Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track Alex Rothenberg http://alexrothenberg.com @alexrothenberg Pat Shaughnessy http://patshaughnessy.net @patshaughnessy2 Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

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Page 1: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten TrackAlex Rothenberghttp://alexrothenberg.com@alexrothenberg

Pat Shaughnessyhttp://patshaughnessy.net@patshaughnessy2

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 2: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 3: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 4: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 5: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 6: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Using Rails When ...

sharing a development database

there was no documented way to create a new database

our existing database was not built with Rails in mind

the database schema is hard to work with

when you find application code in the databaseThursday, July 22, 2010

Page 7: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Problem 1:

Sharing a development database

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 8: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

From:    ...To:      All DevelopersCc:      ...Date:    07/06/2010 09:47 AMSubject: Dev/QA Databases unavailable.

Hi All,

This is to inform you that all the databases on Dev/QA servers are down due to issues in UNIX file systems. Please find the following list of servers are impacted         - oradbdev-ux01         - oradbdev-ux02         - oradbdev-ux03         - oradbqa-ux01         - oradbqa-ux02

DM team are working on this issue with the Unix team.  We will keep you post the status of the server.  

If you have any concern please let me know.

Thanks & Regards,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 11: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

~ pat$ sqlplus dev/dev@orclSQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jul 14 22:12:06 2010

SQL> exit

~ pat$ sqlplus test/test@orclSQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jul 14 22:12:06 2010


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 12: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Problem 2:

There was no documented way to create the database

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 13: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Migration  def self.up    create_table :people do |t|      t.string :name

      t.timestamps    end  end

  def self.down    drop_table :people  endend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 14: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

my_app pat$ rake db:migrate(in /Users/pat/my_app)

my_app pat$

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 15: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => ...) do

  create_table "people", :force => true do |t|    t.string   "name"    t.datetime "created_at"    t.datetime "updated_at"  end

# Lots more Enterprise crap deleted here...


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 16: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class MigrationZero < ActiveRecord::Migration  def self.up  end

  def self.down  endend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 17: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class MigrationZero < ActiveRecord::Migration  def self.up

    create_table "people", :force => true do |t|      t.string   "name"      t.datetime "created_at"      t.datetime "updated_at"    end

# Lots more Enterprise crap pasted here...


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 18: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

my_app pat$ rake db:populate(in /Users/pat/my_app)Deleting existing people...Loading new people...43 people added.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 19: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Problem 3:

Our existing database was not built with Rails in mind

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 20: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class Person < ActiveRecord::Baseend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 21: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name  :psn_person  set_primary_key :personidend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 22: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name  :psn_person  set_primary_key :personid

  has_many :addresses, :foreign_key => :personidend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 23: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 24: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 25: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Legacy Data Gem

Install:gem install legacy_data


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 26: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

my_app pat$ script/generate models_from_tables

analyzing psn_perdiem => PsnPerdiemanalyzing psn_person => PsnPersonanalyzing psn_personal_info => PsnPersonalInfo


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 27: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name  :psn_person  set_primary_key :personid

  has_many :addresses, :foreign_key => :personid

  validates_presence_of   :first_name  validates_uniqueness_of :employee_idend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 28: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

• User friendly error messages

• Accessible to most of development team

• Easier to write tests

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 29: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Problem 4:

The database schema was hard to work with

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 30: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

SELECT  personid, first_name, last_name, ...FROM  psn_person

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 31: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

SELECT  personid, first_name, last_nameFROM  psn_personINNER JOIN psn_person_extra ON psn_person...INNER JOIN psn_person_career ON psn_person...INNER JOIN psn_person_email  ON psn_person...INNER JOIN pik_position      ON psn_person...INNER JOIN pik_yes_no        ON psn_person...

...and many more...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 32: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base  has_one :person_extra  has_one :person_career  has_one :person_email  belongs_to :pik_position  belongs_to :pik_yes_no

# And many other associations tooend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 33: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 34: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

SELECT id, first_name, last_name, ...FROM  people

SELECT  personid, first_name, last_nameFROM  psn_personINNER JOIN psn_person_extra ON psn_person...INNER JOIN psn_person_career ON psn_person...INNER JOIN psn_person_email  ON psn_person...INNER JOIN pik_position      ON psn_person...INNER JOIN pik_yes_no        ON psn_person...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 35: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class CreatePeopleView < ActiveRecord::Migration  def self.up    execute <<-END_SQL     CREATE VIEW people AS SELECT personid AS id, ... FROM psn_person INNER JOIN ...      ...    END_SQL  end

  def self.down    execute "DROP VIEW people"  endend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 36: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base  default_scope :readonly=>trueend

