r.- .. ._ I I I t..j j 1 r .; ' OUR 5 4l H YEAR lJII)OSO EWS 50 CENTS ISSUE NO. 50 22 PAGES www.ruidosonews.com R U I 1) () S (), NEW MEXICO WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1 5' 2000 •._, ..,,j .:')"'f'.: ·"' .. .. I - 0 ·• ',' 1 1 •;:<; '' '• Commissioners on tour Trio charged in slot token " . . . •• investigation ........... .... Ruidoso-area men are facing multiple counts in casino theft :' . ·., ------ ---- ___ __:__: ___ __: __ ·l ·'· , t 'I . ;. . 'l;,-::.,. ...... F::r. .• 01.lf1'H Nc>w\ Uncoln County Commissioner L Ray Nunley heads through rhe nHrd for a tour of the new two-story $3 nul1ron county 1arl under constnJ<ttO'' rn Canrzozo The project rnanager for Farnco Inc of Albuquerque wa1ts 1n the door-way for county off1crals to 101n h1m See story. page 2A BY jAMI'S KAIVI-!At,;F !{(lfl}(J.\( I .'-ll\1:'.\ \IAH \X'RITU< Three Ruidoso-area men have been charged by NPvada officials in connection with the use of allegedly stolen slot machine tokens from Casino Apache. Criminal complaints issued by prosecutors in Las Vegas accuse Brian Thrres, 33, of Mescalero, Wesley G. Guill, 22, of Ruidoso, and Michael Scott Spurlock, 23, of Ruidoso, of multiple counts ofburglary, possession of cheating devices, unlawful use of gaming devices and conspiracy to cheat at gambling. 11Jrres and Cuill wen· originally arrested by Las Vegas authorities in March after Casino Apache tokens hPgan .showing up at at !Past six Las Vegas casinos. Tokens no longer were used All thrPe men had worked at the Mescalero casino, -according to earlier infonnation in the investigation. 'I1w lokens, which were no longer used in Casino ApachP rnachirws, disappeared from a storage area of tllP casino in ,January. After their March arrest in Las Vegas, Thrres and Guill had bePn rPIPased from the Clark County Deten- tion Cf'nter aH..(•r posting $20,000 bonds. Charges against Spurlock were later filed after casino survPIIlarlC'P cameras indicated he was involved in tlw sanw activity, Keith Copher, chief of enforcement f(Jr the Nevada Gaming Control Board, said Thesday. Compromise keeps, changes road name "1\.vo of them, Thrres and Guill, were detained at the tinw," Copher said of the March discovery of Casi- no Apache tokens at Las Vegas casinos. "Spurlock ba- :-;ically did tht> same thing, using coins counterfeit t0 NPvada. But hf' in custody at the Copher said an ongoing investigation lead to the charges against Spurlock. BY l.>JANNI: S I /I I II II I"' I J \\. '\ I \ .. I J< I f ' " :\ cuntpronlJSP s<•Pins to both sHIPs •! " O\'Pr t!u· nanw ol' (\·dar C'n•(•k If :1 hoard that asst).,"lls strPPt nainPs .rc:r•·,·:--. th<· ruad I'UIIIIIIIg frmn !'v1Pchenl Dnvp 1111t't hw1·.-;t to n hd-<Ing and cnntprng an'n on rlw Lincoln :\'atioll;d Fon•c;t wdl rd;rm rt;.; J,rrrg tlt!ll'llillllt' of'( ·,·dnr ( 'r'<·Pk IJnVt·. hut abo 'vrll l1<· taF:gt·d w1th a :·wcond s1gn df'noting It :1st lw Sam Tobias :\1('1ltonal DnvP. Toh1as, H {(Jn•stt•r v·;hu \\'llrk!'d f(n· l '2 VPnr:; <liit nf t lw SnlDkr·\· HPar Hangr•r 1 hst net .DITin· "" ( ·,·clnr· ( 'n·t•k. Hoad. diPd 111 1111 ;urplarw ,·ra"h lnst !\1a\· till' :--;c11tt AhlP F1n :II'<Jlii!d ( 'loudcndt '!11 n·cl>h'111ZI' Tollln< t'lll\trrllll!Jr>ll to tlw :Jr·,·;t and n•;.;JHI!Hling In 111 .Junf' :t:-ektrig f(n- t hP chang<· on a por·t Hill of tlw r·oad rtlll!llllg through fot·,.,._t n land LllH'oln I 'ount\' colll11)!S:-;Jt>l1Pr:-; :tppro\'Pd a nalllP l'lt:rngi· to Snm Toh1:1.·· }{oad Hut ;rt t hf' t IIIW. I L Hav .'\;urllr·\·, :..;uggr·str·d th1· f·lltll'l' r·oad lH' n·· r 1 ;u r wrl Tllf' l'h:1ngr· \\'il" c "rrlir11H'd h\' tlw F·:n "J lc dL·'.,'I'\'l '>Ill ht' 111l'll11lrJ;dl!l'd :'\iJ lllll' llll';lll." :tm· dJ.-,rt·.,pcr!. IJLI! \\·l·'d like· ro rc·- Utll I Ill' l HtgtiUl 1Llll1L' .. Maury St. John. h '.ldt'li' lwrH'<•d ()]] arldn•ss1ng contnuttPP, and s1gns \\'(•Jtt llfl ( 'omml:->swnt•rs stood the1r ground as resi- cl<·nts of th<' arPa complained. l fntd Friday. l\1aury St. .John pn•sf•nted a n<'W petit1on w1th tlw Slh'1Jatun·s of 7-1 pt>ople askmg that t h1· nHlllP Df tlw arPa I>P rPslorPrl, nt- l!lg I !Jp PXfll'flSt• of changmg etdrln•sst>s aiHI tlw c·c lll fusion to v1s1 tors to the an•a. "Ill' dPs£·n:p,c; to bP menwnaltz£•d." slH· s111d Oil!' 111f'HilS any d!SI'PS(Jt'Ct, but WP'd lrk1• to rPlillll t lw ongmal rHl.ll1P." ShP noted that thP anginal pd1t10n was only to chRngP tlw portiOn from MPchE"n1 Drt\'1' through filrPst land and to stop at thP lwgJn- lllllg of pnvatr• propf'rt,V along the road. :\1;11\Y wlw ;.;I).,"l11'rl tlwt pet1t10n didn't ll\'P In tlw :u·1·a .. c;h(· :-;:uri ''\\'f• !llil\' :-.l'('lll ciillous iilld sPifish tD a h1gh Votes in1pounded for safekeeping school senior who wrote the letter to the edi- .. tor, !Jut tliPrP an• C'OllSf'qlH'lH"f'S to a 11/UnP change," St. ,J .hn smd. l'<'ff'rring to ;1 leltPr that appf'HrPd Ill a n·cP!lt rH·wspapt•r Tlw avf•ragP cost of changing statwnPry and rwtifv1ng husl!H'SS('S. till' govr·r·nJIH'nt :uHi othPrs rs about $:.!17, slw ('Ollli'!H!Pd :\1ultrply that bv :)5 fi1r a llnpact. slw ;.;;ud. :\laps :dso v:di rPJlPct t !J,. old nanu• and will lwvp lo bP changPd, sht· sard 0<un1Py th:rt thf' nHtd Slh'lls b(• n•pnnted as Sam Tolna:-. ('(>dar ( Road, sa:-.'lng, "I If' rPpresf'nts thousands and thou- sands offirefighters who JH'O\'HIP us w1th grl'at SPrYICP. T1w ('OinnHsslonPrs SHid lw spokP to To- lJJas' 1.vido'""· wl10 <ti-,"l'P<'d w1th th<' suggPsl1on and that n.s long as ( 'pdar ( 'n·Pk 1.'-' Ill the arl- drPss, t!H' 111HIH' \\'OU)cln't ('illiSI' proiJ}f'lllS With thP nuul TPn s1gn." are involved. lw s:wl But Comn!ISSIOIH'r Bdl SchwPttlll<lllfl pro- posed anoUwr approm·h. wluch app('aled lo both sHIPs ThP grPPn rDad sJg-ns w1ll n·ma!ll CNlar ('rPPk Ro11d, but anotlwr SlhTJl hf'lm\' wdl rPad Sarn !'V1t·!llll!·url I )rl\'1•, :1 ·"-'""'t''lll u.c;Prl rn r11any othPr placPs, lw ,.;;ud 'Ibrres is being held in Albuquerque awaiting ex- trHdition. ( 'upher said. Gum and Spurlock are sched- uled for 1111 extradition hearing Thursday in district court at Carrizozo, said a court official. Guill and Spur- IDck wPrP arrP.stPd by Ruidoso police on the Nevada warrnnts. ThPy ar<> being held in the Lmcoln Count\' DPtPntion (:enter awaiting their hearings. - A cache of cash and tokens Among the ('Vidence spized by NPvada Gammg Control Hoard police were $18,000 in $100 C'asmo Apache tokr>ns, another $10,350 in $25 tokens, $1.200 1n ;'\J'pvada casino tokens, and $5,580 cRsh. Spurlock is facing four counts of burglary, fin1r counts of possPss1on of cheating devices, eight counb of t lw unlawful ww of RH.m111g devices, and three count:.; of consplrcH'Y to chPat at gambling. Torrf's 1-" accusPd of five burglary counts, s1x counts of poss('."iSIOn of cheating dev1ces, 15 counts of tht-> un- lawful us<' of garmng devices, and two counts of clwat· 111g consplrctcy. Gu1ll'::; HrrPst \'\'arrant lists five count.s of con."plra- cy to dwat at gaming. six burglary counts. ll tions of unlawful US{' of gan1ing devices, and counts of possPsswn of cheating devices. All hFlvr• hf'f'll oniPred by a Nevada judge lo bP liPid Without hml Election ballots put under lock and key County to seek hospital proposals A n·quc>st to advPrtisP for pro- posals from hospital managf'- nwnt firm.c; will bf• on thP agPndn of tlw Lincoln Countv Commis- sHm 's J)pcpmlwr m PPt{n g. PratP the county hospital m Hw- do.so. 'nw opinion also stated that Llw contract should have been ap- f>!'Oved by the state Department of FinancP and Administration. 1\Y Dl·\''-1 "'1·\1 II'-..<,'. t..:.l !Pil\fl '.J\t;:-._, \J.·\11 \'Cf{I,IR ;\hs('nke aml Parly voting ballots c·n.c;t 111 L111coln and Otero count1Ps rn t lw gt·rwnd f'!edwn wPrP impoundPd lrltP Sunday aft.l'r a court order fron1 t !11• l :!th .Ju"dH'ial District. An ( >tcro County court cl('rk sa1d tlw on!Pr was ISSUP<l by District ,Judgf' .JalllPs W. ( 'ounts. CoincidPntallv. ( 'm111ts appl•nred on thP ballot as triP Hepuhlic:m candirlnt<> for dlf.'tnct ag:unst Democratw rlwl- ..,. INDEX dut .\I 11 >11 ( l.l"llJC<h ( 11rd I ( lh.Jli . .J I('' AB XB .lOH .4/\ .hi\ (, 1p1111011 Rr·;1l nt.lle TV We.Hhcr l<•ng(•r I\1arianl) TorT('Z. Although no mw has askPd for a I'P- l'Otlnt, b:liJ01.S :HTOSS thr• st;ItP WPJ'(' pL1cPd undPr- lock and kPY to t•nsurp the1r snft•tv, said Lincoln ('OliiJlV ('l<>rk Martha . She nwt LL Willwm Howr·r· of thP stat(' police at about 10 p m nt hPr of fin· in the courthous<' In ( 'nrnzozo nnd turned ov<'r tlw countv's ballots. which aJT now in an PVHIPIH.'P \'ilult 111 Alanl- ognrdn, BowPr satd. ThP court nrdPr was t r<'d to ;1 pPt i- t Ion fil(•d h_v Hit<1 Nurwi'. ;-.;t'tllll<mn. a .4/\ .XB . . \ ( 21\ ..... EDUCATION When the stop runntng PAGE -iB RPpuhhcan rnn(l!dat.- for court of ap- pPals, in E'VPry prPC'li1C't Ill ('\'('!',\' COUll t_v in t.hf' statf' Slw a:-;kE·d for an l!ll- poundnwnt of ballots. wh1ch undPr t lw lt?gal d<'finit1on mPnns t:-dly slwl'ts. n•g- cPrtificates. papPr ballots, ap- plications, abs(c'n bnllot n•gJstPrs and PmPrgerwy papPr ballots In unofficial rP.sult.s fnnn tlw statP Elcctwns Burf'au, Neumann lost to()('- rnocrat C0\ia Foy Castillo, pullmg 2·10,104 votPs to Cast dlo's Sec RALI.OTS ..' \ AftPr t lw conlm1ssion camP out of a {'losPd-to-tlw public PXPC- ull\'1' sPssion Fnday, Commis- ."IOnt•r LPo MnrtinPz whPn t )w bon rd would movP alwad to comply with an attorney gem·r- al\ opmron that rPqtH'sts for pro- JIDs:ds should hrn•p iwPn oh- tainPd hPfi)rP tlw county sig11Prl n nmt ract with PrPsb_v- tPrinB ll1•althcaJ·(• SPJ"Yll'PS to op- Jlt> SPORTS set their stghts on next year PAGE lB \ :\1artinPz pointed out that WI! h t lw special tax levy for sup- port of capital outlay for thP hos- p11al and thP operation of threP hPnlt h clinics now assurPd for the Ill' X t S(•\'Pll Y!'ars by a widP voter margm. t h!; next should be IU'Ps. liP ,-pquPstl'rl that the item be put on tlw ()pcpmhPr 11p;Pnda PAGE 2A Mixed douds, sun today

r.-.. . lJII)OSO EWS - Lincoln County Archives –archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...I .'-ll\1:'.\ \IAH \X'RITU< Three Ruidoso-area men have been charged by NPvada officials

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ISSUE NO. 50 • 22 PAGES www.ruidosonews.com R U I 1) () S (), NEW MEXICO • WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1 5' 2000

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·• • ',' 1 1 •;:<; ' ' '• •

Commissioners on tour Trio charged in slot token

" . . . •• investigation 1J.i~~~ ........... ....

Ruidoso-area men are facing multiple counts in casino theft

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------ ----___ __:__: ___ __: __


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F::r. .•

01.lf1'H )Lll',tr·~·Rwdoso Nc>w\

Uncoln County Commissioner L Ray Nunley heads through rhe nHrd for a tour of the new two-story $3 nul1ron county 1arl under constnJ<ttO'' rn Canrzozo The project rnanager for Farnco Inc of Albuquerque wa1ts 1n the door-way for county off1crals to 101n h1m See story. page 2A

BY jAMI'S KAIVI-!At,;F !{(lfl}(J.\( I .'-ll\1:'.\ \IAH \X'RITU<

Three Ruidoso-area men have been charged by NPvada officials in connection with the use of allegedly stolen slot machine tokens from Casino Apache.

Criminal complaints issued by prosecutors in Las Vegas accuse Brian Thrres, 33, of Mescalero, Wesley G. Guill, 22, of Ruidoso, and Michael Scott Spurlock, 23, of Ruidoso, of multiple counts ofburglary, possession of cheating devices, unlawful use of gaming devices and conspiracy to cheat at gambling.

11Jrres and Cuill wen· originally arrested by Las Vegas authorities in March after Casino Apache tokens hPgan .showing up at at !Past six Las Vegas casinos.

Tokens no longer were used All thrPe men had worked at the Mescalero casino,

-according to earlier infonnation in the investigation. 'I1w lokens, which were no longer used in Casino ApachP rnachirws, disappeared from a storage area of tllP casino in ,January.

After their March arrest in Las Vegas, Thrres and Guill had bePn rPIPased from the Clark County Deten­tion Cf'nter aH..(•r posting $20,000 bonds.

Charges against Spurlock were later filed after casino survPIIlarlC'P cameras indicated he was involved in tlw sanw activity, Keith Copher, chief of enforcement f(Jr the Nevada Gaming Control Board, said Thesday.

Compromise keeps, changes road name "1\.vo of them, Thrres and Guill, were detained at

the tinw," Copher said of the March discovery of Casi­no Apache tokens at Las Vegas casinos. "Spurlock ba­:-;ically did tht> same thing, using coins counterfeit t0 NPvada. But hf' wa~n't in custody at the time.~

Copher said an ongoing investigation lead to the charges against Spurlock. BY l.>JANNI: S I ALLIN<;~

/I I II II I"' I '~ J \\. • '\ I \ .. I ~~ J< I f ' "

:\ cuntpronlJSP s<•Pins to s;rtJst~· both sHIPs •! " d1~put<· O\'Pr t!u· nanw ol' (\·dar C'n•(•k l<<~:rd

If :1 hoard that asst).,"lls strPPt nainPs .rc:r•·,·:--. th<· ruad I'UIIIIIIIg frmn !'v1Pchenl Dnvp 1111t't hw1·.-;t to n hd-<Ing and cnntprng an'n on rlw Lincoln :\'atioll;d Fon•c;t wdl rd;rm rt;.; J,rrrg tlt!ll'llillllt' of'( ·,·dnr ( 'r'<·Pk IJnVt·. hut abo 'vrll l1<· taF:gt·d w1th a :·wcond s1gn df'noting It :1st lw Sam Tobias :\1('1ltonal DnvP.

Toh1as, H {(Jn•stt•r v·;hu \\'llrk!'d f(n· l '2 VPnr:; <liit nf t lw SnlDkr·\· HPar Hangr•r 1 hst net .DITin· "" ( ·,·clnr· ( 'n·t•k. Hoad. diPd 111 1111 ;urplarw ,·ra"h lnst !\1a\· dt~nng till' :--;c11tt AhlP F1n :II'<Jlii!d ( 'loudcndt

'!11 n·cl>h'111ZI' Tollln< t'lll\trrllll!Jr>ll to tlw :Jr·,·;t and n•;.;JHI!Hling In pl'tltloll~ 111 .Junf' :t:-ektrig f(n- t hP chang<· on a por·t Hill of tlw r·oad rtlll!llllg through fot·,.,._t n land LllH'oln I 'ount\' colll11)!S:-;Jt>l1Pr:-; :tppro\'Pd a nalllP

l'lt:rngi· to Snm Toh1:1.·· }{oad

Hut ;rt t hf' t IIIW. I 'orn!llls~IOIIIT L Hav .'\;urllr·\·, :..;uggr·str·d th1· f·lltll'l' r·oad lH' n·· r 1 ;u r wrl

Tllf' l'h:1ngr· \\'il" c "rrlir11H'd h\' tlw F·:n

"J lc dL·'.,'I'\'l '>Ill ht' 111l'll11lrJ;dl!l'd :'\iJ lllll'

llll';lll." :tm· dJ.-,rt·.,pcr!. IJLI! \\·l·'d like· ro rc·­Utll I Ill' l HtgtiUl 1Llll1L' ..

Maury St. John. h '.ldt'li'

lwrH'<•d ()]] arldn•ss1ng contnuttPP, and s1gns \\'(•Jtt llfl

( 'omml:->swnt•rs stood the1r ground as resi­cl<·nts of th<' arPa complained. l fntd Friday.

l\1aury St. .John pn•sf•nted a n<'W petit1on w1th tlw Slh'1Jatun·s of 7-1 pt>ople askmg that t h1· ~llstonc nHlllP Df tlw arPa I>P rPslorPrl, nt­l!lg I !Jp PXfll'flSt• of changmg etdrln•sst>s aiHI tlw c·c lll fusion to v1s1 tors to the an•a.

"Ill' dPs£·n:p,c; to bP menwnaltz£•d." slH· s111d "~o Oil!' 111f'HilS any d!SI'PS(Jt'Ct, but WP'd

lrk1• to rPlillll t lw ongmal rHl.ll1P."

ShP noted that thP anginal pd1t10n was only to chRngP tlw portiOn from MPchE"n1 Drt\'1'

through filrPst land and to stop at thP lwgJn­lllllg of pnvatr• propf'rt,V along the road. :\1;11\Y wlw ;.;I).,"l11'rl tlwt pet1t10n didn't ll\'P In tlw :u·1·a .. c;h(· :-;:uri

''\\'f• !llil\' :-.l'('lll ciillous iilld sPifish tD a h1gh

Votes in1pounded for safekeeping

school senior who wrote the letter to the edi- .. tor, !Jut tliPrP an• C'OllSf'qlH'lH"f'S to a 11/UnP change," St. ,J .hn smd. l'<'ff'rring to ;1 leltPr that appf'HrPd Ill a n·cP!lt rH·wspapt•r

Tlw avf•ragP cost of changing statwnPry and rwtifv1ng husl!H'SS('S. till' govr·r·nJIH'nt :uHi othPrs rs about $:.!17, slw ('Ollli'!H!Pd :\1ultrply that bv :)5 n•sulPIH'f'~ fi1r a S7,:i~J:, llnpact. slw ;.;;ud. :\laps :dso v:di rPJlPct t !J,. old nanu• and will lwvp lo bP changPd, sht· sard

0<un1Py :-;uggt·~t<·d th:rt thf' nHtd Slh'lls b(• n•pnnted as Sam Tolna:-. ('(>dar ( 'n·~·k Road, sa:-.'lng, "I If' rPpresf'nts thousands and thou­sands offirefighters who JH'O\'HIP us w1th grl'at SPrYICP.

T1w ('OinnHsslonPrs SHid lw spokP to To­lJJas' 1.vido'""· wl10 <ti-,"l'P<'d w1th th<' suggPsl1on and that n.s long as ( 'pdar ( 'n·Pk 1.'-' Ill the arl­drPss, t!H' 111HIH' \\'OU)cln't ('illiSI' proiJ}f'lllS With thP nuul ~pn·rcP

TPn s1gn." are involved. lw s:wl But Comn!ISSIOIH'r Bdl SchwPttlll<lllfl pro­

posed anoUwr approm·h. wluch app('aled lo both sHIPs

ThP grPPn rDad sJg-ns w1ll n·ma!ll CNlar ('rPPk Ro11d, but anotlwr SlhTJl hf'lm\' wdl rPad Sarn Toln:~s !'V1t·!llll!·url I )rl\'1•, :1 ·"-'""'t''lll u.c;Prl rn r11any othPr placPs, lw ,.;;ud

'Ibrres is being held in Albuquerque awaiting ex­trHdition. ( 'upher said. Gum and Spurlock are sched­uled for 1111 extradition hearing Thursday in district court at Carrizozo, said a court official. Guill and Spur­IDck wPrP arrP.stPd by Ruidoso police on the Nevada warrnnts. ThPy ar<> being held in the Lmcoln Count\' DPtPntion (:enter awaiting their hearings. -

A cache of cash and tokens

Among the ('Vidence spized by NPvada Gammg Control Hoard police were $18,000 in $100 C'asmo Apache tokr>ns, another $10,350 in $25 tokens, $1.200 1n IPg-~tmmtP ;'\J'pvada casino tokens, and $5,580 cRsh.

Spurlock is facing four counts of burglary, fin1r counts of possPss1on of cheating devices, eight counb of t lw unlawful ww of RH.m111g devices, and three count:.; of consplrcH'Y to chPat at gambling.

Torrf's 1-" accusPd of five burglary counts, s1x counts of poss('."iSIOn of cheating dev1ces, 15 counts of tht-> un­lawful us<' of garmng devices, and two counts of clwat· 111g consplrctcy.

Gu1ll'::; HrrPst \'\'arrant lists five count.s of con."plra­cy to dwat at gaming. six burglary counts. ll ;dlq~:a· tions of unlawful US{' of gan1ing devices, and firt~r counts of possPsswn of cheating devices.

All hFlvr• hf'f'll oniPred by a Nevada judge lo bP liPid Without hml

Election ballots put under lock and key County to seek hospital proposals

A n·quc>st to advPrtisP for pro­posals from hospital managf'­nwnt firm.c; will bf• on thP agPndn of tlw Lincoln Countv Commis­sHm 's J)pcpmlwr m PPt{n g.

PratP the county hospital m Hw­do.so.

'nw opinion also stated that Llw contract should have been ap­f>!'Oved by the state Department of FinancP and Administration.

1\Y Dl·\''-1 "'1·\1 II'-..<,'. t..:.l !Pil\fl '.J\t;:-._, \J.·\11 \'Cf{I,IR

;\hs('nke aml Parly voting ballots c·n.c;t 111 L111coln and Otero count1Ps rn t lw gt·rwnd f'!edwn wPrP impoundPd lrltP Sunday aft.l'r a court order fron1 t !11• l :!th .Ju"dH'ial District.

An ( >tcro County court cl('rk sa1d tlw on!Pr was ISSUP<l by District ,Judgf' .JalllPs W. ( 'ounts. CoincidPntallv. ( 'm111ts appl•nred on thP ballot as triP :-;ucc~·ssful Hepuhlic:m candirlnt<> for dlf.'tnct .Jlidg~· ag:unst Democratw rlwl-

..,. INDEX

I· dut .\I 11 >11

( l.l"llJC<h ( ~'"~'"" 11rd I ('II(')~ ( lh.Jli . .J I(''


.lOH .4/\ .hi\

(, 1p1111011

Rr·;1l nt.lle

~ron~ TV lr,11r1g~ We.Hhcr

l<•ng(•r I\1arianl) TorT('Z.

Although no mw has askPd for a I'P­l'Otlnt, b:liJ01.S :HTOSS thr• st;ItP WPJ'('

pL1cPd undPr- lock and kPY to t•nsurp the1r snft•tv, said Lincoln ('OliiJlV ('l<>rk Martha P~octor. .

