Radiography 50 Question Quiz ~ First name ~ ~ Last name ~ 1 X-rays and Gamma rays: Always travel in a straight line Can be influenced by an electrical field Can be influenced by a magnetic field None of the above 2 Who is given credit for the discovery of X-ray? Henri Becquerel Wilhelm Roentgen Marie Curie Pierre Curie 3 Who is given credit for the discovery of radioactive materials? Henri Becquerel Wilhelm Roentgen Marie Curie Pierre Curie 4 Newtons Inverse Square Law is useful in radiography because it indicates how the radiation intensity is affected by:

Radiography 50 Question Quiz

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Radiography 50 Question Quiz

~ First name ~ ~ Last name ~

1 X-rays and Gamma rays:

Always travel in a straight line

Can be influenced by an electrical field

Can be influenced by a magnetic field

None of the above

2 Who is given credit for the discovery of X-ray?

Henri Becquerel

Wilhelm Roentgen

Marie Curie

Pierre Curie

3 Who is given credit for the discovery of radioactive materials?

Henri Becquerel

Wilhelm Roentgen

Marie Curie

Pierre Curie

4 Newtons Inverse Square Law is useful in radiography because it indicates how the radiation intensity is affected by:

Radioactive decay

Distance from the source

The size of the source

None of the above

5 When penetrating radiation is directed at a material, the radiation intensity decreases:

Decreases exponentially with increasing material thickness

Increase linearly with increasing material thickness

Decrease linearly with increasing material thickness

None of the above

6 X-rays and Gamma rays are a form of:


Particle radiation

Electromagnetic radiation

Both B and C

7 X-rays and Gamma rays have significant penetrating power due to their:

Short wavelength

Medium wavelength

Long wavelength

Wide range of wavelengths

8 Which of the following is not a strength of radiographic inspection?

It is not limited to material type

It can be used to inspect assembled components

It can detect surface and subsurface features

Access to both side of the test sample is required

9 When using geometric magnefication to produce a radiograph, the penumbra will be reduced by:

A longer exposure

A faster film speed

A smaller source spot size

More X-ray energy

10 The rate at which a radioactive isotope changes to a more stable atom is know as the:

Isotope decay rate




11 X-rays and Gamma rays are often referred to as photons because:

They possess a charge

They have mass

They occur as small packets of energy

None of the above

12 X-rays and Gamma rays present a health risk because they are a form of ionizing radiation, which means that the radiation has enough energy to:

Vibrate water molecules and generate heat

Break chemical bonds

Break physical bonds

None of the above

13 There are four types of radiation-matter interactions that can contribute to the total attenuation. These are:

Compton scattering, pair production, photoelectric absorption, rayleigh scattering

Compton scattering, electron exchange, photoelectric absorption, rayleigh scattering

Electron exchange, pair production, photoelectric absorption, rayleigh scattering

None of the above

14 Attenuation of radiation is due to:



Radioactive decay

Both A and B

15 The number of X-ray or Gamma photons that are transmitted through a material depends on the:

Energy of the photons

Thickness of the material

Atomic number of the material

All of the above

16 Ionizing radiation can be used in industrial radiography because the health hazards:

Have been eliminated with controls and procedures

Are minimized through controls and procedures

Are worth the risk

Are being ignored

17 X-rays and Gamma rays:

Are both affected by radioactive decay

Are both produced by a radioactive atom

Have completely different properties

Differ only in their source

18 The factor that indicates how much attenuation will take place per centimeter is known as the:

Mass attenuation coefficient

Linear attenuation coefficient

Decay rate

Atomic number

19 Which two types of radiation-matter interactions account for the majority of attenuation in typical industrial radiography?

Compton Scattering and photoelectric absorption

Compton Scattering and pair production

Pair production and photoelectric absorption

None of the above

20 The thickness of any given material where 50% of the incident energy has been attenuated is known as the:

Half-value layer

Linear attenuation coefficient

Decay rate

Mass attenuation coefficient

21 Thin sheets of lead foil in contact with the film during exposure increase the film density because:

They act as a filter to harden the radiation beam

They reduce the amount of scatter radiation

Incident radiation liberates electrons which help to expose the film

None of the above

22 Two of the more common industrial Gamma-ray sources are:

Cobalt-60 and iridium-192

Cobalt-60 and plutonium-240

Plutonium-240 and uranium-222

Iridium-192 and Lead-102

23 A specific radioactive source will always produce gamma rays at the same:



Energy levels

None of the above

24 On a film radiograph, an area of high density in the test component will appear:

Lighter than the surrounding area

Darker than the surrounding area

More defined than the surrounding area

Less defined than the sorrounding area

25 After traveling through two half-value layers, the incident radiation has been reduced to:




None of the above

26 In comparison with lower-voltage radiographs, high voltage radiographic images have:

Less contrast sensitivity

Greater contrast sensitivity

Greater amounts of scatter radiation relative to primary beam intensity

Less latitude

27 A radiograph made with an exposure of 8 mAm produces a density of 1.8. The sensitometric curve shows a difference in relative exposure between a density of 1.8 and the target density of 2.5 is 4. What must the new exposure time be to produce a radiograph with a density of 2.5?

