8/8/2019 Raising the Standard WINTER 2010-11 FRONT http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/raising-the-standard-winter-2010-11-front 1/1 Austerity measures are given Trafford residents’ input As a nation we are clearly in very difficult economic times. Local government is not exempt from these harsh financial realities and there is no option for councils but to make substantial reductions in spending. Council Tax only funds part of Trafford’s income, the largest element coming from government and this is where the reductions are being applied. Trafford has been run in an efficient manner for most of its history and certainly since 2004, financial control has been very tightly managed. So, there is little scope for cuts that would go un-noticed. Faced with this situation the Council chose to seek the thoughts of Trafford residents using various methods - a survey company, the Trafford website and special Neighbourhood Forums. The exercise even drew the attention of BBC Radio 4 which featured coverage on the ’pm’ news programme praising the depth of the consultation exercise. Now the feedback has been collated, residents’ priorities have been identified and assessments are being made. Undoubtedly the consultation has been invaluable and it has given great insights into how residents feel the problems should be tackled. But, difficult choices cannot be avoided and there will be some that may seem unpalatable. There should, though, be a degree of consolation that these choices are being made with the best level of local input taken into account. Ashton upon Mersey Conservatives Meet your Ashton Councillors Councillors’ Advice Surgeries Every 2 nd and 4 th Saturday of the month, 11am to 12 noon at the Methodist Church Hall, Carrington Lane, Sale. No appointment needed. Promoted by Mike Whetton on behalf of Ashton upon Mersey Conservatives, both c /oThatcher House, Green Lane, Timperley, WA15 8QW Printed by PrintSavers Ltd, 343 Wellington Road North, Stockport, SK4 4QG Mike Whetton is re-selected to fight Council Election Ashton upon Mersey Conservatives have re-selected Councillor Mike Whetton as the candidate to fight the Council elections in May 2011. Mike is currently in his second term as a Ward councillor on Trafford Council having represented Ashton since 2004. Commenting on his re-selection Mike said “I am very pleased to have been given this opportunity to fight the election and retain the Council seat. Since becoming an Ashton councillor I have made every endeavour to represent the residents, to look after their interests and to help individuals and groups where needed. I would relish the chance to continue representing Ashton residents.” Thanking Ward colleagues, Brian Rigby and John Lamb, for their support he added “We recognise how special the area is, with Ashton village at its heart so we work effectively as a team to ensure that the community and its residents are well served by the Council.” Councillors are elected for four year terms and come up for re- election in rotation. The election is on Thursday 5th May 2011. Raising the Standard The newsletter from your Conservative Councillors Winter 2010/2011 Ward Website launched Ashton Ward Councillors have set up a Ward website which features regular news and comment on matters affecting Ashton upon Mersey in particular and Trafford in general. Web-master John Lamb has built many features into the site. Take a look at:- www.ashtonuponmersey.yourcllr.com 

Raising the Standard WINTER 2010-11 FRONT

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8/8/2019 Raising the Standard WINTER 2010-11 FRONT

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/raising-the-standard-winter-2010-11-front 1/1

Austerity measures are givenTrafford residents’ input

As a nation we are clearly in very difficult economic times. Local government isnot exempt from these harsh financial realities and there is no option forcouncils but to make substantial reductions in spending. Council Tax onlyfunds part of Trafford’s income, the largest element coming from governmentand this is where the reductions are being applied. Trafford has

been run in an efficient manner for most of its history and certainlysince 2004, financial control has been very tightly managed. So,there is little scope for cuts that would go un-noticed. Faced withthis situation the Council chose to seek the thoughts of Traffordresidents using various methods - a survey company, the Traffordwebsite and special Neighbourhood Forums. The exercise evendrew the attention of BBC Radio 4 which featured coverage on the’pm’ news programme praising the depth of the consultationexercise.Now the feedback has been collated, residents’ priorities have been identifiedand assessments are being made. Undoubtedly the consultation has beeninvaluable and it has given great insights into how residents feel the problems should be tackled.

But, difficult choices cannot be avoided and there will be some that may seem unpalatable. Thereshould, though, be a degree of consolation that these choices are being made with the best levelof local input taken into account.

Ashton upon Mersey Conservatives 

Meet your Ashton Councillors

Councillors’ Advice SurgeriesEvery 2nd and 4th Saturday of the

month, 11am to 12 noon at theMethodist Church Hall,Carrington Lane, Sale.

No appointment needed.

Promoted by Mike Whetton on behalf of Ashton upon Mersey Conservatives,both c/oThatcher House, Green Lane, Timperley, WA15 8QW

Printed by PrintSavers Ltd, 343 Wellington Road North, Stockport,SK4 4QG

Mike Whetton isre-selected to fightCouncil ElectionAshton upon Mersey Conservatives havere-selected Councillor Mike Whetton asthe candidate to fight the Councilelections in May 2011. Mike is currentlyin his second term as a Ward councilloron Trafford Council having representedAshton since 2004. Commenting onhis re-selection Mike said “I am very pleased to have been giventhis opportunity to fight the election and retain the Councilseat. Since becoming an Ashton councillor I have made everyendeavour to represent the residents, to look after theirinterests and to help individuals and groups where needed. Iwould relish the chance to continue representing Ashtonresidents.”

Thanking Ward colleagues, Brian Rigby and John Lamb, for theirsupport he added “We recognise how special the area is, withAshton village at its heart so we work effectively as a team toensure that the community and its residents are well served bythe Council.”Councillors are elected for four year terms and come up for re-election in rotation. The election is on Thursday 5th May 2011. 

Raising the Standard The newsletter from your Conservative Councillors

Winter 2010/2011

Ward Website launchedAshton Ward Councillors have set up aWard website which features regularnews and comment on matters affectingAshton upon Mersey in particular andTrafford in general. Web-master JohnLamb has built many features into thesite. Take a look at:-
