Cloudy and warmer tonight Tuesday possibly rain J MONDAY EVENING APRIL 22 1907 PRICE ONE CENT r to Clir ftt u C tn ec LAST EDITION r- y1WjBER 4694 WASHINGTON << << ± Sacked Amid Scenes of Criaelty Appeal to Be Made t Powers- to Punish Bandits MONKS KILLED BY BULGARIANS IN MACEDONIA Monastery arbarou VIBN2CA April tt Bulgarian bandits have asked the monastery of Amarfiri to the Castroota of Macedonia aCUtt killing the abbot and thirty Greek monk sew details of the attack are known here The bandit according to the re- ports received resorted to barbarous cruelties In killing the monks who op St ¬ CONTEST Selection of Mrs Rice Approved by Many Readers With a perfect storm pltotogmphs- ogmtsjj in during the last boors of toe allotted time the gigantic quest of TIM aungay Time Her the most beautiful w man in Washington ended last night jmofMSjinT Jill and noticeably in the evening men and women poured Ito the off of the Beauty Editor to sub- mit photograph for the contest Timor of ae es- g4r a result of the Interest that hoc bsss ettsplayed in the quest by lie The Sunday Times believes Wash ingtoii will win the national contest be- tween the cities States and sections Th hotaflgragh of the winner of The Sunday Times great general contest will be Brintea tn next Sundays Times T7pen her will rest toe duty and the honor of maintaining the fame of Wash- ington at the home of lovely women Her selection will be greatest com- pliment for beauty ever paid a Wash- ington Woman The judges are even now reviewing the photographs Their w rk of criticism wilt last practically throughout the week Rival Cities Claims The ttme for the selection the American beauty is clue at blind and as the vttiee for the national Judges to choose approaches the claims of the rival States and clUes grow strongr and stronger Twentyflve metropolitan Journals aided by over 9 smaller newspapers seeking the most beautiful woman in America Hudson bay to the Gust from to southern California the search far the most beautiful woman hi eaeji locality goes on Artists filled With Admiration The twenty metropolitan maid their SW assistants are working harder for the national prise Types of are presented which fill artists with admiration and the ad- mirers sot only of the individuals but of the type are clamoring fur their fav- orite m national contest It s estimated that before the national contest ends at BAAM of beautiful women will contests That from among three women con- sidered not only as the typical beauties of parts of the country but American beauty will be chosen cannot be doubted That candidate will be the them all cer- tain after a review of the hundreds and hundreds cf that have fcen submitted for the contest Continued on Second Page THE WEATHER REPORT Fair weather prevails this morning in all parts of the except tbe Svnth including Oklahoma and Arkan see tur has risen somewhat east but It Is still unseasonably cold in Texas Oklahoma the middle and southern of the Jleeky Moun- tain and Plateau regions RaIn will probably continue in the South and extend into Vir- ginia and the lower Ohio valley to or Tuesday ture chaagws are not anticipated al- though it will be warmer in district Steamers departing today Xvro winds sad to the rand Bank t a B- G1N TOWS TEMPERATURE 31 minis standard TbMwoMM- terleva f 11 MOM T 1 a m St Sm sets today Si a rises tomorrow TIDE TABLE H gh t l today 320 pm tii today 10Hp m High tide tomorrow 430pmJ- UW iii tomorrow lt40 am pm HARPERS FERRY Va April 22 and Shenandoah rivers clear BEAUTY IN STORM PHOTOGRAPHS eat at erday 6 are beauty auty f have considered by the in the various State tlonal and city the of tbelr types Ute hIeal te f weather TEidFIRATUB u a SUN 144 611 L J LI ENDS OF r Celt eat tlw the i From chine H news- papers least rtralta y g been their above seems temple sines nor fee a III- e1M ffl H TALL s per i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ posed them in their dastardly raid Popular resentment against the Bul- garian responsible for so looting and killing In Macedonia has been aroused by the attack on the monastery and this latest may be made an inducement for powers to take steps to see that the brigands are punished brJ cads tIm Wife of Philadelphia Mil lionafre Prostrated Over the Tragedy KKW YORK April 2Z Benedict Gim- bel the Philadelphia merchant else to- day in St Marys HosuKal from a broken heart The wound which he had gashed in his own neck in ut effect to kill him- self after his arrest in Manhattan on sensational charges was not serious according to the three doctors attend- ing him but the mental condition pro- duced by his worries they announce superinduced his his with hlnthen the end For more than tea hours oxygen had been administered in a vats effort to retain life in the breaking heart the millionaire When the end came and the heart ceased to beat Mrs Gimbel threw her self hysterically over the bed and was carried away unconscious Mrs Gimbel Praitrattd Mrs Gimbel was m JfrMOJfc a highly nervous condition ihat her brotherinlaw GtssVH took her back te Philadelphia assisted by Dr William Jurist Cbaries aimed