R WANDAN G ENOCIDE. H ISTORY OF R WANDA Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers

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Page 1: R WANDAN G ENOCIDE. H ISTORY OF R WANDA Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers


Page 2: R WANDAN G ENOCIDE. H ISTORY OF R WANDA Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers


Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers Also, Twa – indigenous

population All share common

language 2.5 million population

(2005) Most densely populated

country in Africa

Page 3: R WANDAN G ENOCIDE. H ISTORY OF R WANDA Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers

COLONIZATION OF RWANDA 1894 – colonized by Germans 1917 – given to Belgium after WWI

Created "Ruanda-Urundi," with Burundi Belgians favored Tutsis

Government issued identity cards to separate tribes Gave government jobs and special tax cuts to Tutsis Created discontent and resentment

1959 – Hutu rebels overthrew Tutsi Monarchy Bloody – hundreds killed

July 1962 – official independence Hutus already controlled much of government Over next several years, thousands of Tutsis killed and

tens of thousands displaced to Burundi

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The size of the nose and the color of the eyes were factors that determined whether a person was classified as Hutu,

Tutsi or Twa.

Page 5: R WANDAN G ENOCIDE. H ISTORY OF R WANDA Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers


Tutsi exiles formed Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) 1990 launched civil war from Uganda

Rwandan government, led by President Habyarimana reacted Targeted killings of Tutsi population claiming RPF trying

to take over and enslave Hutus Aug. 4, 1992 – civil war ended

Peace agreement in Arusha, Tanzania by both parties The Arusha Accord outlined that a new transitional

government be set up, a general election be held by 1995, and an international peacekeeping force be deployed.

Page 6: R WANDAN G ENOCIDE. H ISTORY OF R WANDA Majority Hutus (85%) and minority Tutsis (15%) lived together peacefully Hutus – farmers Tutsis – cattle raisers


Even though Habyarimana signed accord, he privately dismissed it Regularly ordered killing of groups of Tutsis by secret

death guards Included some members of Presidential Guard

Also trained popular militia – “Interhamwe” Feb. 1993 – Despite peace negotiations, violence

flared between RPF and government Feb. 1993 – UN invited by both sides to help

negotiate peace agreements United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) Led by Canadian – Romeo Dallaire

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April 6, 1994 – President Habyarimana killed in plane crash RPF blamed

still not clear if RPF or Hutu extremists Sparked well planned genocide – signal to Interhamwe

to being killings Hutu government officials called for “self-defense”

against Tutsi accomplices and enemies Used radio and media to promote messages of hate Road blocks set up Within hours, organized and systematic program for

mass extermination was underway

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GENOCIDE Once genocide began, most of UN peacekeepers

removed because beyond scope of their commitment 10 Belgian peacekeepers killed

For over 3 months, Tutsis were hunted tortured and massacred on the streets, in their homes, in churches and in schools

Civilians joined in violence Used guns and often machetes against their neighbors Identity cards that were introduced under Belgian rule used

RPF invades from Burundi Over 2 million Hutus flee to Zaire fearing attacks from RPF

UN responds with limited troops and humanitarian aid Problem – French troops had provided arms to government,

so majority of Rwandans distrustful

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By July, RPF taken control of Kigali (capital) Ended genocide

Around 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus lost their lives in 100 days (1/10 of population)

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Rwandan refugees tried to escape the horrors of the genocide by going to Tanzania, but were turned back by at the borders by Tanzanian soldiers.

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INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE Policymakers in France, Belgium, the United States

and the United Nations were aware of the preparations for systematic extermination but did not to intervene

The U.S., attributing the massacres to "tribal warfare," instructed officials not to use the term "genocide"

1994 - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda set up to prosecute those who bear the most responsibility for genocide, crimes against humanity, and other serious violations of international humanitarian law So far, 17 people convicted, 24 currently on trial and 22

awaiting trial Also local courts trying perpetrators Gacaca - direct participation of each member of the

community in confronting, rehabilitating and reintegrating accused perpetrators into the community

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1999 – Independent inquiry into events UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, “We will not

deny that, in their greatest hour of need, the world failed the people of Rwanda"

Resulted in international calls for a system to identify potential genocides in their earliest stages and intervene so that what happened in Rwanda never happens again