Quick Writes

Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

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Page 1: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Quick Writes

Page 2: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format!

What are your goals this year? What will you do to make it happen? What do you expect from this year? What will you be really good at/ struggle at?

Quick Write #1

Page 3: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain atleast 8 words.

Write your favorite quote, or make one up, and describe why it is your favorite, how you live up to it, or how it connects to you with specific details.

EXAMPLE: Mrs. Elliott’s favorite quote is “Stand up for what is right even if it means standing alone.” This quote also can go along with one of my other favorite quotes, “Stand up for God, By him, You are loved.” Standing up for what you believe in means doing the right thing even when everyone is against you. When someone is doing what you know in your heart is wrong, it is the ability to stand up and speak out. When one challenges your beliefs, you know God is next to you giving you strength to not allow negativity or cowardice in your heart.

Quick Write #2

Page 4: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

In honor of the UN’s International Day of Peace, write about peace!

Quick Write #3

Example questions to answer...What does peace mean to you? What does it look like?Why is it important to have a Peace Day?How can you promote peace in the world?Is there a difference between being and feeling peaceful?What would our country look like if we had peace?What is the best way to encourage peace?What does peace look like to you?

9/20Quick Write #3

Peace looks like neighbors helping each other out when the mail gets swapped. Peace feels like living life without waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is important to have a Peace Day because without it, we tend to only focus on the negative. Our country would look like rolling hills of laughter without tears or sorrow. The best way to encourage peace is to hold it near and dear to your life.

Page 5: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

Tell me about your favorite sport, to watch or to play, and describe why it is your favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details.

Quick Write #4

10/03Quick Write #4

Mrs. Elliott’s favorite sport to watch is football. There is no better feeling than cheering on your favorite team in the stands in a sold out stadium or yelling at the television in the comfort of your own home. Specifically, college football is my sport. You can see the talent in these college athletes and watch them grow from a red-shirt freshman to an unstoppable senior. Draft day is as big as the Oscars at the Elliotts’ house. Watching athletes train and evolve to a pro-footballer is like watching a kid learn to walk for the first time. I feel beyond proud when I see a Wolverine get drafted to an NFL team and hold their new jerseys in their hands.

8th Grade’s

Page 6: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

Create a story, a believable, cohesive story, that contains at least 5 vocabulary terms from Unit 1.

Quick Write #4

9/28Quick Write #4

7th Grade’s

Page 7: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

What does it mean to be Catholic? What are three key points of the Catholic faith? Write like you are describing Catholicism to someone who is not

Catholic. Please write using specific details.

Quick Write #5

10/3Quick Write #5

Page 8: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

What was your favorite Fun Day activity? What was your least favorite? Why? Please write using specific details.

Quick Write #6

10/12Quick Write #6

Page 9: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

If your mood was a weather forecast/ if you were an element, you would be a ________. Why?Please write using specific details.

Quick Write #7

10/17Quick Write #7

Page 10: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

Who is your favorite saint? Why? What did they do in their lives to become a saint? Please write using specific details.

Quick Write #8

11/02Quick Write #8

Page 11: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must

contain at least 8 words.

Look back to the Christ model we discussed in the beginning of your copybook. Which element or trait have you modeled and practiced throughout this first trimester? How? Which element or trait should you practice on? Why?

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #9

11/6Quick Write #9

Page 12: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must

contain at least 8 words.

How might your life be different had men and women in your country's past not been willing to fight for your freedom? Choose one major conflict in your country's history and write a short story describing life as it might have been

had that conflict never taken place. Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #10

11/9Quick Write #10

Page 13: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must

contain at least 8 words.

What are you thankful for? Why? Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #11

12/4Quick Write #11

Page 14: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must

contain at least 8 words.

Keep in mind this week’s theme for Advent, hope, and write about why we should be hopeful, what hope means, what you hope for, etc.

