Viswa कली ' लीॊ नाथ  ठाक      मा  अरौकक  फ    भता  पत  अत    रनीम  आश  वाशम  आण  वॊ गीत  जगात  अळा  भशान  मतभल  आश . अळा  ाॊ तका  जभ  तीषा  आश  कती  ऱ  भानलावाठ  अऌॊ दाज  कण  अळम  आश .  माॊमा  ज  वश   bedazzle आण  भती  ग     ॊ ग  ऩ    ऴ , आचमय चकत  जो  दलामा  भशान  नभय ती  अवतात . वाशम  वलय  ात  कली -ग     लॊ नाथ  ठाक      बाल  नलय लाद  आश ; तव च  वॊ गीत  जलऱजलऱ  वलय  फाफतीत  मामा  बाल  एक  वालय क  वम  आश .लीॊ   वॊ गीत  माऩक  रोकमता  मामा  शॊगाभामा   अज    नश  आश . वाभाम  भाण    व , वदमय  आण  'लीॊ   वॊ गीत ' मा  अबजात  छान  कराका  व      वलय  वाख च  भम  ऩवर  आश . तो  'लीॊ   वॊ गीत ' ऐकर  नाश  क  ॊ ला  लीॊ   वॊ गीत  इतक  hums नाश  कोणाराश  ळोधमावाठ  जलऱजलऱ  अळम  आश . मामा  वॊ गीत  extensiveness आण  खोर   वलय  बालना  ल  भानलाॊ मा  बालना  वॊ फॊ धत   जाऊ  ळकत  अळा  का नभाय ण   र  आश . चचाय  आभचा  लऴम  लीॊ   वॊ गीत  ल  ळाीम  वॊ गीत  बाल  आश .लीॊ नाथ  टागो  माॊ मा  ', मामा  वॊ गीत  वभ      कमावाठ ' बती  गाणी  ',' बजन  ',' Kirtan'Thumri ',' Tappa ',' फाऊर  'वभाल ळ  ललध  वॊ गीत  र  वभथय न  घतर  आश  आण  ललध  ाॊ तीम  काळ  वॊ गीत  शव      ऩाव    न  वॊ गीत  जव  ग    जात , कनाय टक , ऩॊ जाफ , भाव  तव च  ऩचभ  वॊ गीत  आण  वाभामऩण  ळाीम  वॊ गीत  अव  शटर  फश    भोर  वॊ गीत  खजना  आश  जगातीर  ाचीन  वॊ गीत .फश    क  ऱा , वाभाम  रोक  मामा  अडचणी  कडक  नमभ  आण  खोट  बीती  भम  ळाीम  वॊ गीत  द       ाशर  आशत . वाभाम  रोक  वगय कमा  फोर     ळकत  नाश  क , लीॊ नाथ  टागो  पा  फौक  वॊ ऩ    टात  मामा  वाशमक  ज  कमावाठ , लीॊ   वॊ गीत  मामा  पा  वाशम  नभय तील  मा  'बमॊ क ' ळाीम  वॊ गीत  व       र  आश . बाऴा  गोडला  आण  ळद  नलड  शण    न  गात  रोक  त  लीॊ   वॊ गीत   दखीर  अतळम  वशजऩण  मामा   लऩ  कठण  ाग  क  ला  ागनी  गामर  आशत  अव  लाटत क  क  ळकत  नाश  क  रा  आश . नभय ती  आण  नभाय ता  भशान  भशान  अगद  अन क  लऴा नी  तो  अज    नश  आचमय , क    त    शर  आण  ोमाॊ ना  न  बालना  नभाय ण  आश . लरऴण  आण  नभाय ता  नभाय ण  मावॊ फॊ धी  त    रनाभक  चचा मत  आश ; आश  आगाभी  ऩछद  आभमा  चचाय  आता  व       आश  काम  अव . लीॊ नाथ  ठाक      काश  दलव , बातीम  ळाीम  वॊ गीत  कठो  वाल  शोत  नाश , जव , तो  Vishnupur घामाच ी  Jadunath ब  वलय  ऱ  भशान  कराका  ऩाव    न  बातीम  ळाीम  वॊ गीत  गऱ  Vishnupur र  ळषण  भऱार  शोत. तो  माचा  जील  तो  वॊ ऩ    टात  मामा  चॊ चर  mindedness मामा  'वॊ गीत  वाधना ' (वखोर  वॊ गीत  वाल ) ऩ    णय  क  ळकत  नाश  क  ळोक  नॊ त  आश . ऩ    तक  'वॊगीत  Chinta' तो  भी  त    माऩाव    न  एक  भशान  drifter शोत , आण  शण    न  तर  नाश  "अव रशर  एकाच  ठकाणी  शोत . भी  अधक  लन ळकरो  आश  त  भी  वलय  अधक  भागीर  भऱत  जाणा  नाश  का ? "अळा  वौम  टट  पत  मारा  भशान  वॊ गीतका  ळम  अव     ळकत . आता  न , मान  मामा  गाणी  ळाीम  वॊ गीत  णाॊ  एक  लरॊ त  आण  कठो  नमभ  भव   आश  आण  वाभाम  जनतत  रोकम ? बात  ळाीम  वॊ गीतका  दोन  बागात  मा  वॊ गीत  लाट    न  तरा : एक  'Ustadi' क  ला  'कारो -ATI'  'Ustads' क  ॊ ला  'ऩॊडत ' (ळाीम  वॊ गीत  लीण  वॊ गीतका ) एक  जोदा  भम  ाग  आण  Raginis ठलाली  तीन ; आण  इत  बाग  णाॊ  लाटत  आश . मा  र  भम  वॊ गीत  गोडला  भशल  नाश . लीॊ नाथ  टागो  माॊ मा  वॊ गीत  मा  द    वमा  कामा  लीकार  आण  वशज  वाभाम  रोक  अऌॊ त : ऩळय  कमावाठ , श  बालना  भनात  आऩमा  वॊ गीत  

Rabindra Sangeet

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Citation preview

  • Viswa '

    . .

    bedazzle , . -

    ; .