another brother remained here to have the body prepared for removal to the Philadel- phia home Gimbel cut his throat on Friday after noon in the Palace Hotel Hoboken with- a piece of glass broken from a water pitcher He had lost much Wood by the time he was found lying unconscious on the bathroom floor but it wa ex pected that he would recover Even opiates could not make him forget his terrible disgrace however and last night It became apparent that his men tal condition was killing him His beautiful young wife who to his side from Philadelphia as soon as she heard of his trouble beg- ged tbe surgeons to open a vein in her arm and transfuse her own life blood into the of her husband Gimbels three brothers Charles Ellis and Isaac also begged to be allowed to sacrifice their own blood to save him After a consultation it was de- cided that such an would be useless The physicians could combat the wounds and physical ills of the but the malady of his shamecov ered soul was beyond their reach Charged With Bribery Benedict Gimbel was only thirtyfive years old Thursday afternoon he was arrested In a cab In Central Park With him was a sixteenyearold boy Irvor Clark whose mother had made a to the district attorney that Gim- bel exercised an evil influence over her son Gimbel was overcome with fear at the prospect of publicity following his arrest He offered Detective Reardon a bribe of 2109 To District Attorney Paul Krotel he offered a bribe of if he would drop the com- plaint Mrs Clark mother of the boy yielded to the tears and pleadings of Gimbel and withdrew her complaint Krotel said he would prosecute the mil lionaire for bribery Gimbel was released on M0 cash bail and disappeared His friends Imme began a search for him fearing that he commit suicide Late evening the news came them that be to kill himself in Ho boken NEW YORK April ttWen the statement of Rev Mr Jones of Louisville Uttt John D Rockefeller had nearly completed plans to give 90e8tMo lor Chmese education brought to tin attention today of the Rev Dr Pntfczfok T Sates who superintends the distribution of Mr Rockefellers gifts the latter said x Neither Mr Rockefeller nor any of his associates has the pleVuiure of the acquaintance of the Rev Mr We do not know him I think that is all there is to be said about it How about the of Mr Rockefeller to the Chinese education fund Mr Gates was asked I know nothing whatever about It was the reply GlM8L DEAD BROKEN HEART INDIRECT CAUSE Hob kea GlmMl fltCUUu1 wit Mt of I WtIte carne o e I vein Assistant dl DONT KNOW SAYS THE REV GATES 1le J death- s brother Ian hur- ried pa- tient com- plaint eifl9 Friday ii- I r tEe was Jones f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mabel Pendleton Is Now at Rest With Brave Boy Sweetheart Stuart Gay In at Village Pretty Same Tomb Clifton Forge Two Hearses Abreast- in the Cortege- to Grave Mabel Wears Wedding Ring Given Her by Stuart HeroLovers Body Greatly Scarred CLIFTON F nGE va April zt Dome to their ftnaj resting place by twelve comrades Miss Mabel Pendtetrct nod Stuart Gay were o eayth in the saute tomb on the slope of a hill in Crown HM Cem- etery this Immediately after the grave was sealed two large Hearts made of white roses and fastened to- gether were plated upon the newly made mound Two trod roses were worked into the left side of the hearts showing that both had bled Human Interception can never mere disturb the communion of tits lovers Qtoom and sorrow pervaded the air today The grief of the bereaved rela- tive of the beautiful girl and her hero lover wa felt all over the city Never has a funeral been attended by such a vast concourse of persons as that of the two young people who met such a tragic death in the Jackson river on Thursday Two Hearts Abreast Hearses bearing remains of the two victims of then fttmpAnted were slow sad aoteom processldV teethe Baptist Church and cemetery 36vry carriage hack and other vehicle In the salty was prpsied service and meal hun- dreds of petsens walked to the burying grounds to pay a final tribute to the lovers Four snowy white horses drew the to the cemetery and many children wore Immaculate white POCef sf- I The Baptist Church on McCormick street was not large apougk to held tile crowd which flocked there to attend the funeral A hundred or more men and children stood outside to await the procession to the cemetery The Rev W H Saunders of the Methodist Church officiated at the ser- vices He was assisted by the George E Davis of the Baptist Church and the Rev E T Paul of the Go Bury Thy Sorrow As the leadenhearted pallbearers en- tered the church with their silent bur dens the strains of Go Bury Thy Sor pealed forth from Ute organ to charge of Jostle Payne and soothed the storm of sadness The heavy black caskets were placed biers side by aide at the sanctuary and as the mourners were being seated Miss Payne lifelong tile I nto hearse women Bas rqw n s- Not P con- signed a1tu noon tie lane af- fair i 1 Pres- byterian ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ i more and than ever before Prayer was read by the Rev Saunders and again the soft tremelo