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #12

12/6Quick Write #12

Page 15: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

The theme for the second week of Advent is peace. Too often our understanding of the word “peace” is limited to worldly peace – the absence of war. But the word peace – as proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus – has a much more spiritual significance. Peace continues with

deeper conversion of heart – turning away from sin and toward God. And peace finds its perfection in being forgiven by Jesus and embracing His

grace-filled call to love as He loves (John 13:34-35).So when you hear the words of peace this week, don’t turn your mind first to world peace. Of course we want world peace. But it won’t happen by some

overbearing miracle. God doesn’t work that way. He respects free will to much. And His plans are quite a bit bigger than worldly peace.

Quick Write #13

Page 16: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must

contain at least 8 words. Keep in mind this week’s theme for Advent, peace, and write about

peace according to advent: what can we do to turn our mind to peace, why is this week in Advent peace, how can you cooperate more deeply with grace to make the peace of Christ a reality in your own heart and soul. How do you need to turn away from sinful selfishness and turn

more completely toward love – toward God.etc. Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES

Quick Write #13

12/18Quick Write #14

Page 17: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. In respect to Our Lady of Guadalupe, who was she? Why does she have a

feast day? When is it? What happens? * Write focusing on organizational format and adjectives.

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.


Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Page 18: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. Keep in mind this week’s theme for Advent, joy, and write about joy

according to advent: describe the Joy of knowing our Lord’s coming fill your hearts, minds, and souls; what brings you joy this time of year; how do you

express appreciation for those who bring you joy?

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #14

12/18Quick Write #14

Page 19: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words.

Choose two gifts of the Holy Spirit and describe how they can show in our lives? 1 paragraph per gift (describe & tell how they can show in

our lives). *Write focusing on sentence variety and use of adjectives.

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Two Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Page 20: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Happy New Year!!

What is/are your new year’s resolution(s)?

Page 21: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. Happy New Year!! With a new year often comes some new year resolutions.

What is/are your resolution(s)? What do they look like? What does it mean to you? Why did you choose it? How will you work towards to accomplishing it?

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #15

1/3Quick Write #15

Page 22: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. Jesus called ordinary men to be extraordinary. While it is hard to imagine us as extraordinary, that is how He sees us. Write a prayer to someone you love. In turn, write a prayer for your enemies. (Whew, easier said than done, right?)

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #16

1/15Quick Write #16

Page 23: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. “But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they

were gathered together. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,

and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (22 Matt 34-40) Reflect on this

passage. Jesus tells us that love is the most important, to love Him and others.

What does the word “love” mean to you? How do you show it? How can you show it? Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #17

2/__Quick Write #17

Page 24: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. God has chosen and gifted you with a wonderful set of skills, knowledge, and

abilities unique to you—and he wants you to use those gifts to bring him praise. What talents and skills do you possess? What knowledge would you like to grow in?

How are you planning to use this to honor God?

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #18

2/__Quick Write #18

Page 25: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. Finish this sentence and describe why in FIVE COMPLETE SENTENCES.

The words I’d like to live by are ____________.

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Quick Write #19

2/__Quick Write #19

Page 26: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at

least 8 words. Finish this sentence and describe why in FIVE COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Reflect on the Berks Catholic play we attended. What did you think? What did you like/ dislike? What did they bring to life?

Imagine the costumes, describe them. What did you wish they did differently?

Please write using specific details in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

B.C. Play Reflection

__/__B.C. Play Reflection

Page 27: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

What is lent? What does Lent mean? What do we do? Why? What are you giving up this Lenten season?


Quick Write #20

3/6Quick Write #20

Page 28: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

( Write as if you are explaining this to a five year old)Tomorrow is the first Stations of the Cross. In your

own words: What exactly is it? Describe what’s going on and what we do. Why do we do this? When do we

do this? Where do we go for it?

Quick Write #21

3/11Quick Write #20

Page 29: Quick Writes€¦ · favorite, how you feel when participating in the sport you love, or how it connects to/ influences you as a person with specific details. Quick Write #4 10/03

Directions: Answer the following prompt with 5-8 COMPLETE sentences in paragraph format in your copy book! REMEMBER: each sentence must contain at least 8 words.

Reflect on your Lenten season and Easter: What does Easter mean to you?How did you celebrate Easter?

How did you participate in the season leading up to Easter?

Quick Write #__

4/23Quick Write #