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 37: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

require 'spec_helper'

describe Person do

  it "should ..." do    Factory :person, :name => 'hilda'    Factory :person, :name => 'fredo'

    # Do something with people # and assert on result ...  end


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 38: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 39: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Problem 5:

We found legacy code in our database

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 40: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 41: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

PROCEDURE MergeAddress ( pCorrectPersonID IN pkgGlobal.tyID, pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId )IStype tyAddressTableIS TABLE OF pkgAddressBase.tyData INDEX BY binary_integer; IDTable tyIDTable; EmptyTable tyAddressTable; CorrectTable tyAddressTable; DuplicateTable tyAddressTable; i INTEGER := 0; primary_count INTEGER := 0; primary_count_for_delete INTEGER := 0; CID pkgGlobal.tyID; SQLStr pkgGlobal.tyData; --PROCEDURE FillTable ( pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId, pTable OUT tyAddressTable )IS aToken pkgGlobal.tyId; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT ADDRESSID, PERSONID, ADDRESSTYPEID, ISPRIMARY, STREET1, STREET2, STREET3, STREET4, CITY, STATEPROVINCEID, POSTALCODE, COUNTRYID, SYSTEMNOTE, ADDRESSNOTE FROM tbAddress WHERE PersonID = pDuplicatePersonID;BEGIN FOR r IN c1 LOOP pTable(r.AddressId).AddressId := r.AddressID; pTable(r.AddressId).PersonID := r.PersonID; pTable(r.AddressId).AddressTypeId := r.AddressTypeId; pTable(r.AddressId).IsPrimary := r.IsPrimary; pTable(r.AddressId).Street1 := r.Street1; pTable(r.AddressId).Street2 := r.Street2; pTable(r.AddressId).Street3 := r.Street3; pTable(r.AddressId).Street4 := r.Street4; pTable(r.AddressId).city := r.city; pTable(r.AddressId).StateProvinceId := r.StateProvinceId; pTable(r.AddressId).postalCode := r.postalCode; pTable(r.Addressid).countryId := r.countryId; pTable(r.Addressid).AddressNote := r.addressNote; pTable(r.Addressid).systemNote := r.systemNote; END LOOP;END;

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PROCEDURE MergeAddress ( pCorrectPersonID IN pkgGlobal.tyID, pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId )IStype tyAddressTableIS TABLE OF pkgAddressBase.tyData INDEX BY binary_integer; IDTable tyIDTable; EmptyTable tyAddressTable; CorrectTable tyAddressTable; DuplicateTable tyAddressTable; i INTEGER := 0; primary_count INTEGER := 0; primary_count_for_delete INTEGER := 0; CID pkgGlobal.tyID; SQLStr pkgGlobal.tyData; --PROCEDURE FillTable ( pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId, pTable OUT tyAddressTable )IS aToken pkgGlobal.tyId; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT ADDRESSID, PERSONID, ADDRESSTYPEID, ISPRIMARY, STREET1, STREET2, STREET3, STREET4, CITY, STATEPROVINCEID, POSTALCODE, COUNTRYID, SYSTEMNOTE, ADDRESSNOTE FROM tbAddress WHERE PersonID = pDuplicatePersonID;BEGIN FOR r IN c1 LOOP pTable(r.AddressId).AddressId := r.AddressID; pTable(r.AddressId).PersonID := r.PersonID; pTable(r.AddressId).AddressTypeId := r.AddressTypeId; pTable(r.AddressId).IsPrimary := r.IsPrimary; pTable(r.AddressId).Street1 := r.Street1; pTable(r.AddressId).Street2 := r.Street2; pTable(r.AddressId).Street3 := r.Street3; pTable(r.AddressId).Street4 := r.Street4; pTable(r.AddressId).city := r.city; pTable(r.AddressId).StateProvinceId := r.StateProvinceId; pTable(r.AddressId).postalCode := r.postalCode; pTable(r.Addressid).countryId := r.countryId; pTable(r.Addressid).AddressNote := r.addressNote; pTable(r.Addressid).systemNote := r.systemNote; END LOOP;END;

