1318 ›r∂ Råmacaritamånasa or [The Månasa lake brimming over with the exploits of ›r∂ Råma] With Hindi Text and English Translation (A Romanized Edition) Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India


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Page 1: Ramayana


›r∂ Råmacaritamånasaor

[The Månasa lake brimming over with the exploits of ›r∂ Råma]With Hindi Text and English Translation

(A Romanized Edition)

Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India

Page 2: Ramayana

First Edition 2001 5,000 Copies

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Published by Gobind Bhawan-Karyalaya, Gita Press, Gorakhpur

Page 3: Ramayana

Publisherís Note

›r∂ Råmacaritamånasa of Gosvåm∂ Tulas∂dåsa enjoys a unique placeamong the classics of the worldís literature. It is a specimen of mostexquisite poetry and can compare favourably with the best poems of theworld. It was considered to be the best work on Devotion by MahåtmåGåndh∂, the greatest man of the modern world and styled as ëthe perfectexample of the perfect bookí by foreign scholars. It is universally acceptedby all classes of people from Bihar to the Punjab and from the Himålayas tothe Narmadå. According to an old Christian missionary, who is no more inthis world, no one could hope to understand the people of Upper India till hehad mastered every line that Tulas∂dåsa had written.

This universal appeal of the immortal poem encouraged us to publisha faithful and accurate English translation of the book with the original textcritically edited with the utmost care on the basis of most authentic sourcesavailable and was published in Kalyana-Kalpataru in three instalments as thespecial number of the magazine.

For the first time in 1968 it was published in a consolidated formótheoriginal text in Någar∂ with english translation. It was given a hearty welcomeby the readers and since then ten more impressions were brought out.

For sometimes in the past we were pressurised to bring about anedition with Romanized transliteration also of the original text. It was a big joband required herculean labour on the part of the press and with the result thebook is in the hands of the readers.

Gita Press did it with the sole purpose that those also who cannotread Någar∂ script particularly those who have migrated from India andsettled abroad may get themselves benefited and enjoy the greatest epic ofthe world.

It is expected to supply a long-felt desideratum and we shall deem ourlabours amply repaid if the volume finds acceptance with the English-readingpublic. The book will be found illustrated with some of the best picturesavailable in our stock on the life of ›r∂ Råma and relevant to the theme of›r∂ Råmacaritamånasa. With these few words of introduction we take leaveof our kind readers and leave it to them to judge how far we have succeededin preserving intact the beauties of the original in our translation.





Page 4: Ramayana


Soft lights we wave, soft lights display,Before this Lord of S∂tåís layóThe Råmåyaƒa, so sweet and dear,So beautiful, without a peer,Which gods like Brahmå, Nårada sing.The ant-hill sage, soul-seersí king,›uka, ›årada, ›e¶a, boy sages four,The wind-godís son recount this loreWith great delight and voices gay.The holy books their music mixTo sing this gist of ›åstras six,Of all good works, of all good thought;

The wealth of sages; yet what notOf all the saints?ótheir mainstay,Umå and ›a∆kara eíer intone,As well the wise Agastya pot-grown.The crowís, GaruŒaís it heart indwells.The poets great like Vyåsa and elseIn ecstasies this song relay.Shuns sensuous joy, sinsí abluent,The dame of Muktiís ornament;Ambrosial herb rebirth to cure,And parents both, ítis only sure,For Tulas∂dåsa in everyway.

* A hymn of praise addressed to ›r∂ Råmåyaƒa at the time of waving lights while worshipping the same.

An Årat∂ Song*(Rendered into English verse by Madhava ›araƒa M.A., L.L.B.)

›r∂ Råmåyaƒaj∂k∂ Årat∂

•Ê⁄UÁà üÊË⁄UÊ◊ÊÿŸ¡Ë ∑§Ë– ∑§Ë⁄UÁà ∑§Á‹Ã ‹Á‹Ã Á‚ÿ ¬Ë ∑§ËHªÊflà ’˝rÊÔÊÁŒ∑§ ◊ÈÁŸ ŸÊ⁄UŒ– ’Ê‹◊Ë∑§ Á’ÇÿÊŸ Á’‚Ê⁄UŒH‚È∑§ ‚Ÿ∑§ÊÁŒ ‚· •L§ ‚Ê⁄UŒ – ’⁄UÁŸ ¬flŸ‚Èà ∑§Ë⁄UÁà ŸË∑§ËHªÊflà ’Œ ¬È⁄UÊŸ •CÔUŒ‚– ¿U•Ê ‚ÊSòÊ ‚’ ª˝¢ÕŸ ∑§Ê ⁄U‚H◊ÈÁŸ ¡Ÿ œŸ ‚¢ÃŸ ∑§Ê ‚⁄U’‚– ‚Ê⁄U •¢‚ ‚¢◊à ‚’„UË ∑§ËHªÊflà ‚¢Ãà ‚¢÷È ÷flÊŸË – •L§ ÉÊ≈U‚¢÷fl ◊ÈÁŸ Á’ÇÿÊŸËHéÿÊ‚ •ÊÁŒ ∑§Á’’¡¸ ’πÊŸË – ∑§Êª÷È‚È¢Á«U ªL§«U ∑§ „UË ∑§ËH∑§Á‹◊‹ „U⁄UÁŸ Á’·ÿ ⁄U‚ »§Ë∑§Ë– ‚È÷ª ®‚ªÊ⁄U ◊ÈÁQ§ ¡È’ÃË ∑§ËHŒ‹Ÿ ⁄Uʪ ÷fl ◊ÍÁ⁄U •◊Ë ∑§Ë – ÃÊà ◊Êà ‚’ Á’Áœ ÃÈ‹‚Ë ∑§ËHårati ‹r∂råmåyanaj∂ k∂, k∂rati kalita lalita siya p∂ k∂.gåvata brahmådika muni nårada, bålam∂ka bigyåna bisårada.suka sanakådi se¶a aru sårada, barani pavanasuta k∂rati n∂k∂.gåvata beda puråna a¶¢adasa, chao såstra saba gra≈thana ko rasa.muni jana dhana sa≈tana ko sarabasa, såra a≈sa sa≈mata sabah∂ k∂.gåvata sa≈tata sa≈bhu bhavån∂, aru gha¢asa≈bhava muni bigyån∂.byåsa ådi kabibarja bakhån∂, kågabhusu≈Œi garuŒa ke h∂ k∂.kalimala harani bi¶aya rasa ph∂k∂, subhaga si≈gåra mukti jubat∂ k∂.dalana roga bhava mµuri am∂ k∂, tåta måta saba bidhi tulas∂ k∂.

