RAHU MAHA DASHA General Interpretations General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Rahu are as follows : There may be unhappiness due to various reasons, physical hardships and a state of mindlessness may prevail. There may be fear from thieves, powerful persons, poison and weapons. Children may suffer and separation from children and dear ones may cause unhappiness. One may fear insult and defame from lowly people . Some ill deed may cause defame. There may be a change of job, and residence abroad is possible. Diseases may cause pain and one may be inclined towards quarreling. Rahu will give excellent results. During the excellent Maha Dasha of Rahu, one may attain wealth and there will be an advent of money and religious inclinations. Pious deeds are performed. The dasha of Rahu normally last for 18 years. The 6th and 8th years are the most painful ones. Rahu is exalted in Taurus, Gemini (according to a different viewpoint), and a Mool Trikona in Cancer, Aquarius and a friendly planet in Aries. Specific Interpretations: Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows : One may suffer due to weakness, venereal diseases, cough, asthma and urinary ailments. There may be fear due to the powerful, cheating by thieves and destruction of one's family.


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General Interpretations

General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Rahu are as follows :

There may be unhappiness due to various reasons, physical hardships and a state of mindlessness may prevail.

There may be fear from thieves, powerful persons, poison and weapons. Children may suffer and separation from children and dear ones may cause unhappiness. One may fear insult and defame from lowly people . Some ill deed may cause defame. There may be a change of job, and residence abroad is possible. Diseases may cause pain and one may be inclined towards quarreling. Rahu will give excellent results. During the excellent Maha Dasha of Rahu, one may attain wealth and there will be an

advent of money and religious inclinations. Pious deeds are performed. The dasha of Rahu normally last for 18 years. The 6th and 8th years are the most painful ones. Rahu is exalted in Taurus, Gemini (according to a different viewpoint), and a Mool

Trikona in Cancer, Aquarius and a friendly planet in Aries.

Specific Interpretations:

Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows :

One may suffer due to weakness, venereal diseases, cough, asthma and urinary ailments. There may be fear due to the powerful, cheating by thieves and destruction of one's

family. During this period one may have to earn a living by having a lowly job or business. Good food may not be available and one's spouse and son may behave wickedly. Fear of those in authority, upheavals in business and loss of job is possible. There may be fear of fire, thieves, ailments and harm to religion and work. There may be physical weakness, conflicts in the community, fear of those in high places,

enemies and thieves. Ailments due to cough and urinary problems may arise. Mental agony, enmity with relatives and cheating by friends is possible. There may be disagreement with family members, one's spouse and children may be

ailing. One's mother may suffer pain. Fear and anger of those in high places, problems due to immovable assets and anxiety

related to house and land are possible. There may be loss of wealth and injury or fall from a vehicle.


A high position may be attained and one may be honored in parliament or in huge gatherings and become famous.

One may be endowed with children, spouse and vehicles. There may be occasional hurdles and problems in progress.


Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

The mind may be misled and mental tension increases. Family members like father and brothers may be harmed, wife may be ailing and

conflicts are possible. Loss of wealth, sorrow, ailments, poison and fear of poisonous being prevails, wicked

people may cause agony. Good fortune is possible, away from ones native place and one may have to travel far. Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government),

enthusiasm, and cordial relations with the king (government), happiness from wife and children, and increase in property.

There will be danger from thieves, distress from wounds, antagonism with government officials, destruction of kinsmen, distress to wife and children.

There will be distress and diseases. To obtain relief from the above evil effects Rahu should be worshipped (by recitation of

his mantras) and by giving in charity things connected with or ruled by Rahu.


Effects of Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

Interest in worshipping God and in superior shastras arise. One may undertake religious pilgrimages, seek the company of sages and perform pious,

religious deeds. Fame may be attained in knowledge, friendship with officials, bliss of children and

sufficient wealth may be attained. Ailments and enemies may be overcome, good health and enthusiasm prevails. Effects like gain of position, patience, destruction or foes, enjoyment, cordial relations

with the king (government), regular increase in wealth and property like the growth of Moon of the bright half of the month ( Shukla Paksh), gain of conveyance and cows.