strains of music were heard Some Day Well Understand was the second hymn sung by the choir under the leadership of Prof Pearson The Rev Saunders touched on the tragic end of the beautiful love of the boy and girl and the entire com munity extended sympathy and con dolence to the sorrowing relatives A glowing tribute was paid to the manhood and courage of Stuart Gay who plunged Into the icy waters of the un- mindful of lain own IUd sessed by the single thought of bringing the girl of his choice to safety Everyone in Tears Throughout the services the relatives intimate friends and casual of the actors in the pathetic tragedy wept Mrs Gay sobbed and shook from tho time the funeral cortege started from South Clifton until after the double interment A physician te attending her this afternoon- In the front pews on the side where the girls body reposed on a bier were seated Mr and Mrs Rocker her broth- er ilaw and sister who caused tbe tragedy by preventing her marriage to aunt and uncle of Low Moor Miss Pen dteton cousin from Waynesboro Mrs lLattie Pendleton mother from South Cafton a of relatives from of containing the remains of Clifton Forges hero were Captain and Mrs Gay father and Miss Rlsdon an aunt from Alexandria Va Mrs A M another aunt from Corimora Va M S and EH Gay of Charlottesville and a host of friends Pallbearers Were Searchers The pallbearers for Miss Pendleton were Harry Harcher H T Bowler D W Halnes Jr Roy Carter Alex Wai drop and Srnest M ah ney Those who were proud to be allowed to carry the remains of Ute boy to the burying grounds were Robert Tribact Hubert Acord Harry Agner William Saunders and Herman Witt nil of these young men spent at least twelve hours on the river for the bodies They had grown- up sal chummed and girl were as much affected at the fu- neral MI the griefstricken parents and other relatives Miss Pendletons remains were viewed by than 2000 persons yesterday and th 4 morning She lifelike Continued on Second Page expression said Jaek on Ga the other side behind the ca ket I macro and natural and J1er skin was sort and pink Arrayed In a snowy shroud made by friends the lest w it The black lashes swept acquaint- ances number Lon n a 1 search- ing w n long sire ng ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Upper Left Hand Picture Shows Mabel Pendleton Who Committed Suicide Because She Could Not Her Sweetheart Upper Right Hand Picture Is That of Stuart Gay Her HeroLover Drowned Attempting- to Save Her Middle Picture Is of the Bridge Where Tragedy Took Place and Lowor Pic- ture Shows Village of Cliffs F rge Va Marry ¬ LITTLE FRIENDS Remember That May 4 Is His Birthday and Work Hard Scores of missives regarding the Mar vin kidnaping ease were received by The today from children and many older persons Sympathy and commiseration are found In each one and new theories and projects for re- storing the child to its griefstricken father are advanced in more than a few Along with the letters requests for the Marvin post carte containing a photograph of the child The card scheme has been pronounced the surest and most effective way of the missing baby and his ab- ductors and a steady stream of requests has been flowing lob The Times since the cards were sent to this paper by William Spencer of Philadelphia Mr Spencers offer of 1000 and absolute silence has not yet lured the kdraper from their lair but it is believed by the readers of The Times that f the cards are scattered broadcast over the country the abductors will not be able to pass through a town of size without being taken into custody School Children in Majority The majority of the missives this morning were from little school girls Their drction rhetoric and orthography- was not of the best but genuine sym pathy and interest ran through every line of the large vertical writing One little writer suggests that a larger reward be for the of trt child and adds that some wealthy person should donate thai money Continued on Second Page TRYING TOfIND- HORACt MARViN Times me j J re- turn I O kidnaped appre- hending ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Earthquake Shocks Continue and Residents- of Devastated District Are Fleeing Wildly For Their Lives Volcano Strikes Terror In Hearts of Chileans And Still Belches Lava VALPARAISO Chile April The paIe in southern Chile caused by the eruption of Ute Pttyehue volcano Is growing worse hourly The volcano is in full eruption and residents of the neighborhood who fear the whole re- gion is to be devastated by the lava flow are peeing wildly for their lives Several earthquake shocks which have ben felt as far northward as San TOKYO April 28 The steamer Mon- golia of the PacWc Mall Steamship Company is astound at Ayeda light house near Nagota The Mongolia mn aground while to avoid a sailing vessel The pas- sengers are still aboard of he Mon- golia and there IB no danger of loss of life as the ship lies close to the land It is thought she float at the next nigh tide Relief has been sent from this On September 16 last the ongottc went ashore and remained on a reef at two Midway Islands until September a when she