Re-Cap of Confucian and Shinto Concepts Confucian Ideas Five key relationships Importance of propriety Elevation of scholarship over pedigree Nature of virtue Filial piety Confucian Classics Four Books Shinto Ideas Animism Importance of kami Significance of torii gates Harmony with nature Shinto/Buddhist multiplex Misogi Kannagara Shinto as indigenous religion

Re-Cap of Confucian and Shinto Concepts

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Confucian Ideas Five key relationships Importance of propriety Elevation of scholarship over pedigree Nature of virtue Filial piety Confucian Classics Four Books. Shinto Ideas Animism Importance of kami Significance of torii gates Harmony with nature Shinto/Buddhist multiplex Misogi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Re-Cap of Confucian and Shinto Concepts

Re-Cap of Confucian and Shinto Concepts

Confucian Ideas

Five key relationships Importance of propriety Elevation of scholarship over pedigree Nature of virtue Filial piety Confucian Classics Four Books

Shinto Ideas

Animism Importance of kami Significance of torii gates Harmony with nature Shinto/Buddhist multiplex Misogi Kannagara Shinto as indigenous religion

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HinduismTruth is one; sages call it by

various names.- Rig Veda

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Hindu Origins Hinduism- a collection of

traditions? Any who use the Vedas in spiritual

practice Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Religion)

What perspective does this represent? Early emphasis on meditation

practice as well as a variety of divine manifestations

Poly-, Mono-, or Mon-?

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The Dharma Dharma

duties natural law social law/welfare ethics all life activities

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Harappan Civilization Very old civilization

Circa 2500 B.C.E Based on archaeological evidence Use of lingams/menhirs- upright stone

monuments Worshipped Siva-like god Also an indigenous Dravidian population Is Hinduism another example of “indigenous”

religion? Invaded by Aryans

Circa 2000-900 B.C. E. May or may not have brought religious ideas with


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The Vedas The foundation of most Hindu practice

Rig Veda- Sanskrit hymns devoted to devas Samhitas- the text of any of the Vedas

Brahmanas- detailing proper performance of ritual Aranyakas- for reclusive meditation; “dangerous”

rituals Upanishads- the teachings of spiritual masters

Why do most people skip to the end? realization of the oneness of the godhead, a

supreme formless reality behind thee world of transitory appearances

Vedas written down Circa 1500-400 B.C.E. Switches from oral tradition to written documents in


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The Rig Veda Oldest known scripture in the world

Lists major deities in a traditionally polytheistic pantheon

Presented side by side with the concept of one universal and unseen reality

Praises and implores the blessings of the devas (shining ones)

– Devas could be thunder Gods, God’s of the dawn., god’s of drink, transparent as the sky (polytheistic)

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Major Message of the Vedas

Existence of an Ultimate Reality beyond human understanding ceaselessly creating sustaining all life encompassing all that is

Developed into bhakti (devotional) practice because of difficulty in worshipping the formless?

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Epic Poems- @400BCE-400CE

Ramayana Vishnu producing an avatar (Rama) to help

uplift humanity Portrays duties of relationships and ideal

forms of roles (servant, prince, etc…) Mahabarata

Shows all sides of human nature Focuses on the importance of righteous

action 18th book- The Bagavad-Gita- story of

Krishna as an avatar of a chariot driver instructing Arjuna

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The Brahmin Priests who controlled the aspects of

Vedic worship Brahman (supreme reality)

Without features With features (god manifestation)

Mantras introduced as ritual formulas The sound invokes a reality they connote or

describe Atman- personal “soul” that inhabits human


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Castes Each caste (varna) is composed of multiple

sub-categories (jat) List of castes

Brahmin- priests Kshatriyas- nobility (kings, warriors, vassals) Vaishyas-backbone of economy (farmers and

merchants) Shudra- manual laborers and artisans Dalits- “Untouchables”- (dead body removal, filth

removal, other “unclean” Renamed by M.K. Gandhi= harijans (“children of

God”) Dalits now find that term patronizing/condescending

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Universal Castes?

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Why Is the Caste System Important?

This concept is integral to the precepts of Sanatana Dharma Vedas contain laws that govern all aspects

of life Every person serves in their niche Society functions smoothly when these

positions are accepted by all It moves people from selfish desires to

common good in the social order What tradition also embraces this idea?

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The Caste System (Cont.) What are the up sides of a caste

system? Why are caste systems somewhat

incomprehensible to Western thinkers?

Does this mean that Western religions are inherently selfish?

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Concepts for the Upanishads

Contemplation of the “Luminous Self” How can this phrase be interpreted?

Reincarnation Senses give an impermanent and

inaccurate view of the world Turning away from sensory input and

transient material world Looking for connections with Brahman

Is God “out there?” Is God “In Here?”