Page 5: Ramayana

1. Invocations............................................ 1

2. Salutations to the Guru ........................ 3

3. Salutations to Bråhmaƒas and

saints .................................................... 4

4. Salutations to the wicked ..................... 7

5. Contrast between saints and the

evil-minded ............................................ 8

6. Salutations to all living beings as

so many images of ›r∂ Råma............ 12

7. Tulas∂dåsaís humility and the glory

of poetry describing ›r∂ Råmaís

greatness ............................................ 16

8. Salutations to the immortal bards ...... 22

9. Salutations to the sage Vålm∂ki, the

Vedas, Brahmå, ›iva, Pårvat∂ and

other gods and goddesses ................. 22

10. Salutations to the abode and

companions of S∂tå and Råma .......... 24

11. Salutations to and the glory of the

Name .................................................. 27

12. The excellences of ›r∂ Råma and

the greatness of His story ................. 42

13. The date of composition of the

Råmacaritamånasa ............................. 44

14. The metaphorical representation of

the Månasa as a lake and its glory ... 48

15. Dialogue between the sages

Yåj¤avalkya and Bharadvåja and

the greatness of Prayåg a ................... 58

16. Sat∂ís bewilderment, ›r∂ Råmaís

divine glory and Sat∂ís remorse ......... 62

17. Repudiation of Sat∂ by ›iva and

›ivaís tranc e ....................................... 67

18. Sat∂ís visit to Dak¶aís sacrifice ......... 72

19. Sat∂ís self-immolation through the fire

of Yoga out of indignation at the

slight offered to Her Spouse by

Her father: destruction of Dak¶aís

sacrifice .............................................. 73

20. Descent of Goddess Pårvat∂ and

Her penance ....................................... 75

21. ›r∂ Råmaís intercession with

Bhagavån ›iva for marriage ............... 84

22. Pårvat∂ís unique fidelity as revealed

through Her test by the seven seers .... 85

23. Loveís departure on the errand of

the gods and his being burnt to

death ................................................... 90

24. ›ivaís boon to Rati (Loveís consort) ... 94

25. The godís prayer to ›iva for

marriage; the seven seersí visit to

Pårvat∂ ................................................. 95

›r∂ Råmacaritamånasa

ContentsSubject Page No.

1. An Årat∂ Song (by Gosvåm∂ Tulas∂dåsa) .... iv2. Procedure for Reciting the Råmacaritamånasa .... xiii

Descent I(Båla-K僌a)

Page 6: Ramayana

[ VI ]

26. ›ivaís peculiar marriage procession

and preparations for the wedding

(undertaken by the other party) .......... 98

27. ›ivaís nuptials ...................................109

28. A dialogue between ›iva and

Pårvat∂ ................................................115

29. Causes of ›r∂ Råmaís Descent ........128

30. Egoís sway over Nårada and the

effect of the Lordís Måyå..................133

31. Princess Vi‹vamohin∂ís self-election

of a husband; Nåradaís pronouncing

a curse on the attendants of ›iva as

well as on the Lord Himself and his

subsequent freedom from the spell

of infatuation ......................................138

32. The austerities of Manu and ›atarµupå

and their receiving a boon from

the Lord .............................................145

33. The story of king Pratåpabhånu........154

34. The birth of Råvaƒa and his brothers,

their austerities, supremacy and

tyranny ...............................................174

35. The piteous appeal of mother Earth

and other gods ..................................182

36. The Lordís compassion on them.......185

37. King Da‹arathaís sacrifice for the

birth of a son and his queenís

pregnancy ..........................................187

38. The Lordís manifestation and the

delightful nature of His childish

sports .................................................189

39. Vi‹våmitra visits king Da‹aratha

and asks for ›r∂ Råma and

Lak¶maƒa ..........................................203

40. Protection of Vi‹våmitraís sacrifice ... 206

41. Redemption of Ahalyå .......................208

42. Entry of Vi‹våmitra with Råma and

Lak¶maƒa into the precincts of

Mithilå ................................................209

43. Janakaís ecstasy of love at the

sight of Råma and Lak¶maƒa ...........213

44. A visit to the town by Råma and

Lak¶maƒa ..........................................215

45. ›r∂ Råmaís visit to Janakaís garden;

Råma and S∂tå catch sight of each

other ...................................................223

46. Worship of Goddess Pårvat∂ by S∂tå,

Her receiving a blessing from the

Goddess and a dialogue between

Råma and Lak¶maƒa ........................229

47. ›r∂ Råmaís entry into the pavilion

erected for the Bow-Sacrifice along-

with Lak¶maƒa.................................... 234

48. S∂tåís entry into the pavilion .............240

49. Proclamation of Janakaís vow by

his heralds .........................................242

50. The princesí failure to lift the bow and

Janakaís despondent utterance .........243

51. Lak¶maƒaís fulmination and throwing

a challenge to Janaka .......................245

52. The breaking of the Bow...................252

53. S∂tå places the wreath of victory

round Råmaís neck ...........................254

54. Arrival of Para‹uråma, exchange of

hot words between Lak¶maƒa and

Para‹uråma and ›r∂ Råmaís triumph

over the latter ....................................258

55. Janakaís despatching of messengers

to Ayodhyå and departure of the

marriage procession from there ..........274

56. Arrival of the marriage procession and

its reception etc., at Janakapura .......289

57. The wedding of S∂tå and Råma

and Their farewell ..............................297

58. Return of the marriage procession

to Ayodhyå and rejoicing in the city ....337

59. The glory of hearing and singing

the story of ›r∂ Råma .......................348

Page 7: Ramayana

60. Invocations.........................................351

61. Preparations for ›r∂ Råmaís installation

as the Prince Regent of Ayodhyå;

the godís concern over the same and

their approaching Goddess Sarasvat∂

for help ..............................................355

62. Sarasvat∂ perverts the mind of

Mantharå (a handmaid of queen

Kaikey∂); a dialogue between Kaikey∂

and Mantharå .....................................362

63. Kaikey∂ enters the sulking-chamber .....371

64. Dialogue between king Da‹aratha

and Kaikey∂; Da‹arathaís lamentation;

