Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA

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  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


    Business Copy/ Continuous Access Configuration in RaidManager

    Introduction............................................................................................................................ ..... 1HORCM parameter file................................................................................................................ 1

    HORCM_MON Section for monitoring the copy................................................................... 1HORCM_CMD command deice !ection.............................................................................."HORCM_D#$ Source %arget deice li!t..............................................................................."HORCM_INS% &eer in!tance !pecification...........................................................................'

    Sample configuration file!........................................................................................................... (&rimary ) *etc*horcm+.conf....................................................................................................... (Secondary ) *etc*horcm1.conf.................................................................................................. (

    Create a ,C pair.................................................................................................................. ....... -Create a C pair........................................................................................................................../

    Introduction%he Raid Manager 0& i! eing u!ed to manage ,u!ine!! Copy and Continuou! cce!! from

    command line. It re2uire! " parameter file!3 one repre!enting !ource and the other repre!entingthe de!tination 4Replica5. 6ollo7ing i! the !tructure of the parameter file.

    %he parameter file name 7ill e of the format /etc/horcm.conf%he in!tance numer + and 1 7ill e u!ed for ,u!ine!! Copy and the in!tance numer 8 7ill eu!ed for Continuou! cce!!. 9ou 7ill find many reference! to a term HORCM3 a! the original!oft7are 7a! deeloped y HI%CHI. HORCM !tand! for Hitachi Open Remote CopyMechani!m.

    &lea!e note that the Raid Manager run! at the ho!t leel and i! u!ed only for monitoring andmanaging ,C*C. Raid Manager doe! not perform the data copy3 once the command i! e:ecuted4li;e paircreate53 the horcm in!tance i! no longer re2uired for the proce!!ing.

    HORCM parameter file%he parameter file ha! got < !ection!.HORCM_MON Section for monitoring the copyHORCM_CMD command deice !ectionHORCM_D#$ Source %arget deice li!tHORCM_INS% &eer in!tance !pecification

    HORCM_MON Section for monitoring the copy

    %hi! !ection i! u!ed for monitoring and communicating et7een in!tance!. 6ormat ofHORCM_MON i! gien elo7.

    HORCM_MON#ip_address service poll(10ms) timeout(10ms) horcm 1000 3000

    ! the fi!t parameter3 you 7ill hae to !pecify the I& addre!! of the machine.


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


    %he !econd parameter i! the !erice3 of the format horcm. %hi! !hould e definedin *etc*!erice! file a! a udp port3 the port numer! 7ill e in the 11+++ !erie!3 ending 7iththe in!tance numer.

    %he entry for in!tance " in *etc*!erice! !hould loo; !imilar to the one gien elo7.horcm2 11002/udp

    %hird parameter &oll time !pecifie! the interal for monitoring olume pair!. %he time of 1+!econd! i! ;ept 7hich may hae to e increa!ed for Continuou! acce!! pair! !ince the !tatu! 7illneed to e ta;en from a remote 0&.

    6ourth parameter i! the timeout period for communication 7ith the remote host. %hi! i! thetimeout to contact the peer Raid Manager in!tance running at the target machine.

    %he !ample for HORCM_MON i! gien elo7. %hi! 7ill e for the in!tance running in !utle>41+.+."+."853 in!tance +.

    HORCM_MON#ip_address service poll(10ms) timeout(10ms) horcm0 1000 3000

    HORCM_CMD command deice section

    %he !econd !ection i! re2uired for Raid Manager in!tance to communicate 7ith the 0& array.%here 7ill e !ome deice! configured a! command deice! in 0&3 the!e deice! 7ill hae o eli!ted here3 !eparated y !pace!. ?p to 1( horcm in!tance! can !hare one @?N3 eyond 1(3 thecommand deice 7ill hae to e acce!!ed u!ing a different @?N.

    HORCM_CMD#dev_name dev_name/dev/rdsk/ /dev/rdsk/

    Ae can get the aailale command deice! u!ing the command3 the deice type 7ill e !ho7n a!ON)/)CM in the :pinfo command. Ae need the ra7 deice name! 4@?N5.

    xpino !i "rep $%

    /dev/rdsk/c2&t1&d' e1 0 $1 00*00 +,-$% 00002/dev/rdsk/c31t1&d' e 0 $1 00*00 +,-$% 00002/dev/rdsk/c1&t1&d' d1 0 $2 00*00 +,-$% 00002/dev/rdsk/c2t1&d' d& 0 $2 00*00 +,-$% 00002

    %he !ection !hould loo; li;e the one elo7. %hi! 7a! ta;en from Sutle>. t lea!t t7o deice!!hould e !pecified for redundancy.

