Quick review so answer these questions please!!! On a scratch sheet of paper with name on it!!! NO NOTES!!! 1. Three REASONS for US imperialism 2. What is the difference between the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary? 3. Why did Roosevelt add more bite to US policy in Latin America? 4. What did the Treaty of Paris settle in 1899? What did the US gain?

Quick review so answer these questions please!!! On a scratch sheet of paper with name on it!!! NO NOTES!!! 1. Three REASONS for US imperialism 2. What

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Quick review so answer these questions please!!! On a scratch sheet of paper with name on it!!! NO NOTES!!!

1. Three REASONS for US imperialism2. What is the difference between the

Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary?

3. Why did Roosevelt add more bite to US policy in Latin America?

4. What did the Treaty of Paris settle in 1899? What did the US gain?

5. “Speak softly and carry big stick” What is the big stick?



1520 Charles V (Spain) surveyed for best route 1846 US and Colombia declare Isthmus neutral

territory 1880’s French try to build canal

(unsuccessful) 1901 Roosevelt becomes President “regarded taking of Panama as a fulfillment of

the most direct American strategic interest, as a way of denying Europe a foothold in Central America, assuring full mobility for a two-ocean navy.”


(Hay-Pauncefote Treaty) 1901 Treaty eliminated any chance for Britain to compete

in the area. Hay – Herran Treaty 1903: from the Spooner

Amendment to purchase canal rights from Colombia for $40 million and $250,000 for life. REJECTED!! By Colombia

Nov.1903 Revolution by Panamanians was supported by Roosevelt.

Hay Bunau-Varilla Treaty granted US the rights to build under the same criteria as Herran Treaty but with Panama.

1904 construction began finished in 1914

Today it is being widened

Effects of Roosevelt and the Canal

Cost: $345 million not including purchase price and yearly pay to Panama.

Won Roosevelt the 1904 election 1958 Panama Independence Day,

desire to be sovereign. US citizens hurt

1960 Congress passes resolution to not allow Panama flag to be flown in canal zone.

1969 Panamanian Revolution new government Omar Torrijos new leader (Nixon refuses to

meet on grounds of militaristic government). 1973 Security Council declares Panama to be

free of colonial rule of USA. 1977 President Carter negotiated canal zone

to be sovereign by 1980 but US “right to defend,”run it until 2000.

US has intervened in Latin America over 35 times since 1903.

What do you think about the Election Outcome? 1. Why did Western powers seek to

establish spheres of influence in China?

2. What were the Open Door Notes? 3. What were the causes and

consequences of the Boxer Rebellion?

4. Why are the Open Door Notes believed to be the “bedrock” of American foreign policy?

Taft and Wilson (Imperialism) Dollar Diplomacy:

Taft gave $ to Nicaragua for failing banks along with a few marines when things went wrong!

Missionary Diplomacy: Moral responsibility to deny recognition of any

oppressive, undemocratic or hostile government toward the U.S.

Bring on the Police Power Mexico: 1911 revolution where peasants led

by Francisco Madero overthrew Diaz (military dictator)

Wilson and Mexico

General Victoriano Huerta took over Madero two years later.

Wilson refused to recognize 1914: Tampico Mexico the arrest of American

Soldiers led to US intervention. 1915: Venustiano Carranza takes control and

Wilson removes troops Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata

Death of Americans in Columbus New Mexico gets US fired up.

1916: US getting ready for war in Europe remove troops looking for Villa

Goals Achieved

1. Expanded foreign markets to ensure growth of economy

2. Built modern navy to protect interest

3. International Police Power

A little Group Activity

Turn to the person sitting to your left and decide what was the “one” driving force for US imperialism. Defend your groups position as to why it is more important than any other reason.

Roosevelt/Taft/Wilson (362-63) Roosevelt Corollary/Dollar

diplomacy/Missionary Diplomacy how are they different/same?

What are the strengths of each? Which do you feel was most effective

and why? Make an argument in favor of

Wilson’s Missionary diplomacy.

What were the long term effects of Imperialism Pros:

Markets Land Military strength Anglo superiority

Cons: Unconstitutional Against Declaration of Independence Tainting of Anglo race