Sumantra goes to the palace and,

returning from it, sends ›r∂ Råma to

His father ...........................................373

65. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and

mother Kaikey∂ ...................................387

66. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and His

father; the sadness of the people of

Ayodhyå; their remonstrances with

Kaikey∂ ...............................................390

67. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and

mother Kausalyå ................................397

68. Dialogue between S∂tå and ›r∂ Råma ..... 405

69. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma, Kausalyå

and S∂tå .............................................412

70. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and

Lak¶maƒa ..........................................413

71. Dialogue between Lak¶maƒa and

mother Sumitrå ..................................416

72. ›r∂ Råma, Lak¶maƒa and S∂tå call on

king Da‹aratha to take leave of

him; Da‹arathaís advice to S∂tå ........419

73. ›r∂ Råma, S∂tå and Lak¶maƒa proceed

to the woods and slip past the

citizens buried in slumber ..................421

74. ›r∂ Råmaís arrival at ›æ∆gaverapura;

the Ni¶åda chiefís services ...............428


75. Dialogue between Lak¶maƒa and

the Ni¶åda; Sumantraís dialogue

with ›r∂ Råma and S∂tå and his

returning to Ayodhyå .........................431

76. The boatmanís love and the passage

across the Ga∆gå ..............................439

77. Arrival at Prayåga and dialogue with

the sage Bharadvåja; the love of the

people inhabiting the bank of the

Yamunå ..............................................445

78. The episode of an ascetic ................449

79. ›r∂ Råma greets the Yamunå; love

of the villagers ...................................450

80. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and

the sage Vålm∂ki ...............................461

81. ›r∂ Råma takes up His abode at

Citrakµu¢a; the services of the Kolas

and Bh∂las ..........................................468

82. Sumantra returns to Ayodhyå and

finds the city a picture of grief .........481

83. Dialogue between king Da‹aratha

and Sumantra, Da‹arathaís passing

away ..................................................482

84. The sage Vasi¶¢ha sends envoys

to call Bharata ...................................490

85. Arrival and lamentation of Bharata

and ›atrughna ...................................491

86. Dialogue between Bharata and mother

Kausalyå and king Da‹arathaís

cremation ...........................................495

87. Dialogue between the sage Vasi¶¢ha

and Bharata; Bharata prepares for a

journey to Citrakµu¢a in order to

bring ›r∂ Råma back to Ayodhyå .....500

88. Departure of Bharata and ›atrughna

with the citizens of Ayodhyå to the

woods .................................................515

89. The Ni¶ådaís suspicion and


Descent II(Ayodhyå-K僌a)

Page 8: Ramayana


90. Bharataís meeting and dialogue with

the Ni¶åda chief; the love of Bharata

and the citizens of Ayodhyå for

›r∂ Råma ...........................................521

91. Bharataís arrival at Prayåga and

dialogue between Bharata and the

sage Bharadvåja ................................531

92. Bharadvåja shows hospitality to

Bharata ..............................................539

93. Dialogue between Indra and his

preceptor (the sage Bæhaspati) ..........543

94. Bharata on his way to Citrakµu¢a .......547

95. S∂tåís dream; the Kolas and Kiråtas bring

news of Bharataís arrival to ›r∂ Råma;

›r∂ Råmaís concern at the report;

Lak¶maƒaís outburst of passion .........551

96. ›r∂ Råma admonishes Lak¶maƒa

and dwells on Bharataís greatness .....556

97. Bharata takes a dip in the Mandåkin∂

and arrives at Citrakµu¢a; Bharata and

others meet one another, mourn the

kingís death and perform his ›råddha

(after-death ceremonies) ....................558

98. Hospitality of the foresters towards

Bharata and his party; Kaikey∂ís remorse ....... 573

99. Vasi¶¢haís speech .............................577

100. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma, Bharata

and others ..........................................583

101. King Janakaís arrival at Citrakµu¢a; the

Kolas and Kiråtas offer presents to the

visitors and all meet one another .....596

102. Dialogue between queens Kausalyå

and Sunayanå (king Janakaís wife);

S∂tåís amiability .................................602

103. Dialogue between king Janaka and

his wife; Bharataís glory ....................608

104. Dialogue between king Janaka and

Bharata; Indraís anxiety; Goddess

Sarasvat∂ís admonition to Indra .........612

105. Dialogue between the sage Vasi¶¢ha,

›r∂ Råma and Bharata .......................617

106. Bharata deposits the sacred waters;

his perambulation through Citrakµu¢a .....629

107. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and

Bharata; the gift of sandals; Bharataís

farewell ...............................................632

108. Returning to Ayodhyå, Bharata

enthrones the sandals and takes up

his residence at Nandigråma; the

virtue of listening to Bharataís story .....635

Descent III(Araƒya-K僌a)