4 mAminutes

2 mAminutes

32 mAminutes

None of the above

28 The amount of geometric unsharpness in a radiograph is affected by:

The source to film distance

The source to object distance

The size of the source

All of the above

29 Radiation beam filters are sometime used in X-ray radiography to:

Remove some of the low energy radiation to increase definition

To remove some of the low energy radiation to increase contrast sensitivity

Remove some of the low energy radiation to reduce definition

Both A and B

30 Collimators are used to:

Reduce the radiation beam spread

Filter the radiation beam

Increase film latitude

Decrease film latitude

31 Undercut is the loss of resolution at a sharp, thickness transition area due to:

Scattering within the part



Scattering within the film

32 Bremsstrahlung production of X-rays produces radiation that is composed of:

A small number of very defined energies

A continuous spectrum of energies over some range

Radiation of only one energy

None of the above

33 X-ray generators produce radiation through:

Bremsstrahlung processes

K-shell emmission processes

Radioactive decay

Both A and B

34 Manmade sources of radioactive sources are produced by:

By splitting the nucleus of atoms in the source material

Adding electrons to the source material

Introducing an extra neutron to the atoms of the source material

None of the above

35 Radiographic contrast describe:

The sharpness of lines in a radiograph

The differences in photographic density in a radiograph

The average photographic density in a radiograph

The difference in density between two different radiographs

36 Unexposed X-ray film is comprised of a plastic, transparent base coated with an emulsion containing radiation-sensitive particle known as:

Metalic silver crystals

Silver halide grains

Both A and B

Neither A or B

37 Exposure to ionizing radiation can be limited:

With the use of shielding

By increasing distance form the source

By limiting the time exposed to the radiaiton

All of the above

38 Stationary lab or shop X-ray systems usually rely on what to limit exposure to the radiation?�

Distance controls

Time limits


All of the above

39 Which of the following does not affect radiographic contrast?

Attenuation differences in the component being inspected

The wavelength of the radiaiton used

The amount of scattered radiation

The level of current used for the exposure

40 Film contrast is determined by:

The type of film used

The process by which the film was developed

The radiation energy used

Both A and B

41 The drive cable of a gamma ray exposure device (camera) allows the radiographer to:

Turn on and shut off the gamma rays from a safe distance

Adjust the position of the camera from a safe distance

Move the source in and out of the camera while maintaining a safe distance

None of the above

42 Lowering the energy of the radiation used to produce a radiograph will generally result in:

Less latitude

Higher contrast sensitivity

A Longer exposure time

All of the above

43 When flaws are in unknown locations, radiography is best suited for the detection of:

Volumetric defects such as porosity

Tight linear defects such as cracks

Material delaminations

The flaw type does not matter

44 The main advantage of real-time radiography over film is:

Higher image contrast sensitivity

Inspection can be performed more rapidly

Higher image definition

Lower equipment costs

45 Image quality indicators (IQIs) provide information about the level of:

Resolution and contrast sensitivity

Resolution and film latitude

Contrast sensitivity and latitude

Contrast sensitivity only

46 Image quality indicators are usually placed:

Anywhere on the back side of the film

On the front side of the film near the primary area of interest

On the front side of the test component in an area of similar thickness to the primary area of interest

On the back side of the test component in the area of interest

47 Radiographic inspection should be used for crack detection only when:

The crack is large

The test componet is a casting

The test component is a weldment

The orientation of the crack is known

Computed tomography X-ray techniques allow the test

48 component to be:

Viewed in various cross-sectional slices

Viewed from different angles

Analyzed for chemical composition

None of the above

49 Higher energy radiation will have more:


Incident Intensity

Penetrating power

Both B and C

50 The target of an X-ray tube is often made out of tungsten becuase:

It has a high atomic mass which will result in more X-rays being generated due to atomic particle interactions

It is an inexpensive material that is easy to machine

It have very high thermal conductivity which makes it easy to cool

None of the above

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