She nwt LL Willwm Howr·r· of thP stat(' police at about 10 p m nt hPr of fin· in the courthous<' In ( 'nrnzozo nnd turned ov<'r tlw countv's ballots. which aJT now in an PVHIPIH.'P \'ilult 111 Alanl­ognrdn, BowPr satd.

ThP court nrdPr was t r<'d to ;1 pPt i­t Ion fil(•d h_v Hit<1 Nurwi'. ;-.;t'tllll<mn. a

.4/\ .XB . II~

. \ ( 21\


When the husc~ stop runntng


RPpuhhcan rnn(l!dat.- for court of ap­pPals, in E'VPry prPC'li1C't Ill ('\'('!',\' COUll t_v in t.hf' statf' Slw a:-;kE·d for an l!ll­poundnwnt of ballots. wh1ch undPr t lw lt?gal d<'finit1on mPnns t:-dly slwl'ts. n•g­i~tration cPrtificates. papPr ballots, ap­plications, abs(c'n l<·~· bnllot n•gJstPrs and PmPrgerwy papPr ballots

In unofficial rP.sult.s fnnn tlw statP Elcctwns Burf'au, Neumann lost to()('­

rnocrat C0\ia Foy Castillo, pullmg 2·10,104 votPs to Cast dlo's :l~~)J)R.'l

Sec RALI.OTS p.I.I~(' ..' \

AftPr t lw conlm1ssion camP out of a {'losPd-to-tlw public PXPC­ull\'1' sPssion Fnday, Commis­."IOnt•r LPo MnrtinPz ~~skPd whPn t )w bon rd would movP alwad to comply with an attorney gem·r­al\ opmron that rPqtH'sts for pro­JIDs:ds should hrn•p iwPn oh­tainPd hPfi)rP tlw county sig11Prl n nmt ract Pxt<·n~wn with PrPsb_v­tPrinB ll1•althcaJ·(• SPJ"Yll'PS to op-


l~igcrs set their stghts on next year



:\1artinPz pointed out that WI! h t lw special tax levy for sup­port of capital outlay for thP hos­p11al and thP operation of threP hPnlt h clinics now assurPd for the Ill' X t S(•\'Pll Y!'ars by a widP voter margm. t h!; next ~tep should be IU'Ps.

liP ,-pquPstl'rl that the item be put on tlw ()pcpmhPr 11p;Pnda



Mixed douds, sun today

.... ~a ""'c-. ··~· ....... ~~~.. ~ .... ,..,.,-- .......-- """-- ~....... - .,,, ... ~-Mostty · ' . ! Chilly, sun. Sun, Chance Bnsk, cholly Cold, Mostly

!wnny sunny. clouds showurs sunshone


Wod Tllu

'" "' Suro

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Moonrl.,. Moon"! W,.d ll51pm 1030am Tnu 95/prn 1126am Fro 110Jpm 1217pm Sal none 1 OOpm Sun l;>09am 139pm

QY ~: ·:· :::::

l;;t::ti ll :-=;: • "'""" j

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Nov 18


• Dec 3

Stea.Jn engine, Tularosa shop.


A glHHJl:-P 1nto LnH·oln ( 'ount_v· ..... pit,..\. compliPd front lot·al lli'\\",..]'<~P~"I" ..... by l'olly E ( 'hH\'PZ.

White Oaks Eagle November 22. 1900

Su1t fin Clll\l<·-1 will proba­hl~· Jw fiJ1•d Ill I hi,._ I"Olllll.\'

:lftaJnst All"n·d" ( -~~nzall'.'-, H Lutz, I L A11:dl:t :ttHII..JI Hu­dLsill(•. h.\' tlw11 rl·-..pi•Cil\'f' up­ponPnl.""-'. li1r tl11· <l!"lit·,- ..... IJf:--lwr­lff, collf•f"\111' ~\: tn·;~,...:un·r. pro­hat!' cl1•rk artd ~li]II"J'lllll•tHh•nt of ..... c/Jnol. .... n·--Jll'l"lln'l~· (':IIJ"''


Nov 25

Full .... Dec 11

Oro Nuv 15, 1H4:' "culd wave QfiJ.ll)f>d ih<? M'~"'" "'PP> Vi!llf'V Wollllro 1(, l1ours lhP


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Cha~. (;oodlol". tlu· 1·d!!"r ofEl Cnpttan. ha:-- qtlll till' :--1•1·· \'H'P nf that pap1•r and ha.""-' m· t"l•ptPd a tm.'-'JtHHl \\"J!IJ tl11' EJ Pa~o Daily :'\PW!--

V..'. (' ~\ld)mwhl h;J-... r:mch. eattlf'HlHihor~l·:-ld.l> H IILgll­tm.•o:f•r TIH' I'Ol\SH]I'I":t\11111 \\:1"

$10,000. ThP qu1•stwn of 1.!1":!7\llg"

sflf'Pfl Ol\ f(H'!'"\ !"1":-'1'1"1:1•,.... f1:1~ hf•f'll takr>n up hy tht• go\"t·r·n­nwrlt and 11 IS thotiJ . .dlt tl1:rt tluo mattf'r will soon ]JI• ""ttll'd I Jill'

wa~· or anotiH'I".



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Brad L Treptow ( •! ]

Michael Scanlon Ed 18


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M ... mlH>r ofUll' Nl'w Mrxil-u l"n•,., A,..,K-i~>tion M('miH'I' of Inland Prr,.,. AHHo.·iation, NNA

Cop.vnght :.!fl/111


BALLOTS: Election results impounded in Lincoln County, across state t lllllliHit'd Ji·om page lA

vott•s . A spokesman for the office

smd vut.l:•i-i under state law will not bt> canvassed until Nov. 28. On<'<' they become official, a eandidatP hus six days to call f()\· a t'N'ount or lodge other Jlf"OtPsts.

t :harles Rennick, head of t lw county Democrat Party, smd }w's outraged by the ac-tion. ~

"I think voters have cause­to hP vPry concerned that a t·amlidHtC" or a party without <my allPgation of iiTegularity ean sPi~Pd ballots and take IIH·m out of the control of the

('Oltnty. "I don't think this is about

Rita Neumann. I think this is about George Bush and the stnte RPpublican Party."

At the time the court order was issued, Bush led in the state by four votes. By late Thesday, GorE;" was ahead again and the state seemed to be in his pocket.

Rf'nnick pointed out that Neumann lost by about the same margin as two of the other candidates in races for tlw appPals court.

"The court order from .Judge Counts says nothing about a potential recount," RPnnick said. "In Lincoln

County, there has been no alle­gation of irregularity in the vote, the counting or the can­vassing and no request for a re­count."

The county clerk wasn't no­tified about the court order until the state police were on the way; he said. He was never officially notified, Rennick said.

"They took the ballots under armed guard out of Lin­coln County," he said. "'Now no one in the county has access. I just think the Republican Party and Bush campaign is subverting the democratic process. I think the Republican Party owes an explanation to Lincoln County and the baJlots

should be immediately re­turned."

He noted that absentee and early votes acconnted for more than 45 percent of the total turnout for the general election.

Doris Nelms. head of the county Republican Party. said she was infonned about a pos­sible seizure of ballots.

"I feel the Lincoln County balloting and voting procedure is done with accuracy and we have a great county clerk who doesn't allow discrepancies, .. Nelms said. "I don't know the full ~tory behind the impound­ment, but think it must has something to do with the close­ness of the Gore/Bush race."

Jail management contract getting close fl) DIA:--..:."\1- STALLINGS

/{I /Ill 1\1 J .\."/ \t I \ IM0<_o""""'"'"'''~----~P~otiations between offi­

('ials with t :orr<>ctions Systems Inc. and Lincoln County Man­agt•r 'nnn Stpwart for nlan­ngt•nu•nt of tlw 1ww county jail will continu(~ for one more ll\OIIth.

County Commissioners told Stpwart Friday they'JI takP action on CSI's contract offpr in DecembPr. The two sides aren't far away from ngrec>mf'nt on u1ost provisions, Chuirmnn Rex Wilson Said during the monthly commis­sion mPPting .

EmployeP quPstions and tlw financial bottom line re­main tlw major problems in ag-t"PI'ing on a contrnct.

{ 'SI Prr•sirh-nt .John :Foran :--:ud unlikf> <·ounty rnanage­lllf'lll0 tlw company will be Jm·lwd mto itl-i pt·icP. If it mis­("alculntl•s a co~!. lh<> <'Oillpany l'an't rats!' tlw pri<'P tn the t'0\1111~·- ( 'ouplP that with a 90-da~· l'~t·ap1• dauo;t• and tlu• t'Olll pH n_v'.-; go oct rPeord provid­ing lll:ti\Hgl'll!t'llt lllld ('Oili-iU)­

latJOJ\ nt thP old county jail, and the county isn't taking mu<'h risk, hf> said.

Foran t·mpllaslzPcl that hiR t"OlllJHlll.\' hn~ opt•nf'd nnd d1rH•d clown numy prison faci]-11 H·~ :lild will dPfi•nd tlw eoun­t \" nn otll\" lawsuit~ originating th!lll till'. Iilli.

"I :-:ugg-t•st .vou pass a rno­\1(!1\ With tJw ('R"\'PA.t that th('

Ur "" ~ . .,_ . ~ ,__ .l't..

outstanding issue- on employee benefits must be resolved," Foran said. "Then we can move ahe-ad with the contract instead of keep coming back."

But Commissioner Leo MartinPz., who last month pointed out that cost compar­isons by StPwart w£·re unfair based on 26 Pmployees while CSI proposed 20, found anoth­er error.

The new comparison upped thP numbPr of CSI em­ployees to 24.5, however Stew­art neglected to give the coun­ty credit for $140,000 in rev­enue anticipated in excess of the- amount ne-(•dpd to pay off bonds for construction of the new jail.

That rf'calculation brought thp pstimatpd cnst ofCSI man­aging tlw jail to $806,639 and the countv's cost with 1.5 more t>mployee~ to $904,223.

,John BufTington. on con­tract with CSI to 01nnuge the old jail, triPd to a!IPviate the anxi£>ty of PmployPt'S over the eompnny's "at will" C"mploy­lllPnt policy, t•ontPnrlPrl that the company's 101K rPtire­ment plan be-als the county's, assurPd tlwrn t}wv will rc>ceive cost of living m<.-rPasC's pvc-ry \'Par and that all cLitTPnt Pm­jJlnyPes \Viii h(• hin•cl b_v CSI.

Tlw pt'0\'11-iJOil that dis­turbPd most <"ommiRsione-rs was fc>wt•r hPalth :mel dc>ntal bPnPfits.

Tlwy askPd Foran to con-

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They asked Foran to con­sider bringing in county em­ployees under a plan that mir­rors the county's. But as those employees leave, new ones hired would fall under the company's benefit plan. · The Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority faced the agreed to accept aU village and county employees with bene­fits intact, local attorney J. Robert Beauvais, told commis­sioners .

'1\vo employees stood up and expressed their worry over several issues, including the "at wilJ" policy.

Beauvais supported their concern, saying much of his business is tied to suing on be­half of employees who feel wrongfully treated by public or private employers.

He warned that policies are drafted to protect the em­ployer, not the employee.

"By including the term 'at will,' it's a disclaimer, no mat­ter what else is stated about using progressive discipline," he said ... It's one way to save money."

By having no definition,. it reduces the likelihood of being sued over n termination, he said.

said. Oscuro resident Jerry Car­

roll suggested jail employees consider forming a union for their own protection and Mar­tinez suggested a private straw vote by jail employees.

Tony Seno, policy analy~t for the Libertarian Party, said ment is an area where private management hasn't worked.

"Government is in place to offer service, not to make a profit," he said. "IfCSI is mak­ing a profit, it's not, right."

Foran recalled that 3 112 years ago, commissioners turned over m.anagement of the old jail to CSI shortly after two jailer were arrested for so­liciting sex from inmates.

Since then, the company upgraded the operation, im­plemented policies, improved cleanliness, met the stan­dards of the state fire mar­shal, reduced the number of inmates who w:ere placed in other jails because of space constraints and participated in the recommendation with Stewart that an annex be built to handle nonviolent and more trustworthy in­mates.

"You have a dean, secure and safe jail now,'' Foran said.

at Tumbleweed Floral & Gifts

Saturday, Nov. 18th

10-4 Refreshments

Holiday Arrangements & Gifts

across from

High Country Outlet


. '

RuQX>SO NEWS LOCAL NEWS WliD>I!sDAY; Nmi. 15, 2000 3<\

Meetings to stay in Carrizozo Realtors group had asked county commission to meet in Ruidoso BY DIANNE STALLINGS RUIDOSO NEWS STAFF WRITER

A reqilest by Ruidooo Real­tors for at least half of the Lin­coln County Commission meet­ings to be conducted in the vil­lage was rejected in line with a position taken last year.

Although commissioners Friday said they would continue to consider scheduling Some special meetings in Ruidoso, they voted 4-1 to keep all the regular monthly meetings in the county seat of Carrizozo.

The vote occurred before Harvey Foster, president of the Multiple Listing Se:rv:ice and an age.nt with Centwy 21, was allowed to present arguments for a change.

'There appeared to be no interest whatsoever to have any meetings in Ruidoso" with the exception of Conunissioner Leo Martinez, who represen~ half of the village, said Joan Zagone, executive director of the Rui- · doso Valley Chamber of Com­merce. Commissioner L. Ray Nunley is elected from the other half of the village.

"It's not going to happen tinder this present commission,," she said Thesday.

'We've done that in the past - set specific dates and had quo­tas (on the number of meetings) and the participation didn't seem significant," Commission Chairman Rex Wilson said at the Friday meeting. "It's more efficient to have meetings here where the records are."

Efficiency also is why regu­lar meetings are during the day time, he said.

"We're not tryiri.g to shut out participation," Wilson said .. "But day time is business hours and the staff functions better."

Foster said Tuesday he was disappointed that commission­ers don't seem to realize that .

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the community is not just CB.ITi­zozo and the surrounding 10 miles.

"The county is one large community and the commission dealS with issues that affect all of us and we as the population center are the bulk," he said~ ''If everything happens Over there, people don"t get to lmow about it. · '"We will oontinue tQ pursue

thiS until we get the seivice we deserVe."

"People will show up once they know the meetings are . there routinely and that you are sharing part of your environment."

Harvey Foster,· Multiple listing Service presidcm

On Friday, Foster told cbm­mi~ionet~s that as people become use to- regular meetihgs in Ruidoso, attendance -would irD.prove and n-oted th8.t he had­n't se¢Q. any records pulled dur-· ing the seven-hour meeting that. day. .

''People will show up once they know the meetings are there' routinely a:nd that you are shBring part of- your environ­ment," Foster said.

Wilson said Foster's · points were gaud, but no motion ·was offered.

Martinez warned that the county would·be better served if commis:sioners "let steam off the tempest," by setting some meetings in Ruidoso and by pro­viding more services in the area fur filing .legal documents and other actions that now require a 76 mile roun!i trip to Canizozo.

"Lincoln (the historic settle­ment on U.S.380) at one time


was the county seat, then Carri­Z.Qzo," he said. "It follows the' J)opulB.tion.

''This is like ·a teapot and people are i"eally uPset~ If you dori't ,give them a Piece of the' pie, what does it ~.to ~te the county seat ~mewhere else?''

N\lllle;y cOrrected him, not­ing that County seats were required to be Situated a.t a rail­road· heed and tha~'s why Carri-zozo was chosen. . ·

. Martinez resporided that times liave changed. The rail­road Once was the major _means of transportation. That· no longer is the case and· old state statute,e, ·can·. be changed, he said. ·

"My point is We have to l'8p­resent the_~ 8J;1<I if the,Y want meetings m RuidOso, lets do jt "and !<eel> the pres"''"' off," be said. "Let's provide ~ce at the substation. I dort~ see (why there is) resistance to it."'

But Ct~,pitan- reSident Duane Williruns~ Oscuro reSi­dent Jerry ·Carroll and·· "'bny Seno from Ruidoso sided with the rest of the cOnunission, say­ing regular· meetings should remain in CB.ITizozo.

Noting .that he~ attended nearly every commission ·meet-. ing for the past :five years, Si:mo said, "There~ no excuse that anyone crui come up with for them I;Lot to be h~re; 'if they sin­cerely are interested, in· their government.'" _-· ·.-

Four speciai meetings this year w~ Conducted in Ruidoso ih liile with an.-uuofficial stance of the commission that the vil­lage would -be considered as a meeting place when the· subJect matter of special meetings war-ranted. · ·

A special. meeting is set for 6 .p.m. Nov. 30 in Ruidoso to deal with changes iri the coun­ty's subdivision t:egulations.

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Ruidoso DoWns' mayor chooses· woman to fill vacancy on ·council


Ruidoso Downs resident Qomiie RichardSon w8.s approved ·Mo.nday to _replace Ray Hayhurst as One of the villa.ge's four trustees. .

. Richardson, who· was picked to sit ·on the counc'il by Mayor Bob Miller, was confirme4 by the other three trustees. · .

. "1\re had a lot of people 'that have applied for it •. " Miller said: of the ·vacant sea£, "My choice is Bon.nie Richardson."

She was sworn in by Ruidoso Downs Municipal_ Judge Harold Mansell.

"I've had a-lot of people that have applied for it (the · seat vacated by the resignation of trustee Ray Hay-hurst), My choice is Bonnie Richard_spn." ·

Richardson is 8. m!!!:mber of the village's Planning and: .Zoning Committee and th6 Parks and Recreation Com­mittee.·

The four-year trustee pOsition~s seat has. a remain­

. ing te:nn that .runs through ·the spring of 2002.

Hayhurst tendered his resignation last. month, stat-

. Mayor Bob MiiiU, Ruldodo Downs.

. ing in a letter he had moved from Ruidoso bowns. He had been first elected to the villil8e cOuncil in 1994 and reelected in 1998. ·

'.l'rustee M~ Monues called on. the village to· pur­chase a plaque for presenta­tion to .Hayhurst, conunend­in.g the former councilor for his years· of service.

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4A WEDNESDAY, NQ< 15, 2000


AT 104 PAAA AVENuE, Rmooso, NE\'1:' MEXICO· Brad L. 1l'eptow, Publisher Michael Scanlo11, Edhor

Keith GrC:Cp., Editorial Advist!r Copyright 2000


Call it the 85% non-solution

Television's tallting heads tell us (or did as of Tues­day), that 85 percent of the nation is intently f01--used .on the hattie for the White House taking place in the never-never land of Florida. · .

That's more than the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, more _than Watergate. More, even, than the O: J. Siinpson trial (but pray God the ouj;Cpme .doesn't take tluit lortg). Yes,_ we must consider the source - the television industry's own polls, self-serving, telling them to . keep on pushing the hype, keep on stirring the pot, keep on quoting every play­er and would-be player from George w. and Al down to the hallot counters in Palm Beach County. . ·

A powerful argument can ·be made that if we didn't have television pundits, we wouldn't have an electorS:! vote crisis. An equally powerful argument can be made thet the camera's eye ls all~Seeing; that without television the party potentates would make their deals in the dark, and the ignorant - read that as uninformed - voter would never know the difference.

But we can't _turn back the clock or turn ·off technology.. So, whatever happens in the courtrooms and ·backrooms of Florida, a conclusion will be reachedc ·The odds are that. whatever the outcome, half the people (or half of 85 per­cent of us) will believe forever that the election was stolen.

Hail to the Tigers Lincoln County's fall sport ·season has come to a halt.

No more football, no more soccel\ no more crosswcountry running, no more volleyball. Every .. team. played_lo.w;d, played well. The ups and downs of the season wiH<be argued and remembered.

What can't be argued is the fact that Capitan. High· School carried Lincoln County's hanner longest and high­est - to a fourth place Claas AA state finish for girls vol' 18yball, and to the atati! Chua A football oemltinalo. · ·

We aalute them. And now, baskethloll ...


U. S. SENATOR PETE V. DoMENICI (R) 328 Hart Senate Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510-3101 (202) 224-6621 U. S. SENATOR

JEFF BINGAMAN (0) 703 Hart Senate Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510-3102 {2021 224-5521


2302 Rayburn House Bldg. Washington, DC 20515

(202) 225-2365


State Capitol Santa Fe, N.M. 87603

800-432-4406 STATE SENATOR

PBTB CAMPos (D), Drsr. 8 500 Raynolds Ave.

Las Vegas, NM 87701 425-0508


HC66- B9x 10 Glencoe, NM 8~24


Elected officials welcome questions and comments. During legislative sessions, delegates may be reached by mail at State Cap,l~ol, Attn. Mail Room Dept., Santa Fe, N. M. 87503


Star Route Box 53 Carrizozo,•NM 88301


Box 459 Ruidoso, NM 88355

258-5767 CoMMISSIONER,. DIST- 3


Ruidoso, NM 88355 258-2212



Box83 Alto, NM 88312

:336-8040 CoMMJSSIOriiSR, DrST. 5

Rl,CK StMPSON fiC66, Bo.x 70

Glencoe, N.M. 88324 653-4249 .


Box·2958 Ruidoso, NM 68355. 258-4046 • 257-2443


Box 1655 Ruidoso, NM 88356

268-9298. COVNCII..OR

I'MNK OUMiiliNO - Box 891

RuldoooL NM saaaa 267-7881


Box 4912 Ruidoso, NM 88356



430 Main Road . Ruidoso, N'M 88346

267-9460 • 207-6121 COUNCII.OR

LINDA I'I.ACH' P. 0. Box 8415

Ruld01to, NM 8S81US 267-6900'. 2&7-92.0


Box.4805 Ruidoso, NM 88355


-- --------------~------~-------..-----1"' RUIDOSO NEWS . . .

PINION CALL US Phone, 505-257-4001



. The First Amendment · Congress s~l _make no law

respecting an establishment of reli­gion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; at abridging .the freedom of sPeech_ or the press· or the right of tli.e people pea~biY to ass~le. and to_ petition the gove;m~ for a redress of grievances.

Open Meetings · lP reco~roition of the fact that a

representative _government is . dependent u~~ an infonned ele\'1· torate, it is decle.red to be.publi.c pol~ icy of this ~ttate that all persona S:re entitled to the iJil!atest possible lnfonnation regarding: the affairs of government and the Oftieial acta. of those officers a'nd employeee whl). represent theni.. The fOrmation of public policy or 'the conduct of busi-

• · ness by vote shall not be CQnduCted -in clof!ed meetings. All meetings of 11111'. public bOdy ·except ·U,.e legislli­ture and the courts shall be wDlic meetings, and all persons so desir­ing shall be ·permitted to attend and listc:ln tQ the deliberations and -pro-ceedi1lgs ... . ., . . '

. -NMSA 1'97~, ~~c~ion 10-15-1


Cedar Creek Canyon

Th the editor: 1b a high school senior and

some o~her people I'm ,sure ~hat we do s·eem calloUs and selfish but I assure all of you that is not the case. There are so many consequences .. to chang­ing the name <lf an exist.ing roadway. that were not consid- . ered. There was no disrespect . · inteilded to Sam Tobias or t~e other ~fighters that helped oUr. communities last spring and I think that"·everyone will be pleased with the· compro­mise· reached at the County Commissioners rheeting. ·

Come, drive the beautiful de!iar Creek Canyon in a few

· . JDOnths and 15ee 'the tribUte to this fallen firefighter. ·

I love -Ruidoso. Maury St._John


Workforce development. funding In place here

1b the editor: This is in response to your

front-page article of the Nov. 1, 2000, edition concerning the Workforce Development funding.

I want to make clear to the Lincoln County Commis-· sian and the Eastern Area business people that federal

and state workforce funding totaling $300 million statewide is available· and is being used in NeW Mexico.

ResPonsibilities of work force development· boards in each area- are to coordinate and improve the ·errectivE!ness of that funding a~ross the var­ious programs. A SQJ.aller amount of rnortey - $6.7 mil-· lion - is under. the direct con-

-trol of the area -board for sPe­CifiC· on-th.e-job and other employer training. Further-

. more, this is a congressionally .apProved program that is sla~ ed for at least four years of operation and w-e fully expect to have this funding for .the remainder of the legislatively approved cycle.

As the GoVernor's state · workforce repreSentative and

as a busineSs owner in the. E'astern Workforce Area,· I. fully believe that involve­ment in this process ·by local busines$es is.essential for its­succeSs and that their involvement will Prove bene­fiCial for our economic devel-opment. .

Clinton D. Harden Jr. N.M. Labor Secretary

Santa Fe


·will we see gridlock 0r bipartisanship? BY S"TEWART TRUELSEN AMEIUCANFARM" Bl'IU:AL.' Fffif.RATION bipartisw1 mode of operatiJ:lg.

We will continue to operate that Veteran political analyst way in Washington, D.C. We

Hal Bruno predicts "gridlock will continuE! tq work with upon gridl9ck" in Washington~ members of both parties to pass D.C. as a result ·or the incredi- our agertd~J. .and implement the bly close ~sidential election . policies our ·members say are

. and the narrowing of the necessary," he· added. Republican n'iaj()rity in Con- Stallman also feels good gress. . . about agriculture's role in the

Senate Agriculture Cormnittees. There was little change from the election. ''We certainly look for­ward to working with both the Republicans and Democrats on both of the agriculture· conunit­tees as we move forw-ard: to try to figure out where farm policy should go alter 2002," said Stall­man.

Traditionally, major· farm legisla.tion has -been a bipartisan efibrt, but that wasnt exactly the case with the 1996 FAIR Act, according to Stallman. He hopes

both sides work better together this time.

The split in Congress and the indecisive presidential elec­tioo !naY be troubJio,. to some, and it certainly could lead to leg­islative gridlock, but Farm Bureau is hoping those elected from both parties put the best interests of the nation first.