    HORCM_CMD#dev_name dev_name/dev/rdsk/c2&t1&d' /dev/rdsk/c31t1&d'

    HORCM_D!" Source #arget deice $ist

    %he third !ection i! 7here 7e define the li!t of deice! 7e need to copy.


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


    HORCM_DEV#dev_roup dev_name port# aret45 6#

    HORCM_INST#dev_roup ip_address service

    dd the follo7ing line! to the *etc*!erice!horcm0 11000/udp

    Startup the horcm in!tance + u!ing the 0

    %o get the information 7e need3 7e 7ill hae to u!e the raid!can command. %o get the target idand @?N numer for the @D#$ 1B++ run the command gien elo7.

    raidscan !p x"rep

    %he f: option of raid!can command 7ill !ho7 the @D#$! in he:adecimal 7hich i! the format in7hich 7e can identify them. %he @D#$ 1B++ 7ill hae to e !pecified a! 1++ for thi! command.

    9ou need to !et t7o ariale!3 HORCMINS% to the in!tance numer 7hich you 7ill u!e andHORCC_MRC6 to 1 4indicating ,C3 7e need to u!e the !ame for C al!o to identify the targetid*@?N5.

    :dg li!t dg+1 Egrep Fconfig di!;FEa7; Gprint 8JE!ed !*K*L*deL*rd!;L** Eraid!can find conf

    8 export 9+:$%4-;08 export 9+:$$_%:$=18 raidscan p $1 x"rep 100,+:# /,/$45# 6#..-um(5?#....)...,/; ;tatus 5?#,;e@#,5?#$1 /e/ 0 0 00 .1(100)...........;%, $1 /e/ 0 0 01 .1(100)...........;%, $1 /e/ 0 0 02 .1(100)...........;%,

    %here could e multiple line in the output3 in all of them the target id and @?N numer remain!!ame. See the fir!t highlighted !ection. %he target id and @?N 7ill e + and + for @D#$ 1B++. Aeal!o need to en!ure i! that the !tatu! i! SM&@3 if the !tatu! i! anything el!e then the di!; 7ill e apart of another ,u!ine!! Copy. Ae cannot u!e the di!; if it i! already part of another ,C.

    See the e:ample elo7.8 raidscan p $1 x"rep 132,+:# /,/$45# 6#..-um(5?#....)...,/; ;tatus 5?#,;e@#,5?#$1 /e/ 01 10 .1(132)...........,?+,;6; 132 02 &c$1 /e/ 01 11 .1(132)...........;%, $1 /e/ 01 12 .1(132)...........;%,

    %he @D#$ 1B8" i! already acting a! a primary olume and 7e 7ill not e ale to u!e it in ourconfiguration.

    No7 that 7e ;no7 the target id and @?N of the @D#$ 7hich 7e need to u!e3 7e can create theconfiguration line re2uired for HORCM_D#$ !ection. 6ollo7ing 7ill e the entry for @D#$ 1B++.

    HORCM_DEV#dev_roup dev_name port# aret45 6#roup_Aancs_dAre roup_Aancs_dAre_1 $1 0 0

    Ae 7ill need to generate thi! entry for all the @D#$! that 7e 7ill u!e.%here i! a !cript aailale for generating the deice configuration line!.


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


    %he fir!t parameter3 group name i! the group name defined in HORCM_D#$ !ection. %he !econdone !pecifie! the I& addre!! of the !econdary it i! NO% mandatory to run the !econdary in!tanceat the !econdary machine. ,oth horcm in!tance! can e run in the !ame machine to enale u! tomanage ,u!ine!! Copie! from !ingle machine. %hi! i! the rea!on for u!ing t7o in!tance! 7ithdifferent in!tance id! for u!ine!! copy 4 + and 15.6or Continuou! cce!!3 it may not e po!!ile to manage from !ingle machine3 !ince it 7illre2uire acce!! to the command deice! at the remote 0&3 and !o 7e u!e only one in!tance id 4"5.

    %he entry for thi! !ection !hould loo; li;e the one elo7. %hi! i! the entry for in!tance + on sutlejfor the group group_anc!_dref.