FUNCTION CompareValues ( pCorrectTable IN OUT tyAddressTable, pDuplicateTable IN OUT tyAddressTable, pRow IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS i INTEGER := 0; m INTEGER := 0; Ret INTEGER := 0; master_city tbAddress.city%type; master_street1 tbAddress.street1%type; pDuplicate_city tbAddress.city%type; pDuplicate_street1 tbAddress.street1%type; master_countryId pkgGlobal.TyId; shouldModify INTEGER;BEGIN m := pCorrectTable.First; FOR i IN 1..pCorrectTable.Count LOOP SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).city,'See Address Note','CITY1',pCorrectTable(m).city) INTO master_city FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pDuplicateTable(pRow).city,'See Address Note','CITY2',pDuplicateTable(pRow).city) INTO pDuplicate_city FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).street1,'See Address Note','STREET1',pCorrectTable(m).Street1) INTO master_street1 FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street1,'See Address Note','STREET1111',pDuplicateTable(pRow).street1) INTO pDuplicate_street1 FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).countryId,-100,100,pCorrectTable(m).countryId) INTO master_countryId FROM dual; IF master_countryId = pDuplicateTable( pRow ).countryId AND removeSpecial(master_city) = removeSpecial(pDuplicate_city) AND removeSpecial(master_Street1) = removeSpecial(pDuplicate_Street1) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street2,'STREET2')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street2,'STREET2')) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street3,'STREET3')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street3,'STREET3')) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street4,'STREET4')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street4,'STREET4')) AND NVL(pCorrectTable(m).StateProvinceId,999999999999) = NVL(pDuplicateTable( pRow ).StateProvinceId,999999999999) AND NVL(pCorrectTable(m).postalCode,'999999999999') = NVL(pDuplicateTable( pRow ).postalcode,'999999999999') THEN Ret := pkgGlobal.gTrue; IF pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressNote IS NOT NULL THEN pCorrectTable(m).AddressNote := pCorrectTable(m).AddressNote||CHR(10)||'Note from pDuplicate:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressNote ; -- dbms_output.put_line('Moving Column addressNote:'||substr(pCorrectTable(m).addressNote,1,200)||':'||' from Duplicate personId:'||pDuplicateTable(prow).personId||' to master PersonId:'||pCorrectTable(m).PersonId||' record for addressTypeId:'||pCorrectTable(m).addressTypeId); shouldModify := pkgGlobal.gTrue; END IF;

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Page 43: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

PROCEDURE MergeAddress ( pCorrectPersonID IN pkgGlobal.tyID, pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId )IStype tyAddressTableIS TABLE OF pkgAddressBase.tyData INDEX BY binary_integer; IDTable tyIDTable; EmptyTable tyAddressTable; CorrectTable tyAddressTable; DuplicateTable tyAddressTable; i INTEGER := 0; primary_count INTEGER := 0; primary_count_for_delete INTEGER := 0; CID pkgGlobal.tyID; SQLStr pkgGlobal.tyData; --PROCEDURE FillTable ( pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId, pTable OUT tyAddressTable )IS aToken pkgGlobal.tyId; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT ADDRESSID, PERSONID, ADDRESSTYPEID, ISPRIMARY, STREET1, STREET2, STREET3, STREET4, CITY, STATEPROVINCEID, POSTALCODE, COUNTRYID, SYSTEMNOTE, ADDRESSNOTE FROM tbAddress WHERE PersonID = pDuplicatePersonID;BEGIN FOR r IN c1 LOOP pTable(r.AddressId).AddressId := r.AddressID; pTable(r.AddressId).PersonID := r.PersonID; pTable(r.AddressId).AddressTypeId := r.AddressTypeId; pTable(r.AddressId).IsPrimary := r.IsPrimary; pTable(r.AddressId).Street1 := r.Street1; pTable(r.AddressId).Street2 := r.Street2; pTable(r.AddressId).Street3 := r.Street3; pTable(r.AddressId).Street4 := r.Street4; pTable(r.AddressId).city := r.city; pTable(r.AddressId).StateProvinceId := r.StateProvinceId; pTable(r.AddressId).postalCode := r.postalCode; pTable(r.Addressid).countryId := r.countryId; pTable(r.Addressid).AddressNote := r.addressNote; pTable(r.Addressid).systemNote := r.systemNote; END LOOP;END;