Stewart 11-uelsen is the diret:­tor of broadcast services for the American Farm. Bureau Feder-­ation.

American FB.rm Bureau election. "While we. may be few Federation Presideti.t Bob Stall- in nwnber, less than 2 percent of man sees ·it differently. 'He the population, we tend to be 'thinks the results ~ould lead to more active-. We tend to be better a mere bipartisan approach on voters.· We come out to vote iD. Capitol Hill. great(ei- nwubers relative to our

"'The message o(this race is Size," he said. There is no oo:m- · .----:------------------,-'--------, that there is. rtot a clear man- plete election analysis yet, but date for either party and that Stallman believes fumwrs and nia.kes it eVen more important rarichers affected the outcome of to. come, together and work for a nwuber of congressional and all -citizens of this country," S&id state races,.aild may have tipped -Stallman. The Texas rice theeJectomlvotesofafewstates. fanrier and c;attleman believes The election outcomes, how­thjs is the o:Oty-way inlportant ever, will not change Farm issues will get resolved iri the Bureau IX>licies or._priorities. "We next four years, and many of have our own policy develop­thOse· issues will be of interest ment process going on right now, to the natiot1's fnrmere· and which might. modifY 110me of •·onchero. . th080 I>OIIcr .. SOIIU!Wliat. But we

Far1u Bul'llau Itself I• a dmt\ ieaii.Y ocijUIIt tb010 palleleo non-partisan Organization·, an,cl with: :respe-ct to who ha.~a to each year ·sends hwtdreds, of be in office; or which PiU'tN hap­state. and county leB.ders ·to penstobeincontrol,"hesBid· · Washington, D.C. to lobby law- The Fann Bureau ·presidimt makers. ''We will encourage as also predicts it will be· business we hav:e always d r:ae, a as usua1 with the House rutd


LEITERSl'OUCY The Ruidoso News ·encourages letters to the editor, especially

'about local topics arid issues. Each lettet must be.signed and must include the writer's daytime telePhone number and mail address. The phone number and mailing ·address will not be printed; the hontetown will be. The telephone _number will be used .to verify authorship. No letter will be printed without the writer's name.

PoliticUl candidate endorsements or attacks-will noi be pub­·tished; comment should concern issues only. No politiC!Jl com­ment letters will be published in the edttto.h immedititely before an alocliot•. -

Lotturll must bu no moro thAn a-oo worda '" lungth, Of public lntai'GBI, -wid l'reo of llbol: odltlng will bo only lbr !ll'ammu or spelltng. Sho~r lett.Drs are preferred and gener&lly receive greater readerihip. The Ruidoso News reserves the right to ~ect any letter. Longer bY-lined "'GUest Commentary" articles will be. Consb;lered.; call the e!fttor at (505) 257-40"01.

I..ettct'S ma.y be delivered· to the Ruidoso· News office at 104 Pru;k Avctm(•, mailed to P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso~ NM 883$5; faxed to 267-7053; or sent by e-mail. to ruidosonews®zianet.com.


. . - • ••

.. ~-~......,----,-.,---,.---------------------------.-.!111!11"1!! '


Downs council joins in county all-hazard-response agreement

. Village has had no rural calls since the Glencoe fire department ~e<:\ BY jAMES KALVELAGE

. RUIDOSO NEWS· STAFF WJlJT£R ·mateii.als.program., . ~ Wu,tside Ruidoso Downs} since

Questioned about Ruidoso th.e Glencoe Fire Departn\ent After a series of Questiops, DowqS :(ire r,espottse_ to uirlnco:r- reo~zed." Armstrong said.

. the Ruidoso Dpwru; village_ coun- porated coriununities in the . Bassett said the agreement cil. Monday approved an al-haz- . county, Armstrong said there works both ways, and could be a· ard-response· agreement with wo\J].d be no reimbursenlent to _benefit to Ruidoso Down.a.' · Lincoln County.- Ruidoso· DoWns wheri reapbnd- "I hope it never hapPens.

The ·accord .establishes ingoutside.thevillage-lirpits; · . but the day may come when mutual a,ssistance between the· "State Forestry· wiU., reim- they have. to.oome and help Us.'' fire departments in Linco)li. . bursa if dur volunteeis are out .Bassett said; · · Cciuitty, including voluntesr fire there over so manyhours;" Arm- . Bryant .sai<! the .._me.,.t

-departments · that are _largely s~ng said. "Otherwise we are gives Ruidbeo Downs disctetion · under county oversight .. Mutual not ri!i.mbursed.· Our main goal on whether to · respond to a .

aid would Occur in instari.cee is to have everyone· covered." ·· mutu~ aid· ~q1;1BSt oui:$ide the such as nUclear disaster, hai. 'Irustee Jim Bassett said · village linii.ta. He added the ardbus material incidentS, cim- the :Q..eighboring .. Glencoe(Palo accord Would pot put. the cOm~

· ·trolling flood~;~, suP,preSsi.D.g fires Verde. volunteer pre department muhity in a· position where · aitd ai~.in the eveQt Of~ was reorganizing, after a lack of ; there was no "protection for the casualty mcidento. Parties to volunteers ' put · pressure on village. · tQe agreement wOuld not be othe;r deJ?artm.ents to. ~pc;md "to The response agreement, entitled tp reimbursement in etnergencies &mn · San Patricio previously .approved by the . furnishing mutual aid in .tire to Glencoe. cOuilty, was unanimouSly · pi"Dtection or rescue Services~ · . · . "'f yOu l(lok at Our monthly -endorsed by the ~uidoso Downs

'Ibm Armstrong, Ruidoso · . r~por:ts; we've not ·had one call· coimci.L


Battin heads museum's fund-raising event Bruce Eldredge, Hubbard Museum of

the American West executive · dii-ec.tor, announced that 'Ibm Battin has accePted the exe.cutj.ve committee's inVitation to chair the 2001 Board of" Directors Fundraising Committe~. ThE:' fuqd~raiser will take place.at the Hubbard·Museum of the· Americari West on SatUrday, July 21, 2001. . . .

Eldredge said, "We are pleased to have .. , one sf the most respected communi~y lead­

ers jp 1h.e state.· 'Ibm has been a key mem-. ~r o.f. our ·bo~ for. the .!last. fou~ years."

Eldredge added, "'.!'his .•• ,. the largest and most prestigi.Qus fundraiser in southeastern New Mmdco. LlilSt year, over 300 people atten<!ed to help raiee $150,000." This event, in it·s fourih year, is· the major ' fundralser.for the museum. Monies raised allow the museUm to create its· exhibits and educational workshop$. · .. . .

Battin has been presi<!ent and chief . executive officw of RuidQsO State· BB.Jlk; sinCe 1991. ::He Sits on the following boards: ~incoln Cotmty Medic~ c.enter.t Presb~r­tan Health Care, Assoc1ation oi Commerce and Industry, Spencer Theatre. Po~t Lonia Nazarene Univ~rsity, San Diego, and· the HU.bb&:rd .Museum of the A,merie&n ·west . ·"What. a· P,rivijege for p1e tO be blvp]yed," Battin sw<!. "The }Jubbar<! Museum of the American West ·has been an outstanding contributor to tbe ht;>ritage and culture of·· our area. I am _pl~aSBd to help out the rp.useum. I ~·very im.prea"sed· 'with ·the example of th~ir~<Stellar commitment to .our · area."

Other committee members include: event. ·Coordinator'" Chetyl Metcalfe, 'lbni. Rimbo, Jean Stoddard, Joanie .Holt, Ann· Reveley, Ellen Lucas, Jayne Clarke. Geor-gia Griflln and Sid Goddlae. · · . . . · ..

Rural garbage pickup schedule reviS.ed for·holiday . . ...

The farbage ·cOllection sehed.We o the Lincoln County Solid W"!!te Authority will vary slightly over the Thanksgiving

. holid&jr. · · zozo. and on Nov. 22··in Capitan·. · Residential · pick Up will The ·RuidOso solid waste

oceur Mon<!ay, Nov. 20 in Rui- .department will follow .ito regu­doso Downs, on Nov. 21 in Carri- Jar. schedule over the holiday.

Downs .em~i'gency manager, . · · :said the agreement-was basical- -r--'-------,-'---'.,------------~-----,-:.-__;_ _____ ;_;__~----------'---------'------, ly the Same as preViO\Js mutual

.J ai<! p8cts. . . . "If other departments came

tO help, the county wouldn't be. ch8rging you. for the response," Armstrong told the village council. "That's how I read it,. and !think we should have this. We have a lot · of (hazardous) · stuff c~ through on Highway

. 70 thet we cao't handle. This· 1ielps in that we're not ~ing charged." · ·

Village legal council Dan Bryant said the agreement was part of a~ county-wide haz8rdous

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Unding Hands Foundation supporls tiM Children~ Mit"ock Networlr

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n behalf of the board, medical staff and employees of Lincoln County

Medical Center, we thank you for voting to keep excepti<;>nal healthcar.e

· in o.:.r communities. Your support means that the clinics in Carrizozo,.

·Hondc> and Corona will be able to provide services for all of our residents and your

hospital will remain one of the best in .the nation. Local sup.port keeps healthcare

locaL We appreciate your support and we'll

continue working to keep exceptional

healilicare available for all ~four citizens.'

6A WEDNESDA\; Nov. 15, ~000 LOCAL NEWS


ClaudeJ. Kelley Jr

Services for Claud.;! J. Kel­ley Jr., 74,. of Fredericksburg, 'Thxas, were Nov. 5' in Sabinal, Texas.

Mr. Kelley died Friday, NoV. 3, 2000,.at Hill CoWltry Memorial Hospital.

He was born Aug. 22, 1926 in San Antonio, -Texas, to Claude ,J. Kelley Sr. and Ruby (Harper) KeUey. ·

He married· Faye · Ingen­huett Kellt'y in Uvalde, ThJq:~.s) Oct. 6, 1962. . .

Mr. Kelley waS a rancher,. 'Th:x:as Border Patrol officer, deputy sheriff and warden constable. He graduated· from Utopia High School; attended Thxas A&I at Kingsville, ce·rti­fied as a Thxas pea:ce officer, Was appointed as a Te~as State PrOsecutor· Council me;t:nber, Served as pe8.ee ·offi.:. cer .for 'the Thxas State Coin­mission on Judicial Coitduct, the Texas State Aninlal Health Co~ission, and was a member of the Thxas South­western Cattle Raisers Associ- . ation. - ·

Survivors include his wife, Faye lngenhuett Kelley; a sis-: _ter; Ruby Louise and her hus.:.

band, -- "George Horner, of Uvalde, Th"xas; &nd n'umerows nieces and nephews.

The family suggests memo­rials . to the First United -Methodist. Church of Sabinal, the Conlfort Volunteer Fire department ·or the charity of your choice. · . · ·

Funerftl arrangements are under the direction · of the Schaetf.ers FuUeraf Home "of Frede~cksl;mi'g, Texas.

Howard Wright

Dorothy Napper of LUbbock, Texas, Eileen Burkett of Wolf­forih, Texas, and Jean B..Jrer of Fort .Mojave,-Ariz.; four grand-·· children; and six great-grand­children. · ·

_The fiunlly requests _memo. rials to the New Mexiqo H;eiut -Institute in AlbUquerque or to your .favorite chari~y.

Arra.ngeinents a,re uri.der :the· direction of LaGrOne . Funeral CbS. pel of Ruidoso;

Bonnie fortenberry Graveside · serv.ic~S for -No serri~ IU"e acheduled

Howard Wright, 76, of Capitan, at this time for Bonnie. Forten­W:ill be·Q.t 11 a.m. today in the- berry, 95, of.Carrizozo,

.. Capi~ Cemeteiy. . . . ·-Mrs. Fortenberry died · M,:r. Wright ·died SUnday, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2000, in Rui-

Nov. 12, 2000, in RoSWell.. . · doso. He was born June 26, 1924, She -was born Sept. 14,

in Q'J)onnell, .. Thxas: · 1905; in Ca,rri.Z:ozO. _ . He ·moved .to_· Capitan in She moved from Carrizozo ·196.0 from O'Donnell and was and later returned thEu·e .ia an independen.t cont_ractor in 198~ from Sa:n :Oiego. C~if. agriCulture. He man-ied M&x- She loved to work in her gai-­ine Kidd on July 23, 1~47, in den and paint. LameSa, Thxaa. Survivors inclqde a son,

SurVivors ~nclude his wif~. Bill ·Hobbs of Carrizozo; seven Maxi~e; of Capitan;· a son, Jim gr8.ndchildniD: ~d six great··' Wright ·Wld his wifej l.J.p.da, of ·grandchildren.. · -Wasco, -Ore.; .a d~ughter. Kay Arrangements ·wen~ under Strickland and her husban.d, the direction · of LaGrone· 'Thrry, of . Capi~an; sisters Funeral GI?-apel of1~W.!1oso."

Road work assessment report released Proposed highwayexpansiori project would stretch from Riverside to Roswell

An environmental assessment repOrt deal­. ing with proposed improvements t9. U.S. High­way 70 between Rjverside and Roswell has been released.

, The New Mexico State Highway aml TranS­portation Department and the Federal Highway Administr:ation, recently announced the avail-ability of the docwnent. ·

The Riverside to Roswell project ·is one _of two studies un~er way to evaluate possible· impacts to the federal highway l:"a""tween Ruidoso Downs &nd Roswell., The proj• ollld include the addition of two driving lanes with shoulders to create a four-lane roadw~y between R,iverside and Roswell.

_ A draft environmental impact statement for proposed U.S. Highway . 70 improvements be-tween· Ruidoso Downs ~d Riverside is being assembled.. That document is expected to be released around .t4e- ent;l of the year. Hearings would be scheduled next year ~or public. com-ment on the draft report. ·

Public hearings concerning the environmen­tal assessment for the eastern segment of hig_h­way are not. being _planned, according to a High­way· Department notice. Public collUllents, how­ever, are being accepted through Dec. B.

Copies -of the environmental assessment are .available for publiC review in Ruidoso at the Ruidoso Public Library, 107 Kansas_ City Road.

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It's practical solution to success in the kitchen. .....•..... NATURALLY!



(505) 378 - 4277 707 Short Drive Ruidoso Downs

Oerk charg~ itt robbery hoax .Man reportedly needed $71 to pay for his eyeglasses, police said BY jAMES IW-VI!LAGE RUIDOSO NEWS STMF WIUTER

A · Ruidoso con,v.enienCe' store_ ·clerk, who initially '~old poli~ he had b:een J:'leld' ·up .at gunpoint, later adni_itted to fa detective that .the robbery wa~ a hoax. ·

Robert P. Bates, 19, Rui­doso. Downs, recimted a stOry of a Nov.· 10 armed robbery of the ~up's convenier::tce Store at 723 ;Mechem· Drive, and admitted he -ne_eded money to pay' off JJ,is eyeglasses. . . .

He tQld an inVestigator -that he took $71. Bates . was charged MOnday with embez­zlement of less than $100, a petty misdemeanor. . '

· Ruidoso police were . ini· tially notified at '3:45 a.m. of

an anned robbery. Bates ha.d told-~ officer that he was in a washrQom of the store :when he heard. the· eO:trWJ.ce door (lhime. · - .

A mm;t with a ski masli was said to be-in ~e store·Bnd a· Second man, also reportedly .wearing· a· siP ma.sk, entered the business. according· tO what Bates told police. . Bates initially -said the

second suspect direcum hiin to hail.d QVer the- n;1oney &om the cruili register. He said. one of the men had a 9-millimeter handgun. and. the other. a .45 ~liber handgun; ·

Police w~re unable to find footprints_ in the snoW near the·· store. after Bates told them th~ two men fled. on foot~ running alqng MesCalero

I 6 A"'"'"t

Trail toward· U.S. Highway 70. . ..

Officers said .they ware leery of the armed robbery stocy· because of the -lack of footprints and .the non .. bark-­·ing of a nearby, dog that nor­mally bar~ ·when· people are in the area.

A review of Cl;lBh register: activity fndi~ted _!;he drawer had last :been opened at ~:33 a.m., 12 minutes ·before police

·received ·the report of a· ho~_d-up. .

Bate:s ·was interviewed by _Ruidoso Police ·Detective Jim

. Biggs, .and litVentual-ly con­fessed he · had taken the money. · .

The. $71, given. bj ·Bates· t_o police,_was turned over the· the man8.ger of the Allsup~s store.

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HUI0050 NEWS LOCAL NEWS WEDNI!SDAY, No" 15, 2000 71•

Second an;hery event scheduled this . '

d at Cedar Creek •


Bow shooters will Strut their stuff this weekend at the second in a­s~ries of five con;tPetitions set for tL~ Ruidoso area. ·

The Future ·of. Archery Sports Te$lll second show for the Four Wheeler ;Expo, ·called The '1\irkey· Strut, will be iit the Ceda~ Creek Campground. ·

Bobbi Graham, one of th,e orga­nizers. said· FAST members are excited about snow c~mditions in Ruidoso and encouraged· archers attending the competition to arrive e·arly and· make some tinre fOr shop­ping or to };lit the ·ski slopes, which

.op.en at Ski Apache.th,is weekend. ·

Jnn, Condotel, TraVel .Lodge, Rui­doso 'Reservations, ·wel;lt Winds Lodge. and Condos, Joh,qson's "C~fe, Ruidoso Ford, Showtime Video and Photo, Fenton's Art Gallery or Pride Mechanical.

winnings than any other national 3-D show, she said. COle Van Winkle was one a local winner;s takiilg fi"rst place in his class at The Haunting_ bow Shoot last month.

The classe~ are ·•based on Shoot­ers' ~perienc;e,;::; leVel ·seP.arating pro­fessiOnals from ama~lirs and pro­viding incentive, Graham said. MOre than 40 shooters the· first _day.an.d 70 the secori.d ·tul,'"ned out ·for the Octo-

ence." she s8.id. "We. encourage hunters to join in the· fun, because practice makes perfect.

"Archers learn· to judge. distance and ace the kill zones; praCticing 3-0 shOQting; which we hope. will help ·prevent misses, and bad shots.:

·PS:rticipants walk a, tr~il looking for markers_ to indicate_. game in the vicinity. Targets in the form of the animals b~irig hunted a.re Set_ up in· the natUral habitat: with niarkers indicating where competitors shOuld _stand to fire tJ:l~ir -arrows.

~e ha.ve · gifts for participants who present lift tickets or shopping receipts fro~ Ruidoso at registr~tion · time," she said .. Receipts must be dateq·, . .Nov. 15-19 and -be froq1. the Ruid,oso News, Walton's Station, Pub 48, Big 0 Tire, The Postal Annex, J. ROberts, the Vpper Canyod Inn, SuPer 8 Motel, Lee Cattle Coln.pany,. Thriftw.ay, ~OB Radio, Comfort

Times for the lj»ne-day eve~t are from ·.7 ·a.m. to noon .Sunday, or until 2 p.m. for non-cOnipetitive ar~ers. The cost is $10 fOr peewee cub.s and youth divisions;. $15. for non-compet­itiVe shoo~rs, $25 for regular com­petition and $50 to shoot against the

.. ber "Haunting" e':'ent despite heavy· rain: at times ..

One of· the factors of competing in challenging weather is that accu­racy will improve, ·.,she said. "Some­tUnes We. want these. conditions becaUs~ hUnter~ .need the experi-..

HunUlrs ·also ~n get a gr6up of .friends :together arld participate without competing. · ·

"Just for ·participating, your ·name is put into the hat for the . Yamal:;la Big Bear 400 Fop.r-Wheeler to ba given away Feb. 18. .pros. · _ .

FAST travel:;~ to ~hoenix March 13, kicking off the ·group's national tour ·- one of the largest 3-D Ar~hery shows offering more· cash

Fo;r more infqrmation on .partic;i­pa"ting or supporting bow .. eventS in oth.#i- ways, co"nt~ct/Graham at


Felony fraud alleged Ruidoso. police are investi­

gating tWo cases of felony fraud. A manager of the Thrift­way= Supermarket, ·304 Mechem Drive, told police On·

·Nov. 5 that two Checks' <had ··been returned· ·unpai9., mal-ked. . "no account."

One of the -checks, passed on Oct. 27, was .for $265. The second was cashed for $300 .. Both checks. Were written or;a. the same presumed nonexiE!-· tent accdllnt. · ·

Property d;unaged · . An alarm brought Ruidoso

police to a misdemeanor: crinii­nal damage io property case Nov. 5. Officers responded to a residence in the CainelOt Place Apartment complex abOut 6 p.m. A kick,ed-in dqor was founQ, though a "police report indicated no signs of entry to the apartment. .

'1\vo Other criminal damage to property irtcidents were also reported. An official with the Ruidoso Valley Cha~ber ()f Coinmerce said a broken wiri­dow wu discovered at the chamber btdlding on Mechem Drive. The window wB.s believed to have been b_roken

between Oct. 31 and Nov. 2. Vandalism was reported at

a Willie HorU;m Drive residenc~ .on Nov. 2.

guy wire fot lit utility pole. The pick-up's .roof h!ild Collapsed, according to police informa­tion. The owner ·of the vehicle ~as notified o~ the. disCovery.

Vehicle stolen, damaged A vehicle reported stolen Gas-skip· reported •

iri RuidOSo turned uP heavily A clerk of a .RuidOso gas d8maged in Ruido~o Downs. station/cOnvenience store·noti-

Ru.idoso police filed a fiEld ·RuidosO police of. a .. gas felonY unlawful taking. -of .a drive-off on Nov. 11. The gaS .. .nlotor"vehicle~port·OJ?.Nov. 7,. skip·:· involved .$~0.52 ·in after the pick-up truck· was· :unleaded fuel from" the· All­reportedly taken from *" s.up's :store at 723 Mechem -Camelot. Drive. location. On :Orive. The clerk was unable t9 Nov. 9 Ruidoso DQwns police provide police with a direction· found a damaged Vehicle along of trav~l of the vehicle. a road behind the Ruid.oso Downs RaCe TraCk and· 'Casi- Ruidoso Downs no.

The pick-up truck, identi­fied · as the vehicle , reported stolen in RuidosC:, had slid Off the road and ·rolled once. The vehicle had come to rest on a

Arrested after roll-over Ruidoso DoWns pOlice

arrested a Ruidoso· ·mart fol-· lOwing a single vehicle rollover.~ Nov. 4 near Alto ..

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Three hurt in Angus pile-up · Police: and rescue person- BY jAMES KALVELAGE nel Were di$patched to ·a Gavi- . RwDoso NEW'S STAFF.WJUT"ER

·Ian Canyon ROad .location ; ·about one. mile. fro.m State Three .. people, including a Highway 48 on a report. of the pedestrian. were injurecJ .S~­accident. day as -the result of a multi-

. The driver, Richard C. vehicle colliSion near Angus. GQmez, Jr.,. 21, told RuidoSo The .J?~destrian, 'Gregory p,olice· he loSt control of the car ·Switzer, 4'1, Alto, was .hit by he was driving on a. curve and. one of three vehicles involved rolled down a steep. embank-. in the" accident. SWitzer was ment. Gomez teceived a minor knOcked across the highway injury in the incident, accord- and w.ertt. doWn ·an embank­iP,g to a· police ri3port. A pas- ment, according·to a New M~­senger_ was r~ported unin- ·ico State Police report. He suf~ jured. The vehicle :w:as heavily fered ann r:md leg UUuries, a,nd damaged. possible damage to his pelvis.

Ruidoso Downs police · According , to police twc were . called ' tQ the location vehicles had stopped in the after a. registration Check indi- northbound lane of State aigb­cated the car had been report- way 48 On the hill leading ed stolen. earlier.that day from .doWn tO the Rio Bonito. A thit:'Ci · Ruidoso Downs. Goni.ez was vehicle, also heading north, arrested for oUtstandii~g· war- came around a cur.ve and slid rants and on a charge of unau- into· one of the· stopped vehi~ thorized takhlg of a moto·r cleS. The struck station wagon vehicle. ·then hit the oth~r stopped Pick-


'up truck as well as Switzer. · "It had turned into an ice skating. rink," Chris Denne, the Bonito Fite Department chief. said o:fthe highwey section. "It was pretty awful."

· Derine was qne of the emer­gency ·responders at the loeB.-

. ti<m. 'IWo people in the vehicle hit by the moving Stl;ltion. wagon were also injured.· All three. were transported by ambulance . to the Lincoln ,County Medical Cen~r in ·Rui-.. doso.

·The operator.ofthe pick.~up truck that ran into one of the. stopped vehicles was identified as Kendall Price, 39, Ruidoso.

Police said their investiga­tion of the collisiori was ongo­ing. Those treated at the. hospi- .

. tal were later discharged. . State Highway 48 was

. closed fo"r more thaD. .an ho.ur because of the collision.

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RC&D proposes industry u~tig sma11 trees BY DiANNE STALUNGS RUIDOSO NEWS STAFf' WRI'@R

A product has heen found using email-diameter trees that are not feasible for lumber production; sa_ys Howard 8~, 'of the South Central MoWltain Resource Cons.ervB.­tion anc;l Developnient Cowlcil.

Small trees need to be har­vested from forests now choked with vegetation that poses severe fire hazards, he said. Removal also would improve the general watershed, he· s~id.

Shanks told Lincoln Coun-. ty conimissioners F,'riQay· that

several agenci~S are· working together to find· uses for cedar and juniper cleared by ranch-ers, and for small pines. ·

signs, Shanks said. . . Catron County bought .a ,awmill to help in that county, he said, but private ·businE!S$ .people .need to tak'~ hold and· in~ the plan work here.

The "plastic" wopd is flexi­. ble enough to be used as .a tile substitute, he said; a l)).anufac­

. turing plant would cost from $3 million to $5 million.