    HORCM_INST#dev_roup ip_address serviceroup_Aancs_dAre horcm1

    Sample configuration files%he !ample parameter file! from the detail!3 7hich 7ere di!cu!!ed aoe3 are gien in thi!!ection. %he part of the parameter file that change! in primary and !econdary i! highlighted. %he

    change! are only in target id3 @? 4HORCM_D#$5 and the peer in!tance 4HORCM_INS%5

    &rimary ' /etc/horcm()conf

    HORCM_MON#ip_address service poll(10ms) timeout(10ms) horcm0 1000 3000

    HORCM_CMD#dev_name dev_name/dev/rdsk/c2&t1&d' /dev/rdsk/c31t1&d'


    #dev_roup dev_name port# aret45 6#roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_0 $1 0roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_1 $1 1roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_2 $1 2roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_3 $1 3

    HORCM_INST#dev_roup ip_address serviceroup_Aancs_test horcm1

    Secondary ' /etc/horcm*)conf

    HORCM_MON#ip_address service poll(10ms) timeout(10ms) horcm0 1000 3000

    HORCM_CMD#dev_name dev_name/dev/rdsk/c2&t1&d' /dev/rdsk/c31t1&d'



  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


    #dev_roup dev_name port# aret45 6#roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_0 $1 roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_1 $1 &roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_2 $1 Broup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_3 $1 '

    HORCM_INST#dev_roup ip_address serviceroup_Aancs_test horcm0

    Create a BC pair

    B2%o create the ,C pair3 update the horcm parameter file!3 *etc*!erice! and !tartup horcmin!tance!.

    8 0 1startin 9+:$% inst 0

    9+:$% inst 0 starts successullD.startin 9+:$% inst 1

    9+:$% inst 1 starts successullD.

    Set the HORCMINS% ariale to the in!tance repre!enting the primary !et of di!;!. In our ca!e it7ill al7ay! e +.

    8 export 9+:$%4-;0

    Set the HORCC_MRC6 to 1.

    8 export 9+:$$_%:$=1

    Do a pairdi!play and en!ure that all the di!;! are in SM&@ mode.

    8 pairdisplaD roup_Aancs_test !xc

    roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_0()($1 00 )02 100.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_0(:) ($1$ 0 )02 2.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_1()($1 10 )02 121.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_1(:) ($1$ &0 )02 a2.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_2()($1 20 )02 11.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_2(:) ($1$ B0 )02 c2.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_3() ($1 30 )02 1B1.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_3(:) ($1$ '0 )02 e2.;%,

    Do a pairdi!play and en!ure that all the @D#$! are in SM&@ mode.#n!ure that the @D#$! 7e need to ma;e a! primary are appearing a! Localindicated y +,- in

    the line.

    No7 run the follo7ing to create the pair.

    8 paircreate roup_Aancs_test !vl

    %he option l !pecifie! that the @D#$! appearing a! Local !hould e made a! primary. %hi!command 7ill return to the prompt immediately3 a! the copy 7ill e happening in the ac;ground.


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA


    Do a pairdi!play again to !ee the !tatu!. %he !tatu! 7ill appear a! &IR 7hen the copy i!complete.

    Create a CA pair

    ?pdate the horcm parameter file!3 *etc*!erice! on oth the !erer! and !tartup horcm in!tance!.

    8 2startin 9+:$% inst 09+:$% inst 0 starts successullD.startin 9+:$% inst 1

    9+:$% inst 1 starts successullD.

    %o create the C pair3 ou need to login to the primar server.

    Set the HORCMINS% ariale to the in!tance repre!enting the primary !et of di!;!. In our ca!e it

    7ill al7ay! e ".

    8 export 9+:$%4-;2

    ?n!et the ariale HORCC_MRC6.

    8 unset 9+:$$_%:$=

    Do a pairdi!play and en!ure that all the di!;! are in SM&@ mode.

    8 pairdisplaD roup_Aancs_test !xc

    roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_0()($1 00 )02 100.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_0(:) ($1$ 0 )02 2.;%,

    roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_1()($1 10 )02 121.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_1(:) ($1$ &0 )02 a2.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_2()($1 20 )02 11.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_2(:) ($1$ B0 )02 c2.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_3() ($1 30 )02 1B1.;%, roup_Aancs_test roup_Aancs_test_3(:) ($1$ '0 )02 e2.;%,

    Do a pairdi!play and en!ure that all the @D#$! are in SM&@ mode.#n!ure that the @D#$! 7e need to ma;e a! primary are appearing a! Localindicated y +,- inthe line.

    No7 run the follo7ing to create the pair.

    8 paircreate roup_Aancs_test !vl ! never

    %he option l !pecifie! that the @D#$! appearing a! Local !hould e made a! primary. %hi!command 7ill return to the prompt immediately3 a! the copy 7ill e happening in the ac;ground.%he option f indicate! the fence leel 4mode of copy53 either !ynchronou! or a!ynchronou!. 6or!ynchronou! replication 7e 7ill e u!ing never3 and for a!ynchronou! replication 7e 7ill e u!ingasnc.

    Do a pairdi!play again to !ee the !tatu!. %he !tatu! 7ill appear a! &IR 7hen the copy i!complete.


  • 8/12/2019 Raid Manager Configuration for BC-CA