floated without assistance J H Small Sons Florists Washington and New York STEAMER MONGOLIA I wilY AGAtNAGROUND try- Ing city Adv ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tiago have added to the terror of Ute people Forest urea which were started sev- eral days ago by the hot ashes and do fruit the volcano are still Thousands of line hardwood tinner lands have bebn burned over Arrangements been made by the the volcano sufferers YPS1LANTI Mich April thousand people are scouring the banks of the Huron river today and assisting in a vain search for the body of Lora Bryant the normal school student who mysteriously disappeared two weeks ago The dam opened and the river bed allowed to run dry but no trace of the girl was found WANTS VAN WYCK AUTO TO KILL ANOTHER HORSE PAl IS April 2 An automobile con taining former Mayor Robert A Van Wyck of New York his wife and a party of friends while passing through between Cannes over turned a green grocers cart killing tbo horse The peasant was so handsomely that he Come around again I have another old nag t home ers government to send relief s to SEARUH OF RIVER BED FOR LOST GIRL IN YAIN hasbeen I I burn- ing iOn com- pensated e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 4- lViUSIC TEMPLES CERTAIN Thanks to Womans Energy Opera Seems Assured Oscar Hammerstein Enthusiastic and Delays Trip Ready to Build Washington at Notice Unless something unforeseen inter vanes a womans energy and brain will crown with success her project of ing the National Capital by January n xt a superb grand opera house under management of Oscar Hammer of Ttork Miss Mary A Cryder of MB4 N street northwest who returned from New York yesterday has so Infused Oscar Hamnrcrsteln with enthusiasm about her proposition for the iioust here in addition to promising to put the structure at his own if Washingtons will provide the site has deferred for Eu rope from April 23 to May 3 Miss Cryder when seen by a Times re- porter today said that she had plans under way for raising the money neces- sary for purchasing the site for un building There is every indication that the plans will carry without a hitch anJ that the site be secured She has received of encouragement offers of financial support from prominent people The outlook is dV- ddedly Plans All Ready Hammerstein has already made the plans for the buUd w WUhla a vet- izner the site is senores be came have hi men on the ground prcpariHs to buIlt the house There Is no doubt that can have his grand opening performanc in it by January 1 next Much of the enthusiasm over tin proposition has been evinced in society circles Society as well as all ivr people who love music is noxious for a rand opera season in Wasatagton Aiid- Jammeratehi with the opera house up will give fifteen nights of It at th rat of one night a week In addition he v H give concerts of the highest sort witi such gingers as Melba and Calve partici- pating Tha the opera house can be built in the short time indicated is more readily appreciated when one treads h description given of how goes about thing No Delays in Starting He employs no architects for he knows exactly what be wants Having decided on what wants and In v n t city he wants the opera house he calls up his mister builder and tells him i make the necessary aranawments f r the work the city Indicated Similar ordetv are lashed to his men to charge of time iron and steel work the elecir 1 work sad the masonry work in hour or two he bas started the ru that will rear the opera house In aaottndng the success his IT senses which has just come t a Mr says in an in- terview given out in N w York 0Ji receipts of the season neatly to cor fd raoft extent the expenditures And now there to m the tribute which is generally ir who their own conviction Lave I am told I am Lord Barrington sentenced to death for murder in St Louis Mo must di The Supreme Court of the United States today dismissed a writ of error where- by it was sought to have the sentence of death reviewed The Prescient announced today that his summer vacation this year will be gin June 12 the earliest date since he has occupied the position of Chief Execu live the plan announced to day Roosevelt will spent June H Georgia Exposition and Immediately upon h return to Washington will start fur Oyster Bay for his summers rest ONE COP IN EVERY SIX SICK LAST MONTH- Dr J S Wall of the Metropolitan Board of Surgeons has submitted his report te the Commissioners for th month of March showing that during that period 140 members of the force were en the side list which is some- thing like one out of every six of a force numbering over 709 men A ma- jority of the were off from three to days Dr Wall recommend that an of time over thirty days be granted to N B Field E E Pulin W J Can fiNd and W E Smith in mo- ments have till rot ew ra x en8 bon many i such be opera Hamgaer tem co paM mea made the Impossible posible LORD BARRINGTON REFUSED REPRIEVE ROOSEVELT REST BEGINS JUNE 12 town e is letters hat were F 0j04 over sites seemingly Present Police allow- ance ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > +

r to Clir fttu C tn - Library of Congress...Cloudy and warmer tonight Tuesday possibly rain J MONDAY EVENING APRIL 22 1907 PRICE ONE CENT r to Clir fttu C tnec LAST EDITION r-y1WjBER

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Page 1: r to Clir fttu C tn - Library of Congress...Cloudy and warmer tonight Tuesday possibly rain J MONDAY EVENING APRIL 22 1907 PRICE ONE CENT r to Clir fttu C tnec LAST EDITION r-y1WjBER

Cloudy and warmertonight Tuesday

possibly rain J




Clir fttu C tnec LAST EDITIONr-


<< <<±

Sacked Amid Scenes of

Criaelty Appeal to Be Made t Powers-

to Punish Bandits


IN MACEDONIAMonastery arbarou

VIBN2CA April tt Bulgarian banditshave asked the monastery ofAmarfiri to the Castroota of MacedoniaaCUtt killing the abbot and thirty Greekmonk

sew details of the attack are knownhere The bandit according to the re-ports received resorted to barbarouscruelties In killing the monks who op




Selection of Mrs RiceApproved by Many


With a perfect storm pltotogmphs-ogmtsjj in during the last boors of toeallotted time the gigantic quest of TIMaungay Time Her the most beautifulw man in Washington ended last night

jmofMSjinTJill and noticeably in

the evening men and women poured Itothe off of the Beauty Editor to sub-mit photograph for the contest

Timor of ae es-g4r a result of the Interest that hoc

bsss ettsplayed in the quest bylie The Sunday Times believes Washingtoii will win the national contest be-tween the cities States and sectionsTh hotaflgragh of the winner of TheSunday Times great general contestwill be Brintea tn next Sundays Times

T7pen her will rest toe duty and thehonor of maintaining the fame of Wash-ington at the home of lovely womenHer selection will be greatest com-pliment for beauty ever paid a Wash-ington Woman The judges are evennow reviewing the photographs Theirw rk of criticism wilt last practicallythroughout the week

Rival Cities ClaimsThe ttme for the selection the

American beauty is clue at blind andas the vttiee for the national Judgesto choose approaches the claims of therival States and clUes grow strongrand stronger

Twentyflve metropolitan Journalsaided by over 9 smaller newspapers

seeking the most beautiful womanin America

Hudson bay to the Gust fromto southern California the search

far the most beautiful woman hi eaejilocality goes on

Artists filled With AdmirationThe twenty metropolitan

maid their SW assistants areworking harder for the national priseTypes of are presented whichfill artists with admiration and the ad-

mirers sot only of the individuals butof the type are clamoring fur their fav-orite m national contest

It s estimated that before thenational contest ends at

BAAM of beautiful women will

contestsThat from among three women con-

sidered not only as the typical beautiesof parts of the country but

American beauty will be chosen cannotbe doubted

That candidate will bethe them all cer-

tain after a review of the hundreds andhundreds cf that have fcensubmitted for the contest

Continued on Second Page


Fair weather prevails this morning inall parts of the except tbeSvnth including Oklahoma and Arkanseetur has risen somewhat east

but It Is still unseasonably coldin Texas Oklahoma the middle andsouthern of the Jleeky Moun-tain and Plateau regions

RaIn will probably continue in theSouth and extend into Vir-ginia and the lower Ohio valley to

or Tuesdayture chaagws are not anticipated al-though it will be warmer in

districtSteamers departing today Xvro

winds sadto the rand Bank

t a B-

G1N TOWS TEMPERATURE31 minis standard TbMwoMM-terleva f11 MOM T1 a m St

Sm sets todaySi a rises tomorrow

TIDE TABLEH gh t l today 320 pm

tii today 10Hp mHigh tide tomorrow 430pmJ-UW iii tomorrow lt40 a m p m

HARPERS FERRY Va April 22and Shenandoah rivers clear










have considered by the inthe various State tlonal and city

theof tbelr types Ute hIeal


f weatherTEidFIRATUB










Celt eat





H news-papers

leastrtralta y gbeen


above seems



aIII-e1M ffl





















posed them in their dastardly raidPopular resentment against the Bul-

garian responsible for solooting and killing In Macedonia hasbeen aroused by the attack on themonastery and this latestmay be made an inducement forpowers to take steps to see that thebrigands are punished

brJ cads


Wife of Philadelphia Millionafre Prostrated Over

the Tragedy

KKW YORK April 2Z Benedict Gim-bel the Philadelphia merchant else to-

day in St Marys HosuKalfrom a broken heart

The wound which he had gashed inhis own neck in ut effect to kill him-self after his arrest in Manhattan onsensational charges was not seriousaccording to the three doctors attend-ing him but the mental condition pro-duced by his worries they announcesuperinduced his

hiswith hlnthen the end

For more than tea hours oxygenhad been administered in a vats effortto retain life in the breaking heartthe millionaire