Commissioner Rick Simp­son &aid the right place for the plant .would be Carrizozo, whieh lies at the· .crossroads of two· majof highways and has a railroad, an. av.S:ilable labor .pool and cheap land .

All small tjmber co~ld. be used, Shanks said, including .oak· and mesquite. Recycled plastic can be used, .creating a market for something that riow is difficult to recycle, s.aid Simpson, · who also manages the Lincoln ·County Solid Waste·.Authority. ·

try to work with White Sands Forest ·. Product.s tO retool ·instead of watching that com­pany fold and jobs ·be lost whan Qig trees no longer were avail­able for logging in the Lincoln N ationhl FP;:t:est o_r"· on private land.

. Shanks said the cost of · ret06liog apparently Was too high. Cbmmissioner L. Ray Nunley said he wanted the jobs. to be ··created locally, riot in Otero County. .

Shanks· said .he w-ill look to his councU· for Support at ·its December meeting: Commis­siOner Bill Schwettmann, who serves orl tl;tat board. Said he'll be there to back Shanks.

An ecollomics· professor at NeW Mexico State University said he could assist in deyelop-. ing a .market. Joan Zagone, executive· director of the Rui­doso ·valley· Chamber. Of COm~ m.erce, . told coipmissioners, "This is not kind of ppssib:le, this is very· possible ·and you couldn't haye. & better partner than NMSU_,

Colllll1ission. to retain gas heating for jail

Afier hearing assurance from. the attOrneY ·represeD.t­

·iilg Capitan~Carrizozo Natur­al G'as municipal cbmpany, Lincoln County Commission­ers said Friday they'll prOba­bly .stiCk· with their original plari to· .heat· the new county jail; rather .than propane.

J. Robert Beauvais told commissioners. on behalf ofth~ gas company and· the two munic~palities ijlat own it, he can &!:~sure th~:r:n· a natural gas. supply will be available.

LBst month, co~ission-. ers c:lec~d'ed to look at propane as an alternative1 but County Manager Tom Stewart said the cost would be greater.

'some changes will he needed in the line south .. ·of Capjtan, and into · Carri~ozo, but who Will pay for the work is in question; Beauvais said ..

CCNG reCeived a tempo­rary injunc:tion ag~nst Z~a N atui'al Gas, which ownS ~e

transmission line, requiring that Zia increase ·the 'pressure t.o the town of Carrizozo where the new jail is being built,

tinue to serve on the eld;rateni.­torial zoning. coiilil'ri:ssioil ·

/ • Lonnie Lippmann to · rei>lace Mark Prelo·on the coun-

Commissioners appoint o/ planning commission citiZen advisory boards • ·Elwood Gradino • and

l)oyle Howell of Ruidoso to con-Board appointments and -tinue to serve on the propE;!rty

bid aw<>Tds were the laet items !a)< protost bosrd on the agenda of the Lincoln COunty Commission Friday. · " Dick Cox to. replaCe Hollis

C~nnm.issioners · approved Fuc~ on the public land Use the ptn"Chaae from mM of a new adviaory board and reappointed A.S/400 mainframe computer Sally Canning and. Thny Seno, .for $51,803 through a ·state con- · Matt Fe~n, Duane Frost, · tract and th~y accepted the low ·B,Qnnie Merritt and Pete bid of$27,4!13 fr<>m.Bee EquiP" ·Gnatkowski. · · ment Soles of Lubbock, 'ThxaS,

· · for a 1;1ew 6Q=tton Lowboy '!railer with a trade-in, ·

fu other actiOn, the board appointed; · ·.

. •. Connie Hopper as emer­gency·progTaJ.\1 manager

. • Ca!W, Skaggs, '!eri Sodd and AI Junge of Rui<loso to con-

. · • Comririssioner. WilliB.in Schwettnlafm tO the Regional W""te Water Joint Use Board

• _Tabled actiori on an appointment to the senior citi­zens Olympic committee .to fill the .vacancy .left by the . resignation of Henry Erq.est.

"I have a good product, sort of a plaStic :wood . .,Juniper does:­n't detez:iorate and is water n;!sistant. It exceeds ariy parti­cle board."' He ·has been wOrk­ing with a firm in. MoWitainair, where a resident built a pi~ot plant and produces signs for the U.S. Forest Service.· The signs last longer and are not appealing to the porcupines that like to eat ~gular -wooden

The timing is right to put an operation ·together, Shailks said, adding that $450,000 was ·pJ.lt in the·.federal budget "to get something like this going."

Commissioner Leo Mar­tinez asked why Shanks didn't



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CALLUS Sports editor Karen Boehler

. , i>none: (505) 257-4001

Ski report ••• ·-··· •••••••••••• 0 ••• •• •••••••••••••

Ski Apache_ Sid Apache wiD open Saturday New Snow .Past 24 Hour$: llnches New Snow Past 48 Ho:urs: 1- inr:hi=s · Nevv Snow Past n: Hculli: <4 InChes New Snow ~ Wlllak: 37 lncl'la!l · .~;,Clear Road Cond1tl0113i: Pardall)' snawpacked Snov:vm;dclng Past 24 Hours: Yes Tamo~'s Forecut:. Partly doucly Add!tlorud Info: Value season Pl"'dns rn effeQ:. $29 KIU!t I~ tiCicets ar'll;l $19 chUd Ul't ~ for sale Nov. 18 - Nov. 2_21ind NcM 26- Dec. 15. Reduc:edprldrwon ;J day tick­.., too. VIsit ~he_ Sld-Apa;h& Web site at WWw.skia­~a.corn ·

. Prep score~wird . ··························~·········· ThurSday, tfCN. 9 Volleyboll .

State toumainem;: Capitan_ 3,. Navajo Pfw ol . . - • .

frida;y. Nov. 3 IWrball .

RuidQSo I :J, New Mexim Miliary I~ 12 ._,... .

. Swe toumament: McCurdY 3, Capitan 2

Satur\fay, NcN. 4 Fo«bGH

Fort SLmnoi- ~.Capitan 0 Vonoybol/ • .. . ~ tournament: Qass AA. consolation:

lexlco 3, Capitan ·I

~SOD, tap .. . . -~··••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a• _Saturday; Nov, J 8 Boy.s·bQsketbDJI ~o scrimmage-vs. Hondo; Lovirc. Tatum, Estancia; 9 ·a.m. at c:ar.uo­zo: 9:lO.a.m. at capitan

Monday, Nov. ZO Glrlo-~kbo at Ooudcrofl: (V..M. 4 p,m.

1\luday, New. 21 Girls baslcetbaH

Hondo at home vs. Carrizozo, 5 p.m. . Bpys boslcetbDH • ·

Hondo at. home vs. Canizozo. 7 p.m.

Pecking order· ·······~·····························

Ruidoso Parks & Rec Men'• 8asketttall League

Tbn'i W L PeL A1Arou1d 3 I .750 Anmarlc. 3 I Edun .3 I Tequila Slammei-s 2 I It's All Good 2 2



WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15,2000 }8

Inexperience sinks Tiger netters 'Little things is

. what killed .us' IIY KAru!N BoEHLER RUlDOSO Nm!§ SPORTS EDITOR.

AJ.,BUQUERQUJ;: ·· Capitan's Tigers nev~ gave up throughollY the threffoday state volleyball tournament at West Mesa High School in Albu­querque, but yo'uth ·and. a lack of atatE;r tournament experience .dOQmed· the Tigers to·a fourth-place fll\ish.

After defea~ . .Navajo Prep in the· opening round, Capitan {20-4, 8-0) fell to McCUfdy in a tough five-game match in the semifinals, then lOst to Texico iJi the consolation ro~d. . . ..

.While the orange-b~decked 'Tiger fans yelled and· cheered and ~ang arid did· everything they could to 81-'-pport their team.; the P1a.Vers couldn't get over ~he.· hump. Tlie Tigers lost several games -·and event~ly_ matches -· ~hEm they cOW.dn't tally the ·last point or two, .and ,the opposition came frolll !Jehind: . . . .

been 12 years ~ince Capitan last i Ina'!c·,;·. an appearance at state, arid that,

said. coach Sherry Gowen, was a big fac· tor.

'"You just eotta make it a few"tillJ,es, then, When you make it a few times, then you start getting 'those blue tro­phies and stuff," she -said.

Youth, she said, was the reason for . the lack of killer illstinct.

"That's the youngiless 'in the team, I think," Gowen said. "Th_at's the sopho· mores and I have a fre$hinan out there. That's just being young. That's just the

i {lack of) playing time. · · · "A lot of these girls. played C team . last year. Now they'ri! on varsity at the ·

nge,- u·ndsey Bush sends the ball over the net d0ring ihursdcw's flrst-rouf'!d .3c;:tion vs.·Navajo Prep at the state volleyball tournament. . · . : · . · . .

state tournament. That's a big cha.qge." · The difference was in the little

things. "I. just think in the clutch situa­

_tions.'' .she -said. "We didn't kill. We did­n't execute on free balls aqd we need to do that. Th8.t's the little _things. Little thing111 is what killed us." .

But Gowen said she's- proud of her . teain.

"A lot of people wrote· us off," she SlJid. "I'm proUd of them for getting here.".

And don't expeCt it to be 12 yearS before the Tigers make another· appear­ance at state.

"They've been here, and I'm going to expect a lot out of them next· jrear,n Gowen said. "We'll be back."

. Capitan 3, Navajo Prep 1 Navajo Prep nelQ:'ly upset Capitan

in the first roQD.d Thursday, but the Tiger$ -overcame state-tournament jit­ters to t.ake a 14-16, 15-9, 15,13, 15-9 win and advance tO -the .second round.

FOr muc_h pf the game, -the Eagles · .. looked like the better team. -

They were picking· up j\lSt about everything.th.e Tigers. hit .at them, and th~ .. din:ks. they-sent back were dropping where Capitan wasn't. · · .

"l knew they would dink a lot," said· -. Gowen. "We haven't had teams dink a

lot. Thlaro.sa, Lordsburg, Hatch. every- · · body, they knocked the crap O\lt of the .ball. You know the,Yre going to dink,.but you don't expect it every single ·time, \ · and that's·What got us." - .

The l£aglE!s weren't tall, but put everything- they _had into their blocks, and into-getting· Up and getting the ball over. _ .

.. · Nav,ruo Prep ·trailed 14-6 iri grurie one, btit came back tO tQ.ke the win on fi,ve_se:ITes by Alicia Beceriti I;Uld six by 'IWilia Cha:vez. · ·

The Eagle's led .early in ga:.;ne two as · We14 but Capitari started to· gain its cOmposure ~b.d pulled the win out. ·

In gf\me thre~. the 'figers started to look like- their old selves, jumping "Out to an 8-1 lead. but the Eagles still' never gave up, fighting to the last point.

Navajo Prep earned its ' berth at state via a hard-fought, five-8-iun.e win over Santa Ros'- last weekend, and Prep . .coach Linda Berinett-.Begaye said that helped her squad. ·

"1. think it helped with the mental toughness. I really do," ~he s~d. '"These

. kids ·fight· for everything. They~e

See &TATE, page 3B

... -~C:OO.- -~ .• .. 2-, ••. -,~~ P:Funk All Stars 2

Warrior~ fini~h on a high. note BY MArr WARREN FeR TH£ RUIDOSO NEWS

Alamo Pipe 2 3 Big 0 Tires 0 4 ~ero Exprt!S$ 0 3

ResUlts for New. 7 Resdleduled d~.~e,m snow

1\esults for Ncw. 9 Coul'll)' Cons"76, P..Funk An Stan 49 Aiwnark 59, ,6JI Around 57 . Alamo Ptpe 32. Big 0 TlAIS "

Games ro-r Ncw. 16 6:30 p.m. - It's AU Good 'W. Mescalero ....... 7:30 p.m. -All Around 'Y$. P..Funk All Stars 8:30 pm. __, Alamo Pipe V$. 'li!qulla Siam­mei.

Equibest riders wrap up season

Th~. Equibest 'Thain from RUidoso competed in the· final New Mexico Hunter/Jumper Association horse show of the

. Yl'ar at the .New Mexico State Fair Grounds in Albuquerque November 2-6.

· Along With the veterans there were fbur.new riders ;;;;:;! their horse& that have been training all Yl!ar fbr their· 6rst competitiOn.

Deborah Van Pelt of El Pasp finished off the year in · great fonn by winning the New Mexico Hunter Jumper Associ­ation. adult amateur. medal finals fbr 2000. Van Pelt also won the adult amateur equi­tation o\"er rences. "'the adult amateUr hwiter, the adult amateur under saddle classes and the desert spirit medal. Her thoroughbred gelding, Mwld:y "!a-. Will be lllDViilg up to hlgher divisionS in 2001 and Deborah will be starting a

. new horse in the jwnper divi­sions in 2001.

Beth Robinson made her debut with her new hot-se, Giacier. Robinson had only rid­dEm. Glacier a very short. time . before the hotse show. She won

See BQUIBEST, page 28

' . t

Tiger Michael Walker. No, 37 • gets taken down in the second quarter of the Oass A semifinal game_ w. Fort Sumner Saturday.

Tigers give their all· But mistakes hand Foxes the win


CAPITAN Capitan's Tigers {6-6, 1-1) were outrun by Fort Swnner Saturday in the Class A semifinal football action, as the Foxes took a 29~ victory to advance to the state championship game. The Tigers advanced in the playofl'o last week With ll· home . town win over Navajo_ Prep," but were unable to Pull off the win that would get them to the big gam'e.

On the cold and windy Sat­urday; where· snow was ev.en falling, the Tigers still gave their best shot against the Fort Sumner Foxes.

In the previous. n1eeting between the two team:s, the Tigers tell 37-0, despite a solid second hal£

Saturday's rematch Saw a. siri:rilar outcome, with mistakes leading to the Fort Swnner win.

Michael Walker ran in for a . touchdown in the second quar­ter that· was called back on a holc).ing penalty, and Joey Saiz had a TD called back in the fuurth on the same penalty.

The Tigers also handed the ball over to the Foxes .three times on turnovers, ·

"We shot ourselves in the !bot this game, but these guys were tremendous this seaso~" said Capitan coach Ed Davis

about his team. "They've come a long way,"

said Foxes coach Mario . Mar­tinez. ''This game was much harder, and they were hitting harder."

· In the first quarter, Fox Lance Fikany scored Fort Sum­ner•s firSt touchdown.

Fikany also distributed another touchdoWn in the sec­ond quarter· m&king the Score

· 14-0. Hadley Patterson of Fort Sumner also scoi-ed a TD in the second. .

Shem. Oliver and Fikany eontributt~d two more touch­downs · in the fourth quarter, making the final 29-0. ~e beat them on every­

thing, they just got three long nms an:d one long pass that we couldn't keep up with," said Davis.

The Tigers · did beat the Foxes on every statistic besides possessiOns. ·

The Tigers had 284 yards 11JShing while Fort Sunmer had 275 yards. The Tigers were 7-of-11 with 93 yards passing, while the Foxes were 3-of-6 for 54 .. · ylirds.

Justin Hunter had 12. car­ri~~ for 154 yards. Michael Watk.er had eight carries for- 77 yards, and Joey Saiz came through with six carries total-·

See TIGERS, page 2B

ROSWELL - Ruidoso's football WarriorS shimmied their way around New Mexico Military Institute Friday· night, · defeating the Colts 13-12 in the­season-ending ·matchup for 'both teams~. -

"It was a good way to end our season," said Wanior head coach Rodney Webb ... I'm proud of how they came out and played hard."

.. I think We played hard; hard enough to win," NMMI coach Dwight Burns said.

The Warriors .came out strong the Colts, scoring first against the home team.

Ruidoe:o started with a 7-yard touchdo.wn pass to Phillip Darley from 'Ibdd Schraeder.

The Warriors then held the Colts to a few punts, but the game became interesting when Chris Adams, NMMI's star kicker, kicked a field goal tO keep the Colts j.n striking dis­tance.

Both teams held eaCh other off for a while, then Alejail.dro Without worry, the· Colts ~arias brought . Schraeder . would score their first touch·· down in the end zone for a safe· down of the nitrht but just ty. couldn't catch Rwdoso. · With the Warriors looking The game didn't affect the a little rattled, they would still outcomE! of either team's sea­come back with more Warrior son. they were both playing. for Pride for the Colts. just a .win-. with_ no Qbance of

Ruidoso scored: with one to_urriament play. HQwever, . quick play involVing a senior that didn't. stop both teams palr, as Schraeder sent a pass from battling . through the to J.R Floyd for the 75 yard whple gante. TD connection. · · .The Warriors sti\te champi-

RuidoSo would tnis.s the onship hop~s ended last; week extra poiht, and wouldn't score it) the game against Portales. anymore after:that. · It wasn't all frOwns for Ruidoso

seniors, however. as they fin­ished their: final high school ~eason with a win .

4'They were absolutely happy, they played hard and beat a good team" Webb said. "1 am very proud of them."

'~Our kids played hard and their.. kids played hard," Bums said. "It was a good game." ,

The Warriors finished their season 6-4-, 0-2,. falling to Las Vegas Robertson and Artesia early in the season, and tp Lov­ington and Portales during dis­trict play.

Ruidoso gymnasts give solid per~ormances Th_e Ruidoso M·ountaintop Gymnastit"s

. team competed in the· Gym Magic InvitatiOnal ·oct. 21 in Las Cruces, against- eight other teart1.s from throughout New Mexico and El Paso.· ·

Ruidos9's Level IV -team brought home the first-place team award as well as many indi­vidual honors.

In the 6-to~S year old division, Rui~oso had three-of the top fou:r finishers with Mt"gan fdirau taking second ·place and Laure Montes and Alex Weavet tying for. third.

In the 9-to-10 year old age group, Vi~;toria Rfllmire·z took the silver medal with a 33.35·all

around. . . . Ruidoso~s Sierra Nelson won the 11 ~nd

older bracket with a season best of 34.7 in the all around wl;'lile turning in outstanding per­formances on the uneven bars and -floor exer­.cise to earn·a 9.1 and 9.0 respectively.

Alicia· Passig finished third in· the same division with an all around score of 33.0.

~·I am very proud Of thE> Lev~ls IV's/' Said ·Ruidoso coilch Amy Eggleston.' "They try as . hard at practice as they dQ in competition~ and you don•t always find that in a young

S~:t• GYMNAsTS, p;J~C-2B

-----· ... ------------------------~-------·_.....__._.,_ __ ·~- ----------- ... -··

28 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15, 2000 ·

EQUIB:f.ST: Riders wrap up season Continued from page 18

the beginner hunter rider under saddle ·class as well as other good ribbons." · ,

This combination. is ·expect­ed to be hard to beat next year.

Anlber Yates' horse suf­fered a minor injury just. before the horse show- and she had to make a quick · substitutiQn of horses. For the first. time she rode Blues Man, owned Py the Equibest Equeetria~ Center. _ She won the medium stitT!,1p ·

. pleasure class and many othe~ good ribbons. Yates' brother, Jakob Yates, won the children'S

. pony hrmter oil his mediuni pony, Bonnie Blue. Their younger siSter. Chambrie Yatesj also won some very good ribbons on Bonnie Blue in the crossrail hunter . division. Charnbrie will be showing Bon­nie Blue· in the bigger divisions nex:t year .

. Those making 'their horse show debuts were Scott; a:pd Jill Yates, Nancy Fleharty and Dr. Jan -Arrowsmith-Lowe. Jill Yates- won the rion pro hwiter class and was champion in the non pro- hunter division on her Dutch Warmblood gelding, Mt. Zion. Scott Yates was reserve champion in the non pro hunter division and consistent­ly finished well on his West­phalian gelding named Zadok..

Fleharty showed her young Thoroughbred gelding, . Sky Pilot, for his very first time.

He won the baby gTeen h11nter cl~s and also a non pro

t>r class. Fleharty and Sky­Pilot, show a very promising · career in the Show ring. Arrow­smith-Lowe placed in the W1der saddle classes · and is looking forward to more show- · ings next year on ~r thorough­bred gelding, Glory Days. ·

Also winqing some very good ribbons a1:. the show were .Haley ·Murphy on her gelding, Cajun Coin, Susan Bierwirth on her thoroughbred· mare. Crea, and Nelson Bierwirth on his pony. Thny.

· The Equibest stul;lents will begin ti1Pir show season next year in the _spring of2001. · .

TIGERS: Foxes take semifinal win Continued fn nn p~1.gc lB

ing 69 yards. "TI1ev wPrP an excellent

team, we werP just unable to keep up with their quickness," Coach Davis said, ''When you have· two touchdowns called back, and three interceptions it's a little hard to win a cham­pionship game."

This will be Fort Sumner's eighth straight year in the finals, winning state in 95, 97, and 98.


Mid school Blues turn season around · The Ruitloso Middle School

Braves Blue :football team completed a tale.Qftwo seasons this year, wrapping up a 4-3 reCord. ·

The recOrd Was .no .reflec­tion on how well the team Per­formed, . said coach - Botde Williams. The .squad lost it.s firs~- thtee games but closed out the .season with Tour wins ina rOw.·

Since this group of eighth gl-ad era. beg~ . playing ·in -the seventh grade, th~re has been a step-by-step ~m,prOvement which· has been· so dramatic that· the onlY people tO realize this l';lre the loyal parent sup­porters -a:ild coaches who have worked- with .the· players the past two _years. ·

Williams said he is extremely· proud of. the imprOvement l_evel-~ his play-ers, . .

"Last year, . 1 .was r~ally worried about the Blue team's season. but fundament~ls, leamin:g.the game arid a· deter­mination to . do better .really can1e this season:," he

RuidoSo ~School Blu!i!.~ ma'mbers are. from left, back: COl.ch,,;; Page. Colt Harrelson, Borde Williams, Herman Fox. Second I"'W:

:David Esquibel, Shay Brister, justin Sergeant. Michaet -~. Marci.IS Williams. Third rOw:. Ryan -Muldowney, joseph Godines, Bronsorl-Riser, josh-.Pior, Teddy Sowell, jake""""""'· Patrick Penoles, Michael' Weise. Fourth row. jasper Rid_dle, Darflel Austin,- M~s Annendarlz, Kehon Shen11, <;asey ·.Mirau, jerry B.alderrama. Cipriano Sandoval, Daniel 'M9~. _Cody Hul{mon; front: Brian Chavez, Dayne Hall, Ryan Hayes, Michael Sanchez, Eric Vaughn, Sam 'Lundquist, Sam McMHian ·and Ren~ ,Villereal.. -

said. "I want to wish this grOup .of yOung men the best as they

enter high school and 'begin playing lor the WarriorS."


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• . GYMNASTS: Mountaintops strong on road -continued from page lB

team. They· WOrk together very. Well; challenge each .other; encourage each other. I'd love to see this group stay together:~· · .

The Level V team was ied by 12-year.,old Jenee Romero who scored a 32:85 in the all around. wijich led to a fifth-place finish. •

Th i.r teen-y e·ar- o I d Jeanette Zagone had. a first_­place finish in· the Level. VI competition with .a 34.4 total and.a pai,- of 9.0s on the vault and floor exercise. ·

-One week later,. the Mc;:mntaiQtops. again tOok ~o the road, .competing in . the ''1\viater's.Jnvi:te fn Alamogor-dp. ., .

· RU.idoso,s Level IV team . again took the. team gOld, edg~ ing out Six other New Mexico teams. . .

Eight-y.ear~olds '·WeaVer and Mirau took home individ­ual gold. and bron.ze medals, respectively. Ten-year-olQ. Ari Hale won her division aDd

turned in an awesome perfor­mance on the uneven bars, earning a 9.0.

Teammate Ramirez took second place .in the same clivi­

. sion ·and also earned a career~ - best 9.2 on the u:ueven bars.

In the ll~andwolder divi­sion, Sierra Nelson. turned in strong ·performance~. in each event, earning a 9.1 on the

. uneven bars and a 34:5 all ar6m;ad. ·

.Nelson took hon;le . first place with teammate Passig tini,shing third. . , .

· Aleah Topper and Romero · el;lch· -turned in strong perfor­mances to earn· fifth-place fin­ishe_s in their respective .diViw sions in Level V.

Level Vi Z_agone had her strongest meet of the 'seasonj taking · home the gold in al · around With a score of 35.0. She also won vault with- a 9.3; balance beam, 8.5; and floor eXercise 9-.2.

Zagone has eatned gold at every meet this- year and has high expectations for the remainder of the seaso'n.

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STATE: Tigers look to next year . . .

worked really hard this· season. We_ had _a totally di.fferent training schedule than we did last year, so theyVe done very, very well." · ·

McC,....Jy S, Capitan 2 A team that' wasn't eVen

expected 1;o .be iii. the-s~mifi.nais fought ·Capitan to a -five-game·,

. 15-5, 8"15, 15"12, 1-15, 16"14 · win Friday. . . _ ·

· - McCurdy coach- Brian ~worth S&d. his team ·had gotten throughout the~~

"!(The Albuquerque JourR nal) lB;~hed at us .that we. beat· Dexter,' he said. "The TVs la~ed at us. We want respect ~d if we don't get it after this game, I don't know _what it's going to take ... · For, Capitan, the problem was. still nerves ~d inconsis- · ~ncy.

"I think they got caught up . (in the },toopla)," said ·Gowen. "'TQ.e people started coming in the gym. Vou. can'- hear each other. Little ·things. killed us. We've got to pass." · .,.

.: 'The match w.as . back and forth throughout, and the out­·come came down to the final serve·.

· McCurdy easily won ~e one and the TigerS breezed in garile t~o.