109. Invocations.........................................647

110. Jayantaís mischief and punishment .....648

111. Meeting with the sage Atri and his

hymn of praise to ›r∂ Råma .............650

112. S∂tåís meeting with Anasµuyå (Atriís

wife) and the latterís discourse on

the duties of a devoted wife .............653

113. ›r∂ Råma proceeds further and kill

Virådha; the episode of the sage

›arabha∆ga ........................................657

114. ›r∂ Råma takes a vow to kill the

demons ..............................................659

115. Sut∂k¶ƒaís love and ›r∂ Råmaís meeting

with the sage Agastya; dialogue with

Agastya; ›r∂ Råmaís entry into the

DaƒŒaka forest and His meeting

with Ja¢åyu ........................................659

116. ›r∂ Råma takes up His abode at

Pa¤cava¢∂; dialogue between ›r∂ Råma

and Lak¶maƒa ...................................667

117. The story of ›µurpaƒakhå; her

approaching Khara, Dµu¶aƒa and Tri‹irå

for redress and their subsequent

death at ›r∂ Råmaís hands .................670

Page 9: Ramayana


118. ›µurpaƒakhå approaches Råvaƒa; S∂tå

enters into the fire leaving Her

shadow behind ...................................678

119. The episode of Mår∂ca and how he

was killed in the form of a gold

deer ....................................................682

120. S∂tåís abduction and Her wail ...........686

121. The combat of Ja¢åyu with Råvaƒa ....688

122. ›r∂ Råmaís lament; His meeting

with Ja¢åyu ........................................690

123. Deliverance of Kabandha ...................695

124. Grace on ›abar∂; a discourse on the

nine forms of Devotion and departure

for the Pampå lake ...........................696

125. A description of the spring; Nåradaís

meeting with ›r∂ Råma ......................703

126. Dialogue between the sage Nårada

and ›r∂ Råma ....................................705

127. The glory of hearing the praises of

›r∂ Råma and an exhortation to

cultivate fellowship with saints and

practise adoration ..............................707

Descent IV(Ki¶kindhå-K僌a)

128. Invocations.........................................711129. ›r∂ Råmaís meeting with Hanumån

and the conclusion of an alliancebetween ›r∂ Råma and Sugr∂va ........712

130. Sugr∂va apprizes ›r∂ Råma of his woes;the latterís vow to kill Våli; ›r∂ Råmaexpatiates on the characteristicsof a friend ..........................................717

131. Sugr∂vaís dispassion ..........................718

132. Duel between Våli and Sugr∂va;deliverance of Våli .............................721

133. Tåråís wail; ›r∂ Råmaís advice toTårå and Sugr∂vaís coronation andA∆gadaís installation as his Heir-Apparent .............................................724

134. A description of the rainyseason ...............................................726

135. ›r∂ Råmaís show of displeasuretowards Sugr∂va and Lak¶maƒaís

wrath ..................................................731136. Dialogue between Sugr∂va and

›r∂ Råma and the departure of themonkeys in quest of S∂tå..................733

137. Their meeting with a hermitess ina cavern .............................................737

138. The monkeysí arrival at the seashore;

their meeting and conversation withSampåt∂ (Ja¢åyuís brother) ..................738

139. Sampåt∂ís advice to the monkeys toleap across the ocean; Jåmbavånencourages Hanumån by remindinghim of his strength ............................742

140. The greatness of ›r∂ Råmaíspraises ...............................................744

Descent V(Sundara-K僌a)

141. Invocations.........................................745

142. Hanumån leaves for La∆kå, meets

Suraså and kills the image-catching

demoness ..........................................746

143. Description of La∆kå; Hanumån strikes

La∆kin∂ and enters La∆kå ..................749

144. Hanumån meets Vibh∂¶aƒa ................752

145. Hanumånís grief at the sight of S∂tå

in the A‹oka grove and Råvaƒaís

threat to S∂tå .....................................754

146. Trija¢åís dream ...................................757

147. Dialogue between S∂tå and Trija¢å ....757

148. Dialogue between S∂tå and

Hanumån ...........................................759

Page 10: Ramayana


149. Hanumån lays waste the A‹oka grove

and kills prince Ak¶aya; at last

Meghanåda entangles Hanumån in a

noose of serpents and carries him

off to Råvaƒaís court ........................764

150. Dialogue between Hanumån and

Råvaƒa ...............................................766

151. Burning of La∆kå ...............................771

152. After burning La∆kå Hanumån asks

leave of S∂tå and obtains the

crest-jewel from Her ..........................772

153. On Hanumånís reaching the opposite

shore all the monkeys return and

enter Madhuvana; their meeting with

Sugr∂va and the dialogue between

›r∂ Råma and Hanumån ....................773

154. ›r∂ Råmaís march to the beach

alongwith the army of monkeys ........779

155. Dialogue between Mandodar∂ and

Råvaƒa ...............................................781

156. Vibh∂¶aƒa offers advice to Råvaƒa

and meets with an affront at the

latterís hands ......................................783

157. Vibh∂¶aƒa sallies forth to obtain ›r∂

Råmaís protection and secures it .....786

158. Deliberation over the question of

crossing the sea; appearance of ›uka,

a spy of Råvaƒa, and his return with

Lak¶maƒaís letter ..............................793

159. The spy gives counsel to Råvaƒa

and delivers Lak¶maƒaís note to

him .....................................................797

160. ›r∂ Råmaís fury against the sea

and the latterís supplication ..............801

161. Glory of hymning ›r∂ Råmaís

praises ................................................804

Descent VI(La∆kå-K僌a)

162. Invocations.........................................805

163. Bridging of the ocean by Nala

and N∂la; ›r∂ Råmaís installation of

›r∂ Råme‹vara ...................................807

164. ›r∂ Råma crosses the ocean with the

whole army and encamps on Mount

Suvela; Råvaƒa feels agitated at

the news ............................................809

165. Mandodar∂ expostulates with Råvaƒa;

dialogue between Råvaƒa and

Prahasta (his son) .............................811

166. A mental view of ›r∂ Råma on Mount

Suvela and a description of the

rising moon.........................................816

167. An arrow from ›r∂ Råmaís bow

strikes down Råvaƒaís diadems

and umbrella ......................................819

168. Mandodar∂ makes remonstrance with

Råvaƒa again and dwells upon

›r∂ Råmaís glory ................................819

169. A∆gadaís departure for La∆kå and

dialogue between A∆gada and

Råvaƒa in the latterís court ...............823

170. Mandodar∂ offers advice to Råvaƒa

once more ..........................................843

171. Dialogue between A∆gada and ›r∂

Råma; conflict actually begins ..........845

172. Målyavånís admonition to Råvaƒa ....855

173. The battle recommences; encounter

between Lak¶maƒa and Meghanåda;

a javelin thrown by the latter strikes

Lak¶maƒa in the breast ....................857

174. Hanumån fetches the physician Su¶eƒa

and proceeds in quest of the life-giving

herb; dialogue between Kålanemi and

Råvaƒa, redemption of the she-alligator;

deliverance of Kålanemi .....................862

175. Struck by Bharataís arrow, Hanumån

drops down unconscious; dialogue

between Bharata and Hanumån ........865

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176. ›r∂ Råmaís sport of a frantic wail;Hanumånís return; Lak¶maƒaís coming

back to consciousness......................867177. Råvaƒa awakes Kumbhakarƒa;