FUNCTION CompareValues ( pCorrectTable IN OUT tyAddressTable, pDuplicateTable IN OUT tyAddressTable, pRow IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS i INTEGER := 0; m INTEGER := 0; Ret INTEGER := 0; master_city tbAddress.city%type; master_street1 tbAddress.street1%type; pDuplicate_city tbAddress.city%type; pDuplicate_street1 tbAddress.street1%type; master_countryId pkgGlobal.TyId; shouldModify INTEGER;BEGIN m := pCorrectTable.First; FOR i IN 1..pCorrectTable.Count LOOP SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).city,'See Address Note','CITY1',pCorrectTable(m).city) INTO master_city FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pDuplicateTable(pRow).city,'See Address Note','CITY2',pDuplicateTable(pRow).city) INTO pDuplicate_city FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).street1,'See Address Note','STREET1',pCorrectTable(m).Street1) INTO master_street1 FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street1,'See Address Note','STREET1111',pDuplicateTable(pRow).street1) INTO pDuplicate_street1 FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).countryId,-100,100,pCorrectTable(m).countryId) INTO master_countryId FROM dual; IF master_countryId = pDuplicateTable( pRow ).countryId AND removeSpecial(master_city) = removeSpecial(pDuplicate_city) AND removeSpecial(master_Street1) = removeSpecial(pDuplicate_Street1) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street2,'STREET2')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street2,'STREET2')) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street3,'STREET3')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street3,'STREET3')) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street4,'STREET4')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street4,'STREET4')) AND NVL(pCorrectTable(m).StateProvinceId,999999999999) = NVL(pDuplicateTable( pRow ).StateProvinceId,999999999999) AND NVL(pCorrectTable(m).postalCode,'999999999999') = NVL(pDuplicateTable( pRow ).postalcode,'999999999999') THEN Ret := pkgGlobal.gTrue; IF pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressNote IS NOT NULL THEN pCorrectTable(m).AddressNote := pCorrectTable(m).AddressNote||CHR(10)||'Note from pDuplicate:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressNote ; -- dbms_output.put_line('Moving Column addressNote:'||substr(pCorrectTable(m).addressNote,1,200)||':'||' from Duplicate personId:'||pDuplicateTable(prow).personId||' to master PersonId:'||pCorrectTable(m).PersonId||' record for addressTypeId:'||pCorrectTable(m).addressTypeId); shouldModify := pkgGlobal.gTrue; END IF;

IF pDuplicateTable(pRow).systemNote IS NOT NULL THEN pCorrectTable(m).systemNote := pCorrectTable(m).SystemNote||CHR(10)||'Note from Duplicate:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).systemNote; shouldModify := pkgGlobal.gTrue; END IF; IF shouldModify = pkgGlobal.gTrue THEN -- Clobber added 10/16/03 pCorrectTable(m).clobber := pkgGlobal.gFalse; pkgAddressBase.modify( pCorrectTable(m), pSecure, pCommit ); -- dbms_output.put_line('Moving columns from pDuplicate PersonId:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).PersonID||' to Master PersonId:'||pCorrectTable(m).PersonId||' where data is present in pDuplicate and null in master '); END IF; -- Print pDuplicate Record which is to be deleted -- dbms_output.put_line('pDuplicate Record which is to be deleted...'); -- dbms_output.put_line('ADDRESSID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).addressId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('PERSONID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).personId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('ADDRESSTYPEID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressTypeId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('CITY :'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).city); -- dbms_output.put_line('STATEPROVINCEID:'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).stateProvinceId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('POSTALCODE :'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).PostalCode); -- dbms_output.put_line('COUNTRYID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).countryId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('SYSTEMNOTE :'||substr(pDuplicateTable(pRow).systemNote,1,230)); -- dbms_output.put_line('ADDRESSNOTE :'||substr(pDuplicateTable(pRow).addressNote,1,230)); -- Check if Primary Email exists in Master, if no and the pDuplicate is isPrimary, then move the flag to master BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO primary_count_for_delete FROM tbAddress WHERE personId = pCorrectPersonId AND IsPrimary = 1; IF primary_count_for_delete = 0 AND pDuplicateTable(pRow).IsPrimary = 1 THEN pCorrectTable(m).IsPrimary := 1; pCorrectTable(m).clobber := pkgGlobal.gFalse; pkgAddressBase.Modify( pCorrectTable(m), pSecure, pCommit ); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END; EXIT; ELSE Ret := pkgGlobal.gFalse; END IF; m := pCorrectTable.Next( m ); END LOOP; RETURN Ret;EXCEPTIONWHEN OTHERS THEN pkgException.RaiseOther (SQLCODE, sqlerrm); RETURN Ret; NULL;END;