Audience with the king ( high government officials) by performing journey to the West or South East, success in the desired ventures, return to one's homeland, doing good for Brahmins, visit to holy places.

Gain of a village, devotion to deities and Brahmins, happiness from wife, children, and grand children, availability of sweetish preparations daily.

Loss of wealth, obstacles in work defamation, distress to wife and children, heart disease, entrustment of governmental authority, etc.

There will be gains of land, good food , gains of cattle, etc., inclinations towards charitable and religious work.


Loss of wealth, and distress to body. There will be danger of premature death. The person will get relief from the above evil effects and enjoy good health by the

beneficence of the lord Shiva if he worships his idol made of gold.


Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

Imprudent acts may cause losses. There is a possibility of loss of position and incurring the anger of the state.

Quarrels with dear ones, unhappiness for friends and residing in far off lands is possible. One may suffer injury on some part of the body and there may be ailments due to gastric

and blood infection. Effects like pleasure of the king for devotion in his service, auspicious functions like

celebration of marriage, etc at home, construction of a garden, reservoir, etc., gain of wealth and cattle from well to do persons belonging to the Sudra class, loss of wealth caused by the king 9government officials) during journey to the West, reduction in income due to lethargy, return to homeland.

Danger from menials, the king, and enemies, distress to wife and children, distress to kinsmen, disputes with the coparceners, disputes in dealings with others, but sudden gain of ornaments.

There will be heart disease, defamation, quarrels, danger from enemies, foreign journeys, affliction with Gulma (enlargement of the skin), unpalatable food, and sorrows, etc.


Effects of Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

Good health, intelligence and prudence increases. Love for brothers and friends increases and help is attained from friends. Worldly comforts are increased, wealth and progress in business is attained. Auspicious effects like Raj Yog, well being in the family, profits and gain of wealth in

business, comforts of conveyances, marriage and other auspicious functions, increase in the number of cattle, gain of perfumes, comforts of bed, women.

Good results like Raj Yog, beneficence of the king, and gain of wealth and reputation, will be realized particularly on Wednesday in the month of Mercury.

Sound health, Isht Siddhi, attending discourse on Puranas and ancient history, marriage, offering of oblations, charities, religious inclination, and sympathetic attitude towards others.

There will be opprobrium (Ninda) of deities and Brahmins by the native, loss of fortune, speaking lies, unwise actions, fear from snakes, thieves, and the government, quarrels, distress to wife and children.



Effects of Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

There is a possibility of state displeasure and loss of wealth and fame. Wife and son may suffer hardships, animals may die and one may be assaulted by many

problems. There may be pain due to ailments caused by fever etc., fear of thieves, fire, weapons and

poison and by conflicts. One may have to wander, incur state displeasure, suffer from ailments caused by gas and

fever and there may be loss of animals. There will be distress to the body and mental tension. Enjoyment, gain wealth, recognition by the king (government), acquisition gold etc. There will be Isht Siddhi. There will definitely be gain of wealth. Effects like danger from thieves and snakes, distress from wounds, separation from

parents, antagonistic relations with kinsmen, mental agony, etc. There will be distress to the body.


Effects of Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

Very little money may be earned in work and business inspite of immense struggle. Bliss of wife and gain of wealth through her is possible. Friends may cause agony and fear of opposition with the family prevails. One may go abroad and prosper there. Ailments related to urinary organs may occur. Effects like gains of wealth through Brahmins, increase in the number of cattle,

celebrations for the birth of a son, well being, recognition from government, acquisition of a kingdom, attainment of a high position in government, great enjoyment and comforts, etc.

Construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations, happiness from wife and children, association with friends, giving of grains etc., in charity, beneficence of the king (government), gain of conveyances and clothes extraordinary profits in business, celebration of Upasayan ceremony of wearing the sacred thread ('Janou')

There will be diseases, quarrels, separation from one's son or father, distress to kinsmen, disputes with coparceners, danger of death to oneself or to one's employer, unhappiness to wife and children, pain in the stomach, etc.

Enjoyments from perfumes, bed, music, etc., gain of a desired object, fulfillment of desires will be the results.

Effects like danger from the wrath of Brahmins, snakes, and the king (government) possibility of a affliction with diseases like stoppage of urine, diabetes , pollution of blood , anemia, availability of only coarse food, nervous disorder, imprisonment, loss of wealth as a result of penalties or fines imposed by government .

There will be distress to wife and children.



Effects of Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

Many upheavals may be quieted down. Wealth and prosperity and interest in charity and religion increase. Enemies may cause agony and fear of king, poison, fire and weapons prevails. There is a possibility of pain due to eye, heart and infections disease. Effect like cordial relations with the king (government), increase in wealth and grains,

some popularity /respect, some possibility of becoming head of a village, etc. There will be good reputation and encouragement and assistance by government,

journeys to foreign countries, acquisition of the sovereignty of the country, gains of elephants, horse, clothes, ornaments, fulfillment of ambitions, happiness to children.

Fevers, dysentery, other diseases, quarrels, antagonism with the king (government), travels, danger from foes, thieves, fire.

Well being in every way and recognition from kings ( high dignitaries ) in foreign countries.

There will be danger of critical illness .


Effects of Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

Circumstances causing anxiety may arise. There may be a conflict with the dear ones, opposition with friends and increase in the

number of enemies. Money may come in with difficulty and food may be attained. Daughter in law may expire, fear of water prevails and conflicts cause unhappiness. Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of high position in government), respect

from the king ( high officials of government). Gains of wealth, sound health, gains of garments and ornaments, happiness from

children, comforts of conveyances, increase in house and landed property. Beneficence of the Goddess Lakshmi, all round success, increases in wealth and grains,

good reputation, and worship of deities. There will be the creation of disturbances at home and in the agricultural activities by evil

spirits, leopards, and other wild animals, danger from thieves during journeys, and stomach disorders.


Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

- Many upheavals and movements may arise.- Physical pain, lack of enthusiasm and loss of memory are possible.- Position may be lost and fear of king, thieves, fire and weapons prevail.- Public opinion, residing in one's native land, wife and son may be disturbed or harmed.- Effects like the recovery of a lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position in government) and recovery of lost wealth, property at home, and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth,


blessings by the household deity ( Isht Dev) , happiness from children, enjoyment of good food, etc.- There will be acquisition of red coloured garments, journeys, audience with the king (meeting with high governmental officials), well being of children and employer, attainment of the position of a commander of the army, enthusiasm, and gain of wealth through kinsmen.- Distress of wife, children, and co-borns, loss of position, antagonistic relations with children, wife , and other close relations, danger from thieves, wounds and pain in the body.


Remedies for Rahu MahadashaIn Rahu Mahadasha, you should feed some sweet chapatis to a dog of black color. You should donate black sesame and mustard oil. You should keep barley beside your pillow in the night and feed it to birds in the morning. You should cast mirror or coconut and also 43 pieces of brass in running water. You should worship goddess Saraswati. You should wear Cat’s eye in a ring made of silver. Wear it in the middle finger of your right hand.

RahuFor Rahu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Rahu:1. Worship Bhairava or lord Shiva.2. Recite the Kalabhairav asthakam.3. Japa of the rahu beeja mantra: Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah, 18000 times in 40 days.4. Recite the Rahu stotra:Ardha Kaayam maha veryam chandraditya vimardhanamSimhika garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamyaham.5. Donate: Udad dal or coconut on Saturday.6. Fasting on Saturdays.7. Pooja: Bhairav or Shiva or Chandi pooja.8. Wear An 8 mukhi Rudraksha.9. One of the best remedies for rahu is reciting the first chapter of Durga Saptasati.