. Organizational

b. Mental

c. Environmental

d. Physical

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3.Stress may be classified into____ types according to Selye.


a. Three

b. Four

c. Five

d. Two

4.Stress symptoms like changes in productivity, absence, and turnover are

a. Psychological Symptoms

b. Emotional Symptoms

c. Physiological Symptoms

d. Behavioural Symptoms.

5.________is exhibited as a response to loss, failure, danger or a fear of the unknown.

a. Nervous Breakdown

b. Anxiety

c. Depression

d. Anger

Unit14 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.At this stage, the forces, which maintain the status quo in the organizational behavior,

are reduced by refuting the present attitude and behavior to create a perceived need for

something new.

a. Moving

b. Development

c. Unfreezing

d. Refreezing

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2.Factors such as economic, political and demographic are related to the

a. Business

b. Technology

c. Environment

d. Organization

3._____ and ________ are forces of change.

a. Individual and organizational.

b. Good and bad

c. Positive and Negative

d. Internal and external

4._______ emphasizes on the significance of data collection and diagnosis.

a. Action Research Model

b. Refreezing Theory

c. Force field Analysis

d. Unfreezing Theory

Unit15 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions

1.It focuses on interpersonal or inter-group conflicts.

a. Strategic Intervention

b. Human process interventions

c. Third Party intervention

d. Techno-structural interventions

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2.It is based on the assumptions that the social norms are one of the strong reinforcers of


a. Systems Approach

b. Deliberate Intervention

c. Normative Approach

d. Normative Deductive Strategy

3.It is based on the assumptions that the social norms are one of the strong reinforcers of


a. Systems Approach

b. Normative Deductive Strategy

c. Normative Approach

d. Deliberate Intervention

4.It is based on the assumptions that the social norms are one of the strong reinforcers of


a. Systems Approach

b. Deliberate Intervention

c. Normative Deductive Strategy

d. Normative Approach

5.It is primarily concerned with improving the organization by focusing on aspects that

have a bearing on human and social improvement.

a. Normative Approach

b. Scientific Approach

c. Behavioural Science Base

d. Systems Approach

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6.It is primarily concerned with improving the organization by focusing on aspects that

have a bearing on human and social improvement.

a. Normative Approach

b. Behavioural Science Base

c. Systems Approach

d. Scientific Approach

7.It is primarily concerned with improving the organization by focusing on aspects that

have a bearing on human and social improvement.

a. Behavioural Science Base

b. Systems Approach

c. Scientific Approach

d. Normative Approach

8.________are designed to provide members with experiential learning about group

dynamics, leadership and interpersonal relationships.

a. Quality circles

b. Formal groups

c. Teams

d. T-groups

9.________is a data based, problem solving model that replicated the steps involved in

the scientific method of inquiry.

a. Normative Approach

b. Normative Deductive Strategy

c. Action research model

d. Systems Approach

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