When the end came and the heartceased to beat Mrs Gimbel threw herself hysterically over the bed and wascarried away unconscious

Mrs Gimbel PraitrattdMrs Gimbel was m JfrMOJfc a highly

nervous condition ihat herbrotherinlaw GtssVH took herback te Philadelphia assisted by DrWilliam Jurist Cbaries aimed anotherbrother remained here to have the bodyprepared for removal to the Philadel-phia home

Gimbel cut his throat on Friday afternoon in the Palace Hotel Hoboken with-a piece of glass broken from a waterpitcher He had lost much Wood by thetime he was found lying unconsciouson the bathroom floor but it wa expected that he would recover Evenopiates could not make him forget histerrible disgrace however and lastnight It became apparent that his mental condition was killing him

His beautiful young wife whoto his side from Philadelphia as

soon as she heard of his trouble beg-ged tbe surgeons to open a vein in herarm and transfuse her own life bloodinto the of her husband

Gimbels three brothers Charles Ellisand Isaac also begged to be allowedto sacrifice their own blood to savehim After a consultation it was de-cided that such an would beuseless The physicians could combatthe wounds and physical ills of the

but the malady of his shamecovered soul was beyond their reach

Charged With BriberyBenedict Gimbel was only thirtyfive

years old Thursday afternoon he wasarrested In a cab In Central Park Withhim was a sixteenyearold boy IrvorClark whose mother had made a

to the district attorney that Gim-bel exercised an evil influence over herson Gimbel was overcome with fear atthe prospect of publicity following hisarrest He offered Detective Reardon abribe of 2109 To DistrictAttorney Paul Krotel he offered a bribeof if he would drop the com-plaint Mrs Clark mother of the boyyielded to the tears and pleadings ofGimbel and withdrew her complaintKrotel said he would prosecute the millionaire for bribery

Gimbel was released on M0 cash bailand disappeared His friends Immebegan a search for him fearingthat he commit suicide Lateevening the news came themthat be to kill himself in Hoboken

NEW YORK April ttWen thestatement of Rev Mr Jones ofLouisville Uttt John D Rockefeller hadnearly completed plans to give 90e8tMolor Chmese education brought totin attention today of the Rev DrPntfczfok T Sates who superintendsthe distribution of Mr Rockefellersgifts the latter said x

Neither Mr Rockefeller nor any ofhis associates has the pleVuiure of theacquaintance of the Rev MrWe do not know him I think that is allthere is to be said about it

How about the of MrRockefeller to the Chinese educationfund Mr Gates was asked

I know nothing whatever about Itwas the reply




Hob kea

GlmMl fltCUUu1 wit Mt ofI WtIte















































Mabel Pendleton Is Now at RestWith Brave Boy Sweetheart Stuart Gay

In at Village


Same Tomb Clifton ForgeTwo Hearses Abreast-

in the Cortege-

to Grave

Mabel Wears WeddingRing Given Her

by Stuart

HeroLovers Body



CLIFTON F nGE va April ztDome to their ftnaj resting place bytwelve comrades Miss MabelPendtetrct nod Stuart Gay were

o eayth in the saute tomb onthe slope of a hill in Crown HM Cem-etery this Immediately afterthe grave was sealed two large Heartsmade of white roses and fastened to-gether were plated upon the newlymade mound Two trod roses wereworked into the left side of the heartsshowing that both had bled HumanInterception can never mere disturb thecommunion of tits lovers

Qtoom and sorrow pervaded the airtoday The grief of the bereaved rela-tive of the beautiful girl and her herolover wa felt all over the city Neverhas a funeral been attended by such avast concourse of persons as that of thetwo young people who met such atragic death in the Jackson river onThursday

Two Hearts AbreastHearses bearing remains of the two

victims of then fttmpAntedwere slow

sad aoteom processldV teethe BaptistChurch and cemetery 36vry carriagehack and other vehicle In the salty wasprpsied service and meal hun-dreds of petsens walked to the buryinggrounds to pay a final tribute to thelovers Four snowy white horses drewthe to the cemetery and manychildren wore Immaculate white