The difference __ was gam§:) three,- which Capitan should have w.on. ·

_It was the first. match in which either team .had a chance, but Capitan· lulled ahead · 12-7 ·and shonl _have

· Sealed the win. · · But Bobcats Yvette Vargas

and G~tchen Ryan corilbined fQr eight unansWered points, giving·McCurdy the victory.

'We just need-to ~ecute on the little ·things. Passing the ball and stt.d'f." Gowen .said.. ·

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Ruidoso, New Mexico



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Karer. ~ler(Ruidoso :riser fans. were out In fOrce ~unna. the ~ree d~ of ltle .st:ate toUrnament ..

After Capi~an powided the 'Cata 15"1 in game four, .the match went to rally scoring, something the :J'igers hadn't seen all ye~r.

., MaCurdy ·led throughout. in ga.]Ile five, ·Out the Tigers came back from an 1-1-4 deficit

· to tie the match ~;~.t 14-14, aomethin~ difficult to d,o ·in rally sconng. ·

Unfortunately, .a rare ser­, vice error by Jessica Neal gave ' the momentUJn (.and a poi;nt) .

back to McCurdy, and although

Is it on your

T.J. · MB.rooit tried tO to serve for · the win, the Bobcats- gOt the ball and the match.

'n!Xic<> 3, Capitan 1 The COnsolation · game is

one- a lot of people would like to see done away ·with- at state tournaments, but Ca._pitan and Texico apparently d,id1:1't feel like that.

·The Tigers and Wolverines clawed their way through a· rour..game slugfest, with Texico coming out on top 17-15, 15-10. 12-15, 15-10._

holid~y .


"lfwe play~ we play to win," said WolVerine coich Michael -Littlejohn. "It doesn't matter third· place, lOth place, 'if w~ step on the court, we look at it one touch at a time and that'"s the way_you gotta play."

Game one went ·back and forth~ with· the teams trading the lea,.d time' and again before 'Thxic<l finally pulled out the win. · ·

Capitan led most· ·of game two·, but a$ain couldn't get" the

· _final ·points.· · . Wolverine' .Michelle Little­jolm gave her team. the victory with eight straight points·.

The ';rigers, got On track in game three with solid. serving.

Nov.· IS, 2ooo 3B

by Swanlynn Chico, T.J. Maroon and ·. Jessica TullY Mitchell..

The .final game was anoth~ · er back and forth afilii,r. with Texico finally pulling out the win;

While his telilJll -w~- cele­brating, coach Uttl'liohn cred- · ~ted- Capitan with a strong Per­formance.

"They had a· heck Of a .team." he said. '"That '"was a . heck of a battle. Those are the fun -kind .. It's more fun, of course, when you -come oUt on top, but that. was a fun game and they had a- heck of a crew and our hat's off to them fu'r· what th8y did _this year. •

. """" Tbe Tiger cheerlead.-s show theJi- support for the volleyball team - state to~,~marr:rent. · ·

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4B WEDNESDAY, :-.!uv. 1 ), 2000

EDUCATION BRIEFS ==-'-----·-·-----·----'--State's 'high imptoving' school list revised-

The New Mexico State Department of Education released a recomffiended revis~d Hating of 101 "high improving~ public schools for consideration by the State Board of Education at its Nov. 29 regular meeting in Santa Fe. Once approved, the schools, recognized for show­ing the most improvement in test ,....score:s frOm · 1998~99 to 1999-2000, will be awal-ded with $1.843 million in state incentive_ funding.' The recom~ mended revised listing 1of "high improving"- schools_:: is available on the SDE's_ Web site, located ·at www.sde.state.nm.us on the ,"home page under ''NeW Thi.!' Month." · ·

"Fol16wing a thorough­review, we· determined that the data used to prepar:e the original listing or. 'high improving' schools had been

_J miscalcuhitted,, said State Super~ntendent of Public Instruction Michael · J. Davis. "Whil'e our ·new calculations have resulted in a recommend­ed revised ~istin8- of 'high improving' schools, we know that those schools originally designated are striving dili­gentJy, every day, to improve outcomes for children. We cele-· brate their successes and apol­ogize- for this error~ under­standing how difficult this announcement is for their communities ...

'The SDE had. designated 94 schools as .. high improving" on Oct. 6, representing 10 per­cent of the state's public school

_·Quintana said.

NMSU to offer free classes. about diabetes

New Mexico State Univer­sity's' Cooperative Extension service will te~ch tree, four­.week classes to help NeW- Mex:­icaqs wi~ diabetes .learn healthier wayS of .preparing tr~Mlitional dishes. :

"Kitchen Creations: A Cooking School for People with Diabetes and The-ir Families" will be launChed in NOvember in ·Sandoval and Los Alamos­countieS, the pilot .test sii:Bs fur the progr~. BY mid:2000, the ~lasees will.spread to 10 more· counties, including C.urry, ·Dona Ana; lj:ddy, Hidalgo, Lea, Luna, Quay, Roosevelt, San Juan 'and V8.lencia.~ .~

.. By June we'll l;le tea.ching the classes in 12 countieS:.· .but' oUr long-'term_ goal is tO sloWly extend· the prograp.1 to all the counties," said Karen Halder­son, an Albuquerque-baB:ed dia­betes coordin8.tOr·for the Exten-· sion Service . Who hialped pie­pare ·the course curriculum this year. "How fi!.St .. the classes spread dependS on funding and on our eValuation of the pro­gram'~- succes~ in the initial coUnties."'

The ·cooking classes grew out of~- partnership with the New MexicO Department of Health's DiabeteS Prevention and Control Program. Last year, the two agencieS" joint.ly contributed about $50,000 to finlPlce diabetes education in targeted COunties around the state, giveil the growing impact

·of diabetes in New MeXicO. ·I enrollment. The miscalcula­, tion resulted in thE> recommen­

dation that all 94_ schools on the original .. high improving" list be removed.

·- .The state· ranks seven til in

Included in the new list of 101 .. high improving" schools are four schools rated · as .. exemplary," two rated as "exceeds standards," 63 rated as "meets standards," and 27 rated as "probationary" in August under the state's new accountah_llity program. Five schools \\'Prf' not rated due to having small Pnrolhhents.

In calculating the data to determinP tlw original list of "high . impro\·ing" ·sChools· for 2000, the SDE's staff reviewed test scores from the CTBS5frerra~ova and New Mexico High School Compe­tency Examination. Consider­ation was givpn to socioeco~ nomic factors, including :..tu~ dent mobility and limited Eng-

_J lish proficiPncy and the num­ber ofstudPnts eligible for free or reduced lunch.

ENMU's president to retire next July

The EastPrn New Mexico UnivPrsity Board of Regents ·

· accepted the retirement of Presidl·nt Everett Frost, .Ph~.O. on Nov. 8.

GPrald Quintana, presi~. dent of the Board of Regents, said that although the board is ~rPl uctant to see the tei-m of. PrPsident Frost Come to an 1·.nd,'' it will hqnor his decision "and work with him through

1 the completion of his term." . Quintana saicl Frost will

work with the board on thP sPlection process for the his successor and will provide lPadership through the end of ,July.

During Frost's .tenure, E!'IMV received the presti­gi()US PPW Leadership Award fort Tndergraduate Education, an PXPmplitry repo~t from the North Central Asso£'iation of Colleges and.Schools, national rpc·ognition from tht> National Council for the Accrf:"ditation of Teacher Education and othPr accreditations for vari· mas departments.

.. Dr. Frost also took leader­ship roles in responding to the Legislature's mandate for acconntability in higher educa~ tion, Easten1's diversity plan and- in developing a freshman seminar progrant to help stu­dents•· adjustment to college,"

the nation for deaths due to. diabetes. About 14 percent of" New Mexjcans 40 years of age and older have the disease, which costs state residents about $1 billion per year in medical expenses, lost produc­tivity and early deaths. The problem is magnifj.ed by wide· spread .poVerty in the state, which limits people's food optioD:s and often IPads to poor nutritional choices,· contribut .. ing to the spread of diabetes and other diseases, said Martha Archuleta, Extension food and nutrition specjalist.

Hispanics are three to five times m9re likely to develop diabetes than Anglos, and Native Americans are 10 to 15 times more likely, creating a higher risk of diabetes for much of the state's population.

'We started the diabetes education program a little over a year ago in direct response to

·the growing need for that kind of assistance in New Mexico," Archuleta said. ''Through the partnership with the Depart­ment Of Health, we approved mini-grants of $1,000 to $2,000 to Extension offices in 16 coun-ti " es.

Archuleta said the cooking class ciuTiculurn was designed as a practice tool for partici­pants to adopt in -their everjday lives, combining informatiOn about diabetes with infonn'ation about cooking.

For more news from NMSU College of AgricuLture and Home 'Economics, visit www.cahe.nmsu.edu.

Anderson Graduate School wins kudos

The Anderson Graduate School of Managei11ent at thP UniverSity of New -Mexico h~s been named one of the top 10 bUsiness schools in the couJ1try for ·Hispanic students by His·­panic Business magazine.

Selection for the-recognition was based on enrollment, fal.'ul­ty, student services, retention rate and repUtation.

Anderson's high marlQ:; for Hispanics at the MBA IE-~el come in enrollment and gradua­tion rates. ·

Eighteen percent of stu· dents in the Anderson Schools' graduate program are Hispan­ic and 13 percent of the MBAs awarded last year went to Hispanic students.

· •• T •. ,-,;..,.,,....,.,~..:!!._c....,.~_,.,.._.....:__..~._.._,__, ~ ---'-r·-~-· ..


.CALLUS Edu<.:ation writer-Sandy Suggltt

Phone' 505-257-4001

Ruidoso ·schools' . . .

O•GO • • . '

BUS The district's activities buses seem to have. too many activities; they keep breaking down on the road. . {rz :Ltn.lington, boosters charter. football. team buses. A<tlvltles buses In the maintenance yard. . , ..


·TI· · e Ruidoso·- High School varsity · -football team•s· bus broke down Nov,

· . 3 a~r the Portales game. The track team was en route to a state crOss­country meet· in Albuquerque e.nd the

. team had to wait three h(lurs .at a rest ~ea "for another bus. · .

'We sat there waiting for another bus on a cold, windY, rairiy cfay," said Ronnie Maskew, he1;1d- crOSs-country colir!h and head track coilch. · ·

· ~e had a sehedule of times when we wanted to make sUre kids wBre fed, and to go· over the coqrse before the next tp.orning,'· he !3aid. 'We fed· them three hours late and didn't get ~r. ·to the course. They didn~t complainj they're used to· it." ·

But, Maskew said, he's been _on activ.:. jties 12 times "in the last six years when the buses have· broken down. In the 22 years he's been with the district, he said, he tJlinks __ they're breaki)"'.g down more than they used to. · ·

SuperintendeQt of Sc4ools · Mike G)adden said activities .buses break down· at least· three times a year, and have in the 28 years he's been with the district.

·· "1-wish it was .zero times, but I dt;m't . think there's anY school district·thBt can guarantee that,'' Gladden said. ''I know that it's ~trating when . they have a breakdown."

Gladden said he will talk with Milton Jackson, the vehicle mainteitance peTSQil, to seP if something can be done to ensure -fewer breakdowns. ·

"W~ don't.tak:e it lightly," he said. ''We want them to be able to leave heie and to -return here without ·any· problems, so that's our goals." ·

Two Warrior buses for long trips ·are vintage 1992 and 1993 and ·have -160,000 miles o:h them, Jackson said. A 32-Passenger bus .for smaller teams is a 1999, and cheerleaders and tennis and volleyball teams Suburbans, 1994, 1995 and two 1999s.

The activity buses and Suburbans each travel between 20,000 and 25,000 miles a year, Gladden said. The buses are for field trips and athletics and the Sub­urbans are for smaller teams that can fit into two of them, sUch as the golf team, and for staff to attend professional devel-


oprnent- ac,tivities. · "Wi!;!'ve broken down twice thiS year,

. agd that's a pretty good record-." Jacka.on said. "The .starter WBJlt out-in Las crUCes when th_e middle school was using it and

· a bolt tell out for that track team. It had ~- been there-&ilice_ '93. ..... .

Jackson said he' couldn't. even count the number 9ftrips 1;he -b~ have taken so far.

'They nm -continumisly, .8.11-the time, hundreds of. trips· a year. Sometimes these buses roll in here long enough to check the oil, and· out they go," he said. ·

Gladden said the tranSpOrtatiOu department inspects the buses every six months. During maj_or· repairs, the dis-· irict Uses the Blue Bird or the Thomas distributor.

But bre&.kdowns are rough on coaches and teams_.

'"It's sort ·of a joke with activitieS sponsors, "Where"s your bus going to break down?"' MaSkew said. ''I jtist think, every so often you have to send them in to a big-bus place am:~ have them gone through, and I don't think we do that."'

Rodney Webb. the head. .football coach, said when he was coaching ·foot­ball, basketball imd baseball, he might· have had half a dozeil b1,1s breakdowns .

"In football this year, the first trip of the year, our bus worked but it didn't have air conditioning and· that was in August, driving across the eastern plains, and that wasn't any fun," Webb said.

"Our bus broke down after t:he Por­tales game last Friday night. We had to .get from the stadium tb the high school. The bus broke down, went dead .on us," he said.

In 1998, on the way to Albuquerque to play Rio Grande High School, the bus broke down at the intersection of Hull and Gavilan Canyon izi Ruidoso.

"You can look at it two ways," he said. "It was real close to home or real far from Albuquerque."'·

Webb said he recalled several break­downs when he was coaching baseball from 1995 to 1997, and Bord.ie Williams' (middle school football coach) bus broke down in Deming and he had to get a Las Cru.ces school bus to bring the team back.

Williams said he had two break-

. ·,

downs last·yea.r aDd one this )rea,r, but his first 12 yearS With- the district, he luld no breakdowns. .

"I dori't cori'sider that a lot because of the miles thl;lt I've gone compared to what~ happened," Williams said. · ·

The head girls golf coach, Les Carl,er, said he's coaChed for six years and only one bus broke. down on varsitY trips. and that was before the teain got out of town.

"Ronni.e's .had. a lot of problems;'.' Carter ~d. "because' at the end of the Yea.Ij in, ~ac~, (th~ buses) have been u,sed. qwte a b1t dunng the year. ·

"ActivitieS are not the only .ones that_ u.se them," .he said: · "Ies field trips. .There's never a time-where you can pull one ()Ut of service; they're used .almost ever,Y day:.., ·

Not" all school districts have the number of. breakdowns that Ruidoso "does, though. ·

The athletic coordinator for Loving­ton. "Speedy" Faith, said that district has had oilly one breakdown on an activity bus when a ta:am has been on it as long as he'S been there-· since 198L That time, the bus needed a new trans-~sion. ·

"We got new :<buses) .in '91. and ·we're currently" using those," Faith said.

· The booster club sends the Lov~ ington football teams on charter buses because. they're larger than activity })uses and more students can go along, Faith said. The volleyball team and band and choirs usP thP activities buSes, though, and therp ha\"P been no breakdoWns Since 1995, he said.

Pat Avalos, the assista'nt· activities director for Cobre High School, said two

• or three. breakdowns a year isn•t too bad. So far this jrear, though~ none 9f Cobre's activities buses has- broken down. Avalos coached softball for six years and was pever stranded, "and we have to travel to Socorro and Albu­q~rque, both for varsity and junior varsity, which is way above 50 tripst he said.

Webb said it does seem to him that the number of breakdowns is· higher in Ruidoso than in other districts he's been part of. He added that he's not ·a m~chanic but he thinks Ruidoso buses take more wear and tear because. of mountainous driving conditions.

Capitan Breakfast: Cereal Breakfast: French toast stickS salsa, salad, fruit Monday, Nov. 20

Breakfast: Cereal Wednesday, Nov. 15 -Break(ast: French toast, sausage, juice or. fruit

Lunch: Sloppy Joes, tater tots, pickle, fruit .

ThursdaY, NoV. 16 -Breakfast: Thru;;.t, jelly~ cereal, juice or fruit - ·

LUnch: Turkey, cranberry, mashed potatoes, brown gravy. rolls, p~mpkin pie

Friday, Nov. 17 - Break-fast; Cinnamon rolf, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch: Cor.n dogs, French fries, fruit, cookies

Monday, Nov. 20- Break.: fast: Biscuit, sausage, juice- or fruit

Lunch: First grade, Thanksgiving dinner; second . grade, Ital_ian Dnnkers, veggie sticks, dripping sauce, salad, cookie

Thursday, Nov. 16 -Breakfast: French toast ·sticks

Lunch: Soft beef tacos, beans, salad, fruit, cookie

· Friday, Nov. 17 - Break­fast: Cereal

Lwich: Chicken pot pie, roll, Salad, fruit -

Monday, Nov. 20 Breakfast: Cereal

. Lunch:.· Crispy tacos, beans, salad, fruit, cookie; Express: Chicken nugget bas­ket

Lunch: Thanksgiving din-. ner . Friday, Noy. 17 - Break-fast: Cet:eal .

Luncli: ·Chicken pot pie, roll, salad, fruit; Express: Cheeseburger basket

Monday. Nov. 20 Breakfast: C~real

Lunch: _- Crispy tacos, beans, · salad, fnJ,it. cookie;· Express: Chicken nugget bas­ket

Tuesday, Nov. 21 Breakfast: Ddnuts

Lunch: Chili cheese · beaked potato, salad, fruit, Jell-Oi Express: Pizza basket

Ruidoso Middle School

Lunch: Beef tacos, pinto beans, salad. fruit .

1\tesday,_Nov. 21- Break­fast' Pop Tart

LunCh: Frito pie1 corn, .salad, fruit-

Ruidoso High School Wednesday, Nov. 15 -

-Breakfast: Little Debbie apple pie

Lunch: Sloppy Joe, corn, salad~ fruit

Thursday, Nov. 16 ~ Breakfast: French toast sticks

Lunch: Sliced ham; green .beans, roll, salad, fruit

Friday, Nov. 17 - Break-Lunch: Fish nuggets, mac­

arOni and cheese, gret>n beans, fruit

~esday, Nov. 21 Breakfast: Donut· Wednesday, No-v: 15

Breakfast:. Little Debbie cof­fee cake -- 1 .

fast: Cinnamon rolls · ·

Tue$day, Nov. 21 Breakfast:· Cinnamon toast, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch: Tamale piE", pinto b~an:s, apple crisp

Nob Hill Early Childhood Center, Sierra Vista Prima­ry

Wednesday, Nov. 15 -

Lunch: Chili cheese baked pota~, salad, fruit, Jell-0

White :Mountain El~mentary, lnterm~dia'te ·

Wednesday, Nov. 15 -Breakfast: Cereal

Lt1nch: Macaroni and . cheese, green beans, salad, fruit, salad, cobbler; Express: Chef salad basket

Thursday, .Nov. 16 -

Lunch: Sloppy Joe, com, salad, fruit

· Thursday, Nov. 16 -HreB.kfast: French toast sticks

· Lunch: Sliced ham, green beans, roll, salad, fruit

Frid~y, Nov.. 17 ~ Break:­fast: Cereal

Lunch: · Bean ·burrito,

LU:nch: Barbecue chicken. mashed. potatoes With gravy, green beans, salad, fruit

Mo~day, Nov.. 20 Breakfast: Cereal

Lunch: . Steak. fingers·, mashed potatoes with gravy, gteen beans, salad, frui~

Tue!Sday, No\7. 21 Breakfast: Pop Tart

Lunch:· Ftito pje, corn; salad, fruit


" •• -- _.._, __ , -~·~"'' .....


, .. - .-~-~-·-~~~~-----~~~~------------------------------------- ,.


~~~----------------------------~~--~'--WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15, 2000 58


Espedally- . and their

• I

A Kid's Guide to Ute white House r .. ~tul"1!5 nearlY 100 ~ offacta8nd. fun about I whallt'a really liko to live And WOFk il. ·:1.:. w: .,~ HOut-P Written with The White~ HlstDrl~ Association, It's. a one-of--a-lund resbur~e boak filled With arl, photos. dra~ ~&,puzzles Wld mud!, much;oore. To onier, send cbeclt or mQney~tirilur for $&95 pluil

' l!i2 P-J!i!Bg4,1 and handling per copy to: A JGd's Guide to the Whhe House. P.O. POx 41Wa2, Kana11.11 City, MO 64141, Make cheeks panble t41 Andrews Md4et!l Publiahing.

Go dot to dot and color ..

'rhls famous Bostonian is known for his . warning,''l'.he British · 60 61 ~ coming!" • • 62

···Ms· . . '


What is his name?· 59 • ~· / • I

:sa~ - "l : _.,TII•Minl....,•aot~a~q.bnome--N!ni-PiogO;PIIbllol)"'gCamporvlll<>.

Land of the Pilgrims . . 56

Massachusetts From A to. Z - . - . - . . - - - . - . . -$5 •

r-... .. -~~-·

(j) · At ThanksgiVing fune W.. often think of the famous harvest feast celebrated in PJwuruth, Mass.

.· Massachusetts has plaY.,d a. big role io many other fui.portant events in our· co\mtry's history. .

It is a Eimall •tate with a lot of people. There ~ only five states srilall.er in size, but it has the 13th-biggest population. It has more tru>n 6 million people.

It is a New England state bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the east and. hills on the west.

Pepple earn most of their :money in iodustries such ·as banking, hea!th care and malting scientific equipment.

The first Baseball World Series was in Bostort, between the Boston ·Pilgrims and tbe .

@ Pittsborgh Pirates in 1903 ..

· Basketball was @. . . iovented by James .

Naismith io 1891 io Springfield. The , . · ·

Basketball Hall of Fame is io . that city today.

PllmoUt Plantation In PlymOuth re..anacts Ufe. as H waa for the Pilgrims and wampanoag Indians about 400 vears a{lo. There were about 90 Wampanoags and . 50 Pilgrims at.the fii"Bt harve$1: feast in-1621.

• I r t I

i •

I t I ! ;

The Ohickadee is the ~ state bird. i ·

More Cranberries·

54 •

~:; ·~ .


• 49-•

48 .• ·•42

47 ·.43 •

46-· \ .• 44.


• 34.

• 22 lB 29 • •

32 .

27• 25.26-.

• ('u .• 23 24

· are grown

than in~:~e ~ o=.~ . hm~Mini"'!V"•IIdll-mO-fii•Minl .... g• .......... ~l-.

~~~:::~Funny. PhonicS' o~er irta~ .. ~

Historic Deerfield's \~~'S/ n:mseums and living / history crafts shops

feature 300 years of history.

(.i~ It's 1\m to learn phonics, or the way words sound. ~~ ~ This week's target sound is the one · } "

"~- · made by the SK blend, as in the ·( 7 '.:.-- word skeleton. L ~ .,

Joyce: How do we get fur from a skunk? · Laura: We. get as fur away aS we can!


iloBton,the state capital, is­also the biggest · city, with about 600,000 people. ~1· · Lee: Did you ever see the Catskill

- · - ->-~ Mountains? l~ /. v. ·- Sue: No, but I have seen them kill mice! .;:r:,4.~.· !:!'j;··'-n- . . -;..:::=:...:::::::::;:::..::::;::::...-1

Cape Cod National Seashore is famous for its beautiful beaches and scenery .

...., - n..~~~n~,.... • ..,. -....oiOODn.•Mio! ,.... _,-..,;,-1 ...

s.'E."\: "\:"'f. . • I

~o~" ~~J'.,"·s Massachu~ 'WNDN Words that remind. us bf Massachusetts are hld~en In the Jllook below. SOme words are hidden backward. See If you can find: MASSACHUSElTS, FQRESTS, GLOUCESTER, FISHING, COAST, HARBORS, BOSTON, COLONY. NANTUCKET, FEAST, .KENNEDY, ALCOTT, QUINCY, WAR, SALEM, WHALE, ADAMS.







Mini Spy. • • Mini ·Spy and her friends are celebrating Thanksgiving. See if you can find:

• i - - - .,____.. Go on e~n 51< M?rd · Education is : very important. In 164 7, Massachusetts was the fii.st ~overnment io the world to offer every child th!e schooling. ·

Bob:Whatdidthe ~-· hunt.Whdt-othel"' skS!eton ~8.y When he : _a : wor:-de Gan you find fell m the~? ·. _1 . ~ uelne the 6K blenc:A? .Am)!": "fm soaked to · Wh1111t •ound d~ you the bone!" ~ h81:11"'1

More About Massachu .,

Gloucester is tbe oldest fishing port·still in use in the U.S. The coast is one of the top fishing areas io the nation.

Forests cOVEn" about ·

. three-fifths of the land.

Harbors such as Boston, Gloucester and New Bedford were key to the -colony's prosperity.

Islands such as .. -<. f;i! Martha's Vioeyerd and N~tucket are ~-~-:--~-'-~..;_-~ top tourist spots. -~~-zc~ ... ~- _-::. --=----- - ..

. ~..--.{'__ John Hancock, ,::;::7~ an important

Boston businesSIIian, was the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Former president$ John F. Kennedy, John Adams,·

1 John Quincy Adams a:nd Calvio Coolidge had homes in the state.

Norman Rockwell, famous for his paintings of American life, is honored in hiS former home of Stockbridge.

The Old North Church in Boston was the site of the signal warning Paul Revere that the British were coming. ("One ifby land, two if by sea.").

The- town of Quincy is where two presidents, John Adams and John QuinCy Adams, had their homes. John Quincy Adams

.The. RevolutiO~ War grew out of · events such

as the Boston Tea Party.


~ving~ based on the harVest feast shared by Pilgrims and Indians io 1626.

Themanytop ~ Universities include · · Harvard, the oldast college io the country .

~ ·.~7Y<.