    . , ' '

    . ' ' hums

    . extensiveness


    . ', ' ',' ',' Kirtan'Thumri ',' Tappa ','

    ' ,

    , ,

    . ,

    . ,

    , '' .


    , .

    ; .

    , , , Vishnupur Jadunath

    Vishnupur .

    mindedness ' ' ( )

    . ' Chinta' drifter , "

    . ? "

    . ,

    ? :

    'Ustadi' '-ATI' 'Ustads' '' ( )

    Raginis ; . .

    : ,

  • . , ".

    musicologists Raginis .

    Raginis 'Ustads'

    , eludes. " .


    . Raginis ,

    -Raginis . 'Tillana' Kheyal, , Dhamar,

    Kheyal ( 70) , '', 'Tappa',


    Antaray Jagichay Antarjami Behag ( Bhayo )

    Asru Bhara Bedona Kafi ( Dhana Bhuya Paraware )

    Ashim Kalsagaray ( Saroda )

    Ankhijal Muchailay Ramkali ( Duyo )

    Aji Mukula Bahar ( Manki .

    Aji Jibonay Thamchi Tarana

    -dhara Bahichay Bhubane Malkauns

    Sundaro Shova Yaman Bhupali

    Kotha Hotay Bajay

    Kotha Udhao Holo Miyan

    Esho Sarater Mahima Jaunpuri

    Firayo Mukh-khani Hambir

    Kheyals . , : ,

    Kheyals :

    Animesh Ankhi Sei

    Anek Diyechi Asawari

    Sahajay Behag

  • Alpa Laiya Thaki Chayanat



    Khelar SATHI Biday Kholay

    Tumi Kichu Diye Jao Khambaj

    : :

    Parkay Apan Karay Piloo Bawra

    Bajay Piloo

    Tappa :

    Ailay Aji Pransokha Kedara

    Parobase Rabe Haye

    Moha Abaran Khulay Yaman

    Basilo Aji

    Dukkho Ratay Sarafarda

    Tappa : :

    o Majhay

    o Andhajane Deho ALO

    o Aji Rojoni

    o Sokol Niye Bosay


    Telena :

    ! Aspordha Eki Behag

    Pohailo Timira Alhaiya

    Charachar Sakali Michay Nat

    Haye Dibay


  • Karili Moher Chalane

    Tomari Iccha Houk

    ' ' ( )



    Vabonaray Haoyay

    Kotha Sajani

    ' Dhammar .

    , ' , ", Dhammar ,

    . extensiveness

    : .

    , Dhrupada

    . " . 77

    , :

    Ashim Akashay Agonnya Kedara

    Ailay Shanto Sondhya

    Acho Ontoray Chirodin Kafi

    Aji Anondo Sondhya Purbi

    Aji Bohiche Boshonto Pobon Bahar

    Aji Momo Chahe Bahar

    Anondo Tumi

    Uthi Cholo Sudin Ailo Kedara

    Bharote Rakho

    Eshechay Sakolay, Kata Hambir

  • . : , "

    , .

    , . "....... "

    , .

    : . ,

    . ,

    . ,

    . " . , Dhammar

    . 'Dhammar-' :

    Garaba Momo Herecho Probhu

    Hridimandiray Dwaray Bajay Kedara

    Raginis :

    . 1287. dawned Raginis

    , 'Bhaab ', Musicologists Raginis " ,

    . Purbi

    ? Purbi

    ' ' ? ...... " : : realizations ,"

    , ' Raginis .

    , , . ' ' unnoticeably

    . '' () / Raginis

    . / Raginis ? ''

    '' . Purbi ,

    -/ Raginis . " musicologists :


    . Raginis realizations :

    1) - " , !

    : swelled . : .... "

    2) - " , : ."

  • 3) - " : ."

    4) - " ."

    5) RamKeli - " , dilutes ,

    : , .

    6) - ", , ..It

    ... whirled Kanada . "

    7) Megh - " Megh ".

    "" " , . Megh . ""

    . "

    8) - " , :

    . , "".

    , .


    9) - " - ."

    10) Purbi - " ."

    11) - " '. alap ,

    . "

    12) Bhupali - ", ' , ' () , Bhupali


    13) Paraj - " ."

    14) Kanada - " ."

    15) Khambaj - " ."

    , , '' '', ,

    . Maestros , ,

    : .

