R all loans today usury?

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  • 8/14/2019 R all loans today usury?



    The following is the basic underlining problem that is at the root of all otherproblems today, so what is the solution? Watch the solution video.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2298046812080377528&q=eric%2Bwhoru&total=2&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

    Self evident irrefutable facts about interest charged on loans (1-12 + example).The following has nothing to do with predatory lending because they are inherent with all banks and all loans.

    Once the following is understood you will know why it is inherent in the bakingsystem to have wide spread foreclosures, boom and bust inflation and recessioncycles in the economy,

    1. From the many publications that the Federal Reserve prints on its policies and procedures on loans, accounting, how money is created, and by its many examples provided, it is clear that all money circulating in our economy today, came into existence because someone borrowed money that was loaned to them from a bank.The publications all demonstrate that all of the dollars in existence today areprincipal money or the money which was originally loaned to someone, who some one still owes and has not paid back yet to the bank. Thus interest money does not exist. Interest money meaning the finance charges, and fees associated with having any bank loan. The Federal Reserve does not demonstrate how the interest money is created and placed in to the economy in any of its publications because the interest money is never created, and doesnt exist!

    2. In any bank loan, including credit cards, since the interest money that is charged to the borrower on the loan amount, also called the principal money borrowed, is never created and so the interest money is never in our economies circulating money supply, then of course the interest money charged to us by the bank on our loan simply doesnt exist.

    3. So the borrowing of money or credit from any bank at interest makes the loanagreement mathematically impossible to perform as the loan agreement specifies.As the bank when approving a loan creates the principal money loaned to the borr

    ower but the bank does not create nor provide any means, whereby the borrower can acquire the additional interest money to repay the principal money together with the added interest. As there is no source to provide the interest money, there is no possible way a borrower can acquire the interest money.

    4. All so called interest charges on a loan can only be paid by collecting otherborrowers principal money (borrowed into existence) spent into circulation, thusfurther reducing the money supply.

    5. As when a borrower pays interest, the interest portion of the payment reducesthe principal money supply in circulation, as the entire money supply that exists is always principal money, which was the original loan amount borrowed into e

  • 8/14/2019 R all loans today usury?


    xistence, who the borrower then spent into the economy.

    5A. As interest payments are paid on loans, the entire circulating money supplyor principal money is reduced by the amount of interest money paid, thus defaults and foreclosures on loans are inherent in the Federal Reserve central banking

    system amongst borrowers. The issue here is a mathematical one.

    5B In order for borrowers to pay the interest portion of the loan, they must first pay more then they borrowed and so more then was created. So for borrowers topay their entire principal and interest obligations, they will have to obtain it from other borrowers interest money spent into circulation. Thus, causing thetotal circulating money supply to shrink or the economy to contract faster thenthe total obligations of all borrowers, at any single moment in time. So now there isnt even enough money circulating for all of the borrowers to even pay back the principal amount either at any single point in time. Thus making it mathemati

    cally impossible for all borrowers to honor their loan agreements, and pay off the balance of their loans at any single point in time. Thus why a mathematical percentage of loans inherently are due to default at any given moment in time andthus the meaning of usury and why it is outlawed in the bible.

    6. The most a bank can get paid back is the amount loaned to the borrower in thefirst place, It is impossible for the borrower to pay what was agreed to as theagreement terms specified because of the single source doctrine.

    7. Single source doctrine states that when there is a single source (producer) of a product produced then the single source (producer) can never collect even one more product then the total number of products that the source produced.

    8. Since the word interest is defined as or denotes a profit, then the word interest is a deceptive, made up word, and a con job. Because as the single source doctrine shows there can never be a profit from collecting interest on loans since only the principal money is created and exists in circulation. To ear a profitor interest would mean a lender would have to collect more money then is created and exists, that would be of course impossible.

    9. The Federal Reserve and all member banks create money and lends it at interest and all of the borrowers are lead to believe that they will have the means orcapability to pay the principal along with the interest. Again, the bank does not create or provide any means whereby the borrower can acquire the additional money to repay the principal money together with the added interest. As there is no source to provide the interest money.

    10. And by the bank collecting and withholding the interest money collected from

    the borrower, intentionally, knowing full well ahead of the time that it will cause an impossible aspect to manifest itself, then doesnt it seam reasonable to conclude that the bank has really only placed itself in a bind because it can no

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    t have any just claim on the asset of the borrower because it is the bank who has caused the borrower to default purposely by collecting and withholding the purported interest money from being in circulation, thus causing a short supply ofprincipal money and causing the economy to contract. That is the principal moneyor the amount of money borrowed, due and owing, is cause to be in short supplyin the economy by the very bank the loan was taken from.

    11. With the principal money and credit in circulation being in short supply, the only way for the borrower to pay off a existing loan is to simply borrow moremoney, because it is the only source of expanding the existing money supply available to borrowers to pay off their previous loan. Soon there after, the borrower will have to take out a 3rd loan to pay off the 2nd loan and so on. In most cases this just prolongs the inevitable default at a increasing pace since the interest on the new loan is ever accruing. For many of the borrowers who default on their loan obligation is because it is inherent of the Federal Reserve centralbanking system. The borrowers who do pay off the principal and interest over the life of the loan do so by collecting principal money in circulation borrowed i

    nto existence by other debtors, thus further reducing the money supply or the amount of money owed total in comparison to the amount of money in circulation atany single point in time.

    12. So all borrowers are competing for a ever dwindling money supply in this economy without ever being aware of it since it has never been disclosed by the bank.

    For Examples:

    Lets ay a $100K is borrowed at interest for 30 years at say $833.33 a month, for360 months, which totals 300K. That is $100K principal and $200k interest, it would be reasonably possible for a buyer to pay off that loan if properly qualified, given longevity and income expectancy pan out. But the bank only lent out orcreated and placed in circulation$100K, but the borrower owes $300K, so where is the other $200K needed to satisfy the entire loan supposed to come from when only $100K exists and is available in circulation, sine that is all the bank created? In our real world, there of course exists many billions of loans made at various time frames. In the early months of the loan repayment only a tiny fraction of he minimum monthly payments due are applied to the principal, all the restis interest. So now even after just the first months payment, there already is not enough money in circulation to pay off the total principal amount due. Sol lets say out of the $833.33 monthly payment, $800 was interest and only $33.33 applied to reduce the principal amount due. So out of the $100K in circulation, $833.33 is used to make the first payment, so there is only now 499166.67 left in circulation, of which $99,966.67 principal amount is left outstanding, still dueand owing on the loan, making the loan already impossible to satisfy in full. Asthe installment agreement gets older, a greater portion of the monthly paymentwill be applied towards the monthly principal, However this does not make any difference, because all the borrower can pay and all the bank can collect is a total of $100K that is in existence.

    Simple example, yet just as true as any real world complex scenerio

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    Principal loan or loan amount payment made interest paid Principal loanor loan amount still due money existing in the entire economy$100,000 $833.33 $800$100,000-$33.33=$99,966.67 $100,000-$833.33=$99,166.67

    So after just one payment, out of all the money left in existence, $99,166.67,$99,966.67 is still due and owing while. So in this example of just one borrower, and after just one payment, $800 more is already owed then there exists in theeconomy! This is what is meant by the economy is or has contracted, in this simple case, by $800. Now if there are hundreds of millions or even billions of borrowers, then just multiply this simple example by hundreds of millions or billions, and you will see the results are the same, just on a much larger scale. Thisis why it is so important for the banks to keep loaning more continuously and so printing more money into the economy, or else a collapse or a implosion of theeconomy is imminent and just a matter of time.