Kumbhakarƒaís exhortation to Råvaƒaand dialogue between Vibh∂¶aƒaand Kumbhakarƒa ..............................869

178. Kumbhakarƒa joins the conflict and

attains final beatitude ........................871179. Meghanåda gives battle and

›r∂ Råma sportfully allows Himselfto be bound by a snare of serpents 880

180. Destruction of Meghanådaís sacrificialperformance; his engagement on the

battle-field and deliverance at thehands of Lak¶maƒa ............................883

181. Råvaƒaís march to the field of battle;›r∂ Råmaís victory-chariot and anencounter between the monkeysand the demons.................................886

182. Encounter between Lak¶maƒa andRåvaƒa ...............................................893

183. Råvaƒaís swoon; destruction of hissacrificial performance; combatbetween ›r∂ Råma and Råvaƒa ........895

184. Indra (the lord of paradise) sends achariot for the use of ›r∂ Råma; encounter

between ›r∂ Råma and Råvaƒa...........901185. Råvaƒa hurls a lance at Vibh∂¶aƒa :

›r∂ Råma puts Vibh∂¶aƒa behind Himand exposes Himself to its full force;encounter between Vibh∂¶aƒa and Råvaƒa ..... 908

186. Combat of Råvaƒa and Hanumån;Råvaƒa creates illusions and ›r∂ Råma

disperses the phantoms ....................909187. Fierce fighting; Råvaƒaís swoon .......912188. Dialogue between S∂tå and

Trija¢å .................................................914189. Final encounter between ›r∂ Råma

and Råvaƒa; end of Råvaƒa; shouts

of victory everywhere ........................919190. Mandodar∂ and other queens lament;

Råvaƒaís funeral ................................923191. Vibh∂¶aƒaís installation ......................926192. Hanumån carries the happy news to

S∂tå; S∂tå rejoins ›r∂ Råma and enters

fire as a test of her purity ................927193. The gods sing the Lordís praises;

Indra rains down nectar on thedead ...................................................932

194. Vibh∂¶aƒaís entreaty; ›r∂ Råmaísportrayal and Bharataís condition due

to the excessive love he bore towardsthe Lord; ›r∂ Råma urges Vibh∂¶aƒato arrange His speedy return toAyodhyå .............................................939

195. Vibh∂¶aƒa rains down clothes andornaments from the air and themonkeys and bears pick them

up and adorn their person withthem ...................................................941

196. ›r∂ Råma and S∂tå leave for Ayodhyåon the aerial car, Pu¶paka ................943

197. The glory of ›r∂ Råmaís story ..........947

Descent VII(Uttara-K僌a)

198. Invocations.........................................949199. Bharataís desolation; meeting of

Bharata and Hanumån; rejoicing inAyodhyå .............................................950

200. ›r∂ Råmaís Reception; meeting withBharata; universal rejoicing on meeting›r∂ Råma ............................................956

201. ›r∂ Råmaís Coronation; VedasíAlleluia; Lord ›ivaís Alleluia ..............965

202. ›r∂ Råma bestows parting presentson the monkeys and the Ni¶ådachief ...................................................973

203. Account of ›r∂ Råmaís Reign ...........976204. Birth of sons to the four brothers;

Ayodhyåís loveliness; arrival ofthe sage Sanaka and his threebrothers and their dialogue with›r∂ Råma ...........................................981

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205. Hanumånís introduction to Bharataís

question and ›r∂ Råmaís discourse

on the subject ...................................992

206. ›r∂ Råmaís exhortation to His

subjects (›r∂ Råma-G∂tå); the

citizensí acknowledgement ................997

207. Dialogue between ›r∂ Råma and

the sage Vasi¶¢ha; ›r∂ Råmaís

excursion to a mango grove in the

company of His brothers ................. 1002

208. Nåradaís visit and return to Brahmåís

abode after hymning the Lordís

praises ............................................. 1005

209. Dialogue between Lord ›iva and

Goddess Pårvat∂; GaruŒaís delusion;

GaruŒa listens to ›r∂ Råmaís story

and to an account of His glory

from Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi .......................... 1006

210. Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi narrates the story

of his previous lives and tells

GaruŒa the glory of the Kali

age ................................................... 1050

211. Insult offered by him to his preceptor

in a previous birth and the curse

pronounced on him by Lord ›iva ...... 1061

212. A hymn of eight verses addressed

to Lord ›iva ..................................... 1063

213. Guruís appeal to Lord ›iva for

forgiving the wrong; mollification

of the curse; continuation of

Kåkabhu‹uƒŒiís narrative ................ 1065

214. Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi approaches the sage

Loma‹a, who first pronounces a

curse on him but later on showers

his grace and bestows a boon on him 1069

215. Delineation of Gnosis and Devotion;

a description of the Lamp of wisdom

and the surpassing glory of Devotion 1076

216. Seven questions of GaruŒa and

Kåkabhu‹uƒŒiís replies to them ...... 1086

217. Glory of adoration ............................ 1089

218. Greatness of the Råmåyaƒa;

Tulas∂dåsaís prayer and reward of

reciting this poem ............................ 1091


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Procedure of Reciting the Råmacaritamånasa

Those who undertake to read the Råmacaritamånasa according to the correctprocedure should before commencing the reading invoke and worship the author.Gosvåm∂ Tulas∂dåsa, the sage Vålm∂ki, Lord ›iva and ›r∂ Hanumån, and then invoke theDivine Couple, S∂tå and Råma, alongwith ›r∂ Råmaís three divine brothers (Bharata,Lak¶maƒa and ›atrughna), offer them the sixteenfold worship and meditate on them. Thereading should be commenced after that.