    Raginis ,


  • 1) 47

    2) Behag 42

    3) Bahar 24

    4) Kafi 18

    5) Yaman 18

    6) Jhinjhiti 17

    7) Khambaj 16

    8) Todi 15

    9) 14

    10) 14

    11) Hambir 14

    12) Kanada 13

    13) 13 Ramkeli

    14) Piloo 12

    15) Bhupali 12

    16) Bibhas 12

    17) 11

    18) Chayanat 10

    19) Alhaiya 10

    20) Purbi 10

    21) Asavari 10

    '' Thaats ' . :

    1) Thaat:

    ) Yaman - Bahe

    ) Bhupali - Garjanay Ashila

    ) Kamod - Jatabar ALO Jalate Chai

    ) Kedara - Dakay Dakay

    ) Hambir - Royechay Jagi

  • ) - Bhasilo Jale

    2) Thaat

    ) Alhaiya - Tomarayi Koriyachi Jiboner Dhrubotara

    ) Deshkar - Kamana Ekante

    ) Lachchasakh - Bahe Nirantar

    ) Kukov - Kothaye Tumi, Kothaye

    3) Kafi Thaat

    ) Tabay

    ) - Bahar Kamalamukula Khulilo

    ) Bageshri - Nishitho Swapnay Bhebay Monay

    ) Sahana - Nibira Adharay

    Thaat 4) Khambaj

    ) Khambaj - Roopsagaray Doob Diyechi

    ) Jhinjhiti - Tomari Roopay

    ) - Bharotay Rakho Aji

    5) Thaat

    ) - Shubhra Ashane Biraja

    ) Ramkeli - Aakhijol Muchailay

    ) Jogiya - Nishidin Chaho

    Thaat 6) Asavari

    ) Asavari - Manomohan, Gahanajamini Seshay

    ) Darbari - Runujhunu Paye

    ) - Mondiray

  • 7) Todi Thaat

    ) Todi - Rajanir Sesh

    ) - Bujhi Boye

    ) Gurjari - Probhatay

    Thaat 8) Purbi

    ) Purbi - Beena Bajayo

    ) Paraj - Dako Aaj Nishithay

    ) - Milon Chayo Birohee

    9) Thaat

    ) - Pantho, Ekhono Keno

    ) - Pratham

    ) Purbi- - Bashanti Bhuban

    Thaat 10)

    ) - Tumi

    ) Malkauns - Dhara Bahiche Bhubane

    ) Lachari Todi - Nutonay --

    ; 179


    1) - 77

    2) Kheyal - 70

    3) Tappa - 14

    4) - 8

    5) Telena - 5

    6) - 2

  • 7) - 2

    '' 8) - 1


    , .

    , quicky Raginis


    : ( ) ,

  • Transcript

    1. 1 RABINDRANATH TAGORE AND INDIAN CLASSICAL MUSIC BY PRABIR DATTA The music created by Rabindranath Tagore is unique by style,form and class.Many literatures are available,written by famous laureates of the subject matter.So,to write something on Rabindranath Tagore and his musical talent is bound to be some repeatation or the other but still remains a lure for anyone.Hence,this article. To begin with,a small introduction of Rabindranath Tagores grooming is necessary. The body of music had been created by Rabindranath Tagore in the 64 years between 1877 and1941. Tagore grew up in the classical tradition of Hindustani classical music(raaga sangeet). His autobiographical sketches reveal the musical training he went through in his childhood. Though he had not followed a very strict method of learning the classical music,yet he was the disciple of Sri Jadunath Bhatta (1840- 1883),the famous Pundit of Vishnupur Gharana. Rabindranath followed this tradition and later on used it with mastery without abiding to its strictures. He experimented with dhrupad tunes using various rhythms(such as, Jortal, Jhanptal, Sur Phanktal and Teora usually known only to the connoisseurs of Hindustani classical music) and composed more than100 songs. Tagore used the classical form of khayal and thumri to create many songs, encompassing all the styles of the classical traditions.He used the tappa style in his music,where the song-text is very short and not as elaborately structured as a khayal or a thumri. There have been two different styles of Tappa, one that evolved in Punjab, in the tradition of Shori Miyan, and the other, adapted by Ramnidhi Gupta, better known as Nidhubabu in Bengal.Tagore from his early age was exposed to both styles. Tagore adapted tappas from both the styles, he relinquished the Punjabi tappa but when he wrote in his mother tongue the songs became soft and sweet. Tagore also was influenced by Sri Bishnu Chandra Chakravarty and Sri Srikantha Sinha.He spent a considerable period in association with Sri Radhika Prasad Goswami and composed a number of songs with assistance from him. Rabindranath Tagore started writing songs and Geeti kavyas right from the age of 11(eleven) years and continued till the age of 80(eighty).But the maximum no. of songs he composed from 19 years onwards.