POCef sf-

I The Baptist Church on McCormickstreet was not large apougk to heldtile crowd which flocked there to attendthe funeral A hundred or more men

and children stood outside toawait the procession to the cemetery

The Rev W H Saunders of theMethodist Church officiated at the ser-vices He was assisted by theGeorge E Davis of the Baptist Churchand the Rev E T Paul of the

Go Bury Thy SorrowAs the leadenhearted pallbearers en-

tered the church with their silent burdens the strains of Go Bury Thy Sor

pealed forth from Ute organ tocharge of Jostle Payne and soothedthe storm of sadness The heavy blackcaskets were placed biers side byaide at the sanctuary and as themourners were being seated Miss Payne












a1tu noon

tielane af-

fair i1










i more andthan ever before Prayer was read bythe Rev Saunders and again the softtremelo strains of music were heard

Some Day Well Understand was thesecond hymn sung by the choir underthe leadership of Prof Pearson

The Rev Saunders touched on thetragic end of the beautiful love of theboy and girl and the entire community extended sympathy and condolence to the sorrowing relatives Aglowing tribute was paid to the manhoodand courage of Stuart Gay who plungedInto the icy waters of the un-mindful of lain own IUdsessed by the single thought of bringingthe girl of his choice to safety

Everyone in TearsThroughout the services the relatives

intimate friends and casualof the actors in the pathetic

tragedy wept Mrs Gay sobbed andshook from tho time the funeral cortegestarted from South Clifton until afterthe double interment A physician teattending her this afternoon-

In the front pews on the side wherethe girls body reposed on a bier wereseated Mr and Mrs Rocker her broth-er ilaw and sister who caused tbetragedy by preventing her marriage toaunt anduncle of Low Moor Miss Pendteton cousin from Waynesboro MrslLattie Pendleton mother from SouthCafton a of relatives from

ofcontaining the remains of CliftonForges hero were Captain and MrsGay father and MissRlsdon an aunt from Alexandria VaMrs A M another aunt fromCorimora Va M S and E HGay of Charlottesville and a host offriends

Pallbearers Were SearchersThe pallbearers for Miss Pendleton

were Harry Harcher H T Bowler DW Halnes Jr Roy Carter Alex Waidrop and Srnest M ah ney

Those who were proud to be allowed tocarry the remains of Ute boy to theburying grounds were Robert TribactHubert Acord Harry Agner WilliamSaunders and Herman Witt

nil of these young men spent atleast twelve hours on the river

for the bodies They had grown-up sal chummed and girlwere as much affected at the fu-neral MI the griefstricken parents andother relatives

Miss Pendletons remains were viewedby than 2000 persons yesterdayand th 4 morning She lifelike

Continued on Second Page



Jaek on


the other side behind the ca ket I


and natural and J1er skin was sort andpink Arrayed In a snowy shroud madeby friends the lest w itThe black lashes swept


numberLon n a



wn longsire ng









Upper Left Hand Picture Shows Mabel Pendleton Who Committed Suicide Because She Could Not HerSweetheart Upper Right Hand Picture Is That of Stuart Gay Her HeroLover Drowned Attempting-

to Save Her Middle Picture Is of the Bridge Where Tragedy Took Place and Lowor Pic-

ture Shows Village of Cliffs F rge Va




Remember That May 4Is His Birthday and

Work Hard

Scores of missives regarding the Marvin kidnaping ease were received byThe today from children andmany older persons Sympathy andcommiseration are found In each oneand new theories and projects for re-storing the child to its griefstrickenfather are advanced in more than a few

Along with the letters requestsfor the Marvin post carte containing aphotograph of the child Thecard scheme has been pronounced thesurest and most effective way of

the missing baby and his ab-ductors and a steady stream of requestshas been flowing lob The Times sincethe cards were sent to this paper byWilliam Spencer of Philadelphia MrSpencers offer of 1000 and absolutesilence has not yet lured the kdraperfrom their lair but it is believed bythe readers of The Times that f thecards are scattered broadcast over thecountry the abductors will not be ableto pass through a town of sizewithout being taken into custody

School Children in MajorityThe majority of the missives this

morning were from little school girlsTheir drction rhetoric and orthography-was not of the best but genuine sympathy and interest ran through everyline of the large vertical writing

One little writer suggests that alarger reward be for theof trt child and adds that some

wealthy person should donate thaimoney

Continued on Second Page















Earthquake Shocks Continue and Residents-of Devastated District Are Fleeing Wildly

For Their Lives

Volcano Strikes TerrorIn Hearts of Chileans

And Still Belches Lava

VALPARAISO Chile April ThepaIe in southern Chile caused by theeruption of Ute Pttyehue volcano Isgrowing worse hourly The volcano isin full eruption and residents of theneighborhood who fear the whole re-gion is to be devastated by the lavaflow are peeing wildly for their lives