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 44: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

PROCEDURE MergeAddress ( pCorrectPersonID IN pkgGlobal.tyID, pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId )IStype tyAddressTableIS TABLE OF pkgAddressBase.tyData INDEX BY binary_integer; IDTable tyIDTable; EmptyTable tyAddressTable; CorrectTable tyAddressTable; DuplicateTable tyAddressTable; i INTEGER := 0; primary_count INTEGER := 0; primary_count_for_delete INTEGER := 0; CID pkgGlobal.tyID; SQLStr pkgGlobal.tyData; --PROCEDURE FillTable ( pDuplicatePersonId IN pkgGlobal.tyId, pTable OUT tyAddressTable )IS aToken pkgGlobal.tyId; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT ADDRESSID, PERSONID, ADDRESSTYPEID, ISPRIMARY, STREET1, STREET2, STREET3, STREET4, CITY, STATEPROVINCEID, POSTALCODE, COUNTRYID, SYSTEMNOTE, ADDRESSNOTE FROM tbAddress WHERE PersonID = pDuplicatePersonID;BEGIN FOR r IN c1 LOOP pTable(r.AddressId).AddressId := r.AddressID; pTable(r.AddressId).PersonID := r.PersonID; pTable(r.AddressId).AddressTypeId := r.AddressTypeId; pTable(r.AddressId).IsPrimary := r.IsPrimary; pTable(r.AddressId).Street1 := r.Street1; pTable(r.AddressId).Street2 := r.Street2; pTable(r.AddressId).Street3 := r.Street3; pTable(r.AddressId).Street4 := r.Street4; pTable(r.AddressId).city := r.city; pTable(r.AddressId).StateProvinceId := r.StateProvinceId; pTable(r.AddressId).postalCode := r.postalCode; pTable(r.Addressid).countryId := r.countryId; pTable(r.Addressid).AddressNote := r.addressNote; pTable(r.Addressid).systemNote := r.systemNote; END LOOP;END;

FUNCTION CompareValues ( pCorrectTable IN OUT tyAddressTable, pDuplicateTable IN OUT tyAddressTable, pRow IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS i INTEGER := 0; m INTEGER := 0; Ret INTEGER := 0; master_city tbAddress.city%type; master_street1 tbAddress.street1%type; pDuplicate_city tbAddress.city%type; pDuplicate_street1 tbAddress.street1%type; master_countryId pkgGlobal.TyId; shouldModify INTEGER;BEGIN m := pCorrectTable.First; FOR i IN 1..pCorrectTable.Count LOOP SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).city,'See Address Note','CITY1',pCorrectTable(m).city) INTO master_city FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pDuplicateTable(pRow).city,'See Address Note','CITY2',pDuplicateTable(pRow).city) INTO pDuplicate_city FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).street1,'See Address Note','STREET1',pCorrectTable(m).Street1) INTO master_street1 FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street1,'See Address Note','STREET1111',pDuplicateTable(pRow).street1) INTO pDuplicate_street1 FROM dual; SELECT DECODE(pCorrectTable(m).countryId,-100,100,pCorrectTable(m).countryId) INTO master_countryId FROM dual; IF master_countryId = pDuplicateTable( pRow ).countryId AND removeSpecial(master_city) = removeSpecial(pDuplicate_city) AND removeSpecial(master_Street1) = removeSpecial(pDuplicate_Street1) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street2,'STREET2')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street2,'STREET2')) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street3,'STREET3')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street3,'STREET3')) AND removeSpecial(NVL(pCorrectTable(m).street4,'STREET4')) = removeSpecial(NVL(pDuplicateTable(pRow).street4,'STREET4')) AND NVL(pCorrectTable(m).StateProvinceId,999999999999) = NVL(pDuplicateTable( pRow ).StateProvinceId,999999999999) AND NVL(pCorrectTable(m).postalCode,'999999999999') = NVL(pDuplicateTable( pRow ).postalcode,'999999999999') THEN Ret := pkgGlobal.gTrue; IF pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressNote IS NOT NULL THEN pCorrectTable(m).AddressNote := pCorrectTable(m).AddressNote||CHR(10)||'Note from pDuplicate:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressNote ; -- dbms_output.put_line('Moving Column addressNote:'||substr(pCorrectTable(m).addressNote,1,200)||':'||' from Duplicate personId:'||pDuplicateTable(prow).personId||' to master PersonId:'||pCorrectTable(m).PersonId||' record for addressTypeId:'||pCorrectTable(m).addressTypeId); shouldModify := pkgGlobal.gTrue; END IF;