    2. 2 There are difference in opinions about the no. of songs composed by Tagore.As far as possible,research has been carried out and it revealed he composed more than 2000 original songs.But in the opinion of authorities in the subject,the no.of songs are about 2178.A no.of songs written earlier were extended or changed by him.Hence,the difference.Also,a no. of compositions are there in Dhrupad and Dhamar.There are a no.of unpublished songs also,which did not have the notations and the classifications as per Indian classical tradition. If these are classified ,as given below, according to the Hindustani classical raga/ragini or the type,we may have some idea about the depth of his talent: 1.Bhairavi268 2.Yaman147 3.Piloo143 4.Khamaj142 5.Bihag138 6.Bhairav that(other than Kalingada)118 7.Kalingada57 8.Kafi104 9.Desh96 10.Kedara69 11.Malhar69 12.Bahar54 13.Chayanat47 14.Sahana47 15.Asavari36 AND 16.Baul187 17.Kirtan151 While composing the songs,Tagore did not mention the names of the ragas neither he desired it.Smt Indira Devi Choudhurani constantly persuaded Tagore to do this but he was unwilling and also abstained others to do this.In a letter in 1935 he stated to Smt Indira Devi about his fear of being criticized by the Ustads or Pundits of classical gharana.But with persistent pursuation by Smt Indira Devi,in 1936 he permitted her to identify the ragas used for composition of the songs as well as to create the notations(Swaralipi) for future generation.It is due to Smt Indira Devi Choudhurani that almost all the songs of Tagore are classified and notations made.A no. of persons like Smt.Indira Devi Choudhurani,Sri Jyotirindranath Tagore,Sri Kangali Charan Sen,Sri Surendranath Bandopadhyay,Smt Sarala Devi Choudhurani,Smt.Pratibha Devi Choudhurani,Sri Dinendranath Tagore,Tagore himself,Sri Bhimrao Shastri,Sri Anadi Kumar Dastidar,Sri Santidev Ghosh,Sri Sailaja Ranjan Majumdar and many others made the notations of Tagores songs. A classification list is given below with some selected songs of Tagore with the associated raga.The list is not comprehensive in this article due to limited space allowed by the Editor.However,all the songs with respective raga are available with the author.

    3. 3 CLASSIFICATION TABLE THAATS NOTES RAGAS TIMINGS SOME SELECTIVE AS PER COMMONLY KNOWN TRADITIONAL RABINDRA SANGEETS CLASSICAL (Corrsponding or near to MUSIC corresponding RAGAS) 1.BILAWAL All Shudh or Bihag 10 P.M. to 12 i)Adhara madhuri dharechi chando natural notes Midnight bandhane ii)Antare jagiche antarayami iii)Akash jure suninu oi baje iv)Aj jyotsna rate sabai geche bone v)Aj srabaner purnima te vi)Aji godhuli lagane ei badal gagane vii)Aji tomai abar chai sunabare viii)Aji bijan ghare nishith rate ix)Amar ange ange ke bajay x)Amar nishith rater badal dhara xi)Amar bhanga pather ranga dhulay xii)Ami kebol e swapan korechi bapan xiii)Eki sudha rasa ane xiv)E pathe ami je gechi bar bar xv)Elem notun deshe xvi)Ogo sono ke bajay xvii)Ke bale jao jao xviii)Keno jagen jagena xix)Chirasakha more cherona xx)Jagarane jae bibhabari xxi)Jage nath jyochchana rate xxii)Jiban maraner simana xxiii)Jiban jakhan chchilo phuler xxiv)Jwaleni alo andhakare xxv)Tarite pa diy ni ami xxvi)Tumi rabe nirabe xxvii)Trishnar shanti sundara xxviii)Tomra ja balo tai balo xxix)Tomar ashime pran man xxx)Darao amar ankhir age xxxi)Dariye acho tumi amar ganer xxxii)Diye genu basanter ei xxxiii)Deep nive geche momo xxxiv)Dujone dekha holo xxxv)Pramode dahlia dinu mon xxxvi)Boli o amar golapbala xxxvii)Bajilo kahar bina xxxviii)Biraho madhur holo aji xxxix)Bhara thak smriti

  • sudhay xxxx)Momo dukhero sadhan xxxxi)Megh boleche jabo jabo xxxxii)Mor hridayer gopon bijon xxxxiii)Rodan bhara e basanta xxxxiv)Shiter hawae laglo nachan xxxxv)Sudhu jaoa asa xxxxvi)Shrabaner dharar mato xxxxvii)Sakhi bhabona kahare bale xxxxviii)Saha na jatona xxxxix)Hae go byathay katha jae jadi xxxxx)Himer rater oi gaganer deep Bilawal 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. i)Aji heri sansar amritamay ii)Aha aji e basante iii)Oi pohailo timiro rati iv)Kache chile dure gele v)Jagate ananda jagye vi)Base achi hey vii)Bahe nirantara ananta anandadhara viii)Sakha hey ki diye ix)Sakhi bahe gelo bela x)Hridaye chile jege Durga 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Hridaye rakho go Nat Narayan 12 A.M. to 3 A.M. i)Shok tap gelo durey Shankara 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Puri hate paliyeche