·_ -.... ::. ... . ·- . -~~~ Volleyball was

invented in Bolyoke in 1895 by YMCA director William Morgan. The ·Volleyball Hall of Fame is there ..

-~~Whale. %=-:-if~ . _ _;/ ~a~hlng p- ~-- IS a big attraction today. In the early days Of the state, Nantucket was a world center for whale hllbting.

·······························~······ 0 0 Henry Wadeworth · Longfellow, . EmilY Dickinson, · Henry David Thoreau, Dr . .Seuss and Louisa May

At LeXington and- Concord, the frrat battles of the · ·Revolutionary War were fought.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sponsored by:

Inn of tlie Mountain Gods Casino Apache Ruidoso News

Ruidoso State Bank

0 0 0 0

• 0 0 o'· 0 0 0

• • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• 0 0 0 •


• '

Alcott are some of it~;notable a.uth.Ors.

... ,J> .-:~ The Mayflower is the _.;~~~ -~te~ower. ___ . ___ _

N~~onal ~.::;cs:;:;-: __ --J. ·' ' -- ' """ Marine '- 'C'" - •I I

Fisheries ;>,~'"~~ ~· a . Aquarium ':?"'S,j-4 ... ~~ in Woods 1'1 • ·, Hole is the ~... ~ '-01.\.. · .. ·· l..i~ ' ' oldest aquarium in the country.

In Salem io l692; there were famous trials against "witch-es." There were no real witches.- but sev:eral girls falsely accused people they didn't like. The townspeople killed 20 innocent people before they fmally

---~ realized the hann they were dOing.

your for .::u:h; abouf

Next 'The Mini.Page Is about the tcp engineoring achievements of the 20th century. · ·


Yankee, oi- New England, heritage is a major part of Massachusetts life.

The Franklin Park Zoo in Roston and t.he Stonif" 1'A""' in R!.cJI"t·hum Hl'e · · \• ·, h:·il.:_;·l;_, helping endangered spl'l'tt'~ such a~ cranes, gorillas and ~mow lPopards.


68 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15, 2000

Ensor /Neal Jennifur Ann Neal of

Cleveland, Miss., and Matthew DaVid Ensor of Ruidoso will be married at 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Cleveland Church of Christ.

The. bride-elect is· the dal.lghter of Mrs. Vail Neal, who announced the wedding, :and the· 1.8te Charles Rob~rt Neal of Cleveland.

The bridegroom is tl:ie son of Mr. and Mrs Jace Ensor of Ruidoso.

'lbe couple are students­

MattheW Ensor and Jennifer. Neal

at Harding UniverSity. Searcy, Ark., where she is working toward a degree in speech pathology. Ensor Will graduate in May, 2001, with a degree in computer infor­

, mation systems. . "' Frances Neal and the lntE" ·William f. Neal ofCic\'eland.

The bride's matern'al grandr parents are Elizabeth McE_lroy · Geer of Fairytew, Pa., and the late Col. John Colclough Geer. Paternal .grandparents· are_

The bridegroom's ·nmtt•J'"nnl· "grand~ts art- Mr. and :\h·s~, ·Ribble .Holloman of Clmci~ and Billie Ensor and the JntP J anws EnSor of RuidQsO.



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Klncai.d/Payhe ·curtis Pny11e and

Bf'verly Payne Calaway of · Capitan have announc€"d the engage~ nwnt and· forthcoming Irtnl·riage of their. daugh­ter. ThmEHa Daw·n Payn·e. to Ma.rk. Kincaid of Pinon, N.M.

·They ·will be married nt 7 p.m. Saturday; Nov. 18, at the ·'Hubbard

. ~luseum oftheAmt:orican -we-st in Ruidoso Do'Yns.

Fden,ds of the couple ilre invited.

The ·bride-elect is a . . .. 1993 graduate of. Capi'- "'Runela Dawn Payne and .Mark Kincaid· tt,lil , High School.. She wns graduated -with a doctor, at(> in ·veterinary medicine from Colorado State Llt)iv.ersi-1'" in May. of this yE"ar. . . .

The b1·idegroom is a gi-ad-. unt£' of,Cnrl~~d Hi~h S'chool

and ef\rnet:l a nl.aster~s c:legree in agriculture economics f)-otn Ne:w· Mexioo state University.

lie is the son of David and Joan Kincaid of Pinon.


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Op~tsrenew 'wa•m ooats' drive

The Opti.mist Club of Rui-. doso ~sits ~atm. Kids· Cloth­ing ~d Food Drive" undl!r way. · All si~, includiQ.g adult sizes, lifwann clothing are Reeded.· ·

' An Optimist spokesman said the club httS given away more than 260 -coats this fall ·and has" less that .20 cda.ts left. Last winter the club ga.ve away

. more than 450 coats and · sweaters.

UonatiQil.s may be di'Opped. Qft" at -First Federal Savings Bank, First National Bank of J;tuido.sb, RuidosO State Bank (both· officeS)1 First Savings Bank, Pioneer Bank1 State .

Na~onal Bank,. Wells Fargo Bapk, .Lincoln Ct;mnty Christ-­ian Services (Gateway Church of Christ), any local church, Subway Sandwiches, ,.nd Wa!-~ Supercenter. .

·. · Cash donations may . be· made to Tbe Optimil;t Club of Ruidoso, P.O. ·aox 4497, Rui~ .doso,-NM 88355, or to Lincoln County Christian $ervices. .

·For more. information :Or to h&.ve dQnations picked up, call John Romig at 2574486, or Jhn Wood at 258-9218.

The club &$ked everybody to "help .us meet this need and · keep our kids warm ... '

Track Ruidoso on the Web wherever you are at:


451 Sudderth Dr •. • 25?'-4033 www.fnbruldO:so.com

. ·. . j . • . . .

• -~' ~ .>_,~_.__ __ ....,...._ ______ ..... ____ ~---'-· ___ • ..,1 ... <~· ... -· -----~--......._,_,__ __ ~ ........ ~~ • ....._---~·---' -~---~- -~~' -- -• {; -=-"--.~..-.<.o:w .... -.- ...... _...,...a.;.,. ........... ~-·~•- ~ .L ' .. .. . .~ ~ ....... .


... , -~------~----c-------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ruidosoans preview yuletide magic · at a



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HOW GOOD IS VISION SCREENING? Vision ~;~creening is a'q~:~ick way to spot individuals with ob- ·

vious vision problems-and signal the need for a comprehensive examination and care. It'S a low cost way for the motor~vehi~. cle departmen-t to identify wOuld be drivers who should not be · alloweQ behind the wheel without glasses. Screening helps ·schoois identify children who rhay not be able to read the blackboard. and ·~ommunity screening is often invaluable in spotting amblyopia in young children. ·

But screening iS not comp]ele eye_ care. It cannot ex.amhie the total health of the eye to identify vision abnormalities. It takes a complete optometric examination to check eye coordi­nation, side vision, tracking and otQer visual skills. Eye charts' may help the school find those who are nearsighted, but not how nearsighted. Farsightedness and astigmatism are n_ot checked at aU. Some screenings for senior citizens do check for glaucoma, but may-overlook ~ny other eye disease present.

Call or come by FAMILY VISION CENTER for addi­tional infonnation on .your vision, eye disea~es, new frame styles, lens materials and all your contact lens needs.



/ Tb9Uiands of eaier Shoppers crowded Into the annuar Christ­mas Jubilee Friday through Sun­day to view· the· wares Q(.Bl ven-

, · dor's at the Ruidoso Conven~on. Center: Let't to right, dockwise, Sandy Farris examines ~ uolque ~rk from Mc;runtaln A,rts-, : Patricia Gillespie from Colo~ -City •. Texas colisld~ a cape and Wyatt ji)Urney from !,.as C~s delivers his wish list to santa_ Claus .

• • • tr


:-.;\flO~ -\L

\VWII \\F\IOIIL\1 .. .. ~ . WAR II MEMORIAL CAMPAIGN L_ -···· _i

The· National World War II Memorial is a long overdue tribute to the indiVidual Americans who helped win World War II. The Memorial honors the veterans who bravely· fought to defend

'reQdom; those on the hOme front who contributed to the war effort, ·and thOse who gave their life for our 'country. We have

made a commitmenuo help Creole a national Registry of Remembrances for the National World War II Memorial located I

in .Washi~gtOn, D.C~ To ·enroll yoursel, a familY meMber or friend in the Registry, or tO make a financial contribution to _ support the World.War II Memorial, contact ypur local

Dignity Memorial provider. Thera is no cost to register.

gpity· www.dignilymemorlal.cOm

Lagrone Punera( Chap.d

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15, 2000 78

' 1 Don lmus Rush Limbaugh Paul Haruev Dr. Laura 'j,

' 5-9 AM 10 AM-I PM 9AM/IPM/5PM 1:15-4 PM

tg:~~:~:~ And11 ~~ Ornaments • Santas & Aneels

Slim Line Trees Mention ad for a .1 0% disc.

10:30-5:00 Closed Tuesdays

ealth & Beauty ,~' A Full $ervlce Salon

1!!\ Geuf Above

Come in at Yo11r Cm,rvenience Women • Children • Men

• HAIR Color & Perms

· COnsulting. B~rbcrmg Waxmg

SPECIAL 130 & Tan tor a Month

1st Tsn FFiEE

Mon. - Sal. 9-6

• PRODUCTS . Abbo•NC:\:Uu;

NitlXin•Mnlrix .H.omeopathu:: Health & Fitness Special Ordcts-

,/~ lf-.

257 - 4911

• NAILS .Sculptures Mianicurcs Pedicures

• BODY M_ass.agc Thcrapisl Wolff Tanning Bed

1705 Suddel"lh


lllfi#li¥'1il!l!.;::'~·'"~·'''':~ .. :.:::,;,:;:,:-i;,===·~·=-~-~-~-~.:!!·:!!:!!-:!!~.-~-~-"--~--~--~·.•~---~~~~ .. •:.•·~--··~-~-~--~--~ZW!!I!!!',!_"..~ .................................... ,..,..,~ .. •-••·•-·•·•·-~""·"·'"·"w'"'-""·"'"""·''"·"EOS""""'e•.•••,-•••--··""'"---•a•e••'"'-'"C:'"""""""'"oc""'"* .. """"'-""'"'""-"-'"""'----·---~--- - -- -- -- · '-1~~)·¥ ' ll't ~. !. '


. '

8B' WEDNE$DAY, Nov. 15, 2000 ... _SIFIEDS Mail To:

Ruidow News Clussified!i P.O. 128, Ruidoso, NM 88345

Customer Information: We e~mnOt pnM:fiS your ad without lids

'Ao COPY: ~(1!..) ~-- ,..-~~- Classification:


NAME:~----~--------ADORES,::,;_ ____ _,;:··--~

CITY~· -· -,-------~­STATE;.:----- ZIP· ---

CORRECTION POLICY; ChecK cash refunds or charge card


2810 SUdierlh , ......... "'"" (~)Z57-4648




OA CALL 258-2370




lln1Hai:lol1 or- dlacrlrn·lna­tion •. " This newspaper will not knaWh1gly accept any advertising lot real estate· which Is In ·violation of the Jaw •. Our readers Ore hereby

· Informed that all dwellings advertised In ~his newsp• par (Ire aVailable an an equal or,pai1Ur1ity basis •. To com­pi aln of dls.crlmlnaUon, call HUD toll tree 1·800-424--8590. .


BLACK FOREST BUILDING Lot on N_Ottingham, paved street In front onot. Zoned to houses only, utilities available· $6.500 1·505-892-9465

LARG6. RUIDOSO RIVER Lot 257·2676 .

OVER 112 ACRE, Commer· clal/lndustrial. Private Drive, close to Y on Highway 70. To

·see. call Judy Miller 378-4823


BUY APPOINTMENT ONLY, 3bd house wHh garage, big 1\raplace, huQe fenced back yard, big front YB{d, water WEill, easy access. property gc.es street Ia street, $1"47",000.00. 25B·44B2

SY APPOINtMENT ONLY, 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bath, excel·

·lent location, easy access, surrounding dec~s. oversized douQie garage, .water well, .sub-zero and thermador ~pli· ances. $174.000.00. 25B· "4482.

DARLING, IMMACULATE Cabin on Corner Ebarb ai"ld Mac Str'eet. Just $67,000 cash to seller. All city utilities. Call Peggy Jordan Century 21 Aspen Aeal Estate 257-9057

FOR SALE: SMALL HOUSE on commercial /residential property. $22.000 must sell. Needs some work. Please leave message. 257·5065

HOUSE FOR SALE 3bdf3ba 2 liv1ng area, hot tub, fireplace, double garage, 3 decks, Sierra Blanca view. Approx. 2700 sq. 1t 258·3210 or 258-3363

IN PINES OF GAVILAN on Edward Lane, ownerlagent oilers this home on lot backing up to National Forest. 3 bed· rooms. 2 battts, nice covered deck and permanent founda· 110n in stucco on lhis '97 facto· ry buill. home. Immaculate cond1tiq"n· in great neighbor· hood, priced. to sell" at $79.4of?.oo 505-257·40?"5.

VERY NICE 3BDI2BA, excel­leill IOCalton, easy access with appliances, beautiful goJi course view, fireplace, tentad yard. $1~1.000.00. 258--44~2


14X70, 29DI2BA, LARGE livingroom. 378·1915 or 378·· ·aces · 1965 T'oWN & bOUNTRY 101156. Must be moved .. $3, 000 Call 37B-B381

1979 MOBILE HOME FOA Sale. lodaled In an estab· lished mobile home park 111 capitan. Conta.ct Ann· or Marla at 257-4043


• 1 bedroom unfurnished ap.llrtment. Easy accesS and priced right.

• ~ Bdnn, 2 bath fully furnished condo. $995/mo wfth 6 . month lease, ail utifllies including cable paid. • 2 bdnnl 2 1/2 bath condo, partially fur~ished. $550/mo

plus ullitles. · • 2 bdnn, 1 1J2·balh condo, furnished. $550/mo plus

utilities. • 2 bdnn, 1 bath Mobile home. $425/mo plus ulilitea. • RV Space available. $135/month. plus utilities. • Short term 1 month only 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully fumlshed.

$900 plus utilities. . • NIGHTLY RENTALS ALSO AVAILABLE

Sona.. Tall Pines Realty Oonn~·~~j


$259 PER M9NTH O,A.C. .3 bedroom, 2 bath

doubtewide, deUvered and set-up.

1-600-5!'10-8577 000546

FREE ·TV, fREE SKIRTING, Free washer and low pay· ments @ $299 a month on , neyv double-wide. Call Mike 1...S00-624-3013 LARGE 5-BED UBERTY with lots of elttres and priced to move at only $45,900 and that included deliver and set. Call 1-800-82~3013

WE CAN HELP YOU GET approved wllh lots of · pro· grams and homes. Special financing and loW payments with little or. 21ero dOwn. Call 1·800-824·3013 WHY PAY RENT • Payments starting at $200.00. Call 1· 888·957·3696 tor Instant cred­it. OAC. 000956.

#6 Marks Condo 3 bedf2 bath unfurnished S600fmonth furnished $650/month plus "deposit 314 Mustaoa 3 bcdf2 bath $650/month + $400 deposit

$200 deposit

#of Issues:-'-


News·Withln 24 hours of the first publication date. CANC::ELLATION ads due to inappropriate content, space considerations, etc.

Hous~s FOR AENl


LAS CASITAS DE ROSA excellent location. 2 bed· rooms upstairs; 1.25 bath­rooms; and wid hookups, $525 plus utilities. Call 505-258-9202,

1BDAPARTMENT, Available In capitan. $290/mo plus deposit. Watar, trash and &eWer Paid. 354-0023 or 354--2711

$285 EFFICIENCY CABINS; midtown, utilities paid. Clean and cozy. 258·5677


Now Accep-ting Applications

2-BR/1 BA Single Level Courtyard ~omes. Ruidoso's all new

apartment community. · W .0. W. appliances w/dlshwasher. Designer. cokirs with tile & wood

accents. Private . w/lush landscape &

some.· views. Within four blocks of hospital.

school. churches. ~&! open 109 Nob ·;n from $705 to

$760 six month ar year lease. Call 257-

2511 far Info or . brochure.




1 BD, WATER PAID · $350 $200 Deposit. 280, Washer/Dryer $400, Water & Electric paid. $200 Deposb 280, 2BA, Water & Electric paid. $375 $200 Deposit 630·2715 or 42D-B655

380 MOBILE, 2· baths, great view, within walking distance o1 GapiWI Schools, 1 large sto.rage shed, $4501rno., $450JdeposH, plus utilities, r'el­·arences required, no pets. 505·354·279fl:

3BDI2BA, IN EXCELLENT Condition. Near MY" on river, water .furnished. 378·7099 and 1·915·526·13326

NOW TAKING Applications 2 Trailers • Convenrent localion. 16xBO, 312, $550 + deposit. 14X70, 212, $425 + deposit 257·9802 or 378-5626




JIIJ 80'XJ70' feneedspaees. $165/nto.

EIJSY aece55. Copltim Estates,

10 miles tO Ruidoso. ·257-4700 01'

evenings eaU 354·2381

SMALL MOBILE HOMe Space on privale fenced level lot. $110 plus utiiHies 37B• 4661

Dale's Furniture · featuring

FutOns · starting at $199 ~

many styleS to choose from

91 SUBARU STATION .Wagon, 4 wheel drive, 5 sceed slick, _good winter vehl-~=it 2~~:ogg~2 ml,es $4.~0






·GIANT RUMMAGE SALEI Lots of Bargains! Sierra Me.U. Salu"rday 1111e, 9,.4. Span·' sored by Non-Profit: Linle Creek Auxiliary. Proceeds help local needy families.

· Donate Items FridaY lt f17, 9· 4 •. Tax Deductible. -will pick up donations, Call 336-4943


Dual sunroof. . a:eu jpmpseau.

Excelll!nC condition. $15,900

257-4075 ask for Van

4X4'SI 4X4'SI 4X4'St 1992 GEO Tracker, $2,900 1992 Chevrolet 112. Ton $4,500 1988 Bronco $3,900 1988 Jeep Wagoneer $2,500 1985 Jeep Wagoneer $1,200 Tri·State 162 Hwy 70 430· 9537 CONTRACTOR'S, Roofer's Look 1!11 1986 GMC 2 Ton Dump Truck. 16 ft. bed with Torttmy Lib. 88K, $6,BOO 91 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton with Fteadlng Utility Tool Bolt. $3,700 lrt-State 182 W. Hwy. 70 43D-9537



MULn-FAMILY YARD SALE, Saturday EI:OOilrn-7 103 Ro):lln Road, across from TWo Rivers park, near Plz;z:a Hut-Sud· darth.

V~NOORS WANTED FOR the largest Flea Market !n SE· NM. lntere&ted parties call 268·5741 .. Leave name ·&· phOne nurl)ber.


Antique Liquidators · 415 12th Street Carrizozo, NM

Fln'l!l antlque .. , Qtasa.ware. china, furniture. old -wast


BASSETT DINING ROOM table with silt chairs. sealy king size mattress set, Hot· point 23.5 cu. lt. relrlgerstorlfreezer, other. Ask for Jay, 257-3471.

Joyce's Furniture •since 1979"

New & Used Furniture & Mattresses

We Buy, Sell & Trade 650 Sudderth • Z57·7675

Mansfieid Furniture "Buy, Sell or Trade"

New .. & Used Furniture · & Mattresses

257-3109. 1000 SUdderth Dl1ve


AVOCADO CdRNING WARE-" Electric AS.nga $125, 150 gal­lon stock tanlc. $75 Antiques- Primitive Pine Chest, music box wUh metal disc. 2.57·6935 afternoons or nights

HEAVY DUTY 4 'wAY MF~shBr" snow plow and frame: Needs pump and controls. $1,500 Leave rnessage ® 234-2742

MOBILE HOME SPACE Needed. Will wol,'k for space or will pay. Call 258·1?846

TWO LOTS IN FOREST LaWn eemete~ hi Ruidoso NM·. Call (605)257 ·4419 .

TWO STEEL BUILDINGS, Engineer Certified. 40x40 was $8,680, now $4."580. sox100 was $17,940, now $11,935. Must sell, Can Deliver. 800-292·0111


(8' E'OLA · Make Change For Life 1

I...Osing Weight and Feeling Great!

Wrth tj"le best that Na}Ure and ScJel'lce liave to o- fer! ·

.This is not a Diet PrOgram. Sounds too good to be true?

Call for more informatlqn and a free'sampling. Teni Hardeman /2S7-4634 G!er}da Farus/258-41 ~

Independent Distributors

• t·M rl*'•=• =·-• ·f.

= =*-=· = =·-tH&t+Mttei"HoS"'Mm _....,__..:...................w



WOOD STOVE BY AVALON E;xceD&rlt condition. $800 can 258..4817



A CUT ABOVE NEEDS· nail ~chniclan and barbell beauii­Cifiln; co·mmlsslons and bonuses with large customer base 8Vallable. P!Pply at 1705 SUdderth_.

ALPACA FARM Malnten8nce Position, Full -or part tirrie ~ilion for .mature~ responsi­ble individual.·. ·Farm 9.nd live­stock experience prefer(ed. Confidential reply or resume tci. Enchantment Farm Alpacas, 80)1: 8330, Ruidoso, NM 8835{5. . .


Catt-le Baron Restaurants. Inc. is un

f_~B Firs~ 'National Bank of

Ruidoso has an opening for a Loan Oerk.





Srlllante · Coriatr!Jctlon Thomas Brntailte



"251)1·51p8 rJ. Llc.EJ:!ISE INM 0563111-GB 98




NOTICE Is h81'eby given that on July ta, 2QOO, cathie Rene• Elsen,. Nogal. N."M., 88341, flied appllcption number~ T-00251·A wfth the State Engi­neer for permh.to clianme loca• lion of well within the Tulal"98a. Underground Water Basin in Uncolri County, N.M., by dls­continulnQ use from Declared wells T-251 and T-251-S~2 both" located ln. the SE1/4SW1f4NW114, Section 5, Township ·g South, Range 13 East. N.M.P.M., In Nogal Townsite, Uncoln COunty, and commence the use of eM1sting perm.ltte<i domesUc we\1 T~ 03315, 75 feet in depth ·and 'caSed with pvc 5 Inch di~;~rneJar

. casing, located In ·the SE1/4SW1/4NW1/4, or said Section 5. also described as Elsen Jones rePiat tract 1-~. Nogal Townsite. P:roposed application· is for the cfalmed diversion- of 10.02 acre-feeJ per annum combined lr"Qm wells T-251 and T.-251-S-2. for continued Irrigation of appraxl­mat~y 1..96 acres, wfthin said Elsen Jon" replat tract 1-A, in Nogal Townsite, which Is

. located on· State Road 37 appr~ximatetv 11 miles east-o,. Carnzozo, Nti.1. · Wells T-251 a("ld T·251-S"2

WEONESOAY, Nov. 15, 2000 9B


3107 21'(11)10,16· NOTICE OF MEETING

. ·LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby gJvan·thal the Uncoln County Lodger's Tax Committee will hold ;ita

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL r&gl.llarly scheduled meeting Ql,.lallftca,Uans based tlOm~tl•. Qn Wednesday, .November29", II aled I I

. 2000; at 10:00 a.m., et the ve se proposa s or ro-· · Ruidoso Convention Center,

lessional S&rvices will be 111· Sierra Btanca Drive, Rui-. received. by •he Contracting dose, New"MeJClco. Agency, The VIllas.· of Rui-doso, a1a Cree Me.fill:tOWs c •• 1 h • d 1 th Drlv&, Ruidoso, NM 8834.5 lor op'""s o I " gen a or e NoVember 29, -2000; mB(llting RFJ=I #00...001. wut be· available at-the omce of .

.The· Contraatlnp Agency Is· requesting Engineering Ser-

. Vices lor Watar and Sewer lmptoyements. · , ... '

Proposals will be received al VIllage of Ruidoso Purohasing Warehouse located · at 421

. Wingfield, Ruidoso, .NM 88345·untD $:00 Pm local tim&,

.Thursday, November 30, · -2000. Submitted -proposals shall !"lo~ be publicly opened. Any proposals .. ~eiVed alter closing ttrrie will Qe ~jeclad and returned unopened. The fact that ·a proposal w~ dis­patched will not be «msid- . ered. ' • .

.· \

the C9un!)' Man~ ·prior lo said meeting. ·.

Auxiliary aides are· available ·_upon request: please con~

Martha Guevara a"• 648·2~6 at least 48 hours In advanoe of the meeting "to make .. neceS­sary arrang!!tments.

lsi Martha Gvevara · Assistant. County Manager ·

'311311'(11)15 ·. ·.

APPLICATIONS BEINQ taken for f\.lll-tlme warehouSfl and delivery help. Must have clean driving .record'." Apply in person, Oale's Furniture, AW~ 70 East. 1 1 f2 miles east of f&Cfl track. Ruidoso Downs.

Pl~se apPly .in. person to Susan Lutterman. · 4 51 Sudderth. Dcive-

9:00 a.m. to 3;00 :p.m.

. will bEt retalned.IQr other rig~s. Copl!!ll$ of tl:ie Request c,n be obt~ln&d in parson atthe,offlce

·of the P4Jrchaslng Agent at 421 Wingfield or will be mBiled l!PDO written c;.r telephone request to Morris McGowen, PUrChasing Agpnt. al (505) 257-2721.

CARETAKCR fOR SHOW Horses. Feed and clean stalls, landscape mainte­nance. Small· one-Bedroom a~artment- . . satellite, wQh&r/dryer Included. Must live on the inoperty. Day 336· · 7090, Evenlrtg 2.58;4885.