ÃÈ‹‚Ë∑§ Ÿ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ‡ÊÈÁøfl˝Ã – ŸÒ´¸§àÿ ©U¬Áfl‡ÿŒ¢ ¬Í¡Ÿ¢ ¬˝ÁêÎsÔÃÊ◊˜H 1H˙ ÃÈ‹‚ˌʂÊÿ Ÿ◊—–

ìObeisance to you, O Tulas∂dåsa ! Please come here, O saint of holy vows.Taking your seat in the south-west, accept this homage. Obeisance to Tulas∂dåsa.î

üÊËflÊÀ◊Ë∑§ Ÿ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ‡ÊÈ÷¬˝Œ – ©UûÊ⁄U¬Ífl¸ÿÙ◊¸äÿ ÁÃDÔU ªÎ ÔUËcfl ◊ ø¸Ÿ◊˜H 2H˙ flÊÀ◊Ë∑§Êÿ Ÿ◊—–

ìObeisance to you, O Vålm∂ki ! Pray come here, O bestower of blessings ! Takeyour seat in the north-east and accept my homage. Obeisance to Vålm∂ki.î

ªÊÒ⁄Uˬà Ÿ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ◊„UE⁄U – ¬Ífl¸ŒÁˇÊáÊÿÊ◊¸äÿ ÁÃDÔ ¬Í¡Ê¢ ªÎ„UÊáÊ ◊H 3H˙ ªÊÒ⁄UˬÃÿ Ÿ◊—–

ìObeisance to You, O Spouse of Gaur∂ (Pårvat∂) ! Pray come here, O mighty Lord.Kindly take Your seat in the south-east and accept my homage. Obeisance to theSpouse of Gaur∂.î

üÊË‹ˇ◊áÊ Ÿ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ‚„UÁ¬˝ÿ— – ÿÊêÿ÷ʪ ‚◊ÊÁÃDÔU ¬Í¡Ÿ¢ ‚¢ªÎ„UÊáÊ ◊H 4H˙ üÊË‚¬%Ë∑§Êÿ ‹ˇ◊áÊÊÿ Ÿ◊—–

ìObeisance to you, O Lak¶maƒa; please come here with your beloved consort(Urmilå). Kindly occupy the southern quarter of the altar, and accept my homage.Obeisance to Lak¶maƒa with his consort.î

üÊˇÊòÊÈÉÊA Ÿ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ‚„UÁ¬˝ÿ— – ¬Ë∆USÿ ¬Áp◊ ÷ʪ ¬Í¡Ÿ¢ SflË∑ȧL§cfl ◊H 5H˙ üÊË‚¬%Ë∑§Êÿ ‡ÊòÊÈÉÊAÊÿ Ÿ◊—–

ìObeisance to you, O ›atrughna ! Please come here with your beloved consort(›rutak∂rti). Seating yourself in the western quarter of this altar pray accept my homage.Obeisance to ›atrughna with his consort.î

üÊË÷⁄Uà Ÿ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ‚„UÁ¬˝ÿ— – ¬Ë∆U∑§SÿÊûÊ⁄U ÷ʪ ÁÃDÔU ¬Í¡Ê¢ ªÎ„UÊáÊ ◊H 6H˙ üÊË‚¬%Ë∑§Êÿ ÷⁄UÃÊÿ Ÿ◊—–

ìObeisance to you, O Bharata! Pray come here with your beloved consort(M僌av∂), Please sit down in the northern quarter of the altar and accept my homage.Obeisance to Bharata and his wife.î

üÊË„UŸÈ◊ÛÊ◊SÃÈèÿÁ◊„Uʪë¿U ∑Χ¬ÊÁŸœ – ¬Ífl¸÷ʪ¢ ‚◊ÊÁÃDÔU ¬Í¡Ÿ¢ SflË∑ȧL§ ¬˝÷ÊH 7H˙ „UŸÈ◊à Ÿ◊—–

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ìObeisance to you, O Hanumån! Pray come here, O mine of compassion.Please occupy the eastern quarter and accept my homage, O Lord! Obeisance toHanumån.î

•Õ ¬˝œÊŸ¬Í¡Ê ø ∑§Ã¸√ÿÊ ÁflÁœ¬Ífl¸∑§◊Ô – ¬Èc¬ÊTÁ‹¢ ªÎ„UËàflÊ ÃÈ äÿÊŸ¢ ∑ȧÿÊà¬⁄USÿ øH 8H

The principal deity (›r∂ Råma accompanied by His Consort, S∂tå) should then beworshipped with due ceremony. Taking flowers in the hollow of his or her palms thereader should meditate on the Supreme Deity (›r∂ Råma) in the light of the followingverse:ó

⁄UQ§Êê÷Ê¡Œ‹ÊÁ÷⁄UÊ◊ŸÿŸ¢ ¬ËÃÊê’⁄UÊ‹VÔâ ‡ÿÊ◊ÊXÔ¢U Ám÷È¡¢ ¬˝‚ÛÊflŒŸ¢ üÊË‚ËÃÿÊ ‡ÊÊÁ÷Ã◊˜Ô–∑§ÊL§áÿÊ◊ÎÂʪ⁄¢U Á¬˝ÿªáÊÒ÷˝Ê¸òÊÊÁŒÁ÷÷ʸÁflâ flãŒÁflcáÊÈÁ‡ÊflÊÁŒ‚√ÿ◊ÁŸ‡Ê¢ ÷Q§CÔUÁ‚Áh¬˝Œ◊ÔH 9H

ìI ever adore ›r∂ Råma, whose charming eyes resemble the petals of a red lotus,who is clad in yellow raiments and has a dark-brown form endowed with a pair of arms,who wears a cheerful countenance, is accompanied by ›r∂ S∂tå, and is an ocean ofnectar in the form of mercy, who is waited upon even by Vi¶ƒu, ›iva and others and ismeditated upon alongwith His three brothers and other favourite attendants (Hanumån,Vasi¶¢ha and others) and who grants the desire of His devotees.î

•Êªë¿U ¡ÊŸ∑§ËŸÊÕ ¡ÊŸÄÿÊ ‚„U ⁄UÊÉÊfl – ªÎ„UÊáÊ ◊◊ ¬Í¡Ê¢ ø flÊÿȬÈòÊÊÁŒÁ÷ÿȸ×H 10H

ìPlease come, O Lord of Janakaís Daughter, alongwith S∂tå and accept myhomage with Hanumån (son of the wind-god) and others, O Scion of Raghu.î

‚Èfláʸ⁄UÁøâ ⁄UÊ◊ ÁŒ√ÿÊSÃ⁄UáʇÊÊÁ÷Ã◊Ô – •Ê‚Ÿ¢ Á„U ◊ÿÊ ŒûÊ¢ ªÎ„UÊáÊ ◊ÁáÊÁøÁòÊÃ◊ÔH 11H