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Human Beings Contain... A collection of transient and

intransient forms Atman= the subtle self in you that is “You”= your conscious ego self The Brahman

We (as the atman) are but waves on the ocean of Brahman

Connections to what other traditions?

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Good and Bad Karma Karma

Action and its consequence as a person acts so they become…if a person has

impure thoughts they become impure, if they are pure in thoughts they are pure

We bear the results and consequences of our actions

in this life and the next (reincarnated form) every move has far reaching consequences

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Breaking the Cycle Moksha

Liberation from the karmic cycle= wheel of birth, life, death (Samsara)

Freedom from all constraints of this life– space– time– matter– joining with the Brahman?

Requires many lifetimes of upward striving incarnation before one can move beyond the earthly transcendence

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Major Theistic Groups (Bhakti)

Three major groupings of deity worshippers Vaishnavites- worship divine as Vishnu

– the lotus floats serenely on the water with its roots firmly in the mud

– refined spiritual energy rising from worldly contamination

Saivites- worship divine as Siva (the destroyer)– Often represented with a consort (Parvati his

spouse) Saktas-worship the female creative power

– Kali warrior goddess destruction is actually transformation

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Vishnu’s Symbols Conch shell

Makes the purest sound from which creation springs

Golden mace/club A weapon signifying total power to destroy

evil Rotating disc/discus

Another weapon with the same symbolism Lotus flower

Fertility and regeneration; nurturing of the soul from worshipping Vishnu

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Siva’s symbols Circle of flames

The universe in its entirety Snake around neck

Symbol of fertility and strength Small drum

Represents sound of creation Hand gesture (abhaya mudra)

Symbol for fearlessness Lifted right foot

Symbolic of freedom from samsara Flame in hand

The essence of creation and destruction

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Yoga Yoga

“yoke” or “union” with the infinite consciousness From root “yuj” meaning “to bind fast” All are considered paths of liberation One should use some form of disciplined

technique to achieve this. Raja Yoga Jnana Yoga Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Dharma Yoga

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Raja (Hatha) Yoga Consists of more than just he elements

familiar to westerners Yama- virtues/observances Niyama- restraints Asana- psotures Pranayama- breathing Pratyahara-inward focus Dharana-concentration for meditation Dhyana- mediation Samadhi- insight

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Physiological and Physical Raja Yoga

asanas - physical postures prana - invisible life energy chakras - bodily energy centers mantras- sound repetition yantras - a visual form

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One Version of Yoga

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Rational Approach Jnana Yoga

rational mind emphasis restraint, renunciation, resignation,

concentration, faith Developing an intellectual understanding

of the relationships between the concepts expressed above and their impact on daily life

Is this important to practice or to study?

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Union Through Virtuous Action

Karma Yoga any service rendered without though

or interest in its effect on anything God doing it through you, but not you Actions have consequences in real

world and also in the karmic world Is there an equivalent to this in

Western society?

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Another Version of Yoga

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Devotional Union Bhakti Yoga

Love relationship with/to a divine manifestation serves as the ultimate example of devotion

The bhakti practitioner expects the possibility of a physical appearance of god/gods

Hunter at Siva’s shrine- p. 81

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Still Another Kind of Yoga!

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Dharma Yoga Often intermingled with karma

yoga or any other of the yogic paths

Focused on following duties associated with caste and Hindu life cycle

Carrying out gender roles as well as societal roles Women serve men and bear children

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The Hindu Life Cycle Traditional life periods

25yrs each Chaste student learning from teacher Householder stage

– raise a family contribute productively to society

Retirement from society and beginnings of serious meditation and scriptural study

– Partial renunciate Ascetic stage- full detachment from society

– a sannyasin Most males do not follow this full path to its

end stage

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Guru The guru

Venerable/venerated teachers or spiritual guides

do not proclaim themselves teachers, the students simply come

no guru necessary for the sincere earnest seeker?

P. 98- floating wood symbolism Does that metaphor apply


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A Stereotypical Guru?

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Guru Nanak

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Establishment of independent Indian state- 1947

Gandhi established two overreaching precepts awareness of spiritual truth

(satyagraha) non-violent resistance to military-

industrial oppression

Modern Hinduism

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Exclusivity Vs. Universalism

Sanatana Dharma Inherently ecumenical Non-proselytizing “Naturally” universal in appeal?

Social/Political factors History of India and Pakistan Constant tensions between Muslims

and Hindus

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More Modern Hinduism

Christianity appeals to those who are trapped into older caste-centered beliefs? Mahatma Gandhi Ramakrishna Vivekananda Pramahansa Yogananda Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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ICW on HinduismDo you see political/social developments intertwined with religious practice in the United States? Do we have a “caste” system in place even though America is supposed to be the “land of opportunity?” How does that relate to dominant religious norms?