    4. 4 ii)Hey mor chitta 2.MARWA re as Komal & ma Basant 3 A.M. to 6 A.M. i)Aji ei gandha bidhur samirane as Teevra ii)O re bhai phagun legeche iii)Nil digante oi iv)Bakul gandhe banya elo Lalit 3 A.M to 6 A.M. i)Puspa bane puspa nahi ii)Praner pran jagiche 3.BHAIRAV With re,dha as Bhairav 6A.M. to 9A.M. i)Subhra asane birajo komal ii)Tomar name nayan melinu iii)Ratri ese jethay meshe iv)Dao he hriday bhare dao v)Dhora diyechi go ami Kalingada 6A.M. to 9 A.M. i)Abar jadi ichcha karo ii)Amra bendechi kasher guchcho iii)Ami chahite esechi iv)Ek tuku choyan lagey v)Gopon kathati rabena gopone vi)Gharete bhramar elo gunguniye vii)Tomae sajabo jatane viii)Bado bedanar mato ix)Boli go sajani x)Jadi jantem amar kiser byatha 4.BHAIRAVI With re,ga,dha,ni as Bhairavi 6 A.M. to 9 i)Amal dhabal pale legeche komal A.M./any time ii)Oi bhuban mohini iii)Aj aloker ei jharna dharay iv)Amay kshamo he kshamo v)Amar andhar bhalo vi)Amar je gan tomar paras pabe vii)Amar rat pohalo sarad prate viii)Amar hriday tomar apon hater ix)Ami chanchal hey x)Ami tomar preme habo xi)Etodin je bosechilem xii)Esechile tobu aso nai xiii)O je manena mana xiv)Oi mahamanaba ase xv)O ke dharile to dhara debena xvi)O re notun yuger bhore xvii)Kal rater belay gan elo mor xviii)Keno jamini na jete xix)Charan dharite diyogo xx)Jibone param lagan xxi)Tumi mor pao nae parichay xxii)Tomar dware keno asi xxiii)Daya diye habe je mor xxiv)Pralay nachan nachle jakhan xxv)Prangane mor sirish sakhay xxvi)Prem esechilo nishabda charane xxvii)Badhu kon alo laglo chokhe xxviii)Barisho dhara majhe shantir xxix)Bhengecho duar esecho xxx)Madhu gandhe bhara xxxi)Mor bina othe xxxii)Jakhan bhanglo milan mela xxxiii)Joubana sarasi nire xxxiv)Shyamal chaya nai ba gele xxxv)Sakarun benu bajaye ke jae xxxvi)Sansar jabe monk ere loi xxxvii)Sur bhule je ghure berai xxxviii)Hinsay unmatta prithi xxxix)Hey kshaniker atithi xxxx)Hey nabina Malkauns 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Ananda dhara bohiche bhubane 5.POORVI With re,dha,as Bibhas(Also in 3 P.M. to 6 P.M i)Aj dhaner khete roudra chchayay komal and Marwa&Bhairav ii)Ami kan pete roi Ma as Teevra That) Paraj 2A.M.to4A.M. i)Ami hethay thaki sudhu ii)Hridaye tomar daya jeno pai Poorvi 3 P.M.to 6 P.M. i)Asru nadir sudur pare

    5. 5 ii)Nivrita praner debata Shree 3 P.M.to 6 P.M. i)Kar Milan chao birahi 6.TODI With re,ga,dha as Multani 3 P.M.to 6 P.M. i)Din jadi holo abosan komal and ii)Nai raso nai ma as Teevra Todi 9A.M. to 12P.M. i)Prabhate bimal anande ii)Rajanir sesh tara 7.ASAVARI With ga,dha,ni as Adana 12 A.M. to 3 A.M i)Mandire momo ke komal Asavari 9 A.M.to 12 P.M. i)Ami swapane rayechi bhor ii)Tabo amal paras rasa Suddha Kanara 3 A.M. to 6 A.M i)Tumi ki kebol e chchabi ii)Megh chchaye sajal baye 8.KALYAN With ma as Teevra Bhupali 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Amra sabai raja (YAMAN) only ii)Ghor dukha jaginu ChayaNat 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Arup tomar bani ii)Akash amar bharlo alloy iii)Ami bahu basanay pranpone chai iv)O jonaki ki sukhe oi dana v)Godhuli gagane meghe vi)Tomarei koriyachi jibaner vii)Prane gan nai viii)Jadi baran karo ix)Ray je kangal x)seema r majhe asim tumi Gaud Sarang 12 P.M. to 3 P.M. i)Aguner parasmoni ii)Badal baul bajay re Hameer 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Shopney amar mone holo ii)Kato ajanare janaile tumi Hemant 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Se kon boner harin Kedar 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Khelaghar bandhte legechi ii)Prabhu amar priya amar Suddha Kalyan 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Maha bisweami manab ki lagi Shyam Kalyan 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Rakho rakho re Yaman 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Amar matha nato kore ii)Amar sakal raser dhara iii)Ashard sandhya ghoniye elo iv)E monihar amay v)Ei udasi hawar pathe pathe vi)Ekhono tare chokhe dekhini vii)Klanti amar kshama karo prabhu viii)Khara bayu boy bege ix)Chokher alloy dekhechilem x)Janaganamana adhinayaka hey xi)Tumi sndhyar meghomala xii)Dhire dhire dhire bao ogo utal xiii)Phul bale dhanya ami xiv)Baje baje ramya bina xv)Mone ki dwidha rekhe chole gele xvi)Maya bano biharini xvii)Mor sandhyay tumi sundar xviii)Sundar bate taba angad khani xix)Hriday amar nachere ajike xx)Hey mor debota 9.KHAMAJ With ni as komal Desh 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Amar din phuralo ii)Amar je sab ditey habe iii)Ami jene sune bish korechi iv)Utal dhara badal jhare v)Ei lovinu sanga tabo vi)Emon dine tare bola jae vii)Eso shyamal sundar viii)Jibon jakhan sukhaye jae ix)Jhare jae ure jae go x)Tar hatey chilo Gaud Malhar(Also in 12 A.M. to 3 A.M. i)Aji sraban Ghana gahan mohe Kafi That) ii)Mor bhabonare ki hawae Gara 12 A.M. to 3 A.M i)Ki ghor nishithe Jayjayanti 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Gaganer thale rabi Chandra dipak jwale Jhinjhoti 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. i)Chchinna patae sajai tarani ii)Ananda loke mangalaloke(Mysore)