ìOccupy, O Råma, this bejewelled seat of gold, offered by me, and spread overwith an exquisite covering.î

The Deity should then be worshipped with the sixteenfold equipage prescribed inthe scriptures.*

˙ •Sÿ üÊË◊ã◊ÊŸ‚⁄UÊ◊ÊÿáÊüÊË⁄UÊ◊øÁ⁄UÃSÿ üÊËÁ‡Êfl∑§Ê∑§÷ȇÊÈÁá«UÿÊôÊflÀÄÿªÊSflÊÁ◊ÃÈ‹‚ËŒÊ‚Ê ´§·ÿ—üÊË‚ËÃÊ⁄UÊ◊Ê ŒflÃÊ üÊË⁄UÊ◊ŸÊ◊ ’Ë¡¢ ÷fl⁄Uʪ„U⁄UË ÷ÁQ§— ‡ÊÁQ§— ◊◊ ÁŸÿÁãòÊÃʇʷÁflÉÊAÃÿÊüÊË‚ËÃÊ⁄UÊ◊¬˝ËÁìÍfl¸∑§‚∑§‹◊ŸÊ⁄UÕÁ‚hKÕZ ¬Ê∆U ÁflÁŸÿʪ—–

ìOf this story of ›r∂ Råma, known by the name of ìMånasa-Råmåyaƒa,î Lord ›iva,the sages Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi and Yåj¤avalkya and Gosvåm∂ Tulas∂dåsa are the seers; ›r∂Råma united with His Consort, S∂tå, is the deity; the name ëRåmaí is the seed; Devotionwhich cures the disease of transmigration, is the ›akti (motive force or energy); and theobject of this reading is to ward off all evils and accomplish all oneís desires through thepropitiation of S∂tå and Råma.î

Then water should be sipped thrice with the recitation of the following Mantras oneafter another üÊË‚ËÃÊ⁄UÊ◊ÊèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—; üÊË⁄UÊ◊øãº˝Êÿ Ÿ◊— and üÊË⁄UÊ◊÷º˝Êÿ Ÿ◊— . A Pråƒåyåma should also beperformed with the recitation of the B∂ja-Mantra sacred to S∂tå and Råma.

* The sixteenfold equipage of worship consists of:ó

1. Pådya (water for washing the feet with); 2. Arghya (water for washing the hands with); 3. Åcaman∂ya(water of rinsing the mouth with); 4. Snån∂ya (water for performing ablutions with); 5. Vastra (raiment);6. Åbhµu¶aƒa (ornaments); 7. Gandha (sandal-paste); 8. Pu¶pa (flowers); 9. Dhµupa (burning incense);10. D∂pa (light); 11. Naivedya (food); 12. Åcaman∂ya (water for rinsing the mouth); 13. Tåmbµula (betel-leaveswith other ingredients for cleansing and scenting the mouth); 14. Stava-På¢ha (singing praises); 15. Tarpaƒa(water for slaking thirst) and 16. Namaskåra (salutation).


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Karanyåsa consists in invoking and installing typical Mantras on the variousfingers, palms and back of the hands. In Karanyåsa as well as in A∆ganyåsa theMantras are treated as possessing a living form and it is these personified forms of theMantras that the touched and greeted by citing the names of the particular limbs. Throughthis process the reciter himself is indentified with the Mantra and brought under the fullprotection of the Mantra-god. He is purified both externally and internally and is infusedwith divine energy. His spiritual practice runs a smooth course till the very end andproves beneficial to him.

The procedure of ëKaranyåsaí in this case is as follows:ó

¡ª ◊¢ª‹ ªÈŸ ª˝Ê◊ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ – ŒÊÁŸ ◊È∑ȧÁà œŸ œ⁄U◊ œÊ◊ ∑§H•XÔ‰UDÔUÊèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—–

(The hosts of virtues possessed by Råma are a blessing to the world and thebestowers of Liberation, riches, religious merit and the Divine Abode).

Uttering these words the thumbs of both the hands should be touched with theirindex-fingers.

⁄UÊ◊ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§Á„U ¡ ¡◊È„UÊ„UË¥ – ÁÃã„UÁ„U Ÿ ¬Ê¬¬È¢¡ ‚◊È„UÊ„UË¥HḟËèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—–

(Multitudes of sins dare not stand in the presence of those who utter the nameëRåmaí even while yawning.)

Uttering this the index-fingers of both the hands should be touched with theirthumbs.

⁄UÊ◊ ‚∑§‹ ŸÊ◊ã„U à •Áœ∑§Ê – „UÊ©U ŸÊÕ •ÉÊ πª ªŸ ’Áœ∑§ÊH◊äÿ◊ÊèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—–

(May Your appellation ëRåma,í O Lord, excel all other divine names and play therole of a fowler in relation of birds in the form of sins.)

Uttering this the middle fingers of both the hands should be touched with theirthumbs.

©U◊Ê ŒÊL§ ¡ÊÁ·Ã ∑§Ë ŸÊßZ – ‚’Á„U ŸøÊflà ⁄UÊ◊È ªÊ‚ÊßZH•ŸÊÁ◊∑§ÊèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—–

(Bhagavån ›r∂ Råma makes the whole creation dance like a wooden doll, OPårvat∂.)

Uttering this the ring-fingers of both the hands should be touched with theirthumbs.

‚ã◊Èπ „UÊß ¡Ëfl ◊ÊÁ„U ¡’„UË¥ – ¡ã◊ ∑§ÊÁ≈U •ÉÊ ŸÊ‚Á„¢U Ã’„UË¥H∑§ÁŸÁDÔU∑§ÊèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—–

(The moment a creature turns its face towards Meósays the Lordóthe sinscommitted by it through millions of births are dissolved then and there.)

Uttering this the little fingers of both the hands should be touched with theirthumbs.

◊Ê◊Á÷⁄UˇÊÿ ⁄UÉÊÈ∑ȧ‹ŸÊÿ∑§ – œÎà ’⁄U øʬ L§Áø⁄U ∑§⁄U ‚Êÿ∑§H∑§⁄UË∑§⁄U¬ÎDÔUÊèÿÊ¢ Ÿ◊—–

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(Protect me, O Leader of Raghuís race, holding as You do an excellent bow andbrilliant arrow in Your hands.)