Several earthquake shocks whichhave ben felt as far northward as San

TOKYO April 28 The steamer Mon-

golia of the PacWc Mall SteamshipCompany is astound at Ayeda lighthouse near Nagota

The Mongolia mn aground whileto avoid a sailing vessel The pas-

sengers are still aboard of he Mon-golia and there IB no danger of loss oflife as the ship lies close to the landIt is thought she float at the nextnigh tide Relief has been sent fromthis

On September 16 last the ongottcwent ashore and remained on a reef attwo Midway Islands until September awhen she floated without assistance

J H Small Sons FloristsWashington and New York












tiago have added to the terror of Utepeople

Forest urea which were started sev-eral days ago by the hot ashes anddo fruit the volcano are still

Thousands of line hardwoodtinner lands have bebn burned overArrangements been made by thethe volcano sufferers

YPS1LANTI Mich Aprilthousand people are scouring the banksof the Huron river today and assistingin a vain search for the body of LoraBryant the normal school student whomysteriously disappeared two weeksago The dam opened andthe river bed allowed to run dry butno trace of the girl was found


PAl IS April 2 An automobile containing former Mayor Robert A VanWyck of New York his wife and aparty of friends while passing through

between Cannes overturned a green grocers cart killing tbohorse

The peasant was so handsomelythat he Come

around again I have another old nagt home


government to send relief s to

















Thanks to WomansEnergy Opera Seems


Oscar HammersteinEnthusiastic and

Delays Trip

Ready to Build

Washington atNotice

Unless something unforeseen intervanes a womans energy and brain willcrown with success her project ofing the National Capital by Januaryn xt a superb grand opera house under

management of Oscar Hammerof Ttork

Miss Mary A Cryder of MB4 N streetnorthwest who returned from NewYork yesterday has so Infused OscarHamnrcrsteln with enthusiasm abouther proposition for the iiousthere in addition to promising toput the structure at his ownif Washingtons will provide thesite has deferred for Europe from April 23 to May 3

Miss Cryder when seen by a Times re-porter today said that she had plansunder way for raising the money neces-sary for purchasing the site for unbuilding There is every indication thatthe plans will carry without a hitch anJthat the site be secured She hasreceived of encouragementoffers of financial support fromprominent people The outlook is dV-

ddedlyPlans All Ready

Hammerstein has already made theplans for the buUd w WUhla a vet-izner the site is senores be came have himen on the ground prcpariHs to buIltthe house There Is no doubt thatcan have his grand opening performancin it by January 1 next

Much of the enthusiasm over tinproposition has been evinced in societycircles Society as well as all ivrpeople who love music is noxious for a

rand opera season in Wasatagton Aiid-Jammeratehi with the opera house up

will give fifteen nights of It at th ratof one night a week In addition he v Hgive concerts of the highest sort witisuch gingers as Melba and Calve partici-patingTha the opera house can be built

in the short time indicated is morereadily appreciated when one treads h

description given of howgoes about thing

No Delays in StartingHe employs no architects for he

knows exactly what be wants Havingdecided on what wants and In v n tcity he wants the opera house he callsup his mister builder and tells him i

make the necessary aranawments f rthe work the city Indicated Similarordetv are lashed to his men to chargeof time iron and steel work the elecir

1 work sad the masonry work inhour or two he bas started the ru

that will rear the opera houseIn aaottndng the success his IT

senses which has just come ta Mr says in an in-

terview given out in N w York0Ji receipts of the season

neatly to corfd raoft extent the expenditures

And now there to mthe tribute which is generally ir

who their own conviction Lave

I am told I am

Lord Barrington sentenced to deathfor murder in St Louis Mo must diThe Supreme Court of the United Statestoday dismissed a writ of error where-by it was sought to have the sentenceof death reviewed

The Prescient announced today thathis summer vacation this year will begin June 12 the earliest date since hehas occupied the position of Chief Execulive

the plan announced today Roosevelt will spentJune H GeorgiaExposition and Immediately upon hreturn to Washington will start furOyster Bay for his summers rest



Dr J S Wall of the MetropolitanBoard of Surgeons has submitted

his report te the Commissioners for thmonth of March showing that duringthat period 140 members of the forcewere en the side list which is some-thing like one out of every six of aforce numbering over 709 men A ma-jority of the were off from three to

daysDr Wall recommend that an

of time over thirty days be grantedto N B Field E E Pulin W J CanfiNd and W E Smith




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