    6. 6 Khamaj 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Aji jato tara tabo akashe ii)Amar bela je jae iii)Ami tomay jato suniyechilem iv)Ami pathbhola ek pathik v)Ei kathati mone rekho vi)Ore chitrarekha dorey bandhilo vii)Kusume kusume charan chinha viii)Chale jae mori hae ix)Nrityero tale tale x)Purna chander mayay aji xi)Pran bhoriye trisha horiye xii)Bhalobasi bhalobasi xiii)Rup sagare dub diyechi xiv)Sarat tomar arun alor anjali xv)Sei bhalo sei bhalo Tilak Kamod 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. i)Shanti karo barishano ii)Madhuro rupe birajo iii)Jatobar alo jwalate jae 10.KAAFI With ga,ni as komal Bageshree 12 A.M. to 3 A.M i)Nisith sayane bhebe rakhi mone ii)Je rate mor duar guli Bahar NIGHT i)Aji kamal mukul dal khulilo ii)Aji basanta jagrata dware iii)Aji bahiche basanta paban iv)E ki akulata bhubane v)E ki karuna vi)Ek mone tor ektarate vii)O hey sundara mori mori viii)Premer joware bhasabe ix)Madhur basanta eseche x)Laho laho phire laho Bhimpalasi 3 P.M.to 6 P.M. i)Tar biday belar malakhani ii)Bipul taranga re Brindavani Sarang 12 A.M. to 3 A.M. i)Chakhe amar trishna ii)Dur desi sei rakhal chele Gaud 12 A.M. to 3 A.M i)Hey nikhil bhar dharan Kafi ANY TIME/6 i)Acho antare chirodin P.M. to 9 P.M. ii)Amay bolona gahite bolona iii)E

  • parabase rabe ke iv)E pare mukhar holo keke oi v)Keno bajao kankan vi)Charan dhwani suni tabo nath vii)Nahi nahi nidra ankhi pate viii)Phire jao keno phire phire jao ix)Momo chitte niti nritye x)Jodi e amaro,hridaya duaro Megh 12 A.M. to 3 A.M i)Nil anjanaghana punja chayay ii)Pinakete lage tankar Mian Ki Malhar MONSOON i)Kotha je udhao holo Piloo ANY TIME i)Amar paran jaha chay ii)Amar hiyar majhe iii)Ami jakhan tar duare bhikha nite iv)Oi malatilata dole v)Ogo nadi apon bege pagal vi)Chander hasir bandh bhengeche vii)Chaya ghanaiche bone bone viii)Badal dhara holo sara ix)Jete dao jete dao gelo jara x)Se din dujone dulechinu bone Shahana 12 A.M. to 3 A.M. i)Jadi prem dilena prane ii)Ki gabo ami ki sonabo iii)Megher pare megh jameche iv)Sudhu tomar bani nay go 12.NO THAT KARNATIC Singhendra Madhyam 3 P.M. to 6 P.M i)Baje karun sure If the list is scruitinised,it will be observed that,as per tradition of Hindustani classical,each raga has a timing for rendition.But,Tagore did not impose any such

    7. 7 condition for his songs.He allowed the songs to be performed any time of the day.He rather made the classification of his songs in terms of Prem,Puja,Prakriti,Seasons etc. Apart from the above table,Tagore composed a no. of songs which comprise of more than two or more ragas/raginis,of which a few samples are given below: 1.Ache Dukhya,ache mrityuLalit+Bibhas+Jogiya+Asavari 2.Prakhar tapan tapeyTodi+Multani+Bhimpalasi 3.Moru bijayer ketanKedara+Hameer+Kirtan 4.Amar praner pare chale geloPiloo+Kalingada+Paraj 5.Eso eso basantaSohini+Pancham+Bhairav+Bahar 6.Oi ase oi otiMalhar+Piloo+Yaman Kalyan+Khamaj There are other instances also.However,difference in opinion still prevails about the classification as Tagore used many ragas in broken form in composition which may have resemblence to varieties of ragas in addition to the mentioned one and some may not resemble to a particular raga/ragini. Tagore songs are deeply influenced by classical music.Although he himself did not learn CLASSICAL MUSIC formally, the family atmosphere of cultivating this form of music enabled him to compose many of his songs in the Hindustani classical style.On the occasion of Brahmo Samajs Magh festival, he composed many devotional songs in the Hindustani classical style. The Tagore songs composed in this tradition are treasures of our music. Many of his songs abound in the classical forms of sthayi, antara, sanchari and abhog. The influence of the classical style is also manifested in the tunes, words and articulation of the songs. The RAGAs and raginis heard in his childhood managed to cast long shadows on his songs. To him, theme was more important than ragas. Even in folk tunes he experimented with a mixture of ragas to create a genre of his own TAPPA is yet another form that has enriched Tagore songs. The use of tappa in giving expression to Bengali emotions has been noteworthy. Tagore always emphasized that an ideal song is a perfect marriage of lyric and melody,where they go hand in hand.Tagores songs present a smooth blend of melody and lyrics where these two are inseparable,and evolve together in a unique musical language The article will remain incomplete if something is not mentioned about the Talas created by Tagore. Tal or beat is one of the important aspects of a song.Tagore experimented with the existing beats like Dhamar a 14-beat taal and composed many tunes using this type. He also created some new beats or Tals. One of this is Shasti-taal which has 6 counts, but unlike the standard 6 beat where Dadra divided in 3/3 it is divided in 2/4 or 4/2. Nava-taal is another such beat created for pakhwaj. Rabindranath has used many tals in composing songs. These included chautal, ada chautal, dhamar, adatheka, surfanktal, yat, jhanptal, trital, ektal, teoda, dadra, kaharba and adkhemta. He has utilized some tals which are new to North Indian music; these include sasthi,jhampak, rupkada, navatal, ekadashi and navapanchatal. In poetic measures too, Rabindranath showed some distinctiveness,especially in using multiple times. He has occasionally used multiple tempos in a single song and has skillfully mixed times and tempos to create a very unusual musical form.Usually songs have a preponderance of