CASA BLANCA is accepting applications for all poSitions. I.Qok~ for people willing to wprk liard. and get.. paid well. Apply in person 501 Mechem

"'· . ESTHETIC"iAN1 Exp~rlence preferred, flp l1me. Assume eMisting cllen.tele .. Call Diane at 257-7n7·.


Equal Opportunity Employer ·

OENERAt LABORERS needed for Cablevision Com­·munlcatlon, Inc. Call Ta.bb~ @· 258·2369 or come by 1092 Mechem to apply. ·

HEt,.P WAN"rED; SNOW Maker. Night time posidon, seasonal. Apply in person. Ruidoso Winter fark (ESgle Creek . ~ports Complex) loWf!r Ski Run Road · · .



CHALLENGING CAREER? Earn while you learn.

Ask about our nursing assistant training program.



Chailenging . work wit:Ji mentally retarded and de.velopmentally disal:lled clients. Will train the right person for this demanding position. Casa Feliz at Ruidoso Care Center. 257-9071.

$2,000.00 Sign on Bonus RN's and LPN's needed at

Ruidoso Care Center

Contact Human Resources at 257-9071

The Ruidoso Care Center is seeking Service

a qualified · Social Director for a full

time position. please apply. at Drive.

If interested 200 Resort

Ll'il Ol N COUNTY r;JULl.

Manager/{;ook position availabl~., up .to $2500/month

depending upon ~xperierice.

Paid 'Vacation, . insuraoee available

Apply at Lincoln

County Grill 2717 Sudderth ·. 1!

LOCAL LANDSCAPING Firm seeking lndMduals wlth.·land· scape, lrdgation & mainte­nance experience. Apply at Conley's Nursery & L.andscap­in.Q. Inc., E. H~ 70. 376·4375

MAINTENANCE P.ERSON & Grounds Keeper; full-time employment. See Ramlro Cano at Crown Polm Condos. 220 Crown Dr. ReferenCes required. No · phone cells please. ·

NAI'- TECH1 Experience pra­ferred, lip time. Assume (lldli!i.!!Q cJJentele. Clidl Dlane af"'2,0l:n77 ~- .... •.• .


Ruidoso Ready Labor

Dally Work/~aily Pay

Apply todayt .257_-7876

449 Sudderth Dtive In GatewaY Center



$7.50/hour. Shift differentials. · Benefits available.


s7o. f~~~~o8~~!~~ft~e!?.?.I;re.~,,!, Lo>oking for a challcnJIIIIll, fun neW urccr oh real CSIBIC~

"'"" ·aboul oallins Vauuun Ownerohop for

ANG"E"L F"iREruRESORT' !t New Mc-.ico> Real Estalc Loc~nn rcqu~rcd

No e~peucncc ncccosary ,.Ill Ira in Call Sieve*" 50S • )77 • 4l1D .

to oct up !he tntuwod~ thu could chanilc our Ide

Positions Available:

No.re9 to the employee .. I::OE



Regional Director, NeW Mexico Works Program Customized Training l)epartment·


DOE N.ovember 5; 2000. Until filled

IIINIIIUII QUALIF'ICATIONS: Bachelor's Degree required. Education and/or experience In Human Services or related field, preferably aa an admlnistrlitor or cOordinator. Computer Uteracy Required. .


REBPONSIBILIT•EB: Manage all aspects. of the NeW M~co Worlls Pro.uram·in Re·Qion "IV, Consisting of the followln.g· counHea: chaves, Cuny, Detlaca, Eddy, .Guadalupe, Lea, Uncoln, iluay, Roosevelt, and·Socorro, In ~ccordance with the Hew Mexloo Human Services Department to provide servtC"as to welfare clients. Oversight of operatlo"s conducted by ENMU-Roswell, as well as"four subcoritracts with educaUonallnstitutiOD4 or governmental organizations. Travel is required, must possess a valid NM Driveta Ucense.

DUJ'IES. Oeveloinant of long and short-range plans. Daily communlcaUon with the NM Human Services Oeparlment. O.venilght of tha WeHare-to·Wo,k program with t~e NM Departmen·t of LabOr. Adn:alnlstrativ:e and operational pitoblem solving. Coordination of a comP . .-.henslve cli~nt datab8se f~r use by NMWP contrac:tors ·throughout the state. Maintaining ·and improving financial and l!dt'itlsllcal reporting for the reg1on. · .

ENMU·Raswall reserveS the right lo cancel, cllange or close any advertised position at any lime. The decision lo do so will lie baaed upon the Reeds ot the Universltv and the final determination will rest with the provost. . Please .call the Human Resourcaa Office at (505) 624-7410 for a copy of complete details of this job announcement.

TO APPLY: SUbmit letter of Interest; resume, complete tran~ript, and names, addreSses. and phone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resobrcea "Offk:e,' EMMU·Roswell P.Q., Box 8000, Roswell, New Mexico, 88202·8000. Cc)nap(ete apJ)Iicatians must be in the Human Resource office to be considered for t~ls posili~n.


Bal-co Builders

Meta/Roofs . A(lditio"s

Decks· . Painti"g

Garages. ·carports

Home Reptilrs 257-6357

NM Lie·# 051280

COMPLETE HANDYMAN: Maintenance and repair, eon­crete, power washl~g. se"aling Q\" painting. Free · Eslimates. References available. 257~ 0649, ask for Tim ..

COMPLETE YARD CARE Tree- removal, pruning. haul­Ing, raking, mowing, gutters. Free . Estimates everyday. Referrals available. 257-5808

&ARTI:t MOVING. Excavatll"\g, footings, trenches. roads cul, graded. culverts. Lot/Land cleartng, leveling, building pads. Gravel Drives. ·new or repair. Bemard Excavaling 378-4132.

· 420·0704. Licensed. Bonded. Insured.

PERFECTION PAINTING IS offering Winter spepials on Interior paint [Obs .. Excellent relerences, Llcense · #84001, bonded, Insured. 256·1818

PET ANO PLANT SITTING; your house or mine. Mine for small dogs, yours. for larger pets, cats, plants. Call Sandy .lor Information. 257-0306

VOU NAME IT, WE DO IT Cabin Watch, Home. Deck RepairS, Chimney Cleaning, Tree Removal. House Paint· lng, Gutters, Drywall, 378· 1047 .


MOTttERL Y . LOVE CHILD 9are and Early Childhood EducaHonal Programs; 24/tus, 7/days. State licensed. 378· "4334.


FALL SPECIAL: Seasoned Cedar. Pinon, Alligator. F\.111 cOrd, delivered $135 + tax. Aasak Ranch {505)849:2849

FIREWOOD: Seasoned, SJ?IIt. Various types, IEtnglt'ls ~nd amounts. Delivered and stacked. 257-5808

SEASONED FIREWOOD • Juniper and Pinon,. pickup only. Also, seasoned Juniper, Cedar arid Pltlon downed wood to cut. Preston Stone 354-'2358

SPLil" PINE FIREWOOD. $65 a corcl. AI Molino Sawmill 336·1237

Any ·person, firm or corpora: ·lion or bther entlly objecting that the 9.ranting .pf thie applr· catibn w1ll be detrimental 1o the objector's water right" shall have standing to ·file objec­tiOn$ or pro:tests. Any person, flrni or corPoratfon or oth$r entity objecting that the grant[:· ng of .the application ·will be c;ontrary· to the'conservatloil ol water .Within the st~te or delri· ·mente! to the pubDc welfare qt the .state and shpwJng that the. objector Will be" ~ly and speclfioally affected bY the grantmg of tne application ·shall h~ve standtng to file objections or ptotests. Pravkt­ed, however, th,e:t th9 state "' New MexlcQ or any of its branches, agencies, d~part· ments. boards, lnstrumentall­ties or Institutions, and all polli­ical subdivisions of the slate. and their agencies, lnstrumdn­talltles and Institutions shall ttave standing to tile oblectlon or protests. · The protest or obfection. shall begin writing and shall set forth all pt01es· tant's or oblector's reasons why the- applfcatkm should not be approved· and must be flied, ·In 1ripllqate, with thit State Engineer, 133 Wyatt Drive, Suite #3, -Las CruaeS, · New Mexico 88005, wllhln ten (10) days alter the dale of the· last publication of" this n01ioa. If no valid protest is tiled, tha State Engineer will. evaluale the AppliCation for impairment to existing water rtghts,.J'ubllc welfare of the stele, an con· servallpn of water within the state.

·3053:3'1'(10)13, 18,20



Qualifications-based competl· tlve sealed proposals lor pro­fessloilal services will be received by the VIllage of Rui­doso. New Mexico lor:

Construction Obaervatton·of Main Street (Suddarth) Improvements - Pha&& II, TPE-048-(18) 02, CN 7088

~roposats wRI be received at Village of Ruidoso Purchasing Warehouse, 421 Wingfield St., Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 until 5:00 PM, November 30, 2000. Copies of the Request for Proposals can be obtained in person at the office of the Purcha~ng Department at 421 Wingfreld St., Ruldoeo, N.M. 8834l5 or will be mailed upon written or telephone request to Purchasing Agent at (505) 257-2721.

A Pre-Proposal conference wfll not be held.


___ OATE,,_._c.._

3106 2T(11)10,15 LEGAL NOTICE


NOTICE is hereby given that the Village of Ruidoso Downs, Uncoln Counry, New MeJCico, calls fot sealed bids for. the SALE ·oF SURPLUS EQUIP·


1. 1981 John Osere Loader 544B • 2 112 Vard Bl,.lcket

2. 1979 John Deere 670-A Motor Grader

3. 1981 John Deere 670-A Motor Grader

lnteres"led l)idders may secure .a COPY oJ the specfflcatlons lrOrri ·the VIllage Clefil; at the VIllage of Ruidoso Dqwns Vii· lagS Hall, 122 Downs Drive in· Ruidoso Downs, or by calling (506)3~8-442~.

sealed bids must be received by the vmege Cieri!., if hand delivered to '122 Downs Drive, RuidosO Downs, or if mailed P.O. Box 348 Ruidoso. Downs, New Mexico 88346. Bids will be ·received until Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 3:00 p.m., then publicly,opEmed at the Village ol Ruidoso Downs Village 1-iall. Any bids receiVed after dosing time will be returned unopened.

The VIllage ot Ruidoso _Downs reseJVes the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive· all inlormalttles as allowed by the State of New Mexico Procure· m9nl Code.

By Order or the Governing Body

Jsl Gladys ~liard Village Clerk Procurement Officer . Village of Ruidoso Downs


The Village . of RuidosO reserves the .right ·to reject any and/or all prqposala. and waive all inform~les ~s deented· in the beSt Interest of. the Village.

lsi Morris t.llcGowan · Villa.ge of RuidOso Purchasihg Ag~

"3109 2T(11)15,17



· ·auallflcatlons based "com"peti. tlve sealed .proposals for :Pro­

·fessional Services will be­received ~ the Contracting · Agency, The VUiage of Rui­doso·, · 313 Cree Meadows Drive, RuidOSo, NM 88345 for RFP·IOD-Q02,

The Contracting Aaency 15 requesting Engineeilng Ser­vice$ for Airport lmpf'O'}ements at Sierra Blanca Regkmal Air­port.

Proposals will be received at VIllage of Ruidoso Purchasing Warehouse- located at 421 Wingfield, Ruidoso, NM 88345 until 5:00 pm lOcal time. Thursday, November 30, 2000. SubmiUed proposals ~hall not be publk:ly opened. Any proposals recelvec;l after closing tii"ne will be rejected end -returned unopened.. The fact that a proposal was dis­patched wiR riot be Consld- , ..... CoPies of the Request can be obtained in person at the office of the- PurohasiHQ ·Agent at· 421 Wlnglield or Will be mailed upoh written or telepho.ne request to Morris McGowen, PurChasing Agent, at (505) 257-~721.

The VIllage of RuidosO reserves ·the t:Jghl to reject and and/or alt P.roposals and waive all informalities as deemed In

. ~e best interest of the VIllage.

lsi Morris McG"owan VIllage of Ruidoso Purchasing Ageni

3110 2T(11)16,17







PROBATE NO . .1.855


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned haS "been appointed personal repJesen­tatNe of this estate. 1\11 per­sons havi11g claims ~·ainst this estate are requlr<fild lo present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication Of this Notice or lha claims will be forever barted. Claims must be pre­sented etther to the under­signed AtrtJnaJ rep_resenta· ttve e.t ;. New Mel!llco, or flied with the Probate Court.

DATED: October 12 200Q,

3111 2T(11.)15,22



NOTICE Is -herebY. given that the Llncoln Hlstor c Preserva­tion aoard WIH hold Its regular­lY SCheduled UJeetlng on T-ues­day Novembar 21. 2000, at 7:00 p.m., lo be held at the Community ChurCh in Lincoln. New MSxico.

Copies of the agenda lor the November 21, 2000, meeting will be available at the offiCe ol the County Manager prior to ·said meeting.

Auxiliary aides are available opon iequest; please contacl "Martha Guevara at 648·2385 at least 48 hours In advance of the meeting to make any nee· essary ~rrangements.

lSI Martha Guevara · AsSistan! County Manager






THURSDAY,. NOV. ~3, 2000



NOV;. 24, 2000 ARE:


4:00p.m. Monday,

Nov. 20, 2000



5:00 p.m. Tuesday,

Nov. 21, 2000




3:.00 p.m. Tuesday,

Nov.· 21, 2000

. *****"******



Safe and

Happy Thanksgiving

~ t ~------------------------~----~--------------------··--------------------~--

' ' •'


I '


·------ ,. -----------------~- .. ··--~----- . .. ---- ·- ~ ·- -.


Edited by Will Shortz

ACROSS ao Current line: t Scrap at Blot 7 Makes merry aa Industrial fuels

t4 Output 35 Horseplcw ts Old-time buffalo 3'1' Some

hunter · pQrasltes ta Pump worker, 40Shocked

perhaps 44 Hazzard CountY t'r Magic, once lawman ta R.O.T.C. relative AS Mischievous ta Homfll built In a

day? 2t· Hit the road RI:'"Veah, right!" 24 Source of. relief 25 Self·

questioning reply

26 Rage za"Yes, --"

4'1' Overly· sentimental

48 Small, for short 48 Scratcheh (out) sf· Esoteric B2.Melvillewo;k 54 Lor-raine's

partner 58 Bioomers worn

around the neck

a7 Rot;k's Mllli -­nTums

alt&;natlve 8f Ann uBI,~·

·Mel;llter($ne&ht winds

uTchoichke ea Striklrig oUt lf4ROSCOB

DOWN t.ls worried 'about

2"Mosesln EQypt" composer

3Fiap 4 "PT 1 og• a.ctor s_Bitir'lg &Flow 7 Zuppa di peSce

ingr'edlent a t.,eague rn~mber

ti Batman before .George

10 Hyalite, e.g .. 1 t Collected

abundantlY 12 Position of

prominence f3 Forays

;ao SuCcumbed tO" a swindle

aa Uttar Pradesh city

34 Xmas armfJJis: Abbr.

a& Flunky 14 some


'1~~P.;j 20 Diner stack

· .3'1' Dear aa' F:.ire

... za Doesn't give up 21' Pai-is pal 29 ''Who's the =="-""' 8~?" rple

aa Silver eaple wearer

4t s'lmlan 42 Qne over the


43·Keyboard Whi;z

· 48Home ~· No'ted script? sa Seine feeder !M Econc;miiSt ·


No. 1010

u·Three-tlm·e director for Marlen.·

~Number of weeks per annum ·

lfDArmy rriember

Answers to any three clues Jn this .puzzle are available by touch-tone phoria: · 1•900-42().6658 (15e per minute). Ann~al subscriptions are available for the best Qf Sunday crosswords ftom the last 5P-_y,afs: 1-888-7-ACRO~S. . ·


• ..._

Get ·results! Ruidoso NeUJs


.. Located In

The Saddle Shop Jerry Jones 505-378-1026

Classifieds 257-4001




.. Fast, Friendly







3 DAYS ONLY! November 16 17 18

1 .... prj 6 Mor~:ths, No ... ,. ce8 ~ 'S J5


H"fi""'"'Y inr s . q .. life

~&.ll ... FREEl 015H 5UD DlGI1'M. SATEWJ£ iv SYSDM


HiJI~IIOWfi'WOMS: • =-"::::.~=~--• =::,:-_ ...... ...:.. .. .::.. .. ::=:"' _,. ... _.., _____ _ -~--· ..... --• :;.::::=.:=.==.:. .... --.. --~ -·Some reslrtclions 8pply.

See"Sior.e for details


Ruidoso News has immediate openings. for inserters.

Two (2) nights per week. _ Must be able to lift 50 lbs~

Must be dependable and maintain good attendance record.

Apply in person, 104 Patk Ave.

T 0 R Y·

' .. 'i


Broat(way Fashions

.HatCreelc: Co.nstructlon ·

Fabulous New Fall Fashions Arriving Daily

819 NFIYYOill;. A\'f. • IJOMITOII'N, Al.ii\IOOOROO

~·The ,Small JQb Specialiat'B'~ J,.IC. # bs38ST dB 98 • hiBurect and Botuled.

Adduitms - Dscks • Doors ond lrlin • Cobl.lletey and Counltlr tops. • GUus .BltH:k • Painting and Kbl/paper • R~ (Shingle or MetD.I) • Shest rock t"epair • 7Ut~

(SallUio and Csromic)·• WindOw rt.~placein.,ll

258-1866 .

127 Vision P.O. Box 1662 Ruidoso, NM 88~55

• I


CALLUS !'hone; :10~·257,.4001 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1~.2000 . IC



""-----"""'--------'--~-.~----~--------- --

2C WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15, 2000 TV GUIDE


Mindful that the busy holi· day season can pose hazards· to cOmpanion animals1 the Hu­mane Society of tne United States offered some safety tips. · • Don •t give ~ co~panion ani­

mat·as a hohday· gtft. Adopting an animal is a se­

rious. long-term commitment that potential owner should make on their own.

"'Cute cuddly kittens and puppies are tempting gifts but i:hey often end u~ traumatized when taken back. according to Karen Allanach with HSUS.

The socieo/ also d,iscourages purchases of tguanas_ and other re~les that carry a risk of trans­mitting salmonella bacteria to

·humans. Instead. co.~ider pres­ents of books· and vtdeos about animals and animal care to help potential pet ownery;. make an educated decision . about pet ownership. A11an_ach said. • Let pets acclimate to a Christ-

mas .tree if it is pan of your decoratin_g !(~Cherne.

The HSUS suggests placing the tree secure!)' in the stand ana not decorating 11 for a day or two to allow pets to. become accus­tomed to it. Since aspirin is highly toxic to cu.s. feline own­ers should not US~:" it in tree water. • Decorations means. hazards

Electric cords and trim­mings such as tinsel, glass orna­ments, ribbons and garlands can be dangerous if chewed or swal­lowed by "pets. Burning candl~s can start fires if your pet knocks· them over or bruslies against them. • Parties and pets may not mix

Holiday parties aren't al­ways enjoyed by l'•ts who may be happter in a quiet space dm­ing the events. They can become overexcited frightened or be overfed by well-meaning guests. Chocolate can be toxic to do~ and. cats, turkey bones can choke an animal or· cause intes­.tinal problems. aT!d fatty foods



can lead to painful pancreatitis ... • Considerations for travel . ·

Consider leaving your pet at home in the .care of a. profes .. sional pet sitter if you have trav­el plans. If you take your pet along, make sure it is a wel­c()med gue_st and wears an iden­tifJ,cation tag with your name, home phone number and -a phone number of where you will be staying.

• Think adoption after the holidays and think local animal shelters that often offer certifi­cates for spay/neuter surgery and other health care procedures a new pet needs.

• Resist the temptation to buy puppies and kittens from pet stores.

Often these animals are sup­plied by ·"puppy mills," mass breeding facilities that are char­acterized by inhumane condi­tions. Your purchase fuels ·this trade.

......... by ... RUIDOSO NEWS

HOURS Tuesday' through

Saturday Noon -4 p:m.


Skeeter is a pointer mb< female who's about seven months old. She htui·the benefits of a sporting breed, but is just slightly larger than a · cocker spaniel- a great companion.


' '

' '

.. '

R.umoso NEws TV GUIDE


WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1~, 2000

. .





4C WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15, 2000


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sg CMAX2

m D m B mJ 18 m m

§a CMAX2


fB fa fD


My mom and dad's classified·

ads will be _seen by more

people than ever pefore ..

ruidosonews.e~Dl received

more than 161,000 hits

. during September 2000.



-Ruidoso News ~ (505) 2.p-4001 - www.mJdosonews.com


2001 C SIERRA REG CAB SPORT SIDE • Pewter • 6 C yt • Auto

• AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel

• ABS • Dual Airbag • Cloth Interior

• (stk#7 5022, Plus tax, title & license.)

M.S.R.P $20,365 Disc. $1,817

FAOORY INVOICE invoice mnv not reflect final dealer cost.

2001 G C SIERRA SL EXT CAB 4DR • Maroon • 8 Cyt • 4 Speed • AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • Cloth Interior

'(stk#75126, Plus tax, title & license.)

2001 G • Red Metallic • 6 Cyt

• Auto • AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Tilt

Wheel• ABS

•(stk#75 106, Plus tax, title & license.)

c Jl

2001 G C SONO • Blue • 4 Cyl • Auto • CD

• AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • Cruise Control

• Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels • Cloih Interior

'(stk#75042, Plus tax, title & license.)

M.S.R.P $27,686 Disc. $3,123

PRICED BELOW FAOORY INVOICE Factory invoice may not reflect final dealer cost.

y zx M.S.R.P $27,440

Disc. $2,445

SPORT SIDE M.S.R.P $16,570 ·

Disc. $575 Factory Rebate $1,000


not reflect final dealer


• '

l l



.. - . ·- -- ------------~------

505-S24-7707 OR 1-800-923-7707 • 425 W. Bmnz ~~~Valley Dr ... ouen 7 oavs • slsharro.com

0 BUIC • White • 6 Cyl • Auto

• AM/FM Cassette • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Pwr Mirrors • Pwr Sunroof • AC • Tilt • ABS • Cruise • lnt

Wipers • Dual Airbag • Alloy Wheels • Leather lnt

•(stk#S 1040, Plus tax, title & license.)

2000 BUIC • 6 Cvl • 4 Speed •

AM/FM CasseHe • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks •

Pwr Mirrors • Air Conditioning • Tilt • ABS • Cruise • lnt Wipers • Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels •

Leather Interior •(stk#57070, Plus tax, title & license.)

2001 BUIC • 6Cyi•4S~ •

AM/FM • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Pwr Mirrors •

Air Conditioning • Tilt • Dual Ai~s •. Cloth


•(stk#35002, Plus lax, tide &

2001 BUIC • Silver • 6 Cyl • 4 Speed • AM/FM • Pwr Winaows

• Pwr Locks • Air Conditionin9 • nit Wheel • Dual Airbags • Cloth


•(stk#511 00, Plus tax, title & license.)

..________ --- -- -- -·


M.S.R.P $35,730 Disc. $3,101 .

Factory Rebate $3,000 ·



Factory invoice may not reflect final dealer cost.



M.S.R.P $20,870 Disc. $2,121

Factory Rebate $750



M.S.R.P $24,220 Disc. $1,721

Factory Rebate $1,500


2000 PONTIAC SUNFIRE • Red • 4 Cyl • Auto • AM/FM Cassette • Air

Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Cruise Control • Dual

Airbags • Cloth Interior

'{stk#Bl 088, Plus tax, title & license.


Disc. $531 ·. Factory Rebate $2,000

22,999* • White • 6 Cyl • 4 Speed • AM/FM Cossette • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Pwr Mirrors • Air Conditioning .• Tih Wheel • ABS • Cruise • lnt Wipers

• Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels • Cloih Interior '(stkt81199, Plus tax, title & ficense.)

2000 PONTIAC Fl EBIRD M.S.R.P $19,140

Disc. $641 factory Rebate $ 1 ,500


M.S.R.P $15,915 Disc. $416

Factory Rebate $2,000

2001 PONTIAC GRAND AM M.S.R.P $20,186

Disc. $1,437 Factory Rebate $750

17,999* • Rec:ffire MetaUic • 4 Cyl • Auto • AM/FM Cossette • Power Windows

• Power locks • nh Wheel • Cruise Control

'(stk#25069, Plus tax, title & license.)


Disc. $ I ,506 Factory Rebate $1 ,000

2 ,999~ '

• Pewter • 6 Cyl • S Spel!d • AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • • WWte • 6 Cyf • 4 S~ • AM/FM CasseHe • Pwr Windows • Loeb • Pwr Mirrors Dual Airbags • Cloth Interior • a. Calcltloallt •lit WIIHI• Clllse •lit Wfers • hal Alrbags • Ooth Interior

'{stk181074, Plus tax, title & license.) '(stk#25066, Plus tax, title & license.)

200 1 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX • Silver • 6 Cyl • 4 S~ • AM/FM Cassette • Pwr

locks • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Crui'

• lnt Wi~rs • Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels •

Cloth Interior

'{stk#25022, Plus tax, ti~e & license.)

M.S.R.P $21,150 Disc. $450·

factory Rebate $750

--------~~-------···-·-·- ·--




' I Cassette, Pwr Conditioning, Wheel, ABS, Cruise Control, Drivers Alrbag.