IF pDuplicateTable(pRow).systemNote IS NOT NULL THEN pCorrectTable(m).systemNote := pCorrectTable(m).SystemNote||CHR(10)||'Note from Duplicate:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).systemNote; shouldModify := pkgGlobal.gTrue; END IF; IF shouldModify = pkgGlobal.gTrue THEN -- Clobber added 10/16/03 pCorrectTable(m).clobber := pkgGlobal.gFalse; pkgAddressBase.modify( pCorrectTable(m), pSecure, pCommit ); -- dbms_output.put_line('Moving columns from pDuplicate PersonId:'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).PersonID||' to Master PersonId:'||pCorrectTable(m).PersonId||' where data is present in pDuplicate and null in master '); END IF; -- Print pDuplicate Record which is to be deleted -- dbms_output.put_line('pDuplicate Record which is to be deleted...'); -- dbms_output.put_line('ADDRESSID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).addressId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('PERSONID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).personId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('ADDRESSTYPEID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).AddressTypeId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('CITY :'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).city); -- dbms_output.put_line('STATEPROVINCEID:'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).stateProvinceId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('POSTALCODE :'||pDuplicateTable(pRow).PostalCode); -- dbms_output.put_line('COUNTRYID :'||to_char(pDuplicateTable(pRow).countryId)); -- dbms_output.put_line('SYSTEMNOTE :'||substr(pDuplicateTable(pRow).systemNote,1,230)); -- dbms_output.put_line('ADDRESSNOTE :'||substr(pDuplicateTable(pRow).addressNote,1,230)); -- Check if Primary Email exists in Master, if no and the pDuplicate is isPrimary, then move the flag to master BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO primary_count_for_delete FROM tbAddress WHERE personId = pCorrectPersonId AND IsPrimary = 1; IF primary_count_for_delete = 0 AND pDuplicateTable(pRow).IsPrimary = 1 THEN pCorrectTable(m).IsPrimary := 1; pCorrectTable(m).clobber := pkgGlobal.gFalse; pkgAddressBase.Modify( pCorrectTable(m), pSecure, pCommit ); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END; EXIT; ELSE Ret := pkgGlobal.gFalse; END IF; m := pCorrectTable.Next( m ); END LOOP; RETURN Ret;EXCEPTIONWHEN OTHERS THEN pkgException.RaiseOther (SQLCODE, sqlerrm); RETURN Ret; NULL;END;

BEGIN ret := upper(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( REPLACE(REPLACE( string1,'!',''),'@',''),'#',''),'$',''), '%',''),'^',''),'&',''),'*',''), '-', ''),'+',''),'',''),'(',''), ')',''),'?',''),',',''),'.',''), '/',''),'=','')); RETURN ret;END;

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 45: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 46: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 47: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

require 'spec_helper'

describe Person do

  it "should merge two duplicates" do    Factory :person, :email => '[email protected]'    Factory :person, :email => '[email protected]'


    Person.count.should == 1  end


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 48: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

my_app pat$ rake spec(in /Users/pat/my_app)..................................................F.....................................................................................

1)RuntimeError in 'Should merge two duplicates'OCIError: ORA-04092:cannot ROLLBACK in a trigger...ORA-01403: no data foundORA-06512: at "HRTEST.PKGAPPBASE", line 1775ORA-04088: error during execution of triggerUPDATE psn_address SET personid = 10543035       WHERE applicationid = 10594482

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 49: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

PROCEDURE updateops

  # ...lots of PL/SQL...

  vQryStr := 'SELECT ... WHERE personid = ' || ppersonid;


  # ...lots more PL/SQL...


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 50: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Oracle Enhanced Adapter

Install: gem install activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 51: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

6357 lines

0 tests

33% failure

322 lines

lots of tests

0.1% failure

Merge Job

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 52: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Using Rails When ...

sharing a development database

there was no documented way to create a new database

our existing database was not built with Rails in mind

the database schema is hard to work with

when you find application code in the databaseThursday, July 22, 2010

Page 53: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Use Rails best practices even when confronted with legacy problems

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Page 54: Rails in the Enterprise: Off the Beaten Track

Thank you!

Alex Rothenberghttp://alexrothenberg.com@alexrothenberg

Pat Shaughnessyhttp://patshaughnessy.net@patshaughnessy2

Thursday, July 22, 2010