    8. 8 tunes and measures but Tagore songs are essentially poetic and therefore their poetic themes are as important as their tunes. At the last,one submission is made from my end.As per traditional Hindustani classical music,2 or more ragas and raginis are required to create another ragini.There are many instances where the creator/composer of the ragini gave a new name to the newly created ragini.but the same thing did not happen in case of Tagore.He many a times used multiple ragas/raginis to compose a song,sometimes,more than 4 but not a single ragini has been named linking the name of Tagore.He had used&made the vadi,vivadi,samvadi&anuvadi notes so seamlessly compatible that when the song is sung,no discrepancy is observed.This is a great quality of a composer using Hindustani classical base. May the readers forum take it up so that in this 150th birth anniversary year of Tagore,atleast one ragini is marked in his name and adopted in the main stream of Hindustani classical music form to offer him the greatest honor in this year of celebration.The raga form followed in the songACHE DUKHYA,ACHE MRITYUmay be denoted asRAVI RANJANI and be adopted in the main stream classical form for rendition. I leave this entirely to the readers who really love SRI RABINDRANATH TAGORE AND HIS CREATIONS. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READING:- 1.Swarabitan,Geetabitan,GeetanjaliSri Rabindranath tagore 2.Swaralipi-GeetimalaSri Jyotirindranath Tagore 3.Shata ganSmt.Sarala Devi Choudhurani 4.Sangeet GeetanjaliSri Bhim Rao Shastri 5.RabindraSangeetSri Sudhir Chanda 6.Understanding Indian Classical music---Prabir Datta 7.Understanding Karnatik Classical music---Prabir Datta 8.Rabindra Sangeet MahakoshSri Prabir Guhathakurta 9.Geetabitaner JagatSri Subhas Chowdhury 10.Akhanda RabindrasangeetDr.Pabitra Kumar Sarkar 11.Rabindra RachanabaliViswa Bharati & Government of West Bengal 12.Brahma sangeetSwaralipiSri Kangali Charan Sen 13.Sangeet PrakashikaSri Jyotirindranath Tagore 14.Ananda sangeet PatrikaSmt.Pratibha Devi &Smt.Sarala DeviEditors 15.Rabindra

  • Sangeetey Triveni SangamSmt.Indira Devi Choudhurani 16.Rabindra JibaniSri Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay 17.Rag SangrahaSri Rabindra Kumar Das Etc.

  • Indian music comprises different types of music which obviously include Rabindra Sangeet or

    songs of Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindrasangeet is integral to the lives of the people of the

    country and is a symbol of their cultural representation and religious motivation. In India, a

    number of talented singers have chosen their career in singing the melodious songs of


    About Rabindra Sangeet

    Indian music remains incomplete without Rabindra Sangeet. Written and composed by Rabindranath

    Tagore, the Nobel laureate poet of India, Rabindra Sangeet has influences from many other types

    of music such as sub-classicals, Hindustani classical, western, Carnatic, bhatiyali, baul gaan, and

    various folk songs of the country.

    Rabindra Sangeet is appreciated by every Indian, especially Bengalis since

    Rabindranath Tagore is their pride. Also known as Tagore songs or Tagore music to

    show respect to the greatest poet in India, these songs are a special aspect of Bengal.

    Rabindra Sangeet is particularly famous in Bangladesh and India.

    The Bengali culture and tradition have been considerably influenced by Rabindra

    Sangeet. This type of music is considered as the gem of Bengali tradition in both

    Bangladesh and West Bengal, India. Rabindra sangeet focuses on different subjects. This is quite accepted and creates a basis for the

    Bengali culture and has an influence on its tradition which is similar to or probably even more

    than the influence that Shakespeare has on English culture. Researchers state that the songs of

    Rabindranath are the result of the cultural resurgence of the Bengali people which happened

    throughout a duration of five centuries.

    Many of us dont know that Rabindranath Tagore took an active part in making our

    country free from British dominion. The Indian independence struggle will be

    remembered for his contribution as well. His patriotism and nationalism is beyond

    doubt. He was mostly active in the independence struggle for his country post 1905,

    when Bangabhanga Andolan or protest as a result of division of Bengal was at its


    Tagore was ardently opposed to the resolution of the British administration to partition

    Bengal according to faith or religion. In a way to show his censure, Tagore composed

    and penned many patriotic songs and poems during this time. Tagore started to compose the Gitanjali in 1909. Shortly since 1911, Janaganamana was created

    and it subsequently turned into the national anthem of the country.

    When Rabindranath visited Europe for the second time, a number of songs and poems written by

    him were translated into English.