Uttering this the palms and backs of both the hands should be touched one afteranother each with the other hand.


In A∆ganyåsa the heart and other parts of the body are touched with all the fingersof the right hand joined together.

¡ª ◊¢ª‹ ªÈŸ ª˝Ê◊ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ – ŒÊÁŸ ◊È∑ȧÁà œŸ œ⁄U◊ œÊ◊ ∑§HNUŒÿÊÿ Ÿ◊—–

Uttering this the heart should be touched with all the five fingers of the righthand.

Similarly the forehead should be touched after uttering the following line:ó

⁄UÊ◊ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§Á„U ¡ ¡◊È„UÊ„UË¥ – ÁÃã„UÁ„U Ÿ ¬Ê¬¬È¢¡ ‚◊È„UÊ„UË¥HÁ‡Ê⁄U‚ SflÊ„UÊ–

The tuft of hair on the head should then be touched after uttering the followingline:ó

⁄UÊ◊ ‚∑§‹ ŸÊ◊ã„U à •ÁäÊ∑§Ê – „UÊ©U ŸÊÕ •ÉÊ πª ªŸ ’Áœ∑§ÊHÁ‡ÊπÊÿÒ fl·≈˜UÔ–

After uttering the following line the right shoulder should be touched with the fingersof the left hand and vice versa:ó

©U◊Ê ŒÊL§ ¡ÊÁ·Ã ∑§Ë ŸÊßZ – ‚’Á„U ŸøÊflà ⁄UÊ◊È ªÊ‚ÊßZH∑§fløÊÿ „ÈU◊Ô–

After uttering the following line both the eyes should be touched with the finger-tipsof the right hand:ó

‚ã◊Èπ „UÊß ¡Ëfl ◊ÊÁ„U ¡’„UË¥ – ¡ã◊ ∑§ÊÁ≈U •ÉÊ ŸÊ‚Á„¢U Ã’„UË¥HŸòÊÊèÿÊ¢ flÊÒ·≈˜UÔ–

After uttering the following line the right hand should be taken round the headcounter-clockwise from the forehead to the back of the head and back to the forehead,and the palm of the left hand should be struck with the index and middle fingers of theright.

◊Ê◊Á÷⁄UˇÊÿ ⁄UÉÊÈ∑ȧ‹ŸÊÿ∑§ – œÎà ’⁄U øʬ L§Áø⁄U ∑§⁄U ‚Êÿ∑§H•SòÊÊÿ »§≈˜UÔ–


The form of the Lord should then be meditated upon with the help of the followinglines:ó

◊Ê◊fl‹Ê∑§ÿ ¬¢∑§¡‹ÊøŸ – ∑Χ¬Ê Á’‹Ê∑§ÁŸ ‚Êø Á’◊ÊøŸHŸË‹ ÃÊ◊⁄U‚ SÿÊ◊ ∑§Ê◊ •Á⁄U – NUŒÿ ∑¢§¡ ◊∑§⁄¢UŒ ◊œÈ¬ „UÁ⁄UH¡ÊÃȜʟ ’M§Õ ’‹ ÷¢¡Ÿ – ◊ÈÁŸ ‚îÊŸ ⁄¢U¡Ÿ •ÉÊ ª¢¡ŸH÷Í‚È⁄U ‚Á‚ Ÿfl ’΢Œ ’‹Ê„U∑§ – •‚⁄UŸ ‚⁄UŸ ŒËŸ ¡Ÿ ªÊ„U∑§H

÷È¡’‹ Á’¬È‹ ÷Ê⁄U ◊Á„U π¢Á«Uà – π⁄U ŒÍ·Ÿ Á’⁄UÊœ ’œ ¬¢Á«UÃH

Page 17: Ramayana


⁄UÊflŸÊÁ⁄U ‚ÈπM§¬ ÷ͬ’⁄U – ¡ÿ Œ‚⁄UÕ ∑ȧ‹ ∑ȧ◊ÈŒ ‚ÈœÊ∑§⁄UH

‚È¡‚ ¬È⁄UÊŸ Á’ÁŒÃ ÁŸª◊ʪ◊ – ªÊflà ‚È⁄U ◊ÈÁŸ ‚¢Ã ‚◊ʪ◊H

∑§ÊL§ŸË∑§ éÿ‹Ë∑§ ◊Œ π¢«UŸ – ‚’ Á’Áœ ∑ȧ‚‹ ∑§Ê‚‹Ê ◊¢«UŸH

∑§Á‹ ◊‹ ◊ÕŸ ŸÊ◊ ◊◊ÃÊ„UŸ – ÃÈ‹Á‚ŒÊ‚ ¬˝÷È ¬ÊÁ„U ¬˝ŸÃ ¡ŸH

(Look at me, O Lord with lotus-like eyes! You rid the devotee of sorrow by Yourgracious look. You are swarthy of hue like the blue lotus, O Hari, and a bee as it weredrinking in he nectarean love of the lotus-like heart of Lord ›iva (an avowed enemy ofthe god of love). You crush the might of the demon hosts, delight the sages and saintsand wipe out sins. You are a mass of fresh clouds for the crop in the form of theBråhmaƒas (the gods on this earth), the refuge of the forlorn and a befriender of thehumble. You relieve the burden of the earth by the enormous strength of Your arm andare an adept in killing the demons Khara, Dµu¶aƒa and Virådha. An enemy of the demonking Råvaƒa and bliss personified, You are the noblest of kings. Glory to You, who areas moon to the lily-like race of Da‹aratha. Your bright glory is known to the Puråƒas,Vedas and Tantras, and is sung by gods, sages and the assemblages of saints. Full ofcompassion, You crush false pride and are perfect in everyway, O ornament ofAyodhyå! Your Name wipes out the impurities of this sinful age and curbs the feelingmeum. Protect this humble devotee, O Lord of Tulas∂dåsa!)

N.B. The pauses for a nine-day and thirty-day recitation have been noted in thebody of the text itself and have therefore not been separately mentioned.