Cassette, Pwr Windows, Wheel, ABS, Cruise, Dual Airbags, Cloth Interior, 4X4. . $21 99 •

2000 GMC 515 1999 PONTIAC


AM/FM Cassette, Conditioning, Tilt, ABS, Cruise, Drivers Airbag, Cloth Interior . $8,999



' AM/fM Cassette, Windows, Conditioning, Tilt, ABS, Cruise, $


8 Dual Airbags, Cloth Interior .




Stock 181086A Plum 65.706 M1les. 8 Cyl Auto, AOD. AM!FM Cassette Pwr Windows. Pwr Locks. Pwr M1rrors. Pwr Sunroof A1r Cond1t1omng Tilt. ABS Cru1se. Dnvers A1rbag Alloy Wheels.

811,999 Cloth lntenor

1998 3/4 TON

Stock IP1438. Green 60.221 M1les. B Cyl, Auto, AM/FM Cassette. Pwr W1ndows. Pwr Locks. Air Condit10nmg. Tilt, ABS. Cru1se. Onvers A1rbag Cloth lntenor. 4X4

$19,999 1998

Stock #75046AI, Green. 27.898 Miles. 6 Cyl, Auto. AMIFM Cassette. Pwr Windows. Pwr locks. Air Cond1t1onmg, Tilt ABS. Cru1se. Cloth lntenor


1995 NISSAN 200SX

Stock #P1439. Green. 65.038 Miles. 4 Cyl. 5 Speed. AMIFM Cassette. An ConditiOning, ABS, Dnvers Airbag, Cloth lntenor

Stock #P1436. White. 57629 M1les. 4 Cyl. Auto. AM/FM Cassette. Pwr Wmdows, 1\vr Locks. A1r Condit10mng. Tilt. ABS. Cru1se Control. Clothlnten~r ·

I\ $9,999 SAFARI

Stock #75052A, Blue, 34,750 M1les. 6 Cyl. Auto, AM/FM Cassette, Pwr Wmdows, Pwr locks. A1r Conditioninq, Tilt Wheel. ABS. CrUise Control, Dual A1rbags, Cloth lntenor.

$13,999 1996 CHEVY 5-10 EXI' CAB

Stock 1250608, Tan, 85,318 Miles. 6 Cyl, Auto, AM!FM Cassette. Pwr Wmdows. Pwr Locks, Air Conditioning, Tilt, ABS. Cru1se. Dnvers Alrbag, Cloth Interior


-. -·--··----- .. --- . -·--·- -·-··-····----··-----

Stock #250098, Red, 47,960 Miles, 4 Cyl, 5 Speed, AMIFM Cassette, Air Conditioning, Tilt, ABS, Cruise. Drivers Airbag, Cloth Interior.

$6,999 1996 · ASTRO CARGO

Stock #P1463, Tan, 82,485 Miles, 6 Cvl, Auto, AMJfM Cassette. Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Air Conditioning, Tilt ABS.-Cruise, Drivers Airba~. Cloth Interior.

;; $8,999 1997 BUICK LESABRE

Stock #1059A. ~osewood, 62,257 Miles, 6 Cyl, Au1o, AMJfM Cassell!, Pwr Wi~dows,. Pwr . Locks, Air Conditioning, nt. ABS, . C·rUise, Onvers A1rbag, Cloth

Interior. I $B,999

Stock #P1254 Red, 54,817 Miles, 4 Cvl, 5 Speed, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr LockS. liir Conditioning, Tilt Wheel, ABS, Cruise, Cloth Interior.



Stock 1520088, Maroon, 71 ,234 Miles, 4 Cyl, Auto, AMIFM Gassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Air Conditioning, Tilt, Cruise, DriverS Alrbag, Cloth Interior.


Stock #P1416. Gold, 33.428 Miles, 6 Cyl, Auto, CO, AM!FM Cassette. Pwr Windows. Pwr Locks. Pwr Sunrool. Air Condilionmg, Tilt.. ABS, Cru1se. Drivers A1rbag. Leather




Stock #P1 WMe, 86,538 Miles. 6 Cyl, Auto, AMIFM cassette. Air Conditioning, Tilt. ABS. Cruise. Cloth Interior.

$1,999 1991 CHEVY lERmA GTZ

Stock #51057A, White, 71,602 Miles .. 6 Cyl, Auto, AM/FM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Air Conditioning, Tilt, ABS, Cruise, Cloth Interior. ·



. I . i

.. ., __ _ ---


2001 SUZUKI ESTEEM Stock #SZ1098 • Grove Green Metallic $


• 4 Cyl • Automatic Transmission • AM/FM Cossette • Air Conditioning • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbag • Cloth lntenor

Stock #SZ 1 079 • Polar White • 6 Cyl • $ • Automatic Transmission • AM/FM Cassette

• Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbag

• Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior

Purchase For

MSRPl Purchase For

2000 SU~~.~~.~~~TARA $ • Automatic Transmission • AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Dual Airhag

• Cloth Interior

2000 SUZUKI VITARA Stock #SZ1Q98 • Cot's Eye Blye • 4 Cyl

• 5 Speed • AM/FM • Dua Airbag • Cloth Interior

2001 YW PASSAT GLS Stock #VW6258 • Conely White • 4 Cyl • 5 Speed

• AM/FM Cassette • Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors/Sunroof • Ai Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Cruise

• Int. Wipers • Dual Airhag • Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior

2001 YW BEETLE GLS Stock #VW6247 • Silver • 4 Cyl

• 5 Speed • AM/FM CasseHe • Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors/Sunroof

• Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbag • Alloy Wheels • Leather Interior

2001 VW JETTA TDI Stock #VW6255 • Black • 4 Cyl Diesel Turbo

• 5 Speed • AM/FM Cassette • Power LockS • Air Conditianin~ • Tilt Wheel

• ABS • Dual Airbag • Clo Interior

2001 VW GOLF GLS Stock #VW6254 • Reflex Silver Met. • 4 Cyl Turbo •

Automatic • AM/FM Cassette • Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors/Sunroof

• Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Cruise • lnt. • Dual • Cloth Interior




-~------------- -

Purchase For 200 1 MITSUBISHI ERO SPORT_

M5RP 29 ~77, Discount $1,177

Purchase For -

MSRP 14,637, Discount $637

Purchase For

M5RP 19,307, DUcount $1,000

Purchase For

MSiP 29,812, Discount $3,804

Stock IMJ7151 • Alpine Whiie • 6 Cyl -• Automctic Overdrive • CD • AM/FM Cassette

• PO¥N Wir.dow$/llxhtMirron/54Jr.t!JOI . • /IS Conditioni~ • Tilt WheeJ • A&S • Crvise •

• Int. W'rpen • Dual Airbag • Alloy Wheels • Cloth ~~~

2001 UBISHI Stock IMI7163 • Rio Red Ptorl • 4 Cyl

. • 5 Speed • AM/FM Cassette . • Power Windowl/Lodu/Mirtcrs

• Air ~itioning • lilt Wheel • Cruise • Oval A'Jrbog • Cloth Interior



Stock #M17142 • Black • 4 Cyl • 5 Speed • CD • Pwr Windows/Locks/Mirrors

• Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel 1 Cruise • Dual Airbag • Cloth Interior

2000 ISUZU RODEO LS Stodc IIT8057 • Alpine White • 6 Cyl

• Auto • CD • AM/FM CosseHe • Pwr Windows/Lodts/Mirrors

1 Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Cruise • Dual Airbag 1 Alloy Wheels 1 Oottt Interior

Purchase For 2001 BISHI $ Stock #Ml71 06 1 Sequoia Green Pearl

• 6 Cyl• Automatic • AOO • CD • AM/FM Cassette • Power Windows/Locks/Mil'l'OB/Sunroof ·

• Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • A8S • Cruise • lnt Wipen M5RP 36,392, Discount $1,838.26 • Dual Airbag • Alloy Wheels • Leo1her Interior • 4x4

Purchase For

$ '

MSRP 28,824, Discount $2,229

2001 ISUZU RODEO Stock IIIT8067 • Roman Bronze .

• 6 Cyl• Automatic Overdrive • CO • AM/FM Cassette • Power Windows/Loch/Mirro(S/Sunroof ·

• Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS . • Cruise • lnt Wipers • Dual Airbog • Alloy Wheels

• doth Interior • 4x4 .

Stoc~ tM,7140A Red 58 961 Mtes 6 Ct Auto AM,FM : Casset1e Power W1ndows!Locks,'M rrors A,r Cor.d•t·C~·~g. T '! ABS C' J se tnt W:oers Oua A roags C'otn Jnter,or



Stock IA5274. Maroon. 52.6B4 Miles. 6 Cyl. Auto. AM/fM Cassene Pwr w,ndows Pwr Locks. Pwr Mirrors. Air Cond,fiOn,ng Tdt ASS. CrUise. Dual A1rbags. Alloy Wheels. C1oth lnter,or


-- ----· ·-- -----------+--. -- ---·------+-·


' ' Stock ISZ1092A Blue SO 740 M11es. 4 Cyl 5 Speed \ AM:FM Cassette Power Wmdows. Power Locks Power M:rrors Alf Condlt,onmg T,lt ABS CrUise Dual A1rbags : A .o, Whee's Cot"





Stock 1VW6148A Teal. 55 971 Miles. 4 Gyl. Auto. AMfFM. Power W1~dows Power Locks. Power M1rrors. A1r Cond1t1on,ng r,~ Wneet Alloy WheP.ts. Cloth lntenor.



Stock #A5265. Silver. 27.541 Miles. 6 Gyl. AOD. AM/FM Cassette. Power Windows. Power Locks. Power Mirrors. Air Cond1!10nmg. Tilt. ABS. Cnuise. lnt Wipers. Dual A1rbags Alloy Wheels.

516 1 9 5 . Cloth lntenor. 4x4.

' ·-----·-~-------------t-------------1997

Stock IAS264. Green. 74,954 Mtles. 6 Cyt. Auto. CO, AMIFM Cassette. Power Windows. Power Locks. Power M1rrors. AC. T1lt ABS. Cruise. lnt W1pers. Dual A1rbags, Alloy Wheels Leather

814 1 95 lntenor. 4x4



Stock #A5263. Red. 27.050 Mtles. 8 Cyl, Auto. CO, AM/FM Cassette. Power Windows. Power Locks. Power Mirrors. Air Conditioning. T11t. ABS. Crwse. Dual A1rbags. Alloy Wheels. Cloth lntenor.

822 995 4x4. Tow Pkg. Bedliner .,


Stock #A5261. Gold. 35.306 Miles. 6 Cyl, Auto. CD, AMIFM Cassette. Power Windows. Power locks, Power Mirrors Air Conditioning. Tilt. ASS. Cruise. Dual Airbags, Alloy ~~eels. Cloth lntenor.



Stock #A5177B, Brown. 68.812 Miles. 4 Cyl. Auto, AM/FM Cassette, Pwr Wmdows. Pwr Locks. Pwr Mirrors. Air Conditionmg. Tilt Wheel. ABS. CrUise. In!. Wipers. Dual Airbags, Alloy Wheels. $& 1 95 Cloth Interior. ,


Stock#A5251. Silver. 65.720 Mlles:4 Cyl, 5 Speed, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Wmdows. Pwr Locks, Pwr Mirrors, Air Condillomng, T1n. ASS. CrUise. lot Wipers, Dual Airbags, Allox Wheels. Cloth $12 g lntenor. ,

1999 DODGE

Stock #A5205, Blue, 40.140 Miles. 8 Cyl, AOD, CD. AM/FM Cassette. Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks. Pwr Mirrors, Air Cond~ionmg, Tilt, Wheel. ABS, Cruise. Int. Wipers. Dual Airbags, Alloy Wheels, $22 50 I Cloth lntenor. 4X4. . . ,

1998 DODGE


Stock IA5228, Silver. 56,047 Miles, 6 Cyl, AOD, CO, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks. Pwr Mirrors, Air Conditioning, Tilt. ABS. Cruise, Int. Wipers. Dual Airbags, Leather Interior. $14 1 95 SSEI Package. ·


Stock #A5203, Black, 38,012 Miles. TurbO Diesel, AOD, CD, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Pwr Mirrors Air Conditioning, Tilt. ABS. Cruise, Int. Wipers. Dua, Airbags, Alloy Wheels, ,

21 1 1·

5 Cloth Interior, 4X4. . ' .·


Stock #A5252, Gold. 38.085 Miles. 6 Cyl. AOD, CD, AMifM Cassette. Pwr Windows. Pwr Locks. · Pwr Mirrors. Air Conditiamng, T1lt. ABS. CrUise. lnt W1pers, Dual Airbags Alloy Wheels, Cloth lntentir.

Stock #A5201, Black, 64.024 M11es. 6 Cyt. 5 Speed, Pwr Windows, Pwr Lacks, Pwr M1rrors. A1r Conditioning, Tilt, ABS, Cruise, Int. Wipers. Dual Airbags, Alloy Wheels. Cloth Interior, 4X4. $12,995

FORD F·150 ~r,,., "···' _,:,.. .. q,·,·· •. ...... ~.1 . '.

· Stock IVW617' ~. Green 84 225 Miles. 6 Cvl. 5 Speed, AM!FM Cassette, Pwr l,!f1ndows Pwr Locks, Pwr Mirrors, Air Condttiomng, Tilt, ABS Crwse. lnt Wipers. Drivers Airbag, Alloy Wheels, sa· gg· 5. Cloth Interior. · .

. '

2000 CHEVY

• Pewter • 6 Cyl • AOD • CD • AM/FM Cossette • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Air Conditioning • Tilt

• ABS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbogs • Alloy wt\eels •

Cloth Interior

CHEVY 1500 SILVERADO 4WD M.S.R.P $27,563

Disc. $3,568

23,995. • Pewter • 8 Cyl • AOD • AM/FM Cassette • Pwr Loclu • AC • Tilt • ASS

• Cruise • lnt Wipers • Dual Airbogs • Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior

'(stlrtCTS3Q. SMip ~ ~ applaiWIIactary IIKM!Ivts.)

200 1 CHEVY S·l 0 EXTENDED CAB M.S.R.P $18,216

Disc. $2,224

15,992* • 4 Cyl• AOO • CD • Air Conditioning • Tilt • ABS 1 Cruise • Dual

Airhogs • Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior

'(•tlrKTSSlS. SMip lndHt. applcalilt ladary llmdtns.l

2001 CHEVY BLAZER LS ~\$18 545 l .

$299* Per Month

For 60 Months • 6 Cyl • S Speed • AM/FM • Air Conditioning


M.S.R.P $28,965 Disc. $4,985

'(slk1CTS3S9. S.0.,S iiiWt • ..,tiiiiMelactory IIKIIIIY11.)

2000 CHEVY TAHOE 4WD M.S.R.P $35,754

~\ Disc. $3,760

531,994* • Pewter • 8 Cvl • AOD • CD • Pwr Windows • Pwr locks • Pwr Mirrors • AC • Tilt • ABS • (ruise • lnt Wipers • Dual Airbags 1 Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior

'lslkKTS491. 5mlp 1ldNo • .,aa~e hctary llcllllv11.)

2001 CHEVY 1500 Sl 4WD M.S.R.P $21,480

Disc. $1 ,482

19,998. • Blue • 6 Cyl • AOD • Air Conditioning • Tilt Wheel • ABS • Alloy

Wheels • Cloth-Interior

'(dkKTSS63. sm.t• llcWt ... plteiM ladary liKIItfv11.)

2001 CHEVY 1500 (2WD EXT CAB


399* Per Month

for 36 Months • Pewter MetolttC • a c~ 1 Auto • co 1 Pwr W'mclcws • Pwr loch 1 Pwr Mirrcn 1 Air

Conditioning 1 Ttlt • ABS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbogs • Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior 'lsllKTS611 Snllp llcWt .. ...wle lldary lulllv11. hrdlat r. $399 ,_ ... t• J6-. rt IOJ~AIJ wltf.IS~ .. waflln m, t!rletllll bm.)






200 1 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4

• Forest Green • 8 Cyl • AOD • AM/FM Cassette • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Air Conditioning •

Tilt • Cruise • Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels

·..-. M.S.R.P $26,815 Disc. $4,818 ·

'bllfOT5225. SIYilp llcltH • .,,aca~~~e hctfll ildltlrn.)


• forest Green • 8 Cyl • AOD • CD • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Pwr Mirrors • Air Conditioning •

Tilt • ADS • Cruise • Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels • Cloth


· M.S.R.P $31,825 Disc. $3,834

'(stUDTS072. 51Y11p lldldt .. "pltllllt r.tlery '-!lrn.l


• forest Green • 8 Cyl • AOD • AM/FM Cassette • Pwr

Windows • Pwr Locks • Air Conditioning • Tilt • Cruise • Dual Airbags • Cloth Interior

2000 DODGE 1500 VAN CONY.


M.S.R.P $30,814 Disc. $6,842

23 972* r . • White • 8 C~ • AOO • AM/FM Casselle • Pwr Wrndows • Pwr Loeb • Pwr Mirrors • Front & Rear AC • 'lilt • ASS • Cruise • Dual Airbaas • AIIOv Wheels • Cloth & leather lnrerior •

TlCifO Convenioll• Solo • 1V • VCP • RUMing lfoank • Deluxe Wood Package '(rtkfDT5301. 5nllp IIIWe .. li!IPiaW1 hdary IIKtltiYn.l .

• M.S.R.P $27,360 Disc. $3,439

2000 DODGE .DAKOTA CLUB CAB M.S.R.P $20,425 .

Disc. $2,654

,771* . ' .

I White I 6 c~. Aoto I AM/FM Cossette I Pwr Wmdows • Pwr Locks • AC ·li~ ··ABS. · Cruise • Dual Airbags • Alloy Wheels • Cloth Interior

•tslkiDT5607, Sl'tklp IIMWe • ..,wle ladory IIKatfm.J




~~~~~~~~ ~~p

2000 PONTIAC GRAND • Spruce Green • 4 Cyl • Auto • CD • Pwr Windows • Pwr locks

• Air Conditioning • ABS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual

Airbags • Cloth Interior

()~ $

M.S.R.P $18,375 . Disc. $2,650


• Block • 6 Cyl • Auto • CD • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • AC • Tilt • ABS • Cruise • Taupe Frost • 6 Cyl • Auto ~ AM/FM Cassette • Air Conditioning • Int. Wipen • • lnt Wipers • Dual Airbags • Cloth Interior · Duol Aiibogs • doth Interior

'(stUDGSS24. Savings llldllle al ..,acaw.lactory ln<tlttm.) '(slktJPSIOS. Sanlp lncWt a1 applc .. lt ftcfllly IIK•IIfes.)

M.S.R.P $25,845

• Silver Mist • 6 C yj • AOD • CD • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Pwr Mirrors • AC • Tilt • AilS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbags • do!h Interior

'(stkiOLS228. s.Mngs lnclade al •!'icalllt factory iKea11Yts.

200 1 CHEVY CAVALIER M.S.R.P $17,645

Disc. $1,200

• Doril Colorado Green • 4 Cyl • Auto • CD • Air Conditioning • lilt • ABS • doth Interior

'(stUCHSS49. Scrvlngt lndHt. ~ lactory lnctnllrts.l


• Torch Red • 6 Cf • AOO • • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks • Pwr Mirrors • AC • Tilt • ABS • CruiSe • Int. Wipers • Dual Airbogs • Alloy Wheels • doth lnllrior

'(slkroTSSS9. Sl'fliF llidldt al Clppl<rjlr lactory llcl.tliCL

0 DODGE NEON M.S.R.P $15,000

• Cinnomon Glcm • Auto • AM/FM • Air Conditioning • Ttlt • ABS • Int. Wipen • Dual Airbogs • Cloth Interior ·

'(ltk1DGSS03. 5aYiap ildldt • applllllillr lactory llaltlns.)

2000 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE • Silver Mist • 6 Cyl • Auto • CD • Pwr Windows • Pwr Locks •

Pwr Mirrors • AC • Tilt • ABS • Cruise • Int. Wipers • Dual

Airbags • Alloy Wheels • Flip Down 1V

M.S.R.P $32,450 ()~\ Disc. $4,000

$ •

Stock #5397A, Blue, 77,138 Miles, 4 Cyl, Auto, AM/FM Stock #2184A, Green; 106,311 Miles, 4 Cyl, Auto, AM/FM Cassette: Aif Conditioning, Cloth Interior. Cassette. Air Condttloning, nil, Cruise. .

.. $3,99 $4,999


Stock #5475A, Red, 6 Cyl, Auto, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Air Conditioning, Tilt, Cruise, Dual Airbags, Cloth Interior. · ·

.$7,999 1999 ·DODGE DURANGO 1994 CHEVY C1500 EXT" CAB 1996 JEEP CHEROKEE 414

Stock #82232, Black, 38,005 Miles, 8 Cvl, ADD, AMIFM Stock#2231A·1, White, 126,436 Miles, 6 Cyl, Auto, AMIFM Stock #2121A, Black, 90,187 Miles, 6 Cyl, Auto, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, AC, Till, Cruise, Dual Cassette, Air Conditioning. Cassette, Air Conditioning, Tilt, Cruise, Cloth Interior. Airbags, Alloy Wheels, Cloth Interior .

9 $8S99 $9,999

Stock #82259, White, 64,774 Miles, 6 Cvl, Auto, AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr locks, AC, ill!, ABS, Cruise, Dual Alrbags, Alloy Wheels, Leather Interior.



1996 CARLO Z54

Stock #5571A. Maroon, 75,868'Miles, 6 Cvl, Auto, CO, Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Pwr Sunroof, Air Conditioning, Till, Cruise, Dual Airbags, Alloy Wheels, Leather Interior.


1997 DODGE RAM 1500 4X4

Stock #5449A, Brown, 94,247 Miles, 8 Cyl, Auto, AMJFM Cassette, Pwr Windows, Pwr Lotks, Air Conditioning, Tilt, Cruise, AlloyWheels, Cloth Interior.


. I

Stock #5308C, White, 56.570 Miles. 8 Cyl. Auto. AMIFM Cassette. Air Conditioning. Tilt. Cruise. Alloy Wheels, Cloth Interior. $11,999

1998 CHM 1500 4X4 Z71 . -- --- ------ ------ -- --- --- --1

I L-~--- ,_ --------- -- ---·

Stock #82272. Black. 45.446 Mrles. 8 Cyl ADD AM!FM Cassette. Pwr Windows. Pwr Locks. AC Trlt. ABS, Cruise. Dual Airbags, Alloy $21 999 Wheels. Cloth lnterror. •


Stock #5497A, Whrle, 32,717 Mrles. 6 Cyl, ADD. AMIFM Cassette, Pwr Windows. Pwr locks. Arr Conditioning, Tilt. ABS, Cruise, $13 999 Dual Arrbags, Cloth Interior •

Stock #5541A. Blue, 62,272 Miles. B Cyl, AOD. CD. AMIFM Cassette. Pwr Windows, Pwr Locks, Pwr Mrrrors, AC. Trlt. ABS. Cruise, Int. Wipers. Dual $16 999 Airbags. Alloy Wheels. Leather lot •

Stock #5482A-2. 8 Cyl. ADD. AM/FM Cassette. Power Windows. Power Locks, Power Mirrors, AC. Tilt, Crurse. Dual Arrbags. Alloy $20 999 Wheels. Cloth Interior ,


Stock #5543A, Gold. 66,525 Miles, 6 Cyl, ADD, AM/FM Cassette, Power Windows, Power Locks. Air Condrtronrng, Trlt. Crurse. Cloth $1 999 lnterror •


Stock #5236A. White. 60,849 Miles. 6 Cyl, ADD. Pwr Wrndows. Pwr Locks. Air Conditioning, Tilt. ABS, Crurse. Dual Airbags. Alloy $14 999 Wheels. Cloth Interior. ,

Stock #22578. Green. 26,676 Miles, 6 CY.I, ADD, CD, Power Windows, Power Locks, Air Conditioning, Tilt, ABS •. Cruise, Dual Airbags, Cloth $12 999 ln•rroc •

Stock #5345A, Green. 61,181 Miles. 6 .Cyl, Auto. AMIFM Cassette. Pwr Locks. Air Conditioning. Tilt. Cruise, Dual Airbags, Cloth $13. 999 lntenor. ,

Stock #5342A. Pewter, 18,674 Miles, 4 Cyl, ADD, CD. Air Conditioning, Dual Airbags, Alloy Wheels.


Stock #5448A, Green, 6 Cyl, ADO, AMIFM. Air Conditioning, Tilt, Cruise. Cloth Interior.


Stock #5365A, 41 ,898 Miles, 4 Cyl, Auto, AM!FM Cassette, Air Conditioning, Till, Cruise, Cloth Interior.





.sale KEN IV was he 3 speer Kenmo #60622 Gas dryer 1

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home appliances and home electroniCS'.


KENMORE Ultra Wash- disiTNasher, Save $60 5-level wash, anti-bacterial cycle. #15839. Reg. 529.99

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doseout54999· ·"· KENMORE radian\ range, Save $100 . #95781. Was 649,99. While quantities last. Kenmor&ga5i'ange. lt7~~VNas 64~.99, doseollt 549.88 Wh11e quantities last

sale 69999 KENMORE 20.5-cu. ft.t refrigerator, Save $100 With adjustable glass shelves, gallon door storage. #69142 Reg. 7 99.99 A•aolable by speool ord"" som,.toms

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KENMORE canister vac, Save $30 With double filtration and bare floor cleaning attachments. #27085 Reg. 99.99

9988 KENMORE upright vac, ·

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brake and EZ AdjusC bar. Carrying case. #35046. Reg. 149.99

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CRAFTSMAN 6-HP propelled mower, Save $50 22-in deck, Briggs & Stratton eng1ne. high wheels. #37715. P~q. 339 99

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26999 CRAFTSMAN 2().gal. air compressor, Save $84 Our 269.99 compressor with bonus accessories. #16512. Reg. sep. price 354.95


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