    When he went to the United States of America, Gitanjali was made available in print. It

    instantly had an amazing impact on the English literary society. In the year 1912, he

    received the coveted Nobel Prize for literature for Gitanjali, his poetical masterpiece.

  • Rabindranath is the first person from the Asian continent to be honored with this

    award. Origin of Rabindra Sangeet

    Conventionally, the folk music of India and classical music are considered as the two main forms

    of music from which Rabindra Sangeet has originated. Approximately 2,230 songs were written

    by Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindranath got his motivation to pen his songs primarily from Indian

    classical music. From the very childhood, he had an affinity to nature and this is reflected in his

    songs as well.

    Famous Singers of Rabindra sangeet in India and Bangladesh

    The following artists and singers are famous for singing Rabindrasangeeet, taking the music to

    the next level:

    Amiya Tagore, Abdul Ahad, Rezwana Chowdhury Banya, Kanika Bandyopadhyay,

    Arghya Sen, Debabrata Biswas, Swagatalakshmi Dasgupta, Suman Chatterjee, Santidev

    Ghosh, Banani Ghosh, Asha Bhosle, Kishore Kumar, Suchitra Mitra, Kavita

    Krishnamurthy, Pankaj Mullick, Hemanta Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Subinoy Roy,

    Anisur Rahman, Indrani Sen, Nilima Sen, Sagar Sen, Indranil Sen, Shama Rahman,

    Lopamudra Mitra, Srabani Sen, and Srikanto Acharya.

    Pankaj Mullick is regarded as the First Man of Rabindra Sangeet. The honor of the

    Second Man of Rabindra Sangeet is given to Debabrata Biswas.

    Tutors of Rabindra Sangeet

    India and Bangladesh are the two countries that mostly practice and listen to Rabindra Sangeet.

    The following people are known for tutoring Rabindra Sangeet in these two countries. India

    Some of the distinguished tutors of Rabindra sangeet (except Rabindranath Tagore himself) are

    the following:

    Shantideb Ghosh

    Dinendra Nath Tagore

    Suchitra Mitra

    Ruma Guha Thakurta

    Subinoy Roy

    Kanika Bandyopadhyay

    Nilima Sen

    Bangladesh In Bangladesh, the famous Rabindrasangeet tutors who made a significant contribution to

    nurturing new performers include the following:

    Anisur Rahman

    Abdul Ahad

    Rezwana Chowdhury Banya

    Abdul Wadud

    Waheedul Haq

    National anthems of India and Bangladesh

  • Rabindra Sangeet: The masterly Creation of the First Asian Nobel

    Rabindra Sangeet is used as the national anthem of India and Bnagladesh. The national

    anthem of Bangladesh is Amar Shonar Bangla and the national anthem of India is Jana

    Gana Mana.

    Compilation of Rabindra Sangeet (Gitabitan)

    The compilation or anthology of songs written and composed by Rabindranath is named as the

    Gitabitan which stands for the garden of songs. The Gitabitan is divided into six main portions or

    parjaiyas and they are as follows:

    Prem (Love)

    Puja (Worship)

    Bichitra (Diverse)

    Prakriti (Nature)

    Aanushthanik (Celebration)

    Swadesh (Homeland)

    Reasons behind popularity of Rabindra Sangeet in India

    Rabindra Sangeet or the songs of Tagore are popular in India and Bangladesh since this form of

    music passes through the everyday life to the spiritual life and represents all types of feeling that

    a human being can have. Rabindra Sangeet is not limited to a particular section of the society;

    rather, it symbolizes each and every section of our society. A number of famous film directors

    like Ritwik Ghatak, Satyajit Ray, Nitin Bose, Mrinal Sen, Kumar Shahani and Tapan Sinha have

    used Rabindra Sangeet in their marvelous creations that made the world spellbound. In addition,

    Rabindra Sangeet has also been used in notable films of other countries like the United

    Kingdom, Australia, and other countries of Europe. This form of music is deemed fit to depict

    the fine relationship between men and women.

    Institutes Those are Famous for teaching Rabindra Sangeet

    The following institutes are known for teaching Rabindra Sangeet at both graduate and post

    graduate levels:

    Rabindra Bharati University

    Visva-Bharati University

    Dakshinee - See more at: http://blog.mapsofindia.com/indian-music/rabindra-sangeet-the-masterly-creation-of-the-first-asian-nobel-


  • . Rabindrasangeet . , . . , , -classicals , , , bhatiyali, gaan, .

    ' , : . , . . . , . . . .

    . . . Bangabhanga 1905 , . . , . 1911 , Janaganamana 1909 . , , .

    , . . 1912 , . . , . 2.230 . . .

    , Rabindrasangeeet :

  • Amiya , Ahad, Rezwana Banya, Kanika , , , Swagatalakshmi , , Santidev , Banani , , , , , , Hemanta , , Anisur , , , , Indranil , , Lopamudra , Srabani , Srikanto Subinoy. . - . . . ( : ) : Shantideb Dinendra Ruma Thakurta Subinoy Kanika

    , Rabindrasangeet : Anisur Ahad Rezwana Banya Wadud Waheedul

    anthems Bnagladesh . Shonar . (Gitabitan) : Gitabitan . Gitabitan parjaiyas : () () Bichitra () Prakriti () Aanushthanik () ()

  • . ; , . , , , , . , United Kingdom, , . .

    : Visva- Dakshinee