Quiz 3 Essay Answers

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  • 7/31/2019 Quiz 3 Essay Answers


    Quiz 3 essay answers.

    1.They believe in the big bang theory, there are 3 evidences that help support their beliefs.

    1. 1. The Universal Expansion: Scientist proposed a steady state universe. Which galaxies areconstantly being in the spaces that are vacated, with the steady state model describes a

    universe that is constantly expanding and forming new galaxies, but with no trace of a


    2. 2. The Cosmic Background: 1964 Arno Penzias and Robert W. Wilson. They worked during theearly days of satellite broadcasting. They measured microwave radiation to document the kinds

    of background signals that might interfere with radio transmission. They found that whichever

    way they pointed their receiver, they heard a faint hiss. There seemed to be microwave

    radiation falling on the earth from all directions, we call this radiation the cosmic microwave

    background radiation. However theorist pointed out that if the universe had indeed begun at

    some point in the past, than today it would still be giving of electromagnetic radiation in the

    microwave range.

    3. 3. The Abundance of Light Elements: for a short period in early history of the universe atomicnuclei could form from elementary particles. Cosmologist believes that the only nuclei that

    could have formed in the big bang are isotopes of hydrogen, helium, and lithium. Calculations

    based on density and collision frequency, together with known nuclear reactions rates, make

    rather specific predations about how much of each isotope could have been made before

    matter spread too thinly. Studies of the abundances of these isotopes find that they agree quite

    well with the predictions made in this way.

    2. Two sources of energy contribute to the Earth's interior heat. Some of this heat energ is left overfrom the gravtional potenial energy released during the great bombardment and differentiation of

    the mantle an core as Earth formed. They decay of uranium and other radioactive elements, ehich

    fairly common throughout Earth's core and mantle, provides a second important soruce of heat

    energy. these radioactive elements decay over time and produce energetic, fast moving decay

    products-particles that collide with atoms mocules in surrounding rocks and give up their energy as

    heat. Once generated, must move spontanously toward cooler regions. If the Earth was somewhat

    smaller, or if smaller amounts of heat were generated the energy could be carried to the surface

    entirely by conduction the movement of heat by collisions. Rocks in the mantle have been heated to

    the point where they are able to flow slowly, immense convection cells ar set up deep within the

    Earth's mantle. Mantle rocks behave something like water in a boiling pot. Solid rock cannot flow

    significantly on timescales comparable to human lifetimes. Earth's scientist now estimate the

    Earth's covection cells go through a full cycle with hot roks rising from the lower mantle, cooling

    near the surfac, and falling back to be replaced by other, warmer rocks. In effect, if the Earth

    behaves something like a giant spherical stove, with burners on the inside and circulating rocks

    bringing the heat to the surface. the theory of plate tecctonics caused a revolution in the Earth

    sciences. this theory includes the oceans, the landmass, the plants deep interior, and the

  • 7/31/2019 Quiz 3 Essay Answers


    interconnections among all these systems. all of these different disciplines now share a common

    way of looking at Earth and thus are able to give each other ideas and gain breadth and depth from

    interactions with each other.